"COVID" has been very, very good to Dr. Pfauci!
The crisis pushed so expertly by Pfizer-and-Moderna's guardian angel has made him, and his missus (a "bio-ethicist," so it's okay), much richer than they were, and vastly wealthier than most Americans
And why should this serial mass murderer have a security detail (and a chauffeur!)—all paid for by We the People—when RFK, Jr. doesn’t? Those Republicans intent on stripping him of those imperial perks are only doing right. (As his safety is an issue, considering all he’s done, he should be in protective custody.)
(For the very different portrait daubed in the Bizarro world of the Covidian “left,” scroll down.)
Dr. Anthony Fauci, wife Christine Grady worth $11M last year after he retired: report
September 19, 2023
The doctor’s image on the bio-fascist “left” (here exemplified by Joan Baez):
Dear Dr. Fauci,
I’ve painted your portrait to honor you and all you are doing for us and for the world. It will be a part of my second art exhibit of “Mischief Makers,” paintings of people who have made meaningful social change without the use of violence. (Scroll down for the rest, if you can stomach it)
I don’t imagine you’ve ever thought of it this way, but you are engaging in nonviolent resistance every time you stand in front of the cameras and attempt to educate the public on how to survive the Covid-19 pandemic. You cheerfully continue your task, surrounded by people who are dreaming up every way possible to discredit you and what you bring to us: common sense, scientific facts, some warmth, a bit of humor, and towering moral fortitude. Telling the truth is out of favor with the rich and powerful, particularly these days. You speak truth to their dominion. You take a big risk in doing so.
Corragio, Dr. Anthony Fauci!
If my friends and I can ever be of help to you, you need only let us know. We’ve got your back.
Joan Baez
Gosh, I thought she was dead! Apparently I was 1/2 right in that she is clearly brain dead!
Man, that is cheap for what he pulled off. That's all it takes? I suspect a ghost account with much much more in it.