Neil Young is himself now a factory farmed animal product, no?

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The same people who shop at Whole Foods to avoid GMO fruits and vegetables are happy to take multiple experimental gene therapy shots, and given the chance, force you and your kids to take them.

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Always good when you generalize. I'm a bona fide antivaxxer and only eat organic. What's your point?

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The point is that supposedly educated people who care about how food is grown and believe in eating organically-grown food products are in such a cognitive disconnect. Not all, of course, because obviously, Dog, you are in the same category as me. I just can't reconcile how even friends of mine can't see through this fiction. And by the way, my green ways of life do not lead me into Whole Foods. This store, owned by Jeff Bezos, is overpriced and much of their food is not actually organically-grown or free of GMOs. I avoid that place like the plague.

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… since the pandemic

WF feels like an Amazon warehouse now

Where I am

In a VERY BLUE New England state

The store is mostly full of ‘personal shoppers’ and there are racks and racks of bags of completed orders waiting at the front of the store for customers to just run in and pick up so they don’t have to be in the store

It’s weird and dystopian

I don’t go there anymore

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That’s all to avoid mingling with people who might not be double masking at all times....

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Jeff Bezos also owns The Washington Post

In case you didn't know, he owns Amazon.


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It's Whole Paycheck, baby!!!

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thank you for the update ! been in there only once, too far to drive, and found their prices exuberant. I already heard a while ago they were taken over by some bigmoney but did not know who !

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Lol!! Love those exuberant prices Ingrid.

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We can't believe how many of how vegan friends have fallen for this. But there are a lot of awake vegans that we also know.

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it goes beyond me that vegetarians and vegans let themselves be injected with human and animals cells, but do not eat meat. At least the meat that you eat goes through the normal canals, whereas the jabs are injected in tissues where they do not belong at all

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Why do vegans make a big deal out of "being" a vegan? Especially when they look so unhealthy. Current example: Sam Bankman-Fried. The monotonous droning of virtue signaling.

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I have no idea why they make a big deal of it. I don't. Have been eating a plant-based diet for 51+ years and frankly, I don't get involved in what others do. The reason some vegans are unhealthy is because they are eating crap food, like fake meat, such as Bill Gates' poisonous "Beyond Meat' made chemically using more energy than it takes to raise a cow. If you don't eat meat, why would you want to eat something that mimics the look/taste of meat? And sugary foods are unhealthy on any kind of diet. Pretty simple: eat natural, unprocessed foods for optimum health.

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Vegans are either really healthy or really unhealthy, depending on whether they've done their research about what nutrients to supplement and such. I think a pescatarian diet is healthier provided you eat chlorella every time you eat fish to prevent mercury accumulation. Vegans can still get mercury poisoning from eating a lot of hemp grown in contaminated soils. I learned that the hard way recently, after buying a pound of hemp protein powder last month. Shame it's so toxic, it was really effective at putting me to sleep.

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This is a good piece to read about how cattle should be raised. https://www.chelseagreen.com/2022/why-regenerative-grazing-is-so-important/

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It ain't what it used to be.

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Great answer VW, although I'm surprised Dog needed to hear one. Anyway, just a general musing: I wonder how Pfizer would handle a TV commercial for this mRNA stew. Most Pharma TV ads roll 5 seconds of smiling actors with "freer breathing", and the other 55 seconds is a litany of potential side effect doom. I doubt they'll ever have the same TV ads for Covid vaccines because those last 55 seconds would sound like End Of Days.

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now that would be a very expensive ad ! I think it were 7 typed pages without interlinia and without any blank space

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I love Whole Foods and believe it or not it's actually cheaper than some other organic grocery stores I've shopped at but I usually go to Sprouts instead because that's what is nearby. Doesn't have quite as high-end a selection of stuff such as fancy cheeses but it has more or less everything I need, and the prices are on par with a regular grocery store's.

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well you are the other half of the poll

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Quotable. Thank you!

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Nov 18, 2022
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Like my daughter, spends $$$ on organic everything but ridicules the unvaxxed... until recently... she actually said “ we were all guinea pigs”... good thing I was sitting down.

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You should have said speak for yourself dear.

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You’re right, but I find that in general “ I told you so” are not constructive…but my restraint is surely being tested.

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It's always good to be a witness to those **lightbulb** moments. 💥💥💥

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My nephew, a most devoted "vaxxer", recently declined the second booster because he overheard nurses talking about how it was causing some people to go deaf.

Even the most devoted "vaxxers" are waking up. Hopefully, it won't be too little too late.

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always better late than never. we need all the light bulbs on that we can get ! and i am sure once they start looking now they see the light, they will be among the hardest to withstand next wave

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I'm very happy your daughter saw the light. I wonder what made her change her mind? And if it can be put into a snowball and "passed around"?

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Martha - Fred is right - SOMETHING changed her mind. Questions can be most enlightening. Can you figure out a way to just ask your daughter what changed her mind - and then share it with us? Something like: Honey, remember when you said "we were all guinea pigs" ? -- what exactly did you mean by that and how did you come to that admission/point/revelation (you pick that word). And let us know what happened?

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Wayyy higher percent…. The greenest… seem to be THE MOST compliant to vax mandates!!

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Which I find ironic… because they’d never put a piece of food in their mouth without reading the ingredient label… and then they inject WHO KNOWS WHAT… directly into their blood streams… Without a moments hesitation 🤨

The two behaviors are highly contradictory

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When I was 16-17 I was afraid to even eat sucralose (Splenda) because it hadn't been tested long enough on humans.

Now it turns out that baking with Splenda produces dioxins.

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Sucralose baking produces the heavily halogenated dioxins?

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I was in WF the other day observing all the masked cashiers. On line and the woman (I think?) in her sweat pants, black socks with Berkenstock sandals, hood on, sunglasses and mask on next to me is ringing up 8 cans of high energy coffee drinks and a bottle of immune supplements. I almost burst out laughing. Oh And she looked about 75 lbs. The picture of health, not, lol.

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Well I won’t take a vax, but I will eat weird Halloween candy!

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It's all about fear and control. I am told, if I do xy and z then I will be safe. If I eat organic or pretend that I am, I won't get cancer. If I take a vaccine I won't get Covid. This not critical thinking. It's fear and self soothing thinking.

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If I want to see masked idiots, I go to Whole Foods...no wait, I don't, I shop for plebian food across the street at Freddie's where I can mingle with normal unmasked people and escape with some of my paycheck intact and laugh at the crazies at Whole Foods driving up in their cars with their masks on.

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Definitely love Freddie's!

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To be fair the mRNA shots are mercury-free and aluminum-free; their toxicity is rather more the nature of an actual virus in how it invades cells and makes them translate its genetic code; I thought the whole point of a vaccine was to expose you to the dead protein products so that this can be avoided?

You'd think they could have sold their shots better to the alternative medicine community. Missed opportunity to sell it as "liposomal homeopathic hypoallergenic COVID nucleotides". Every single one of those words is true - it's technically even a homeopathic formulation albeit by a very low degree of dilution since the RNA is not so diluted out that it's not longer actually present in the product (well this is actually the case for some vials according to Steve Kirsch)

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#NoAmnesty 💔

#TrudeaumustgoNOW 🆘️


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hahaha jacquelyn that makes my day !

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That's funny! I was thinking he's been jabbed by the factory pHarm.

He can sing the old "I owe my soul to the Factory PHarma"

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Or The Needle and the Damage Done.

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🤣🤣🤣used to love him. Seen him at least 4 times. Now I turn off his music. He makes me sick. Hippies all turned socialist pigs

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Used to love him too. Seen him many times. It was that BS against Joe Rogan that did it for me.

I'll be scheduling a special Neil Asshat Young CD/tape/vinyl burning soon.

Time for the WRECKING BALL, Neil. And it could be in your veins.

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Yea same. Also was a bit disgusted that he sued Trump for playin keep in rocking in the free world at one of his rally’s. Not a Trump lover but just saying. He should be honored a Pres of US using his song at a rally. Tom Pettys family did same for his using the song I won’t back down. Everything has gotten so political. So divided. It’s sad! Neil and many other rock stars thinking they know what’s best for us little people who earn so much less than them! They all feel so superior that they think their opinion actually matters. It doesn’t.

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Please stop using "pig" as a way to refer to people whose behavior you find disgusting and unacceptable. It’s an insult to pigs. Pigs are beautiful beings who deserve respect. I know you can come up with more colorful word choices!

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HMM, I don't think I used the word "pig" anywhere.


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The pandemic unleashed his ignorance to the world. I never knew what a dummy he was before. His embracing of biofuels without thinking about the energy required to make them is another example. Biodiesel aerosolizes the glyphosate in the soy used to make it(a dirty mono crop)putting it directly into the respiratory system for increased cancers. Ethanol made from food crops uses a lot of oil to grow and more oil and lots of water to make. His blind trust in the shots and the demand that his music be removed from Spotify for presenting an alternative view from his narrow beliefs demonstrates his stunning stupidity and apparent acceptance of fascism.

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and then 2 weeks later sneakily put his music back on spotify because he needs the income because he is not invited to play anywhere anymore

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Thanks Cousin Clem....lots of ignorance, banal hatred, revealed, from doctors and journalists and every day 'normies'. I too would never have known it really, but it explains a lot about my life and exposes how so many folks do not have really a good grasp of what health really is.

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Well said!

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Bulls eye.

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Yes, and Young is probably farting out spiked fungi spores, as well!

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I think each issue must be viewed in itself---more true today than ever before. I oppose some of Neil Young's recent political positions, but not all. And at least he's active... and stands behind what he believes to be true, and is not, like most artists/musicians safely ambiguous on almost every issue under the sun. Only a fool would think ECOCIDE doesn't exist, and Neil, by his positions, proves he himself is no fool.

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Agreed. Besides, I have more Neil Young songs I play and sing in my song list than just about anyone, even Dylan. I especially like Light A Candle in these times. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=D2PoEEmR71M&list=OLAK5uy_kewiH-E83k0DAecH0LAenAZwP7TAGAQXc

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Back in "1988 NY's classic “This Note’s For You” called out Pepsi, Coke, Miller, and Budweiser by name, and the video viciously mocked pop stars like Whitney Houston, Eric Clapton, and Michael Jackson for using their music in their commercials." But in later years I saw these same corps ads at some of his shows.

"in 2015 when he released The Monsanto Years, a {CRAPPY} concept album about the agribusiness company Monsanto. Check out his video for “A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop” from the LP where he briefly pauses the Monsanto bashing to bash Starbucks over their usage of GMOs." {No, actually don't check it out.}

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Nov 18, 2022Edited
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Indeed. Neil should talk to Eric Clapton and get a truth bomb.

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Clapton was briefly ok at the beginning of the year on the vax, but his grovelling "God Save the Queen” in September showed him in his true colours - an establishment lackey and signaler. They're all puppets.

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OMG, that is hilarious! Thank you for the laugh out loud. I really needed it.

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Neil Old.

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Neil Stooopid.

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Neil Young can go into the dustbin of history over his hysteria concerning a completely overblown (not settled) science of Global climate crisis. There are over 17,000 + Scientists that disagree with this theory. These lunatics are destroying the world by supposedly trying to save it.

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Yep there is no climate (warming) emergency - it's a multi decade long hoax/scam/cult. The hypothesis that CO2 causes linear warming in the troposphere where humans reside has never been proven in the real world; the insane computer models based on that hypothesis with their ridiculous predictions have been wrong in every case. CO2 is essential for life, and humans, plants and animals do better in relative warmth compared to cold anyway. Solar activity increases and decreases in 11 year cycles and of late the sun as been relatively blank meaning lower activity. If similar weather conditions to the years 1645 -1715 return with very low solar activity look out. Most of the CONUS is under extreme cold at this time and it's not even official winter yet. Solar panels and windmills will get people killed in that kind of weather if there is no reliable power (fossil fuels or nuclear) available. Alex Epstein's books on fossil fuels are excellent if you haven't already read.

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Awesome book thank you 😊

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And Tony Heller for frequent updates and actual facts!

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Every time I hear about Neil Young ,I think about Darryl Hannah , the home wrecker. Sorry , I had to say it.

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I must have missed that episode .

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The Kaiser Chiefs' booing of 'anti-vaxxers' (in case anyone hasn't seen it):


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I had not seen that. Gross.

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They better watch out. Karma seems to be particularly active with the vocal vaxxers.

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don't know who they are and not at all interested now i know this! Looking into five time august who dare stand up against the jabmania !

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i am listening to it now. There is a double album available on his web site and i am going to order it for my christmas present. Nothing better than to chose your own presents !

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Oh, I remember that. Awful.

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To quote the great theologians Lynyrd Skynyrd:

"Well I hope Neil Young will remember

A southern man don't need him around anyhow"

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Just saw the skynrd in Reno. Amazing. Love them

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Al Roker MIA due to blood clots

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Wow...did not see this...NBC lost me decades ago.

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These high profile public figures used their platforms to amplify pushing these experimental shots onto the public. They should be required to amplify the causes of their illnesses to the public.

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The last couple of years have been so sad. Before this, many of the childhood heroes we grew up with turned out to be huge disappointments (abuse/sex scandals etc). Then covid came along and the last few names I thought were good guys turned out to be huge shites. Among those, Michael Caine, Bono, Rod Stewart, Mick Jagger, Elton John, Springsteen, and so on and so on. I have lost all respect for them now. Are there ANY decent ones left at all ? 🤨

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Eric Clapton will not play a venue that requires the experimental gene therapies.

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Go Mr Clapton

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Clapton is a stooge just like the rest of them. He cleverly used the 'no vax' requirement to his advantage.

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Van Morrison!! Saw him in Las Vegas recently. He was singing songs against the vaccines and the government. Bill gates. Nobody got it!! I sure did!!

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I saw Danny Elfman singing this last month:


I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that gets it too!

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I’m sad I ever liked any of them.

Kevin Sorbo is ferocious on Twitter. Mad props to him.

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Comedians Jim Breuer and Jimmy Dore

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Danny Elfman?

I mean he wrote songs making fun of the left AND the right (and pedophiles too!) in his 80s band Oingo Boingo.

Then he quit for a long time to just make movie music and, later, classical music; tried to write and direct his own movies but Disney canned them; and recently during the lockdown wrote a new album and decided to do the rock star thing again. Sang some of his old and new songs at Coachella and last month at the Hollywood Bowl (going there was my birthday present!) Old songs and new songs have the same message at heart. Hasn't said anything to my knowing about the vaccine, though he did say that the far left (as well as the far right) wants to take away our rights in a recent interview. He reads stuff written by intellectuals he politically disagrees with as well. New album is sympathetic to people who are frustrated with being locked down, and there's even a song about people being so dumbed down that they can be brainwashed into taking a bath in cyanide which I find an apt metaphor for what's going on although it was written a year before the shots started getting pushed on people:


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Nov 18, 2022
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Roger Waters is a raging anti-Semite.

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I don’t have to prove it, he proves it at every concert he holds. Maybe I should have called him a Jew hater, since you Pro Palestinian people always pull out the Semite card every time anti-Semite is used as a description for Jew hatred, which to be honest we all know that is exactly what it means.

So am I supposed to give him props for having a sane take on the Ukrainian situation, I am not about moral relativism.

For your information, not that you care Israel is not an Apartheid State, but people like you just keep telling the lie hoping if you do it long enough it will become the truth. Arabs IN Israel have the same rights as Jews. Explain to me why they actually have MORE rights on our holiest site in the world? The Temple Mount? Or in Hebron the first Capital of Israel under King David? But you don’t know the history of Israel or the so called Palestinians, you just parrot lies that you have been told. Have you ever been to Israel? Do you know that there are Arab villages that have signs up saying NO JEWS ALLOWED? There are NO signs in Israel saying NO ARABS ALLOWED. so spare me your outrage. I’m not interested.

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Nov 18, 2022
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Leslie's second name may offer a clue.

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Who wants to break the news to Neil that HE IS a factory-farmed GMO animal?

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Pfizer Chiefs are dead to me! He's always been a bit fake to me. His calling out the unvaccinated was appalling. Karma?

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soon Neil Young will not need to go anywhere anymore because no one wants to see him anymore. Boycotting all the musicians that lost their brains !

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I’m concerned about classical musicians. I have played with a local professional symphony for over thirty years. When the orchestra went back to in person concerts, the Union (made of the musicians themselves) voted to require the jab and masks in order to perform. I was banned from the job I loved for a year. Of approximately 80 musicians, only 3 refused to get the jab. I think this is true of orchestras around the world. These people are generally not famous, so the illnesses will be less obvious. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years.

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Danny Elfman said that when one of his works premiered in Paris they had to make a last-minute change of conductor since whoever was originally supposed to conduct it was suddenly unavailable for whatever reason; I wonder what? Luckily they got the new conductor up to speed just in time.

Elfman by the way has never pushed the jab and has even written a recent song that sounds covertly anti-jab.

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Neil Young really is a sanctimonious asshole isn't he.

Divas are supposed to be female, Neil. How positively patriarchal of you.

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Neil Young just gets dumber and dumber.

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He doesn't appear to be a very nice guy either.

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He never was, just ask any poor shmuck who inadvertently followed forest service trails that crossed his Sierra land holdings back in the 80s. Lots of stories about his meaness in Tuolumne and Calaveras counties, Cali.

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Behind the politeness, lies cruelty in the Canadian character.

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some more jabs and no brain left

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Nov 18, 2022
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gives me an idea for a costume next year !

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Good to know how perceptive and our entertainers are at identifying real threats to our “freedom” . Absolutely definitely part of the problem. Eager participants in the fascist conspiracy.

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Good lord, only free-range organic hot dogs at Neil Young concerts from now on. He's really turned out to be a real elitist dumbass, huh.

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