At this point it wouldn't even matter if it was the law, either. I got dismissed from jury duty for telling the judge that I didn't care what the law was, only if something was ethical or moral. While I'm no beacon of morality, my standards for what constitutes tyrannical behavior is a damned sight better than any government.
At this point it wouldn't even matter if it was the law, either. I got dismissed from jury duty for telling the judge that I didn't care what the law was, only if something was ethical or moral. While I'm no beacon of morality, my standards for what constitutes tyrannical behavior is a damned sight better than any government.
At this point it wouldn't even matter if it was the law, either. I got dismissed from jury duty for telling the judge that I didn't care what the law was, only if something was ethical or moral. While I'm no beacon of morality, my standards for what constitutes tyrannical behavior is a damned sight better than any government.