Interesting that they’re response to the propaganda is to create a ministry of truth. In the end, it seems all roads are leading to 1984. One way or another.

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It's the new math: 2020 + 2 = 1984.

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Have you seen these clips, Mark? You may have shared the first one previously; apologies if so.

Ukrainian woman goes off script in French TV interview:


Little Ukrainian kids sieg-heiling and calling for the murder of Russians:


Ukrainian Journalist in 2014: 1.5M people in Donbass are “superfluous,” need to be “exterminated”:


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Eric Zeusse has posted on his site that Obama, after his White House meeting in 2010 with Yankovich called for the ethnic cleansing of the Russians of eastern Ukraine. Victoria Nuland was appointed to carry out the project. The object being to install a U.S. puppet govt. The early 2014 events in Ukraine were one month before the scheduled presidential election in Ukraine because the U.S. was going to lose in an open election, hence the coup.

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Who/what really is Obama? Increasingly, in modern context, he's showing up wherever there's extra evil to be negotiated, like a Diabolic Kilroy. As an ex-Dem from the time when people sorta still believed in 2 parties: Extra Diablo credit to Obama for negotiating the ejection of Bernie Sanders from the Dem Primaries 2020 when he was winning. Mr. O. made some calls. Just in case, the numbers (exit polls) say there was probable election fraud across all those states that night, too.

I voted for O. because....Well anyone of age then would remember it was him or successors to Dubya/Cheney. About Day One of his being Pres in Waiting in 2008, it was clear that his cabinet was not chosen much by him and was Banksters.

During his 8 years he was simply corporate and globalist. I began to wonder who he was working for, really by November Something, 2008 but certainly by his later years in which he was trying to get something done for a change...and we saw a Motivated O. as we had never seen. The something he was trying to get done was the TPP, the Trans Pacific Partnership.

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Interesting article on the young lady in Gonzalo's video James Vasquez Is A Liar and A Fake . It appears to be Vita Zaverukha who was featured in this 2015 article of the Daily Mail - "Teenage girl soldier hailed as Ukraine's 'Joan of Arc' by Elle magazine is revealed as neo-Nazi and is arrested over cop killing" - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3073478/Teen-girl-feted-Ukraine-s-Joan-Arc-fighting-against-Russian-rebels-revealed-nasty-neo-Nazi-views-arrested-killing-cops.html

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Never have we the people been exposed in such numbers to a fake narrative. Never have the effects been so pervasive. And these are far from limited to the Ukraine situation.

Same old story. We fall prey to seeing all our problems as being caused by a common "enemy" - Russia - which then allows us to epically miss the real point. The enemy in America has proven to be within. It was our founding ancestors greatest concern and it has happened.

The "media" has participated in the biggest scam of human history while simultaneously missing perhaps the biggest scoop of the past several thousand years.

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Fascinating stuff on how they are influencing us. Makes me wonder how much of my twitter feed is legit.

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NWO at play.

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I don’t normally do this but this has got to get out there. I think we’re being distracted on multiple fronts when a larger, over-arching agenda is still very much active:


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... influencers, deceivers... enabled by their unquestioning followers... even though the truth has never been so readily, easily ascertained.

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