A close look at a paper he co-wrote five years ago—and that "our free press" hyped hysterically (along with the bogus "measles" scare at Disneyland)—shows that he's a propagandist, not a scientist
I have become embarrassingly addicted to watching DebateGate unfold. Serious question: How on earth is anyone so utterly brainwashed as to take this man seriously? Is he not obviously creepy, sycophantic, nerdy and repulsive?
And observe - the microscope is facing the camera, not the Good Doctor. I guess he didn’t realize that a real scientist would look through the eyepieces to use the thing!
Joe Rogan has an amazing put down of this guy when he came on his show.
Rogan's no genius -- but he is a genuinely curious man who asks good questions -- but Rogan knows health and fitness.
When Hotez talked about taking the vaccine for health, Rogan asked him about his own health habits.
Hotez admitted to never exercising, and being a junk food addict.
Rogan said: "If you wanted to improve your health, surely some vitamins, exercise and a better diet would do you a lot more good than any vaccine, wouldn't it?"
This is amazing! Thank you for sharing it! Priceless just watching Joe say, "So...you eat...garbage?"
It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad that he is taking his autistic daughter out to eat that garbage too. (Not to mention shoving his "health solutions" down everyone else's throats.)
He looks like one of those people ... who I won't say because that would be unfair to say without actual evidence, but if he did turn out to be one, I would say, "I knew it!"
you have given sissies a bad name. I'm going to let you go, I'm sure you just didn't cogitate before you emitted that. Sissies are a proud and glorious group compared to this NWO twerp.
There are multiple other elements connected to this individual that illustrate how he is an expression of the Biosecurity State and sent out as one its leading attack dogs.
I would suggest that first it is important to understand that it is simply not possible that Hotez rolls out of bed each morning and thinks this stuff up on his own and then marshals the resources to produce slick videos and press packages that form the backbone of his non-stop jeremiads.
He sits at the tip of the spear of a massive PR campaign that is funded by the Medical Cartel and I think we can say with near certainty that the Hotez you see on your screen day in and day out is a marionette dutifully (even gleefully as he is a socioptah) enacting his performance as orchestrated by the likes of Burston-Marstellar or some other PR firm.
And this goes beyond some automated garden gnome frantically waving his arms about "anti-science aggression", lest we forget Hotez was appointed by Obama to be U.S. Science Envoy for the State Department and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. In 2015-16 he served as Obama's Science Envoy for the Middle East and North Africa and President Obama's Science Envoy.
His role there was to promote what he called "vaccine diplomacy" and his work was done in tandem with the State Department.
Preceding this in 2014 Obama had sent 3,000 troops to Liberia to "fight Ebola" (forget for a moment Ebola is another fake disease) as part of "the largest international response in the history of the CDC."
Of course all of this is done under the guise of "threat to global security" but what it is in reality is public health imperialism and vaccine colonialism.
Hotez is knee deep in all of this.
His "work" as vaccine evangelist is closely tied to and funded by the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.
All of this to say that Hotez' role goes beyond just his fantasies of being appointed Der Kommissar of Disinformation- he is part and parcel of the Biosecurity States insidious projects in the Global South (which includes child experimentation) and directly involved in the medical cartel's neocolonial incursions into the "develpoing world."
Is Ebola a fake disease because it was created? I have The Real Ant. Fauci here, but really got it for husband as I have been reading about that creep for 3 years now--so I have not read it. Husband keeps prodding me.....
No that's not the reason. "Lab leaks", "Gain of Function" and the rest are all nonsense meant to keep the fear narrative going and maintain rationale for Biosecurity State. This is also used as cover for what the actual causes of disease are- malnutrition, pollution, poor sanitation etc.
Would recommend this article from John Rappaport which gives a cursory exploration into this. From there you can delve into specifics.
Dumping pesticides, and using them in large quantities, lots of plantation “farming.” Cash crops for global trade, grown by multinationals. Lots of mining, with all the attendant chemical usage and waste dumping- that's "Ebola."
In order not to solve the problems of the people, a cover story is necessary. A cover story that exonerates the power structure. A cover story like a germ.
Forget the fact, for example, that a recent study of 15 pharmacies and 5 hospital drug dispensaries in Sierra Leone discovered the widespread and unconscionable use of beta-lactam antibiotics.
These drugs are highly toxic. One of their effects? Excessive bleeding.
Which just happens to be the scary “Ebola effect” that’s being trumpeted in the world press.
Forget the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticides to Africa. One effect of the chemicals? Bleeding.
Forget the fact that adenovirus vaccines, which have been used in Liberia, Guinea, and Liberia (the epicenter of Ebola), have, according to vaccines.gov, the following adverse effects: blood in the urine or stool, and diarrhea.
Reporter Charles Yates uncovered a scandal in Liberia centering around the Firestone Rubber Plantation—chemical dumping, poisoned water.
Liberia Coca Cola bottling plant: foul black liquid seeping into the environment—animals dying.
Chronic malnutrition and starvation—conditions that are endemic in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea—are the number-one cause of T-cell depletion in the world.
The real reasons for the “Ebola outbreak” include, but are not limited to: industrial pollution; organophosphate pesticides (causes bleeding); vast overuse of antibiotics (causes bleeding); severe and debilitating nutritional deficiencies (which can cause bleeding); starvation; drastic electrolyte loss; chronic diarrhea; grinding poverty; war; stolen farm land; vaccination campaigns (in people whose immune systems are compromised, vaccines can easily wipe out their last shreds of health).
Repackaging a set of common symptoms under different disease labels is a standard practice of the medical cartel.
“The killer virus” functions as a cover story, concealing the centuries-long campaign to weaken and decimate the populations of Africa through starvation, wars, contaminated water supplies, overcrowding, theft of fertile farm land and other natural resources, toxic vaccine campaigns.
Yes, it turns out that any source of internal bleeding in the digestive tract—such as overuse of antibiotics—can cause a person to vomit blood. “The uniqueness” of “Ebola-blood-vomiting” is a fairy tale.
What else could cause the “Ebola” bleeding symptom in West Africa?
We have the fact that organophosphate insecticides are being widely used for indoor spraying, in West African homes and, surely, in clinics, to kill mosquitos. One study reports: “With high DDT resistance present throughout much of West Africa, carbamates and organophosphates are increasingly important alternatives to pyrethroids for indoor residual spraying (IRS).”
Among the effects, from severe exposure to organophosphates: diarrhea, tremors, staggering gait, blood disorders, death—all of which have been described in reference to Ebola.
For nearly a century, the company has run a giant rubber plantation in Liberia. According to one estimate, Firestone controls 10% of the arable land in the country.
Aside from the wretched living and working conditions of the locals, who tap the trees for rubber, and bring their young children to work in order to meet Firestone daily quotas, there is the issue of massive pollution.
Who knows how many and what toxic chemicals have been released from the Firestone plantation into the surrounding creeks and rivers?
A further investigation in West Africa could well turn up even more reasons for bleeding—none of which has anything to do with a virus. The region is rife with industrial operations which produce major pollutants—mining, offshore oil exploration and drilling, rubber-tapping, etc.
Thanks very much for your kindness in taking the time to spell it all out. Turtles has certainly opened my eyes. And from that new awareness, have lately wondered if my father's "manic-depressive" mental illness--a recurrent feature of family life through my first 20 years--first episode of which happened while he was stationed in Philppines, 1945, might be related to the profligate use of DDT (sprinkled on soldier's clothing).
Manic-Depression is also associated with mercury poisoning, and one of the most common sources of mercury is from "silver fillings," which are not silver. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury, which is the most deadly, non-radioactive neurotoxic element on the planet.
The State Department was implicated in the investigation The Reese Report. That's how the London Eugenicists infiltrated our country besides the head of the Intelligence agency's beginning literally being run by a Dancy horror out of u.k. See the video with G. Edward Griffin and Norman Dodd and The Reese Committee. They found all the evidence that these very foundations we see today involved in this coup were all taking over the education in this country through their fake philanthropies back in the forties. But they shut all of it down.
"While it is generally prudent policy to avoid becoming entwined in the universe of social media ‘brouhahas’ and personality wars it’s important to understand that that’s not what this is.
This recent back-and-forth highlights some of the more egregious, yet commonplace, examples of the current state of affairs, illustrating how the “pro-science” crowd refuses to engage in honest, open dialogue; how these “arbiters of truth” openly attack anyone who challenges their ‘articles of faith’ and perhaps most insidiously how these custodians of ‘absolute truth’ are willing to go so far as to call for punitive actions against any ‘heretic’ who challenges their gospel."
What these latest maneuverings and evasions by Peter Hotez illustrate is more of the same and provide an important lesson for us all.
Those claiming that the “science is settled”, who refuse the ideal opportunity to prove their intellectual and analytical chops, do not believe in science- they believe in propaganda.
Science is not a religious dogma set in stone, it’s an ever-evolving knowledge-base that changes and improves through inquiry, dissent and skepticism. Real science thrives with the questioning, shuffling and re-shuffling of scientific findings.
If Peter Hotez were sincerely in pursuit of “scientific truth” would he not welcome the opportunity to go toe to toe with the individual who sits at the top of the mountain of the “anti-science aggression” that he decries?”
For the truth loves being challenged; lies don’t."
Like that indeed--and husband chortled hearing it. Have to admit that I have bias about NdGT as husband is physicist--and not a diversity hire (he started his own R+D business 37 yrs ago) [and started in PhD astrophysics program--2 yrs, before he realized that 'doing things' was a lot more fun than looking at computers]
The four parents in Camas County in ID who asked for exemptions are mighty smart and should be loudly applauded. This should certainly teach the other parents something. Wouldn't it be amazing if the rest of the country or even the world started "getting" the fact that vaccinations kill sooner or later.
This research has become simple, but it is tedious. There are no low rates anywhere. Pharma achieved saturation of the pediatric population in the late 1990's. This was the result of the convergence of 3 factors- school attendance rules, which consolidated in 1980, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act corporate liability protection, and the 1994 Vaccines for Children Government purchasing scheme. These factors created an ideal pharmaceutical market environment. School rules equal zero marketing costs. The 1986 act eliminates corporate injury payouts. The 1994 VFC results in zero price pressure. And because vaccine are "biologics", there is no patent expiry. Merck has been selling, to mandated school children, the same liability free, early 1980's MMR formula, at whatever price they set, for decades. Pharma then logically wanted to duplicate this with adults. They looked at who they had authority over, which was mostly healthcare personnel. Those groups had only 30% - 40% uptake. Pharma recognized that to repeat the pediatric market saturation on adults would require mandates without exemptions. That requires first eliminating school exemptions as a legal principle and precedent so that as requirements as expanded onto adults, exemptions are already gone. But a key rationale to convince legislators to pass bills to eliminate exemptions is that exemptions are causing low vaccination rates. Since exemptions do not cause low rates, Pharma and Public Health have had to misrepresent data to provide this justification. This has been the bulk of my work since 2011. I have observed the same fraud in every state. All communications are, "Rates are low and falling, we have to get rid of exemptions", often without ever citing an exemption rate. My best moments are when I can get a legislator or council member or commissioner to realize they have been duped. And the very best of those times are when this happens in an open meeting with the perpetrators present.
I'd day Hotez has used his intelligence to cunningly navigate through the criminal pharmaceutical industry, academia, and public health organizations by making the most out of it financially and career wise. And that's why, a clever sociopath who has gotten this far swimming with other deviant depraved sharks would never jeopardize all that he managed to secure by debating someone who'd point out that pharmaceutical companies and medical research foundations operate like criminal cartels.
What passes for “science” in Hotezland explains why the man would resist taking on any diligent person, even a “non scientist” like Kennedy. He gets by on ridicule and appeals to authority. He is an embarrassment even to his movement
They are clearly burning through people that can barely hold a whisper of a facade of legitimacy anymore. They are running out of options because the exposure is happening faster and faster as real human intelligence explodes and its scent becomes perfected in smelling rats, posers and sycophants willing to commit even murder for the money, prestige or both. After all, they came for the children and that was their biggest error of all. The slime is clinging to the edges of their handler's container and their eyes are bugged out in fear. They always look behind them when approaching their front door, or car because they know what they've done. We thought we were imprisoned during covid? Like the prison guard that is just as imprisoned as those in the cell, these people are living in hell but trying to pretend otherwise. God help them and I mean that. The only real math that is calculated is when you go.
I have become embarrassingly addicted to watching DebateGate unfold. Serious question: How on earth is anyone so utterly brainwashed as to take this man seriously? Is he not obviously creepy, sycophantic, nerdy and repulsive?
How about always putting on his labcoat before doing corporate media interviews from home?
Anyone defending Hotez that isn't up to 6 covid shots by now should be called out for their fake support.
Sitting next to a microscope, lol. Like an eighth-grader at a science fair.
And observe - the microscope is facing the camera, not the Good Doctor. I guess he didn’t realize that a real scientist would look through the eyepieces to use the thing!
There's no coronavirus that can escape the high school light microscope on 10x magnification.
Yes, we should make that a thing. If you haven't dated a trans man/woman and you aren't on your 6th shot, you are a nazi.
Are you guilty of judging a package by its wrapping?
(I am)
In this case, oh yes.
And you can ask that question right on down the line of swarmy liars in the position of experts and authority.
But this guy is the obvious one, people, you're not supposed to fail this test.
Is a swarmy liar part of a Hive Mind?
Eh, no, they are the bought off lackeys the hive mind believes.
Premeditated murder is repulsive. Let's call it what it is. Repulsive.
I guess he’s worth 35 million though.
Joe Rogan has an amazing put down of this guy when he came on his show.
Rogan's no genius -- but he is a genuinely curious man who asks good questions -- but Rogan knows health and fitness.
When Hotez talked about taking the vaccine for health, Rogan asked him about his own health habits.
Hotez admitted to never exercising, and being a junk food addict.
Rogan said: "If you wanted to improve your health, surely some vitamins, exercise and a better diet would do you a lot more good than any vaccine, wouldn't it?"
Wonderful clip.
Here it is, actually.
This is amazing! Thank you for sharing it! Priceless just watching Joe say, "So...you eat...garbage?"
It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad that he is taking his autistic daughter out to eat that garbage too. (Not to mention shoving his "health solutions" down everyone else's throats.)
He looks like one of those people ... who I won't say because that would be unfair to say without actual evidence, but if he did turn out to be one, I would say, "I knew it!"
very well said. He's a conduit to what they all want.
The fat little charlatan would have as much chance against RFK in a debate as he would against Tyson in a boxing ring.
Would LOVE to see his 1-second bout with Tyson.
Hotez: but wait, are you up to date on your boosters?
Tyson: (no words, just a sharp jab -of the punching kind - to the face)
That is a great idea for Tyson to throw out as a challenge and Rogan spread the news. I love it!
Here's what I think about the Great Dr. Hotez: He's a sissy (and a liar).
you have given sissies a bad name. I'm going to let you go, I'm sure you just didn't cogitate before you emitted that. Sissies are a proud and glorious group compared to this NWO twerp.
Where I come from, if you called someone a sissy, them was fighting words ... Unless you were a sissy.
I went to Baylor...I hate seeing him associated with the school/hospital. But, then again, Baylor (the hospital) sued Dr. McCullough
Baylor has gone Woke for $$$
And so has HMH.
There are multiple other elements connected to this individual that illustrate how he is an expression of the Biosecurity State and sent out as one its leading attack dogs.
I would suggest that first it is important to understand that it is simply not possible that Hotez rolls out of bed each morning and thinks this stuff up on his own and then marshals the resources to produce slick videos and press packages that form the backbone of his non-stop jeremiads.
He sits at the tip of the spear of a massive PR campaign that is funded by the Medical Cartel and I think we can say with near certainty that the Hotez you see on your screen day in and day out is a marionette dutifully (even gleefully as he is a socioptah) enacting his performance as orchestrated by the likes of Burston-Marstellar or some other PR firm.
And this goes beyond some automated garden gnome frantically waving his arms about "anti-science aggression", lest we forget Hotez was appointed by Obama to be U.S. Science Envoy for the State Department and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. In 2015-16 he served as Obama's Science Envoy for the Middle East and North Africa and President Obama's Science Envoy.
His role there was to promote what he called "vaccine diplomacy" and his work was done in tandem with the State Department.
Preceding this in 2014 Obama had sent 3,000 troops to Liberia to "fight Ebola" (forget for a moment Ebola is another fake disease) as part of "the largest international response in the history of the CDC."
Of course all of this is done under the guise of "threat to global security" but what it is in reality is public health imperialism and vaccine colonialism.
Hotez is knee deep in all of this.
His "work" as vaccine evangelist is closely tied to and funded by the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative.
All of this to say that Hotez' role goes beyond just his fantasies of being appointed Der Kommissar of Disinformation- he is part and parcel of the Biosecurity States insidious projects in the Global South (which includes child experimentation) and directly involved in the medical cartel's neocolonial incursions into the "develpoing world."
Like " public health imperialism and vaccine colonialism. " and
His "work" as vaccine evangelist.
Right on target !
Permission to quote officially requested. I am happy to site you as the originator. 😊
All yours- citation not necessary.
How to send a coffee electronically?
Is Ebola a fake disease because it was created? I have The Real Ant. Fauci here, but really got it for husband as I have been reading about that creep for 3 years now--so I have not read it. Husband keeps prodding me.....
No that's not the reason. "Lab leaks", "Gain of Function" and the rest are all nonsense meant to keep the fear narrative going and maintain rationale for Biosecurity State. This is also used as cover for what the actual causes of disease are- malnutrition, pollution, poor sanitation etc.
Would recommend this article from John Rappaport which gives a cursory exploration into this. From there you can delve into specifics.
Dumping pesticides, and using them in large quantities, lots of plantation “farming.” Cash crops for global trade, grown by multinationals. Lots of mining, with all the attendant chemical usage and waste dumping- that's "Ebola."
Here are a few highlights:
In order not to solve the problems of the people, a cover story is necessary. A cover story that exonerates the power structure. A cover story like a germ.
Forget the fact, for example, that a recent study of 15 pharmacies and 5 hospital drug dispensaries in Sierra Leone discovered the widespread and unconscionable use of beta-lactam antibiotics.
These drugs are highly toxic. One of their effects? Excessive bleeding.
Which just happens to be the scary “Ebola effect” that’s being trumpeted in the world press.
Forget the fact that pesticide companies are notorious for shipping banned toxic pesticides to Africa. One effect of the chemicals? Bleeding.
Forget the fact that adenovirus vaccines, which have been used in Liberia, Guinea, and Liberia (the epicenter of Ebola), have, according to vaccines.gov, the following adverse effects: blood in the urine or stool, and diarrhea.
Reporter Charles Yates uncovered a scandal in Liberia centering around the Firestone Rubber Plantation—chemical dumping, poisoned water.
Liberia Coca Cola bottling plant: foul black liquid seeping into the environment—animals dying.
Chronic malnutrition and starvation—conditions that are endemic in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea—are the number-one cause of T-cell depletion in the world.
The real reasons for the “Ebola outbreak” include, but are not limited to: industrial pollution; organophosphate pesticides (causes bleeding); vast overuse of antibiotics (causes bleeding); severe and debilitating nutritional deficiencies (which can cause bleeding); starvation; drastic electrolyte loss; chronic diarrhea; grinding poverty; war; stolen farm land; vaccination campaigns (in people whose immune systems are compromised, vaccines can easily wipe out their last shreds of health).
Repackaging a set of common symptoms under different disease labels is a standard practice of the medical cartel.
“The killer virus” functions as a cover story, concealing the centuries-long campaign to weaken and decimate the populations of Africa through starvation, wars, contaminated water supplies, overcrowding, theft of fertile farm land and other natural resources, toxic vaccine campaigns.
Yes, it turns out that any source of internal bleeding in the digestive tract—such as overuse of antibiotics—can cause a person to vomit blood. “The uniqueness” of “Ebola-blood-vomiting” is a fairy tale.
What else could cause the “Ebola” bleeding symptom in West Africa?
We have the fact that organophosphate insecticides are being widely used for indoor spraying, in West African homes and, surely, in clinics, to kill mosquitos. One study reports: “With high DDT resistance present throughout much of West Africa, carbamates and organophosphates are increasingly important alternatives to pyrethroids for indoor residual spraying (IRS).”
Among the effects, from severe exposure to organophosphates: diarrhea, tremors, staggering gait, blood disorders, death—all of which have been described in reference to Ebola.
For nearly a century, the company has run a giant rubber plantation in Liberia. According to one estimate, Firestone controls 10% of the arable land in the country.
Aside from the wretched living and working conditions of the locals, who tap the trees for rubber, and bring their young children to work in order to meet Firestone daily quotas, there is the issue of massive pollution.
Who knows how many and what toxic chemicals have been released from the Firestone plantation into the surrounding creeks and rivers?
A further investigation in West Africa could well turn up even more reasons for bleeding—none of which has anything to do with a virus. The region is rife with industrial operations which produce major pollutants—mining, offshore oil exploration and drilling, rubber-tapping, etc.
Thanks very much for your kindness in taking the time to spell it all out. Turtles has certainly opened my eyes. And from that new awareness, have lately wondered if my father's "manic-depressive" mental illness--a recurrent feature of family life through my first 20 years--first episode of which happened while he was stationed in Philppines, 1945, might be related to the profligate use of DDT (sprinkled on soldier's clothing).
Manic-Depression is also associated with mercury poisoning, and one of the most common sources of mercury is from "silver fillings," which are not silver. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury, which is the most deadly, non-radioactive neurotoxic element on the planet.
I liked what you were saying until you besmirched Coca Cola. :)
Read it, VVV. You won't regret it.
The State Department was implicated in the investigation The Reese Report. That's how the London Eugenicists infiltrated our country besides the head of the Intelligence agency's beginning literally being run by a Dancy horror out of u.k. See the video with G. Edward Griffin and Norman Dodd and The Reese Committee. They found all the evidence that these very foundations we see today involved in this coup were all taking over the education in this country through their fake philanthropies back in the forties. But they shut all of it down.
Excellent article, published today, on Peter Hotez here:
Can We Talk About Science? Through the Looking Glass of Peter Hotez
Snippet from article:
"While it is generally prudent policy to avoid becoming entwined in the universe of social media ‘brouhahas’ and personality wars it’s important to understand that that’s not what this is.
This recent back-and-forth highlights some of the more egregious, yet commonplace, examples of the current state of affairs, illustrating how the “pro-science” crowd refuses to engage in honest, open dialogue; how these “arbiters of truth” openly attack anyone who challenges their ‘articles of faith’ and perhaps most insidiously how these custodians of ‘absolute truth’ are willing to go so far as to call for punitive actions against any ‘heretic’ who challenges their gospel."
What these latest maneuverings and evasions by Peter Hotez illustrate is more of the same and provide an important lesson for us all.
Those claiming that the “science is settled”, who refuse the ideal opportunity to prove their intellectual and analytical chops, do not believe in science- they believe in propaganda.
Science is not a religious dogma set in stone, it’s an ever-evolving knowledge-base that changes and improves through inquiry, dissent and skepticism. Real science thrives with the questioning, shuffling and re-shuffling of scientific findings.
If Peter Hotez were sincerely in pursuit of “scientific truth” would he not welcome the opportunity to go toe to toe with the individual who sits at the top of the mountain of the “anti-science aggression” that he decries?”
For the truth loves being challenged; lies don’t."
Thanks for the link.
Excellent article.
The astrophysicist, Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Pardon me.
I think it's spelled Ass-Trophy-ist.
Like that indeed--and husband chortled hearing it. Have to admit that I have bias about NdGT as husband is physicist--and not a diversity hire (he started his own R+D business 37 yrs ago) [and started in PhD astrophysics program--2 yrs, before he realized that 'doing things' was a lot more fun than looking at computers]
The four parents in Camas County in ID who asked for exemptions are mighty smart and should be loudly applauded. This should certainly teach the other parents something. Wouldn't it be amazing if the rest of the country or even the world started "getting" the fact that vaccinations kill sooner or later.
This guy gives me goosebumps. I just don't like his whole speech and machiavelic smile.
He looks like a failed Jim Henson idea.
That amused me. Yours?
Really!! LOL! if one wanted to create a sociopathic looking puppet, he would be the perfect model!!
He is like the Swedish Chef of vaccines
Thank you MCM!
Back atcha. Thanks for that deep dive! (Dirty work, but someone had to do it.)
This research has become simple, but it is tedious. There are no low rates anywhere. Pharma achieved saturation of the pediatric population in the late 1990's. This was the result of the convergence of 3 factors- school attendance rules, which consolidated in 1980, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act corporate liability protection, and the 1994 Vaccines for Children Government purchasing scheme. These factors created an ideal pharmaceutical market environment. School rules equal zero marketing costs. The 1986 act eliminates corporate injury payouts. The 1994 VFC results in zero price pressure. And because vaccine are "biologics", there is no patent expiry. Merck has been selling, to mandated school children, the same liability free, early 1980's MMR formula, at whatever price they set, for decades. Pharma then logically wanted to duplicate this with adults. They looked at who they had authority over, which was mostly healthcare personnel. Those groups had only 30% - 40% uptake. Pharma recognized that to repeat the pediatric market saturation on adults would require mandates without exemptions. That requires first eliminating school exemptions as a legal principle and precedent so that as requirements as expanded onto adults, exemptions are already gone. But a key rationale to convince legislators to pass bills to eliminate exemptions is that exemptions are causing low vaccination rates. Since exemptions do not cause low rates, Pharma and Public Health have had to misrepresent data to provide this justification. This has been the bulk of my work since 2011. I have observed the same fraud in every state. All communications are, "Rates are low and falling, we have to get rid of exemptions", often without ever citing an exemption rate. My best moments are when I can get a legislator or council member or commissioner to realize they have been duped. And the very best of those times are when this happens in an open meeting with the perpetrators present.
I'd day Hotez has used his intelligence to cunningly navigate through the criminal pharmaceutical industry, academia, and public health organizations by making the most out of it financially and career wise. And that's why, a clever sociopath who has gotten this far swimming with other deviant depraved sharks would never jeopardize all that he managed to secure by debating someone who'd point out that pharmaceutical companies and medical research foundations operate like criminal cartels.
What passes for “science” in Hotezland explains why the man would resist taking on any diligent person, even a “non scientist” like Kennedy. He gets by on ridicule and appeals to authority. He is an embarrassment even to his movement
Hotez is insane.
All cities have an insane person or two.
Correction, "all cities have a sane person or two."
Liars figure percentages math. Bamboozle with statistics and if percentages stats don’t confuse
You they’ll go to medical jargon. Man it’s all idiosyncratic when idiots synchronize their talking points.
A sissy and a liar. Why is it every one in charge here is a liar?
Whatever happened to the Truth? It got vaxxed
And now is rendered disabled unable to speak loud enough through the mask and social distancing and isolation.
Just exactly totally absolutely like
using percentages is dangerous in different ways and usually conceals what is being proven (or unproven in this case)
hotez is 100% stupid and annoying. sometimes percentages are just clean.
well in some cases it just works out fine! I 100% agree. (he is not stupid though when it comes to filling his pockets)
are you tyler's sister or mother or daughter?
but he is stupid when it will come to finishing out his life as the pariah he was meant to be.
HOTEZ 2016 SARS COV 2 research
They are clearly burning through people that can barely hold a whisper of a facade of legitimacy anymore. They are running out of options because the exposure is happening faster and faster as real human intelligence explodes and its scent becomes perfected in smelling rats, posers and sycophants willing to commit even murder for the money, prestige or both. After all, they came for the children and that was their biggest error of all. The slime is clinging to the edges of their handler's container and their eyes are bugged out in fear. They always look behind them when approaching their front door, or car because they know what they've done. We thought we were imprisoned during covid? Like the prison guard that is just as imprisoned as those in the cell, these people are living in hell but trying to pretend otherwise. God help them and I mean that. The only real math that is calculated is when you go.
“ Dr. Peter Hotez's refusal to debate RFK, Jr. is the first sign of intelligence in his entire career” = Best lead-in line to a post ever!