it is always a bad way of making up your mind hearing just one side of the story. If you need to suppress the dissenting voices, you are on the wrong track. The moment someone disagrees, it has to be carefully examined. If something is propagated as strongly as the jabs, there is something wrong. A good thing needs no propaganda, it will sell itself. If it needs advertisements that bad, leave it be. Only bad things need propaganda. All the rest will find its way.

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Nearly 5 million views speaks for itself. Did the BBC fact check Al Gore's mountain of stinking BS, Inconvenient Truth, that had no factual reality at all?

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and Al Gore is another one who got stinking rich with his lies

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While he lives in a mansion with 5 big air conditioners while getting off on intimate rubdowns on his fifth chatcra. He has a big Gulfstream too.

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AND has a lavish oceanside estate, no?

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like poor obama's property on Marthas vineyard, that could not house 50 immigrants.

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I know that Obama has a couple of beach properties. Hard to see how a poor congressman or president could afford those on their salaries and I know each property is well served with diesel back-up generators with tanks big enough for several dozen normal homes. He's another hypocrite, diesel for me but not for thee.

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Nov 24, 2022
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confiscate all their possessions. You will own nothing and be happy starts with those that own most ! If you take away the 20 year old car from people who are too poor to afford an own trailer house, you won't get far! But if we can confiscate the 1 % on top the 99 % will have enough to live on.

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And a private jet.

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I don't think he has a jet but he must fly via via commercial services and via the hire of jets a lot. Carbon neutrality, though, is a profoundly stupid goal.

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I checked and he probably does not but frequents Southwest Airlines. He still has a huge hypocritical carbon footprint.

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Carbon footprint is part of a massive scam.

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It formed the basis of the "Green" movement and climate control cult..

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Wish they had before I dragged my 8 year old to see it in theaters, when it was first released.

My poor kid... 😂

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my father dragged me into the cinema to see The Beatles' Let It Be (1970). great experience ;-))

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"A good thing needs no propaganda"

In the same way that a "deadly Pandemic virus" doesn't need billions of dollars/pounds/euros to convince the population that a "deadly Pandemic" is occurring.

Two sides of the same coin.

Being told you can't go to restaurants or bars or get on a train or an aeroplane or even travel to a country because you haven't been vaxxed - because the vaxx is 100% safe and effective and stops transmission and infection but the filthy unvaccinated are a threat to us and you still have to wear a mask - makes perfect sense. All this for a virus that likely has a kill rate of less than 0.5% once the dust has settled.

Anyone who fell for this crap is a midwit. I'm seriously starting to wonder that if they weren't coerced, they deserve everything that comes their way. But we need to remain compassionate.

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I like the term: Midwit. Interesting.

You're not saying nitwit, right? They're not completely stupid or brain-dead. Just partially.

Average. Terrifyingly average. Hmmm. Thank you.

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Nov 24, 2022
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"Yet, it appears that the injections are separating the wheat from the chaff - with the wholly obedient ones being the chaff"

You are correct. This drives me insane.

I have answered the question "if this was a depopulation agenda, why would the "Elite" kill their most obedient subjects?" so many times it drives me crazy to see people still asking it.

I can't be bothered anymore.

1) The killing is indiscriminate. It's about depopulation, therefore propaganda is key to make as many people drink the Kool Aid as possible. Why would Jim Jones kill all his most faithful disciples? FFS. Because you have been indoctrinated into a Death Cult.

2) In any totalitarian society, the "useless eaters" get "culled" first. Our enemies are Social Darwinists and they believe that anyone who is stupid enough to fall for their obvious lies is too stupid to live. They even tell us, explicitly, what their plans are, and then presumably laugh for weeks as the sheeple call the exact thing they said from their own mouths (on video no less) a "conspiracy theory" (Qui Tacet Consentire Videture)

3) If your plan is to bump off the the vast majority of humans and replace them with automation and AI, why do you care who you kill off? What has the missing trillions (TRILLIONS) in the Pentagon budget been spent on exactly? I doubt it's weapons, and all the "rogue intelligence experts" who claim that US hegemony is the main goal of the US are full of shit. If the US had flying saucers that could wipe out a country in 24 hours with laser rail guns, don't you think the Neocons would have made that happen already?

4) If you can enslave the remaining high-IQ, critical thinkers, then you have done humanity a solid as far as they are concerned. You have improved the gene-pool. Again, these are Social Darwinist Eugenicists.

5) PCR tests appear to have been a DNA harvesting exercise more than anything else. If you are going to commit global genocide, having a massive DNA database is quite handy. You wouldn't want to run into an American Bison genocide genetic problem by having too limited a gene pool to work with.

I can go on but I can't be bothered. And I'm not having a go at you, you just stimulated my brain and this subject just makes my blood boil. 🙂

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The BBC is a truly awful institution that actively seeks to encourage harm to their paying customers.

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....but hey...The BBC had it right on the reporting of the collapse of building 7 on 911. Oh...wait...

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And Jimmy Saville also

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...yes...The BBC's integrity currency is collapsing....

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Not quickly enough.

It needs to be in freefall.

Just like WTC 7.

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One of the questions that needs to be answered ASAP, WHAT is the Fibrous "clots", that are being removed from cadaver's during autopsy's, made from? What is this material???? That's what needs to be answered.

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Indeed it does.

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UK's John O'Looney comments on these fibrous (he describes them as 'calamari-like') stringy things here - https://rumble.com/v1orszc-funeral-director-john-olooney-describes-mystery-clots-that-are-killing-vacc.html

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In the documentary Died Suddenly, Steve Kirsch referred to those fibrous clots as amyloid clots, or amyloid material. He's not the only researcher who describes them this way. I'll look for links to some Substack articles about this phenomenon, and post links to them here. Igor Chudov comes to mind, but I know there are others as well who've written about this. The spike protein promotes - or at least can produce - amyloidosis anywhere and everywhere in the body. It's one of the countless pernicious effects of the infernal poison injections.

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Dr. Jessica Rose talks about those clots as well. She has no access to the material and is not a pathologist.

So far, haven't seen them under a microscope either but Dr. Ryan Cole is a pathologist (he's in the documentary) and could shed some light.

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You seem unaware of the Mike Adams' lab analyses, or of the fact that Jane Ruby is the key investigative journalist on the clot-structure issue. Rumble.

The key lab finding is that the content is mostly not blood.

Granted that it is a scandal that only Adams' lab has done the tests so far; and it is a shame, since Adams is easy for MSM-types to cast doubt upon, given his many direct links to, well, "Kookdom." As late as this June, he was interviewing--and without obection-- some guy who wants to warn us about alien-bases on the far side of the moon.

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I'm very much aware of who Mike Adams is, and where his lab is located, and also aware of his "lab tests" regarding this issue.

Also acutely aware of who Dr. Jane Ruby is... 😉

Unfortunately, I had to pretty much write off Mike Adams's "work" after he produced erroneous data regarding the October 1 2017 Route 91 Massacre in Las Vegas, very early days.

I had a vested interest in that investigation.

Mike's spurious work was distributed to a very wide audience of pretty naive folks who then re-distributed his hand produced white board chart as "gospel".

So, yeah. Sorry. Not a fan.

And yes, again, know about his lab results.

Nonetheless: waiting for a pathologist, with lab results.

Can you link me to that data?


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Argh....my error. Ruby, not Rose, is who I meant. Apologies. Dr. Jane Ruby.

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Did you know that you can click on the 3 dots next to "collapse" to edit a comment?

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Okay, thanks, I did the edit. As for your ask, if you're asking for a link to info about a lab analysis besides Adams', I don't believe any other such has yet been conducted. Frickin' TEN MONTHS after Hirschman first reported, and only Mr. Adams has stepped up--our science and jounrnalism orgs are total disgraces.

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Right. The BBC makes mention of blood clots found in cadavers as something that has always existed. But these? They aren't normal blood clots. If there was evidence that embalmers were pulling mystery meat from the blood vessels of cadavers prior to the injections it would already have been thrust in our faces as proof that our heroic embalmers were pulling a fast one. So first the critics try to equivocate these with normal blood clots. Then they try to say you can't attribute them to the shots any more than you can attribute them to the election of MTG. The causality argument....except there really wasn't anything about MTG's election that could even conceivably create physicalchanges within a person's body....and wow, what a coincidence...the shots WERE actually injected into people's bodies....and another something to ponder....we STILL don't have an ingredients list and an official declaration of just what the hell has been pushed into the bloodstream of humanity. So perhaps when one applies the black and white rules of "evidence based medicine" you can say with a straight face things like "there is no known connection between the covid vaccine and fibrous blood clots" or " there is no evidence the covid injections have caused any death or injury", it hardly changes the power of intuitive deductive reasoning that grotesque never before seen fibrous clots are being pulled out of bodies starting shortly after the shots were inflicted upon the world, and no other phenomena such as MTG, sun flares, global warming, referee whistles, gardening or winter vagina make nearly as much sense in creating strange clots within bodies as the injection of unknown substances with no long term trial data, and a hushed up history of heart problems and deaths in the short term. Not to mention MIT researcher Stephanie Seneff warned early on in her paper "Worse Than the Disease" the potential for misfolded proteins to create amyloid issues within the body. Hmm, could there be a connection? Nah, it must be climate change.

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Natural News' Mike Adams (who runs an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas) analyzed clots in August and found them to be lacking iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, suggesting that they are formed from something other than blood - https://www.theepochtimes.com/embalmers-have-been-finding-numerous-long-fibrous-clots-that-lack-post-mortem-characteristics_4696015.html?utm_campaign=socialshare_email&

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Perhaps micro irritations of the razor blade like cuts of graphene oxide abrading the interior of vessels, capillaries and arteries?

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I didn't realize Forbes hired 8th graders.

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Big huge grin. Ty

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There's a Texas saying, "Picking fly shit out of black pepper" is what these critics of Died Suddenly are doing.

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Leave it to the Texans to be so succinct!

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A friend of my daughter lost a coworker today to a heart attack. Age 23.

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Oh, dear. One hears about such deaths all the time, and yet once can't ever quite get used to it.

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yeap, these are the untold stories.

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And for every person who abruptly drops dead, there are probably thousands who've been injured, some of them significantly and permanently, and/or who will die younger than they otherwise would have. There's also the issue of decreased fertility as well as damage to embryos and fetuses. How many children will be born deformed or sick due to the poison injections? We have absolutely no idea. The worldwide covid vax campaign is the final phase of the trial. It amazes me that so few people seem to realize that.

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Cynthia Bowers: If you send me a link to her obituary or another kind of online death notice, I'll write it up for MCM's In Memoriam project. I'm part of the team working on it. Email me: annettecohen (at) proton.me. Thanks.

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Jeez. Where exactly did this happen?

Any way you can to link to an obituary notice?

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I find it ironic some of the biggest pushers of the 'vaccine' are cardiologists. Ironic because of the heart side-effects.

Also. Mark, if I understand the term 'disinformation correctly, it's deliberate misuse and transmission of wrong information meant to deceive, correct?

Isn't this what we call 'propaganda?'

And if so, who are the biggest pedlars of propaganda?

The state, no?

In effect, then, they should be shutting itself down. Oh, the ironies of it all!

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Nov 24, 2022
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My brother-in-law was a senior cardiologist in PA. He was so arrogant and proud to be one of the first "Heros" to take the shot. He died a couple months ago after developing aggressive brain cancer. No family history of it. He was brilliant but his hubris made him stupid.

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Waiting for the documentary called ABTV (Anything But the Vaccine).

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My teenage son's heart attack would been....

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ABV, not to be confused with Alcohol By Volume or Already Been Vaped.

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The thing that sickens me so much about this situation is that all we are asking for is "safety in medicine". It doesn't matter what our beliefs are beyond that point. I mean, it DOES matter, but we want these medical devices of death to be stopped, immediately.

25 deaths used to lead to vaccinations being withdrawn. No-one with a brain would call thalidomide or Vioxx "safe and effective". What is the difference?

We "anti-vaxxers" are advocating for safe medicine and an end to unsafe medicine that is demonstrably killing and maiming people.

These scumbag shills want to sweep the suffering and death under the carpet, EVEN THOUGH THE PEOPLE WHO ARE BEING KILLED AND MAIMED ARE TRUE BELIEVERS AND THEIR ALLIES in many cases.

With friends like these "people", who needs enemies?

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Nov 24, 2022
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Great point. 'Authorities' just don't want to look at the vaxx adverse problems. At all!

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"Never mind the fact that people have been dying suddenly ever since, oh, the beginning of human existence. Never mind the fact that over a million people in the U.S. and over 6.6 million around the world have died from, you know, Covid-19, since early 2020. Never mind the fact that these deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic have resulted in excess mortality."

Since excess mortality is the mark of definitive deadliness, perhaps Forbes would like to explain the FIFTEEN million excess fatalities through the end of 2021...


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True, but of course, the overwhelming gist of what he says is still accurate nonetheless. His relatively insignificant inaccuracies in reporting are absolutely nothing compared with the gigantic scale of the malicious falsehoods that are deliberately being perpetrated against humanity by the NWO WEF agents on the other side.

It would not be right for anyone to totally invalidate every single thing in the film due to just a few small inaccuracies in reporting, though he should realize that small errors like this made in haste can be seized upon to falsely justify ridicule being directed by the establishment against literally everything said by those trying to expose the WEF depopulation program, so yes, he should realize the importance of taking more time to thoroughly fact check before releasing his reports, and as you rightly suggest, fix the errors and re-release.

It is sometimes very difficult to thoroughly cross check every single fact in these times, and even the best of journalists on both sides of any discussion sometimes make very significant errors in their perceptions and in some part of their assessments of factual evidence, even unintentionally, and often without the vast majority of people seeing their reports even being able to realize that is occurring due to commonly held perceptions that have often been deliberately engineered amongst the general population, such as fake history that is very often generated and perpetuated by many powerful sinister governments around the world. And Snopes for instance often deliberately misrepresents certain facts as true or false purely according to requirements of political agendas, so finding the ultimate truth about whether or not certain 'facts' are definitely true or not can be extremely time-consuming and quite a minefield to negotiate, and even then sometimes it turns out that stuff one thought one had researched thoroughly is still not totally accurate.

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such stupid errors are unforgivable ... with so much credible evidence available, this is a monumental blunder ... he needs to own this immediately.

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Well, I think Stew Peters does not mean to make any errors as such, but in haste to deliver the essential gist of what desperately needs to be said, a little hyperbole has perhaps been included or a little unintentional oversight has occurred, inadvertently in haste perhaps, no real matter, because when the opposing side is actually mass-murdering and sterilizing all of us and arranging needless perpetual warfare as always as in Isaiah 19:2 between Gentile peoples as in Ukraine vs Russia, instigated by Chabad Lubavitcher-controlled WEF fanatical Jewish leaders of both nations, the obligation should very obviously rather be on the other side for THEM to be word perfect and get every single one of their supposed facts absolutely straight, because every single thing they say is a total lie, with regard to the Jewish-named William Casey's 1981 CIA statement to his fellow officers during a staff meeting in 1981; “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

CIA hostile foreign power military occupation Jew Casey's statement is the sort that is typically never meant to be seen by the average member of the American public, and is evidence of the typically non-transparent behaviour of the godless self-worshipping lower dimensional soul group swine in control who are nothing less than multi-generational heavily infiltrated hostile foreign power (Jewish Israeli) military occupation government operatives, actually destroying the lives of their Gentile slave peoples in many nations generation after generation.

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If folks'll pardon my pastin' my own comment on the same topic (from somethin' I commented on recently on Celia Farber's Truth Barrier Stack), I'll do so thereby throw'in my 2 cents plain...

In brief... this "doc" is for the choir, not the new potential parishioners.. (if ya look at death-by-jab as a flock-kill and ya wanna make that "flock" aware...this ain't gonna do it...) SO...here goes:

It's purdy well done albeit gruesome (sharin' it with my mamas group with a not-fer-kidz caveat) but it's far too rough about the edges to give to "normies"---the fast cuttin', vorkapich-style images of "NWO Central Castin'" folks that NOBODY not already in the choir'll recognize... will be off-puttin' and are a tad too music-video-y--it's too fast and way too insider-y to normie folks who don't even know what the heck is a reset (my own ma would say ya reset the margins on the typewriter...)... Also all the cuttin' in of folks droppin' dead needs 'splainin'--to someone not in the loop it seems gratuitous...

What IS powerful is meetin' not just one'r two embalmers but SO MANY've 'em--all good on cam'ra. Steve Kirsch comes off well! Oddly it makes ya feel that fer all that's in there--some key stuff is left out---the AI / digital control / digital $ is screamin' to be mentioned... Still he gits an A fer the effort...

ADDING here...

1. indeedy, showin' Bigfoot and Aliens like this'll be some "scandal revealed" National Enquirer episode will not win newbies--sensationalistic, not sober...

2. I hadn't caught that one've the dead basket(ball) cases wasn't a jab-victim but the whole montage wuz sloppy -- we needed to see the connections presented s-l-o-w-l-y along with proof they whar vaxxed... such as on x date suzie sez she's SO happy to have gotten her rooster and on y date she posted she was having side fx and on z date we see the obit. Needs a thru line... basic filmmakin' 101--TELL a story don't show a fast cuttin' commercial... I think 5 minutes of Maddie DeGaray (or a family that had a vaxx-related loss but spoke cogently about it...) would've "trumped" (sorry) 5 minutes of vorkapitch droppin-dead-e-o's montage...

3. I got a general feelin' that besides being off-putting image-wise fer normies, this overall comes off as too glib and confident... like a gen-z car commercial and thereby sadly discredits itself cuz there IS some very good stuff here.... The "grainy rough" footage with shock value (like dune buggy races..), quick cuts, slick editing (style)... all wrong... save it for a music video, Stew (former white rapper that he is!)

4. I AGREE with the legit crit that talking about cullin' the herd and KILLING us all (even tho' it's truer than the nose on our faces...) will be an instant turn off / head scratcher' fer normies. I mentioned the NWO cast've characters bein' too abstruse fer regular folks but addin' here/now that the "de pop" goals should be a separate movie--this'll seem WAY too sci fi being told that they wanna kill ya with these jaberoos. Should be 'nuff to show them that jabs=died suddenly, simple is better here...

5. BUT all that said...I applaud the effort and wanna call off the venomous voices here...SO...

Hey y'all let's not STEW Peters here cuz've his asso-cia-shun with Brian Ardis. Adding: Dr Ardis is a good person / a mensch (gave us a rec. for gettin' ivermectin --no charge, bless him! and he did this for thousands'a folks...) and even if his snake venom theory is semi-WONKY, it's not totally bogus (see link below) and I will NOT cheer on those that wanna censor Peters fer presentin' it. Ya'll think Mike Adams is good on health stuff? I do, this is from Natural News :

"European researchers have confirmed that the plasma, urine, and feces of people who test “positive” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) contain “toxin-like peptides” that are “almost identical” to those found in snake and other animal venom."

"Samples of each of these fluids were collected from so-called “covid patients” and tested for composition. The stated purpose behind the research was to identify the mechanism of infection for the Chinese Virus, which is still largely a mystery."




NOBODY with an idear, no matter how wack-a-doodles, should be left out in the cold while we try ta figger this out--we got here by censorship--"believe" in the bat/pangolin, but DISCOUNT "They're tryin' to kill us!" story. Dismiss the "folks are magnetic" story (but they ARE Blanche!)...

So y'all, take it from a certified crackpot, go easy on the Stew... the man tried (this DOES reflect his own sensibilities) and this "doc" does NOT totally suck, it just ain't what's needed to convince the normies and by being so "sense-ational" it IS off-putting and allows itself--too readily--to be dismissed by the MSM (BBC, Forbes, etc)... BUT it doesn't suck. It gets good stuff in--again' fer me the embalmers were the MOST powerful...

My 2 cents plain!

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Thanks for this excellent critique AND defense DMCC!

I was disappointed in this film because I am very picky about accuracy leading to credibility - but have nothing but gratitude for Stew's efforts (and Jane Ruby's AND Dr Ardis.)

Everyone should be thanking Dr Ardis for all the hollering he's done for almost 3 years about Remdesivir - and thanking him for bringing venom peptide injectable products to our attention. Thank God.

I have nurse friends who KNOW chemo shortens lives and causes "chemo" brain and who KNOW that synthetic snake venom peptides are the basis for all the oncology poisoning – and they’ve said they'd refuse the standard cancer "cures" for themselves.

I have learned a great deal of information from listening to Ardis and am grateful!

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Thank ye back an' agreed fully thar and wanna ditto yer praise fer Dr Jane Ruby--she too ROCKS! have larned a LOT from her too! Grateful to Stew fer givin' her a Pot to Stir! (aka a platform)

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Also would like to properly thank you, Granny Moses, for "Resign You Ratfink, Resign Turd-o".


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You know it’s a threat to the establishment when they lob a hit piece two days after launch. We can only hope it triggers the Streisand Effect.

I watched it last night and agree it is a must-watch, minor flaws notwithstanding. I hope they can release a new version quickly with the errors expurgated to avoid giving the propagandists ammunition.

The interviews with funeral industry professionals and footage of embalmers pulling out fibrous white clots are devastating, and I hope as many people as possible see it for those segments alone. Perhaps Sage can get to work slicing it up into bite-sized fragments.

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Difficult to have ANY opinion that challenges the totalitarians. What will be the response when Edward Dowd’s book, Cause Unknown, becomes a best-seller? I’m not a Stew Peters fan--he goes for the drama & mistakes are literally pounced upon by those controlling the narrative. Recent revelations by the retired head of Pfizer R&D should make all heads spin in shock. The FLCCC Alliance published in on Substack. WaPo published facts that more covid deaths attributed to the jabbed. Are we finally getting somewhere? MO v Biden has advanced to depositions. The Marik lawsuit re: being denied early treatment is also advancing. Coordinated, collective lies are difficult to challenge, but when battles are wisely chosen, a few great wins takes the whole house of cards & cads down.

Mark, your substack confused me. Excess non covid mortality is real. Do you follow Dowd’s research? Ethical Skeptic?

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Of course. Where did I suggest otherwise?

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One of the things the documentary does right is showing what depopulation means, concretely and viscerally. We see the amyloid clots, we see the grainy blood, and we see the cadavers ( parts of them ). That's all real, and incontrovertible — given the number of embalmers who have come forward, and the looming excess deaths, worldwide. With over 2/3 of the human population injected, regardless of whether one believes it is by design or not, the ramifications are staggering and cannot be ignored.

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The BBC, like the CBC in Canada, have lost all credibility. Investigative journalism is dead; shilling for Big Pharma is in.

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Lot of good journalists here on supbstack

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