I am so glad my father is gone and doesn't have to deal with what has happened to the country he loved. He was a B-17 pilot in the European theater and my grandfather served in the Navy on the Ard 8 in the south pacific. Dad also flew over 100 missions on the Berlin Airlift which I would bet not one under 30 have a clue what that was about.

Both would be appalled at what this country, if you can even call it that anymore, has become. And honestly i am glad i am old. At least I won't have to deal with this demonic evil tyranny takeover for too long anymore but what about my child. My grandchild. This is the SHIT we want to leave them? Elections will continue to be stolen. Just like 2020 was. They just keep changing the rules until they enslave us all. Voting them out is not an option anymore but getting them out still is. One way or another. It's time for the average american to understand we out number them 10 to 1. And if you haven't noticed, the smell of fear just reeks off of them.

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Nothing should be surprising here. The senile marionette that trips over his own strings is what the subversives need to execute on their plan. I would not be surprised if by the end of the year, kamala is tarnished by some staged incident so they can get the next collaborator (VP) positioned to step in for the old man when they remove him. Wait for it...

Allowing the opportunity for another primary candidate to interfere with their plans is not a risk they will take.

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Read up on communism.....purges, arrests, death camps, don't be surprised

by anything. Why do you think they had to purge their rank and file.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

Whenever I hear a Democrat speak as this person...Shuddering begins and erupts in complete uproarious laughter. Been so much proof of IMPERIALISM/FASCISM taking over their party

until now there is no Democrat alive...And, the Republicans are quickly joining them to form

the U.S. NAZI UNIPARTY as part of the UNELECTED Criminocracy running this country.

The People have allowed the Central Banker Family Cartel running the International Mafia Cult to MURDER OUR CONSTITUTION AS THEY'VE SOUGHT TO DO SINCE THE INCEPTION OF THE UNITED STATES. They've STOLEN OUR REPUBLIC and this person is JUST NOW CATCHING-ON?




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Here's an excerpt from a 2017 article indicating why its foolish to think you can reform the Democratic Party:

"In the transcript for the hearing pertaining to Wilding, et. al. v. DNC Services, d/b/a DNC and Deborah “Debbie” Wasserman Schultz, DNC attorneys assert that the party has every right to favor one candidate or another, despite their party rules that state otherwise because, after all, they are a private corporation and they can change their rules if they want...


So isn't becoming clear we've seen this movie before when it was first released in 2016.😁

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I think this is a good test. The Democrats in New Hampshire have been put in their place. Ok, in November 2024 they will tell everyone else how important this issue is to them.

I bet they still go for Biden; and if so nobody will care about this minor slight.

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The chances that this election will happen at all are slim. While the NeoCon/CIA/BioSecurity state coup is still in charge they will not allow anyone but their selected Dog King to be POTUS.

If they have to start a nuclear war to do it they will.

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new hampshire democratic machine is notoriously corrupt. sen. jeanne shaheen's husband is ghislaine maxwell's attorney. and nh is to fentanyl now what arkansas was to coke when clinton was governor.

nh isn't the only state the dnc are trying to disenfranchise. here in nyc they destroyed any pretext of democracy in the mayoral primary when they switched from an election to a "ranked choice voting" questionnaire.

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The DNC (and Big Pharma, and Big Tech, and Big Oil, etc etc) have buildings full of lawyers working around the clock to screw us. We really need to be in touch with this reality and the scope of the problem.

I find that people on the left are particularly resistant to the suggestion that lying, cheating, and stealing is widespread. Recently, a friend (an obedient leftist) told me it's a "conspiracy theory" to believe that any corporation would lie for profits. If you're an adult, and can't wrap your mind around this, then you're beyond help, I don't know how you lasted this long. But if you believe in corporate & government messaging, your naivety is literally going to get you killed.

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The DNC is replaying its Bernie Sanders strategy, revealing its abject corruption. Perhaps voters are tiring of the charade. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/04/is_robert_kennedy_jr_bernie_sanders_deja_vu.html

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This is exactly why I keep saying RFK has literally no chance to win the nomination. Courts have ruled time and time again that primary elections are private events run by private entities -- and those entities can change their rules whenever they want without legal recourse for its members.

They will literally install Biden or another hand-picked politician and there's nothing anybody can do about it -- the only cost will be political.........and something tells me that Democrats aren't too worried about elections these days.

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Firing Tucker was the worst thing that they could do, for them. Now Tucker is FREE AS A HAPPY BIRD, on Twitter!

NEW! Tucker Carlson: 'Why Exactly Are We at War With Russia?'


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Slimy shits 😢

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remember when David Icke called out "the totalitarian tiptoe" - it's no longer a tiptoe. it's no longer the boot on your neck, it's the boot smashing your face in. as Carlin said, "nobody notices, nobody cares". raise your hand if you care and then scream into the void because that's how much the individual voice is worth. either we the people say NO collectively and we start working together against the current narradigm in all the ways we can or it's game over. for instance, stop using QR codes on your "smart" phone, quit tap tap tapping, and use cash, and buy a dumb phone just for starters. stop thinking you're free when you're surrounded by control. WAKE UP and know the difference between woke and awake. look into what's happening in schools now. I live in MA, one of the worst woke states! they are teaching proper pronouns and gender identity in kindergarten! FTS! where has OUTRAGE gone?

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At the CDP convention, they were removing delegates who were visibly backing RFK. To be a superdelegate, you have to be a delegate. The Democratic Party will do whatever it takes to fix the election. We need to get the states to stand up to the Democratic Party. New Hampshire could pass a statute that, if any party doesn't allot them delegates, then,that party is inelgibile for any electors from that state in the general election.

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That’s democracy, friend, or Demonocracy or somethin’. I think they should also sneak into the bylaws that any candidates from Massachusetts whose last names begin with the letter k shall be limited to 10% of the vote in all primary states.

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