"Why are musicians cancelling their tours?" asks the Financial Times. Their answer: Because "the coronavirus still poses a threat," and inflation now makes touring too expensive. (WHAT vaccine?)
Instead of asking us 'are you vaccinated' to get on a plane, what should be recorded and analyzed is how many people who ARE getting sick, have been vaccinated.
What I'd actually like to know when getting on a plane is: Is there at least one unvaccinated person on board who is capable of landing this thing? Just one. I'm willing to take my chances with one.
I would like to see an extensive survey of those who have experienced periods of illness since the start of 2021 till now, those who have not, and the vaccination status of each group.
There's the vax control group where folks who avoided these inoculations can upload info but it's still under the radar. The PHE pinheads are still doing their best to remove the control group from the earth by pushing these products (either with remaining mandates, the antibody=immunity trope, and the you can get covid-19 over and over spiel).
Staying in the control group is almost a moral/ scientific imperative at this point.
And it was amazing how he was blackballed and so many of his good friends shunned him. And he is ERIC CLAPTON! Speaks volumes how demented these people are.
I know. I watched a few interviews of his - he was obviously shocked at how he had been treated by 'so called' friends and colleagues' in the industry. Unbelievable .
Similar to Matt le Tissier (ex Top footballer) who has been ridiculed and mocked by most of his ex colleagues/players. He has shown to be incredibly wise about all this and he does a weekly chat on GETTR with a lot of very interesting guests. There are many out there trying to get to the bottom of all this crap. Neil Oliver on GB news has also had a great impact in the UK. 🤞
Also Mark Steyn. Naomi Wolf on two days in a row on his show on GB News saying that the vaccines are bioweapons. GB News has a particular slant, but just hearing that said out loud calms the terrible,surreal dissonance and despair caused by the trivial-conflict-entrepreneurial-clickbait-world presenting an utterly false reality. Almost 8 billion people (whatever they are professing or plugging into or believing) feel this roiling in the depths of the collective unconscious (or whatever model we apply). Like pounds of suffering hitting us all all the time only we deny that that is happening. When the Furies of the repressed return, holy shit.
I am sorry, that is rotten. I am seeing an uptick of masks, people are freaking out about fall and winter cooties. Need to start your own band of the non'vaxx'd.
Your blood is pure and you are alive and breathing!
Yes, I am a leper too. It does hurt, but at this point I have no problem turning it around on them. No more being polite, nice, keeping silent, or taking the high road, I am done w/all that. When I say "that is ok, I don't want you shedding on me" it freaks them out. I know the second I am out of sight they immediately do a search for shedding.
i thought the vaccine prevented serious outcomes, like long covid...
there is not an appropriate emogi to signify my sarcasm and disgust at the absolute ignorance... the media and governments normalising and covering up what is most likely iatrogenic death and disease.
My experience (as a performing musician) has been that people in the arts in general are the most clueless while at the same time most virtue signaling assholes concerning Operation Covidia, Maskateria, and Quaxxines. Surprisingly I have not yet been asked to perform a benefit for Ukraine so perhaps this fact offers grounds for optimism.
I have numerous musician friends, and I have to laugh at your description. They are some of the worse jump on the band wagon, no pun intended, people. They have announced on stage "Got your vaxx?", they go on break and if they work the room, first question while rubbing their hands together, "everyone vaccinated?" Last time I saw one of my friends that plays he had bought 14 acres to get away from the suburbs, and now wants to buy an electric car. I didn't tell him out in the country we don't have charging stations.
Good for you, because no way in hell would I go to anything that supports UKraine.
I know quite a few musicians/artists that do political rants, but are not registered to vote, that drives me nuts. People that don't vote shouldn't get to complain.
"people in the arts in general are the most clueless while at the same time most virtue signaling assholes". This applies to everything, not just the Rona, God bless them, they bring us joy, but at the same time are just idiots, take away the geetar or paint brush, glue gun, and they are lost. Artsy Fartsy is what I call 'em.
Yep not the sharpest tools in the tool shed many musos. I'm a trained cellist with a B.MUS; fortunately my father was a pharmacist for 40 years (retired 2008) so with that insider knowledge have always questioned the pharma cartel. My dad never gave us allopathic drugs and actually did a homeopathy certification in the mid 80's to offer customers something different. Pharma needs to be de-listed from the stockmarket just for starters - the racketeering gangsters.
I recall having read that one group ousted a member for not taking the stuff due to a pre-existing autoimmune illness. Wish I could remember who it was. You know, an oh-so-edgy fight the machine group. So, sure, it's likely many were threatened with not being allowed to perform unless they do the ritual. Apparently Van Morrison thought it through and recognized it for what it was. Seems the majority would prefer a handful of dross.
This is all just so painful. So many good, loving people on Mark's lists. Some were obnoxious and righteous all through this thing. But most just wanted to be useful, help out, be good, do the right thing. The very best aspect of human beings--their genuine desire to help others and be of use--was exploited by pharma in ways so darkly disgusting it is unthinkable.
True- but we the American people are hopelessly naive and uninformed. Duped by DDT sellers, by Big Tobacco, by pharmaceutical with Thalidomide, by big Auto(Read Ralph Nader), by the Vietnam War, by the sugar and carbohydrate corporations in the 1980’s, by pharmaceutical with the opioid crisis in the 1990’s(still going), by W Bush with his War on Terror where we attacked Saddam Hussein, who we had installed, to now with ‘covid’ openly rehearsed and planned, yet in each of those cases most of the American public bought the narrative that Tobacco was healthy, carbohydrates slimming, opium ok when prescribed, covid a real sickness when we don’t see any sick people, except for those with a cold or flu. If they say it on TV, americans take it as gospel. That is the problem, an utterly uninformed public who are not aware that television is nonsense.
Media and public officials sold the idea to take the shot to save grandma, preying on good natured people that trusted them. While at the same time the same public officials forced care homes to take in covid positive patients while the media turned a blind eye.
Been going on for hundreds/thousands of years. Naive trusting humanity. We think because we're basically good that ALL are. Finally we're starting to wake up.
One problem is that many long coviders say they had long covid, then got jabbed because there was info that it helped long covid. Now they DO have long covid. It's all such a mess and people can't give an accurate history with all the confusion. I can directly tell someone that I don't recall them not getting over illness in 2020 because I saw them well after and they tell me they did not get well. I can tell people I've written down your symptoms, your recovery, your reported jabs and your present complaints and they still can't see it. They say they tried to downplay how they really felt. Oh no you didn't. You got better. Then you took the juice. Now you have something new. I have it recorded. But, you point out that those that remain unjabbed don't have long covid and that is also my observation.
The CMT connection is odd. I’ll have to look and see if any archives sites have the dead link saved. They thought at one point I had that disease, so I learned a bit about it. It’s a Genetic condition and is inherited. Certain drugs and supplements can effect it and make things worse. It’s relatively rare. Some folks have it so bad they end up in a wheel chair. Others just prone to tripping and stumbling with muscle and nerve weakness and odd sensations. Probably the biggest tell would be the gene connection. Since we know the mRNA f’s around with your genetic code, perhaps this is one of the “unintended consequences” of playing God, making underlying genetic diseases worse.
CMT is a disease of the peripheral nerves that control muscles that can cause progressive loss of function and sensation in the hands, arms, legs, and feet
Puttin' on my crackpot hat here today to say that music is the love vibration of the WORLD. Few people are not moved 'n uplifted or enriched by music of some kind'r another. We come together in song even if languages separate us. To sing, to make rhythms, to beat time with a foot or clapping hand is part of being human I daresay (and now I gotta specify homosapiens and not the dissonant atonal homoborgenesis that they're trying to make've us--).
So--killing the music--is this not part of the plan, man? Part of being a killjoy, roy? To bring us DOWN? Am I dreamin' or is it not rank-foul-insidious that they've murdered the CHOIR--the angels, the voices, the songs... Not all of 'em yet (and of course the unjabbed may have to shoulder the burden of keeping the music alive and even that gives me heartache...)... but how can this NOT be coldly calculated ? The Year the Music Died...? To quot-eth The Bard:
Am I experiencing confirmation bias? In years past, I can remember hearing of a tour or some dates being cancelled. But I sure don't remember that happening too often.
Instead of asking us 'are you vaccinated' to get on a plane, what should be recorded and analyzed is how many people who ARE getting sick, have been vaccinated.
What I'd actually like to know when getting on a plane is: Is there at least one unvaccinated person on board who is capable of landing this thing? Just one. I'm willing to take my chances with one.
I just flew to the Midwest and back, choosing Southwest since I heard their pilots are less apt to go along with the narrative. Hopefully my pilot was unjabbed. More here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pilots-injured-covid-vaccines-airlines-mandates/
I would like to see an extensive survey of those who have experienced periods of illness since the start of 2021 till now, those who have not, and the vaccination status of each group.
There's the vax control group where folks who avoided these inoculations can upload info but it's still under the radar. The PHE pinheads are still doing their best to remove the control group from the earth by pushing these products (either with remaining mandates, the antibody=immunity trope, and the you can get covid-19 over and over spiel).
Staying in the control group is almost a moral/ scientific imperative at this point.
Look what happened to Eric Clapton when he connected the dots about shots and what happened to him afterward!
And it was amazing how he was blackballed and so many of his good friends shunned him. And he is ERIC CLAPTON! Speaks volumes how demented these people are.
I know. I watched a few interviews of his - he was obviously shocked at how he had been treated by 'so called' friends and colleagues' in the industry. Unbelievable .
Similar to Matt le Tissier (ex Top footballer) who has been ridiculed and mocked by most of his ex colleagues/players. He has shown to be incredibly wise about all this and he does a weekly chat on GETTR with a lot of very interesting guests. There are many out there trying to get to the bottom of all this crap. Neil Oliver on GB news has also had a great impact in the UK. 🤞
Also Mark Steyn. Naomi Wolf on two days in a row on his show on GB News saying that the vaccines are bioweapons. GB News has a particular slant, but just hearing that said out loud calms the terrible,surreal dissonance and despair caused by the trivial-conflict-entrepreneurial-clickbait-world presenting an utterly false reality. Almost 8 billion people (whatever they are professing or plugging into or believing) feel this roiling in the depths of the collective unconscious (or whatever model we apply). Like pounds of suffering hitting us all all the time only we deny that that is happening. When the Furies of the repressed return, holy shit.
Even HIS FAMILY shunned him!
I am sorry, that is rotten. I am seeing an uptick of masks, people are freaking out about fall and winter cooties. Need to start your own band of the non'vaxx'd.
Your blood is pure and you are alive and breathing!
Yes, I am a leper too. It does hurt, but at this point I have no problem turning it around on them. No more being polite, nice, keeping silent, or taking the high road, I am done w/all that. When I say "that is ok, I don't want you shedding on me" it freaks them out. I know the second I am out of sight they immediately do a search for shedding.
Love his song he wrote, This has gotta Stop !! Brilliant video too.
(chorus : This has gotta stop, enough is enough, I can't take this BS anymore 😉😉😉)
i thought the vaccine prevented serious outcomes, like long covid...
there is not an appropriate emogi to signify my sarcasm and disgust at the absolute ignorance... the media and governments normalising and covering up what is most likely iatrogenic death and disease.
🤐 silencing of the informed
😫 grief over the lost
😣 pain for the unnecessary suffering
😒 disgust for the willingingly ignorant
😤 anger at the tyrants
😱 horror for what is coming
🙄 eye roll for those who refuse to see it
🤩 stars for the brave and the bold
🥰 love, appreciation, and gratitude for those who keep sharing, teaching, and informing
too many vaccines. not enough emogis.
They should all speak publicly and try to save lives.
But they won't.
My experience (as a performing musician) has been that people in the arts in general are the most clueless while at the same time most virtue signaling assholes concerning Operation Covidia, Maskateria, and Quaxxines. Surprisingly I have not yet been asked to perform a benefit for Ukraine so perhaps this fact offers grounds for optimism.
I have numerous musician friends, and I have to laugh at your description. They are some of the worse jump on the band wagon, no pun intended, people. They have announced on stage "Got your vaxx?", they go on break and if they work the room, first question while rubbing their hands together, "everyone vaccinated?" Last time I saw one of my friends that plays he had bought 14 acres to get away from the suburbs, and now wants to buy an electric car. I didn't tell him out in the country we don't have charging stations.
Good for you, because no way in hell would I go to anything that supports UKraine.
I know quite a few musicians/artists that do political rants, but are not registered to vote, that drives me nuts. People that don't vote shouldn't get to complain.
"people in the arts in general are the most clueless while at the same time most virtue signaling assholes". This applies to everything, not just the Rona, God bless them, they bring us joy, but at the same time are just idiots, take away the geetar or paint brush, glue gun, and they are lost. Artsy Fartsy is what I call 'em.
Yep not the sharpest tools in the tool shed many musos. I'm a trained cellist with a B.MUS; fortunately my father was a pharmacist for 40 years (retired 2008) so with that insider knowledge have always questioned the pharma cartel. My dad never gave us allopathic drugs and actually did a homeopathy certification in the mid 80's to offer customers something different. Pharma needs to be de-listed from the stockmarket just for starters - the racketeering gangsters.
🙄 Eye roll for the virtue signaling assholes
Yes, they mindlessly parrot progressive sounding media, whilst being clueless, utterly without data.
I prefer Steve Kirsch, who goes where the data takes him.
Someone needs to do an interview with Van Morrison. I am almost certain he's saying, "told you so"!
Love him❣️❣️
It's nothing to do with the clot shots it's that old SCCS, Sudden Concert Cancellation Syndrome, that we've had for never.
Did none of these performers bother to think this through or were they mandated to take the death shots by the entertainment industry?
They're nothing but overpaid court jesters. Of course they didn't think it through.
Was it also a requirement for performing is what I would really like to know?
Van Morrison didn’t take it and spoke up about it. He knows the agenda. I read they were not allowing him to perform.
I recall having read that one group ousted a member for not taking the stuff due to a pre-existing autoimmune illness. Wish I could remember who it was. You know, an oh-so-edgy fight the machine group. So, sure, it's likely many were threatened with not being allowed to perform unless they do the ritual. Apparently Van Morrison thought it through and recognized it for what it was. Seems the majority would prefer a handful of dross.
It can't be the vaccine. If it is - you know that most obvious answer - then the thread is pulled and a whole fabric of reality unravels.
must be pure silk, that unravels quicker than the eye can see !
Aside from the obvious message between the lines here, what's with Dave Navarro's lady hair cut? Is the transgender thing at play here too?
Very funny, Dog.
That's hilarious!!! Yes!
This is all just so painful. So many good, loving people on Mark's lists. Some were obnoxious and righteous all through this thing. But most just wanted to be useful, help out, be good, do the right thing. The very best aspect of human beings--their genuine desire to help others and be of use--was exploited by pharma in ways so darkly disgusting it is unthinkable.
True- but we the American people are hopelessly naive and uninformed. Duped by DDT sellers, by Big Tobacco, by pharmaceutical with Thalidomide, by big Auto(Read Ralph Nader), by the Vietnam War, by the sugar and carbohydrate corporations in the 1980’s, by pharmaceutical with the opioid crisis in the 1990’s(still going), by W Bush with his War on Terror where we attacked Saddam Hussein, who we had installed, to now with ‘covid’ openly rehearsed and planned, yet in each of those cases most of the American public bought the narrative that Tobacco was healthy, carbohydrates slimming, opium ok when prescribed, covid a real sickness when we don’t see any sick people, except for those with a cold or flu. If they say it on TV, americans take it as gospel. That is the problem, an utterly uninformed public who are not aware that television is nonsense.
THIS. This is 100% on point!
Media and public officials sold the idea to take the shot to save grandma, preying on good natured people that trusted them. While at the same time the same public officials forced care homes to take in covid positive patients while the media turned a blind eye.
What tricks?
Been going on for hundreds/thousands of years. Naive trusting humanity. We think because we're basically good that ALL are. Finally we're starting to wake up.
Mind control?
So one of his books is The Engineering of Consent. Is that the best resource for him - or something else? The title says a lot.
Why aren't the unjabbed experiencing long covid and so many of these other ailments?
One problem is that many long coviders say they had long covid, then got jabbed because there was info that it helped long covid. Now they DO have long covid. It's all such a mess and people can't give an accurate history with all the confusion. I can directly tell someone that I don't recall them not getting over illness in 2020 because I saw them well after and they tell me they did not get well. I can tell people I've written down your symptoms, your recovery, your reported jabs and your present complaints and they still can't see it. They say they tried to downplay how they really felt. Oh no you didn't. You got better. Then you took the juice. Now you have something new. I have it recorded. But, you point out that those that remain unjabbed don't have long covid and that is also my observation.
Yes! The vaccine injured think they got hurt by ‘ covid’ and need to buy even more vaccines.
I believe the answer is we are unjabbed.
The CMT connection is odd. I’ll have to look and see if any archives sites have the dead link saved. They thought at one point I had that disease, so I learned a bit about it. It’s a Genetic condition and is inherited. Certain drugs and supplements can effect it and make things worse. It’s relatively rare. Some folks have it so bad they end up in a wheel chair. Others just prone to tripping and stumbling with muscle and nerve weakness and odd sensations. Probably the biggest tell would be the gene connection. Since we know the mRNA f’s around with your genetic code, perhaps this is one of the “unintended consequences” of playing God, making underlying genetic diseases worse.
CMT is a disease of the peripheral nerves that control muscles that can cause progressive loss of function and sensation in the hands, arms, legs, and feet
Thank you for the great summary
All relatively young guys!
Puttin' on my crackpot hat here today to say that music is the love vibration of the WORLD. Few people are not moved 'n uplifted or enriched by music of some kind'r another. We come together in song even if languages separate us. To sing, to make rhythms, to beat time with a foot or clapping hand is part of being human I daresay (and now I gotta specify homosapiens and not the dissonant atonal homoborgenesis that they're trying to make've us--).
So--killing the music--is this not part of the plan, man? Part of being a killjoy, roy? To bring us DOWN? Am I dreamin' or is it not rank-foul-insidious that they've murdered the CHOIR--the angels, the voices, the songs... Not all of 'em yet (and of course the unjabbed may have to shoulder the burden of keeping the music alive and even that gives me heartache...)... but how can this NOT be coldly calculated ? The Year the Music Died...? To quot-eth The Bard:
"The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night
And his affections dark as Erebus:
Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music."
--Lorenzo from Merchant of Venice
Sez it all, right?
Eloquently stated.
Yet--it's ALL been coldly calculated. The singers, the actors, those with a voice and those who've used it to Uplift.
And Uncle Bobby and Aunt Linda and Ethel on the checkout (Icke :) )
Yes. Yes. Yes. I like this comment very much.
Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot. Thank you.
Am I experiencing confirmation bias? In years past, I can remember hearing of a tour or some dates being cancelled. But I sure don't remember that happening too often.
I thank God every day I'm not jabbed. I read these stories and it give me shivers to think they all could be dead in a year or two.