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I cited the youth not to single them out or blame them, but to illustrate symptoms of what has been happening gradually over the course of at least 100 years. I agree with you that it is the people your age and my age who have helped impose this system on the youth. But in reality, it began much earlier, perhaps as early as the 1920s. Education was dumbed down because of the needs of industry. Worker bees without critical thinking skills are the ideal employees in modern large-scale industry. The kind of workforce needed for this economic setup is what the American public school system has consistently delivered. The 1950s saw a brief reversal of this trend in light of the perceived Sputnik threat, but by the '70s the quality of education once again began to erode away. I was in grade school right at that time. My parents saw the decline and talked about it. Now that industries have left the country and less meaningful employment is available, an even dumber populace is required by the elite, one that doesn't mind being idle.

I went to your link and read your treatise. I was not being close-minded. It's just that the solution you proposed doesn't reflect reality or human nature, though well-intended. You cannot create a parallel technological system, independent of the current technological system, without huge amounts of capital and infrastructure. The PTB would never allow such a system to take root and flourish anyway. There are many cool aspects to online life. I'm not sure where you live or what continent you're on, but this technology enables people like you and me to argue in real time and exchange ideas, or to critique one another, just like you said. That is a positive. But I believe the advantages of this speed and convenience are far outweighed by the negatives. People need to relate to one another face-to-face, and technology dehumanizes all of us eventually.

Regarding original sin, which is our number one problem as humans, it is not a silly or stupid concept. It is reality. People are not born basically good. The Scriptures attest to this. And if you don't believe the Scriptures, look at the long, sad state of history and ask yourself why this is so. One cannot simply blame the system, or some distant rulers. Again, you don't have to teach a person to be selfish or disobedient. It's an inborn trait from earliest childhood. Selfishness and disobedience occur despite the noblest beliefs we may have been taught by our parents or teachers. We also love to point fingers at others, but not at ourselves. God is being very kind to tell us this information because it's only in recognizing our inborn sin that the healing can even begin.

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We come at things from very different places. You are mired in what you have been taught - about scripture and the normal set up of society. I see it as all wrong, all of it and want to visualize and materialize a different template. The thing is we were taught to be selfish by the system of money that was imposed on us - where more debt is issued than credit. This is all arbitrary but very deviously designed to take us from a creative mind spin to mindset of deficiency. There is never enough money to go round and this makes people anxious which is a reasonable way to respond to scarcity. But the scarcity is ARTIFICIALLY CREATED. That's why people are selfish.

I can't believe you're using scripture to prove your point that people are basically bad. That's an opinion and a filter. Not everyone sees it that way. That is the way the program has made most see it though but only because you're seeing the result and not the cause. The cause is an artificially generated scarcity.. Change the system and the psychology changes. The idea of killing our own kind - that's another thing we have to stop "honoring". We have to realize we have been contorted way out of shape due to what I say is the imbalance of positive and negative charges embodied in the masculine and the feminine. We are too far on the masculine side and thus everything is inverted and doesn't go with the flow. Frequency has been overlooked, ignored, buried as a science. Yet frequency is the most prevalent factor.

We know how we got here. Now we need to know how to get out of the labyrinth. Already without asking not even one question you have made up your mind that this can't work. Therefore you will defer to the same old/same old. And that's how you know the program is working on you. You dismiss something before even spending a moment to imagine it or savor it.

Of course everything is a choice. I don't expect everyone will understand or want to move to a different mindset, the program is very entrenched. But some will want to and that's how things start, with the first step.

Unless you can give me specific points on the points I've mentioned, nothing can progress from your critique. I cannot learn anything from it. All it tells me is that you can't let your mind visualize a better world, you won't let it.

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