It is regrettable that I could only "like" this post once as it shows MCM at the top of his form. This piece holds everything that is lacking in the MSM/"social Media" and should cause all of us to think about our own "tribal" impulses. And, speaking of recent events, my highly vaccinated neighbors (who were smug about their vaccine status) are recovering from COVID. I gave them some saline nasal spray and a bottle of vitamin D, but I doubt they used either gift.

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Agreed. You'd never be able to read an article this honest and insightful in an MSM publication or site.

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I appreciate MCM’s logical consistency and intellectual honesty also. I read him in the past and was delighted to find him again in the covidian era. I was relieved but not surprised he had not inverted to a hateful, lockstepping authoritarian like so many others did.

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great with the nasal spray! Neti pot works super well too. Sending blessings to you and your efforts against this madness

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I don't condone any discrimination, but these people didn't experience being locked out of every restaurant for not choosing to inject themselves with a drug...

How come they have a law for them, but not for the unjabbed?

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I remember awhile back that there was a show purge of The World Anti-Communist League, back millenia ago when there was actual journalism, as it had been investigated and been found to be saturated with fascists, secret society elitists, leftover Nazis, etc. It probably stayed exactly the same, but under the radar. It is so to miss the mark to envision what is happening as communism, and you come as close to delineating what it actually is as anybody has, in such a pithy and impassioned and sardonic way. I sent it to all my still-blue-after-all-these-years friends. Thank you!

"I am against any dictatorship, right or left, terrestrial or celestial, white, grey or black, pink, red or purple"

Vladimir Nabokov

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apart from the dictator no-one else likes a dictatorship.

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"“They apologized, and they offered us a meal, but this is not something that should just go away,” he said.

No. Of course not. It must be blown out of proportion and receive national attention, and perhaps a Federal investigation by the AG. After all, we are in "Pride Month". A month of pride over our national achievements? Over our once top drawer military? Over our fallen heroes? No. Pride over public display of a minority affinity for same sex carnal relations. And one that has become more militant, dangerous, and provocative by the year. First it was, "don't persecute and judge". Then it was accept us--we are coming out of the closet. Then it was make laws to provide us special protection. Then it was, "if you are not 100% accepting of anything we do you are homophobic haters--and it you weren't, you'd be gay as well...after all, it's not like we are child molesters..."

And now there is a month long celebration that has corporate America creating products to groom our children. All of us who never gave a rat's ass what consenting adults did in their own homes finally have had enough when they crossed the line to pull our children in.

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So you think it's all their doing?

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Well, Mark, I guess I would ask who do you mean by "they"? There are many "they" to consider. Who are the "they" pushing the grooming of children, and the dangerous medical care minors are being subjected to, that like vaccination, cannot be undone. A recent study reports puberty blocking drugs, the least "invasive" of the treatments, can lead to osteopenia and crippling osteoporosis. Case studies illustrate young teens that can no longer stand or walk without excruciating spinal pain. One might follow the money there. It should be noted that many gay people, including adult gender dysphorics, are dead set against this grab for the children. Good on "them". But there is a huge swell of anger in these crowds of overweight people wearing rainbow colored glass frames who are incensed at the thought of children being denied explicit homoerotic literature--why it's a veritable Fahrenheit 451, or parents having a say in their young teen's medical decisions. That group of "they" appear like apparitions in various locations to protest. No jobs? Who are the "they" who are funding these people?

I truly wish I could believe the arc of the universe bends toward justice, but more and more, the cosmologists hold sway, even as it relates to the affairs of humanity, and it bends toward chaos.

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This is the crucial point: Who is "they"? Read chapter 23 of the Authoritarian Personality to see who "they" are and how "they" intend to achieve "their" ends via the destruction of the European Christian family.

"They" also control banking, the media, foreign policy, abortion policy and the trans/gay movement and much, much more.

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Divide and conquer is what indeed appears to be the current gov’t strategy. And we “the people” are all paying the price for it. If it’s not fear they are instilling, then it’s rage, because they know the policies they pass as egregious. Unfortunately not too many people can disconnect from what they want, which is to be glued to all our electronic devises and constantly being fed their BS to produce all sorts of negative emotions. This is the new generation war, and it’s very effective as it is the war of the mind.

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Of course, it's entirely possible that these two gay men of color, received much real gay discrimination in the past, and that, for whatever crazy reason, this time got media coverage. Once this happened, either they or their possible advisor, decided to make a political statement, even though it wasn't the best scenario in which to do this.

As to the comments about Biden being a non-person, presidents rarely speak for themselves or from themselves, even though it is considered appropriate to link their names to anything that happens under their charge--so we normally put them down as a symbol more than as an actual person; so, in a sense, it matters not that much that Biden is simply reading scripts, or that he suffers from normal old age dementia (although it may at some point)

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Biden's lack of agency goes far beyond the typical case of a president being blamed for everything that happens during his tenure. You're being obtuse to state the case that way. Biden is clearly demented. He can't string a sentence together on his own, and that is an obvious fact. "Normal old age dementia" disqualifies him from holding any office, or any job at all for that matter.

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Left and right are both complicit in the divisiveness. We have serious problems if we fall for their “sides.” They are on the same side of what some call the uni-party. Or, the establishment or the deep state. It’s all the same. I’m sure there are some who are honest, but they are few. We’ll be pounded into sand if we allow the temptation of tribalism as you say so thoughtfully in this piece. We are not all the same. How shallow and absurd to think we should be. But we could work together despite our personal and even political differences to all be Americans. The elite live in imaginary worlds, not the real one. Crispin’s cautions are real.

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yes it's dumb, because he had no issue with people being thrown out of restaurants for not being injected with a "warp speed" produced vaccine.

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What might have been the outcome if the gay couple would have calmly addressed the bigotry displayed by the worker, expressed their hurt in a compassionate manner?

Could have disarmed the bigotry and resolved quickly. Followed by a free meal. And it would have shown the woman that people are individuals who are deserving of respect by modeling same.

Everyone wins.

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fomenting "outrage" is psychological warfare against the people.

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These customers could just as easily have been wearing burqas or turbans, yarmulkes or MAGA hats, been black, Asian, bald, overweight or pockmarked—whatever—and encountered a dimwitted bigot who'd make disparaging comments directed at them. The idea that the restaurant discriminates against gays makes great clickbait, but it's both stupid and shamefully dishonest. Moronic staff likely never represent the owners or management, and the unforgiving couple ought to understand this and get over it, and themselves.

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I know a lot of gay people and I can confidently say that there is no way they would get married in the morning and then head to a restaurant, that would be considered quite gauche.

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The Left always wants everyone else to accept their “ways”.

But, they don’t allow others to have theirs “ways”.

I grew up in San Francisco (third generation).I’m done having this shoved down my throat (no pun intended).

The city people see now and make fun of, is NOT SF. It’s been captured and taken over by Leftists.

Coming to a town or city near you!

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I guess you didn't read my post to the end.

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I did. With due respect, I’m simply venting. I get it!

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Never trust the headline. Even if it were not the Lügenpresse, the headlines are often added later, and not by the writer.

As my wife says about the weather: the only forecast to trust is to look out the window.

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The last words of this column disturbed me. I have to fight my hatred towards pretty much everybody every day. The destruction just makes me so angry. I never used to be the person I've become. So...I ask for God's help to keep it together and remind myself that there is a plan. There just has to be. If not, what's the point anymore.

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Joe’s a few marbles short, so I doubt he even really understands what’s coming out of his mouth. He’s always been such a complete racist, surprising that any minorities would vote for him. And he just seems to pull false memories out of some far recess of his mind or be parroting something he’s been told or overheard. Not even sure he’s the real JRB because people have pointed out his mask bunching up several times

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Only a few marbles short?? Surely you jest! I have a Lost Property department for Joe Biden and his marbles. he may be found wandering at the bottom of the link.


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As a side note, Joe should be housing a few illegal aliens in the house he rents to Hunter. There should be a few extra bedrooms available. And after all, Joe is a humanitarian with a concern for the downtrodden.

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