I'm in Canada. I pleaded with people in 2015 that Justin was not what he appeared to be. The idiots viewed this mentally ill cockwomble as 'harmless'. He's full-blown committed. And committed he should be.

It's no longer a fight about law and science. Those collapsed anyway. It's now a cultural and spiritual war.

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I knew Canada was in trouble back in April 2020 when the Canadian Government released guidance for Canadian businesses to prepare for China's social credit system (the guidance was updated in November 2021 to remove some of the more objectionable language that was contained in the origina version): https://www.tradecommissioner.gc.ca/china-chine/cscs-scse.aspx?lang=eng

The guidance still contains the following observation: "Based on their rating, Chinese authorities will reward businesses operating within the compliance regime a ‘good’ score and sanction badly behaved companies whose operations fall out of compliance."

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Maybe I'm wrong but this has more to do with helping Canadian companies adjust to the rules in China. I'll worry when and if it becomes standard here. Then again, Justin worries me period.

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Those of us to your south will soon be feeling the screws tighten. The Evil Ones know that their plans are sinking with their Nasty Genocide Ship, and they're trying to speed up the process before we do a Gaddhafi on them.

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Canadian here. I confirm your analysis.

Fact check: True.

It may be hard to believe, but a significant amount of Canadians love all of this tyranny — and want even more of it. It really is stunning to learn just how many naive, mis/mal-informed , and obedient citizens there are here. Especially among the 'well-educated' class.

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That class is to blame for everything that's happening, and not just in Canada.

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It used to be well known and joked about that at the sub phd level no one in a university is allowed an original thought! At phd level, one is allowed exactly ONE (semi)original thought to work with.

Which might explain why PhD’s are the only category who are somewhat vaccine hesitant among the educated classes. The rest are as indoctrinated as they come. Including and especially MDs who, not incidentally, can add “authoritarianism” to their list of qualifying characteristics.

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Gavin is Trudue twin.

If we didn’t have our pesky constitution, Gavin would be doing the same.

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he’s doing the same anyways.

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Coming to a western nation near you. Take heed. The uptick in mass shootings is no coincidence. And please don't go "oh but the midterms are coming."

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Jun 9, 2022Edited
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It does when they've had their brains manipulated.

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Jun 9, 2022
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Yeah... And the CIA has been studying just how to do these things, for decades. Funny how it's always the SAME scenario... "Lone Gunman," mental problems, lots of innocent (often kids) people "mowed down," etc., gunman seemingly zombified, etc etc etc I mean, how many times do we need to see this to recognize it's a re-run?

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Jun 9, 2022
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From Sirhan Sirhan to today, yep, yep, yep.

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I don't understand their political system at all. 63% of their voters wanted him out, but because of some parliamentary maneuvers with the communists on the left, he gets to terrorize the country until at least 2025.

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The GTA/Ontario put him back in there in the last election. They also elected a Nazi sympathizer in Freeland. Nice country we have going here.

So far: Freedom House, IDEA and a European Parliamentary review authored by a McGill professor have singled out Canada for its shocking march towards authoritarianism. The Liberal party would fit right into any cult.

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Quite sad indeed :(. Trudouche is a dick.

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More 'vaccidents'? While driving to work saw a guy pulled over by the side of the road, two cop cars, fire truck and ambulance. What appeared to be the driver was talking to police with a blood pressure cuff hanging off his arm. One of those rare things that never happen these days...

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Trudeau is playing dictator while pretending to be everyone's friend. He admires Castro, Chavez, Xi and the like and has wanted to lead a Marxist style revolution in Canada since childhood. People fell for his "sunny ways" shtick and elected him. Then the dysfunctional Canadian electoral system and the lack of critical thinking skills imprinted in much of his generation did the rest. He even admits to openly defying the constitution, and remains unchallenged on that score. He led his party caucus to vote out leadership reviews so he can't be ousted that way. Because of Canada's multi-party system he can continue to play dictator forever with only about 20 per cent of the popular vote. In my opinion, Canada needs to wake up and decide to throw out the whole lot of them and bring in some real reforms that will make monstrosities like him impossible. People will use pin-ups of him as dart boards to remind themselves of what the modern culture of dishonesty and narcissism can produce if we let it.

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Jun 8, 2022
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What is a super-capitalist? Marxist ideology is flawed and led to the Soviet Union, which was a command economy and a social serfdom (official party members lived well, everyone else was impoverished and oppressed). Trudeau seems to following the same trajectory.

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At this point, the difference between "left" and "right" is meaningless, and a distraction. There's a reason why, say, Andrew Carnegie was proud to call himself a "socialist": because predators like him did NOT believe in competition, but in topdown control. Thus the seeming opposition between plutocrats and Bolsheviks was finally just as fake as the endless face-off between Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia.

This explains why the globalists like China, and see it as the ideal system for us all.

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One and the same.

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Much simpler and more accurate to call all this collectivism and oligarchy. Whatever the overlying economic ideological backdrop of a given place, country; whether Marxism, Capitalism, et al, the salient and operative underlying dynamic is group/herd over individual, the group thought to own the individuals deemed to comprise it, with a powerful group of oligarchs running that collective, and excused from its restrictions (which it created and exploits by design). The stated economic paradigm doesn't matter, is just another distraction to argue over, waste energy on.

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Living here is like watching a train wreck in slow motion. It’s also like being in a perpetual bad dream. Most people seem oblivious to what’s happening. It’s almost surreal.

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Yep. I go out and about and it’s the people who don’t seem to notice or care that I just cannot figure out! They want to make small talk and it just pains me. It’s like the world is burning and they’re oblivious to all of it.

Kinda feels like when something horrible happens to you and you’re mourning or whatever but Life Goes On and you just can’t understand how anyone else can be smiling right now.

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Bingo !

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Canada - previously known as the Land of the Bland. Now known as the Land of the Unfree and the Home of the Slave.

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Jun 8, 2022
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I grew up playing hockey in the Detroit suburbs. Trips to Windsor and Toronto were regular occurrences and Canada was very close to my heart. It's tragic.

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Jun 8, 2022
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thanks. Now get me the f out of here.

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Anyone suffering from a damaged immune system will likely die from this.

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Anyone suffering from a jab will likely be suffering from a damaged immune system.

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I don’t understand why they would take any more, especially a live virus like smallpox.

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Yes. Can I get someone vaxxed to go to Canada for me? I need a few more pain killers for my kidney stones, would like ot avoid the emergency room?

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Go to Mexico. No vax required to go to their pharmacies.

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What those brave Canadian men and women did in Ontario and other provinces last winter was truly remarkable and made the whole world take notice. Sadly the forces of oppression viewed this as a minor hiccup and have come back with a vengeance. I spent my first 2O years of life in Quebec but had to flee the berserk policies of the nationalist government known as Le parti du Québécois. All of my childhood friends there have remained either mute of oblivious to the tyranny that has beset them. It’s maddening and baffling at the same time. So sad

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I live in Maine, very close to Canada, and have visited Quebec often - Quebec City, Montreal and Lac Megantic were frequent destinations and the people were always friendly and inviting.

Having watched the trucker debacle/removal it looks like a very different country now - I don’t recognize it and will likely never go there again. I can’t believe they put up with Trudeau - it must be because they are not sufficiently armed to resist - I have no other explanation.

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For the record, plenty of guns in New Zealand. Most men own one. Drug gangs allowed to keep and fire them every day.

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