This cartoon in furtherance of Operation Herod is just one more piece of evidence that WILL be used against the perpetrators at their trial for crimes against humanity
The fucking murdering assholes have normalized myocarditis and the very hospitals that went along with the poison jabs that wrecked children's hearts are now touting their so called treatments for a condition that should NEVER have befallen these children. I want to see these bastards prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and I want them off this planet.
What's your point? I want all of the psychopathic rich fascists off this planet and that includes that old war criminal toad, Henry Kissinger. And the so called Royals can kiss my ass. They're nothing but a bunch of parasites and why the British people fawn over them and stand in queues for hours to see that dead old lizard is beyond me.
Maybe aim for the low hanging fruit? Go after the doctors crippling these kids. They are guilty and should be held accountable. Go after your local doctor for messing up kids,
I agree. They are directly responsible and they are too scared to say or do anything because they are beholden to the money and they don't want to lose their careers. They should be held accountable for injecting adults and especially children with these poison jabs, but if we don't chop off the head of the snake, this shit will continue. How we're going to do that in our millions is beyond me. Everybody is too busy trying to survive and too distracted.
Dr Peter Mccullough (and every other cardiologist on the planet, prior to 2021 at least) will tell you that any damage to the heart is permanent, and there is no such thing as "mild" myocarditis.
It's funny, isn't it, when myocarditis is caused by Covid infection, its DEADLY!
But other cases of myocarditis? No problem at all! Just as benign as a common cold.
What a load of piffle. This article doesn't indicate the real vaccination status of any these individuals. Hmm..why not? That's important because a viral infection from a respiratory virus goes through the mucosa (first the airways, then through swallowing of mucus, into the gut mucosa) BEFORE it can go systemic. If an infection is actually asymptomatic in an untransfected person, it never gets anywhere beyond the mucosa because it has been dealt with by the innate immune system. Even in a normal mild to moderate, symptomatic case of covid-19 it likely doesn't get beyond the airway and gut mucosa so it's just not likely to cause myocarditis unless there's something fishy going on. It would generally have to progress to systemic viremia to get into the bloodstream and that's a serious case of covid-19 to begin with. The mechanism of mRNA transfection on the other hand imposes NO such limits on the where spike protein is generated..
Let's see real vax status (not the 14 day unvaxxed horseshit status), age-based background rates of myocarditis pre-covid, comorbidity status, confirmed infection status and then the rates of myocarditis between all of them. Then we might have a discussion...
I understand the doctors are forced to stay current. I have come to the point where I WANT to see large numbers of them dying or becoming so maimed, they can no longer work. The vile system deserves to collapse!
I’m there with you now. I’ve realized that my years of anger and rage were out of love, that I actually cared for these people and wanted them to see the error of their ways, and how their policies hurt them. All the anger was out of love….
Now? Please… take the vaccine , take 10 boosters, vaccinate your children. Please, have as many abortions as you can. Defund the police and import the third world into your communities at the same time, do it. Please. I’m ready to be done with them.
Amusing (or chilling as it were...) that Suri is the artificial AI Apple character--so little Suri is fine, but real kids with real hearts and now-limited lifespans (guess they'll design fashions in Heaven!)... not fine at all.
Thx! I still doubt it was accidental, it's nearly identical to the ear. (Scientologist / CYBER-netics spokesman Tom Cruise's little girl has that name too--now that's reassuring...not!)
Do we put every doctor who participated knowingly in this shameful behaviour in prison? Do we take away their licenses? Then what happens? Are we left with only a few doctors? I think people in the medical field know they can get away with murder because they have been for decades anyway. I think the aim needs to go towards administrators. Ultimately, they were the power brokers within the medical setting who bullied and coerced doctors. Maybe a few doctors are sadistic bastards and didn't care but I think the majority just became numb and did as they were told. You know like the German everyday people in Nazi, Germany. "But ve did not know the factories were death camps. How could ve know?"
Yes. We remove all of them who participated in these specific acts. We start over. Medical schools are constantly pumping new doctors into the system. It should not take that long to replace the criminal ones.
That won't work unless the entire medical licensing, schooling, and medical industrial (govt/media/pharma) complex is dismantled. It will probably wither away gradually from large scale disuse, which there are already signs has started, and for the faithful, will be replaced by AI, just a more efficient level of control than the complex commands now, though it will only be the last step in reducing medical staff to mere functionaries, following algorithm based orders more thoroughly than they even do now. That's why they fire/retire the experienced ones who might protest.
If these shots are as deadly as we think the medical system will lose too many workers from those quitting and others dying or becoming too disabled to work. I believe the globalists want to destroy the medical system.
“Are we left with only a few doctors?” Actually works for me if the few who are left are the ones who didn’t sell their souls and push people to get jabbed, and inject poison into their helpless children and babies. Puts me in mind of some phrase about wheat and chaff, from some old book.
I'm one of those MDs fired for opposing the agenda. I was interrogated by 3 of my boss MDs in the process. I cited CDC data on efficacy of natural immunity, concerns about the violations involved, etc etc. I'd endured months of a weird toxic work environment, hostile to any discussion or questioning the narrative. I was treated with ridicule but no one would ever ever address the actual issues.
They refused to do any research or just acknowledge what was in front of our eyes. HCQ had worked, Remdesivir was a joke, we all saw it, even WHO recommended against it for inpatients. Vaxxed people were presenting with cardiac, neurological issues, sepsis etc. It's our job to observe and form hypothesis and ask Qs. Plus my hospital started to surreptitiously give the jab to patients (inserted the order under MD name without our knowledge).
My conclusion is this: They're not innocent or well-meaning or naive. They're evil and egotistical cowards. They love their position, income, comfort and elitism more than truth or life. Just like in Germany, they have excuses and maybe their very consciousness can't process it, but it's there and you must be morally wilfully blind.
In a just world, firing squads might be a good start.
"My conclusion is this: They're not innocent or well-meaning or naive."
Your conclusion, Doctor, is entirely consistent with all analyses of organizational structure and how it affects human behavior. To wit; there is a feedback loop of incentive and disincentive that informs process development and implementation.
We can trace each and every avoidably adverse organizational outcome to the individuals within the hierarchy that define the organization's choice architecture. The calculus is a strict binary, with process development reliant on enterprise viability and the self-interest of those who occupy positions of authority within the hierarchy.
Ordinarily, I'd ask you "qui bono?' but you've already defined that parameter in a sensible and obviously correct fashion.
It seems to me that we're collectively suffering from a cognitive disorder that I'll call the "Albert Schweitzer syndrome.," which is the adoption of an a priori assumption that each and every learned member of the medical profession is motivated exclusively by charitable impulse. This prior flies in the face of everything we know about human behavior.
Regardless of an organization's purpose, we can observe differences in the way primary motivation is incentivized, differing by the individual's placement within the hierarchy. As a diagnostician and industry insider, all of this is obvious to you. For the general public, it is not. Those that terminated your employment and contributed to the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands, were enabled in doing so by a perversity of incentives that remove accountability for resolving conflicts of interest in favor of self-aggrandizement.
A focus on incentive structure is not meant to absolve any individual of culpability, only to emphasize that organizational formation matters a great deal to limitation of harmful outcomes.
As the arc of decisionmaking during the Covid response is revealed, we are increasingly able to observe the moral bankruptcy at its core. In the end, it will be the testimony of physicians such as yourself that provide the necessary correctives.
Here's the crazy thing...unlike Col. Klink these order followers volunteered for Dr. Mengele themselves. We may not need firing squads. Some angry mobs will take care of the surviving doctors at a local level.
We take away the docs' licenses at the least and bring back the real doctors that Rockafeller used his millions to discredit. There are enough functional medicine doctors that can step right in and actually work with patients to eliminate all disease.
You have described the correct and proper course of action with great precision, Joanna. It is the administrators that created a hostile work environment that silenced open discussion and dialogue within the medical community. It is the administrators that must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Most medical practitioners "went along for the ride," but a limited few have been actively and knowingly aiding and abetting the administrators, and those doctors are liable for their complicity. We must include local county health officials within the category of "administrators."
Doctors are people, subject to all of the same character flaws as the rest of us. Like any other cohort, they will find the lawful prosecution of their murderous leaders instructive. The majority of doctors will not require prosecution, any more than the majority of other scofflaws require imprisonment; incarceration of the few is sufficient disincentive for the many, to avoid criminal activity.
OY VEY. I am Jewish. My great grandmother was one of the secret Jews of Calabria who escaped Spain...I don't think you understand IRONY. They said they didn't know when they knew full well what was happening. I was being somewhat sarcastic, Truthbird.
But there are those who refuse and lose their jobs. Just as there are those who refuse to lie to their patients and lose their jobs. I'm sure it's a difficult decision--accept the injection or lose your job. But if it's put differently--refuse the injection or lose your soul--it might be easier. Maybe even easier if put this way: play Russian roulette or lose your job.
Good thing the political caste is trying fast as possible to legalize recreational marijuana. The medical caste will need this and alcohol, to numb/relax themselves enough to get some shut eye. I don't know how they sleep or frankly, look in the mirror.
I don’t know where you live but here in Canada there is one legal marijuana shop for about every 1000 people. Agenda? To dumb people down so that they have no fight left. Docil Darlings😂.
But does a physician need to go on Facebook, her personal Facebook and tell people to get the shot? And does another physician give the PCR test from morning to night for more than money? Yes, they need to get the shot to save their jobs, but some are so blinded that they actually think they are saving humanity, instead of killing humanity.
Like believing a good looking person of the opposite sex is faithful because they say so--despite evidence to the contrary. Or that Nigerian prince just needs to transfer money into your bank account and will reward you with $1,000,000 of it.
It was a crime by the elites against humans who are not part of the elite class . I would say God was befuddled by human stupidity if anything. I mean would you even bother with this species if you were all powerful and all knowing? Why?
One is not to ask injection status for death or medical issues. That is reserved for stuff like entering restaurants, going state fairs, cruises, etc..
Notice how it starts -- shot upward of the Heavens -- as if it's all ordained and part of the Natural plan.
Then see the Flower in the glass right near the heart monitor. Everything's cool, it's all "natural," like flowers growing.
Then--as she's "healed"--by the "medicines and machines"--she leaps up and out the window where the birds are flying free and joyfully. And--again on the HEART monitor--a little birdie rests overseeing the "healing process."
It's all natural and normal to be controlled and regulated by the machines and medicines. In fact, it's the window into becoming "the next great fashion designer."
Hey we changed the definition of autism that is what caused the increase!
Everybody pre 1980 just missed the thousands of severely damaged children with brain damage. 1 in every 40 or 50 or 100. We just missed them.
Being serious, I don't remember anyone beong autistic when I was young. Now it is everywhere. Parents with children who scream 24/7 who can't go to the toilet. Yeah we just missed them!
Indeed, This is gruesome beyond measure, the level of complicity is not to be believed. Goebbels would be proud. Unfortunately, almost the entire medical field rolled over and they will need remedial ecucation in the meaning of the Hippocratic Oath, the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki accord, informed consent, and the proper application of EUA for certain medicines. A bunch of bureaucrats dreaming up an emergency, without any factual or scientific foundation is absurd, even more so when it comes from unelected players like the WHO and the BMGF.
The EUA law needs to be changed to make it clear that EUA products cannot be mandated by anyone. Would be good to change the limitations on liability as well.
The doctors saved me, so now, I don't want to be the next big fashion designer. I want to become a doctor and help save all the other kids with myocarditis.
The fucking murdering assholes have normalized myocarditis and the very hospitals that went along with the poison jabs that wrecked children's hearts are now touting their so called treatments for a condition that should NEVER have befallen these children. I want to see these bastards prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and I want them off this planet.
yes, trials for genocide.
Said perfectly! Amen. Hang these bastards high.
Execute them.. Pure evil.
Well said and I second that emotion!
How about IN this planet. That may be an option.
Good point. They need to be composted.
At the molten core.
You want that? It's good to want things. Meanwhile, take a gander at the royal family and/or families.
In the window of a book store not far from here, front and center, is the book Leadership by Henry Kissinger whose childhood hero was King Herod.
What's your point? I want all of the psychopathic rich fascists off this planet and that includes that old war criminal toad, Henry Kissinger. And the so called Royals can kiss my ass. They're nothing but a bunch of parasites and why the British people fawn over them and stand in queues for hours to see that dead old lizard is beyond me.
I just did a spit take. "dead old lizard" Priceless.
I think I love you
Its beyond you because you cannot factor in human nature.
What are you driving at?
Maybe aim for the low hanging fruit? Go after the doctors crippling these kids. They are guilty and should be held accountable. Go after your local doctor for messing up kids,
I agree. They are directly responsible and they are too scared to say or do anything because they are beholden to the money and they don't want to lose their careers. They should be held accountable for injecting adults and especially children with these poison jabs, but if we don't chop off the head of the snake, this shit will continue. How we're going to do that in our millions is beyond me. Everybody is too busy trying to survive and too distracted.
@Kris Graham
Perfect. Dead old lizard.
I'll go ya one better. Dead Queen Lizardbreath 😂
Their disregard for life is horrifying.
To whom?
"And now I'm all better"
Dr Peter Mccullough (and every other cardiologist on the planet, prior to 2021 at least) will tell you that any damage to the heart is permanent, and there is no such thing as "mild" myocarditis.
It's funny, isn't it, when myocarditis is caused by Covid infection, its DEADLY!
But other cases of myocarditis? No problem at all! Just as benign as a common cold.
What a load of piffle. This article doesn't indicate the real vaccination status of any these individuals. Hmm..why not? That's important because a viral infection from a respiratory virus goes through the mucosa (first the airways, then through swallowing of mucus, into the gut mucosa) BEFORE it can go systemic. If an infection is actually asymptomatic in an untransfected person, it never gets anywhere beyond the mucosa because it has been dealt with by the innate immune system. Even in a normal mild to moderate, symptomatic case of covid-19 it likely doesn't get beyond the airway and gut mucosa so it's just not likely to cause myocarditis unless there's something fishy going on. It would generally have to progress to systemic viremia to get into the bloodstream and that's a serious case of covid-19 to begin with. The mechanism of mRNA transfection on the other hand imposes NO such limits on the where spike protein is generated..
Let's see real vax status (not the 14 day unvaxxed horseshit status), age-based background rates of myocarditis pre-covid, comorbidity status, confirmed infection status and then the rates of myocarditis between all of them. Then we might have a discussion...
This would be a great analysis in that alternate universe in which "Covid" (the dybbuk) actually existed.
Or real honest debate between medical professionals was permitted.
Like grooming for lethal diseases … no words …
It’s been like this since 2021.
“The vaccine causes strokes in children!”
“That’s misinformation! Censored!”
Childhood stroke advertisements start popping up.
“The vaccine causes myocarditis!”
“That’s misinformation! CENSORED!!!”
Childhood myocarditis advertisements start popping up.
Get ready for the kidney failure and cancer ads….
Danny Thomas clinic ads will be on steroids then will collapse under the weight.
I understand the doctors are forced to stay current. I have come to the point where I WANT to see large numbers of them dying or becoming so maimed, they can no longer work. The vile system deserves to collapse!
I’m there with you now. I’ve realized that my years of anger and rage were out of love, that I actually cared for these people and wanted them to see the error of their ways, and how their policies hurt them. All the anger was out of love….
Now? Please… take the vaccine , take 10 boosters, vaccinate your children. Please, have as many abortions as you can. Defund the police and import the third world into your communities at the same time, do it. Please. I’m ready to be done with them.
And don’t forget glyphosate and pesticides/herbicides that magically destroy insect and plant DNA, but keep human DNA intact.
A nice perk is the shots will sterilize those image obsessed idiots who would kill their kids with "treatments" like this just to post selfies on SM.
Gave me the willies too, Mark--I also did a little post-up on it here:
Amusing (or chilling as it were...) that Suri is the artificial AI Apple character--so little Suri is fine, but real kids with real hearts and now-limited lifespans (guess they'll design fashions in Heaven!)... not fine at all.
The Apple assistant is named Siri. But it’s close and it subconsciously grabbed me also the first time.
Thx! I still doubt it was accidental, it's nearly identical to the ear. (Scientologist / CYBER-netics spokesman Tom Cruise's little girl has that name too--now that's reassuring...not!)
Do we put every doctor who participated knowingly in this shameful behaviour in prison? Do we take away their licenses? Then what happens? Are we left with only a few doctors? I think people in the medical field know they can get away with murder because they have been for decades anyway. I think the aim needs to go towards administrators. Ultimately, they were the power brokers within the medical setting who bullied and coerced doctors. Maybe a few doctors are sadistic bastards and didn't care but I think the majority just became numb and did as they were told. You know like the German everyday people in Nazi, Germany. "But ve did not know the factories were death camps. How could ve know?"
Yes. We remove all of them who participated in these specific acts. We start over. Medical schools are constantly pumping new doctors into the system. It should not take that long to replace the criminal ones.
That won't work unless the entire medical licensing, schooling, and medical industrial (govt/media/pharma) complex is dismantled. It will probably wither away gradually from large scale disuse, which there are already signs has started, and for the faithful, will be replaced by AI, just a more efficient level of control than the complex commands now, though it will only be the last step in reducing medical staff to mere functionaries, following algorithm based orders more thoroughly than they even do now. That's why they fire/retire the experienced ones who might protest.
If these shots are as deadly as we think the medical system will lose too many workers from those quitting and others dying or becoming too disabled to work. I believe the globalists want to destroy the medical system.
“Are we left with only a few doctors?” Actually works for me if the few who are left are the ones who didn’t sell their souls and push people to get jabbed, and inject poison into their helpless children and babies. Puts me in mind of some phrase about wheat and chaff, from some old book.
I'm one of those MDs fired for opposing the agenda. I was interrogated by 3 of my boss MDs in the process. I cited CDC data on efficacy of natural immunity, concerns about the violations involved, etc etc. I'd endured months of a weird toxic work environment, hostile to any discussion or questioning the narrative. I was treated with ridicule but no one would ever ever address the actual issues.
They refused to do any research or just acknowledge what was in front of our eyes. HCQ had worked, Remdesivir was a joke, we all saw it, even WHO recommended against it for inpatients. Vaxxed people were presenting with cardiac, neurological issues, sepsis etc. It's our job to observe and form hypothesis and ask Qs. Plus my hospital started to surreptitiously give the jab to patients (inserted the order under MD name without our knowledge).
My conclusion is this: They're not innocent or well-meaning or naive. They're evil and egotistical cowards. They love their position, income, comfort and elitism more than truth or life. Just like in Germany, they have excuses and maybe their very consciousness can't process it, but it's there and you must be morally wilfully blind.
In a just world, firing squads might be a good start.
Thanks. My thoughts exactly. Thank you for your resistance. Firing squads with no blindfolds. Public.
"My conclusion is this: They're not innocent or well-meaning or naive."
Your conclusion, Doctor, is entirely consistent with all analyses of organizational structure and how it affects human behavior. To wit; there is a feedback loop of incentive and disincentive that informs process development and implementation.
We can trace each and every avoidably adverse organizational outcome to the individuals within the hierarchy that define the organization's choice architecture. The calculus is a strict binary, with process development reliant on enterprise viability and the self-interest of those who occupy positions of authority within the hierarchy.
Ordinarily, I'd ask you "qui bono?' but you've already defined that parameter in a sensible and obviously correct fashion.
It seems to me that we're collectively suffering from a cognitive disorder that I'll call the "Albert Schweitzer syndrome.," which is the adoption of an a priori assumption that each and every learned member of the medical profession is motivated exclusively by charitable impulse. This prior flies in the face of everything we know about human behavior.
Regardless of an organization's purpose, we can observe differences in the way primary motivation is incentivized, differing by the individual's placement within the hierarchy. As a diagnostician and industry insider, all of this is obvious to you. For the general public, it is not. Those that terminated your employment and contributed to the suffering and death of hundreds of thousands, were enabled in doing so by a perversity of incentives that remove accountability for resolving conflicts of interest in favor of self-aggrandizement.
A focus on incentive structure is not meant to absolve any individual of culpability, only to emphasize that organizational formation matters a great deal to limitation of harmful outcomes.
As the arc of decisionmaking during the Covid response is revealed, we are increasingly able to observe the moral bankruptcy at its core. In the end, it will be the testimony of physicians such as yourself that provide the necessary correctives.
Here's the crazy thing...unlike Col. Klink these order followers volunteered for Dr. Mengele themselves. We may not need firing squads. Some angry mobs will take care of the surviving doctors at a local level.
We take away the docs' licenses at the least and bring back the real doctors that Rockafeller used his millions to discredit. There are enough functional medicine doctors that can step right in and actually work with patients to eliminate all disease.
You have described the correct and proper course of action with great precision, Joanna. It is the administrators that created a hostile work environment that silenced open discussion and dialogue within the medical community. It is the administrators that must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Most medical practitioners "went along for the ride," but a limited few have been actively and knowingly aiding and abetting the administrators, and those doctors are liable for their complicity. We must include local county health officials within the category of "administrators."
Doctors are people, subject to all of the same character flaws as the rest of us. Like any other cohort, they will find the lawful prosecution of their murderous leaders instructive. The majority of doctors will not require prosecution, any more than the majority of other scofflaws require imprisonment; incarceration of the few is sufficient disincentive for the many, to avoid criminal activity.
I agree with you, but the majority of doctors need to be retrained. And we must remove all incentives for them to become Big Pharma whores.
The stench?
The smoke from the chimneys?
Of course the German people knew. Joanna has fallen for Nazi propaganda.
OY VEY. I am Jewish. My great grandmother was one of the secret Jews of Calabria who escaped Spain...I don't think you understand IRONY. They said they didn't know when they knew full well what was happening. I was being somewhat sarcastic, Truthbird.
Aren't doctors and nurses forced to take these shots too?
But there are those who refuse and lose their jobs. Just as there are those who refuse to lie to their patients and lose their jobs. I'm sure it's a difficult decision--accept the injection or lose your job. But if it's put differently--refuse the injection or lose your soul--it might be easier. Maybe even easier if put this way: play Russian roulette or lose your job.
They must believe they are safe if they're taking them.
This whole thing is such a mind mess.
Good thing the political caste is trying fast as possible to legalize recreational marijuana. The medical caste will need this and alcohol, to numb/relax themselves enough to get some shut eye. I don't know how they sleep or frankly, look in the mirror.
I don’t know where you live but here in Canada there is one legal marijuana shop for about every 1000 people. Agenda? To dumb people down so that they have no fight left. Docil Darlings😂.
But does a physician need to go on Facebook, her personal Facebook and tell people to get the shot? And does another physician give the PCR test from morning to night for more than money? Yes, they need to get the shot to save their jobs, but some are so blinded that they actually think they are saving humanity, instead of killing humanity.
Self deception.
Like believing a good looking person of the opposite sex is faithful because they say so--despite evidence to the contrary. Or that Nigerian prince just needs to transfer money into your bank account and will reward you with $1,000,000 of it.
Yes and yes, and offer euthanasia for an early release. This was a crime against God!
It was a crime by the elites against humans who are not part of the elite class . I would say God was befuddled by human stupidity if anything. I mean would you even bother with this species if you were all powerful and all knowing? Why?
F'N astonishing.
One is not to ask injection status for death or medical issues. That is reserved for stuff like entering restaurants, going state fairs, cruises, etc..
Notice how it starts -- shot upward of the Heavens -- as if it's all ordained and part of the Natural plan.
Then see the Flower in the glass right near the heart monitor. Everything's cool, it's all "natural," like flowers growing.
Then--as she's "healed"--by the "medicines and machines"--she leaps up and out the window where the birds are flying free and joyfully. And--again on the HEART monitor--a little birdie rests overseeing the "healing process."
It's all natural and normal to be controlled and regulated by the machines and medicines. In fact, it's the window into becoming "the next great fashion designer."
Now factor in all the kids they’ve injured through the AAP pediatric vaccine schedule
They’ve been injuring kids for decades
And getting away with it
This is not new.
They normalized autism
And now they’re normalizing myocarditis
Hey we changed the definition of autism that is what caused the increase!
Everybody pre 1980 just missed the thousands of severely damaged children with brain damage. 1 in every 40 or 50 or 100. We just missed them.
Being serious, I don't remember anyone beong autistic when I was young. Now it is everywhere. Parents with children who scream 24/7 who can't go to the toilet. Yeah we just missed them!
Nazi-level evil.
They kill and mame, and make money along the way.
My guess is it keeps those that should be speaking up, in the family.
Reminds me of a line from Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory. Working for a pharmaceutical firm, 'we created and cured' a disease....
Absolutely love that show and her character! It’s so brilliantly written.
Can you say “abomination” boys and girls? Can you say “Nuremberg 2.0”? I know you can!
I feel sick.
Indeed, This is gruesome beyond measure, the level of complicity is not to be believed. Goebbels would be proud. Unfortunately, almost the entire medical field rolled over and they will need remedial ecucation in the meaning of the Hippocratic Oath, the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki accord, informed consent, and the proper application of EUA for certain medicines. A bunch of bureaucrats dreaming up an emergency, without any factual or scientific foundation is absurd, even more so when it comes from unelected players like the WHO and the BMGF.
The EUA law needs to be changed to make it clear that EUA products cannot be mandated by anyone. Would be good to change the limitations on liability as well.
Alternative ending:
The doctors saved me, so now, I don't want to be the next big fashion designer. I want to become a doctor and help save all the other kids with myocarditis.
"I want to be just a person with a gun, and I want to visit the family of my MD"
A bit extreme, but I understand the sentiment.
Hard to make it through medical school if she doesn't see her fourteenth birthday.