Italian singer Blanco, 19, halts concert (due to chest pains), 8 "vaxxidents" in Germany, 6 more in Italy and 1 in Belgium also are among this week's "NON-fatals" throughout Europe
About 6-12 mos into the pandemic or so they were ready to kill us un"vaxxed". Literally. Idiots like Howard Stern repeating his Mediaducation, saying they ought to round us up and put us into camps. It was a dark, scary time for anyone who held out. If you were there, you can't forget it. Because there was scant data and figures then, you'd have to grind on the Euro data to try to keep your head straight. There were literally like 2-3 sources stating opposing views to the mainstream, Yeadon and Bosche and Bhakdi. Doing these single videos in their bedrooms. Pre-Malone, pre-McCullough as I recall. And the US media was just waterboarding the public with gushing rivers of horrific ER stories, ventilator deaths (now we know), and family, friends, coworkers were just stacking up against the "unclean". If you had kids it was worse because of course the guilt and worry and school district. I've said this before, I have eternal respect for those of you who held out because there has never been a harder test imo, and I respect you all. Equally, it's hard to fault those who succumbed back then because the lies were so thick and sophisticated and nonstop. Criminal, through and through.
Just before posting this I caught this cheap NYT propaganda, as they continue to just shill, from just 4 mos ago... "A wave of parents has been radicalized by Covid-era misinformation to reject ordinary childhood immunizations — with potentially lethal consequences."
Yeah, we've been RADICALIZED all right... Hope you all got your shots NYTs
I remember those days. Not knowing if I’d loose my job. My family thinking I was crazy for drawing a line in the sand and being willing to loose my job over a “safe and effective “ “vaccine”. Yeah dark times.
I was so scared in those early days of resistance. And felt so alone! I didn’t have all the scientific connections (via substack etc) that I do now, but when I *did my own research* and realized the thing wasn’t tested for stopping transmission and was a technology that likely needed top ups (some BBC and The Conversation articles I found on the technology spring of 2021) well I thought wtf why are they mandating this then? And the harder they mandated the more I knew it couldn’t be good.
How many nights I fell asleep worried what might happen to me for resisting, that was rough on the psyche. I’m in a blue zone and I’ve never felt like such an outsider before.
My job mandated it too, but a few of us found loopholes. I was lucky in that regard.
I agree with you for the most part but... If you REALLY wanted to find out what the "other" side, i.e. OUR side was saying about the coming Shot-- it wasn't so hard to find, not at all. Dr. Madej came out in the summer of '20 and already knew it would be poison and worse. Rappoport said the Vax was the endgame, Icke clearly laid out the Vax would contain who knows what kind of chemicals and bots. And Kaufman was relentless in saying there's nothing to be vaxxed AGAINST. And Tenpenny and her crew, etc.
I sympathise with those going through suffering. Very much so.
It may have been pre-summer. But yes, I did REALLY want to find out. The hardest part wasn't that there were NO dissenting voices, but very few with specific, outstanding virology/immunology-based careers you could bet your life on. The 3 I mentioned fit that bill. Sorry but I don't take my life and death advice for myself, kids or family from Icke or Rappoport, as insightful as they may be in ways. What medical facilities did they graduate from again? Especially when there were literally thousands of certified experts in every sense of the word on the other side from the most esteemed Universities, Hospitals, CDC (still had my trust at that point), you name it. The unbalanced nature of the "sides" was unprecedented. There were no two sides. There was get it, or you're a fool. The division looked like this: 3 - 10,000.
Of course, the doctors are bought and paid for and they're also terrified of losing their careers.
Virology is a fraudulent "science," that's clear as day by now, but there were Cahill, Yeadon and some others. And who gives a damn what "medical facility" these decades long researchers of the medical cartel graduated from?? The point is they KNEW what was coming down the pike--and they were absolutely right.
Of course there were two sides--millions of us haven't taken it and never had any intention of doing it.
HIndsight is 20/20. Easy to say now. It was the first ever declared pandemic. The first of all kinds of things. So there was no playbook. So yes, the 3 dissenting voices mattered. I personally have a doctor and senior nurse and hospital risk management professional in my family. Reliable sources.
You sound like you're speaking from today's playbook. Because there was no such things as "knowing" what was going to happen then. There were millions did you say? So two sides?
Listen, 2 months ago, even today, all the voices on substack are BARELY reaching the mainstream. Back then? A few million vs 300 million?
I personally didn't live in the world you're describing. If you were fearless and no worries or doubts then, I'm going to bet you don't have kids.
No. That was the first obvious red flag. I knew that was impossible. Warp speed was a joke. They usually take 5 years minimum. Long term studies are long term studies. Second red flag was when they dismissed natural immunity right away when it had been the gold standard. When they said immediately, get jabbed whether shotted or not. Obvious. I personally never would take it, or was going to take it. That doesn't change the immense pressure from all sides. The PSYOPs. The intense campaigns. 10-20 year friends and associates all going one way when you go the other. My kid was never going to have it. Does that mean her mother didn't have intense concerns with all the pressure, other kids, etc? Of course not. More so even with medical seniors in my family who up until this were solid. Obviously with 70% of the globe getting shotted, your dismissive comment is misplaced.
Let me put it to you succinctly. Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mrna (who I assume you know of?) got the shot. Do you doubt HIS common sense? As did MANY other intelligent, astute, educated, and wise human beings. So a) I never got it and wasn't going to but b) I'd have to be ignorant and over arrogant to reject consideration out of hand at the time of crisis and c) I'd have to be not human to have not felt the immense pressure put upon everyone.
"Officially" 63% of the globe got the shot, 6 billion total. With 13 billion total doses given (both rounded). Take the numbers for reality or not — who can know. However, Africa has 1.2 billion pop with 20% vaxxed. So if you look at "developed" nations who had the "choice" that 63 number skews likely closer to 80+% without crunching the detailed math.
Africa was always the "victim" because, oh poor them, they couldn't get the shot (via media propaganda), when all along that was one of the clearest signals to track — they weren't getting sick in Africa. Even as the lie machine was saying, we need to help Africa, they had about a 15% infection rate to everyone else's 65%+.
Malone stated to everyone who was listening, repeatedly, that he got the shot, having researched and believing it was sound, and ended up pretty injured from it (but recovered), which is what led him on this current journey apparently.
It was a manufactured crisis, that's easy to see now, but as I said originally, and as the shotted numbers reveal, along with the palpable surrounding reality — it SEEMED like a crisis beginning in say Apr 2020.
I don't think that credentials equal wisdom. I do think credentials with subject-specific experience CAN equal knowledge. In fact I know they can. Certainly.
That's not to say, after relearning to look at the motivation of "studies" and "clinical trials" over these past two years, and considering that big pharma "sponsorship" and cash money has led to the direction of 90% of all studies — that most credentialed studies are worth a damn. They're not. The cancer rate's at 40%, with medical mistakes being the 4th-6th leading cause of death. Our health care system is not a system of health, but a letter-agency captured system of cash.
But yes, in terms of human resources, Yeadon, Bossche, Bahkdi — each with decades of "credentialed" experience. Their opinions did mean a damn to me, and still do.
Of course people can learn and apply knowledge over time, and in areas of specific knowledge actually KNOW things. And that often starts with credentials. The idea that EVERYBODY is full of sh*t isn't true. Yes, approximately 90% of everybody may be. But that still leaves 10%, and personally that's who I was after.
I remember those people at work saying they didn’t want to work with unvaccinated. I’m in the uk so couldn’t mandate it like the us offices did. I’ve been shouted at where’s my mask as I’m supposed to wear one and I have to test every day. It’s the vaccinated who are spreading it. They’ve made us out to be super spreaders and parasites, telling me why don’t you just get it. We still can’t travel to the usa
Spreading it, creating variants, shedding. Unfortunately. For us and them. There are plenty of innocent, well-meaning on both sides. Following orchestrated directives. In ways it seems “over” compared to the height of madness around 11/21 (which by googling I believe was the height of the fines/house-arrests/fascist moves). And yet it’s not. So now it’s figuring out what’s next?
Medal of Honour from a French General of the Army.
“They seem Normal, but They are Superheroes”
“Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors” – Christian Blanchon, General of the French army
That’s right. Austria w fines, street checks. If you google those events now it all comes back. Statements about how “lifesaving” the shots are but how not everyone was “utilizing” them so they needed “help”. To “help” others. Globally there was no outrage. The opposite. Cue the Kubrick soundtrack it was no joke.
You're a strong man, Mark, to look at and compile these day after day. I know you're using this as a massive ALARM -- I just hope people hear and momentum builds to STOP this poison and bring the Perps to true justice.
Speaking of justice, Trump had a rally last night, somewhere. I heard a rumor that he told his people he didn't want to hear anything negative about the Vax. Pretty sure that Alex Jones has disavowed him over the shot. He called himself "the father of the vaccine." My god!
I agree that MCM must be made of stronger stuff than me cuz I often can't make it to the end of a "died suddenly" post.
Neither could I make it through this video compilation of people dropping. Many of them have seizures as they drop. That probably means it's a brain nervous system poison....
Thank you so much for this, and for all you do to save humanity. I often share your articles, which are extremely important and well written.
I wanted to share with your readers this compilation, which attempts to wake up everyone to the global agenda, even those people who think that the covid shots are beneficial. I hoped that by focusing on other aspects of the tyranny, they might come to realize that something is very wrong.
Tonight and Monday-Tuesday is the anniversary of the creation of mankind and a day of judgment for all humanity for the coming year, so it’s a very important time to pray to the One G-d, the Creator, to save us from the evil plans.
May you and all of us be blessed with a good, sweet year! Shana tova!
Satan's Soldiers, MSM, did an effective job mobilizing the masses to wear masks, line up for testing, take the multiple jabs, and excoriate the 'unwashed', pure bloods! The schism is quite obvious between the free thinking, self-preservationist and the easily led bloviating, "where in this together," parroting fools!
Much laughter!! - you read on here that everyone should exercise more to keep fit, how many steps you should do daily, etc, yes sure - if you are an exercise nut (not me) but NOT if you have been vaccinated, that will kill you quick as a flash and you won't see it coming - like get fucking real, you stupid or what. You get vaccinated, exercising is out of the door, use your car or public transport to go everywhere and become a couch potato, if you want to live for a few years more - bearing in mind the use by date is currently set at 2025 - you want to argue the toss about that with anyone - Biden would be a good place to start, or Trump for that matter, the father of the vaccines, as he likes to call himself - you ever see him being vaccinated with one of these shots - No, me neither. All the world's mad except thee and me and I'm not sure about thee!! Much Laughter!!
Yes, sorry...I just saw it now....that's what happens when you read your emails in reverse because you have so many from day to day that go unread..... I will start reading them in chronological order....... :)
I knew after being censored and banned off of FB for Hunter Biden memes, that once Joe Biden was moving to mandate the jabs--they definitely couldn't be trusted. That and the fact that the EUA was protecting the pharmaceutical companies, alongside my religious issues with it (which they tried SO HARD to debunk and jab up Christians and shame them with twisted Scriptures), I never got it. I had to give up my dream job at the Federal level because I wouldn't get it, and they fired me over the jab. I found work that is just as rewarding after what happened, and have no regrets. I protected me and my family from the harm of these jabs, and now am vindicated with the daily developments on these jabs showing they aren't worth the risk. I still worry about those in our family who got jabbed, because I love and care for them--but they knew better, or their job mattered more than the data, so it is what it is. I was "crazy", until I WASN'T crazy...🤷♀️ They won't even mention the jabbies to me now. 🙄🤦♀️I can't stand the contemptuous jabbed who call the unjabbed stupid and denigrate people for making that decision, and vice versa. How we failed to trust our own natural immunity after getting the coof without the jab is probably one of the most disturbingly illogical tangents I have seen public health take in the midst of all of this, because doctors were being forced to deny decades of science that established natural immunity as being better than vaccinated immunity--in order to keep their medical licenses and hock jabs for Big Pharma.😑 For shame!🤬
A friend of mine is lymphoma cancer doc. I saw him two months ago and asked as innocently as possible, how was work, busy work load etc. He said no, I know he was lying to me. Made me sad. means the vaccine is working....
Just as predicted...
Not against Covid though.
No, FOR covid.
About 6-12 mos into the pandemic or so they were ready to kill us un"vaxxed". Literally. Idiots like Howard Stern repeating his Mediaducation, saying they ought to round us up and put us into camps. It was a dark, scary time for anyone who held out. If you were there, you can't forget it. Because there was scant data and figures then, you'd have to grind on the Euro data to try to keep your head straight. There were literally like 2-3 sources stating opposing views to the mainstream, Yeadon and Bosche and Bhakdi. Doing these single videos in their bedrooms. Pre-Malone, pre-McCullough as I recall. And the US media was just waterboarding the public with gushing rivers of horrific ER stories, ventilator deaths (now we know), and family, friends, coworkers were just stacking up against the "unclean". If you had kids it was worse because of course the guilt and worry and school district. I've said this before, I have eternal respect for those of you who held out because there has never been a harder test imo, and I respect you all. Equally, it's hard to fault those who succumbed back then because the lies were so thick and sophisticated and nonstop. Criminal, through and through.
Just before posting this I caught this cheap NYT propaganda, as they continue to just shill, from just 4 mos ago... "A wave of parents has been radicalized by Covid-era misinformation to reject ordinary childhood immunizations — with potentially lethal consequences."
Yeah, we've been RADICALIZED all right... Hope you all got your shots NYTs
I remember those days. Not knowing if I’d loose my job. My family thinking I was crazy for drawing a line in the sand and being willing to loose my job over a “safe and effective “ “vaccine”. Yeah dark times.
All Substack Community
I created NFT collection for community to spread VAX awareness.
Visit my stack below, will send you one no charge thank you.
I was so scared in those early days of resistance. And felt so alone! I didn’t have all the scientific connections (via substack etc) that I do now, but when I *did my own research* and realized the thing wasn’t tested for stopping transmission and was a technology that likely needed top ups (some BBC and The Conversation articles I found on the technology spring of 2021) well I thought wtf why are they mandating this then? And the harder they mandated the more I knew it couldn’t be good.
How many nights I fell asleep worried what might happen to me for resisting, that was rough on the psyche. I’m in a blue zone and I’ve never felt like such an outsider before.
My job mandated it too, but a few of us found loopholes. I was lucky in that regard.
I agree with you for the most part but... If you REALLY wanted to find out what the "other" side, i.e. OUR side was saying about the coming Shot-- it wasn't so hard to find, not at all. Dr. Madej came out in the summer of '20 and already knew it would be poison and worse. Rappoport said the Vax was the endgame, Icke clearly laid out the Vax would contain who knows what kind of chemicals and bots. And Kaufman was relentless in saying there's nothing to be vaxxed AGAINST. And Tenpenny and her crew, etc.
I sympathise with those going through suffering. Very much so.
It may have been pre-summer. But yes, I did REALLY want to find out. The hardest part wasn't that there were NO dissenting voices, but very few with specific, outstanding virology/immunology-based careers you could bet your life on. The 3 I mentioned fit that bill. Sorry but I don't take my life and death advice for myself, kids or family from Icke or Rappoport, as insightful as they may be in ways. What medical facilities did they graduate from again? Especially when there were literally thousands of certified experts in every sense of the word on the other side from the most esteemed Universities, Hospitals, CDC (still had my trust at that point), you name it. The unbalanced nature of the "sides" was unprecedented. There were no two sides. There was get it, or you're a fool. The division looked like this: 3 - 10,000.
Didn’t get it, I was the fool, and took my husband and kids along with me. Best choice if my life.
Of course, the doctors are bought and paid for and they're also terrified of losing their careers.
Virology is a fraudulent "science," that's clear as day by now, but there were Cahill, Yeadon and some others. And who gives a damn what "medical facility" these decades long researchers of the medical cartel graduated from?? The point is they KNEW what was coming down the pike--and they were absolutely right.
Of course there were two sides--millions of us haven't taken it and never had any intention of doing it.
HIndsight is 20/20. Easy to say now. It was the first ever declared pandemic. The first of all kinds of things. So there was no playbook. So yes, the 3 dissenting voices mattered. I personally have a doctor and senior nurse and hospital risk management professional in my family. Reliable sources.
You sound like you're speaking from today's playbook. Because there was no such things as "knowing" what was going to happen then. There were millions did you say? So two sides?
Listen, 2 months ago, even today, all the voices on substack are BARELY reaching the mainstream. Back then? A few million vs 300 million?
I personally didn't live in the world you're describing. If you were fearless and no worries or doubts then, I'm going to bet you don't have kids.
Kids or not is NOT the point. The point is being awake to evil. For many of us the "hindsight" happened a long time ago.
But I welcome anyone who's finally seen what's happening. So, welcome.
Well kids is not the point if you don't have kids. It's a much easier decision under those conditions imo.
Hey, good for you. It was a no brainer and you knew all along. That does not describe my reality.
However I agree that this is a time of awakening. Without question. So that is a very good thing that came from this.
Unfortunately, this feels like phase 1 of 3.
No. That was the first obvious red flag. I knew that was impossible. Warp speed was a joke. They usually take 5 years minimum. Long term studies are long term studies. Second red flag was when they dismissed natural immunity right away when it had been the gold standard. When they said immediately, get jabbed whether shotted or not. Obvious. I personally never would take it, or was going to take it. That doesn't change the immense pressure from all sides. The PSYOPs. The intense campaigns. 10-20 year friends and associates all going one way when you go the other. My kid was never going to have it. Does that mean her mother didn't have intense concerns with all the pressure, other kids, etc? Of course not. More so even with medical seniors in my family who up until this were solid. Obviously with 70% of the globe getting shotted, your dismissive comment is misplaced.
Let me put it to you succinctly. Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mrna (who I assume you know of?) got the shot. Do you doubt HIS common sense? As did MANY other intelligent, astute, educated, and wise human beings. So a) I never got it and wasn't going to but b) I'd have to be ignorant and over arrogant to reject consideration out of hand at the time of crisis and c) I'd have to be not human to have not felt the immense pressure put upon everyone.
Any other questions?
"Officially" 63% of the globe got the shot, 6 billion total. With 13 billion total doses given (both rounded). Take the numbers for reality or not — who can know. However, Africa has 1.2 billion pop with 20% vaxxed. So if you look at "developed" nations who had the "choice" that 63 number skews likely closer to 80+% without crunching the detailed math.
Africa was always the "victim" because, oh poor them, they couldn't get the shot (via media propaganda), when all along that was one of the clearest signals to track — they weren't getting sick in Africa. Even as the lie machine was saying, we need to help Africa, they had about a 15% infection rate to everyone else's 65%+.
Malone stated to everyone who was listening, repeatedly, that he got the shot, having researched and believing it was sound, and ended up pretty injured from it (but recovered), which is what led him on this current journey apparently.
It was a manufactured crisis, that's easy to see now, but as I said originally, and as the shotted numbers reveal, along with the palpable surrounding reality — it SEEMED like a crisis beginning in say Apr 2020.
I don't think that credentials equal wisdom. I do think credentials with subject-specific experience CAN equal knowledge. In fact I know they can. Certainly.
That's not to say, after relearning to look at the motivation of "studies" and "clinical trials" over these past two years, and considering that big pharma "sponsorship" and cash money has led to the direction of 90% of all studies — that most credentialed studies are worth a damn. They're not. The cancer rate's at 40%, with medical mistakes being the 4th-6th leading cause of death. Our health care system is not a system of health, but a letter-agency captured system of cash.
But yes, in terms of human resources, Yeadon, Bossche, Bahkdi — each with decades of "credentialed" experience. Their opinions did mean a damn to me, and still do.
Of course people can learn and apply knowledge over time, and in areas of specific knowledge actually KNOW things. And that often starts with credentials. The idea that EVERYBODY is full of sh*t isn't true. Yes, approximately 90% of everybody may be. But that still leaves 10%, and personally that's who I was after.
I remember those people at work saying they didn’t want to work with unvaccinated. I’m in the uk so couldn’t mandate it like the us offices did. I’ve been shouted at where’s my mask as I’m supposed to wear one and I have to test every day. It’s the vaccinated who are spreading it. They’ve made us out to be super spreaders and parasites, telling me why don’t you just get it. We still can’t travel to the usa
Spreading it, creating variants, shedding. Unfortunately. For us and them. There are plenty of innocent, well-meaning on both sides. Following orchestrated directives. In ways it seems “over” compared to the height of madness around 11/21 (which by googling I believe was the height of the fines/house-arrests/fascist moves). And yet it’s not. So now it’s figuring out what’s next?
Medal of Honour from a French General of the Army.
“They seem Normal, but They are Superheroes”
“Even if I were fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for standing up to the greatest pressure I have ever seen, including from spouses, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors” – Christian Blanchon, General of the French army
That’s right. Austria w fines, street checks. If you google those events now it all comes back. Statements about how “lifesaving” the shots are but how not everyone was “utilizing” them so they needed “help”. To “help” others. Globally there was no outrage. The opposite. Cue the Kubrick soundtrack it was no joke.
I would say Mr. Miller is on a roll, but it’s the clot shots that are running the game, and a deadly, horrifying game it is.
Atlanta, young football player died while throwing a touchdown.
Amazing how many people still think it is normal for so many young athletes to drop dead.
Until it’s the
You're a strong man, Mark, to look at and compile these day after day. I know you're using this as a massive ALARM -- I just hope people hear and momentum builds to STOP this poison and bring the Perps to true justice.
Speaking of justice, Trump had a rally last night, somewhere. I heard a rumor that he told his people he didn't want to hear anything negative about the Vax. Pretty sure that Alex Jones has disavowed him over the shot. He called himself "the father of the vaccine." My god!
I agree that MCM must be made of stronger stuff than me cuz I often can't make it to the end of a "died suddenly" post.
Neither could I make it through this video compilation of people dropping. Many of them have seizures as they drop. That probably means it's a brain nervous system poison....
Compliments to you for writing this chronology! We're still here!
We fear no evil. Blessings.
Thank you so much for this, and for all you do to save humanity. I often share your articles, which are extremely important and well written.
I wanted to share with your readers this compilation, which attempts to wake up everyone to the global agenda, even those people who think that the covid shots are beneficial. I hoped that by focusing on other aspects of the tyranny, they might come to realize that something is very wrong.
Tonight and Monday-Tuesday is the anniversary of the creation of mankind and a day of judgment for all humanity for the coming year, so it’s a very important time to pray to the One G-d, the Creator, to save us from the evil plans.
May you and all of us be blessed with a good, sweet year! Shana tova!
Satan's Soldiers, MSM, did an effective job mobilizing the masses to wear masks, line up for testing, take the multiple jabs, and excoriate the 'unwashed', pure bloods! The schism is quite obvious between the free thinking, self-preservationist and the easily led bloviating, "where in this together," parroting fools!
Much laughter!! - you read on here that everyone should exercise more to keep fit, how many steps you should do daily, etc, yes sure - if you are an exercise nut (not me) but NOT if you have been vaccinated, that will kill you quick as a flash and you won't see it coming - like get fucking real, you stupid or what. You get vaccinated, exercising is out of the door, use your car or public transport to go everywhere and become a couch potato, if you want to live for a few years more - bearing in mind the use by date is currently set at 2025 - you want to argue the toss about that with anyone - Biden would be a good place to start, or Trump for that matter, the father of the vaccines, as he likes to call himself - you ever see him being vaccinated with one of these shots - No, me neither. All the world's mad except thee and me and I'm not sure about thee!! Much Laughter!!
You didn't see the other post I put up this evening?
Yes, sorry...I just saw it now....that's what happens when you read your emails in reverse because you have so many from day to day that go unread..... I will start reading them in chronological order....... :)
I knew after being censored and banned off of FB for Hunter Biden memes, that once Joe Biden was moving to mandate the jabs--they definitely couldn't be trusted. That and the fact that the EUA was protecting the pharmaceutical companies, alongside my religious issues with it (which they tried SO HARD to debunk and jab up Christians and shame them with twisted Scriptures), I never got it. I had to give up my dream job at the Federal level because I wouldn't get it, and they fired me over the jab. I found work that is just as rewarding after what happened, and have no regrets. I protected me and my family from the harm of these jabs, and now am vindicated with the daily developments on these jabs showing they aren't worth the risk. I still worry about those in our family who got jabbed, because I love and care for them--but they knew better, or their job mattered more than the data, so it is what it is. I was "crazy", until I WASN'T crazy...🤷♀️ They won't even mention the jabbies to me now. 🙄🤦♀️I can't stand the contemptuous jabbed who call the unjabbed stupid and denigrate people for making that decision, and vice versa. How we failed to trust our own natural immunity after getting the coof without the jab is probably one of the most disturbingly illogical tangents I have seen public health take in the midst of all of this, because doctors were being forced to deny decades of science that established natural immunity as being better than vaccinated immunity--in order to keep their medical licenses and hock jabs for Big Pharma.😑 For shame!🤬
Sadly, Mark, here’s one for this week:
How many lives sacrificed are enough?
There's simply no other explanation.
A friend of mine is lymphoma cancer doc. I saw him two months ago and asked as innocently as possible, how was work, busy work load etc. He said no, I know he was lying to me. Made me sad.