You know, it's letters like this that make me rethink this whole depopulation agenda...maybe they do have a point.

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LMAO. I've lost the ability to feel sorry for people like this. They truly are what Stalin called "Useful Idiots".

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I don't like it, but I have to admit I had befriended a few like that. They are now former friends and will not ever be friends again. The sorry truth is, that these are very well educated people, whereas I only finished high school, but they are still stupidly following the advice of the doctors that pump them full of poison, without even looking what is going on !

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Ingrid, I too have befriended people I know and still love. I’ll bet if you ask any of the naive, obedient ones to name three ingredients in the vaccine, they more than likely won’t even be able to name one.

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one is a microbiologist. she is totally uninterested. Doesn 't want to hear a word about it.

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If pressed, many of the most educated and qualified simply say they didn't have the time to look into it. They just accepted whatever the top medical journals published as gospel. They have such deeply held faith in their institutions that they don't even consider themselves qualified to question any of it. Imagine how offensive we come across to them without their educational backgrounds saying this whole thing is a disaster. It's like blaspheming a religion to a faithful adherent.

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You hit the nail right there. That is how a former friend biologist treated me. 'you don't know anything about this, I studied it 50 years ago and it is all true and right and well'. In 50 years a lot has changed, I responded, but oh no those studies were sacrosanct and nothing I said was worth listening to. Working in a lab with cosmetics I knew that PEG is bad. I don't want it in my shampoo. If nothing else had been in the shots I still would refuse ! (there are several other even more harmful ingredients in them like aluminum and other metals that get into the brain and probably cause or help cause altzheimer and dementia)

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Yes. Some people are just braindead zombies, I suppose. They admire the likes of Hitler and Mengele.

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I don't think they know who they were. As you said, brain dead

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They will have zero grasp of history.

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Gal that works at my mom and pop pharmacy did not know about D-Day.

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What we learned in school 50 years ago was not all truth either but at least we knew some. I wonder if they even teach anything at school nowadays, apart from sex and grooming ! They cannot count anymore, and lately I heard they cannot write anymore. We are going back to illiteracy !

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My friends' kids no long use pencil and paper. Not much shocks me anymore, but that one did.

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A friend of mine, a retired school teacher, found it terrible that her grandson would not be able to write and set herself to the job. It is terrible, isn't it? What a loss, all I did when a kid was draw and write and color ! (and still love it ) It is impoverishing the world of a child !

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Good for her. My question, how will they write the message on the homing pigeon when the grid goes down? Joke, but not really.

I like to color, and I am old. It is relaxing.

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A major purpose of public education used to be for the public good: a well-informed, well-educated citizenry who would elect worthy candidates to lead our country. A few decades ago, that purpose was dropped and replaced by something closer to Voc Ed - you go to school to get a good job, period. Nothing more.

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Well that purpose failed horribly. I was bused back in the day, that was another failed program. Now they go to school to become indoctrinated Communists. Somewhere I read that if a kid gets seven years of programmed Commie schooling they will be Communists for life. That is bad enough, but when they are willing to alter a child's sex at very young age it isn't about Voc Ed anymore.

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Not shocked! We got married on Pearl Harbor Day. Most people, even ones close to my age, haven't a clue what that even is.

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And emulate them as well!

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stack doing some double-posting whack...

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I have a t-shirt that reads:


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Thanos was an attempt at making Klaus Schwab relatable. For me, that failed miserably. Anyone trying to be God who is not ends up personifying evil. The idea that it would be net positive to wipe out half of the population is an irredeemably evil notion.

No matter how misinformed, willfully ignorant, or even outright nasty some people get, I won’t concede any redeeming qualities to the notion of a cull. Sorry, I can’t even laugh about that one - it’s too real.

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I always think I have to laugh, or I am going to cry.

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People who are so sure about this brandnew gen therapy, with no proof to be found for their trust anywhere, and that is of course an understatement, and still they are so sure they don't have to wait for evidence... that is fine with me, but leave other people alone for their own sake!

Even if the gen therapy would do more good than harm, it is still a crime to risk massmurder at worst, but it is in fact possible.

No they absolutely have no point period.

And in my opinion it are criminals belonging in jail. And also that exactly people like this make massmurder possible. I would never ever have done what they did without proof. Never. You neither, don't get blinded by the so called 'love' of these people! If you look or act like a dangerous person, comitting mass murder is a lot more difficult. The so called love makes these people look so bad to me I am litterly getting sick of them, and than I haven't even start to think about all the people they suffer for life because of these assholes, you can look at a few statistics where I am talking about, if you dare, I don't actually

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I have seen the round table with Senator Johnson, and had to stop watching at Maggie's story. They wrote her down as having stomachache, the poor girl is paralized completely to a point she can not even eat, they have to tube feed her, and Pfizer has not even contacted them. If that are not criminals there at Pfizer I don't know who are.

I cried when the dad told about his 17 year old boy who died, and when the 4 people who can no longer walk told their stories. It is just heartbreaking.

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Yes, Maddie de Garay - such an infuriating and heartbreaking story.

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Such a beautiful young woman, doomed to spend her life in a wheelchair, immobile. A young man, dead. Several brilliant people, confined to wheel chairs, one professional biker, with a walker, 28 years old, over 900 sportsmen and women dead, and god knows how many had to give up their sport carreer due to heart problems, just read one Italian bicyclist this week. Most of them obliged to take the jabs or no contracts. Many spoke out, but then had to shut up again, same reason.

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The biker Kyle Warner seems to have mostly recovered so that is at least a little good news. Not much in the context of all of it but still.

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I also read of a lady who at first was paralyzed like Maddie but partially recovered (this is quite some time ago so she might be well again) so I hope there is light at the end of the tunnel for Maddie as well. The lady I heard about took almost a year to be able to speak again and had just started to get out of her wheel chair and set a few steps. She was in the adult trial of the jabs.

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Those Pfizer guys are behaving in my opinion far worse than 'just' criminal, because they are not 'just people' but have a certain duty or role in our society: they are suppose to be our reliable helpers

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That's actually the government's role; and they're doing a great job, are they not!!

Johnson's the only one who's done anything publicly about this. I think he cooled off because of the election. Let's hope he plows ahead with total exposure once he's reelected.

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Indeed. a few others lifted a tiny sound, and DeSantis made a show, but still allows the jabs although he knows they are poison. Paul said a few words, and I think Massie, but that is about it. That is why I voted libertarian where I could. Both parties are guilty because none said a word. If the Reps had put up a fight, who knows some Dems might have joined in to stop the massacre

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psychopats really, because they know they are selling poison and just rake in the money. Mass murderers enjoying their crimes

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Thank you very much for you explaining in short so well!

I knew it, but it is not to understand for emotionally healthy people, and therefore the brain of most people, unlike yours and mine, 'fixes' the image they have from situations, persons, things... whatever they need to fix 'their environment' or as I prefer to call it 'their movie', to be exact about me, and of course you, are NOT casted or present AT ALL in their movie.

And like you correctly mentioned psychopats like their crimes, but for what reasons they do so, differs enourmously. In fact I see two categories:

A-the ones that need to feel better than someone else to be able to just for a moment 'feel' something, at preference, even it is only for a tiny moment, they can -always aware and conciously!! -fooling themselves they are sort of able to feel valuable, are fully allowed 'to exist'. Healty persons are able to feel this, but about 40 percent people haven't experienced enough unconditional love from their parents, so they unfortunately can only often feel this and 60 percent indeed does feel continuously valuable, and so have fulltime and unconditional right to excist.

For the psychopath this type of feeling, is, I guess, best comparable to our hearing exactly how loud a sound is... we can't measure that in decibel or something, but what we can easily do is, when presented two signals of different loudness, which of the signals is LOUDER. So we can RELATIVELY hear 'how loud a signal is, compairing it to other sounds of different loudnesses.

The psychopatch can't feel valuable. But he can relatively feel valuable by situations they 'are better' than other person(s), of course only according to the psychopath itselve and /or more people they casted in their movies and were succesfully gaslighted by this psychopath.

And a lot more variants are possible, hopefully now recognizable for the mentally healthy readers of this comment. I needed 30 years of my life to learn this, and not because I wanted to know, but the hard way, to survive. If I can save only one person from a life like mine, It is worth the effort and so is a chance to that;-)

B the ones who like hurting other poeple because it makes them feel better. They are the worst type of course. I don't no much of this type, only that this type is far more rare fortunately than type A. Some scientists mention 1 percent of all people are and I very strongly hope that is too many.

I hope this comment will help you forward in your life towards hapiness, or whatever elso you think you need I wish you too

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I literally laughed out loud when I read your comment!

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Jordan - I never thought I would laugh at a comment like that - but - I AM laughing! ...and shaking my head.

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L. O. L. !!!!!

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Absolutely. Encourage them to get their boosters on time.

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I'll offer rides to the clinic.

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Not sure what to say about pharmacists ignoring the obvious ethical issues with these shots. No informed consent, not a word about VAERS data. What do they even teach in pharmacy school?

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I'm curious if they get paid for every shot given? I know pediatricians get paid for every "childhood" vaccine they give.

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Came here to say this, and thank you for asking the question. They get paid a fee for every Covid innoculation they administer. I think it is around 40 bucks a shot. This is not the cost of the product but what the retailer gets for each shot they give.

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Wow. 1.8 million. That would make most people smile.

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Hell is real

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We're almost finished building it.

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Hell on earth could be EXTREMELY real, World wide.

You and me aint building it

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More like it's getting full.

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I have the same question. RE: docs, It’s actually worse than that. It’s my understanding that in some circumstances, pediatric/GP docs get bonuses based on % patient compliance with vaccine schedules.

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I had the same thought. Could be a little bit more to this story than selfless altruism and just getting so much gosh darn joy from making people happy…

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In UK the pharmacies and general practitioner surgeries get paid for every vaccine and flu jab given. Even babies are being given flu jabs now using a nasal spray.

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There is the "old joke" in the UK about when you are finding it hard to get a doctor's appointment just phone up and ask for a flu jab appointment.

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Oh definitely. And I agree with the person who sent Mark the letter. This pharmacist seems to be getting off on killing as many as he can.

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I saw advertisements early on looking for people to take the 2 hour course to be able to jab unsuspecting zombies at $30 or $50 per shot, I can’t remember which it was. It was one of the many clues that made me cringe at the whole disgusting agenda!!

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OMG no wonder so many mistakes happened. I read of at least 3 places where people were injected with wrong doses, one where they had even used empty needles, and one where children had gotten adult doses and triple doses. As if it is not yet bad enough ! I also noticed lots lf needles held like darts. A person who holds it like that is not injecting even salt solution in my body !

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The testing clinics (such as PCR) were hiring unskilled workers at $30/hr starting pay, to perform administrative, intake, and other tasks. Approx. $60,000 a year.

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and a bonus for every finished 'child schedule'. I read it is in the neigborhood of 40 000 bucks

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That explains a lot! A few years ago my teenage son wanted to switch to the male pediatrician in the practice. He had gotten all of his vaccines up to that point (something I deeply regret now), except Gardasil, which was a hard no for me. The doctor held us hostage in the examining room, lecturing me about the horrifying cancers my son would get if he didn't get this "vaccine", saying that all his kids got their first dose on their 12th birthdays, etc. I stood my ground and he made me sign a paper stating that I was refusing the vaccine. I came to find out that up until my son becoming his patient he had a 100% vaccination rate - we messed with his numbers and he was not happy about it. I switched my son back to our previous pediatrician immediately.

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what a ....douche bag.

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I wonder if big pharma trains them on how to increase pressure for better compliance rates. Forcing you to sign a paper stating that you refused it... incredible. Was he like the principal in Ferris Bueller, warning you how bad it will look for both of you in your PERMANENT RECORD?

Heather Heying shared a story for her doctor or pediatrician trying to lecture her on getting the covid vax. She caught him misrepresenting risks and benefits multiple times. Never an apology or admission of error as she shot each claim down, just a pivot to the next talking point why she should still get it.

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OMG. That story needs to be shared. Welcome to "modern" medicine.

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It was a horrifying experience. So upsetting - especially with my son in the room!

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To awakeamerican2002: OK - so your son got an eye full and an ear full. Good. He also got to see his mom stand her ground. That's a great mama-bear moment -- you should be proud. It may have been traumatic in the moment, but more kids need to see how this "stand your ground" stuff works. As they say: Only dead fish go with the flow.

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Why would you have to "sign a paper"? These f--king doctors and their arrogance. I would have told him "Screw you," but I know it's not easy when your kid's there, etc. We have to tell these bastards immediately that "You are FIRED." Shove that paper up your...

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That is simply unforgivable. So sorry you had to experience that.

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I have had a similar experience with beingtold that I had to sign a disclaimer to be allowed to stay at that surgery.

It was a long time ago now and I was younger but it was because I didn't want to have a smear test repeat when the previous one came back fine.

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Because they are making patients for life....? Those are the long-term benefits for pharma.

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milking cows

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They get paid for every shot given in uk

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I know someone who is a pharmacist and I can say that this person was convinced that everything was scientific and honest. This person is what I would call a good person. The kind of people that follow the advise of those above, their organizations, and don't question it too much because they believe they are honest and would not approve something knowing it will hurt people. Amazing, I know. I don't know what this person thinks nowadays. We had some very uncomfortable discussions about the topic of honesty in the medical and pharmaceutical world, that's how I know it. I don't know if their opinion will change at some point, I think eventually I'll prob find out.

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I wonder what this pharmacist would find if he followed up on those 45,000 people?

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Probably get a lot of disconnected numbers.

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He doesn't care, they are only a meaningless number who never come back except maybe for another free (so they think)jab. PAVLOV syndrome. Train them, they come back for their food. (jab)

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That's just it. People think they are getting something good for free. And that the provider is administering for altruistic reasons. "It's good! It's free! What could go wrong!?"

Most people are hard trained to respond "yes" if it's free.

It's NEVER free.

There is ALWAYS a price to pay.

Like they say: "If it's free, YOU're the product!" So true.

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You are 100% right. There is always an alternate motive.

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... and an ulterior one, too.

Sneaky bastards!

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That was my thought also. Has it even occurred to him to look?

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I am curious about birth defects and why we do not have any results yet.

My friend's fully vaxxed daughter gave birth to a baby with a recessed jaw which needed surgery 2 weeks after birth then more surgery 2 weeks later. She also has a cleft palate which will need surgery later.

A friend told me about a nursing baby bleeding intestinally and from the rectum.

We know about miscarriages but where are the birth defects.

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Two babies w/birth defects in my circles. My nephew and wife are expecting their first, it is very hard for me to be excited, I am scared for them.

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I am hoping I am wrong, but I believe this is only the beginning of what BigPharma knew. It would be a bonus to hear from delivery room nurses. They know what's happening. How many newborns are in ICU after delivery?

I am so sorry for young people starting their families with this huge burden. Good wishes for your nephew and wife.

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Thanks. If I come across any delivery room nurses I will send your way. Mostly I hear about miscarriages.

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I know nothing about nothing, I just saw this, and since we have been talking about pregnancies thought I would link it. I have no clue who this woman is, apparently someone famous. Now you are going to have me bookmarking all the pregnancy stories. LOL!


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It's a good link. Thanks for checking sites. Remember the stats for miscarriage was very high in the first trimester, this all makes sense.

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There's also been an increase in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.)

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That's what I was thinking. How many of those satisfied customers are dead now or severely injured?

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These people disgust me .. who TF raises these people. Oh yeah her parents are just as bad longing to be boosted. Yikes

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You just can't reason with crazy. One is tempted to ask - "just how much NPR does one have to listen to in order to finally lose all connection to the real world?" Amazing.

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Rachel Maddow was on the television at my parents' house an evening when I happened to be there. It was torture. I used to think she was great. It was *painful* to listen to. And when I borrowed my mom's car recently, MSNBC from cable radio was the default station. *sigh*

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Out of curiosity, are your parents up to date with their boosters?

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Oh yeah.

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I used to listen to NPR while driving from Tahoe to the Bay Area. I always thought of it as the comedy channel. But I could only listen to so much.

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NPR - public radio. Could easily stand for National Pharma Radio. PBS = Pharma Broadcasting System. Politically left, I call fake progressives. Same with Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman, totally compliant with CDC, lockdowns and vaccine mandates. They avoid having lefties/true environmental and health advocates that speak out: Vandana Shiva, MCM, RFK, Jr, Naomi Wolf, Jeffrey Sachs, Heather Heying, Bret Weinstein, Glenn Greenwald, Jon Rappoport, and many more.

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NPR: National Propaganda Radio.

PBS: Public Brainwashing Service.

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wait..... they went to HOSPICE centers to vaccinate people????

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That was my question. Despicable.

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I know, right?

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They were paid $$$$$$$ by the U.S. government to do so.

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Mark you probably heard 38 year old football coach died suddenly yesterday. Sister devastated. It was never like this ..

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I'm wondering, when are all of the people who are also in the same boat, going to start vocalizing their concern that they might be next? It has to start happening eventually - just far too many "died unexpectedly" headlines for these people to continue to ignore the inevitable - they are all on the same boat with the Ferryman, they just haven't admitted it yet.

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"Bengals offensive analyst Adam Zimmer has died, his sister announced

A cause of death has not been revealed, but his sister said it was unexpected

The 38-year-old Zimmer had been working remotely with the team

Zimmer is the son of former Minnesota Vikings head coach, Mike Zimmer"

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This is essentially an ad. It looks like a genuine story/letter, but it’s advocacy probably funded by some kind of network, that is then funded by Big pharma. Of course we know there is a larger agenda at play by power to facilitate control - they are just the moneyed stooges! Ads have become so very cunning, it’s really incredible.

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I think you hit the nail on the head.

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Well, how many outlets does Gates alone fund? Dozens. And up front, no back room thing. No hiding it.

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Thousands likely

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And yet I have friends who could have written this article. If my mom read it she would share it on FB. 😑

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I had the same reaction as I read it.

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There are no words. The pharmacists should be held liable

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This should not have been given. They must be breaking Nuremberg code.

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Truly mind-boggling jaw-dropping display of propagandized Cult of Covidiots blindly submitting to the slaughter.

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Not her specifically, but my friends and family (but for my nuclear family thankfully) are nearly all entirely of that same state of mind. I literally had to go out and find a whole new social network of people who saw through this crap. I pieced it together through Facebook comments that seemed critical of the narrative, a virtual Q&A session with a local pediatrician - a pediatrician who honors informed consent and who is being forced into early retirement btw. Paul Thomas MD. Once I met a handful of people, I asked those individuals to put me in touch with other likeminded folks. It's rough out here on the west coast man.

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I'd be happy to join your circle! I'm undergoing the very same thing in the east! Circle is pretty small.

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Warriors of the radical light is another good place to find health freedom folks. If you go to their main Facebook group you can search for your city in the group to find folks near you.

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I'm in Facebook jail for 2 more days and then I can join! I keep posting truth about dangerous jabs and the globalist predator technocrat total slavery agenda and I wind up in Facebook jail regularly and I'm banned form Twitter for life for the same reasons.

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My Twitter name at the moment is "all vaccines suck". Not holding back on my views either. No jail as yet (a few months although the name associated with the handle is only a few weeks old)

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They also have an IG page: @warriors_of_the_radical_light

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If you’re serious about finding local people where you are feel free to message me directly. I’m happy to help brainstorm ideas for finding likeminded people! I attend a weekly in person support group for those of us who have lost friends and clients etc for refusing an experimental product, and within the last month someone found us who was almost entirely alienated from her legacy world until that day. Poor dear is TRAUMATIZED. 😢

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I remember how i felt when I realized the entire narrative we were taught about America is probably false or a lot of it. It's terrifying. Once you start seeing it, you see more and more of the fake. Most of my jabbed family and friends refuse to discuss it or look at any data. The weight of the collapse and potential chaos is heavy in the air.

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I just subscribed to your list (Harrm), I want to reach out to others. I am with the local chapter of CHD, with censorship all around, we are a hidden, mostly unknown local group.

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I'll join your circle, Harrm! Aside from a couple of acquaintances, I'm a relative lone wolf here in a mega-blue area of NJ.

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The organization Stand for Health Freedom looks to be very active in NJ. You might find some good folks there https://standforhealthfreedom.com/nj/

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thank you!

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Mary Kate, I’m in (very blue) Westchester County, NY. So hard to find local like minded people. I’d love to connect and see if we can build a tribe!

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Jane, my email is mkmoran82@gmail.com if you wish to connect. I'm in Bergen County - not too far away from Westchester. Have a great day!

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Children’s health defense has a very active New York chapter. https://ny.childrenshealthdefense.org Good place to start. I would see if you can schedule a conversation w a volunteer from the chapter.

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Santa Fe, NM is even worse. I moved.

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One does what one has to do. I refuse to succumb to this madness.

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Really? I have a friend there who told me last year that she was tired of people talking about the vaxxes damaging DNA, etc. she made it sound like the people there were not having it.

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My experience was that everyone was so fearful and totally bought into the narrative. I was personally told I had to provide papers to attend a social function. And last time I looked at the SF Photo Society webpage, they were still demanding full vax proof in order to attend. Good to know there are some circles of sanity. Wish I'd experienced them!

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Wow. That’s weird considering how new agey the town is, right? Were ypu surprised?

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The town is new agey and extremely woke. As a woke mob, they expressed an unbelievably uniform perspective on events, one I could not relate to. And when it came to covid, no amount of reason could reach these people. They mouthed the msm meme du jour. it was downright creepy; very Stepford wives-esque. As one person explained to me: "we all read the same thing, think the same things, and say the same things. And we like it this way" to each his own I suppose but it wasn't for me. More than a few stories to tell on this.

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I´m in Marin County, California. I know nobody here and have no idea how to meet likeminded people.

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This article https://www.marinij.com/2022/02/24/marin-rally-backs-first-responders-resisting-vaccine-mandate/ names two Marin based freedom groups, Marin Freedom Rising (I see they have a substack account https://marinfreedomrising.substack.com/) and Moving Marin Forward. Reaching out to them would be My first step. Then I would get in touch w the California chapter of Children’s Health Defense and see if you can talk to someone from their chapter on the phone. They might be able to put you in touch w someone in your area. California is such an oppressive place that health freedom folks are very active - they have to be. Same where I am. The attitude towards anyone who didn’t mask or juice up was SO NEGATIVE and hateful that we came together in desperation traumatized. I’m betting it’s similar where you are. https://ca.childrenshealthdefense.org/ if neither of those avenues yields contacts I’ll think some more...

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Thanks for the information! Yes, it´s the same where I am regarding the shaming and hating of us unvaccinated. I will look at those links you shared. Thanks again!

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Makes me want to vomit.

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I couldn't read it in full due to the extreme nausea it induced. It is really sad and angering. Is sangry a good combo word?

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there is no word for it. making you want to grab them by the throat, even if you are a totally peaceful person who would not harm a fly

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Thanks a lot for mentioning that even a peaceful person wants to grab them by the throat...that is exactly what I would like to do with people who are so sure about this gen therapy, with no proof to be found for their trust anywhere, and that is of course an understatement, they are sure they don't have to wait for evidence... that is fine with me, but leave other people alons for their own sake!

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So true! It's all so horrific. 😱

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You.... Grab them by the throat.

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May JUSTICE be done. Nuremberg 2.0 NOW!

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in fact a certain kind of justice is playing out already. The jab propagators are dropping like the flies. Unfortunately some have propagated them but never took them (Macron and his government f.i.)

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Calls for this everywhere

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“This is the kind of health care I imagined” FREE vaccinations, who cares that they don’t stop transmission or prevent the illness, who cares if there are side effects or if they weren’t tested properly. And everyone leaves happy, half my face isn’t moving anymore and I have myocarditis but boy am I happy! I can’t wait to pay all the medical bills that result from this FREE shot.

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This is my hometown. There have been so many many adverse events, large and small, immediately post jab, for this pharmacist to not have observed one is simply near impossible. Only when the tragedy of their actions maims or kills a close relative, family or spouse, will they even POSSIBLY consider it. Sadly a severe adverse event that is very immediate post jab, at the pharmacy. Maybe then they will begin to think......maybe......

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Have you connected with others? CHD has chapters in Mult. and Wash. county. OR Medical Freedom and EHI are active also.

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yes a bit with CHD...thanks so for the suggestions Mel R, I know there are so many around me but we dont exactly brag it when we are out, depending on surroundings....more so every day tho....

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Yes, CHD now has chapters in 11 states plus New England and worldwide Africa, Ireland, Canada, Australia. For those in Oregon, contact the state chapter (in Ashland) to see if there's a county chapter where you are at.

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The first paragraph reads like a Bingo Card for new, insufferable type of person: fixation on pharmacies and prescriptions, affection for the (god awful) show Big Mouth, Hollywood, Target, candy and cheap clothing. The modern day leftist, middle-aged cat lady who exists to virtue signal and consume...

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She also used the word "BIPOC" in her bio!

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The 'soma' of our time. The propagation of pharmacological propaganda. Capturing one mind at a time. We have entered a "Brave New World!"

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