At first, I thought it could have been written by The Babylon Bee.

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My source for real news.

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I was worried about this years ago when they added "oppositional defiance disorder" as a Dx in the DSM, it's only a short leap to psychosis if you are someone who refuses to "comply".

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Yes, apparently, every toddler of 2 yrs or so is clearly 'suffering' from ODD or is a full-blown psychotic because they're beginning to form an identity via defiance. Psychiatry thrives because people have a weak sense of identity & connection to anyone or anything and these invented 'disorders' are meant to box people in so that they never develop a strong sense of identity. This ODD might be the most ludicrous one I've heard.

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They never develop a strong sense of identity and they always have an excuse.

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I believe they added that to the DSM-5 in 2012. It was their greatest work of fiction then and I fear a new one will arrive soon. Ever look up Drapetomania? It was the "mental illness" discovered (invented) in the nineteenth century that explained why slaves ran away.

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ODD didn't apply, of course, when the freaking, vile, fasco-Marxist LEFT was doing their thing with their Students for Democratic Society, the Democrat Convention riots in 1968, Bill Ayers, Abbie Hoffman, Mario Savio, etc.

As the vile, evil, disgusting piece of human vermin Herbert Marcuse said about this, "Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left.”

I used to be a leftist in grad school Thankfully, I woke up right after that, and now am a committed freedom pusher.

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I fear that we're witnesses to a fait accompli. But seeing and noting this changes nothing.

Resist your desire for freedom.

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Yeppers... as Huxley said "A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”

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And as "Utopia" said, "Oops, wrong planet."

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Yup, from the witch trials, (swim or float) to now mental health accusations, free thinkers have been persecuted for ever.

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Common sense is now a mental illness. Mission accomplished you actual psychos!!!

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No doubt!! How'd we get on this crazy timeline??

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They were playing with the Hadron Collider at Cern. They altered the weight of one electron. Here we are.

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Our entire society is now a Hadron Collider. Are there not days when you feel like some subatomic unit being bashed around by enormous otherworldly forces with malign intent?

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There certainly is malign intent. I don't know why it's been called down upon us or by who but we certainly are being bashed around, that's for sure!

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And here we are! Lol

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Wanna hear something wild? I have ancestors who were part of the witch trials; there’s even documentation of my particular ancestor’s case (she died in prison awaiting trial). And now here I am, was booted out of my job, lost friends- I would like to think I have an independent gene😏

Oh, and I have another relative who, shall we say, wouldn’t comply, and met with an unfortunate accident. Not the one we are talking about here but in the same vein

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Go pick up a book by Alice Hoffmann. Lot of witches in them...all good.

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I'll try and find it, thank you.

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No doubt!! And we're not so far from those witch trials again it seems. Watch out for the Christians!!

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That definition reminds me of the redefining of vaccines, done to fit the narrative.

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Yes, along with "pandemic" and "natural immunity."

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Ominously, antivax was redefined to include opposition to vaccine mandates right before mandates were put into place.

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and "infectious disease death"

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And the term ‘asymptomatic spread’ entered the lexicon.

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and 'safe and effective'.

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Hey c'mon! They *are* safe and effective. So was Treblinka.

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LOL, thnx for the chuckle :-))

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That one has been around for a long time.

We are just finally waking up to its real meaning, or lack thereof.

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Bourla to shareholders: “Effective as of today, the profits are in the safe”. See?! “Safe” and “effective”!

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Two weeks post injectioning for fake nonvaxcine

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There used to be consensus on the flatness of the Earth and about its position at the centre of the universe...

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indeed. biblical earth, a beautiful concept.

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I believe that was Stalin's definition, too. And Hitler's.

And ours.

It has certainly always been the CIA's definition --- as applied to all us unhinged "conspiracy theorists" who are skeptical that a man -- for example JFK --can be shot from the front by an assassin positioned behind him. Or vice versa (RFK).

Dissent as a mental disorder?

Just call me "oppositional-defiant."

There is no higher praise.

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I guess by that standard I'm psychotic 🤣

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Thanks Mark. As a retired therapist that definition actually brought a genuine smile to my face - ("for example, you may be worried that the government is trying to harm you and your loved ones.").

Reminds me a great meme I saw earlier today: ("97% of scientists agree with - 'whoever funds them' - the other 3% are banned from social media.")

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Projection by the psychos onto those who see them. So sad, how effective this is.

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Yes Kathleen!!

The truth feels like hate to those who hate the truth.

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The newspeak is reaching incredible levels as they are re-defining reality through language manipulation.

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On offense, they used language such as vaccine and immunity like a Trojan Horse. Acceptance of the covid shots was much higher because of the original understanding of vaccines and immunity. And then they quietly redefined the terms for the shots.

On defense, they invent new words to hide things. Fauci never funded gain of function research. Twitter never engaged in shadow banning accounts. These were not lies because they made up new terms.

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Long in the making...”what the definition of is, is.” Words are becoming increasingly meaningless.

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Just fucking unbelievable

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Well put.

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Psychiatric diagnoses and charges of heresy, etc. have always been weapons of the state. It started here before, and advanced thanks to, founding four-flusher Benjamin Rush.

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So I am psychotic then because I refuse to take a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3% (CDC, May 2020. Current variant is half that).

On the other hand all the people who took it agreed that large corporations with a blatant financial conflict of interest, and a recent history of killing thousands of their customers annually, get to decide what information about their products we get to see and we HAVE TO TAKE IT. Again and again and now with zero testing in humans before approval. It was approved on the basis of 8 mice.

And I'm the crazy one? Okay. That makes everyone who took it stark raving mad.

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The goal is to make us all look crazy.

The medication for psychosis is probably already on the shelves.

Ready for whatever, but do not give up. I hear you. Feel for you. We are surrounded with inexplicable happenings.

Hang in there, until the truth resurfaces.

It is on it’s way.

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I love to point out the "terms" they agreed to when they took the shots. They got to be stark raving mad to agree to those. I sure didn't and won't.

Give up? WTF? No way. I've survived 2+ years and I'm starting to enjoy the fight a lot more than I probably should. I used to try to reason with people now, I just try to scare them LOL. It's so easy because they are fraidy-cats to start with. I always lead with the fact that "The lipid nanoparticles didn't stay at the injection site and are lodged in almost all your organs".

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Othering by another name...

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This is part of an ongoing campaign to frame mental illness in a way that promotes the "brave new world." Therapy and counselling will be re-education masquerading as mental health treatment...more so than it already is.

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We may have something to say about that: www.nationalpsychotherapyassociation.org.

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In the U.S a group of us have been working hard to counter the totalitarian impulses of the Leftist therapists. Most of their abuse is slipping through the woke door. There is also a powerful group of international therapists called Critical Therapy Antidote doing the same. Unfortunately a lot of otherwise independent thinking therapists took the jab either because they tend to be conventional people or they were mandated by the health authorities or their employers. There are few of us unjabbed therapists and psychiatrists out here. I would be happy to join anyone on their media to talk about this battle in the mental health realm.

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As a therapist, I would love to connect and find out more about your work and your group..

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears, including obsessions towards epidemics that lead to compulsive behaviours or forcing others into them. Passes are based on media-hyped collective OCD psychosis, not cold science. Provoked mass psychosis has been proven to cause more deaths than COVID (lockdowns, masks, lethal injections).

2022 PLANdemic redefinition of mental illness:

“Psychosis is a term used to describe when people lose some contact with reality. Common symptoms of psychosis are hearing voices or having strong beliefs that are not shared by people within your community. For example, you may be worried that the government is trying to harm you and your loved ones.”1

Maybe historians will define “common symptoms of psy-COVID were hearing political voices while having strong beliefs that they were trying to harm you and your loved ones.”?

The plandemic redefinition includes:

1. “Psychosis can be a one-off experience. You should be offered medication and talking therapy to help with your experiences if they are distressing.”

2. Canadian paper says that the vaccine hesitant should be treated as a mental condition.

3. In Argentina, there’s a malpractice law (mala praxis) stating that the health organizations and personnel must comply with the Ministry of Health protocols or lose their license to practice medicine. Also, the Government will deploy surveillance systems to control if the protocols are followed, including that the patient actually takes the medicines/treatments/haccines.

Conclusion: vaccine hesitancy is a mental illness to be treated with lobotomizing drugs and forced haccination.



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