How can people accept this? He isn't even trying. 37 chartered private flights...for dinner?

People are saying she had the courage to ask him questions the US legacy media won't, but she still let him off pretty easy. When I took journalism in college, they taught us not to accept evasive answers, not to move to the next question until you get your answer.

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Nothing made me happier as a Journalist than watching officials squirm.

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The guy is a pedophile and responsible for millions of deaths directly. This is squirming????

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No, Billy wasn’t hit with the repeated barrage of questions he should have faced and been forced to answer at all.

I’d have conducted my interview differently.

And probably not lived long enough to report on it.

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Seriously true . There’s mafias .Medical industry, Clinton’s , etc.

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I interviewed Hillary back in ‘92. She was very pretty in person and very accommodating.

I guess I got lucky 😉

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Cathy O'brien has a different view of Hillary. If you are unwilling to watch the entire lecture (which you should), go to minute 54 ish.


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A retired police friend told me when they had to escort her in upstate New York, she had a lady friend with her. I’m glad you had that experience interviewing her. She put on a lovely front!

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You're lucky she didn't take a real "liking" to you...

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Why didn't she follow up with "What was Melinda warning you about? Why did Melinda warn you? What role did your 37 flights on Epstein's private jet for, as you say 'just dinner', play in your divorce? Did you and Melinda ever talk about your 37 flights on Epstein's private jet?"

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Because those questions would not have been on the approved list of questions to ask. The ABC is very left leaning. That journalist would have had a very specific and strictly controlled list she needed to stick to. They’re both sticking to the script.

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She didn't ask that because there is no reason to think he was on the plane 37 times. Or went to the island. That is all made up.

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How do you know? Do you have proof or just your opinion?

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She let him off pretty easy, because she’s employed by the ABC. Very left leaning broadcaster, there wouldn’t have been many hard hitting questions on that list.

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Totally agree! Come on...

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Of course she did. Just like she let Fauci off https://warrenross.substack.com/p/fauci-faces-ferguson

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Apparently that’s not what they’re teaching today.

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Chartered? He owns his own plane(s) doesn't he?

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I know he owns two submarines...

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Jan 31, 2023
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Chartered by whom?


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Or ghlisane’s submarine!

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When we’re you in college? I’d like to understand what they are teaching in the past 10 years.

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I went to college in the late 80s. But my children were in college in the past 10 years. My son went to a very liberal artsy college in New England and felt like he couldn't share or explore his ideas openly in all his classes. He was shouted down his freshman year for presenting an idea in class that challenged another student's dogma and that was that. My daughter has swallowed the woke agenda hook line and sinker. She thinks I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist because I challenge what she is "learning" in school. It's nuts.

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In the last 10-15 years they were teaching " Core Curriculum" in K through 12 th grade.

A ridiculous scam. Soros tried to do it to the Ukraine but they kicked him out and he came to the USA and did it here instead.

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Dead right. It was an appalling interview. She ONLY went for the safe Epstein trope. Let him burble about safe vaccines and climate change. She was as bad with Fauci. https://warrenross.substack.com/p/fauci-faces-ferguson

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Accept what? That he had dinner with Epstein? He's only on the flight logs once. It didn't go to the island. Mark and the person who tweeted this are dishonest people. That should be apparent to you by now.

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I always love a good comment from a Pedophilia/Genocide apologist. It gets my circulation moving. I think I’ll go work out now.

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There you go, with the baseless allegations again.

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There you go again with the Psychopathic Globalist Propaganda.

You serve your Masters well. The problem is you’ll all soon encounter God. The One who made us in His image. The image you’re frantically trying to pervert, subjugate and destroy. He hates hands that shed innocent blood, Proverbs 6:16-17.

You obviously don’t know how this all ends.

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I'm not much into fantasy, no.

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Exactly. His forte was marketing.

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Couldn't happen to a nicer guy 😁😁😁

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Thank you! Will watch. I also passed on. Love CDH.

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Thanks. Convenient and helpful : ) We good people!

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Watching now!

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If people (and the media!) are waking up in Australia, that bodes *extremely* well for the rest of the world!

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Are you psychic? Look what I JUST read on MSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Intellectual elitism, credentialism, and classism must end. Restoring trust in public health—and our democracy—depends on it.

Kevin Bass is an MD/PhD student at a medical school in Texas. He is in his 7th year."

It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID and It Cost Lives


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That is BIG! Thank you for sharing that link, StellaMaris!

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Defund the Gov.

It is the only way to win back our freedom.

Thé tables will turn really fast.

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I read half of that article until I got to the sentence where he refers to us as "conspiracy theorists." Whether or not he is a med student (doubtful but who knows nowadays) it is pure propaganda. Nothing to be happy about a limited hangout designed to cover their tracks. Read CJ Hopkins' latest article. Describes this behavior in great detail.

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Yes, I understand...and I subscribe to CJ Hopkins' substack...... however, this is written for the covidians and this might get some to accept that mistakes were made.... that's it....I am not offended that we are named called...it's been happening since the shots rolled out....ANYTHING to get the duped to see a bit of the truth is all I care about at this point......I am of the no amnesty camp but would love to see more wake up any way it can happen...... we are running out of time.....you would never have seen an article with this headline even a few months ago.....

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I was going to refer to CJ Hopkins' latest article but then I saw you had already done so.

"The point is, the PSYOP that we have all been subjected to for going on the last three years is not going to be exposed, ever. The damage control and memory-holing will continue, and the misdirections and limited hangouts will continue, and the whitewashing of corporations like Twitter and the corporate media and “papers of record” will continue, and the Covid-PSYOP will be erased from history, like the WMDs-PSYOP was erased from history … and people will get used to their “vaccinations,” like they got used to taking off their shoes at the airport."

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A lot of crippled and dead people will "be worth it." Especially if most of the deaths cannot be attributed to the shot. Reminds me of how the mental system work. Everyone is sickly, morbidly obese, has more cognitive and emotional impediments to functioning than before they got "helped." They still commit suicides from misery and average life expectancy is 52. The drugs are touted as "safe and effective" though people who take them long term usually can't keep long term relationships and are nearly all on welfare due to cognitive problems never blamed on the drugs.

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Ernst, u r dead wrong.

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That’s how they operate. It’s progress.

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His last line, "restoring trust in public health- and our democracy -depends on it," is misguided . What we saw was a lifting of a veil that had always been present. The trust in public health was always based on an illusion that these authorities were working for the good of us and not, as we now know, to increase profits and gain power/control.

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Looks like instead of just cynical opportunism there is outright malevolence.

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My heart leapt when I read this ....you are always the voice of hope and reason.... xoxo

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Right! New ripe territory for the next charade.

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Pity she doesn’t ask more important questions. Note the smirks on the face of the psychopath. Can’t help himself.

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She wouldn’t be allowed. That’s an ABC program. Very left broadcaster.

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Yes. I’m an Aussie and I will not watch the ABC. Probably won’t for the foreseeable future. It is incredibly sad that so many still think because its the ABC then they’re trustworthy. What’s worse is that if you point many to alternative media they don’t want to go there. This is the real enemy, not Gates, not the ABC, but wilful ignorance.

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Yes the Australian ABC is unwatchable and all newspapers are unreadable. The leftist lean is unbelievable and agree with Karyne most still think they are all totally trustworthy. Try to put a different point of view and you were shut down in short order. They all present with with such left leaning authority it is totally pathetic. This interview was one out of the box for the ABC. At least she made him uncomfortable.

That is the reason SO many Aussies were jabbed. There was no alternative.

We have had one breathe of fresh air with Maria from Zeee Media. She is a fighter and tells it like it is. Small change. We'll take it !

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Maria is doing a great job. Do you think people don’t want to know the truth or that they’re scared to think anything different to the forced narrative of msm? Do people not want to be uncomfortable? This whole covid propaganda campaign and the legions who fell for it, and continue to fall for it, has been a real wake up call for me. I never in my wildest dreams would have believed that so many people would be so infantile to go along with obvious and apparent self abuse. What a shock.

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I think the Covidians are too full of pride to ever admit that they were fooled by the propaganda machine;

When the majority of them get slapped about the face with the irrefutable evidence (such as is happening) that not only were they lied to about the Fraud called Sars2Cov19 but also that the very source they trusted, AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT, is still doing their level best to "cull" as many people as they can before the UN takes over this beautiful island nation, anger and all that comes with it is going to test the resolve of the Policy Enforcers like they have never been tested in our history;

5 million or so Ned Kelly's won't be an easy target to intimidate

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I hope you’re right. But I suspect the diehard Covidians will not be able to face the truth. The same ego that made them ignore the warning signs in the beginning and allow themselves to be abused will be the same ego at work telling them they weren’t wrong, then or now. It takes an honest mature person to admit you’ve made a monumental mistake. From what I can gather, since the beginning of The Covid Hysteria when many should have listened to those trying to help them, that many Covidians are actually quite immature. It has opened my eyes like never before. People I know who should have immediately detected that the whole fiasco was a monumental breach of human rights simply could not see it. I’m still shocked by that alone, regardless of the genocide taking place. The same Covidians would not entertain the notion that a mass extermination is now underway. I feel like I’m living in The Twilight Zone surrounded by zombies.

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Most people don't want to be uncomfortable. We are an easy going sort of people and peer pressure plays its part. I had many a relative say to me "you have to do your bit". No amount of explaining could overcome the rhetoric. When I asked if they had viewed the thought provoking videos I had sent them most would say very sheepishly they did not view them.

My own son would not view them and as he had just graduated uni He was under full pressure from peers, companies and government with the mandates, if he wanted to work. If he ever pays for having done that I will never ever forgive the b*st*rds and especially Gates, Fauci et al..

We are now living in a totally dystopian state where the few who already have "all" in life wish to take away the "little" that the rest of us have.

Yes the shock just cannot be comprehended, especially here in Australia......the land of she'll be right mate.......no longer!

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Thank you for your reply. Even the most brainwashed must now realise that the jabs do nothing, except injure and kill. And that nobody regrets not getting the jab. No apology will be forthcoming of course. Despite all the nasty word and unfounded accusations hurled at the unjabbed with wild abandon at the height of The Covid Hysteria. It’s the ignorance that gets me. Non medical everyday people with absolutely no knowledge of the mRNA platform and its dangers abusing those of us who had taken the time to look into it. Arrogance at its worst. It truly is a unique form of stupidity.

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Half of us Americans don't trust our MSM. Con-vid 19 only lowered trust levels more. That's why things are not worse here.

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Are you offering up some humour or do you believe this statement to be true?

Biden is proving to be one of the biggest criminals and pedophiles in the world; Obama "the muslim" was one of Epstein's best customers and is still running the country; Hillary has the nickname Killary and eats babies, Bill had more flights to Lolita villa than anybody, Bush Jnr orchestrated 9/11 with his jew overlords and the Fed Reserve keeps the world in perpetual debt with phony money.........and now your overlords are pushing the world into WWIII to cover up their evil plot.....

Lucky for you "things" are not worse in America

CIA, FBI and the DOD were in cahoots to create a bio-weapon named SARS2COV19 in Ukraine and China and even though "we still have our guns and our 2nd amendment", you've done fuck all next to nothing when it's evidentially obvious your government declared a "secret" war on the people of earth;

"Not worse here"......well if you consider all the homelessness, drug abuse, riots, people killing people, cities being over run by criminals, sanctioned release of violent criminals from prison, police stations with revolving doors, business's being stampeded by gangs of thieves and every body thinking Donald Trump is coming to save the world.........

Talk about demonstrating how good things are in the good ol US of fucked up A

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I'm in Aussie as well so know the ABC well; When i was working in Outback of Bourke the ABC "wireless" was a good source of public debate; People were "allowed" to disagree and no topic was "off limits"; Politician bashing was always popular and no side of the bench was given more air than the other........

But that was when the ABC was The Peoples Broadcaster and now it is a blatant PR machine for the left side of the bird; And the Tax payers are still funding it

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What do you suppose they had for "dinner"?

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Crickets and vegan fare I'm sure.

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And washed it all down with adrenochrome.

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Fresh and organic

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They should have vegan food. At least they are not sending innocent animals to slaughterhouses to die a brutal death. Here at the Farmer John slaughterhouse in LA they gas them to death. Their screams are haunting

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What about eggs and milk? Do they scream too?

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Erik, I would be embarrassed by such an unintelligent response to how animals suffer. They are treated and thought of the same as the pharma companies and governments have treated you. Too many people who cry about their freedom (and rightly so) then turn around and treat sentient pain feeling animals as if they are nothing and deprive them of their freedom and their very lives. It's time to stop being monsters to animals.

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Then that would be an argument for being vegetarian, not vegan. The animals can be treated well while we eat their eggs and drink their milk. Also what about oysters, clams and other mollusks? Do we even know if they feel pain when we cook them. You vegans could sure use some clams. They’re very high in vitamin B12 which you can’t get from plants.

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So you believe that the animals are treated well. Let's see what you know about this.

 I have a couple questions for you.

1. How do cows/goats produce milk?

2. What happens to them when they can't produce milk anymore?

3. What happens to day old male baby chicks since they can't lay eggs?

4. What happens to chickens who can't produce eggs anymore?

5. Where does B12 come from?

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Oh dear! From the headline, I was hoping he had been arrested.

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Blood from a young maiden?

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And -Reno -chrome

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Illegal pussy. What else?

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Totally random footnote, 460,000 children disappear every year in the US

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Child sacrifices? Blood letting? Pedo's?

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I wonder the same question regarding those involved with Heather O'Rourke.

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Unbelievable how he keeps saying "it's in the past" and "you're going way back in time" anytime people ask this question, as if that's a pass or as if that makes it okay.

It's like when you're in an abusive relationship and you keep trying to resolve something awful that happened, a topic which the abuser keeps evading. Every time you bring it up, the abuser says "you keep rehashing the past" but they refuse to admit that's because nothing has been resolved.

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It’s like Hillary: “that’s been debunked in the past”, “that’s old news”, “as I have said in the past...”

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The past is never past. Time does not exist, except as an illusion. Our bodies, our psyches, and our genes know this.

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Haha - from his previous form, I'm surprised Billy Boy didn't say "I'm not sure what you mean by 'warned'. Or who you mean by 'Melinda'."

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He considers himself to be above God.

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Then he decided to rebrand himself a philanthropist…

Cue sarcasm.

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Margaret Anna Alice calls him a 'philanthropath', a psychopath hiding under the cloak of philanthropy.

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A lot of those going around these days. Actually I believe that most of those big names giving money are doing it for evil not good. The only “good” that comes out of it is enriching their bottom line while being praised for being charitable.

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37 dinners....hmmm...no relationship of any kind....hmmm...what was his wife warning him about exactly?

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It was more like appetizers and amuse bouche.

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more pies in Bill's face please!

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A lot of people would love to hit Bill's face with lead now.

I bet Bill Gates has a lot of trained bodyguards. Cowardly bully that he is.

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Melinda has been complicit in Bill’s depraved plans for years… so whatever actually went down between Melinda and Bill… you can bet your ass it had to be beyond the imagination of any normal person!!!

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Complicit is assigning a lot to a spouse. She likely didn't know much of what he was up to. Planes, EAs and lots of "important meetings". Whatever the straw was she was fed up.

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Melinda directly profited for decades from the BMGF vaccine crimes in Africa and India… I believe she knew they were causing harms there to some people … I believe she was onboard with the eugenics ideology Bill started with… ‘the wrong people are reproducing’… the world’s too crowded…and was complicit and participated in all of that- through their foundation which she was intimately involved and worked.



When it crossed a line into child trafficking or sexual abuses of whatever kind… and/or murder … I think she drew her line

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Gates' marital agreement allowed for him to spend a week (maybe two?) every year with his girlfriend on a beach somewhere. Melinda signed on to it. Why?

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What makes you think that the CIA would let one of their people hang in a cell when they could easily switch out the guards, borrow a body from a morgue, and release a finalizing press story? That's the meaning of "he didn't kill himself." They're mocking us.

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Jeffrey Epstein died

August 10, 2019

Peter NYGARD was taken into custody on December 14, 2020 where he has stayed ever since

-Canadian Fashion Executive Peter J. Nygard Charged With Sex Trafficking And Racketeering Offenses

Melinda announced the divorce

May 2021

I believe Nygard’s arrest was a factor in all of this too. They all knew each other in the Bahamas



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For those who don’t know-

Gates was involved in Sterilization Camp Funding in India


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India has a bounty on Bill gates head , and so should the USA and Canada .

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Evil man

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Sadistic, perverted monster.

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As always, Gates looks and sounds like a flippant, sly, weaselly scumbag. And that's the self-appointed benevolent "hero" who's supposedly helping improve "global health"?! ...Generally, why so many people seem to admire the billionaire class is beyond me. Remains of childhood 'Uncle Scrooge' / omnipotent fantasies, maybe?

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