EVERYONE needs to listen to Palmer...yes, you are right..... Trusted News Initiative affects a lot of media around the world......BIG THANK YOU and Hugs, Mark for bringing the NCI and this testimony to this substack.....all witnesses have been worth watching...... https://nationalcitizensinquiry.ca/testimony/

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No one is coming to save us. We must do it ourselves. The political party system has hijacked democracy. Ruled by money, it serves the tyranny of wealth rather than the well-being of the public. If we can establish local resistance networks before the next round of attacks (censorship, mandates, digital IDs, CBDCs, climate change, lockdowns, 15-minute cities, etc.) we may still have a chance to communicate and live freely.

LocalResistance.org provides a safe, anonymous search tool to easily locate neighbours in your own city or town who share your concerns and who are willing to stand together and press for truth locally. By linking locally we can find strength and support, we can communicate, coordinate, educate and resist.

We need a worldwide network of independent local resistance cells, too numerous to eliminate, autonomous and locally controlled, acting continuously to expose and expel all of the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and corporations who would deny our personal freedom, sovereignty and natural rights. Check it out. Spread the word. Thank-you. https://localresistance.org

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Don - I tried signing up to your outfit with username and password and it is somewhat clunky. Attempt at registering disappeared in to the ether. Consider making it more "user friendly" if possible. I'm personally tired of everything everywhere being so automated these days. We're living in a fucking Borg Cube! One wonders how we ever got along as humans before the lethal cybernetic age?! Please excuse the snarkiness and frustration, but we have free speech here, right?

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Sorry you are having trouble. There is no sign of your attempt to register here. There are only 4 text boxes and 2 pop-down menus necessary to register. I don't know how I could simplify that and still get people's location into the database. Please give it another try and check your email for messages.

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Will do. Thanks.

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I tried to sign up but then there is a page that asks for a verification code that I don't have....checked my email and there is nothing there.....

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It's there somewhere. Did you check your spam/junk folders?

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I was just contacted and it's been resolved... :)

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the national citizen’s inquiry has a rumble channel. Palmer’s testimony is on there as a solo testimony video. it was about a month ago (if you have to search their channel chronologically)

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No, I am talking about https://localresistance.org/

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This truly is not self-aggrandizement, but there is an easier solution to mutual recognition. In Canada and a co-founder have a site, tulips4freedom.org, at which we sell cheap, no profit, small buttons with a tulip on them (plus messaged buttons, if people are so inclined) that affirm a commitment to all the basic rights and freedoms that have been trampled upon. Think White Rose. The premise is that that minimal visibility requires no superhuman courage, no club, and can be empowering when we realize just how many of us there are - a fact that has been hidden from us. We wear a button, we recognize a community of souls.

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May 25, 2023
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unfortunately most outlets are fearmongering. I unsubscribed from several substacks, because they do just like the regular press. We need to keep our heads cool and eyes wide open so we recognize what is going on but first of all, we need to learn and live normal lives again, after all the upset. I distrust everyone now, including pages like that local resistance. It might be a new black lives matter hoax

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if it were truly safe and anonymous it wouldn't require registration.

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without registration it would just be make-believe

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Fair enough but it’s troubling when you can’t see anything on their site until you register.

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interesting, thanks

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So, you still believe there is such a thing as going back to "normal," eh?

Enjoy your nap, but prepare for further rude awakenings. This was only Act 1.

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They tell you there's going to be another plandemic, and they very recently held the tabletop planning exercise, called Catastrophic Contagion, I think (something like that). Expected in 2025, the acronym will be SEERS. I forget what it stands for. They say this next one will be worse and affect children. When these people tell us what's coming I pay attention.

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i think the tabletop exercises have been programming ‘the authorities’. i think that probably their responses in the simulation were reasonable, but the exercise was rigged so that no matter what they did: lockdown, lockdown harder, quarantine everyone, mass vaccinate, catastrophe ensued.

i think they programmed the ‘dangerous misinformation’ narrative into ‘the authorities’ so that when an alleged threat presented ‘the authorities’ panicked. having failed at each simulation no matter what they did.

this is the way i explain how fucking stupid ‘the authorities’ were... they too were brainwashed, just sooner than the rest of us.

this doesn’t make them innocent.

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interesting, thanks

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in Canada, have not listened to CBC for years, only independent media. I know people who still think it is "the truth", and will not even consider that they may be wrong...

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Sounds just like the USA Most here just watch and listen to the alphabet news sources and believe every lie tossed to them. Pretty convenient. They actually have no clue as to what is really going on, just like our corrupt government wants them to. Local weather on TV and local obits in my hometown newspaper. Other than that? Toss the magazines and newspapers, change the channel and watch an old movie or ME TV! Return to simple times and not simple minds.

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There are several former mainstream journalists in the US who are speaking out against the madness as well. People like Del Bigtree, Sharyl Atkinson, Ben Swann and others have all walked away from the lie factory in order to maintain integrity.

Growing up in the aftermath of WWII and in the peak time of the Cold War, I always wondered how people could be led so far astray. Well I guess the answers showed up loudly and clearly in 2020. There’s a storm coming that’s going to shatter it all and nobody can say they weren’t warned.

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I also grew up after WWII. B. 1954 and father was a B-17 pilot stationed with the 8th Army in Europe. Grandfather was stationed on the Ard 8 in the Pacific. And yes, the people you mentioned have some guts. Something the last couple of generations in this country don't have a clue about. I guess they think a drag queen will save them :(

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Ben Franklin wrote: Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation, must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech.

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GOD bless you Mark & thank you for being a dedicated TRUTH Warrior ...

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Canada is the LAST country to be 'mansplaining' anything about freedom and democracy to any country including Italy. Justin's little stunt of putting Meloni on the spot like that was sophomoric and amateurish. The level of corruption and incompetence in Canada is through the roof. I really didn't think it was this bad. Quebec is infamous for corruption ( see here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/beijing-has-more-diplomats-in-montreal-alone-than-all-of-france-federal-figures_5284823.html?utm_source=MB_article_free&src_src=MB_article_free&utm_campaign=mb-2023-05-24-ca&src_cmp=mb-2023-05-24-ca&utm_medium=email&est=[EMAIL_SECURE_LINK]&utm_term=newstop&utm_content=1) but Ottawa has taken the cake it appears under Justin.

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Did Canada really elect Justine the spoiled narcissistic man boy or was he selected like biden was? Not trying to be a smarty pants but just curious. Looks to me like he is destroying Canada just like the puppet is doing to America.

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I don't know but the sentiment and suspicion that he was selected is present.

I've never seen Canada in such bad shape. Either through stupidity and incompetence or design, his policies are devastatingly impacting this country. This country is run by ideologues. Not leaders.

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This country also seems to be populated by indifferent, comatose morons who appear to have the moral courage and intellectual capacity of broiler chickens. The citizenry of Canada has rested on its mythological laurels for too long. We got smug, disengaged and inattentive. Now we're paying the price.

Does Big Pharma yet make a pill to ward off acute cases of creeping misanthropy? I'm existentially disgusted by my fellow citizens.

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Your neighbors to the South are the same. asleep at the switch.

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Couldn't agree more. Mythological laurels. Absolutely. It's not just all that you characterized but there's an added dose of uber-parochialism which permits them to boast about public health to the point of believing we have the 'best system' in the world merely because it's 'there' and 'available for free'. In reality, it's one of the most dysfunctional and archaically rigid systems in the world. It's second-rate.

Think second-rate, get second-rate.

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Do you know Canada has "district hatcheries" and is full of Epsilon semi-morons with a strange, greenish skin tone? Too much alcohol in their blood surrogate.

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Lol. No.

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No, nothing quite that nefarious. His “Liberals” have a long and sordid history, as do the “conservatives” in Canada. The Liberal strongholds are Metro Toronto, Quebec and the Maritimes, with some marginal representation in Vancouver. That’s it. They are an urban party, and exploit that. They hate rural people, they hate Christians, and everything about hard work and self- support. They exploit racial divides and pander to every religion and ethnic group. And when that doesn’t work, they throw millions at them publicly, and under the table.

They are the same as American DeMarxists.

Conservatives here are the GOPe, Liberals in blue suits.

This is a socialist country. Financially, it will hit the wall in the not too distant future. Too many frivolous, failing, expensive government programs contribute to the malaise.

Welfare state, controlled by a lying, ignorant, duplicitous media horde (print, radio and TV) that seems content to be oblivious to reality, only giving a filtered, blindered and targeted POV of the world, to the sheep.

Canadians have become as ignorant and stupid, as the old stereotypical “ignorant American”, completely unaware of anything that the talking head on TV hasn’t approved for correctspeak.

Welcome to Orwell’s 1984. We are living it now.

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One small quibble. The Fed Liberals don't do that well in Quebec. Both parties have done well in the past here. Right now, it's the Bloc Quebecois in control at the Fed level and I don't see this changing. Maybe Poilievre can break through. It's worth noting Harper got 10 seats here which shows Quebec can be taken with the right candidate and commitment. The provincial liberals are dead here.

I see the Federal Liberals as a GTA/Maritimes party mostly.

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Quebec is still a power base for the Liberals, especially compared with the rest of the country. As far as the Bloqheads, yes, for now, they are popular, but, only a couple of elections ago, they were reduced to 2 seats, as Keebec went full socialist, and fell for that fraud Layton.

Keebec should have separated decades ago, and done everyone that favour. Instead, like other self-victimizing groups, they continually blackmail leftist governments for more special treatment, again and again and again.

Being a lifelong west coaster, I can say that I don’t recognize this pretend, make believe, fantasy country I exist in today.

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Quebec definitely flips easily.

Your last paragraph. You don't need to be a west coaster to feel that. I do here on the east coast. Canada isn't a country. It's a colony. And that disgusting Johnston report only cements that for me.

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"The level of corruption and incompetence in Canada is through the roof. I really didn't think it was this bad. Quebec is infamous for corruption"

Quebec is also infamous - though you wouldn't know it on the "outside" - for being a "low-trust" society. The guy who wrote this article in 2016 was summarily crucified for bringing up the topic. When a society will not tolerate constructive criticism from within or without it becomes sclerotic, totalitarian and dare I say doomed. In other words, a shithole you would not want to live in.


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Yes, I remember. The requisite 'Quebec bashing' claim.

I live in Quebec. And yes, the response was not what it should have been. It should have been met with concern followed by a discussion like a healthy and strong society would.

I think the assertion it's 'weak from within' is fair. It relies on an endless and onerous stream of language laws to protest its language. I was very disappointed with the response. But not surprised. Quebec's intellectual class is about as mediocre as they come. They use punitive action to protect themselves.

It showed its vicious authoritarian streak during COVID. Some of the worst anti-human rhetoric and articles came from here. No tolerance whatsoever for those who chose to think outside the herd. They were borderline PROUD of being told what to do and ordered to stay indoors. They take it as a symbol of unity. The old Gallic strength in numbers and all that.

The problem with Quebecers is they justify the overt corruption by saying it happens everywhere. It does happen everywhere. But they don't grasp it's especially worse here. There's a reason why the Mafia makes Montreal a hub for all illicit activities in North America. Name the racket or ring and Montreal has the biggest.

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Thank you, Mark Crispin Miller, for another important report.


Canada's National Citizens Inquiry



To All Funeral Directors and Embalmers Worldwide -

March 31, 2023


Also (same video)

Licensed Funeral Director Laura Jeffery on Post-Vaccine Embalming | NCI

April 1, 2023



EXCERPT - [What she saw after the vaccinations started]


QUESTIONER*: Now my understanding is, is that you started seeing changes after the covid 19 vaccines were introduced.


QUESTIONER: Can you tell us about that?

LAURA JEFFERY: It started in January of 2021. And at first I was seeing an anomaly in what we would call return. So you have to understand a little bit about embalming. Embalming, we have a vat, and then there's a hose, and the vat has a pump in it, and what we do is we use the human circulatory system that God gave us. So we go into that circulatory system, generally we start at the carotid, right? That's a major artery that goes not to, to your brain but also to the top of your heart and it pumps the fluid through. And then the return would be people's blood that's back pumped out through the venous system, and we open that and let it release. And the concept is, is to put preservation in and take out what would not preserve a body longterm, so that we can present a person that is reasonable to their appearance that they should be, right? So when I was seeing the return, I started to notice anomalies in what the return was. So that went on for about 3, 4 months. And the return was more viscous. And it's not like I hadn't seen it before, but you didn't see it consistently, every single person, right? Now I'm seeing it every single person.

QUESTIONER: You have to explain to us what more viscous is.

LAURA JEFFERY: Viscous, thicker, darker, sticky. And that return, well, we, I call return, it's return blood, right, that return blood was stickier, thicker, darker. And then I started seeing that return blood would have little, little tiny, tiny pieces of clot in it and the clot would be like a currant jelly clot, but it's tiny pieces, like pinhead-sized. But it was almost like polkadot coming out, right? So polkadot pattern, sticky, viscous, more thicker blood, darker, and then these little pieces of clot that kind of looked like a polkadot pattern sticking to the embalming table. And of course that goes down the drain, right? But it, it was just different, there was something different. I could call it maybe dirty blood, if you want to make a sort of a basic example, right? So the blood was dirtier.

And at first— I'm really conscientious, right? So I notice things, and I'm known for that, so at first, I was sort of, like, this is weird, right? But you can't— I'm an embalmer, I'm not a scientist, I'm not a doctor, right, I'm an embalmer, but I notice things, and a lot of people do, and a lot of people don't, but in retrospect there's an awful lot of people in my profession that are also saying the same thing. So they won't tell you that in person, they certainly wouldn't go public like this, but that's what they're telling me.

QUESTIONER: Did you see changes in persons that were dying after the vaccines were introduced?

LAURA JEFFERY: Oh yes. So it was kind of horrifying, well it is horrifying. So there was an escalation of middle-aged peoples' deaths. Like, just average Canadian, came home from work, had dinner with the family, and died suddenly at home. So that was, that went on for maybe a good month and a half. And usually an evening call, so what we call a night call, OK? You would send a removal team out, two people, because they're going into someone's home, right? So they would, they, usually a night call or a night removal would be in the middle of the night. Like, it might start at 1 o'clock in the morning, you might get one, you might not, right? And then there was a lengthy period of time, like many weeks, where these middle aged people were dying, kind of like, right after dinner at their house, with their families present. And they weren't being investigated. They were coming to the funeral home, and I was looking at this and I'm like, this should be investigated because it's an unusual death, it's an unexpected death. But no, no, wasn't investigated. It was almost like, they dialed it in and brought the person into our care, at the funeral home, right? And then didn't, didn't worry about them.

QUESTIONER: So there's a couple of things there. So you were telling us that [coughs], excuse me, typically a call is around 1 am, and you know, after 1 am in the morning —

LAURA JEFFERY: Yeah, like middle of the night is when you, if you're going to have a night call happen for some reason, it always seems to be that 1 o'clock in the morning kind of time frame.

QUESTIONER: And prior to the vaccines, roughly how many would calls would you guys have on a night?

LAURA JEFFERY: It could get one in an evening, you could get two, you could get none. And then for a while there it was every night, one, two, even maybe three, always completed before 11 o'clock at night, so my removal staff were loving that because they weren't getting called out of bed, right? Yeah they thought that was marvelous. And I was saying, why can't you see a pattern?

Like, so, everything's a pattern, right? Like, we're not really all that different, none of us are. We think we are, but we're not. So when we die or when we breathe or when we're born, there's patterns. And as soon as you see an anomaly in a pattern, you should be going, why is there an anomaly? But nobody was asking, why is there anomaly? And I'm a funeral director, and it's not my job to ask, why is there anomaly? But I was asking, right? Like, why is there an anomaly, in my mind? So I started asking my coworkers, like, what did you see? Where were you? What was it like? Right. Family there. After dinner. Average people. Average home. It was an anomaly. A big one. Obvious one. But, it was like everybody had blinders on, right? So I don't know why nobody noticed, but I noticed. I was rather concerned.

QUESTIONER: Now my understanding is, is early on you had an experience with a 47 year old man that it seemed unusual. Can you tell us about that?

LAURA JEFFERY: Yeah. So. Hmm. OK, so you have someone's that's oh, so healthy, like, you can't miss it. Like, healthy! Like if that gentleman walked in the room right now, we would all turn our heads and say, my goodness, what a good-looking man. Right? Healthy. Strong, fit, tall, like, huge healthy person. Gone, right away, just [clicks fingers]. And his family told us, that now he was, his death was investigated, and his family told us point blank he died from clots. That's what they were told.

QUESTIONER: And had you ever seen a person that age and that fitness that had died of blood clots?

LAURA JEFFERY: Had I ever seen that before?


LAURA JEFFERY: Heavens no! No, no, too healthy. No, no, not healthy people.

QUESTIONER: OK. So that's why that sticks out in your mind, it's, it was so unusual.

LAURA JEFFERY: It sticks out in a lot of people's minds I'm sure.

QUESTIONER: Now did you start seeing any basically, scarring or anything like that on shoulders?

LAURA JEFFERY: Yeah. So for a long time people were coming in with that like a little bandaid, right? And I'd kind of go, OK, Laura, it's just a bandaid, ignore it, even though, like it was just unusual deaths with a bandaid. Right? Right? That's how I'm supposed to look at it because I'm not a doctor, I'm an embalmer, but the reality is, I'm looking at this and I'm going, yeah, yeah, there's a little tiny bandaid on everybody's shoulder. So that tells me— I mean, bandaid's what, they last what 2, 3 days if you're lucky, right? So that tells me there is a problem.

QUESTIONER: And what were the ages of these people coming in?

LAURA JEFFERY: Oh, full range.

QUESTIONER: Full range.

LAURA JEFFERY: Full range, yeah, yeah. Actually at that point, actually to be kind of clear, more clear, at that point people were, I would say it was that retirement age at that point, because I was seeing people that were like maybe 60 something older with the bandaid.



... continued...

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EXCERPT - [The Strange Clots]


QUESTIONER: Now earlier you were telling us changes that you saw in the blood.


QUESTIONER: So you're seeing little clots


QUESTIONER: And you were seeing color changes.


QUESTIONER: Was there also something else happening that you were starting to observe?

LAURA JEFFERY: Yeah. And that's what everybody wants to hear about, right? So first the, like you said, the viscosity changed, which means the color's going to be deeper, right? There's a stickiness, it's been termed dirty blood, there's small micro-clots in the return. And the odd time there was like a a rainbow slick, right? Remember the 80s, they had those rainbow slick dresses or oil slick dresses, I think they called them? You would see that on the odd occasion, which is really weird.

And then, and nobody can put their finger on it, that's the weird thing, so in the spring of 2021, so we're talking April, May, so 4 or 5 months after the roll-outs of the gene therapy, right, so you would, I— The first time I saw it I thought it was a parasite. So we have something called drainage forceps. I use a pair, generally speaking, that are about this long and they have a handle part and you can squeeze them like tweezers, right? So curved tweezers, think of them that way. So I use that to pull anything out of the way on the venous side of the body. So where you're draining the return blood, OK? And all of a sudden I was having trouble, I couldn't understand, right? And then I pulled it out and I went, and I kind of, you can turn the drainage forceps and you can see what's in it, right? And I'm sort of like this and I see something that I thought was a tapeworm, which was weird because tapeworms shouldn't be in a, in a circulatory system. Right? And then I'm seeing like, I'm looking at this, and I'm thinking, is this a parasite? Because a tapeworm's a parasite, that looked like a parasite. And it was at that point maybe, you know, like, 3, 4 inches long, right? That's a small one. But at that point that was a huge one for me because I'd never seen this before. This was a whole new anomaly.

QUESTIONER: So I just, I just want to make sure. So I mean, at that point you had been embalming for a quarter of a century.


QUESTIONER: Twenty-five years.

LAURA JEFFERY: Yeah. With a heavy focus on it, yeah.

QUESTIONER: You had never seen seen anything like that in —

LAURA JEFFERY: No! [laughs]

QUESTIONER: — your career?

LAURA JEFFERY: Absolutely not! So blood clots are sort of in a few categories. There's currant jelly blood clots, there's chicken fat blood clots, there's just sludgeing, which is thicker blood in general. And then there was this anomaly, which I thought was a parasite. But it's not.

QUESTIONER: In what percentage-- so this starts in April, May of 2021 —


QUESTIONER: So once you saw your first one, how common was it?

LAURA JEFFERY: It just kept happening. It was everybody. So there was that.

QUESTIONER: And how much of this would you find?

LAURA JEFFERY: Over time it got bigger. So when I first started seeing it, it would be small, right?

And then when I started seeing it near the end of my time frame there, if you were to take a small side plate, like a bread plate, and put spaghetti on it and kind of heap it, that could happen. Yeah. Yeah. And they were longer and longer. And then the integrated jelly clots at the end of course adds to the — it adds to the confusion. Like, if you, if you were thinking it was a parasite, right? The integrated jelly clots were always at the end.

QUESTIONER: So, so can you explain what you're talking about —


QUESTIONER: — when you say integrated jelly clots?


QUESTIONER: Just so that the listeners can—

LAURA JEFFERY: — So you think of a white, you think of a— have you ever seen those erasers that you push out and they're like a pen, but they're a circle, right? Like they're round, cylindrical. So you think of one of those, right? But then it maybe has a couple little tentacles of eraser coming out the end, and then there's a blood clot that is integrated into the end of those tentacles. It felt like it was a parasite that was feeding off a blood clot that it created in the body. So when you think of a parasite you think because it feeds off of something, right? So then you see the jelly clots at the end of this parasite, [makes air quotes with fingers] parasite, right? You see those, and you think, are they feeding off of us as humans? Right? Out of our circulatory system. Because they always had the currant jelly integrated at the ends.


LAURA JEFFERY: It's something to see, let's put it to you that way. It's horrific.



#   #   #


*He is not identified in the video, nor could I find him on the NCI website, but I believe this is Canadian constitutional lawyer and health freedom activist Shawn Buckley.

See http://buckleyandco.ca/our-team/

Buckley drafted The Charter of Health Freedom

See http://www.charterofhealthfreedom.org

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WOW! Thank you for providing all of this information! I wonder what would happen if 20 embalmers got together and made a report and sent it out to TV, newspapers and every government official they could think of. That would really be powerful!! It's unbelievable and sadly so many people would think this is made up. That's how brainwashed they are. Sadly.

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Many embalmers have been speaking out, but the mainstream media won't touch it. Here's one more example:

DrJaneRubyShow Published January 31, 2022


VIDEO DESCRIPTION "In this worldwide exclusive, Dr. Jane Ruby meets with board-certified Embalmer and funeral Director, Richard Hirschman who reveals, for the first time ever, arteries and veins filled with unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials that are completely filling the vascular system. Many of the victims reportedly died of heart attacks and strokes. Mr. Hirschman reports that he found resistance when he tried to embalm these jabbed patients, and then found these strange materials and pulled them from the large vessels of the bodies. He also reported that he has gone from seeing 50% of his embalmed cases with these types of blockages rise to almost 80%."



DR. JANE RUBY: I want to warn people, this is going to be a bit graphic, but we're going to start with a video that you've provided our producers, with pulling actually these clots, that are very unique, from the vein. But before we get to the video, tell us, is there anything you want to tell us about pulling this out of the vein?

RICHARD HIRSCHMAN: Well, as I was getting ready to open this vein I noticed it was going to be one of these interesting clots, so I stopped and I tried to carefully grab my forceps and start easing it out and try to get it out in one piece if I can. Best thing is to get it out of the way so I can put my instruments in so that I can allow for the drainage.

DR. JANE RUBY: Yeah. And you said you know when you looked at this vein, after you opened you know the skin and you were looking at the entry to this vein, what tells you, it's going to be one of those again?

RICHARD HIRSCHMAN: It's a little, it looks like swollen. It's, you can almost literally see the thrombis inside there. You can see that it's thick, it's you know, normally when I pull up a vein, blood is thin so typically it flattens out and gets real smooth, and this one here I can see there was something firm and solid inside of the vein.

DR. JANE RUBY: OK, thank you for that description. OK, let's take a quick look at your video on extracting one of these very unusual clots out of the vein.

RICHARD HIRSCHMAN: You can see how the, ah, you can see how as I'm pulling it out, a kind of big clumpy thing. I don't know if you can see the white fibre stuff in there very well, but it's there.

DR. JANE RUBY: Yep. Yep. It's a short video but thank you for walking us through it a little bit. And I notice that you kind of like tug gently, you know, as it comes out. It looks like you're trying to get it out in one piece, because obviously if you don't, then you don't know how long it's going to be. What was, this one looked to be like maybe over a foot long? What was the actual length of this one?

RICHARD HIRSCHMAN: That one in the vein it was, it might have been maybe about 8 to 12 inches. And it's thick, you can see it's very fat, and that's typical, the veins, you know, they are much more, seems like they stretch a little bit and they're much thinner wall than the artery.

DR. JANE RUBY: And again, first of all, was this a leg or an arm?



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Re: Jab deaths in Canada.


Dr. Chris Shoemaker and Dan Hartman in Honour of Sean Hartman

Filmed September 3, 2022, at a rally before a march in Canada



DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: I'm proud of my last name but I'm also proud of the fact that almost all of my patients and almost all of the mothers and fathers of my patients, you know, call me Dr. Chris. So I can be called either, there are my two names, Chris is my first name, Shoemaker is my last name, and it's a real honor to be here with everybody.

Well, ah, in the very near future I'd like to ask a wonderful man to come forward and stand with me. His name is Dan Hartman. He's here in the crowd. I would welcome him coming up to be with me in the next couple of minutes or seconds. And it is at this time that we will put a face to the sadness of what vaccine injury is.

Vaccine injury, when given to people who don't need it, and no one under the age of 18 needed this shot, no one. And they were all likely to have bad things happen because their immune system is so strong at that age. That's the reason that Denmark has canceled the shot for the future. If this dear gentleman and family had been living in Denmark, to be honest, his son would be alive because there is no mandating of the shot for children in Denmark. They could get them, but they were not mandated for activities, social, physical education or otherwise.

Smart people other there in Denmark. Morons over here in Canada. Morons! Who don't know that you should not vaccinate babies and children.


And I pass the microphone to my dear friend Dan Hartman. God bless you, Dan.

DAN HARTMAN: Thank you, Doctor Chris.

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Great honor. [inaudible]

DAN HARTMAN: My boy loved hockey. It was his whole life. He was playing ever since he was a little kid. It's all he ever thought about. It was his love and passion. To keep playing hockey, he had to get a vaccine. Sean's biggest fear in life was needles. He was terrified of them. And if he would have had the choice, he wouldn't have taken a needle.

On August 25th, he got vaccinated. On August 29th he went to the hospital, to emergency. He had brown circles around his eyes, he was vomiting, had a very sore shoulder, and a rash. And the doctor sent him home with the medical equivalent of Advil. He didn't do a d-dimer test,* he didn't do a tropanin test.** I filed a complaint against this doctor with the CPSO*** for not doing his job. Two little blood tests that he could have done that might have saved my son's life. They found him not guilty.

So he went to hockey on August, on September 26th. Went to play hockey with his friends. On the morning of September 27th he was, he was found dead on the floor beside his bed. My perfectly healthy son, who had no underlying conditions, was gone.

They did an autopsy and the cause of death was unascertained. Sorry, we don't know why he died.

I want to know why my son isn't here. He was perfectly healthy. There was nothing wrong with him. He faced his biggest fear, which was needles, and it took his life. And I want someone to tell me the damned truth, why my son isn't alive anymore.

This man next to me has been a doctor for over 45 years, he's worked in emergency for 25 years, so when you needed his help, you went and saw a man like this. You trusted him. So now the world needs to trust what he's saying because he's just trying to help. And that's what a doctor does.

My days are absolute torture now. I just cry 15 times a day. And it's hard to even exist. I want the truth about these vaccines.

Every other country in the world is admitting to vaccine deaths. Not Canada. I haven't heard of one.

Is that what we're going to do? We're just going to pretend it's not killing anybody? Really?

If someone could say, I'm sorry, Mr. Hartman, your son died from the vaccine, then I can grieve my son. But not until that day.

Thank you, doctor.


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER [taking the microphone]: Based on the medical history, I can say to you, your son was killed by the vaccine. Immediate symptoms within 48 hours of the shot, including symptoms of thrombosis or hemolysis, the fact that marks under the yes, something was going on with his hematologic system and the only thing that had happened was 48 hours before, he got a toxic shot.

I'm so sorry. We're here with you and with all the vaccine injured. Love to you all.


Thank you Dan.



#   #   #


For more about Dr. Chris Shoemaker visit https://drshoemakercovidtruth.com/

* "A D-dimer test is a simple blood test that can help your healthcare provider determine if you may have a blood clotting condition. If you have a high level of D-dimer in your blood, your provider may have you undergo further blood tests and/or imaging procedures to determine a diagnosis."

See: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/22045-d-dimer-test

**"A troponin test looks for certain types of the protein troponin, in your bloodstream. Those types of troponin only occur in heart muscle cells and only enter your blood because of heart muscle damage. That makes troponin invaluable in diagnosing heart attacks and other heart-related problems." See: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diagnostics/22770-troponin-test

*** College of Surgeons and Physicians of Ontario


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Helping The Chronic Vaxxers

With Their Adverse Effects

Is Like Loaning A Drug Addict Money.


The Clinically Retarded Ones

I’d Make An Exception For.

But They Would Have To Have Been

Clinically Diagnosed As Retarded

Before They Were Vaccinated.


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his testimony was so good.

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“You cannot win a war if you lose all the battles.” Most don't know there's a global genocidal war raging. What a perfect situation for the perpetrators.

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I live in Paris but back home in Quebec, most of my family and friends believe the freedom convoy people were a bunch of neo Nazis and far rightists!!! How could that be any other way if CBC said it? :-/

When Gardians of Truth and Freedom end up being considered in this twisted way, it tells you how powerful and efficient their propaganda is. And when you know that this propaganda led to the unnecessary death of thousands of people which continues today with the harmfulness of the lethal pro-Covid injections, that is nothing short of criminal.

How could the great journalists that Rodney Palmer once admired fell in alignment with this criminal rhetoric?

When you go through a recapitulation of how the unvaccinated were treated by so-called doctors, experts and politicians, it becomes very clear how Nazi Germany was possible.

And in the light of all we know about the ineffectiveness of the vaccines and how the vaccinated people not only put at risk frail people but fed the pandemic by getting infected and transmitting it to their surroundings, you would expect the “safe and effective” propagandists to come up with their mea culpa. They did not. For some of them, that might be because they were simply lying. For the others, why don’t they apologize?

Shame on them. And if we don’t want them to repeat those violent and highly discriminatory behaviors when the next pandemic hits, this national citizen inquiry must lead to a highly publicized scientific report for all the catastrophic sanitary measures never to be implemented again (masking, lockdown, pseudo vaccines, sanitary passport, etc…).

Ads must be put on the walls saying it is detrimental to your health to wear masks!

A John’s Hopkins University study determined that the lockdowns prevented only 0,2% of the death toll and concluded that it should never be used again as a sanitary measure against pandemics. Mr. Trudeau, have you just heard what I said?

That is what the Great Barrington declaration said from the very beginning of the pandemic. Had we listened to those experts, we would have avoided the destruction of the world economy and the falling into extreme poverty of more than 300 million people.

I think apologies should be asked of everyone who talked so nastily against unvaccinated people while in the end they were the beacons of light and freedom!

Somethings should be done. They cannot get by after having said such atrocities.

Think about it. Some people were refused life-saving cares because they were not vaccinated while we now know that not only those vaccines did not do anything but gave the disease and caused extreme adverse effects including death in too many cases!!!

And young Canadian kids are dying in their sleep or while practicing sports. Babies in the UK are born with myocarditis!!! Still births, miscarriages and excess mortality have reached record highs. And mainstream medias are preventing people from becoming aware of that. A genocide is on the way and CBC is looking the other way!

Many doctors and scientists are now saying that not only were they not vaccines, they were sheer biological weapons! How else do you call an injection that doesn’t do what it is meant to do but instead induces diseases, injure people and kill them?!?!

God, help us! (I would probably be called extreme right just because I implore God! Those woke people have lost their heart and soul!)

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Mr Palmer’s presentation is a masterpiece. His humanity is touching, his intelligence immense.

His testimony must be broadcasted on all the Canadian networks for Canadians to finally know the truth and how they were manipulated and purposely divided. The conflicts and divisions it caused for many Canadian families are horrendous.

Respect, Mr Palmer!!!

And gratitude

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the Canadian MSM is just as bad as everywhere else, the newspapers like the Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, the Times-Colonist, Maclean's Magazine, Global, CTV, CBC all crap. Anyone with an ounce of integrity just happened to retire just before the SHTF big time re covid. Local news sucks too.

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those namebrands all sucked well before covid. Globalist supporting demons run them all.

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This was absolutely captivating and Rodney James Palmer did an amazing job succinctly and thoroughly demonstrating what so many of us have known for so long. Many more like him please. Thank you so much for this.

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