RFK's book is in the form of a letter to a former law colleague, John Morgan, who is the founder and leader of the law firm Morgan and Morgan. Morgan and Morgan takes cases on consignment and helps people who otherwise could not pay for an attorney. I believe RFK worked with this company.

Personal anecdote: I was the victim of identity theft. Someone opened an account with Verizon Wireless, ran up a bill of $180, and never paid it. My credit rating was destroyed. I had difficulty getting a car loan—wound up paying 9.25% interest. Could not refinance my mortgage despite having never missed a payment. Neither Verizon nor TransUnion would address my complaints.

I called Morgan and Morgan, they accepted the case, won a substantial settlement from both companies and restored my excellent credit rating. John Morgan and Robert Kennedy are what lawyers should be.

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A new book already?! This needed to be written—and more importantly, it needs to be read. Thank you, RFK Jr., and thank you, Mark, for sharing it with us!

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It's not a book per se - it's an e-book It took me less than an hour to read 27 pages of 57 I beleive it is

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It's available in hardback too - 120 pages. I've just ordered it. For all covid- or vaxx-related books (including Mattias Desmet's 'The Psychology of Totalitarianism', I've bought hard copy, because, once I'm gone (I was dumb enough to fall for the vaxx until summer 2021), I want whatever books on the topic that haven't been banned and burned to be available to be circulated, samizdat style. A lot of people don't realise that 'their' books on Kindle belong to Amazon, who can delete them at will if they fall out with you.

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Great to have its blurb written by Prof. Miller as well - next best thing to having a signed copy. :-)

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We can download the ebook to our computers and share it with others this way, too. I downloaded it a couple of hours ago. It's great.

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I don't know you and forgive me for being presumptuous, but I strongly doubt you are "dumb". Anyone that has been going through this hell from any angle and become conscious of the brutality is honored in my eyes as a fellow victim - and now warrior. I may not have been wronged the same way as you, but we are both fighting now in one small way by collecting the physical data and the physical books we hope will be known as the turning points of an age. Thank you for what you are doing!

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I applaud you for waking up, Sheila, as it takes tremendous humility and courage to admit you’ve been duped. What helped you wake up?

It’s not too late to mitigate the effects of the toxic injection. See this guide from the World Council for Health:


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Apologies for taking so long to reply, Margaret - and thanks for the heads up re the WCH, to whom I'm signed up for newsletters.

The truth matters to me, even when it's bad - perhaps especially when it's bad. I just saw the detailed evidence a bit too late. By the time I actually heard people like Mike Yeadon and Reiner Fuellmich in interviews (they'd both been at it for a while by then, but I didn't know them or any of the other 'good guys') I'd already had the shots. Once you listen to a few of the truth tellers, you can just tell who's speaking the truth and who isn't, pretty much. Anyway, it made me ill with psychosomatic symptoms - debilitating nausea and what was almost an unending panic attack - for a couple of months, but after that I was fine and determine to resist the b*****rds! Finding out that your government is trying to kill you and that you've helped them on the way is a hard knock to take, so in one way I understand that people are reluctant to listen to the truth, while in another way I actually don't get them because I find their stance so alien to the way I think myself.

I have been shocked to find that neither my husband (who collapsed unconscious a week after his booster, was hospitalised, and is still being followed up by a cardiologist) nor my brother will even click on any of the interviews and articles I've sent them. This reaction seems to be quite common - and I've seen Prof. Miller also say that sending people heaps of links doesn't work, which confirms my experience. I could say more about friends who are avoiding me and friends who've had heart attacks (and died) since the jabs, but I've said it elsewhere so don't want to drone on more than I have already!

I was against any kind of coercion or pressure right from the start, even though I failed the idiot test personally. I wrote to my MP (an action I now know is entirely pointless, as I've sent several protest letters since) protesting about the first whiff of a suggestion of covid passes. I mention this because it appears things are speeding up on that score. I just saw this today:


"UK - Government Digital Services has signed 2 more contracts with iProov to develop the NHS app into full Digital ID based on biometrics and facial recognition."

It's getting very scary very quickly.

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Thank you for the detailed response, Sheila. I do believe the reason Big Tech/Big Media/Big Brother have worked so diligently to drown out and discredit the truth-tellers is that listening to a reasonable, qualified person explain the lies would wake up most people within minutes. So they have to make people so afraid of unapproved voices they’ll put their own blinders and earplugs in.

I hope your husband and brother wake up—it is astonishing how effective mass hypnosis is. Thank goodness, you escaped the propaganda bubble!

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Forget convincing 'liberals'. It's not going to happen. 'Old world liberals' are gone.

The world is now divided along the rational and irrational; reasonable and unreasonable. We're realigning along values and I'm not so sure political ideologies in their current form matter anymore.

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The 'left' left me. I'm the same as I ever was. I blame the droning hypnosis of NPR for starters.

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Thus far I am halfway through it and as he too states the facts are indisputable. I can only hope and pray this book in addition to his last is setting the stage for him to run in 2024! I get the distinct feeling that's what this is truly all about - why else specifically address his liberal friends? No one knows more or how the game is played better than the Kennedy's! It was rumored JFK Jr was going to run in 2000 so this would make perfect sense

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I doubt he'd do that in a million years—since, as you say, JFK, Jr. was considering it; and look where he is now.

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Mike Papantonio asked him to run in 2008, and Bobby said, “No thanks Mike, you can do it.”

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Not much steam on RFK Jr. running for public office. He is far more effective doing what he does- suing these criminals and WINNING. AND HE KNOWS IT.

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They were replaced by Progressives.

Progressives are communist

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Progressives are degenerate (wannabe) bourgeoisie and (wannabe) nomenklatura. They like the slogans of communism. But they're too aggressively ignorant of history to have any idea what actually-existing Communism was and is like.

In particular, I've never met a Prog who's read Comrade Lenin's short book, "Leftism: an Infantile Delusion". If they did, they might realize that under real historical Communism they'd be among the first stood up against the wall.

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Yes, many progressives are terribly uninformed, and thus wide open for any psy/op. Those in their 60’s should know the history of Bill Gates, destroying the free flow of information, crushing competition, selling a dTAP vaccine that was outlawed in the US to Africa. Yet most don’t. Same with Fauci and AZT. Same with supposedly liberal Brandon Biden writing the bill that sent thousands of young people to jail for decades for pot possession. Of course most of the people who got locked up didn’t have the money for a top tier lawyer, so many of them were young african american males. Progressives should know. They don’t. They parrot MSM.

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They ain't progressives, that is just some assholes who wanted to avoid being called by their TRUE TITLE which are Neoliberals. And they are in a Davos controlled alliance with the RINOs, UNI-Party & Neocons as well as all the corporate stooge media.

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Yep; JP SEARS explained that in a recent episode, I think the one about awakening from a coma that lasted from 2002 to 2022.

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Great news! I don't know if the tyranny of the technocrats in service of the oligarchs can be broken, but I hope it can. Rise and awake, zombie NPCs! Start thinking again! Take back your freedom!

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Downloaded an hour ago! Thanks for spreading this news.

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They cracked the code on liberals and morphed their empathy into self-righteous virtue signaling that somehow protects the rotten status quo.

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correct - see my post above. Once the left saw they could brazenly lie about Obama's birth certificate, they knew they could lie about anything. Not one liberal I offered a $100 reward to on facebook would look at the artifacts of fake digital editing on his BC. Even brilliant engineers I know would not try to take the easy money I offered them as a reward (not a bet).

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Aug 3, 2022
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Traditional Liberals, Conservatives, Independence, and independent-minded Americans must come together this November to remove the status quo-minded entrenched professional politicians of both parties. Our task does not stop at voting out corrupt, do-nothing politicians, we must elect leaders who are not beholden to the so-called swamp. We need outsiders.

Trump, the quintessential outsider, was elected on opposing the status quo, which, Trump realized, was suffocating large swaths of the American populace. The Establishment fought back viciously, not because they hated Trump's tweets, personality, or his love for women. The corrupt leaders fear Trump because he threatens their power, their wealth, and hopefully, their freedom.

While I cannot understand why anyone would support Biden's presidency, the Democrat agenda, or the horrible rhetoric coming from Leftists in government, social media, and the legacy media. However, considering the underhanded, cynical, and downright corrupt methods the Dems are using must be stomach turning to not only me.

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You have more trust in the US voting system, and in Trump, than either one of them deserves.

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Yes, the current US voting system is corrupted beyond belief. Just sickening. They don't even hide it anymore, right in your face with a big middle finger.

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It's always been corrupt - but only now has it ever been this blatant. Read John Funds books on Voter Fraud to see just how rampant and how many ways it's accomplished. The machines alone will shock anyone!

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Been chanting those four words for 4 decades

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Never Trump. Selfish, self-centered, only interested in what personally interested him. A whiner, not a leader. Not an ounce of leadership in that corpus.

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Trump's Ego was large and self-inflated but it is microscopic compared to the Davos Gang of Psychopaths that demand we bow down to their every pronouncement no matter how nonsensical and idiotic. In fact they demand that they are beyond reproach, as though they were Gods. When they decide something is "Science" than only that is permissible. No debate is allowed. This former Malaysian PM stated that you aren't allowed to criticize them, you can criticize your own national government or politicians but not them. Legends in their own mind. See:

Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, THE NEW WORLD ORDER A RECIPE FOR WAR or PEACE mp4:


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Never Trump? TRUMP 2024!

". . . . Other Republicans say some version of “I like Trump policies but I don’t like the rest of him.” This gets it almost backwards. Although Trump advanced many important policies, it is the 'rest of him' that contains the virtue that inspires the movement… Trump was born for the current crisis, a life and death struggle against a totalitarian enemy I call woke communism... that control all the cultural and economic powers in America…

[Trump] revealed, not caused, the divide in this country. In war, you must make a stand… Trump is a manly man... traditional manhood, even when flawed, is absolutely essential… Trump plays to win.. There are no clean hands in a fistfight…Trump is unreservedly, unquestionably pro-America… Trump is a refreshing break from the guilt and self-loathing that marks our age . . . . "

The speech from Tom Klingenstein, Chairman, Claremont Inst, explains Trump's Virtues.


Or read it: https://americanmind.org/salvo/trumps-virtues/

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Trump is not a globalist

Pro American

No man is without sin

He has flaws

But imho election stolen

Virus was way to create ballot harvesting

I have a feeling Trump comes back

Warp speed needs to be reflected


Who stop funding

Election integrity

Build the damn wall

Get out of Ukraine

Stop cease all pedopphiiles

Trump is in it for The good

Of America he ain’t perfect

But considering the blue tyrants

WEF global blood sucking demonic

Worshippers he is fresh air

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Never started a war

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#1: Put to bed the corporate Global governance tyrannical TPP, TISA & TTIP so-called trade agreements - the corporate overlords just hated him for that

#2: Did rational energy policy, we sure could use that right now, Biden/Davos energy policy is killing us, including our food supply. Criminal.

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Criminal treasonous hanging offense

His time is coming his excuse is not


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Angry women are sad women and you seem angry. Maybe you're confusing Trump with a previous failed relationship, or maybe you've never really had one.

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Excuse me, did you say "Trump's love for women?" That's the funniest thing I've read or heard in a long time.

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I've long suspected one reason some people hate President Trump so much is that he's so openly straight.

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He really, really loves women, especially beautiful ones.

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Who doesn’t love beautiful


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Ugly women?

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Really? The betrayal of this craven lot is unforgivable. Their displays of rank stupidity, arrogance and willful denial of truths should be a deal breaker for everyone. Who needs them?

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You forgot - foolishness, criminality, and lunacy.

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Well yes, the list is very long.

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"This boat is unsinkable...." was this the justification in their hubris that they only felt it was necessary to put lifeboats that would protect only half the pax?

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Txs Mark, nice words on his book and very interesting book, essential in this historic times!

As anarchist I respect other's freedom, but I also call for personal responsibility that too often is forgot or request only to powerful people instead of being the key requirement for each person toward a modern, advance society!

Democracy as we knew it failed completely and Amerika is the worst example since World War II as it's turned into a war machine, empire and now to a kind of new Nazi/Fascist society.

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We are not a democracy but a Constitutional Republic. A true democracy is basically mob rule.

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Anarchist is a very bad choice of descriptor. Anarchist to most people means just a complete chaotic breakdown of social & economic structure like happens after a devastating war.

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Thanks for letting us know about this, MCM.

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I am a lifelong liberal who voted all republican in 2020 because the Democratic party is not in any way liberal. They close the schools, make the rich richer and the working class poor, and tragically intend to maintain a constant state of emergency to ‘suspend’ democracy. Back around 2008 when I called in to RFKjrs ‘Ring of Fire’ radio, he explained that is how democracy is overthrown around the world, usually with the help of the CIA, who specialize in ‘ destabilizing’ nations so big corporations can rob them.

Sadly, we have a population that is so uninformed, that they parrot whatever a supposed’ liberal democrat’ (Brandon, Newsom, Pelosi) without thinking that their policies are totalitarian. In Maine Democrat governor Janet Mills immediately upon taking office repealed the religious exemption for vaccination,(a totalitarian policy against liberal values and against the constitution), and attempted to clear cut a huge swath of virgin forest to sell electricity to a different state, an intensely anti environmental action(and being pro environment is a classic liberal belief), and forced 5 yesr olds to wear masks all day. Surprise-her sister is former director of Maine CDC, a captured agency, again the corruption that is the hallmark of current democrats. On happy note, I gave up on them and vote by policy, not party, and others will too.

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It's NOT because they are uninformed, because I know VERY well informed brilliant engineers who are leftists.

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Have valued RFK’s views for years. Well before 9/11, the Plademic, and the invasion by phony tyrannical “liberals” we had the assassinations in his family to indicate what was happening. Revolutions are difficult to recognise when we are in one and take real shape after the fact. The revolution will not be televised.

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Thank you! Looking forward to reading it.

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