This is just awful.

I'm sure today's Left would totally reject his ant-war stance.

What a shame that these normies couldn't compute how they'd been mind-f#cked right into the same ideological framework they fought against so fiercely 'back then.'

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Fantastic comment. The "Left" is dead.

I'd probably class myself as a "radical centrist" these days, but none of my principles from when I was a leftie have changed. At all (that's why we call them "principles").

It's not that they have been mind fucked, most of them never had any principles to begin with. That's your problem right there.

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I may borrow the term "radical centrist," which really ought to be an oxymoron in any sane day and age, yet here we are. Couldn't agree more that the concept of core principles seems lost to so many. Like my mom, who lived by "my body, my choice" until it came to vaccine mandates, and who blogged a decade ago about the importance of the First Amendment yet hates Elon Musk for all the "hate speech" he's allowing on Twitter. Somehow she raised two children who do live by principles, but unbeknownst to us all these years for her it was really tribalism.

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"There is no expedient to which a human being will not resort, to avoid the true labour of thinking."

-- Numerous observers of the (often self-inflicted) human condition

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Michael Parenti calls it the extreme center. The word “radical” means to the roots, so I wouldn’t pair it with the word “centrist.” It means something real and true to me. (The center does not hold.)

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Jane, please say more re: a Rootless Center/Centrist - e.g. why not roots?

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Hi, Leonora - I think the terms centrist and moderate in mainstream media discourse are supposed to position left and right on the extreme edges and indicate a sensible position for the center. At the same time, the word radical is seen as extreme, which is not what it means at all. To me, the only true thing to be is radical.

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Thanks Jane, and I agree - except that: since we live in one interconnected universe, everything must necessarily have roots. I don't recommend settling with MSM's definitions...of anything.

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I think the seeming dichotomy of principles of those who say they believe in both “my body, my choice” and vaccine mandates” is explained by nothing more than selfishness. EXTREME selfishness and narcissism. Because both beliefs can only be true for people who would be willing to kill, maim, or injure another human in order to protect THEIR OWN bodily sanctity and integrity.

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The Evils are making fun of them and how stupid and hypocritical they are constantly! Have you seen the new MLK statue in Boston 😂

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I saw a picture of it. I work in Boston, but I won't go to look at it. It's an insult to his family.

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Mar 4, 2023
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Your colleagues are entranced if not enchanted. It is very unfashionable in some circles to say this, but what we're experiencing with "Covid-19" and the lethal injections are the physical manifestations of a spiritual war. Read Paul's letter to the Ephesians, 6:12-13..

Oh heck: here ya go: "12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

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RFKJr wonders what happened to the Left, too.

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The CIA happened to the Left.

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Exactly! All this anti-communism and anti-leftism is driving me crazy when what we’re living through is fascism. The USCIA spent the 20th century mass murdering anyone to the left of the far right fascists - communists, socialists, nationalists, and at this point they’re all fictional. I’m rereading “The Jakarta Method, Washington’s Anticommunism Crusade & the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World,” by Vincent Bevins, about the USCIA overthrowing the Sukarno government in Indonesia in 1965 and the Goulart government in Brazil in 1964. Johnson really hit the ground running after participating in the ‘63 coup and invading Vietnam and Southeast Asia, but this book is about Brazil and Indonesia. After Brazil and Indonesia came Chile. I think it’s a very important book. But Americans still think communists are the problem because they know nothing about history.

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What a great batch of information! It helps with the understanding of the bad guys vs the bad guys vs the bad guys in WW2, too. Bad guys include the USCIA war-machine and the Woodrow-Wilson-era endorsed bureaucrats, including USCIA Johnson.

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Study "Bolshevism" and learn what The Left is truly about... 🤔

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The classic left still has brain cells & ♥️ left

The radical left - not so much

The classic right still has brain cells & ♥️ left

The radical right - not so much

We need ❤️‍🩹

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Ohhhhh...interesting. Further, the labels Left and Right are a divisive original social engineering sin to begin with. Years ago, I thought Occupy Wall Street was heinous in practice (cuz they were no different from the grievance mobs of today), but acceptable in principle (such as it is). Of late, I'm all in on OWS in principle, even if it means my savings dries up. I'd rather be poor on a bank balance sheet and RICH in freedom, than 'flush' with savings and a slave to the fascist public-private partnerships.

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You kind of inadvertently hit the nail on the head though.

OWS was when all this woke BS went mainstream. OWS was winning, then the Woke destroyer chaos agents were unleashed and smashed the movement to atoms with racism, segregation and identitarianism. This is well documented.

And yes, left/right do have meaning, but once they get into insanity land, fascism and extreme communism might as well be the same thing ("horse shoe theory"). The correct term of course is "totalitarianism".

This is what is so fascinating about what the globalists are building: it uses the Communist power of Collectivism to terrify/guilt people into giving up their freedoms, but the power is shared between government and giant corporations (more so the latter in reality), which is absolute fascism.

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I was all in on OWS, then watched with horror, disbelief, and anger as Democratic mayors, the NYT, NPR, and Obama killed it. That was the moment I stopped listening to the MSM, and it would lead me to realize I'm not and probably never was Democrat. Turns out I am and always was a Libertarian.

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Yes, OWS was the historical turning point for corporate to go ‘woke.’ It’s when capitalism caved. And yup, yup, yup on all else. Public-private partnerships = fascism. Check out @americanmission_ on Twitter.

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Agreed and thanks.

Just go easy on the yup, yup yup. I've met people who say "yup yup yup". Then you start saying it to make fun of them. Soon, you'll be saying it without noticing you are doing it. Then other people will start making fun of you for doing it. Then they will start doing it.

It's like some kind of freaking mind virus I tells ya. Yup yup yup.

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Um yes


I usually don't repeat the line like that. I was just on my shitty phone with shitty keyboard, and didn't feel like typing out my agreement w/you to each item.

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Baboon, what you say reminds me how so many people continually use the word "like" without having a clue about how utterly moronic they sound. They've quit using their minds, either to think critically or to express themselves clearly and eloquently via human language. It seems to me that much of humanity is willingly and gladly reverting to the linguistic equivalent of apes. Soon a few grunts and gestures will suffice for their communicatory needs.

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Beautifully put and thank you baboon!


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Remember this?

"Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA 27th District) reported the same threat on the Congressional floor:

The only way they can pass this bill is by creating a panic atmosphere… Many of us were told that the sky would fall… A few of us were even told that there would be martial law in America if we voted no. That’s what I call fear-mongering, unjustified, proven wrong."


This article was written by Peter Dale Scott, who coined the term "Deep Politics", which we now call the "Deep State" btw.

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Great article artifact baboon. Thanks.

I was ecstatic that every person I spoke with at the time did NOT want the banks bailed out at our expense. Everyone felt the same. People who never paid attention to news or politics, Jehovah Witnesses historically against any political action, loggers who hated environmentalists, environmentalists who hated republicans, democrats who hated libertarians, libertarians who hated gays, gays who hated christian evangelicals, vegans, carnivores, everyone and anyone you could think of, of all ages, races, religions, politics, and persuasion were ALL against what the government did for the banks. And enter the big O. Bama.

Who was riding the wave after the little W. Bush. Mr Obama soothingly told us we had to hold our noses, bend over and that it would all be ok......

That's what I remember.

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Correction: @americamission_

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I’d like to know what your core principles are. Honestly, I think I only know what the crazies on the left think. I’ve only recently realized that I actually do admire many on the center left spectrum, like RFK jr, Naomi Wolf, Jimmy Dore, Russell Brand etc. I’m shocked at how moderate they actually are lol, maybe we’ve all been tricked into hating each other

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All the people you named are ones that I admire and follow too. When my "liberal" sister-in-law said she was ok with the vaccine mandates, that's when I knew I wasn't a liberal anymore.

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That is what shocks me. What happened to my body my choice!?

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That's exactly what I asked her at the time, because she is very pro-choice. Somehow, she didn't see the mandates as being similar to that. Typical shitlib.

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You're still a liberal, it's your sister-in-law who isn't, which is why you correctly referred to her as a liberal in quotation marks. Let's not forget, the "liberals" of today believe you can identify as anything you wish and that obviously includes identifying as liberal when you are actually a totalitarian.

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I am FDR JFK democrat. I'm a Berner. But this whole vax thing made people go crazy. I don't see why it became a LvsR thing. I can no longer say I am a democrat if they want to throw me in a concentration camp if I don't get shot up with poison.

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Read RFKJr. A letter to Liberals.

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I have it downloaded, but haven't read it yet. Thanks for the reminder.

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Rather, it is as Yeats (1865-1939). "Turning and turning in the widening gyre. The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; ***the centre cannot hold***...)

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Radical centrist sounds like an oxymoron, but things have become so convoluted, that is makes sense.

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I hear you.

Radical centrism means you can formulate policy based on good ideas generated by the left and the right. It means you examine problems without resorting to ideology. I read extreme far left publications and extreme far right publications without prejudice (I'm not a snowflake) and everything in between.

"Radical centrism, radical center or radical centre and radical middle, are terms which arose in the late 20th century for ranges of political philosophy with a willingness to fundamentally reform institutions in the belief that genuine solutions to social problems require realism and pragmatism, as well as idealism and emotion. It has been described as "idealism without illusions." Most radical centrists accept what they see as good ideas from both "left" and "right" ranges of ideology, and wherever else they may be found, often melding them together in unique ways. Some characterize it as a range of strategies, procedures or processes to initiate or catalyze dialogue which permit new ideas to develop into viable forms of consensus among previously polarized groups."


That's mostly very far from my definition. I just call a good idea a good idea, and I don't care who had that idea or what else they believe.

Ideology is brain poison. Fixing problems is largely based, in the current day - and in my estimation - on repealing vast swathes of egregious legislation and making people more free. Passing more legislation is generally a bad idea - the idea is to remove as much of the bad stuff as possible IMO.

The only problem with this position is, as far as I can see, it could potentially lead to technocracy. And that wouldn't be good.

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Your comment is also fantastic. I've been wondering what to call myself now, since the left has transformed into something totally repulsive to me. Now I know-radical centrist. Love it!

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Main is free with rights given, as Franklin said, by God, or not. With all due respect, the days of "centrism" are long, long gone, rather like standing on Omaha Beach, June 7, 1944 just as the landing craft came ashore and proclaiming "I don't take either side."

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If you view politics on two axes, conservative-progressive on one axis but authoritarian-libertarian on the other, then yes, we are already on the battlefield, against authoritarianism. And yes, the controlled left is far more okay with authoritarianism now than the right, in general.

But on the 90s issues, what used to be progressive (supporting LGB rights, supporting first trimester access to abortion, protections for free speech, being against mega corporations, supporting reining in Wall St, religious tolerance, being anti-war, etc) -- that is now the center. That's where many people who are ex-liberal / ex-progressive find themselves to be, often under the banner "politically homeless," but there are many who would identify as moderate conservatives who are in the center with us.

I feel like the radical center or the extreme center *are* the ones taking a side against authoritarianism. If you go woke left or hard Christian nationalist right [full disclosure, I'm struggling to describe the hard right but I saw it more clearly in the 90s] you start losing liberty again either way. I can barely see any difference now between the war-mongering megacorps of the right and the woke left, seems like all the same people these days, and on the opposite side of that horseshoe is the extreme center. And what we want is freedom, peace, and economic fairness. Just how I see it, hoped it might add clarity.

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Mar 3, 2023
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"Being good" I've got my mask on, I am being good and doing what I am told, I am a good citizen, often called virtue signaling.

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Yes, plus: "Please don't hurt me."

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Fact is, the former left has clearly morphed into fasco-Marxism. Fascism, as defined by its founder Mussolini, which you can read for free here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf is **THE MERGER OF TO SOCIALIST STATE WITH COOPTED, CRONY BIG BIZ.*** Sorry, but that's how it was defined. Can you say "Google? Amazon? Walmart? And that's why Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party which adopted - and I do this from memory - explicitly socialist planks at its first convention, Munich, Feb. 20, 1920.

Sorry, no matter how much you leftists try to wiggle and dance, the last few drop of your fascism falls on your pants. And why I expect Antifa to change their name to Protifa soon, and expect us to not remember. Antifa breaking windows? 1938 their Nazi brownshirts did Kristallnacht. Burning books? I personally saw Antifa burning books like Bibles at one of their astroturf, Soros funded "protests." Heck, even look at Hitler's browshirts (the SA) flag - it is similar to Antifa. And while Hitler's boys wore brownshirts, Mussolini's work black. Exactly like the intellectual ignoramuses in Antifa.

But here is where it gets interesting. Nazis are nationalist/racists, whereas communists do the class warfare thing, and are internationalists. Communism the state owns the means of production as well. So, in sum, we have a blending of fascism (crony big big is the lever of the socialist govt) and Marxism (class warfare - here these idiots use race in lieu) and internationalism. Schwabs's Swiss father was heavily involved with the Nazis, and Trudeau's Deputy PM had her grandfather 4 levels away from direct report to Hitler. Read it yourself here https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/chrystia-freelands-granddad-was-indeed-a-nazi-collaborator-so-much-for-russian-disinformation Can't help your grandparents being Nazi, but you CAN help it if YOU are a Nazi. As is Trudeau (my wife's cousin was his nanny, and he is a corrupt, vile, shill of Soros. Corrupt? Look up the WE scandal, or the SNC Lavalin scandal. We were friends with his health minister who quit over all this graft, corruption and more.

In sum, the Democrats - who formerly were the party of slavery, the party of Jim Crow, the party of Bull Connor, the party of George Wallace, the party that tried to prevent blacks from getting guns, the party where the last member of the KKK, Sen Byrd, was a democrat, whom Hilary called "her mentor." To be sure, JFK would be an icon of freedom today, indeed there are good ones such as Tulsi Gabbart (sp?). But overall, the party is corrupt and disgusting. Thanks Hilary. And right behind then are the RINOs, which are no better.

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Blaise, I'm going to share this with some fellow travelers. I keep up with as much of Whitney Webb's stuff as I can, and I pay close attention to Trudeau via Viva Frei. He's filth. The blending of communism, fascism, and internationalism is terrifying -- especially because the fascists can literally unplug us from life support. We're in the fkkng matrix.

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I know! I elucidate the whole fasco-Marxism thing here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/fascism-and-marxism-brothers-from and here https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism

As noted, my wife's cousin was his nanny, we used to be friends with his health minister, who quit over his corruption, but also went woke. I've met Chretien several times, Mulroney once, and we were close friends with the top unelected civil servant in Canada, too. But been living in the US for a while now, so all that is in the past....

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... exactly. These fasco-Marxist leftists have gone, exactly as Orwell said, from "We've always been friends with Oceana" to "we've always been at war with Oceana" and expect no one to notice.

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Total shit-bags.

We noticed.

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Yeah, well.. that's what happens when you don't think for yourself, eh?

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My nephew's Mother in Law took the JAB and Booster. She was insulin diabetic. She was diagnosed with aggressive pancreatic cancer in September 2022 and by the end of December 2022 she passed away. I hope and pray that her daughters wake up and realize what caused her Mothers death. She was 71.

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We had three friends die of aggressive cancers, each within 6-10 months of their initial two series jabs. Two were in their mid 60s, one was 71. I will never forgive the monsters who scared people into, let’s face it, killing themselves….

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I also have two friends who took the Moderna jabs. Both have aggressive cancers a year and a few months later. It’s heartbreaking because I tried to share all the information I had. But family prevailed.


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I’m so sorry, Mary.

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Thank you. ♥️

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Yes....You are correct. My nephew's Mother in Law was only 71. She just recently retired from teaching Elementary School. I feel so bad, because my Nephew has a 5 year old.

His Father in Law passed away 13 years ago. She had 2 daughters which were adopted.

They have her parents Families as support. But, still it's not your Parents. Now, the

Federal Government won't have to pay her Social Security. Sorry, for your Loss.

Thanks for sharing. :-)

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My uncle got cancer 7 mos after dbl shot, and in 2 mos was dead

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Very sorry to hear about your Uncle. How old was he? Did he have to get

the Shot, because of his job?

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My 90 year old Dad wouldn't listen to me, his crazy eldest son. Nope. 3 jabs. THEN he got The Bioweapon Covid. Dad paid for premium MBF Medical Insurance all his life, he got to overhear the ward doc tell the nurse "he's old, send him home". Yep. Duty of care, poisonous injections sanctioned by The State and indifferent body slingers in an A grade Australian hospital Fuck you for your service, enriched arsewipe doctors of death.

Then, he recovers! 90! Yep, except btw you seem to have pancreatic C, outta nowhere... dead 8 weeks later. Tell me that this cancer was not caused by the filthy jabs? I will punch you in your smarmy fuckn face. 😤

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You might want to enlighten Dr. Gorski. Scroll down.

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He is “UN-enlightenable.” Nasty-tempered shill for the Pharmafia. I feel very sorry for his patients. I’ve no doubt he’s seen a big uptick in breast cancer from these injections. My own family doc admits he is seeing it in his female patients.

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Heads up everyone on here. Mark Zuckerberg purchased this company: http://www.zoetis.com/

They are injecting MRNA/Poison into our pets. This company works with Pfizer and have injected this into over 100 million Wild animals and pets since 2021. Please use preventitive care with your loved pets. We have to leave the Western Vet System now. I give my dogs raw food, real goat kefir, organic tumeric, clean water, and omega 3 oil. They are thriving ever since. My dog Louis, lost 18 pounds. Foxy, lost 11 pounds.

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Thanks for the heads up! Not surprised. They went after our institutions, then us, our children, our freedoms, way of life, food - figured they would target our pets. Still haunted by China and the poisoned dog food in 2007. Done with their vaccines for my rescues, but dang, apoquel. Only thing that works for my lovable money pit Luca. This will be a hard one to ditch. The patent on the drug does not expire until 2026.

So you think these evil billionaires sit around in Davos and pick an industry out of a gold bowl to destroy? alien fuckerberg gets pets. empty evil lives.

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Not that we need another braindead liberal in the world but...Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US? Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, kidney, lung, melanoma, bladder it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are leukemia and renal.

Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions, just spreading the word. If someone had contact with Ellsnerg maybe they can save him.

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I wouldn't call Ellsberg "a braindead liberal." Why don't you try atoning for that nasty shot by contacting him with that information? It would be what they used to call the Christian thing to do.

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Agreed - and never give up hope. I was doing some research for a friend about 2 years ago and ran across a doc in Oregon (as I recall) who was having success with some less aggressive forms of chemo and giving his patients with cancer longer life and way less symptoms. It might've been a chatroom. Unfortunately, I cannot find my notes from that - but people - hope is out there. I'm checking out the fenbendazole.substack link now. Thank you. These options are good to know. Unforunately, not everyone is open to outside input.

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Looks like he was a Libertarian and anti gov and if this is correct he did a lot of good things!


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I love that substack. Shared a bunch of info with a friend who had pancreatic cancer. He was receptive to the information.

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Big fan of the FenBen SS and it’s my favorite read!

Wish they had more posts

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The courage we need is not the fortitude to be obedient in the service of an unjust war, to help conceal lies, to do our job for a boss who has usurped power and is acting as an outlaw government. It is the courage at last to face honestly the truth and reality of what we are doing in the world and act responsibly to change it.

Daniel Ellsberg

I see Edward Snowden as someone who has chosen, at best, exile from the country he loves-with a serious risk of his assassination by agents of his government or life in prison (in solitary confinement)-to awaken us to the danger of our loss of democracy to a total-surveillance state

Daniel Ellsberg

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It’s a great site very informative with references included. Highly recommend.

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Looks like he was a Libertarian and anti gov if this is correct he did a lot of good things!

I know the woke Libtards are ghastly.

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Thank you for this link, V_W_T, fascinating info about fenben.

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Instances of pancreatic cancer are now being reported in explosive numbers. This is unprecedented, and we have to suspect that these massive increases in this deadliest malignancy is tied to the jabs. The depletion of TLRs 3, 7, 8, and the degradation of P53 likely play a major role. It's also alarming that so many deaths are being reported so many months after the last jabs, so the time lag between final jab / booster and the onset of serious and fatal maladies is very worrying.

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As a first year medical student in the 1980's dissecting my cadaver, I found a pancreas that was misshapen and hard, like concrete. I rushed over to the teacher and announced that I had found "cancer of the pancreas." The professor laughed at me and told me I would never see cancer of the pancreas in my life because it was so rare. He examined the cadaver and told me it was the result of pancreatitis, probably from alcoholism. Then, even before the COVID shots, pancreatic cancer became much more common. I had two neighbors on my block get it in the early 2000's. I am not denying that COVID shots are causing an increase, but whatever is causing the increase in this cancer started well before COVID shots. Possibly other vaccines are causing it as well.

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Very interesting. It really makes you wonder what causal factors are at work behind the surge. One pathologist I know believes it is the frequent consumption of fruit juices with high sugar content. It would be interesting to explore epidemiological data to try to detect patterns.

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The great elephant in the room is getting so big now. But you know what they say about Long Covid causing all kinds of heart and cancer issues.

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A 33 year old Sheriff's deputy just fell over & died while training, leaving a wife and 3 children in Indiana.

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one of millions out there ...

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VAIDS, vax induced AIDS

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I have a good friend that, within a couple of weeks of being diagnosed with Leukemia, passed away in November of last year. She wasn’t young, but she definitely wasn’t what I would consider on death’s doorstep either ~ she was 62, and hadn’t had any health issues prior to being diagnosed. And yes, she was vaxxed multiple times over. What’s so bizarre to me, is that none of her family or friends even question the suddenness of her death. The level of denial, in my opinion, is just astounding. They’re all just like, “We miss her and we’re devastated but it was obviously her time to go.” And, depending on what you believe, that may be true. I’m a Christian, so I do believe that when God decides to call us home, it’s our time and there’s nothing we can do about it. But, with that being said, I would still want to know the truth...

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All too often, the truth is that it was NOT that person's "time to go."

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Sad statements all around. Find it very disappointing to see all those who either don't question this or who don't cover the true extent of the kind of totalitarianism we are under.

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Yes. I agree.

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Reading thru all the twitter comments- this one person had the courage to ask:

Daniel, We would like to know, since you're making open & public statements about your health, if you were injected with any mRNA shots, which ones, & how many. We will keep you in our thoughts hoping you will live much longer than your doctors predict. Namaste.

Oh boy- did that open a floodgate of vitriol.


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So sad. We continue to be vilified and attacked for questioning being shot up with poison. Very disheartening.

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Not sure of his age or prior medical issues. But if it was caused by him destroying his immune system with the faux vaccine he will never acknowledge that fact and in the end it doesn’t really matter for him. It does however matter for the rest of us the living. We need to know what if anything these repeated shots are doing to us.

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He is 91, but there's no reason he couldn't have lived another 5-10 years.

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Hard to know isn’t it. But they won’t even look to determine the risk.

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Or underlying cause

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I have observed a number of unexplained and unexpected cancers in my practice, all in vaccinated and boosted patients. Previously stable and/or healthy patients. It’s difficult to point out the obvious because these people are innocent, following what was recommended by those they trusted.

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Tell Dr. David Gorski, who's commenting up a storm here, insisting that there's "no credible evidence" of any rise in cancers. To make that point, he's also slimed Dr. Ryan Cole.

I urge you to engage him on this question.

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I just did. Like most current MD’s, Dr. Gorski seems to think only he and the Medical Establishment have THE ANSWER and the rest of us plebes should just follow unquestioningly, and spend their time gaslighting an increasingly awakened population.

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He likely is a paid Big Pharma Hack like the other amoral, spineless creatures that pop up.

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Your cardiologist has not helped him in the past by putting him on a salt-free diet. Very few people benefit and most are harmed by the lack of a reasonable amount of salt in the diet - especially as we age.

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Skip the refined salt that is omnipresent. Consume unrefined salt such as Pink Himalayan salt etc. So much better for you!

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I agree - I should have been more specific. There are many good non-refined salts.

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Has all the needed minerals, table salt does not.

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Salt is not bad , sugar is a killer.

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True. And potassium.

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Sad news. So sorry in spite of his Covid attitudes. Older people especially fell victim to the intense fear-mongering. Understandable since it was always our elders who were and still are, most at risk from this virus. I just wish people like Chomsky had not said such ugly, arrogant things. They were wrong.

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Chomsky, and so many others, seemed to have turned corporate shill. Anyone on tv, so many people I liked, I now can't stand, because of what they have said about those who chose not to be shot up with poison. I will never forget Whoopi on The View saying you are killing children if you don't get vaccinated. Yes, she did say that. In hindsight this will all be so horrifying. Listen to Edward Dowd, his book Cause Unknown, is about all the sudden deaths.

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I guess another case of "ABV (Anything But the Vaccine) Syndrome"?

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