“They” have been trying to kill us for quite awhile. With what they spray in the atmosphere to control the weather, spray on our food to kill weeds, provide us through “health” care and the largesse of Government it’s a wonder there’s any of us left at all.

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Those chem trails are not just killing US, they're killing the Earth.

I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do about this... I feel compelled to action.

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Me too

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Let's keep in touch?

I have a SS page...

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Just subscribed!

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Thanks! I'll know you're email when I see it? If not, we'll figure this out...

Somewhere on my page is my website address, too. My email is on that.

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Sounds good

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Would like that

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Absolutely. Don’t believe we have any choice but to see this is all connected and we have to combat their centralized control.

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You said it. I think that's the main thing... DE-centralization, and non-compliance with their insane plans.

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MIT scientist Stefanie Seneff has done more research on Glyphosate than anyone else I know. I was so grateful to learn about it some years ago. I started eating organic grains and beans and then my suffering from IBS ended.

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Here's a link to the paper she wrote in April with Dr. Peter McCullough. Her new book on glycophosphate and the connection with vaccine injury is great!! She did a great talk about it too. I will also link. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X

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Yes it is! And I did see it.

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Same here, but not before the damage was done.

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The human body is an amazing thing... There's every possibility, given the right tools, that you can heal. xo

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She’s such an asset , helped me as well

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One bit of clarification on this:

If it's in the urine, that means its traveling somewhere, and probably recently consumed. Urine tests are helpful - quick and cheap - but do not present a very complete picture at all.

A blood test would be a better picture, and about 99.9% of us would show glyphosate in our blood.

But if you want to a real dose of reality, do a tissue test (how much is accumulating in our fatty tissues, even lymphatic system), or,

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The CDC does not try to prevent or mitigate disease. The CDC creates disease along with NIH and WHO. Injections are the catalyst for disease and it pretty much happens no other way.

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There’s a bit of push/pull there as well, since they receive funding from Bill & Melinda.

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That devil has his leash on several agencies, and that should be UNdone.

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I I believe it inhibits manganese to kill plants and weeds and you and me. The military chemical industrial complex. They have been killing us well prior to strokeme19 and aids. Fauci is a killer. It’s what he and he masters do.

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Monsanto has been all about killing people since its inception.


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Only 80%? How about 93%?... Here's from May 2016: "Glyphosate Found in Urine of 93 Percent of Americans Tested"

"Glyphosate, the most used herbicide in the world, has been found in the urine of 93 percent of the American public during a unique testing project that started in 2015. Glyphosate, labeled a 'probable human carcinogen' by the World Health Organization’s cancer agency IARC in 2015, has now been revealed to be ubiquitous in the first ever comprehensive and validated LC/MS/MS testing project to be carried out across America." (https://www.ecowatch.com/glyphosate-found-in-urine-of-93-percent-of-americans-tested-1891146755.html; https://www.organiclifestylemagazine.com/glyphosate-found-in-93-of-urine-samples)

As for the new study, USSANews.com republished your substack article with link and attribution. USSANews.com, a Tea Party vehicle, publishes lots of good articles about the covid plandemic, the stolen election, and much else. (https://ussanews.com/2022/07/10/cdc-finds-glyphosate-in-80-of-us-urine-samples-as-reported-by-0-of-our-free-press) But like you said, I only see the new study reported in a few scattered places. Some Facebook accounts picked it up, e.g.:


The 80% story also appeared as a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5o7fdVT6XQ) which so far has garnered a whopping 28 views. It's unlikely that any major US newspaper would cover the story--or even the goddamn city newspapers--as they're all owned and controlled by the One-Thousandth Of One Percent who brought us the scamdemic, the censorship, and the toxins we consume.

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"Glyphosate" in Bobby Kennedy's *Defender* yields around 40 articles. Some interesting ones are related to mosquitos:


...and maybe related to GMO mosquitos:


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Just to add some clarification to this:

This does NOT mean that 20% of us are free of glyphosate.

If it's in the urine, its traveling somewhere (for example, it's been recently consumed).

Urine tests are helpful, they're cheap and easy, but they often provide just a rudimentary snapshot.

A better test would be a blood test - where >99% of us are found to have glyphosate (and not just trace amounts). Yes that even includes those of us who eat organic.

"Body burden" tests bear out this statistic (my test included over 600 chemicals & metals). People who gets one of these tests generally feel deeply violated, that companies are allowed to put these chemicals in your body without your knowledge or permission, and they're slowly killing you.

And tissue tests are an even more disturbing dose of reality, to see where those chemicals have landed (fatty tissue, invaded the lymphatic system, etc).

No wonder none of these tests are covered by insurance. Even if your MD ran these tests, chances are s/he would have no idea how to treat. But I don't believe people will take any of this seriously unless they realize how it is affecting them or their loved ones, just as most people are unaware of the potentially serious and life threatening consequences of vaccines until it hits them personally.

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It's a good idea for people to detox, daily. There are MANY ways to do that, and there are two good, cheap, and easy ways I'll mention: 1 tsp baking soda, dissolve in water, drink it. Diatomaceous Earth, if I spelled that right, a teaspoon morning/night, I take it on food, like on a spoonful of yogurt. It tastes like dirt, so I hide that by eating it with food.

There are foods that will help too, such as chia seeds... Easy to find more info on this...

SWEATING is a good detox, too.

The serious stuff to get out of your system is the heavy metals-- graciously provided via chem trails-- and the heavy metals are seriously bad for us... aluminum in the brain leads to dementia, for example. And glyphosate is pretty nasty, too.

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Is the test you did available via mail?

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a thorough body burden test is going to be pretty involved - blood, urine, saliva, hair, some even do fecal testing. i did mine through a functional doctor - a righteous man who does his best to navigate a crooked system and protect his patients from pharma's lies (even before covid he estimated over half his patients have some type of vaccine injury). he's pretty clever, split up the tests so most of the blood work went through quest labs (covered by insurance), and i was out-of-pocket on the rest. finding a good doctor (integrative or functional) is paramount. . .and difficult.

if you're looking for mail order, one option is hair analysis. you can run several hundred test on hair for around $100. i've even seen them advertised on groupon for under $50. like urine, hair testing generally not a thorough test (i don't think it tests for glyphostate), and some of their methods & claims are a bit questionable. but it's an inexpensive way to give the health-minded some information.

important to keep in mind, there are hundreds of thousands of chemical contaminants in our food and water, and we only have tests for about 1% of them. most local water department only test for about 80. so even an extremely thorough body burden test only provides a very partial picture. my 2 cents is that we should just assume we're all riddled with plastics, toxins, and other corporate byproducts, and do what we can to prevent, avoid, cleanse, etc.

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It's incredible how little we know.

It would be interesting to redirect some of the well-educated, economically struggling talent out there to analyze water quality to fill that gaping need.

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that for me is probably the biggest (yet unaddressed) tragedy of vaccines - besides the fact that they're toxic and ineffective, they are stealing & deflecting ALL the research & development funds from worthy subjects. even if you do not take the jab, we are ALL being injured & killed due to lack of real public healthcare.

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... do not lie, do not steal ...

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I remember when Roundup first came out. Around 1990 was when I heard of it from my neighbor who was a professional landscaper/gardener. She recommended it for killing poison ivy. In reference to toxicity she said it “just goes away” in a few days. Didn’t trust it, never used it.

Remember reading in the Nation or some other alt publication back in the early 90’s about the effects on small farmers in South America or Mexico who were adjacent to large corporate farms that were starting to use it. They walked through those large fields to get to their own. Barefoot of course. Big sores developing on their feet and worse.

Monsanto is EVIL. I realize that is a simplistic statement. But it’s true.

I am sickened when I go into Home Depot or Lowes and I see large aisles full of Roundup and other chemicals. Feel like screaming.

Our blind trust and ignorance is taking us all down.

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Mexico has just banned glysophate and GM corn which will be in full effect by 2024. Mexico also has universal healthcare and abortion rights, and has offered to take Julian Assange…. Just saying…

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And yet they've been "vaccinating" people, and blacking out the consequences.

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please point to perfect

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At least the health minister in Mexico refused to recommend the shots for children

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Oh, nooooooo. Must've been threatened by Nasties in the US.

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or just parents going crazy watching CNN (they are in Mexico!) insisiting their children get it!! But I know the Health Minister announced publicly he would not vx his children. He did similar to DeSantis/Ladapo - won't prevent parents from vxing their kiddies but won't recommend or endorse either

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It should always be a CHOICE. Hopefully an informed one.

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT just wrote a book about glycophosphate. She also co-wrote a paper in April with Dr. Peter McCullough et. al about the danger of the new injections... It's all tied together and Dr. Seneff understands this brilliantly https://www.learntruehealth.com/glyphosate/

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Here's a link to the paper Dr. Seneff and Dr. McCullough et. al wrote. I sent it to all the State elected officials (all 200) my Governor, my Mayor and Boston City Council (I live in Boston). I send them links to your stuff too Dr. Crispin Miller https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X

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Here's a great interview with Dr. Seneff. I sent it to all the elected officials in Boston and the State of MA. https://rumble.com/vwhgls-dr.-stephanie-seneff-covid-19-vaccines-are-causing-neurodegenerative-diseas.html

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Every penney of poison adds to Billy's piggy-bank.

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Sounds alarm? We've known this for some time if you listen to Canadian doctors Shaw and Bridle and as well as Dr. Seneff at MIT. The CDC and FDA (and Health Canada) MUST END THE VACCINE PROGRAM NOW.

Natural immunity is superior. Doesn't stop transmission or infection. Is mediocre against 'severe disease' (whatever that means). It causes harm through injury and death. Is filled will poisoned 'fillers'. Among other things. Pure crap Pfizer and Moderna are selling.

What good is this crap for?

Just who are the dogmatic extremists here?

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I am. I will NEVER have a "vaccine" or any other type of jab like that, willingly, ever.

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Glyphosate destroys the gut biome- the origin and central control center of the immune system. Add a vaccine to those people who eat conventional (poisoned) food (read severely compromised immune system) and you’ve got a perfect storm.

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT just wrote a book about this

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Yes, I’m totally dialed in to her work. As an organic farmer I’ve been dialed in to the glyphosate dangers for many years. Thank you for your comment!

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Are there links to childhood neuro development disorders as well (autism, OCD, etc)? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31442459/

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Dr. Stephanie Seneff has been investigating and just wrote a book on glycophosphate. Here's a great talk she did https://rumble.com/vwhgls-dr.-stephanie-seneff-covid-19-vaccines-are-causing-neurodegenerative-diseas.html

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Yes. Big time. A good source for good sources is the CHD, Children's Health Defense, founded by RFK, Jr., also the top attorney there.


Another really good source for healthy ideas, healthy diet, treatments, alternatives, is the Westin A. Price Foundation, founded by Sally Fallon, Mary G. Enig, PhD, and I think also Thomas Cowan, MD.


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Not a surprise the Bill Gates - Monsanto genetically modified, patent protected coup of our food supply has glyphosate as its key chemical because energy waste needs a profitable aftermarket.

Contrary to popular belief that regulators do basic safety testing for possible public health effects, we have a "don't look - don't find" policy that skips testing and assumes lack of evidence of harm is equal to safety. Scorecard has those details.

Highly recommend USRTK glyphosate archive and their Monsanto Papers. They are partner - offspring of Organic Consumers another longtime trusted adversary w priceless archives.





Scorecard database is the global authority for chemical safety & was online until 2020 when UC Davis pulled the plug w simple splash page "This project has ended" Side note Dubbya Bush ended toxic data collection when EPA certified Ground Zero air as safe and also closed EPA regional libraries.

Scorecard Wayback capture

Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe. For the chemicals being used in large quantities, Scorecard tells you whether or not eight basic types of tests for health and ecological effects have actually been conducted, based on the public record.


Scorecard Glyphosate

Hazard Rankings - More hazardous than most chemicals in 1 out of 10 ranking systems.

Chemical Use Profile

No data on industrial use in Scorecard.

Used in consumer products, building materials or furnishings that contribute to indoor air pollution.

Used in pesticide products.

Rank Chemicals by Reported Environmental Releases in the United States

No data on environmental releases in Scorecard.


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