This is just awful.

I'm sure today's Left would totally reject his ant-war stance.

What a shame that these normies couldn't compute how they'd been mind-f#cked right into the same ideological framework they fought against so fiercely 'back then.'

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My nephew's Mother in Law took the JAB and Booster. She was insulin diabetic. She was diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer in September 2022 and by the end of December 2022 she passed away. I hope and pray that her daughters wake up and realize what caused her Mothers death. She was 71.

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Mar 3, 2023Liked by Mark Crispin Miller

My 90 year old Dad wouldn't listen to me, his crazy eldest son. Nope. 3 jabs. THEN he got The Bioweapon Covid. Dad paid for premium MBF Medical Insurance all his life, he got to overhear the ward doc tell the nurse "he's old, send him home". Yep. Duty of care, poisonous injections sanctioned by The State and indifferent body slingers in an A grade Australian hospital Fuck you for your service, enriched arsewipe doctors of death.

Then, he recovers! 90! Yep, except btw you seem to have pancreatic C, outta nowhere... dead 8 weeks later. Tell me that this cancer was not caused by the filthy jabs? I will punch you in your smarmy fuckn face. 😤

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Heads up everyone on here. Mark Zuckerberg purchased this company: http://www.zoetis.com/

They are injecting MRNA/Poison into our pets. This company works with Pfizer and have injected this into over 100 million Wild animals and pets since 2021. Please use preventitive care with your loved pets. We have to leave the Western Vet System now. I give my dogs raw food, real goat kefir, organic tumeric, clean water, and omega 3 oil. They are thriving ever since. My dog Louis, lost 18 pounds. Foxy, lost 11 pounds.

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Not that we need another braindead liberal in the world but...Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US? Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, kidney, lung, melanoma, bladder it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are leukemia and renal.

Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions, just spreading the word. If someone had contact with Ellsnerg maybe they can save him.

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Instances of pancreatic cancer are now being reported in explosive numbers. This is unprecedented, and we have to suspect that these massive increases in this deadliest malignancy is tied to the jabs. The depletion of TLRs 3, 7, 8, and the degradation of P53 likely play a major role. It's also alarming that so many deaths are being reported so many months after the last jabs, so the time lag between final jab / booster and the onset of serious and fatal maladies is very worrying.

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The great elephant in the room is getting so big now. But you know what they say about Long Covid causing all kinds of heart and cancer issues.

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A 33 year old Sheriff's deputy just fell over & died while training, leaving a wife and 3 children in Indiana.

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I have a good friend that, within a couple of weeks of being diagnosed with Leukemia, passed away in November of last year. She wasn’t young, but she definitely wasn’t what I would consider on death’s doorstep either ~ she was 62, and hadn’t had any health issues prior to being diagnosed. And yes, she was vaxxed multiple times over. What’s so bizarre to me, is that none of her family or friends even question the suddenness of her death. The level of denial, in my opinion, is just astounding. They’re all just like, “We miss her and we’re devastated but it was obviously her time to go.” And, depending on what you believe, that may be true. I’m a Christian, so I do believe that when God decides to call us home, it’s our time and there’s nothing we can do about it. But, with that being said, I would still want to know the truth...

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Sad statements all around. Find it very disappointing to see all those who either don't question this or who don't cover the true extent of the kind of totalitarianism we are under.

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Reading thru all the twitter comments- this one person had the courage to ask:

Daniel, We would like to know, since you're making open & public statements about your health, if you were injected with any mRNA shots, which ones, & how many. We will keep you in our thoughts hoping you will live much longer than your doctors predict. Namaste.

Oh boy- did that open a floodgate of vitriol.


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Not sure of his age or prior medical issues. But if it was caused by him destroying his immune system with the faux vaccine he will never acknowledge that fact and in the end it doesn’t really matter for him. It does however matter for the rest of us the living. We need to know what if anything these repeated shots are doing to us.

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I have observed a number of unexplained and unexpected cancers in my practice, all in vaccinated and boosted patients. Previously stable and/or healthy patients. It’s difficult to point out the obvious because these people are innocent, following what was recommended by those they trusted.

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Your cardiologist has not helped him in the past by putting him on a salt-free diet. Very few people benefit and most are harmed by the lack of a reasonable amount of salt in the diet - especially as we age.

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Sad news. So sorry in spite of his Covid attitudes. Older people especially fell victim to the intense fear-mongering. Understandable since it was always our elders who were and still are, most at risk from this virus. I just wish people like Chomsky had not said such ugly, arrogant things. They were wrong.

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I guess another case of "ABV (Anything But the Vaccine) Syndrome"?

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