Queen's Brian May was adamant that the vaccine was essential and those who did not take it were fools.

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I must add that he agreed with the "apartheid" lockdown rules for the unvaccinated.

He also got Covid at least one time after vaccination, blaming it on a party where he did not wear a mask.

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I wonder if any of them realize they did it to themselves by taking an untested bioweapon injection, probably not.

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At what point do these conditions stop being called rare? Those of us paying attention are seeing them reported almost daily…

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I am starting to see SADS in the media again as an excuse for young and healthy people inexplicably dying.

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The rich and famous are now sick and famous.

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The lucky ones are dead and famous.

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Wer ist die list?

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Just lost a 70 year old friend to multiple myeloma. She also had amyloidosis per a heart biopsy. Had SIX covid jabs, though she’d been told they were deadly.

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