This is a great sign. Seattle is very blue.

Even Blue covidians are catching on.

There’s hope for humanity.

He’s lucky he’s not in eastern Washington

Come to Goldendale Fauci

You’ll receive a warm welcome

I’ll personally introduce you to

The Red zone.

Ps get your affairs in order before you

Do the posse awaits your response

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The very fact that people in a blue Covidian stronghold are secure enough to boo the corporate media's Patron Saint whose every mumble was revered as the final word is incredible, wonderful, amazingly honest measure of public opinion. Can't think of happier news!

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That goes perfectly to plan. They need a fall guy to cover for what is becoming hard to deny. His handlers will throw the old man under the bus when the time is right and make it look like the will of the people was done.

Then they'll pull out the next puppet in time for mandatory pox shots.

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Fauci developed it. He is responsible for ensuring the funding to Wuhan through DARPA. Fall guy? Guilty guy is more like it.

He’s never been vaxxed nor taken paxlovid. That story is a preemptive defense to prosecution. IMO

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I saw a lot of overhand clapping in the clip I saw. He still has, erm, fans.

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And always will. So does Hitler.

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The ones clapping live in Seattle and Kirkland. They will never waiver in their support of leftist gods

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He ain't leftist. He's about as mainstream as you can get. (and to boot my very Republican county is 84% vaxxed--this in a blue state)

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Fair point about vaxxed Republicans. Though are they the ones buying Fauci candles and memorabilia and what-not? That's all I really mean about him being a leftist god. I feel like you're more likely to see progressives actually buying into his saintly wisdom as opposed to conservatives who got vaxxed for more practical reasons. But maybe I'm wrong there.

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"as opposed to conservatives who got vaxxed for more practical reasons" Hmmm.. So what was/is so practical about putting a relatively untested, dna altering magic potion to have direct access to your bloodstream? You might lose your job? Or you couldn't travel exactly when you wanted to? The global elitist are already clearly resetting the entire financial system / restructuring the social contract the developed world over. So whatever little temporary reprieve or promise you THINK you have can be reset at any time; more simply put they will just move the goal post. #Break2PartyIllusion

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I don’t think it’s practical myself. I did the research and chose not to get it because I believed it to be dangerous. But there are some out there who felt they had to get it to “survive”. For instance, my neighbor works for Delta. They were heralded for not implementing a vaccine mandate. However, what they ended up doing was charging unvaccinated employees $200 every paycheck for health insurance purposes (which is a total scam but it is what it is). This girl only makes $25 an hour and was living paycheck to paycheck. She eventually caved after four months because she was struggling to pay rent and bills. While some of us would’ve just quit the job, she felt she couldn’t. We might not agree with people’s reasons — and yes, their caving to the vaccines has hurt us all — but I at least understand why they did it. As opposed to most people on the right who begged to be injected as many times as possible because of fear and blind belief in “the science”

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Fair enough. I know some lawyer associate in Thailand. He was initially very skeptical but then needed to see a client in a different province. At the time, you needed some permission in order to travel between province. Of course the easiest "pass" was to take the magic pharmakea formula.

The majority of people regardless of political pursuasion that i've talked to did it because they need to participate in society on some level and would have been excluded otherwise (employment, travel were the 2 major categories).

They didnt really "want" to take it for the science. I'm not religious, but in the last days "even the elect would be fooled".

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Correction: *most people on the left

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I feel sorry for this demented narcissist. I believe he is going to lose his valued popularity! Couldn’t happen to a better guy!

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Satan will soooo enjoy it when he and his wife are with him.

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There will come a day when all the surviving members of his victims will make his life so miserable, he'll never venture into public again. It WILL come.

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Sometimes I wonder if he'll be miserably haunted by some victims of his atrocities..... can't help it sometimes... vengeful thoughts 😏.

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F this guy. Hopefully his public execution for the murder and maiming of thousands (millions?) is held before a Texas Rangers game. It’ll be the loudest applause he’s ever received.

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Meme idea: Get close-up footage of Fauci throwing the first pitch, over a remake of Pat Benatar's "Hit me with your best shot" as: "Hit me with your DEATH shot . . . Fire awaaaaaay!" — cut in with zoomed-in inserts of the cretins who were applauding.

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Definitely some boos and applause as well, not exactly what I was expecting. Hard to tell from the audio.

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I love this! It's about damn time!

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Can that be arranged? I’d pay for the flight lol

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He was booed both down the 1st base line, and the third base line.

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Shout out to Yakima Peach from Goldendale!!! We are Washington’s

Sportsman’sParadise that’s what the

Old neon sign says. Come on faucci

Be a good sport

Let’s go fishing

Kinda short

Size 8 ?

Cement overshoes just wishing

Cant wait

Signed every red neck that never got

A shot or wore an Fn mask


Bring your wife too

Lots of vineyards

Lots to do

Then a nice boat ride out to …

The deep waters

On a big river

For fucking with our sons and daughters

It will be quicker

Drowning in cold waters

Ps not one mask

But 2

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What would it cost for an air drop?

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Who were those people I saw clapping?!?

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Aug 10, 2022
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Just idiots.

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Aug 10, 2022
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Sad….just gave his life away for a game!

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Aug 10, 2022
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Not long enough, sadly.

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Big Pharma investors.

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