I must say this ad made me feel physically sick

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Same here.

Sick and angry at them using brainwashed children to spread their lies.

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Ditto. That video is filled with lies from start to finish. The vaccine didn’t save lives, and the lack of a vaccine didn’t result in deaths from Covid.

Hard to believe such disinformation is allowed to air anywhere.

Heard an ad today saying still get vaxxed to protect your family and friends.

Heard another ad touting Cepheid’s rapid PCR test. The ad starts with a person coughing and a voice over says, ‘that is such a scary sound. (A cough is scary???) Is it Covid? Is it the flu?’

The only way to know is to arm yourself with these spectacular and presumably ‘accurate’ (😂) new tests from the wondrous company Cepheid.

BTW Cepheid the name given to stars in a stage of dying, says the internet.

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"Stars dying." Very fitting after constantly poking lobotomy swabs up the nose + 20 boosters

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Here is a headline that I got in a feed that only the stupid will swallow:

"People who skipped their COVID vaccine are at a higher risk of traffic accidents, according to a new study. From a site called FortuneWell

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Igor handles the data that make up this ridiculous assertion perfectly!


In short, the vaxxed are working from home -masked no doubt- except for when taking sips of their flat whites. The unvaxxed are actually out making the world working to the best of their abilities. More miles driven….more likely accidents happen.

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Really. ? Huh. 😶

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Please...everyone. Stop using the terms dis, mis and mal. These are terms used because the info they are questioning are not LIES. So, other terms are used. These terms are anything that goes against the narrative. When we talk about their info, we can absolutely call them LIES.

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Those word prefixes trigger me now. I immediately smell a (lab) rat.

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How apt. 🤔

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Could not get past the first minute. So many lies in such a short time.

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Yeah I was so physically affected I lasted about that amount of time, I found the slickness of it, the production and yes the innocent children being abused in this way, the content so utterly dripping with absolute bullshit.. even writing about its content now fills me with total disgust. I used to think the baby drinking satanists story was a but OTT now I know it’s only scratching the surface of what these sick deranged demons are up to.

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Oh, you missed out, the crescendo is pure juiced evil. From the evil fruit which grows on the evil tree which grows on Madison Ave.

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Brilliant name, btw.

I thought the girl's delivery of the last line was truly demonic. i don't know if the kid is brainwashed or not, likely just trying to do her best acting ever, but just comes out, to us, as completely demented and perverted. we humans can be a sick bunch.

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Either way you are raising a very salient point, IE, these kid actors are still doing this, unless these are deepfakes, it is weird, what parent would let their kid showcase like this.

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ya knowwww... the dark tone of the whole video could support the idea of a deepfake-it hides the flaws. But it is also just as likely their parents were entirely on board. Another comment lower in this comments section said the Africans won't fall for this and I agree, which makes us easily deduce that the target audience for this are the brainwashed already. This is just a neat little expensive way to try and maintain the illusion for them. The bleeding heart narrative is inescapable for the woke liberal. yikes, I know, cos I used to be that to a great degree.

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I used to collect money for unicef on halloween when I went trick or treating, thinking I was doing such a good thing!

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Dec 15, 2022
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We are well mixed among each other. It's why it feels like we're in a totalitarian state-we can't trust any stranger to hear what we would say w an open heart.

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Same. Creepy. So sad for the child actors.

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Parents should be charged with pandering/prostitution. :)

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I didn't have a problem because I thought it was parody the whole time. Not funny parody, but a warning about future messaging if we don't stop them. Just mind blowing that it wasn't. It was so over the top, absurd, and out of line with reality.

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Yes! This is what I felt too, at the beginning. Then it came to me, that it is supposed to be the truth and I couldn't continue watching.

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Dec 14, 2022
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I don't think I can watch. The comments here are hard enough to bear. I sent another letter to my elected officials in MA today. With this video from a Japanese MD https://www.bitchute.com/video/Y5oxszwsuj7B/

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Dec 15, 2022
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Well.. we have to find a way to self care. We can't bludgeon ourselves daily with these assaults to decency and expect to just be ok and ready to take on whatever else comes. Find good friends, go be with them, and just sit n talk. It's ok to not watch everything.

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I couldn't watch more than a few seconds. That creepy girl was enough to set my stomach churning and I didn't want to lose my lunch.

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The corner of my upper lip lifted in disgust. Using kids to sell their genocidal bioweapons! ...The manipulative, infantilizing approach belies the utter cynical contempt these people have for the public's intelligence — and our lives.

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I hate to say it but they might have got that right in 95% of people.

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Let's hope not. I think many people have become wary of the 'Greta' treatment, whereby kids are instrumentalized to 'moralize' and sway the public. As if kids, from the depth of their fledgling experience, and alleged innate wisdom (!), knew better what's right, or true — which is what propagandists would like us to assume ( the same people who will manipulate kids into nagging for the poisonous jabs, to be "superheroes" )!

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I think you're right. at least 95% of their choir for sure.

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Exactly, 🤢, I had to turn it off right away. Physically ill, makes me so nauseous, like projectile vomit just ahead. Fuck’s sake, how can people stand this blatant propaganda?

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Yup. Satan produced it himself

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Since booster uptake has been fortunately (for humanity) low, Pharma hopes to push the poison overseas to regions of low saturation in order to offload excess inventory before the expiry date. Part of Project COVID is a business plan on behalf of farma which had been in a financial lull pre-COVID.

However I would not rule out the prospect that Satan has an office on Wall Street so perhaps there is, after all, a connection.

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Satan rules this world. You and I know this. Most people have no clue.

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Vision of Pope Leo XIII. Fatima, Our Lady of Good Success, prophecies over centuries... All day same thing... Satan is in for huge fall!

Glorious times are coming. Hang ob

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The use and abuse of children by the WHO, unicef and the Gates foundation is the height of cynicism!!

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lets see how this works. They use children in order to target children to either kill them outright with the vxx or permanentally destroy their ability to have children. Extremely diabolical. Reminds me how Margaret Sanger targeted black pastors to spread the word to their congregations of the ease of getting abortions from their neighborhood clinics...of course she didnt tell the pastors and community leaders that she and the eugenicist Planned Parenthood movement believed that the negro race was subhuman and that they wanted only the "thoroughbred" class to be promoted.

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Absolutely! I have never seen so much BS crammed into two minutes!

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I feel my coffee regurgitating itself as well.

Then again thinking about Bill Gates so early in the morning will do that to you

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No, it must have been Covid.

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The injections are "only" a side show. Delivery systems of various harmful substances have become creatively versatile:


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It won't work,

The people in Africa are widely and fully aware of Bill Gates and what he has done and what he brings- death.

I bumped into a fellow at a brew pub in North Carolina. He is the brother of a relatively famous athlete from SA who I knew about from years back.

Well this guy currrently lives in NC via his marriage and is a jack of all trades one of which included leading safaris.

We got to talking about "all things Covid" and the conversation moved towards the Gates Foundation and he spoke about the damages that BMGF had wreaked upon the people all over Africa.

He related a story of how while he was leading one of these safaris in Botswana one of the African guides asked him, "Do you know Bill Gates?" This fellow told him he did not but knew about him.

The guide said, and here the fellow telling me this story shifted to a thick African accent, "Well if you see him tell him if he comes back to Africa we will eat him."

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Great story! I hope he does and I hope they do! Minus his head on a stake!

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African leaders have led the world against deathcult.

4 died/ murdered? And of course stopped A who amendments


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I very much appreciate their sentiment, but would not want to wish the level of indigestion that would likely cause. I'm sure there are other methods less likely to cause dyspepsia.

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I want to feed him to Central TX wild hogs

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I want to watch.

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Sounds good.

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Africans and Indians are wise. Blacks in US are hip too, mostly. Neighbor nice black lady... Does her yardwork in a mask so some naive

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Oh goodness. Those people all by themselves in their own back yard with masks on their face are special. Just like the special people who ride in their cars by themselves with mask on.

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My favorite moment here is near the end, when they say less than 5% of Africans are vaxxed and overlay that with the image of a beautiful beaming African woman and her baby. Her face says it all: "Nah, actually we're good, thanks."

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Only 5%?

I find that hopeful.

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Like only 4% of Africa is vaccinated with the Gates miracle cure?

Well that’s because he and his Crony friends tested so many previous vaccines and drugs on them that left many sterilised, paralysed, disabled or dead.

Trust Gates et.al. to save their lives through his vaccines is like trusting Satan to save your soul.

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Sickening.... The Africans are lucky that they did NOT get that garbage.

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Quite sure all this money would be better spent on access to clean water and better sanitation...there fixed it.

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The intent was never to make them healthier.

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Dec 14, 2022
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I agree. It takes a long time to restore land damaged by petrochemical agriculture. In places that never went that route but need more development, they have an opportunity to scale up organic farming more profitably and efficiently in fewer years.

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Gates' father and Margaret Sanger must be so proud of their little eugenicist.

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Everyone who was outraged by the Balenciaga ad should be as shocked by this.

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Kids being used for nefarious purposes … everywhere we turn today.

It’s disgusting.

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That was fucking dire and I bet it probably helped their sales too.

So many sick fucks in the world.

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I have a dream where Gates and Fauci and friends are in Africa on a lion safari when a pride of very hungry lions stalks them and scaring the hell out of em and then kill them with zero remorse or concern just like when they killed my dad four days post “booster” by massive heart attack.

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So sorry for your profound loss. They killed my only brother also.

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they killed my brother-in-law. Thrombocytopenia resulting in massive bleeding and sudden and unexpected death.

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Wow - I hope you're not the only one in your group who is awake to it - as I am in mine. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's not only painful but traumatic to know your loved one has been murdered.

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My husband gets it now, and my daughter-in-law has never vaxed my 15-year-old grandson with anything, so she knows what's going on too. It took 18 months after my mainstream media loving brother-in-law took his second shot to drop dead suddenly and unexpectedly. His autopsy said he had a massive bleed in his chest, due to thrombocytopenia, which he had never been diagnosed with. So, it was a shock. He passed on his way out to coffee with a friend - no warning whatsoever. My husband took two Pfizer's also (against my pleading and constant reading to him about the adverse effects!) to keep his job 14 months ago. My husband got vertigo so bad after his second shot, he thought he was going to fall off the toilet every morning. He got covid 8 weeks after that, and while he was out sick, his employer told him he had to take another to keep his job. He refused and has since lost his job. I worry every day about the long-term effects to his health.

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OMG - it sounds like you are right on the front lines. 18 months after the second shot. Yikes - my murdered brother's wife has taken 3 shots and a flu shot. I was just thinking that she'll be ok now because she hasn't had any side fxs at all but she isn't quite at the 1 year anniversary of shot #3 at which time she got the flu shot at the same time! Praying for your husband and that you all are going to do the research on how to undo the damage as much as possible. There are a lot of people posting info on that. Here's one link - sorry I can't figure out where I bookmarked better ones but it's a start: (Never give up and stay positive - it really helps - fear is the worst place to be - if he can just try to see how this was a blessing - the truth is there.) https://librti.com/view-video/options-for-covid-19-injection-detox

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Thanks Zoe, I appreciate the link. I am keeping you and your loved ones in my prayers too! I am so sorry for your loss.

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I’m so sorry for your loss.

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Aunt dead here. Son's best friend damaged for life with multiple strokes at 32.

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OMG! Thank you for sharing and so sorry for your loss. xo

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Sorry about your dad.

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Gates et al are interested in de population first and foremost. Africa was a big disappointment just as it was with HIV - they didn't factor in so many were on Ivermectin and HCQ routinely..

The 30 year retrospective (oft called the Aaby study) with age matched controls showed the DPT increased overall mortality 10 x. So this vaccine is nasty and needs to be banned, but I am sure Gates likes the "10x."

But thisis what happens when a psychopath has unlimited resources and thinks his job is to de populate the world, but what happens when what he and others are doing just gets ignored or reasoned out because of the indoctrination that vaccines are safe and effective.

Exactly, nothing especially if officials in these countries are either bribed or murdered.

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The perp(s) used the surrounding medical institutions and media-industrial-complex as a "circling of wagons" shield to hide the agenda and to keep it going. Its a diabolical plot of destruction. We need to hope and pray for Elon Musk and Desantis attempting to create grand juries to expose this--they got a lot of work ahead of them.

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I’ve been saying for years that they can have my vaccine. No white privilege here.

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mine too!

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Love the little ‘African’ girls with the perfectly plummy BBC Received Pronunciation. Who do they think they are fooling?

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This is UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE!!!!! (...and I'm a Southern lady who never says the "F" word.) This has made me so angry, if I were a leftist looney I'd say, "I'm literally shaking." 🤬

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Welcome to the "fucking" world. :)

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Wow is that sick.

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On a less sober note, I will say it def feels like the sixth year.

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Damn. That is some mind-blender stuff their peddling.

Combination of dark, deceptive, manipulative, and revolting.

My goodness. Hopefully, africans are seeing the data and realizing they are having the best outcome, globally, right now, and they don’t need this poison.

I will add that this is probably not aimed at africans, but rather, the so-called ‘first world’. Guilt-tripping heartstring-pulling sentimentality to manipulate covidians further.

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I can picture them lying saying Africa is "fully vaxxed" in 2025. This would further target unvaccinated around the world... "if it werent for the unvaccinated, we would all be safe."

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definitely part of the dynamic and the framing goals

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Dec 15, 2022
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I'm happy your situation allows you to not worry. I'm sad about my mom on Social security (and myself in a similar but different circumstance). If they require a vaccine to receive social security, to purchase groceries, a lot of people are going to commit suicide or starve to death. We will all be fleeing to Canada for MAID.

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Dec 15, 2022
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Well then you're blessed to have such strong faith in God, yourself, wherever your faith comes from. ❤

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