Schools that put their students lives at risk instead of teaching them to think are just as valuable as hospitals that kill instead of heal, and newspapers that hide the truth instead of telling it
My daughter did not get the Neuroscience degree she had been working towards, just one lab credit needed but they (university of Guelph) mandated the jab so she opted for the General Bio.Sci. Degree instead and got the fuck out of there. I’m a very proud momma.
Thank God you must be so relieved- and congratulations on her actually graduating in the midst of a bio weapon pandemic - so many kids dropped out of college in the last 2 years. It was different here in FL - daughter graduated with a BS in Health Sciences (Stetson University) and was one of the only ones left not jabbed. And that school tried everything they could - tuition lottery, food, trips, cash, shaming, extra testing, extra shaming, you name it. But my hero Ron DeSantis kept the mandates at bay. I had gently tried to tell her I didn’t think it was a good idea to get it (older daughter did), and younger said Mom, I have been doing research on this and I don’t want to get it because it might hurt my fertility. Can you believe it. She said this 2 years ago. (And I hope and pray Canadians can get rid of Trudeau, some how, some way)🇨🇦🙏🏻🇺🇸
I have a son in MS who didn't get it either. I think at some point we'll have to hook up those individuals for dating because the pool of unvaxxed people will be small. What a travesty on the world that just continues. There is a hospital in the states that just was ordered to pay it's people 10 mil in damages for not giving informed consent or religious consideration. That's a start. FJB and Trudeau is the son of satan. What intelligent children you have...congratulations.
Believe it or not, Dr Christian Northrup has, or is starting, some kind of unjabbed 😂 and you’re right - that hospital with the 10 million settlement is North Shore, in Chicago, where my family fled from in January of 2021. Glad your son was able to stand strong on this - most were not and it breaks my heart.
It is amazing how it is absolutely driving things, though - I never, in all my years, thought our own government would try to kill humanity or go along with those trying to kill people. They have absolutely sold their souls.
I agree on standing strong - he's going into his second year of college and we talked about him actually changing schools if they had required it. He didn't like the idea, but he was at least willing, thank God.
It’s also amazing to see so many people including doctors, pharmacists genuinely believe it’s safe and effective and our government has no reason to harm us
It’s mind boggling. I am done with doctors, educational institutions, THE LOT. there is only one way out of this mess and that is building a new society separate from theirs. I know this sound’s unattainable but we must strive and build for it as the alternative is a slow death. I am willing to die on this hill as I see no other way out. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
Lol, I joke about that to my daughter, if there is a boy she thinks is cute, we look at each other “is he vaccinated??” I also read that about the 10 mil in damages! AND congratulations back, it’s something I’m thankful for every day
Just saw a sign asking for host families for French teens, it said "they will be vaccinated and tested for Covid." Like they're coming from the ASPCA. There was a second sign that said only "tested" and had three countries, not sure what that means ...
Should actually help with dating. Shrinks the pool down, but those that got the jab are ones you wouldn't have had any easy way previously to know that they have disqualifying character defects.
Yes, North Shore University medical Center on Long Island, NY. Time for all these schools and employers to pay. Most have major funding for their research from big pharmaceutical and the CDC(which are the same).
Thank you, what a lovely reply and you are very lucky to have DeSantis. If things dont change soon I am taking my daughter and hopefully my son will want to come to Alberta where there is a strong community of Anti-Globalists or down south. We will see but either way Trudeau GOTTA GO!
You clearly did a great job raising your daughters. One showed rare wisdom under fire. The other made a bad decision, but you can't help that. They were taught well, obviously.
That is very kind of you to say. Older daughter is a biomedical engineer who graduated in 2019 - last real graduation before this planned massacre. She works in NYC and was mandated the jabs. It seems so much of NYC is living in an alternate reality PTSD and can’t, or refuse to see the lies in front of them. All in, drunk the kool-aid, I not only lost friends but a daughter who has ghosted us “until we get vaccinated.” I rely on my faith in God and watch and pray as this horror unfolds before us. I think we all see a tipping point coming if we keep resisting. And we have to stay healthy in order to help our family and friends who may become very sick.
Ok so it is coming apart now, people are questioning truth is coming out. Your daughter was punished, she gave up what she wanted Neuroscience What do we want as punishment for the people that attempted to force the profit agenda onto us.
Pharma, All profit should be given to non corrupted research facilities current and future.
Politicians, All that participated in disinformation should be bankrupted money turned over to a repayment fund. Banned from office or contact with government(lobbing)
News actors, All that participated in the disinformation should be bankrupted etc..
A banner needs to run on the screen of news programs showing what industry is sponsoring the news actor.
Doctors etc... how do they pay.
Doctors that participated in the disinformation campaign, should lose their honourific(Dr.) changed to medical technician.(unfortunately we cant do without doctors so Medical Technician must do) Doctors that stood against the lies should be given the award of ?????
Humanitarian Medal of Honour. I have already designed one.
I could go on but it gets boring ;)
Bill Gates is very rich should we liquidate his fortune to provide recompense, Mr. Trudeau has a personal fortune, Freeland, Singh etc. should they lose their personal fortunes.
Don't kid yourself Trudeau is being groomed for high office at WEF as are the second in commands. Should they be allowed to benefit?
Many thousands paid with their lives and health.
IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY, Who Knew, when did they, know who suppressed it.
Your daughter is very brave and also a rare person. You should be proud of her.
The news actors Cooper, Maddow,,, you pick who else,, etc.... all benefited from this.
Excellent points and I would like to add, if anyone owns Pfizer, Moderna etc stock, or as part of a mutual fund or ETF, I’ve gotta ask why? We should be pulling out of all those markets. Pfizer alone has paid multi-millions in fines for negligence in their products that killed hundreds. Anyone who owns stock in these companies is complicit.
The should be bankrupted down to their children. I’d settle for them to be shipped to Portland and handed a cardboard box. ✌️out. No cell phones, no money, just the clothes on their back. If any ‘friends,’ want to help them out, they’ll get the same treatment.
It's fascinating to observe. How can something this perverse and surreal continue with no official inquiries or changes in policies? One might think that one day sociologists and psychologists employed at colleges might be teaching this stuff. Then again, since they are employed at these Institutions of Lower Learning, this probably won't happen. Personally, I think colleges are marketing the messages that will ultimately lead to their extinction - just like the medical profession. Good riddance. No colleges that instill these "lessons" would be a major improvement. Plus, families would save hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition. This will be a win-win for society. People would start their careers without life-long debt and they wouldn't be corrupted by toxic education ideas.
You can say the same for K through 12 "education" as's the system of 'authority delivering information to be memorized' pattern that is the centrally wrong thing. Dampens and twists the natural desire to follow one's curiosity and investigate at one's own pace and own way...sure guidance from peers and adults should be available, but not in a top-down prison like institutional system.
US school requiring children to wear scannable barcodes around their neck and sign their work with a number rather than their name (prohibited). Meanwhile, teaching spelling was considered outdated because automatic spell-checking exists. 3 days sick leave per year or fail the grade - children would actually check out of Intensive Care against medical advice to go back to school.
Since many of the young, healthy people currently at that "institution" are going to drop dead MOST suddenly and unexpectedly in the future (and nobody actually KNOWS the day nor the hour), who knows if anybody will be LEFT to go to these husks of Learning and Science.
It's from Mark's excellent site that I first learned of the big spike in drowning deaths, which common sense says may be caused by heart attacks while swimming, which stresses the heart. I mean, most drowning deaths are of course not vaccine related, but when we suddenly have 20 or 25 percent increase in drowning deaths compared to the five-year norm, something must explain this, right? Same with all the traffic deaths among drivers who died before their accident.
One actually wonders if every doctor in some hospital suddenly died "unexpectedly," if this might be enough to raise a few eyebrows and launch a real investigation into the cause. I guess it wouldn't.
Then the mildly irritating witnesses who (should) understand the molecular implications of the products-on-offer will be disposed of, and we can proceed pleasantly with procedures, distributions, and vector graphics.
If doctors around the world get shots, and then all of the doctors at just one hospital died, I don’t think any reasonable person would assume that result had anything to do with the shots, since you’d expect the same result everywhere, not just in one place. This scenario actually would suggest it is not caused by the boosters.
Woe...😩. It's beginning to become "expected"....."Expectedly, another doctor dies.". I'm starting to hear the echoes of an auctioneer's voice rapidly reading these headlines rolling out.
There's a psychologist who has helped me to understand how (and partly why) this nightmare has been unfolding, which for me, was very helpful. You can hear him speak about "mass formations" here: .
You can also open up your Bible and find permanent help…no only personal peace and comfort….but reasons why all this is happening! The Bible speaks to our present and future situation most accurately!!!😊
The colleges mandating vaccines is particularly infuriating. Administrators and faculty at these colleges KNOW that Covid poses no health risk to their students. How do they know this? Because they have tested every dang student over and over ... and they know how many of their students later died from Covid. Zero in 99.5 percent of American colleges. They also know how few students were hospitalized with a "severe" case of Covid. Almost zero.
One of the conditions for a lawsuit is someone knowingly doing something dangerous or wrong or unnecessary. Well, because the colleges have done so much testing and have so much data, they know Covid poses no risk to their student body. They also know - or should know - that vaccination DOES pose a health risk to these same students.
Why so many Americans continue to think their children should be "educated" by such people and institutions is beyond me.
Truth be told, the vast majority of jobs don't really require a college degree. We're told - over and over - that they do, but they don't. That's one of the great scams and lies in society as well. For example, almost everyone would agree that to be a lawyer or accountant you have to go to college. No you don't. You can learn the law from a book and some mentor that teaches it to you. Same with accounting. You can certainly run or start a successful business without a college degree. In my town, the four biggest employers were started by two men who never spent one day in a college classroom. "Sales" is one of the highest-paying professions in the world. You don't need four years of college to learn how to sell a product or service. You don't need one day of college.
Wasn't Abraham Lincoln a top-flight attorney at law? Well, what college and law schools did Honest Abe graduate from? What about Eddison and Alexander Graham Bell? Walt Disney?
Gallileo? I still think one of the greatest scams of them all is this notion that one has to have a college degree to have any chance of being successful in life. Think of all the hundreds of billions of dollars this scam has netted for all these diploma mills over the last decades. If employers simply dropped the requirement that applicants HAVE to have a college degree ... a lot of people would decide they don't have to go to college. I get that the keg parties and football games are fun - and the networking can help out - but almost all jobs could be filled without the piece of paper these institutions provide. Now, if colleges still had high academic standards and taught real liberal arts education, it would probably be beneficial to some students, but this is no longer the case. All of this said, the college industrial complex is certainly more important to communities that have colleges than even the military industrial complex or the health/medical/pharma complex - which are also scams. So I guess the establishment is going to keep funding these places and parents and students will keep going into hock to attend these places. Until they become too expensive and too many people start asking, "What's the point?" That days is getting a lot closer.
People like my federal senator Elizabeth Warren are already pushing for it. The admission into the system is well underway, with these continued boosters too, isn't it? Everybody needs to keep working and going to school. 🙄
World wide, I think we'll soon pass the Holocaust death figure. We probably already have if we count deaths from faulty medical protocols and collateral damage from the lockdowns. Throw in famine and starvation in Third World nations ...
The Toronto Sun denies the reality of cause of death-mRNA shots, but in the comments below the article are dozens of comments placing the blame on the clot shots. The wheels are coming off the bus.(thanks Toby Rogers)
I'm surprised they even allow those comments. At unmoderated sites, about 90 percent of comments blame the obvious suspect. These are signs of hope that things might be changing. The readers get it, but the reporters and editors are too arrogant or corrupt to give any credence to the thoughts of their readers.
I do not know why exactly, but my anger level at the propaganda and lies is feeling off the chart today--like I just cannot hear about anymore unknown cause of death in your face stories, I just cannot stomach any more lies. So tired of having to calm myself down from the total outrage level to a level of calm, instead of feeling like screaming as loud as possible--impossible where I live, except into a pillow maybe, and I would just get hoarse and a headache, and feel worse probably....anyway, I am calmer after writing this....just do not think about geoengineering, which is our biggest problem, that only you, Mark, has been willing to bring up.
I, too, woke up quite rattled. If anybody asks about these deaths in conversation, I'm just gonna shrug my shoulders and say: 'hey, it was a hot day.' 'hey, too much water.' 'hey, too much global stress.' But I'm gonna look 'em right in the eyes while doing so for any hint of "premonitions, confirmed suspicions, of the Holocaust to come." [Roger Waters quote]
It is so rare for me to even have someone to mention this kind of thing to...isolated in the city, especially this substack community, where at least you may get some feedback, if not actual conversation, sometimes virtual communication. Yes, for me, you are helping me realize, just feeling a human connection is what I want. If there is more, it feels like a huge gift, if they actually vibe with me.
Snowy Earth Comes Gliding. When the people performed the Ghost Dance it was to prepare for the separation of the two worlds. While dancing at Wounded Knee the dancers were massacred. Where did they go? Where ever they went is where I've always wanted to be.
They are there, along with every loving dog, horse, goose, cat human, spirit you've ever wanted to see again. It feels like I have waited lifetimes for this separation of the worlds. Has it not always been prophesied? In every culture?
It feels like the great purification and it is very hard physically and mentally! You described me to a T Victoria. I have four sons and thank god every day for two that have not complied. And every day I know in the back of my head, and in my heart, I am terrified for my beloved other two. And the entire human species. Am only here by God's grace.
OMG, Victoria. This is so hard. I also have two grandchildren who we currently have no input with due to a divorce from hell. I vacillate between looking around and NOT seeing anyone keeling over and thinking, ok, calm down, not everyone is going to die. And then thinking/feeling the opposite. Sigh Yes. The tribulation. We have God's love and I feel for people who do not feel it, I could not survive these days without it for sure. ****** Are you by any chance the Victoria who commented wonderfully on Monica's Unplugged blog? Your voice makes me feel the same as that Victoria. Comforted. ****** Oh and I left out favorite trees, chickens from my list of who will "be there". If my husband had his way, his favorite cars from 40 years ago would be in the next world! Or this world that's transforming. However the heck this works......
That is a good quote from Noam. But right now, I feel like Chomsky can kiss my ass. I'm trying to decide if I should completely throw out all the "valuable" ideas from people who verbally brutalized those of us uninjected. "Pope" Francis, Dalai Lama, "Dr" Andrew Weil, Chomsky etc......
I was raised Catholic and totally love the ceremony. However, I'm not sure that Francis is even of God after he made all of those working in the Vatican get the jabs and then encouraged all of the flock to get them. Unfathomable that he would have encouraged something made with baby parts or tested on aborted fetuses. I still find it mind-blowing. Now, he's in a wheelchair and ill - shots? Live by the sword...
I was raised Catholic too. And when this pope said maybe the line in the Lord's Prayer should be changed to "and keep us from temptation" instead of "lead us not into temptation", I thought it was a good idea. He said something to the effect of why would a loving God lead us into temptation?
Yes now he's in a wheelchair AND he's screwed up the Lord's Prayer for me.... well, not really. But maybe I'll g back to the original version.
Great intro to today's summary. Mark shows that Academia and the "watchdog" press are hopelessly captured. I also like your point questioning why so many people would want to be "educated" by people incapable of performing basic critical thinking and are so adept at ignoring blaring red-flag data.
It's still stunning to me how quickly the nation of Canada lost its collective marbles. I guarantee you that 20 percent of Americans who once might have visited Canada have now said, "no way."
Two of these doctors evidently had cancer, but....I wonder if the jabs sped up the progression, as I suspect they did with my brother last summer, who passed away two weeks after a sudden lung cancer diagnosis (he had been jabbed early on, as he was physically disabled, living in a care home). He was a non-smoker.
Yes. In doing our weekly compilations of reports of people who've "died suddenly" worldwide, we've found ever more reports of people dying of rare, aggressive cancers diagnosed since the "vaccine" rollout began.
Spike targets Transferrin Receptor. Transferrin Receptor is highly expressed on dividing cells (tumor, bone marrow, placenta). I'm in the process of writing posts about this. Transferrin receptor is also one of the most well-established targets for lab-designed molecules that are supposed to target things to either kill the cell or get past the BBB. Paper discovering the Transferrin Receptor binding has been locked in pre-print since 2020.
This is something that Dr. Ryan Cole has tried to bring to light. The cancer issue. Anything that's depresses the immune system can aggravate cancer too. And all vaccines do that to a degree, but this one is in a league of its own. As we all know, these shots don't even fit the traditional definition of vaccine. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. 🙏
Thank you very much. He wasn't that old....67....and had health issues...but aggressive lung cancer out of the blue was a shock. I can't prove it, but I suspect the jab played a role in it.
Against my urging, my husband got two. He got some pretty bad vertigo after the second, so he has told me he will not take another. But no one knows the long-term effects. It's frightful what we're all having to endure. Again, I'm sorry for your loss. One of the hallmark adverse events so many medical professionals are noticing after the shots are aggressive cancers.
My understanding is that they decrease the natural immunities in order to allow the spike protein into the cells and when they lower the protection for the mRNA to enter, it also affects every other thing that is already in the body waiting to attack - cancers, illnesses, etc. There is some debate on whether this opening of the body to attacks ever seals itself back or not. I truly think that some people got the bad stuff the first time but that they couldn't get everyone the first time because they didn't want all of these deaths to begin happening around the same time. Evidently, there are enough at the same time - to previously-healthy people - that it is noticeable. Since it was not everyone at the beginning, though, people are not convinced that they are dangerous. Unfortunately, many of them will find out differently.
Also, Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman of Saskatchewan died suddenly July 23, and Dr. Peter Eyolf, former Winnipeg MP and Trudeau Liberal Party colleague survived a heart attack he had while running.
It's not just physical trauma either. One of the vax injured says he has a recurring nightmare where he feels his heartbeat speeding out of control and increasingly afraid as he can't calm it down.
Absolutely criminal.
My daughter did not get the Neuroscience degree she had been working towards, just one lab credit needed but they (university of Guelph) mandated the jab so she opted for the General Bio.Sci. Degree instead and got the fuck out of there. I’m a very proud momma.
Thank God you must be so relieved- and congratulations on her actually graduating in the midst of a bio weapon pandemic - so many kids dropped out of college in the last 2 years. It was different here in FL - daughter graduated with a BS in Health Sciences (Stetson University) and was one of the only ones left not jabbed. And that school tried everything they could - tuition lottery, food, trips, cash, shaming, extra testing, extra shaming, you name it. But my hero Ron DeSantis kept the mandates at bay. I had gently tried to tell her I didn’t think it was a good idea to get it (older daughter did), and younger said Mom, I have been doing research on this and I don’t want to get it because it might hurt my fertility. Can you believe it. She said this 2 years ago. (And I hope and pray Canadians can get rid of Trudeau, some how, some way)🇨🇦🙏🏻🇺🇸
I have a son in MS who didn't get it either. I think at some point we'll have to hook up those individuals for dating because the pool of unvaxxed people will be small. What a travesty on the world that just continues. There is a hospital in the states that just was ordered to pay it's people 10 mil in damages for not giving informed consent or religious consideration. That's a start. FJB and Trudeau is the son of satan. What intelligent children you have...congratulations.
Believe it or not, Dr Christian Northrup has, or is starting, some kind of unjabbed 😂 and you’re right - that hospital with the 10 million settlement is North Shore, in Chicago, where my family fled from in January of 2021. Glad your son was able to stand strong on this - most were not and it breaks my heart.
It is amazing how it is absolutely driving things, though - I never, in all my years, thought our own government would try to kill humanity or go along with those trying to kill people. They have absolutely sold their souls.
I agree on standing strong - he's going into his second year of college and we talked about him actually changing schools if they had required it. He didn't like the idea, but he was at least willing, thank God.
It’s also amazing to see so many people including doctors, pharmacists genuinely believe it’s safe and effective and our government has no reason to harm us
It’s mind boggling. I am done with doctors, educational institutions, THE LOT. there is only one way out of this mess and that is building a new society separate from theirs. I know this sound’s unattainable but we must strive and build for it as the alternative is a slow death. I am willing to die on this hill as I see no other way out. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
Also yes, #FJB😂🙌🏻
Lol, I joke about that to my daughter, if there is a boy she thinks is cute, we look at each other “is he vaccinated??” I also read that about the 10 mil in damages! AND congratulations back, it’s something I’m thankful for every day
Just saw a sign asking for host families for French teens, it said "they will be vaccinated and tested for Covid." Like they're coming from the ASPCA. There was a second sign that said only "tested" and had three countries, not sure what that means ...
If they got the vax, that probably qualifies for them being spayed and neutered, too.
Unfortunately, that neutering has probably happened to a great majority of them by taking the jabs.
Should actually help with dating. Shrinks the pool down, but those that got the jab are ones you wouldn't have had any easy way previously to know that they have disqualifying character defects.
Sure you would, they “baa”, “huh”, and they have pronouns.
Yes, North Shore University medical Center on Long Island, NY. Time for all these schools and employers to pay. Most have major funding for their research from big pharmaceutical and the CDC(which are the same).
aka Bill Gates
Thank you, what a lovely reply and you are very lucky to have DeSantis. If things dont change soon I am taking my daughter and hopefully my son will want to come to Alberta where there is a strong community of Anti-Globalists or down south. We will see but either way Trudeau GOTTA GO!
You clearly did a great job raising your daughters. One showed rare wisdom under fire. The other made a bad decision, but you can't help that. They were taught well, obviously.
That is very kind of you to say. Older daughter is a biomedical engineer who graduated in 2019 - last real graduation before this planned massacre. She works in NYC and was mandated the jabs. It seems so much of NYC is living in an alternate reality PTSD and can’t, or refuse to see the lies in front of them. All in, drunk the kool-aid, I not only lost friends but a daughter who has ghosted us “until we get vaccinated.” I rely on my faith in God and watch and pray as this horror unfolds before us. I think we all see a tipping point coming if we keep resisting. And we have to stay healthy in order to help our family and friends who may become very sick.
Amazing how two kids with same upbringing can have opposite reactions to something like that. I'll pray for your daughter!
Ok so it is coming apart now, people are questioning truth is coming out. Your daughter was punished, she gave up what she wanted Neuroscience What do we want as punishment for the people that attempted to force the profit agenda onto us.
Pharma, All profit should be given to non corrupted research facilities current and future.
Politicians, All that participated in disinformation should be bankrupted money turned over to a repayment fund. Banned from office or contact with government(lobbing)
News actors, All that participated in the disinformation should be bankrupted etc..
A banner needs to run on the screen of news programs showing what industry is sponsoring the news actor.
Doctors etc... how do they pay.
Doctors that participated in the disinformation campaign, should lose their honourific(Dr.) changed to medical technician.(unfortunately we cant do without doctors so Medical Technician must do) Doctors that stood against the lies should be given the award of ?????
Humanitarian Medal of Honour. I have already designed one.
I could go on but it gets boring ;)
Bill Gates is very rich should we liquidate his fortune to provide recompense, Mr. Trudeau has a personal fortune, Freeland, Singh etc. should they lose their personal fortunes.
Don't kid yourself Trudeau is being groomed for high office at WEF as are the second in commands. Should they be allowed to benefit?
Many thousands paid with their lives and health.
IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY, Who Knew, when did they, know who suppressed it.
Your daughter is very brave and also a rare person. You should be proud of her.
The news actors Cooper, Maddow,,, you pick who else,, etc.... all benefited from this.
Excellent points and I would like to add, if anyone owns Pfizer, Moderna etc stock, or as part of a mutual fund or ETF, I’ve gotta ask why? We should be pulling out of all those markets. Pfizer alone has paid multi-millions in fines for negligence in their products that killed hundreds. Anyone who owns stock in these companies is complicit.
Excellent point, to invest in that company is to participate in that company
The should be bankrupted down to their children. I’d settle for them to be shipped to Portland and handed a cardboard box. ✌️out. No cell phones, no money, just the clothes on their back. If any ‘friends,’ want to help them out, they’ll get the same treatment.
EPIC response, right here!! Your message gives me hope today.
Then YOU have made my day🙏💪🏼
You should be. She's going to do well and will do important things (should the end of the world not be soon coming).
Where have all the doctors gone?
Wrong time passing.
Where have all the doctors gone?
Not long ago.
Where have all the doctors gone?
The vax has kicked them every one.
Oh, When will we ever learn?
Oh, When will we ever learn?
<< Thank you, Bob Dylan. >>
Well, they'll vax ya when you're trying to be so good
They'll vax ya just a-like they said they would
They'll vax ya when you're tryin' to go home
Then they'll vax ya when you're there all alone
But I would not feel so all a-hacked
Everybody must get vaxed
Well, they'll vax ya when you're walkin' 'long the street
They'll vax ya when you're tryin' to keep your seat
They'll vax ya when you're walkin' on the floor
They'll vax ya when you're walkin' to the door
But I would not feel so all attacked
Everybody must get vaxed
They'll vax ya when you're at the breakfast table
They'll vax ya when you are young and able
They'll vax ya when you're tryin' to make a buck
They'll vax ya and then they'll say, "Good luck"
Tell ya what, I'd not feel so attacked <<expand to full comment>>
Everybody must get vaxed
Well, they'll boost you and then that'll be the end
Then they'll boost you and then they'll come back again
They'll boost you when you're riding in your car
They'll boost you when you're playing your guitar
Yes, but I would not be feeling all this woe
Well, they'll boost you when you walk all alone
They'll boost you when you are walking home
They'll boost you and then say that you are brave
They'll boost you and then send you to your grave
But we would not be feeling all this woe
I take two vax in the morning.
I take two vax at night.
I take two vax in the afternoon.
But I don't feel all right.
I take two vax in times of peace.
Two vax in times of war.
I take two vax before I take two vax.
And then I take two more.
Brilliant, spot-on, love it!
That''s the ONLY way it will stop.
And now for a word from our sponsors: New Product
Six now:
This is unheard of. And they are just going to go on with it, aren't they?
Sometimes I cannot believe I am not living in a horror movie.
We have jabbed our first responders and our military.
Where does that leave us? Ripe for takeover and invasion.
It's fascinating to observe. How can something this perverse and surreal continue with no official inquiries or changes in policies? One might think that one day sociologists and psychologists employed at colleges might be teaching this stuff. Then again, since they are employed at these Institutions of Lower Learning, this probably won't happen. Personally, I think colleges are marketing the messages that will ultimately lead to their extinction - just like the medical profession. Good riddance. No colleges that instill these "lessons" would be a major improvement. Plus, families would save hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition. This will be a win-win for society. People would start their careers without life-long debt and they wouldn't be corrupted by toxic education ideas.
You can say the same for K through 12 "education" as's the system of 'authority delivering information to be memorized' pattern that is the centrally wrong thing. Dampens and twists the natural desire to follow one's curiosity and investigate at one's own pace and own way...sure guidance from peers and adults should be available, but not in a top-down prison like institutional system.
US school requiring children to wear scannable barcodes around their neck and sign their work with a number rather than their name (prohibited). Meanwhile, teaching spelling was considered outdated because automatic spell-checking exists. 3 days sick leave per year or fail the grade - children would actually check out of Intensive Care against medical advice to go back to school.
Where is this?
Have you considered private school or homeschooling?
Since many of the young, healthy people currently at that "institution" are going to drop dead MOST suddenly and unexpectedly in the future (and nobody actually KNOWS the day nor the hour), who knows if anybody will be LEFT to go to these husks of Learning and Science.
I disagree...if they aren't taught the history of the past, they will repeat what is happening. We must teach our kids to be free thinkers.
....And then there's Austria....
We've been teaching history since schools were created ... and it keeps repeating.
BTW, "the first draft of history" is .... journalism. Agh.
Realize that right now they are suppressing history, not teaching it,
In the U.S., Xiden is busy paying back the Ukraine and CCP. Yes, we are being set up.
It's from Mark's excellent site that I first learned of the big spike in drowning deaths, which common sense says may be caused by heart attacks while swimming, which stresses the heart. I mean, most drowning deaths are of course not vaccine related, but when we suddenly have 20 or 25 percent increase in drowning deaths compared to the five-year norm, something must explain this, right? Same with all the traffic deaths among drivers who died before their accident.
People forgetting how to swim seems like a logical explanation for these deaths! PFHTS syndrome sounds as real as SADS🙀
It seems to be a thing lately….
Related, Cold water --> Diving Reflex --> Vagal Response --> PFHTS
Wow, just wow 💉😱
One actually wonders if every doctor in some hospital suddenly died "unexpectedly," if this might be enough to raise a few eyebrows and launch a real investigation into the cause. I guess it wouldn't.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
—Upton Sinclair
No job is worth your life. They are trading their longer future for the shorter present. That's why EVERYBODY NEEDS TO JUST SAY NO!
Absolutely 😷🤕🤒
Then the mildly irritating witnesses who (should) understand the molecular implications of the products-on-offer will be disposed of, and we can proceed pleasantly with procedures, distributions, and vector graphics.
If doctors around the world get shots, and then all of the doctors at just one hospital died, I don’t think any reasonable person would assume that result had anything to do with the shots, since you’d expect the same result everywhere, not just in one place. This scenario actually would suggest it is not caused by the boosters.
Woe...😩. It's beginning to become "expected"....."Expectedly, another doctor dies.". I'm starting to hear the echoes of an auctioneer's voice rapidly reading these headlines rolling out.
Also....Queen's lyrics to "Another One Bites the Dust".... very unsettling.
Mark, we are losing track! God bless you and your helpers for keeping this
information, depressing as it is.
I swear, I have some kind of PTSD....I think many of us do...watching all this unfold...the world
ignoring it...Is there any psychologists out there with us that can help us deal with this
awful knowing?
Or am I is not a lot of people...these things happen...there is probably nothing
really wrong....I am giving this too much attention or importance....
There's a psychologist who has helped me to understand how (and partly why) this nightmare has been unfolding, which for me, was very helpful. You can hear him speak about "mass formations" here: .
You can also open up your Bible and find permanent help…no only personal peace and comfort….but reasons why all this is happening! The Bible speaks to our present and future situation most accurately!!!😊
The colleges mandating vaccines is particularly infuriating. Administrators and faculty at these colleges KNOW that Covid poses no health risk to their students. How do they know this? Because they have tested every dang student over and over ... and they know how many of their students later died from Covid. Zero in 99.5 percent of American colleges. They also know how few students were hospitalized with a "severe" case of Covid. Almost zero.
One of the conditions for a lawsuit is someone knowingly doing something dangerous or wrong or unnecessary. Well, because the colleges have done so much testing and have so much data, they know Covid poses no risk to their student body. They also know - or should know - that vaccination DOES pose a health risk to these same students.
Why so many Americans continue to think their children should be "educated" by such people and institutions is beyond me.
I agree...and at this point in history, when education barely can pay itself back for years...I would be
encouraging my kids to learn a trade. The world will look very different by 2030...if we have that long.
Truth be told, the vast majority of jobs don't really require a college degree. We're told - over and over - that they do, but they don't. That's one of the great scams and lies in society as well. For example, almost everyone would agree that to be a lawyer or accountant you have to go to college. No you don't. You can learn the law from a book and some mentor that teaches it to you. Same with accounting. You can certainly run or start a successful business without a college degree. In my town, the four biggest employers were started by two men who never spent one day in a college classroom. "Sales" is one of the highest-paying professions in the world. You don't need four years of college to learn how to sell a product or service. You don't need one day of college.
Wasn't Abraham Lincoln a top-flight attorney at law? Well, what college and law schools did Honest Abe graduate from? What about Eddison and Alexander Graham Bell? Walt Disney?
Gallileo? I still think one of the greatest scams of them all is this notion that one has to have a college degree to have any chance of being successful in life. Think of all the hundreds of billions of dollars this scam has netted for all these diploma mills over the last decades. If employers simply dropped the requirement that applicants HAVE to have a college degree ... a lot of people would decide they don't have to go to college. I get that the keg parties and football games are fun - and the networking can help out - but almost all jobs could be filled without the piece of paper these institutions provide. Now, if colleges still had high academic standards and taught real liberal arts education, it would probably be beneficial to some students, but this is no longer the case. All of this said, the college industrial complex is certainly more important to communities that have colleges than even the military industrial complex or the health/medical/pharma complex - which are also scams. So I guess the establishment is going to keep funding these places and parents and students will keep going into hock to attend these places. Until they become too expensive and too many people start asking, "What's the point?" That days is getting a lot closer.
Or they see it, and they want to be put on the communist reservation, so they can "survive"
People like my federal senator Elizabeth Warren are already pushing for it. The admission into the system is well underway, with these continued boosters too, isn't it? Everybody needs to keep working and going to school. 🙄
My wife keeps asking me when the general population will figure this out. I used to tell her, it could be 10,000 dead, or 100,000 or 1 million.
Now I’m guessing it’s 1 million, 5 million or 10 million.
I’m losing hope on this. The mass formation is strong in North America.
World wide, I think we'll soon pass the Holocaust death figure. We probably already have if we count deaths from faulty medical protocols and collateral damage from the lockdowns. Throw in famine and starvation in Third World nations ...
If we include the toll of lockdowns worldwide, we've no doubt already surpassed the number killed by Hitler's drive for "racial hygiene."
If you look at slaughters throughout history, the estimated numbers will vary from a few million to tens of millions, no one knows, it's uncountable.
The Toronto Sun denies the reality of cause of death-mRNA shots, but in the comments below the article are dozens of comments placing the blame on the clot shots. The wheels are coming off the bus.(thanks Toby Rogers)
I'm surprised they even allow those comments. At unmoderated sites, about 90 percent of comments blame the obvious suspect. These are signs of hope that things might be changing. The readers get it, but the reporters and editors are too arrogant or corrupt to give any credence to the thoughts of their readers.
I added my comments over there, wherever possible. We're at that time point. Let the wheels come off.
The authors and editors of the articles might appreciate those comments -- can't say it themselves.
I do not know why exactly, but my anger level at the propaganda and lies is feeling off the chart today--like I just cannot hear about anymore unknown cause of death in your face stories, I just cannot stomach any more lies. So tired of having to calm myself down from the total outrage level to a level of calm, instead of feeling like screaming as loud as possible--impossible where I live, except into a pillow maybe, and I would just get hoarse and a headache, and feel worse probably....anyway, I am calmer after writing this....just do not think about geoengineering, which is our biggest problem, that only you, Mark, has been willing to bring up.
I, too, woke up quite rattled. If anybody asks about these deaths in conversation, I'm just gonna shrug my shoulders and say: 'hey, it was a hot day.' 'hey, too much water.' 'hey, too much global stress.' But I'm gonna look 'em right in the eyes while doing so for any hint of "premonitions, confirmed suspicions, of the Holocaust to come." [Roger Waters quote]
It is so rare for me to even have someone to mention this kind of thing to...isolated in the city, especially this substack community, where at least you may get some feedback, if not actual conversation, sometimes virtual communication. Yes, for me, you are helping me realize, just feeling a human connection is what I want. If there is more, it feels like a huge gift, if they actually vibe with me.
Snowy Earth Comes Gliding. When the people performed the Ghost Dance it was to prepare for the separation of the two worlds. While dancing at Wounded Knee the dancers were massacred. Where did they go? Where ever they went is where I've always wanted to be.
They are there, along with every loving dog, horse, goose, cat human, spirit you've ever wanted to see again. It feels like I have waited lifetimes for this separation of the worlds. Has it not always been prophesied? In every culture?
It feels like the great purification and it is very hard physically and mentally! You described me to a T Victoria. I have four sons and thank god every day for two that have not complied. And every day I know in the back of my head, and in my heart, I am terrified for my beloved other two. And the entire human species. Am only here by God's grace.
OMG, Victoria. This is so hard. I also have two grandchildren who we currently have no input with due to a divorce from hell. I vacillate between looking around and NOT seeing anyone keeling over and thinking, ok, calm down, not everyone is going to die. And then thinking/feeling the opposite. Sigh Yes. The tribulation. We have God's love and I feel for people who do not feel it, I could not survive these days without it for sure. ****** Are you by any chance the Victoria who commented wonderfully on Monica's Unplugged blog? Your voice makes me feel the same as that Victoria. Comforted. ****** Oh and I left out favorite trees, chickens from my list of who will "be there". If my husband had his way, his favorite cars from 40 years ago would be in the next world! Or this world that's transforming. However the heck this works......
Amen and Amen, Victoria. Prayer in every moment and yes, they DO still need us. Thank you for reminding me.
That is a good quote from Noam. But right now, I feel like Chomsky can kiss my ass. I'm trying to decide if I should completely throw out all the "valuable" ideas from people who verbally brutalized those of us uninjected. "Pope" Francis, Dalai Lama, "Dr" Andrew Weil, Chomsky etc......
I was raised Catholic and totally love the ceremony. However, I'm not sure that Francis is even of God after he made all of those working in the Vatican get the jabs and then encouraged all of the flock to get them. Unfathomable that he would have encouraged something made with baby parts or tested on aborted fetuses. I still find it mind-blowing. Now, he's in a wheelchair and ill - shots? Live by the sword...
I was raised Catholic too. And when this pope said maybe the line in the Lord's Prayer should be changed to "and keep us from temptation" instead of "lead us not into temptation", I thought it was a good idea. He said something to the effect of why would a loving God lead us into temptation?
Yes now he's in a wheelchair AND he's screwed up the Lord's Prayer for me.... well, not really. But maybe I'll g back to the original version.
Great intro to today's summary. Mark shows that Academia and the "watchdog" press are hopelessly captured. I also like your point questioning why so many people would want to be "educated" by people incapable of performing basic critical thinking and are so adept at ignoring blaring red-flag data.
It's still stunning to me how quickly the nation of Canada lost its collective marbles. I guarantee you that 20 percent of Americans who once might have visited Canada have now said, "no way."
I will not go again
Two of these doctors evidently had cancer, but....I wonder if the jabs sped up the progression, as I suspect they did with my brother last summer, who passed away two weeks after a sudden lung cancer diagnosis (he had been jabbed early on, as he was physically disabled, living in a care home). He was a non-smoker.
Yes. In doing our weekly compilations of reports of people who've "died suddenly" worldwide, we've found ever more reports of people dying of rare, aggressive cancers diagnosed since the "vaccine" rollout began.
yes, my sister-in-law is a coder and she has remarked that there are a lot of strange cancers showing up.
Spike targets Transferrin Receptor. Transferrin Receptor is highly expressed on dividing cells (tumor, bone marrow, placenta). I'm in the process of writing posts about this. Transferrin receptor is also one of the most well-established targets for lab-designed molecules that are supposed to target things to either kill the cell or get past the BBB. Paper discovering the Transferrin Receptor binding has been locked in pre-print since 2020.
This is something that Dr. Ryan Cole has tried to bring to light. The cancer issue. Anything that's depresses the immune system can aggravate cancer too. And all vaccines do that to a degree, but this one is in a league of its own. As we all know, these shots don't even fit the traditional definition of vaccine. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. 🙏
Thank you very much. He wasn't that old....67....and had health issues...but aggressive lung cancer out of the blue was a shock. I can't prove it, but I suspect the jab played a role in it.
Against my urging, my husband got two. He got some pretty bad vertigo after the second, so he has told me he will not take another. But no one knows the long-term effects. It's frightful what we're all having to endure. Again, I'm sorry for your loss. One of the hallmark adverse events so many medical professionals are noticing after the shots are aggressive cancers.
My understanding is that they decrease the natural immunities in order to allow the spike protein into the cells and when they lower the protection for the mRNA to enter, it also affects every other thing that is already in the body waiting to attack - cancers, illnesses, etc. There is some debate on whether this opening of the body to attacks ever seals itself back or not. I truly think that some people got the bad stuff the first time but that they couldn't get everyone the first time because they didn't want all of these deaths to begin happening around the same time. Evidently, there are enough at the same time - to previously-healthy people - that it is noticeable. Since it was not everyone at the beginning, though, people are not convinced that they are dangerous. Unfortunately, many of them will find out differently.
I wonder how many young Nurses have died at the same hospital? I was told by someone who works there that there have been "many".
Also, Dr. Shahriar Jalali Mazlouman of Saskatchewan died suddenly July 23, and Dr. Peter Eyolf, former Winnipeg MP and Trudeau Liberal Party colleague survived a heart attack he had while running.
So many of the same MOs. Seems like working in the health profession and dying of a heart attack while running is a real risk nowadays 🙄
If you have been vaccinated, don't jog, don't swim, don't drive, don't play sports. I actually wonder how many people might have died having s-e-x.
It's not just physical trauma either. One of the vax injured says he has a recurring nightmare where he feels his heartbeat speeding out of control and increasingly afraid as he can't calm it down.
This makes me wonder if the doctors (at least the first three) all got shot up from the same batch.
Could be, but what about Nayman, and the guy in the prairies?
From what I understand,, they can trace many vax injuries/deaths to the same batch