With access to Internet archives, it's harder and harder to manufacture propaganda these days.

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That's why they are going to do cyber polygon and remove everything. Turns out the internet archive is owned by one of them anyway

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If so, they leave us no option but to disbelieve everything they say.

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Aside from the propaganda and fake news (fake photo!( angle, everytime I see a photo like this, I think of all the babies and children who are being killed and harmed by vaccines. Not to mention the children being murdered in Chicago. The children being sex-trafficked across our southern border. Etc. Etc.

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The first one (bodybags in the Ukraine) is actually a climate demonstration in Austria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o3Rph8DcUY&ab_channel=OE24.TV

I'm getting to the point where I believe nothing except my own personal experience!

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Showed this to true-believer husband who seriously said: Aren't reporters lazy these days. They could so easily have used real photos.

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No doubt our "Freedom Nazis" are being outfitted even as we speak with all the necessary video equipment to create their own nasty staged "home propaganda videos" - just like our good buddies those "moderate-Jihadist" White Helmets did in Syria.

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Mark, one suggestion: put the link to both images, from Twitter or from whatever site you found. It's the best way to counter attack the propaganda! so they can't say that the Syrian one is manipulated. Txs

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

there has been a huge trove of documents shared with media around the word: Russian politicians have already held press conferences, as has China. Hell, the endlessly lying Victoria Nuland was forced to.almost tell the truth in the Senate today - MARCO RUBIO ALMOST SHIT HIS PANTS in damage control ..

The U.S. has over 2 dozen bioweapons labs ( and that is conservative! We have over 850 military bases around the world- my guess is is 150 have bioweapons labs). 15 in Ukraine - and the D o D and State Department requested that Ukraine destroy all files and communications re: those labs.

But this article has ALL THE LINKS - the files were saved in the way back.machine.


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WOW! Scroogle deleted an account of one of your video u posted earlier on Neo Nazi...


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Good thing the lying liars are so incompetent.

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And here we are... I red about that at the begging of the invasion but I couldn't imagine that even WHO was aware of that!


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I haven't seen a single photo of an "atrocity" that hasn't turned out to be a fake.

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Mar 9, 2022·edited Mar 9, 2022

Ok, so Mark, now you're doing Fact checking.... GJ!

I wan't tell you what you see and read here in EU...

BTW that EMPR Media isn't for Empire Media? ha, ha, ha...

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