Doctors should know how the body works and they failed so they are 100% guilty if they promoted the vax. End of story.
As Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has said time and again, when a shot is given to someone in the muscle and then it goes to the bloodstream there are different antibodies then those that are needed for a respiratory infection. EVERY doctor should know this. If not, they failed and are guilty!!! If I can find this information, EVERY doctor, EVERY nurse, EVERY pharmacist, EVERYONE can too:
"Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2."
Not to mention that the doctors, nurses and medicos who were jabbing folks HAD to see peoples reactions first hand. People passing out, going grey. To ignore what is in front of you is a whole 'nother level of idiot cog. There should be some kind of punishment in this world, here and now, for such an abuse of power.
YES!!! I didn't even think of that. You're so right. Can you imagine? I can't. They just ignored that. I've heard of nurses laughing in the hospitals with regards to the protocols that they were giving while people under "their care" were dying. How does this happen? I can't comprehend the evil in these monsters that pledged to take care of people.
When I shared info on the agenda, I've been either ignored, unfriended, or told that no government would do this to their own people. I think until death or sudden new disease hits close to home which hopefully wakes them from their trance, they will remain in it.
I totally agree. Even when these people have a death or new disease, they can't put 2 and 2 together. Crazy. And, a lot of these are very educated people.
I hadn’t heard that or seen it personally so I can’t vouch for its veracity but I do believe that many of those “dancing nurses” were satanic rituals - in disguise, of course.
“Be Happy” - I mean, c’mon, you can’t even make this stuff up.
Truthfully, people are going so downhill that I feel like I’m just disassociating with humanity.
Hoping to connect with what remains of their souls but not dependent on it, either.
And shoving mechanical ventilators down throats from the beginning. But they saw all those empty beds and spent their days making dance videos for TikTok while pretending the wards were overflowing. They knew it was a lie from the start.
If ever there was a quintessential alice in wonderland example of the true insanity of the situation - of people believing there could be a deadly - and we remember PEOPLE WERE DYING!!! - a deadly global pandemic that was devastating the earth while nurses - NURSES - on the front line were choreographing, rehearsing and performing a dance for a tik tok video....
And they were supposed to be overworked. Those dances were carefully choreographed. Must have taken hours to put together. Not the kind of thing exhausted medical workers would have time or energy to make. Pretty stupid of them. I think the Liars that Be didn't intend on that happening.
I could never understand why they would all line up on both sides of the hallway, and clap as someone ACTUALLY left the hospital. I thought that was very strange, too.
I remember President Trump perpetually bragging about how he was able to motivate companies to manufacture ventilators. What a hero. ahem. pop go the lungs. Maybe it was the only way to get the country back from a belligerent guv. 90% of democrats took it. They’re gonna need to replace votes with the Title 42 illegals. brutal.
My thought at the time was that they knew they couldn't speak out and used the dances as a way of saying; "Hey look, we are so not busy, despite what the nightly news tell you, that we have the time to choregraph and rehearse a dance routine."
Yes. It seems many doctors forgot about natural immunity and they also forgot about informed consent for experimental medical treatments-- both of those things being among the most basic to know. The medical profession as a whole has thoroughly disgraced itself. Fortunately, however, there are many doctors who have been speaking out against the crimes-- and I am sure more than we realize. I say that because I keep coming upon doctors who spoke out in 2021 and 2022 that I'd not heard of, and I've been actively looking every day-- that's how heavy the censorship has been.
After lying to the rest of us for month after month it seems they bought into their own lies. They took their own poison. That's what's extraordinary. Evil as he was Dr, Josef Mengele never would have harmed himself.
one cannot expect that the results of injecting toxins into the body will result in a healthful outcome... (just trying to simplify it for all of us- for clarity's sake)
It's what they've been expecting ever since Jenning's pioneering work.. that left his older son a vegetable, but that's of course, never mentioned in the official panegyrics...
I agree wholeheartedly. If we laypeople of all ages were able to ferret out the correct information, these ahoe docs-in-a-box should've also been able to do so, and more easily with all their training and their Hippocratic Oath weighing heavy on their heads (as if). No mercy for the colluders. I had a "doctor" in Taos, NM, who wanted to give me the J&J clot shot as I was recovering from . . . an acute saddle pulmonary embolism (caused by elevation and blue aggravation, incl from constant overhead sky spraying). Wonder what the young twerp thinks now--assuming she's still alive. She and her staff did Rosie the Riveter photos after getting jabbed. Total morons. Should all lose their license, including these jokers on the vid, who are only looking to escape the pitchfork-bearing mob.
When I look over my comments here and across the internet, I can conclude that I am one strident bitch. The thing is, I don't care enough about that label to turn "Libra nice" again. Eff that shit. We are in a WAR for our lives and, more important imo, the lives of children, the developmentally disabled, and the trapped elderly. I apologize in advance, but a bitch I will remain until we see victory over evil.
We need to look out for our weaker members. Don't expect the medical system to love them or care for them. They're just paychecks. And some provide fatter checks by dying.
Sorry. That's my twist on the high elevation I lived at (~8,000 ft.) and aggravation caused by Marxist Dems (the "blue" group). There was bureaucratic mismanagement galore and other bullshit to contend with, like a criminal governor who has zero regard for any life but her own and fancied herself a dictator (I worked at the Roundhouse [their Capitol, in SFe] as a session legislative editor, so I had an inside view of the sausage factory, and I'm a queasy vegetarian). Antifans were starting to invade the mesa and destroying every bit of beauty they found. Luckily, they were afraid of me. (Long story.) And lastly, living in open sky country--on the way to nowhere--I would witness the daily spraying of the skies over my head on the mesa, for no reason other than to poison. Twenty aerial LOFTers at one time one day. I made a number of
cuss-word-laden videos about it. You couldn't help but see it everywhere, and the people, the wokes primarily, who were invader transplants who did NOT honor the locals, would say shit like, "I just don't look up." Kill. Me. Now. And it almost did. Thank you, wonderful, brilliant staff at Holy Cross Hospital and at the HCH blood-clot clinic. Best pharmacist EVER, JH!
Saw an article about a younger Bhakti, similar features, who has a lab for testing Covid samples, making $$$. I used to believe the virus theory and contagion but no more. Whilst Dr Bhakti has spoken out on the dangers of the jabs, the illusion of viruses remains. There are plenty toxins around which cause similar symptoms and these symptoms are our body expelling them. I hope he remains safe.
Just finished reading Eleanor McBean's "The Poisoned Needle", published 1957, mentioning several times a book therein "Who Is Your Doctor And Why?" by one A.J. Shadman MD, (cheapest copy I could find, C$227.88 on "") which supposedly puts paid to the notion of viruses. She also mentioned several times "The History and Pathology of Vaccination" by an Edgar M. Crookshank MD, published in 1887, that puts paid to the notion of vaccination. That's still in print, you can order it from Amazon.
Think of it Markker: for at least 136 years now, we've been lead by our noses, sold a bill of goods about "viruses" and "vaccination" by Big Pharma and the Medical Fraternity.
Yes, the realisation only became clear to me after finding out about the PCR testing for this alleged virus and I found out about HIV, Montagnier only said what he found ( retrovirus) it MAY be the cause but the US bods got hold of it and said it definitely was. Then Polio, Spanish Flu and not forgetting smallpox! I was so shocked, like when you find out Santa is not real, as a kid. Trying to persuade anyone to actually read what has been going on for ever is almost impossible. I just looked on archive. org. Can't find the first book but you can read the second one free on line
.. the wisest thing my twin sister ever said to me: "Don't tell people things: They're STUPID." .. Dead now, since 2011. Stage IV Cancer out of the blue. Ate healthy, exercised regularly, did everything right.. grew with a host of allergies and horrendous eczema. I understand now thanks to what I've read and heard since 2020, it was childhood vaccinations that did her in. As for me? I wonder if I'm the lucky recipient of "Minimal Brain Damage" courtesy of vaccination (IQ over 140 I was told... but a lifetime of borderline passing grades, marginal, under and unemployment, decades of depression), courtesy of reading Harris L. Coulter's ( "Vaccination: Social Violence and Criminality" ... paid C$ 290 for that one (original price $14.95) ... apparently the term is considered "obsolete" in favour of "Hyper Activity Attention Deficit Disorder"; anything to give them an excuse to ply evermore toxic -- and probably useless and worthless -- drugs ...
You might want to try detoxing the toxins from your body. There are so many supplements that help with that. Hair testing is key for finding the heavy metals and to help one balance minerals which is only possible once you detox the heavy metals. It's very inexpensive and it's more accurate than most blood work because it's using tissue samples (hair) to test what's in the tissues of the body. Blood has to be in homeostasis (balance) or you're in big trouble.
Still is. Just wait for the next pandemic, promised us by Kill Gates and his bumboy at the helm of the WHO, avowed Marxist and accused genocidist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (PhD)..
.. um.. How could they possibly know another "pandemic" is going to happen -- unless they started it? ... 🤔💩
Oh, and by the way? 𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 take the flu vaccine this year, nor ever again: It's going to be mRNA-based.
Many were professional failures in this regard, others were simply ignorant.
An abundance of literature said otherwise.
Their bosses told them to do it.
People were not all dropping dead immediately.
Many crossed their fingers and hoped for the best despite concerns.
Peer pressure was huge; dissenters were ex-communicated from family, friends, lost their jobs, reputations, homes, livelihoods.
In no way does this excuse anyone’s behavior or participation in this; to have death meted out by the health professionals came out of nowhere to the trusting public, only too comfortable with following doctors orders.
Docs took the jab themselves - and the statistics on the “died suddenly” amongst the medical professionals is proof that they were victims, too.
Hopefully the survivors can learn from this and use it to better respond to future attacks.
Again, I don't believe they were victims themselves. It's the business of a doctor to know how the body works, how antibodies work, the different antibodies that exist. Why do I and so many others know that information better then doctors, nurses, etc. at this point? They made a choice to put something in themselves. They could have don't proper research as all of us have done. They chose not to and have either harmed themselves and their patients or at this point just their patients. And, they don't even have the intelligence, for the most part, to piece this puzzle together when a patient of theirs gets seriously ill. Instead, they are either disregarding the patient or blaming the patient.
A doctor who survives this who injected or promoted the injection of these toxins into people doesn't deserve to "respond to future attacks". They need to have their license revoked.
Think about what you just said and inherent contradiction there.
paraphrasing: Doctors should know how the body works, antibodies work, etc.
Here’s the contradiction:
Doctors believe they do know how the body works and how antibodies work because they were trained to a certain germ model.
How can u say they should “know better” when were trained to that model?
The literature supported it.
The alphabet agencies said testing confirmed it.
The journals lied or were misleading.
The agencies lied or were misleading.
Their hospitals followed deadly protocols which astounds me and yes, the medical professionals should have known something was up when that was causing deaths. This is where I have a problem accepting the docs and nurses actions because now it’s outside the novel technology and it’s in accepted practice and common sense. But this is now patient care, not immunization.
We were all trained to be comfortable with vaccines. Chances are you had them growing up and vaxxinated your kids as well. Are you willing to look at yourself and say that you should have known better?
We were all taught how vaccines stopped all these deadly diseases.
We all use new technology every day - this was new technology.
When you start losing your loved ones who thought they were saving lives then come back and talk about how they deserved that untimely and horrible death.
A friend of mine went to a walk-in clinic just a few days ago. 100% masking still required. They gave her a tough time over being a pureblood and pushed massively to try and get her to submit to being punctured. This isn’t over by a long shot (pun intended).
Wow. I guess, it's to be expected. These are complete moronic robots. It's shocking to me that they don't know the size of a virus (25,000 viruses fit in a linear inch) and that it's ABSOLUTELY impossible for masks to stop them. I guess if the mask is of some solid plastic or a mask fully laced with copper or silver or zinc since these metals are anti-viral.
Indeed, these shots could NEVER have mechanistically prevented infection or spread. That shouldn't be news. But worse is that the govt. still pretends the shots prevent severe disease. In the case of viremia an infection spreads to the bloodstream from the mucosa (in respiratory infections) leading to a systemic humoral response. Their argument is that the antibodies in the bloodstream (from 'vaccination' i.e. transfection) would thus prevent severe infection. However, they are taking credit for the prevention of viremia which, in most cases does not happen thanks to the mucosal immune system in the first place (even if the person experiences a severe respiratory infection).
Therefore, someone who got the shot and didn't get severely sick cannot ascribe that to the 'vaccine'. It was simply their mucosal system with igA secretory antibodies, NK and TCells that took care of it. It never went far enough for antibodies in their blood to do anything about it.
Generally speaking humoral antibodies are the body's last resort in dealing with infection, especially with highly mutating pathogens and for good reason.
Any doctor who pushed these shots isn't really worth their salt, to be honest.
Thank you very much for an even more detailed explanation. May I use what you've written to help others I email understand?
One thing... can you explain transfection? Some people have stated that those inoculated are not shedding but it's transfection. I'm trying to wrap my head around that even though I've read a bit of what it means.
For a good overview, I'd recommend watching videos of JJ Couey on Twitch (search giagohmbiological). Some older videos have detailed but simple explanations of how the immune system recognizes and deals with pathogens in the mucosa. Transfection is the word he uses because that is the precise biological term (it has been a round for a while) for the process of inducing a cell to manufacture a foreign protein( e.g. via mRNA). Regardless of how one feels about vaccinations (and the issues surrounding those in general), an mRNA shot is worlds apart from simply injecting a foreign protein and getting the body to react to it via an adjuvant (which might be bad enough).
Couey aptly describes the immunological cascade during a respiratory infection. It is significantly more complex and subtle than " you need antibodies". It is a delicate balance between overreaction and underreaction to the pathogen, in addition to how memory is built. In essence, NK cells and T-cells make non-specific memory to generalized foreign proteins displayed on cell surfaces early during infection. These functionally-constrained proteins are unlikely to mutate much because the pathogen would fail to replicate properly (RNA viruses are actually quite poor replicators in general and do have high fidelity unlike what is represented in the media) thus making the body capable of recognizing families of pathogens not just one. Making immune memory to these proteins does not guarantee stopping infection all the time but is a better strategy than solidifying an antigen-specific antibody to a foreign protein that is NOT constrained (like the spike of a coronavirus) and can easily mutate.
When common people, non doctors, understand better than doctors the dangers and toxicity of a "vaccine" or medical product, you know something sinister is happening.
The image fronting the video is marred by a warning "COVID-19 vaccine - Get the latest information from the CDC." Sure. If there's one thing I learned since 2020, it is that the CDC lies.
There were fresh jab billboards in Spanish and English here in Portland OR last week. I need to get outta here, I was already beyond disgusted, now....something's gotta change for me.
Yes they are running them on TV now and they are often short bursts, as if they are hoping there will be some kind of subliminal effect. As one teacher (now deceased) advised after predicting the madness that would reign during this period of history, we have to learn to get our coke and popcorn and enjoy the show. Easier said than done of course but once you see, and unless there is something specific you can do, the only choice seems to be between raging grief, or laughter. I am trying laugh at the absolute absurdity of all this. Sometimes it helps.
You can do it! And please do so before it's too late! It was hard and took a couple years, but I finally sold my off-off grid humble (no HVAC, no running water, crap in a bag in a camp toilet, 6 miles in from road, no paved roads on mesa--"Got mud?") northern NM homestead and moved to Florida. You can taste the freedom here. There are still leftist nutjobs and RINOs (I'm a old-time Dem gone indy in 2007) who are normie dumbos and plenty of immoral freaks who think it's fine to sexualize children, but they're not in control. I keep encouraging the GOP majority in the FL Legis to fully outlaw abortion (except in cases of rape and incest), which is only "necessary" for low-lifes trying to entrap men and which we now know is worse than we thought, to encourage the Marxist Dems to depart the state. Trans people are already starting Go Fund Me sites to help them depart Florida.
Very true, and knowing how good it is and even better it can be, we Floridians always have that in mind. I believe there are good successors in the offing should the need arise ahead of time. Among them is our AG, Ashley Moody, who kicks azz. Many Floridians think she'd be an apt successor.
If you click on the three little dots to the right you can send a feedback. Fx with a link and short comment. I did that one day I was too upset to ignore it. May be a drop in the ocean, but that is what the ocean is made up of :)
Youube still shows their "We censor you on everything covid related trust the CDC" notification, Google is so deep in this mRNA genocide they don't care. They're probably waiting for the next plandemic to kick in, to have a smooth transition.
There's a saying in religion: none are so fervent as the recently converted.
Likewise, those who have learned of the treachery late in the game, who realize how hugely they have been played, those will be the most zealous in spreading the awareness.
This is certainly true for me. I spoke out early when it mattered and got scoffed at and scorned. So many women asked me if I was a doctor and why I thought my opinion counted for anything. I asked them if they understood an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. This didn't work. Trying to appeal to the rationality of irrational people doesn't work. Who knew?
Any doctor/nurse/etc who was 'duped' (ie bribed with covid cash) can never be trusted. Clearly not a single one is fit for the job. Sorry, no second chances or forgiveness.
This will crash the medical insurance and hospital industries. I'll never pay another dollar toward Obamacare. I quit my payroll job when mandated in '21. This is what everyone needs to do to end the payroll model which funds the murder industry. Reorganize labor under consultancy. Cut the parasites out of the loop.
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [Greek: pharmakeia] were all nations deceived.
Praise and thanks to all those physicians that were awake from the start and thus able to help people stay informed. Many of these awake physicians were retired which is likely not a coincidence.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair,
They can wake up by getting out and starting their own parallel medical practices without being under the thumb of big Harma, the cdc, the useless ama and the rest of the alphabet soup. In fact it’s already being done.
In the US practicing medicine without a license (issued by the state) is illegal. The MDs who lost their license because of their opposition to the COVID lie had to create a whole new business which cannot be characterized as practicing medicine. I am still in awe of their willingness to do so. The public needs to have a conversation about the medical licensing concept, which has likely become worthless and is keeping valuable practitioners from treating patients.
In Canada they mostly can not do that. They have been busy stamping out the small number of private practices there are and in many provinces making it illegal to practice medicine unless you are part of the health authority, socialized medicine regime.
They are are still feeding at the big pharma trough. They will jab your kids 70 times plus so they can collect their tens of thousands of dollars each year and prescribe whatever new or old drugs that gets them the biggest return. They are still denying life saving care to unvaxed. They sold their souls for colored paper with numbers a long time ago. Frankly I avoid them as much as possible. I can die just fine on my own.
99.9% of the doctors I've met are paid state operatives, if unwittingly so. I don't believe many are awake at all. Even the one I know who IS awake got his kids "vaccinated."
Yes, you are correct . And yes there are ways around it. I for one am my own doc.
My style of medicine comes thru real non gmo organic one ingredient foods., pure clean water, sunshine and excerise. Pretty amazing concept, huh? Lol 😂. Plus I stick to old school remedies that grow free in my backyard.
So, you cannot say I’m practicing medicine. I’m simply feeding my body what it craves.
These covidians have used their deceptive word salads on us, it’s time to use it on them.
For instance, you could see a real doc *not those educated by big Harma, and he could simply call himself a Food Advocate, or a Foodie. We came play the word game too!
Me, I personally prefer the osteopathic medicine, where they start by finding the root of the problem and go from there. The most important thing we need to do is kick the gubment to the curb! We don’t need them in this view ever.
Today, most diseases and ailments are rooted in big Harma harmacuiticles (RX drugs) and pesticide laden foods. Get rid of both and odds are very much in your favor of Not needing a doc.
It’s going to be a very interesting future and I pray it’s in the Peoples favor.
Too late now the damage has been done with raised disease levels, permanent disability, reduced birth rates, early death, etc. Who is being held to account or pushing back the coming WHO medical tyranny? Who is going to wipe the smirk off Gates face?
tq, yes, loved it when I saw it fly by (on twitter). perhaps we should all get our (grand)children's maxi-crayons out and make our views known in the public square!
Doctors should know how the body works and they failed so they are 100% guilty if they promoted the vax. End of story.
As Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has said time and again, when a shot is given to someone in the muscle and then it goes to the bloodstream there are different antibodies then those that are needed for a respiratory infection. EVERY doctor should know this. If not, they failed and are guilty!!! If I can find this information, EVERY doctor, EVERY nurse, EVERY pharmacist, EVERYONE can too:
"Vaccines that are injected into the muscle – i.e., the interior of the body – will only induce IgG and circulating IgA, not secretory IgA. Such antibodies cannot and will not effectively protect the mucous membranes from infection by SARS-CoV-2."
Another great video from Dr. Bhakdi:
Not to mention that the doctors, nurses and medicos who were jabbing folks HAD to see peoples reactions first hand. People passing out, going grey. To ignore what is in front of you is a whole 'nother level of idiot cog. There should be some kind of punishment in this world, here and now, for such an abuse of power.
YES!!! I didn't even think of that. You're so right. Can you imagine? I can't. They just ignored that. I've heard of nurses laughing in the hospitals with regards to the protocols that they were giving while people under "their care" were dying. How does this happen? I can't comprehend the evil in these monsters that pledged to take care of people.
this is just a profession ... people just dont believe it.
When I shared info on the agenda, I've been either ignored, unfriended, or told that no government would do this to their own people. I think until death or sudden new disease hits close to home which hopefully wakes them from their trance, they will remain in it.
It is hard for people to wrap their head around the concept that their own government wants them dead.
And yet, historically, more people died by their own governments than in wars with other nations.
" My people die for the lack of knowledge..."
I totally agree. Even when these people have a death or new disease, they can't put 2 and 2 together. Crazy. And, a lot of these are very educated people.
Nazi behavior from nurses and doctors.
I hadn’t heard that or seen it personally so I can’t vouch for its veracity but I do believe that many of those “dancing nurses” were satanic rituals - in disguise, of course.
“Be Happy” - I mean, c’mon, you can’t even make this stuff up.
Truthfully, people are going so downhill that I feel like I’m just disassociating with humanity.
Hoping to connect with what remains of their souls but not dependent on it, either.
I know a LOT of people who work in hospitals.
Any nurse or doctor who administered Remdesivir is a murderer.
And if they kept administering Remdesivir after watching people die, they are serial murderers.
And shoving mechanical ventilators down throats from the beginning. But they saw all those empty beds and spent their days making dance videos for TikTok while pretending the wards were overflowing. They knew it was a lie from the start.
The dance videos.
If ever there was a quintessential alice in wonderland example of the true insanity of the situation - of people believing there could be a deadly - and we remember PEOPLE WERE DYING!!! - a deadly global pandemic that was devastating the earth while nurses - NURSES - on the front line were choreographing, rehearsing and performing a dance for a tik tok video....
I just..... I have no words.
And they were supposed to be overworked. Those dances were carefully choreographed. Must have taken hours to put together. Not the kind of thing exhausted medical workers would have time or energy to make. Pretty stupid of them. I think the Liars that Be didn't intend on that happening.
that was a clue to the scam
I could never understand why they would all line up on both sides of the hallway, and clap as someone ACTUALLY left the hospital. I thought that was very strange, too.
It's acknowledgement that they survived the doctors best efforts.
Makes me sick to my core.
I remember President Trump perpetually bragging about how he was able to motivate companies to manufacture ventilators. What a hero. ahem. pop go the lungs. Maybe it was the only way to get the country back from a belligerent guv. 90% of democrats took it. They’re gonna need to replace votes with the Title 42 illegals. brutal.
Expect no help from that guy.
My thought at the time was that they knew they couldn't speak out and used the dances as a way of saying; "Hey look, we are so not busy, despite what the nightly news tell you, that we have the time to choregraph and rehearse a dance routine."
And he was just acquitted in Germany!!!!
For something that made no sense to begin with. He's been an amazing person to follow and learn from. I wish him well.
True that! He affirmed that God don't make junk!
Yes. It seems many doctors forgot about natural immunity and they also forgot about informed consent for experimental medical treatments-- both of those things being among the most basic to know. The medical profession as a whole has thoroughly disgraced itself. Fortunately, however, there are many doctors who have been speaking out against the crimes-- and I am sure more than we realize. I say that because I keep coming upon doctors who spoke out in 2021 and 2022 that I'd not heard of, and I've been actively looking every day-- that's how heavy the censorship has been.
They forgot about the Nuremberg code and the Declaration of Helsinki let alone the Hippocratic Oath more appropriately called the Hypocrite Oath.
After lying to the rest of us for month after month it seems they bought into their own lies. They took their own poison. That's what's extraordinary. Evil as he was Dr, Josef Mengele never would have harmed himself.
Good point.
one cannot expect that the results of injecting toxins into the body will result in a healthful outcome... (just trying to simplify it for all of us- for clarity's sake)
It's what they've been expecting ever since Jenning's pioneering work.. that left his older son a vegetable, but that's of course, never mentioned in the official panegyrics...
New word learned. Thank you.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result" -- Albert Einstein
"The over of result insanity is a and different same and doing the thing over expecting again definition".
Joe Biden
We should get rid of all board certs and government liscensing too. They are pretty much useless.
Useful for gov control, useless for ensuring quality.
I agree wholeheartedly. If we laypeople of all ages were able to ferret out the correct information, these ahoe docs-in-a-box should've also been able to do so, and more easily with all their training and their Hippocratic Oath weighing heavy on their heads (as if). No mercy for the colluders. I had a "doctor" in Taos, NM, who wanted to give me the J&J clot shot as I was recovering from . . . an acute saddle pulmonary embolism (caused by elevation and blue aggravation, incl from constant overhead sky spraying). Wonder what the young twerp thinks now--assuming she's still alive. She and her staff did Rosie the Riveter photos after getting jabbed. Total morons. Should all lose their license, including these jokers on the vid, who are only looking to escape the pitchfork-bearing mob.
When I look over my comments here and across the internet, I can conclude that I am one strident bitch. The thing is, I don't care enough about that label to turn "Libra nice" again. Eff that shit. We are in a WAR for our lives and, more important imo, the lives of children, the developmentally disabled, and the trapped elderly. I apologize in advance, but a bitch I will remain until we see victory over evil.
I sure do get pissed off when someone tries to kill me.
A sane reaction.
Aaaand, point well taken. Duly chastened. Engaging full bitchness! Thank you!
Bring it on, sister!
Yep. Funny how that is.
Well said!
We need to look out for our weaker members. Don't expect the medical system to love them or care for them. They're just paychecks. And some provide fatter checks by dying.
Similar story here. Fired him.
Can you explain elevation and blue eggravation? That's new to me.
Sorry. That's my twist on the high elevation I lived at (~8,000 ft.) and aggravation caused by Marxist Dems (the "blue" group). There was bureaucratic mismanagement galore and other bullshit to contend with, like a criminal governor who has zero regard for any life but her own and fancied herself a dictator (I worked at the Roundhouse [their Capitol, in SFe] as a session legislative editor, so I had an inside view of the sausage factory, and I'm a queasy vegetarian). Antifans were starting to invade the mesa and destroying every bit of beauty they found. Luckily, they were afraid of me. (Long story.) And lastly, living in open sky country--on the way to nowhere--I would witness the daily spraying of the skies over my head on the mesa, for no reason other than to poison. Twenty aerial LOFTers at one time one day. I made a number of
cuss-word-laden videos about it. You couldn't help but see it everywhere, and the people, the wokes primarily, who were invader transplants who did NOT honor the locals, would say shit like, "I just don't look up." Kill. Me. Now. And it almost did. Thank you, wonderful, brilliant staff at Holy Cross Hospital and at the HCH blood-clot clinic. Best pharmacist EVER, JH!
Sorry. You must be sorry you asked.
I suspect they'll find a discrete means to shut up Dr. Bhakdi permanently... 🤔
Saw an article about a younger Bhakti, similar features, who has a lab for testing Covid samples, making $$$. I used to believe the virus theory and contagion but no more. Whilst Dr Bhakti has spoken out on the dangers of the jabs, the illusion of viruses remains. There are plenty toxins around which cause similar symptoms and these symptoms are our body expelling them. I hope he remains safe.
Just finished reading Eleanor McBean's "The Poisoned Needle", published 1957, mentioning several times a book therein "Who Is Your Doctor And Why?" by one A.J. Shadman MD, (cheapest copy I could find, C$227.88 on "") which supposedly puts paid to the notion of viruses. She also mentioned several times "The History and Pathology of Vaccination" by an Edgar M. Crookshank MD, published in 1887, that puts paid to the notion of vaccination. That's still in print, you can order it from Amazon.
Think of it Markker: for at least 136 years now, we've been lead by our noses, sold a bill of goods about "viruses" and "vaccination" by Big Pharma and the Medical Fraternity.
Yes, the realisation only became clear to me after finding out about the PCR testing for this alleged virus and I found out about HIV, Montagnier only said what he found ( retrovirus) it MAY be the cause but the US bods got hold of it and said it definitely was. Then Polio, Spanish Flu and not forgetting smallpox! I was so shocked, like when you find out Santa is not real, as a kid. Trying to persuade anyone to actually read what has been going on for ever is almost impossible. I just looked on archive. org. Can't find the first book but you can read the second one free on line
.. the wisest thing my twin sister ever said to me: "Don't tell people things: They're STUPID." .. Dead now, since 2011. Stage IV Cancer out of the blue. Ate healthy, exercised regularly, did everything right.. grew with a host of allergies and horrendous eczema. I understand now thanks to what I've read and heard since 2020, it was childhood vaccinations that did her in. As for me? I wonder if I'm the lucky recipient of "Minimal Brain Damage" courtesy of vaccination (IQ over 140 I was told... but a lifetime of borderline passing grades, marginal, under and unemployment, decades of depression), courtesy of reading Harris L. Coulter's ( "Vaccination: Social Violence and Criminality" ... paid C$ 290 for that one (original price $14.95) ... apparently the term is considered "obsolete" in favour of "Hyper Activity Attention Deficit Disorder"; anything to give them an excuse to ply evermore toxic -- and probably useless and worthless -- drugs ...
So sorry about your sister.
You might want to try detoxing the toxins from your body. There are so many supplements that help with that. Hair testing is key for finding the heavy metals and to help one balance minerals which is only possible once you detox the heavy metals. It's very inexpensive and it's more accurate than most blood work because it's using tissue samples (hair) to test what's in the tissues of the body. Blood has to be in homeostasis (balance) or you're in big trouble.
Thank you for posting this.
This is worth a read, The Vaccine Watchman 1886
VACCINES have always been poison and it has always been known.
Covid was a bioweapon.
Still is. Just wait for the next pandemic, promised us by Kill Gates and his bumboy at the helm of the WHO, avowed Marxist and accused genocidist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (PhD)..
.. um.. How could they possibly know another "pandemic" is going to happen -- unless they started it? ... 🤔💩
Oh, and by the way? 𝗗𝗼𝗻'𝘁 take the flu vaccine this year, nor ever again: It's going to be mRNA-based.
Somebody is gonna have to put a gun to my head before I ever take another vaccine.
You and me both, Kathleen.
Many were professional failures in this regard, others were simply ignorant.
An abundance of literature said otherwise.
Their bosses told them to do it.
People were not all dropping dead immediately.
Many crossed their fingers and hoped for the best despite concerns.
Peer pressure was huge; dissenters were ex-communicated from family, friends, lost their jobs, reputations, homes, livelihoods.
In no way does this excuse anyone’s behavior or participation in this; to have death meted out by the health professionals came out of nowhere to the trusting public, only too comfortable with following doctors orders.
Docs took the jab themselves - and the statistics on the “died suddenly” amongst the medical professionals is proof that they were victims, too.
Hopefully the survivors can learn from this and use it to better respond to future attacks.
Again, I don't believe they were victims themselves. It's the business of a doctor to know how the body works, how antibodies work, the different antibodies that exist. Why do I and so many others know that information better then doctors, nurses, etc. at this point? They made a choice to put something in themselves. They could have don't proper research as all of us have done. They chose not to and have either harmed themselves and their patients or at this point just their patients. And, they don't even have the intelligence, for the most part, to piece this puzzle together when a patient of theirs gets seriously ill. Instead, they are either disregarding the patient or blaming the patient.
A doctor who survives this who injected or promoted the injection of these toxins into people doesn't deserve to "respond to future attacks". They need to have their license revoked.
Think about what you just said and inherent contradiction there.
paraphrasing: Doctors should know how the body works, antibodies work, etc.
Here’s the contradiction:
Doctors believe they do know how the body works and how antibodies work because they were trained to a certain germ model.
How can u say they should “know better” when were trained to that model?
The literature supported it.
The alphabet agencies said testing confirmed it.
The journals lied or were misleading.
The agencies lied or were misleading.
Their hospitals followed deadly protocols which astounds me and yes, the medical professionals should have known something was up when that was causing deaths. This is where I have a problem accepting the docs and nurses actions because now it’s outside the novel technology and it’s in accepted practice and common sense. But this is now patient care, not immunization.
We were all trained to be comfortable with vaccines. Chances are you had them growing up and vaxxinated your kids as well. Are you willing to look at yourself and say that you should have known better?
We were all taught how vaccines stopped all these deadly diseases.
We all use new technology every day - this was new technology.
When you start losing your loved ones who thought they were saving lives then come back and talk about how they deserved that untimely and horrible death.
A friend of mine went to a walk-in clinic just a few days ago. 100% masking still required. They gave her a tough time over being a pureblood and pushed massively to try and get her to submit to being punctured. This isn’t over by a long shot (pun intended).
Wow. I guess, it's to be expected. These are complete moronic robots. It's shocking to me that they don't know the size of a virus (25,000 viruses fit in a linear inch) and that it's ABSOLUTELY impossible for masks to stop them. I guess if the mask is of some solid plastic or a mask fully laced with copper or silver or zinc since these metals are anti-viral.
Indeed, these shots could NEVER have mechanistically prevented infection or spread. That shouldn't be news. But worse is that the govt. still pretends the shots prevent severe disease. In the case of viremia an infection spreads to the bloodstream from the mucosa (in respiratory infections) leading to a systemic humoral response. Their argument is that the antibodies in the bloodstream (from 'vaccination' i.e. transfection) would thus prevent severe infection. However, they are taking credit for the prevention of viremia which, in most cases does not happen thanks to the mucosal immune system in the first place (even if the person experiences a severe respiratory infection).
Therefore, someone who got the shot and didn't get severely sick cannot ascribe that to the 'vaccine'. It was simply their mucosal system with igA secretory antibodies, NK and TCells that took care of it. It never went far enough for antibodies in their blood to do anything about it.
Generally speaking humoral antibodies are the body's last resort in dealing with infection, especially with highly mutating pathogens and for good reason.
Any doctor who pushed these shots isn't really worth their salt, to be honest.
Thank you very much for an even more detailed explanation. May I use what you've written to help others I email understand?
One thing... can you explain transfection? Some people have stated that those inoculated are not shedding but it's transfection. I'm trying to wrap my head around that even though I've read a bit of what it means.
For a good overview, I'd recommend watching videos of JJ Couey on Twitch (search giagohmbiological). Some older videos have detailed but simple explanations of how the immune system recognizes and deals with pathogens in the mucosa. Transfection is the word he uses because that is the precise biological term (it has been a round for a while) for the process of inducing a cell to manufacture a foreign protein( e.g. via mRNA). Regardless of how one feels about vaccinations (and the issues surrounding those in general), an mRNA shot is worlds apart from simply injecting a foreign protein and getting the body to react to it via an adjuvant (which might be bad enough).
Couey aptly describes the immunological cascade during a respiratory infection. It is significantly more complex and subtle than " you need antibodies". It is a delicate balance between overreaction and underreaction to the pathogen, in addition to how memory is built. In essence, NK cells and T-cells make non-specific memory to generalized foreign proteins displayed on cell surfaces early during infection. These functionally-constrained proteins are unlikely to mutate much because the pathogen would fail to replicate properly (RNA viruses are actually quite poor replicators in general and do have high fidelity unlike what is represented in the media) thus making the body capable of recognizing families of pathogens not just one. Making immune memory to these proteins does not guarantee stopping infection all the time but is a better strategy than solidifying an antigen-specific antibody to a foreign protein that is NOT constrained (like the spike of a coronavirus) and can easily mutate.
Thank you so much. This was helpful. I'll have to read it again to get more clarity. I'll also look at JJ Couey.
When common people, non doctors, understand better than doctors the dangers and toxicity of a "vaccine" or medical product, you know something sinister is happening.
The image fronting the video is marred by a warning "COVID-19 vaccine - Get the latest information from the CDC." Sure. If there's one thing I learned since 2020, it is that the CDC lies.
It's Google that did that.
How long will they keep up this nonsense? Will it be 2027 before those warnings disappear?
My concern is that they will keep it up until the next "great intervention" comes along...
youtube obeys to whatever the white house tells them to do, just like with Twitter
exactly same on yandex and brave
I saw a story for a new search engine.
Not just google. Just tried on duckduckgo, the same warning appears. About to try on yandex and brave
There were fresh jab billboards in Spanish and English here in Portland OR last week. I need to get outta here, I was already beyond disgusted, now....something's gotta change for me.
Yes they are running them on TV now and they are often short bursts, as if they are hoping there will be some kind of subliminal effect. As one teacher (now deceased) advised after predicting the madness that would reign during this period of history, we have to learn to get our coke and popcorn and enjoy the show. Easier said than done of course but once you see, and unless there is something specific you can do, the only choice seems to be between raging grief, or laughter. I am trying laugh at the absolute absurdity of all this. Sometimes it helps.
Run. Don’t look back.
Your money paying for all of this.
Not mine, not this year.
You can do it! And please do so before it's too late! It was hard and took a couple years, but I finally sold my off-off grid humble (no HVAC, no running water, crap in a bag in a camp toilet, 6 miles in from road, no paved roads on mesa--"Got mud?") northern NM homestead and moved to Florida. You can taste the freedom here. There are still leftist nutjobs and RINOs (I'm a old-time Dem gone indy in 2007) who are normie dumbos and plenty of immoral freaks who think it's fine to sexualize children, but they're not in control. I keep encouraging the GOP majority in the FL Legis to fully outlaw abortion (except in cases of rape and incest), which is only "necessary" for low-lifes trying to entrap men and which we now know is worse than we thought, to encourage the Marxist Dems to depart the state. Trans people are already starting Go Fund Me sites to help them depart Florida.
Trouble is that a state can go into the sh*tter quickly if there is a change of governor.
Very true, and knowing how good it is and even better it can be, we Floridians always have that in mind. I believe there are good successors in the offing should the need arise ahead of time. Among them is our AG, Ashley Moody, who kicks azz. Many Floridians think she'd be an apt successor.
If you click on the three little dots to the right you can send a feedback. Fx with a link and short comment. I did that one day I was too upset to ignore it. May be a drop in the ocean, but that is what the ocean is made up of :)
Thanks for mentioning that. I just did the same!
Great! 🙂🔥
Youube still shows their "We censor you on everything covid related trust the CDC" notification, Google is so deep in this mRNA genocide they don't care. They're probably waiting for the next plandemic to kick in, to have a smooth transition.
Jimmy Dore really should get off of GoogleTube.
There's a saying in religion: none are so fervent as the recently converted.
Likewise, those who have learned of the treachery late in the game, who realize how hugely they have been played, those will be the most zealous in spreading the awareness.
Yes, Steve Kirsch is a great example
This is certainly true for me. I spoke out early when it mattered and got scoffed at and scorned. So many women asked me if I was a doctor and why I thought my opinion counted for anything. I asked them if they understood an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy. This didn't work. Trying to appeal to the rationality of irrational people doesn't work. Who knew?
I will only trust the Dr’s that spoke up in the very beginning of Covid, of which many lost their licenses.
The rest need to be charged with Crimes Against Humanity.
precisely. are these doctors interested at all in trying to cure their patients, or just hopping on the proverbial bandwagon....
Any doctor/nurse/etc who was 'duped' (ie bribed with covid cash) can never be trusted. Clearly not a single one is fit for the job. Sorry, no second chances or forgiveness.
This will crash the medical insurance and hospital industries. I'll never pay another dollar toward Obamacare. I quit my payroll job when mandated in '21. This is what everyone needs to do to end the payroll model which funds the murder industry. Reorganize labor under consultancy. Cut the parasites out of the loop.
And as far as I am concerned, both those industries deserve to crash. Its a drug and racketeering cartel, nothing more, nothing less.
Doctors are still zombified where I work ☠️
But their system is flourishing with all the new construction. All hail Corewell 🙏
Many our corrupt , check this out Kat Bro.
I’ve always distrusted and disliked Beaumont… “Do you have a Beaumont doctor?” Advertising is very telling.
I could write a book
And you should!!! Wasn’t it Beaumont that was enticing oncologists to “over treat” ppl? Karma can’t come soon enough.
They should have paid more to the feds
So true Kat Bro
Revelation 18:23 KJV
And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [Greek: pharmakeia] were all nations deceived.
Praise and thanks to all those physicians that were awake from the start and thus able to help people stay informed. Many of these awake physicians were retired which is likely not a coincidence.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” ― Upton Sinclair,
This is good news indeed. If drs can see through at least part of the Covid psyop we have much better prospects.
It is good to see physicians waking up. But we need to keep in mind the perpetrators also learned from this plandemic.
Right! They learned how far they could push us: a lot.
But, how can physicians wake up when their very accommodation preserves their license to practice medicine?
They can wake up by getting out and starting their own parallel medical practices without being under the thumb of big Harma, the cdc, the useless ama and the rest of the alphabet soup. In fact it’s already being done.
In the US practicing medicine without a license (issued by the state) is illegal. The MDs who lost their license because of their opposition to the COVID lie had to create a whole new business which cannot be characterized as practicing medicine. I am still in awe of their willingness to do so. The public needs to have a conversation about the medical licensing concept, which has likely become worthless and is keeping valuable practitioners from treating patients.
Vets are totally captured by big pharma, they are happy to inject toxins in to our pets that are useless and dangerous
In Canada they mostly can not do that. They have been busy stamping out the small number of private practices there are and in many provinces making it illegal to practice medicine unless you are part of the health authority, socialized medicine regime.
Don't forget the insurance companies. Paying out of pocket for medicine is crazy expensive.
They are are still feeding at the big pharma trough. They will jab your kids 70 times plus so they can collect their tens of thousands of dollars each year and prescribe whatever new or old drugs that gets them the biggest return. They are still denying life saving care to unvaxed. They sold their souls for colored paper with numbers a long time ago. Frankly I avoid them as much as possible. I can die just fine on my own.
99.9% of the doctors I've met are paid state operatives, if unwittingly so. I don't believe many are awake at all. Even the one I know who IS awake got his kids "vaccinated."
Yes, you are correct . And yes there are ways around it. I for one am my own doc.
My style of medicine comes thru real non gmo organic one ingredient foods., pure clean water, sunshine and excerise. Pretty amazing concept, huh? Lol 😂. Plus I stick to old school remedies that grow free in my backyard.
So, you cannot say I’m practicing medicine. I’m simply feeding my body what it craves.
These covidians have used their deceptive word salads on us, it’s time to use it on them.
For instance, you could see a real doc *not those educated by big Harma, and he could simply call himself a Food Advocate, or a Foodie. We came play the word game too!
Me, I personally prefer the osteopathic medicine, where they start by finding the root of the problem and go from there. The most important thing we need to do is kick the gubment to the curb! We don’t need them in this view ever.
Today, most diseases and ailments are rooted in big Harma harmacuiticles (RX drugs) and pesticide laden foods. Get rid of both and odds are very much in your favor of Not needing a doc.
It’s going to be a very interesting future and I pray it’s in the Peoples favor.
"Good health comes more from dedication than from medication."
- Ned B.
Too late now the damage has been done with raised disease levels, permanent disability, reduced birth rates, early death, etc. Who is being held to account or pushing back the coming WHO medical tyranny? Who is going to wipe the smirk off Gates face?
I don't know about wiping, but I would love to knock the smirk off Gates face.
Hmmmm, looks like they are going to have to resort to Stealth or Underground medicine.
Where there is a Will there is a way.
I'm in
nobody regrets not taking the shot: contemporary street art at the top of Bahnhofstrasse, Zürich🇨🇭 -
Great photo!
tq, yes, loved it when I saw it fly by (on twitter). perhaps we should all get our (grand)children's maxi-crayons out and make our views known in the public square!
excellent Ty