Gosh, I thought she was dead! Apparently I was 1/2 right in that she is clearly brain dead!

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I’m going to puke! 🤢but you’re right, half brain dead at the very least. Plus she got the eyes wrong, they need to be the eyes of a serpent 🐍

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I didn't know that her full name anagrams to 'anaconda josh Zeb' until I checked just now.

"In recent years, it has been discovered that boa constrictors, anacondas, and other nonvenomous constrictor snakes kill their prey by inducing cardiac arrest rather than suffocation."



Sound like the vaccines and myocarditis!


P.S. Her name amazingly also anagrams to 'As condone a Hz jab'

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I believe she ceased t be in the least relevant 50 years ago or so.... she must have a distinct lack of hero's in her life to go to the extent that the poisoned dwarf fits her version of a hero. Well, she is in good company as just look at what happened in the Canadian Parliament on the weekend where a younger poisoned dwarf made an appearance.

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Man, that is cheap for what he pulled off. That's all it takes? I suspect a ghost account with much much more in it.

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That’s on the books. The grifting is offshore and has to be 10 times that amount at least

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I agree.

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Rich! Rich like Nazis!

Thats a Monty Burns quote.

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No doubt about it

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He did it twice that we know of. First, HIV, and then COVID

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Yep, the rodent was behind the AZT treatment push.

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And took out quite a few orphan children, monkeys and beagles to boot. What a worthless excuse for a human.

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he's a murderous, lying, CHEAP whore

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Dr. Mengelfauci's duper's delight is on full display in that first photo, and Joan Baez's fawning portrait made my skin crawl even more. Thank goodness, I was viewing this on an empty stomach.

Hard to believe it was over two years ago when I cataloged Dr. Mengelfauci's Cabinet of Confabulations (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer). Thankfully, RFK Jr. fleshed out the rest in "The Real Anthony Fauci" as I couldn't bear to revisit the topic myself.

Imagine all the atrocities, lies, and manipulations we are unaware of on top of the ones he's getting away with in plain sight, all to the applause of menticided millions.

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Yes, the Fauci fan-crush gals . . . 'radical' lifelong lefties in my circle, hippies of a certain age, tell me, with a warm growl of appreciation: 'I just like the guy!' I suspect it's in part a developmental disability: some of these women had seriously abusive fathers: they rose above it, struggled, thought themselves free and clear, but, wham! The next monster to come along leaves these 'independent, free-thinking' professionals in their 60s back in the sour nursery of fearful cringe: open targets for smiling liars. They are left credulous and passive, maybe a little dissociated. (Joan Baez: what's her family history?) This kind of armchair psychologizing is pointless, of course, nor does it ever excuse any adult from such delirious mis-construal of where danger lies. We all were lied to, but not everyone is primed to nod 'yes, please,' when Daddy says he'll make the boo-boo all better with a slap upside the head. It is grievously grim to watch otherwise competent adults celebrate a belief in their own discernment, when it's clear that they can't spot a grinning monster. Not even when the bodies pile up. For some, discernment appears permanently out of whack, leaving them ready to fawn when a new Bad Daddy crawls out of its hole onto MSNBC. Does lethal propaganda look like a shiny new bauble from Dad when you grew up with a volatile, phony-scary father? Are some of these Faucistas, once too small to register danger lurking in a supposed protector, now victims of their socked-away crib-bred need simply to trust, trust, trust, when panic is delivered from an outside source? It is beyond pathos. It's a terrible bind they are in -- and so we are, too, unable to persuade, to change minds.

This analysis may be way off and melodramatic merely. Or applicable only to a few people who take Fauci at his word, even now, even more. But if it's partly accurate, it's an aspect of the tragedy so grotesque, words fall dumb. Maybe one has to paint a portrait instead .. .

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One day it hit me that the same people who became full-on frothing at the mouth at “anti maskers”, “ antivaxxers” were the same people who either were extreme narcissists or raised by extreme narcissists. I know that word gets overused but I was raised by an extreme narcissist stepfather who said things like “ I do not make mistakes” without a trace of sarcasm. Full-on Covidian. My mother, his puppet: also a member of the Covid cult. Ex friend raised by another awful narcissistic father turned into a raging lunatic. It’s definitely some sort of distorted pattern recognition; the pattern of being lied to, gaslight, terrorized feels normal. You seek out what feels familiar. Thankfully I recognized all this by acknowledging my own tyrannical thought patterns that seemed normal because of my asshole stepfather, lots of black or white thinking, etc. America is like one big abused child.

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Mk ultra programming and Stockholm syndrome.

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That describes my elderly mom.

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“Distorted pattern recognition" -- exactly. Jane, yours is such a powerful self-account. "I do not make mistakes” is "I am Science." Your stepfather’s sadism, the icy narcissism, sick and horrible – which is why your triumph over it is instructive and heartening. Cackles of megalomania sound like a lullaby to the "big abused child" the country has become. This is the trap we’re in, I agree. And it could be good to hear from people who have figured out the distortion, who have managed to break through the habituated sense that 'this terror feels normal.’ Survivors (another overused word, but it applies here, I think) who have tapped the power of "acknowledging my own tyrannical thought patterns," as you put it so clearly: those are vital voices. It can be done; not every child of a gaslighting sadist is taken in when the next smirking fiend comes along on the talking-head circuit. This is a light in the darkness. With the wider assault of medical thuggery, we've all been gaslit, but some of us saw through it.

So it seems natural to ask, without prying, but because you have some wisdom others don’t: How did you come to acknowledge that what seemed "normal" from your upbringing was in fact abusive? What you know may help others at this brink.

On the level of the daily emergency now in late September 2023 -- how is it best to approach four-times-jabbed friends, to suggest holding off on this next onslaught? What can one say, do, suggest, to nudge the pattern just enough so they drive past the pharmacy with the “Your New [X] Shots Now Here” sign out front, drive past today and give it a little more time, be a little less sure, less in a hurry? What seems to me glaring evidence that nothing good is on offer inside the drugstore: that isn’t going to cut it with most people I know. More charts, statistics, testimony from the injured: they cannot bother with it, cannot take the time. Nothing, no response, unable to look at it. So then what? No more forwarding to the compliant the latest shocking charts from Denis Rancourt or Jessica Rose, no more whistleblowers, testimony from the injured. Useless: an irritated shrug is the likeliest response. The urge to get that next authorized slap is too imperative. They are 'afraid' not to, but what is that fear, really?

What can one possibly say, how to frame a question or hint, to open the door a crack? What might help friends to pause, not to rush to the head of the queue because this is how their 'daddy protects me' automatism drives them? I'm out of ideas on this, though starting to get the full horror of it, to understand why compiling the latest data may be worse than useless. The cigarette-burn marks on the child's arm ‘don’t prove anything’ in the distorted family of denial and gaslighting (‘daddy wouldn’t do that’; ‘daddy stopped smoking’; ‘a hot cigarette doesn’t burn skin’; ‘daddy loves you’; ‘you did it yourself to make daddy look bad’). Now the child is grown and the pattern is ingrained, hence the baffled response to their own bodies’ evidence. What could be causing this rash, the fatigue, the iffy immune-deficiency readings, or any number of other indicators piling up (and that’s in the luckier ones so far). Under the spell of distortion, these signs of encroaching damage add up the wrong way: feeling worse since the last roll-out becomes a reason to embrace the new thing being pushed ‘to keep us all safe.’ And the media juggernaut reinforces that inference. Then it’s roll up your sleeves for daddy who does not make mistakes. (Or for mommy, the pipeline of three-letter-agency smiling experts who cooingly assure us they trust this stuff and give it to their kids.) The worse I feel, the more 'worse' I need to get better. Surely that is “distorted pattern recognition.” It is now widespread and deadly. Should we call it DPR, label it a syndrome, name the diagnosis? Then where are we? In a DPR plague, a real one.

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Thank you, internet stranger. I really, really appreciate this comment.

Every day I want to write my story and put it out there because I see so many parallels between my personal awakening and how so many people seem to be where I was- and yet I don’t because of fear. Fear I’m crazy, overly emotional, I don’t really know anything, etc. But the voice in my head is always there, saying exactly what you just did: maybe I have hard-earned wisdom from experiencing abuse. Maybe my suffering can birth something good and needed. Maybe my story can ignite a little spark.

You said something important- data, statistics, etc don’t seem to affect people. Makes sense- it’s dry compared to raw, extreme emotion, which hooks you and controls your attention. Who needs “facts” when there was a Death Ticker on CNN? Who cares about “data” when people ate up a sense of virtue for “doing their part”? Or how about the slick marketing of every “sophisticated”media outlet, proclaiming the unvaccinated as less intelligent? People ate that shit up. Easy dopamine hits from a false sense of smug superiority. Give that up? Admit you were wrong? Not just wrong about the last three years, but wrong about how you view yourself? Oh my god that’s like getting my asinine parents to even CONSIDER they were awful. It’s such a dark place that they won’t go to and I don’t even blame them at this point. It would mean admitting that they really, really hurt people. Themselves, loved ones. It takes a strong person to do that. People don’t seem very strong these days.

You asked how I recognized tyranny in myself. Actually this may be the piece that’s important- people wake up when they’re ready. Why wake up unless some crisis forces you, because waking up to your own bullshit is PAINFUL.

I woke up because I started treating my kids in an abusive manner. I didn’t know it. All I knew was that I was stressed out. One of my children has special needs and I was not up for the challenge emotionally. For years I was like this martyr, stuffing my feelings down, on autopilot. Then I got fired from my job for refusing the jaberoo, my three closest friends and parents went into full Covidian mode. I was called selfish and stupid. The stress became unbearable.

I didn’t realize that I was enraged at decades of silencing myself. My parents and ex friends were still in my life at this point and I was still putting up with insanity. I never learned how to properly express myself, so I would listen to them belittling “ the unvaccinated “ and I would say nothing. That’s how brainwashed and cowardly I was. It didn’t even occur to me that I was allowed to have my own opinion. I spent a lot of time around very narcissistic people that it felt normal for me to internalize everything.

Then one day I saw myself from an outside lens, and I saw how my children were suffering from my stress. Screaming, yelling, throwing things, not being present for them emotionally…I called my 10 year old stupid, etc. I didn’t think of it as abusive though because it wasn’t anything like the horror I went through. Like being fooled by the “experts” on TV, people have a pre-conceived idea of what things look like. Abuse is bruises or no food or mean words all the time, right? No. Abuse comes in many forms. It’s my opinion that treating your children like they are overwhelming burdens is abusive. I didn’t see it then. Because it didn’t fit the script of what abuse looks like. Like Fauci and company can’t be wrong because he wears a lab coat and has a fancy title and is on TV. So he’s right cause that’s what right looks like. It fits the pre-conceived pattern.

This sounds really cheesy and maybe pathetic but thank you for telling me maybe I have some wisdom that could help people. I’m not used to seeing myself as a potentially valuable member of society; I just feel like a perennial fuck up. But maybe if I put my story out there someone will recognize a little of themself and their own patterns of thought. You inspired me.

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The inspiration is mutual, internet stranger Jane! Your comment is anything but "cheesy and pathetic" in any sense. I find it a powerhouse, a beacon of candor and courage. I mean it, I'm not flattering. You have a strong, decisive voice here. Yours is unblinking, no-waffling, honest eloquence others could find courage from. It made me wonder: Do you listen to or read the "Disaffected" podcast and Substack of Joshua Slocum? His main thesis is yours here, that we are all living in an abusive-family dynamic now. As you may already know, Slocum too triumphed over an obscenely whacked-out sick family scene, woke up finally to what was not 'normal' in his suffering, and began to speak out. I expect he'd appreciate your voice, eloquence, and insight, as I believe many will. His platform is growing and his audience would be receptive to your story.

Your comment here has a shattering candor I admire. What you say about why the deluded cling so tightly to their secure self-fictions is riveting, and right on target, it seems to me. To strip away the delusive fog, the abusers' whole self-assessment, to ask them to recognize it as not only self-flattering and fraudulent but murderous: no wonder we can't do it. (Take a plunge into an unthinkable abyss? No thanks, I'd rather watch TV.) What you say makes absolute sense to me. It rings true, and you've zeroed in on that impasse. That’s the crossroads we’re stalled at. Easier for so many credulous to keep sucking on the candy of self-congratulation, the poisoned-lollipop buzz they seem to get from abusing the skeptical. I've had my share of that -- a shock the first time, now routine. I’m still seeking the courage to bark back. Your comment is going to help me get there, and I think it deserves a wide hearing, as does your story. Wow, were your parents ever dead-crap wrong and twisted about you, brainwashing someone with your power of expression to imagine you have no right to speak and no voice to make your views ring out. I've been there, not to the same depth, but you are right: one throws off the muzzle when one is ready. One looks around and somehow the long-standing ambient chaos tilts at a different angle; it stops muttering 'oh, well, so it must be; I’m not doing all that badly, am I?' and starts screaming, 'stop! stop!' Sometimes the switch happens very fast. This too gives me hope that we're not preaching only to the choir here. People do, I suspect, begin quietly, privately, to peek around, looking for credible counter-voices. Something clicks, someone's story starts to cut through the fog. You never know where or how. But so begins, we might hope, the first slide away from old patterns, old lenses.

Thank you for reading my response and saying what you have here. I believe it matters. It helps to keeps us from the edge of a private abyss. Slocum's "Disaffected" podcast, which I stumbled on somehow at its inception a few years ago, has helped give me the 'fight' to say even this much in this forum. Treasured alibis die hard, for sure. The emotional talons of a domestic cult, or a national one, grab on deep and tight. But those claws do, they can, loosen their hold. Sometimes we wriggle out (or wrench ourselves out) to fly free, and in turn maybe can show others how to do it. Yours seems to me an especially charged, timely, and important message (ugh, another overused word!), and you certainly have ample rhetorical punch and assured control on the page to make your views, and how you arrived at them, heard clearly -- at this hour, especially, with the vultures re-circling. You speak with the arresting clarity only hard-won truth delivers. You have more to say, and I hope you will find more readers and hearers. ( I know it's ridiculous to get a pep talk from an 'internet stranger,' but these conditions are not our chosen ones; all our lives have been made ridiculous and alienated. And encouragement -- from someone who could use more courage, too -- is no less heartfelt because it's at a digital distance in these bizarre times.)

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Very well written! Thank you!!

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it hurts to think I guess

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You actually hit the nail on the head here. Check out Meredith Miller's work on narcissistic abusers and how the pattern fits the authoritarian response to Covid. https://meredithmiller.substack.com/p/signs-of-coercive-control

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Gosh, I thought your analysis was spot on.

My favorite? QUOTE The next monster to come along leaves these 'independent, free-thinking' professionals in their 60s back in the sour nursery of fearful cringe: open targets for smiling liars.....(and this) It is grievously grim to watch otherwise competent adults celebrate a belief in their own discernment, when it's clear that they can't spot a grinning monster. Not even when the bodies pile up UNQUOTE.

Loved it.

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I like the way you write. Your word choices are surprising and very original. Bravo!

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Powerfully articulated, Polonius IV, and what you described is what Meredith Miller calls a psychoneurospiritual state of captivity (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-meredith-miller), otherwise known as Stockholm syndrome:


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Brilliant, so there are fascists and there are faucistas, love that. Aren’t they kinda the same thing?

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11million my ass.

He laughs when we think he killed millions for a few million.

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$11 million that we know of

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Oh yes...Duper's Delight is all I saw on his face everytime he got on TV. Except for when Rand Paul had him on the ropes, and let him off. Of course , Rand and his wife made heavy investments in Pfizer prior to the pandemic.

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Let’s not forget the poor beagle puppies and other poor animals he massacred.

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Me Either! Worked with dogs in boarding, grooming, rescue and veterinary for over 50 years and what he did to this animals is unforgivable. My faith tells me God has has number .Poor little weasel Fauci. May he suffer the same punishment

X 1,000,000,000

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Great comment except for middle paragraph - I me I me me me me me ….. I love your work but no need to always self promo.

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Thank you for your constructive feedback, Brian, and it’s so interesting that you would perceive it that way. Once I publish something, I don’t even think of it as being about me. I just think of it as a useful resource to share with others, so they can then in turn, use it for their own good purposes.

If I can save someone else the misery of suffering through dozens of hours of primary source material and footage of Dr. Mengelfauci by compiling a date-stamped catalog of his confabulations up through the time of writing, for example, it would be selfish not to provide that link.

If someone else has produced a valuable resource pertinent to the topic at hand, I share those links accordingly. If you’ve read my articles, you know I link nearly every word to substantiating evidence because I want to empower people to investigate and decide for themselves rather than taking my word for it.

Readers who are voracious link-collectors like me appreciate when I share these arduously collected references, especially when hundreds are concentrated in a single article that can be delivered as a knockout punch to a lie-promulgator or a newly awakening mind.

The reason I created my Wake-up Toolkit (warning, link incoming 😆 https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/wake-up-toolkit) is so people can easily find articles related to their topic of interest—injection harms or democide, for example—and then use it to help save lives and thwart tyranny. Since that is my all-consuming mission, why wouldn’t I share them?

One reader, for example, sat down with a friend who was about to get his booster and went through one of my articles with him point by point, and he red-pilled him within an hour. That’s entirely due to his intervention, but having that article as a tool enabled him to do so easily. That man went on to wake up his wife, and then his children, who in turn spared their grandchildren the injection, subsequently saving their lives and health and waking up who-knows-how-many-others over time.

When I coin a term that I am hoping will effect a mass recalibration of consciousness to reveal the propagandists’ manipulative framing, I want that term to take flight and enter the public domain independent of me. As I shared in the Shoutouts Gratitude section of my last post (brace yourself for another link 😉 https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/rites-of-the-tear-downers), seeing Neil Oliver continue to propagate “philanthropath” and even more excitingly a stranger who doesn’t even know who I am use it delights me to no end. I don’t care about credit, I care that it’s fulfilling its purpose and having the impact intended to help further my mission to awaken the sleeping.

So whereas you see posting a link as self-promotion, I see it as sharing something people may find of value to themselves and others and thus withholding that resource would not only be stingy but would do nothing to advance my goals of stopping totalitarianism and democide.

As Mike Yeadon often says, he relies on those listening to him to go and share that information with others because he cannot reach them—we need people like you to take up the baton and help us get this potentially life-saving information to others.

So I thank you in advance if you choose to take up that baton and am grateful if my labor of love can be of service to others.

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Thanks for alluding to Van Morrison's song Duper's Delight on his excellent Latest Record Project Vol. 1, (review here: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/where-have-all-the-rebels-gone-indeed) which manages to be both politically relevant and musically excellent—a rare achievement for a protest record. Baez would do well to listen to "Where Have All the Rebels Gone" since she started her career as a protest singer and activist against government initiatives like the military draft. Kudos to Morrison and Eric Clapton for not succumbing to Stockholm Syndrome as Baez has clearly done. Or is it just dementia?

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I actually didn't know about Van Morrison's song, but that sounds awesome! Thanks for the heads-up, Sean.

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Van Morrison did some of his best work in years on that album; you can hear his passion and indignation at the Covid scam. But of course, Rolling Stone and AllMusic slammed him for the message, disregarding the musical quality.

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He must be very frightened for his safety?

I never liked Joan Baez' singing voice, and now I despise her written word.

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Her soul is as ugly as her voice.

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Yep, typical of most rabid communists like her.

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Best security money can buy Probably

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Another 60's artist adoring a mass murderer who may in fact become the pre-eminent mass murderer in history. It is astonishing how dumb these people are and probably have always been.

If one extrapolates the VAERS deaths to the worldwide vax rate and account for the massive under reporting. Fauci has reached 150 million dead.

Short of Gates 15% population reduction but with new boosters and long-term complications they may get there yet.

Fauci has exceeded Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined.

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She probably supported Charles Manson as well. I hope she enjoys the next jab!

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Well, both Manson and Fauci have deep ties to the same agencies. Baez probably too.

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'a jab zone' is an anagram of Joan Baez!

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Having once read her autobiography, I can say

that alot of America is made up of Joan Baez's.

The unthinking.

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the whole world I am afraid Jacquelyn. My hairs raise when I think of all the people who blindly follow and adore these crazy people. Unfortunately it seems that lots of people who are highly schooled have forgotten how to think for themselves. More wisdom to be had from farmers and working class people ! Thankfully there are still some bright lights !

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Joan Baez, please come to the podium to accept your Useful Idiot of the Century award.

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I have lost respect for another icon from my youth. The losses just keep on coming

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Joan Baez was a wonderful singer but has always been bovinely stupid.

Fauci is one more hideous person who has done well by doing bad.

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What was so wonderful about her phony, forced tremolo? I hated to hear her sing and would change the station when one of her silly odes to whatever came on.

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Joan Baez? I'm stupified. I didn't realize she was this ignorant. How very sad.

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Not that I know anything about the Mafia after growing up in an Italian NJ town wherein I've seen cars drive up onto sidewalks to take people out, or where our neighbor, a raspy-throated 6'7"-tall, skinny made man married to my mom's best friend drove my twin brother and I to Our Lady of Mt. Virgin School many mornings or anything like that, but if the children or other loved ones connected to La Famiglia should, say, die from the jab, Dr. Faustus's days will be numbered. They'll take out his wife first and leave her head somewhere. Not that that's ever happened in NJ. Only in the movies.

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Need that yesterday!

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Totally happens...happened to the big wig at a company I worked at in Vancouver...middle of the day hit job..... apparently they put his head on the mantle with his junk in his mouth....his wife found him......very gory and graphic.... https://static1.squarespace.com/static/536d1a74e4b0e813d987a94b/t/536e9e7ae4b096ba2b58f144/1399758458996/DC-2524885.pdf

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Sep 23, 2023
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The 65% Italian in me is Neapolitan, like Tony Soprano. "Hey, Tone. Where's the 'gabagool'?" [Capicola]

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PS Not soon enough!

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Fascism = Government + Corporate Tyranny.

Faucism = Government + Corporate + Medical Tyranny.

For the visual, go here: https://nedb.substack.com/p/fascism-vs-faucism

As the efficacious agent of such tyranny, Mr. Fauci has certainly been rewarded handsomely for his treachery.

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No, he was rewarded as fitting for being the BAG MAN for BIG PHARMA, and turning the NIH/CDC/FDA into the research and development, marketing, and seal of approval for Big PHARMA...who were gonna be broke unless they could push vaccines.

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Joan Baez sucked when she drove a Jaguar while her then Hubby was in prison for draft resistance.

She has not gotten any less "suck-ish" with age. Only more.

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It’s truly shocking and amazing what we are finding out about our idols, former and current

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so true Sharon - there's hardly anyone left to admire. ☹ It's quite depressing.

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Eric Clapton and Van Morrison!

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You know I just had the feeling, so hard to find the words….for all of this, as one is walking on the bottom of a swimming pool, and trying to say something important, with only bubbles coming out …..?!

Will we ever get out of the pool?!?!

So. …Long time friend of 30 yrs, were in a choir together….after hospitalization last week, reports, “had been breathless and exhausted, damage to coronary artery 99%, leaks in aortic and mitral valves, now stent in coronary, and was told by hospital, this was a “widow maker” Will followup her post hosp progress, exercise….whatever. Signed up stat for vacs early on, as she was a hosp volunteer back then, didn’t give it any consideration …I’ve been waiting for it all to hit Plus…her extended family all lined up as well. Exhausting standing on one foot all this time

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Right, Bruce Springsteen? Crosby? At least slow hand woke up, but only because his jabbed arm fell asleep.

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The stars are fallen from heaven. They should not have been worshiped in the first place.

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The dumbest person alive ladies and gentlemen- Joan Baez.

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a former friend biologist adores fauci. our friendship is now broken, not only because she called me stupid when I investigated the jabs and refused to have them but also, I think when you adore a mass murderer, there is something seriously wrong with you

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“I could look past some of your personality shortcomings…but it’s kinda hard to be friends with someone who adores a mass murderer…I’m weird like that”🤣

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exactly my reply ! I asked her if she would have wanted to be friends with Hitler. That did not go over well. And then came the jabs, and then it was merely over with the friendship.

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Hee hee that made my day, ‘would you be friends with Hitler?’

I can’t imagine why that didn’t go over well.

It also didn’t go over well for me when I told my ex friend that supporting mandates for an experimental injection actually made her a BAD person, not a virtuous one.

I haven’t spoken to several Covidian cult members in over a year and I wonder if any one of them changed their tune. Did your Hitler-loving friend wake up at all?

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I don't think so - I avoid going there and meeting in person, we only exchange a monthly email -

I hear from hear from another mutual friend. She got jabbed too but never scolded or avoided me, and we got even closer now. for another best friend it has been 3 + years since we met. They called us the 3 musketeers - that is how close we were. That one has tried in vain to 'move back in' my circle - but I got other friends now, some jabbed some not.

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It must be contagious, critical thinking = stupidity and getting divorced and losing friends.

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it was very hard at first. That one, I called her sister from another mother. We saw each other every 2 weeks - I helped in her household too. And then, bam. I got depressed, thankfully I have 1. a dog 2. cats 3. substack !

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Based on what is my question? Ee had amongst the worst stats in the world. Everything he recommended was a huge failure. Amazing

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outrageous ! I guess even members of congress do not have these privileges. They are both in their 80s and should have long been replaced by young people. They take the jobs of others. This is a true shame. And he is worse than Mengele. Awful awful.

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