I've said for a while now that if we subjected Bill Gates and a few others to being drawn and quartered, this murderous corruption would stop right NOW. Can we not therefore argue that drawing and quartering Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Bourla, and heads of FDA and CDC would be for the Greater Good?
They are headed to Steiner's 8th sphere and will surely have a tough time getting out of there. I understand they may have to be reduced back to a grain of sand as the mineral kingdom is the the lowest in the hierarchy.
If you really believe that, I am sorry but you are just NOT smart.
90% of the population supported Hitler. Even if someone would have killed him, what makes you think the people would have chosen a better leader? In fact, it's quite plausible that another Hitler like figure would have been smarter, allied himself with Russia to crush the west (or the other way around) and live a long happy life leading an empire built on hundreds of millions of deaths.
It's exactly the same today. Don't you think most doctors now what they are doing when taking $100k bribes from big pharma to kill people? All the evil people are surrounded by millions of lackeys that are just as evil.
Imagine you are given godlike powers. What do you do? You either keep killing evil people until you are left with some Amish, some amazonian tribes and a couple millions of depressed realists (aka us) OR you become what you hate - a dictator forcing people to do what you want "for their own good".
When surrounded by evil - we should at least hold on to the truth, even if it's not pleasant or comforting.
never said we will get rid of evil by getting rid of Gates and Fauci. And yes we should, we must, hold to the truth. There's always a battle going on between good and evil. By letting the evil doers get away with it, that just empowers other evil doers to continue doing their evil deeds, and maybe even causes some who are on the fence to move to the dark side. My point was that if we had serious punishment for these murderers, it would be a way to hold evil in check. Sure, there would be others who would want to step up and take their place, but seeing what happened to Gate and Fauci might at least give them pause, make them ask themselves is this worth risking my life for?
And what's the the name calling? You begin your post with name calling? What's up with that?
Yes. We have to realize the Hitler was only elected by a small minority of the votes, but he had the largest amount of the divided population. Bill Clinton only had 43% of the total vote in 1992, as Hitler had 43.9% in 1933. So the majority of Germans were NOT on his side, and that election was pressured as well. We can see how these psychopaths seize power. We need to PRESS for executions of people like Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Bourla, and heads of FDA and CDC and the UN/WHO for massive crimes against humanity.
This is simply NOT true. It does not matter what people say but what they do. And more than 90% of germans supported the nazis. They did it by obeying orders, "doing their part" and closing their eyes to the genocide happening.
I could point to official documents, histories etc. but the simplest way to see this is to realize that civil disobedience of about 10% of the population will topple a govt. So we can infer that 90% of germans supported the nazis.
Same applies to US btw. Pick any criminal war you like - from Israel to Ukraine to Iraq, Vietnam etc - all of them had the full support of US population.
I am not talking about "protests" (aka aerobic exercise). Imagine 10% of US army, doctors, teachers just standing up and leaving their jobs. The whole economy and the govt would immediately collapse. So we KNOW that >90% of US supports pedophilia, corruption, mafia-style murders, etc, etc.
Now come on. For example: Of course 90% of the US public believes Joe Biden legitimately won the election, and Trump instigated an "insurrection on Jan. 6th." Right? No, you know that is all lies, but that is the impression the media gives us. How many people lost their jobs (and I know some of them) because as healthcare workers, they refused the toxic jab? I think if you believe that "90% formula" you are accepting the force-fed psy-op. But to your point, people will "go along" with what they are pressured to do. 90% may cooperate. And things improved for a short time in Germany, as what we see here. I know Germans who survived the bombings in Berlin. They miraculously survived. But they were then conscripted into USSR slavery in East Germany. They survived that as well---after time.
"But to your point, people will "go along" with what they are pressured to do. 90% may cooperate. "
So I see we agree. It seems the only thing different is our emotional reaction to it. I consider "going along" evil, you just seem to accept it as a fact of human nature (which it is! it just hurts me to see it).
Sorry about "name calling" - I don't see it that way but I apologize if I offended you.
My larger point is very simple: you (and many others) are dreaming about punishing the evildoers but that's never going to happen because the majority of humans are evil. It's the default setting if you want.
Yes, in an ideal world, I would like to see the "fair and speedy trials" (according to the constitution). But why delude ourselves?
On the contrary, I expect in 10-20 years the fantasy of "deadly pandemic" followed by "safe and effective" jab is going to become the official history. The reason is that we are in the middle of imperial collapse. In 20 years most people will worry about where to get the next meal, while the billionaires will be busy rewriting history and finding innovative ways to reduce the population.
I would love to be wrong but it has been 4 years. Everything the govt and MSM said has been proven to be a genocidal lie and yet the vast majority of people just don't care. Why is that?
no problem, thank you for the apology. I agree with you--sort of: Punishing the evil doers is probably not going to happen because right now evil has the upper hand. My suggestion was obviously hypothetical because even if we arrested and prosecuted the mass murderers, we don't do public executions and certainly don't do drawing and quartering. It was only to suggest that the reason these people are doing what they're doing is they know there are no consequences, they know they will get away with it. Fauci did it before and got away with it. (Fraudulent trial re AZT, gave AZT to hundreds of thousands of gay men, many without any AIDS symptoms! killed an estimated 300,000 to 1/2 million,)
PS I continue to have hope. We are on the cusp of very big changes. As you said "imperial collapse". My hope is that we can make a transition to a more just world without complete collapse because complete collapse will likely bring untold suffering to millions. But over the horizon, after the collapse, I am hopeful that the new world will be far better than the one we're living in now.
One of my spiritual teachers started talking about a new age that was dawning. After talking about it for more than a decade, someone asked him, when is it actually going to happen. (This was mid-1980's). His reply: After the last big battle. The questioner than asked: What's the last big battle? His reply: It will be with the Pharmaceutical companies and the world will lose a lot of people. Nearly 40 years ago, he saw it coming. So I hope that his vision for a new age will also turn out to be correct.
Thanks for sharing. I am by nature a pessimist and also very non-spiritual. The weird thing is that recently I started having more and more spiritual or unexplainable experiences. So who knows? There might be something to what you say.
In the meantime though, I hope everyone is doing everything they can to prepare themselves and their families - and mental preparation is the most important.
I think the only punishments that would suit would be a complete divestment of wealth and being put to work regenerating the Earth.
(I could go further with this, but will show some self control)
You are more lenient than I am, unless you mean regenerating the earth with their rotting bodies.
IтАЩm with you, SteveтАжan eye for an eye, in my book!
Literal eyes!
Their bodies would destroy anything it touched. Rotting isn't good enough for them.
I was thinking that too. (about their rotting bodies being rather bad for the earth)
YUK I don't want their evil remains in my soil. Load them into a missile and shoot them into WAY outer space.
We'd likely get the fall out.
Haha I was just think that very same thing.
I've said for a while now that if we subjected Bill Gates and a few others to being drawn and quartered, this murderous corruption would stop right NOW. Can we not therefore argue that drawing and quartering Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Bourla, and heads of FDA and CDC would be for the Greater Good?
They are headed to Steiner's 8th sphere and will surely have a tough time getting out of there. I understand they may have to be reduced back to a grain of sand as the mineral kingdom is the the lowest in the hierarchy.
If you really believe that, I am sorry but you are just NOT smart.
90% of the population supported Hitler. Even if someone would have killed him, what makes you think the people would have chosen a better leader? In fact, it's quite plausible that another Hitler like figure would have been smarter, allied himself with Russia to crush the west (or the other way around) and live a long happy life leading an empire built on hundreds of millions of deaths.
It's exactly the same today. Don't you think most doctors now what they are doing when taking $100k bribes from big pharma to kill people? All the evil people are surrounded by millions of lackeys that are just as evil.
Imagine you are given godlike powers. What do you do? You either keep killing evil people until you are left with some Amish, some amazonian tribes and a couple millions of depressed realists (aka us) OR you become what you hate - a dictator forcing people to do what you want "for their own good".
When surrounded by evil - we should at least hold on to the truth, even if it's not pleasant or comforting.
never said we will get rid of evil by getting rid of Gates and Fauci. And yes we should, we must, hold to the truth. There's always a battle going on between good and evil. By letting the evil doers get away with it, that just empowers other evil doers to continue doing their evil deeds, and maybe even causes some who are on the fence to move to the dark side. My point was that if we had serious punishment for these murderers, it would be a way to hold evil in check. Sure, there would be others who would want to step up and take their place, but seeing what happened to Gate and Fauci might at least give them pause, make them ask themselves is this worth risking my life for?
And what's the the name calling? You begin your post with name calling? What's up with that?
Yes. We have to realize the Hitler was only elected by a small minority of the votes, but he had the largest amount of the divided population. Bill Clinton only had 43% of the total vote in 1992, as Hitler had 43.9% in 1933. So the majority of Germans were NOT on his side, and that election was pressured as well. We can see how these psychopaths seize power. We need to PRESS for executions of people like Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Bourla, and heads of FDA and CDC and the UN/WHO for massive crimes against humanity.
"So the majority of Germans were NOT on his side"
This is simply NOT true. It does not matter what people say but what they do. And more than 90% of germans supported the nazis. They did it by obeying orders, "doing their part" and closing their eyes to the genocide happening.
I could point to official documents, histories etc. but the simplest way to see this is to realize that civil disobedience of about 10% of the population will topple a govt. So we can infer that 90% of germans supported the nazis.
Same applies to US btw. Pick any criminal war you like - from Israel to Ukraine to Iraq, Vietnam etc - all of them had the full support of US population.
I am not talking about "protests" (aka aerobic exercise). Imagine 10% of US army, doctors, teachers just standing up and leaving their jobs. The whole economy and the govt would immediately collapse. So we KNOW that >90% of US supports pedophilia, corruption, mafia-style murders, etc, etc.
Now come on. For example: Of course 90% of the US public believes Joe Biden legitimately won the election, and Trump instigated an "insurrection on Jan. 6th." Right? No, you know that is all lies, but that is the impression the media gives us. How many people lost their jobs (and I know some of them) because as healthcare workers, they refused the toxic jab? I think if you believe that "90% formula" you are accepting the force-fed psy-op. But to your point, people will "go along" with what they are pressured to do. 90% may cooperate. And things improved for a short time in Germany, as what we see here. I know Germans who survived the bombings in Berlin. They miraculously survived. But they were then conscripted into USSR slavery in East Germany. They survived that as well---after time.
"But to your point, people will "go along" with what they are pressured to do. 90% may cooperate. "
So I see we agree. It seems the only thing different is our emotional reaction to it. I consider "going along" evil, you just seem to accept it as a fact of human nature (which it is! it just hurts me to see it).
Sorry about "name calling" - I don't see it that way but I apologize if I offended you.
My larger point is very simple: you (and many others) are dreaming about punishing the evildoers but that's never going to happen because the majority of humans are evil. It's the default setting if you want.
Yes, in an ideal world, I would like to see the "fair and speedy trials" (according to the constitution). But why delude ourselves?
On the contrary, I expect in 10-20 years the fantasy of "deadly pandemic" followed by "safe and effective" jab is going to become the official history. The reason is that we are in the middle of imperial collapse. In 20 years most people will worry about where to get the next meal, while the billionaires will be busy rewriting history and finding innovative ways to reduce the population.
I would love to be wrong but it has been 4 years. Everything the govt and MSM said has been proven to be a genocidal lie and yet the vast majority of people just don't care. Why is that?
no problem, thank you for the apology. I agree with you--sort of: Punishing the evil doers is probably not going to happen because right now evil has the upper hand. My suggestion was obviously hypothetical because even if we arrested and prosecuted the mass murderers, we don't do public executions and certainly don't do drawing and quartering. It was only to suggest that the reason these people are doing what they're doing is they know there are no consequences, they know they will get away with it. Fauci did it before and got away with it. (Fraudulent trial re AZT, gave AZT to hundreds of thousands of gay men, many without any AIDS symptoms! killed an estimated 300,000 to 1/2 million,)
PS I continue to have hope. We are on the cusp of very big changes. As you said "imperial collapse". My hope is that we can make a transition to a more just world without complete collapse because complete collapse will likely bring untold suffering to millions. But over the horizon, after the collapse, I am hopeful that the new world will be far better than the one we're living in now.
One of my spiritual teachers started talking about a new age that was dawning. After talking about it for more than a decade, someone asked him, when is it actually going to happen. (This was mid-1980's). His reply: After the last big battle. The questioner than asked: What's the last big battle? His reply: It will be with the Pharmaceutical companies and the world will lose a lot of people. Nearly 40 years ago, he saw it coming. So I hope that his vision for a new age will also turn out to be correct.
Thanks for sharing. I am by nature a pessimist and also very non-spiritual. The weird thing is that recently I started having more and more spiritual or unexplainable experiences. So who knows? There might be something to what you say.
In the meantime though, I hope everyone is doing everything they can to prepare themselves and their families - and mental preparation is the most important.
Bill gates, Jeff Zuckerberg, klaus squat, et al
Are demons in flesh or possessed by demons. What happens to their demons when they lose their rotty -body shells?
They go into someone else. We are surrounded by these тАЬprincipalities, powers, rulers of darkness in high placesтАЭ
Oh my I can't stop laughing!!!
That's exactly where I was heading.
Still laughing! Thank you, I so needed that!
Too many psyops from too many directions. Can someone write a manual of socially acceptable behavior for me?!?! (rhetorical)