Israelis know that he LET Hamas slaughter them, in furtherance of the vast depopulation effort started by the "vaccination" drive (a drive dictated not by Zionists, but by his GLOBALIST cohorts)
AVITAL LIVNY: When the vaccinating— so-called vaccinating, sorry, that's the terminology that I'm using because I'm dealing with people that use it and I have to talk to them even though I don't think of it as vaccines anymore— but when it started in Israel, soon after, I think, two months or three months after, I already started hearing about people experiencing side effects, people that I know around me. The numbers went up as time went by. And I also started noticing people on FaceBook posting posts telling about what happened to them after getting the shots. And the dozens became hundreds, and yet in the Israeli media there was nothing. Everything is perfect, no side effects.
And also I noticed that whenever somebody posted a post telling about what he experienced, the side effects he experienced, he immediately got comments like "Fake News," "Lies of Unvaccinated People," "Anti-Vaxx People," and I knew right away that the only way to stop this, and to bring the truth out, is only with video testimonies because once you see the person's face, speaking from his heart about his tragedy, in your guts you know when it's not fake. You know.
But all the organizations that were involved at the time with the testimonies and with collecting the details and the data, when I contacted them they told me that it was impossible to get people to testify on camera since they were afraid. So I waited. I was hoping that somebody will do it. But eventually when I saw that the Israeli government is not stopping, that they're not going to investigate any of those reports and, on the contrary, they went full power ahead and started giving the shots to the 16 and 18 year-old teenagers, as a mother of two, I decided that I have to try and do it myself.
I went inside private groups on FaceBook of people who got injured from the vaccine, this was the title of the groups, and started going over, there were already thousands of testimonies there, posts, comments. I went over thousands of them and contacted hundreds of them though Messenger, introducing myself and telling them about the project that I was going to do. But almost all of them didn't want to do it, they were too afraid to come out with their stories.
And Ilana [Ilana Rachel Daniel, previous speaker ] mentioned it before, you have to understand that the atmosphere in Israel since the so-called vaccination started is so violent, so toxic. A lot of hate, fear. Families are falling apart, getting divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and no wonder since, as Ilana told you our own prime minister, the incitement against the unvaccinated is unbelievable. And he was caught on camera saying, at the beginning of his being prime minister, he was saying that the unvaccinated people are like people going on the street with a machine gun spraying a deadly virus all over. And as she said, he was saying, when they started giving the shots to children in schools, "I want the parents of the vaccinated children to fight with the parents of the unvaccinated children."
So, no wonder people were afraid for their jobs, of what their colleagues and friends would say, and they didn't want to come out with their stories. So in order to give them a sense of confidence and safety, I gave them my word that I will not publish anything before I have at least 40 testimonies.
Three and half months later, the project was ready. It became a heartbreaking documentary of an hour and seven minutes. It was released five months ago, already translated to 15 different languages. Only in our website it was, it got more than 2 million views. And still, on the Israeli media, nothing. The majority of the Israeli people never heard of the testimonies project. You get the feeling that they want to shut it down, they want no one to know of the side effects.
As Ilana said, there was this post of the Israeli Minister of Health, they deleted thousands of comments of people saying what happened to them, instead of reaching out to them and checking the information.
Not a lot of people know but in Israel, there is no normal system, until not long ago, there was no normal effective system to collect data and reports of side effects, unlike the American VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. People who, most of the people don't even know that they should or are supposed to report. And the people from my project when they tried to send in a report they told me it was impossible At the time you had limitation of words, and you could only choose from several side effects. So if you had something different you couldn't put in the report. And the most important thing, no transparency. So you have no idea what happened to your report, you cannot see other reports and compare data. The whole idea of transparency in the American system, the VAERS, is that researchers, doctors, scientists, they can go inside the data, they can do their statistics and see if there are patterns. In some of the side effects indicate, that this is probably this is from the vaccination, from the shot. In Israel, we are the laboratory of the world but we don't have a system like that.
And in the American VAERS it's mostly doctors who send in the reports. In Israel, a woman in my project, her name is Esty, she got heart problems, she asked her doctor, "Are you going to report this?" he told her, "It's not my job to report. If you want, go ahead and report it." Most of the doctors are not willing even to write on the same page on the injury, where they're supposed to put the data, that that this person two days ago had also he got the Pfizer shot. They're not willing to write it down. So as I said, you have the feeling that they try to shut it down.
same in the Belgian and Dutch press, only the Italian press is reporting on sudden deaths, all the rest barely. sen. Johnson in the US had 2 round table meetings with doctors and people who were harmed or had lost family members due to the jabs. No press was present, and one was the same day as the elections. Hardly anyone saw it, and these that were forwarded the link gave not a sign they had watched it.
It's been brutal. I thought Senator Johnson's roundtables were extraordinary-- and historic. I transcribed a number of the testimonies, and I'll do more as time permits. If you or anyone want to see these, you can find them on my List of Transcriptions (look for them under July and November 2021).
I for one am very grateful to Senator Johnson for all that he has done, which I consider both unusually courageous and highly creative, and I recognize that party dynamics and the legislative process have their limits, which sometimes are difficult to appreciate from a distance. Add to that, we are not fully informed about all that is going on behind the scenes (and all the readings of newspapers and Substacks won't remedy that). All that said, it has been deadly frustrating to see so little overt progress when people are being killed and injured, and citizens' rights violated.
Interesting about Italy. I had to stop after they asked me, worryingly (they worried I was too obsessed with attempting to convince them it was all a very dangerous scam), and anyway the damage having been done (11 shots between the 3 members of my immediate family) as of very recently my dad, the most 'trust the Science TM' of my family, finally seemed to be hinting that he believed it to be the cause of all the young dying of 'natural causes' he was seeing daily in the local papers. What tipped his psychic scale, ironically, wasn't the local newspapers deaths reports but the old fashioned funeral church bells he was hearing daily while spending a few days in the mountain village in the Trentino region where him and my mom have been going since they started dating 68 years ago. In one week he could not believe there were so many funerals. So here it was after 3 years from my own 'trust the Science' father as close to an admission that what I had been so obsessive about may have been because I was on to something.
I hope your family members will all have had the fake shots (there were quite a few that only contained harmless liquid it seems)
here is a post that just came in from Jeff Childers, who checks the jab status of the posts
The posts of Covidsteria, too, have pics of the person being jabbed, or the sticker.
I owe Ilana a huge debt. Thanks to her "Jerusalem Report" I could see how they were putting the screws to people. It gave me 2-3 months to plan a work around before it got to my country (Canada or as it is more accurately known, Soviet Canuckistan). We were behind on the roll out and the societal pressure. I put that lead time to good use and my family & I survived un-injected.
Zelenko once said that "The Chinese are envious of the media control the Israeli government has".
Thanks for this comment, TRM, and congratulations on escaping the jabs. So often it seems no one is listening, no one cares, but then there's a report like yours, where the message did get received, it did help.
As for myself, I knew there was something peculiar with all this from the beginning, though it took me a while to start putting the pieces together. My biggest wake up call-- and it prompted me to start transcribing-- was pulmonary nurse Albert Spence's testimony before the South Carolina State Senate back in September 2021. I could see that Spence knew what he what he was talking about, he sincerely cared about his patients, and he was warning us of something really sinister going on in the covid wards, and I got that warning loud and blaring. I will always be grateful to him, and to all who spoke out, and are speaking out.
P.S. If anyone wants to watch Albert Spence's testimony:
The video posted to YouTube on September 15, 2021 of the testimony by Albert Spence, a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience, before the South Carolina State Senate Medical Affairs Committee, was almost immediately removed by YouTube "for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." It can now be found on Bitchute at this link:
That is so interesting. I was like you, I could sense something was peculiar going on and it took me a while to put the pieces together. I had several things that got me to wake up and see what was going on.
Thank you for your comment, Judith, and I quite agree. Polly Tommey is an expert interviewer-- she's knowledgable, but she's also fierce and compassionate as apt. I'd add to that Michael Gray Griffith, who does interviews for Australia's Cafe Locked Out, as a special standout. (I'll only be able to transcribe the tip of the iceberg of what's out there.)
P.S. For anyone who hasn't seen it, check out Polly Tommey's bus tour at
A lot of "stage 4 cancer" and subsequent deaths in my circle of Buddhist practitioner friends for over a year. We name friends & family for compassion-meditation, so it is a good bellweather.
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of THEIR POISONS, AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to Mark Crispin Miller's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Even without the vac, for those of us who resisted, protested, and voted with our feet, it is difficult and painful to guard against potential heart pain through all these months, knowing those who insisted on deliberate ignorance of the dangers, life injuries and death. ~~~And reading Mark’s long lists, is like standing on the sidewalk, and watching an endless funeral cortège of cars pass by, eventually turning in at the cemetery two blocks away. What would that be like, now, if we had that old tradition, taking time for reverence! sorrow amd thoughtfulness….maybe hours and hours, in some towns likely. And more to come the timing plays out Amen and amen. OMG
Profound image. I imagine a cohort of pianists in a public venue taking turns to play Chopin's Marche Funebre. Again, and again, and again. Maybe with a visible bag of used needles on top of the piano, attached to a sack of money.
Don’t know whether this will make you feel better or not…it has been months now that I have seen daily, and I do mean daily funerals at a church I drive by regularly. I don’t remember the timing exactly, but started noticing it more than a year ago.
No Christy…..thanks, and not feel better, but just knowing that someone is aware, that church parking lots are still really the physical evidence of the digital funeral cortège. ~~~Someone like you is making a note of the neighborhood grief, no, we are not nuts, and your remarks are helping give us all some comfort and reality to the statistics~~~ It’s important to me that I have a chance to read their obituaries, proof of life lived, hopes of family and friends gone forever. Thank you to Mark….Otherwise it’s just a list, and moments pass by….as in so what? a fireman in Ontario, a pilot over Minneapolis and a piano teacher in Atlanta. ~~~What still makes me sick is remembering that scores of black churches in the SE early on, scheduled vacs and lunch on Sundays after the service…..whatz the news there, by now?!! OMG Still the same…the groupies, “I got my shot, did you?! Great! Well, now we’re all safe!!” Yah yah If only…..
The PA in the West Bank, Hamas in Gaza and the government in Israel ALL put the screws to their own people to force/coerce them into getting the injections. The first 2 were less successful as they had over 50% unemployment so lost a huge leverage point.
Maybe instead of shooting each other everyone should consider taking care of their own traitors. Just a thought LOL.
It's a horrific thought but Netanyahu, Bennett & Bourla may have succeeded where Hitler failed.
AND, there is absolutely no doubt in any measure of the subset of those both 'Zionist and Globalist' to be large enough to perpetrate this travesty...With China in on the fun in the Med. Theater as well.
Just received this through 'Church Militant' tonight and it's very informative. Video: 9 min.
Thank you! I followed him for a long time several years ago but lost track and was buried in the other sites. Glad to catch up again He is a military kid
The one group never mentioned by most ‘truthers’ as pulling the strings in most world events are those connected to a certain religious order. Those who are never mentioned have a high probability of ‘being up to something’. Could they be offering the others as sacrifices to hide their own crimes?
I am not Jewish but I was APPALLED that “Bibi” signed on for this genocide. ISRAEL come on I thought what am I missing. Who is paying him off to carry out this mass murder on his people
Disgusted with your comments attacking him when Israel is fighting for its life. Naftali Bennett, the globalist puppet, forced the vaccines on every Israeli and Netanyahu is fighting to keep Israel from being genocidally overrun. Sick of all this picking on Jews and Israel bullshit.
"Disgusted with your comments attacking him when Israel is fighting for its life" - Do you see how easy it is for them to distract you? Goering described the exact response you gave. You are too easy to fool. You've got to up your game.
Netanyahu signed the deal with Pfizer and Bennett carried on. What does that tell you?
Look the people calling BS on the Israeli government's story are hardly pro-Palestinian. They are IDF & ex-IDF who served in and around Gaza. Some of them probably shot or shot at Palestinians. They cite FACTS like:
1) Sept 1st the government takes arms away from the civilian defence forces in the Gaza belt communities.
2) Sept 10 the army tells the Gaza belt communities to go ahead with their planned festivities as they were sure they were entering a "period of calm"
3) Egypt warns Israel "Something big is afoot in Gaza" 10 days before Oct 7
4) Egypt warns Israel AGAIN that "Something big is about to happen in Gaza" 3 days before Oct 7
5) Israel PULLS a lot of troops from the Gaza border
6) Israel takes 7 (yes SEVEN) hours to respond (you can drive from Bere Sheva to Gaza in 40 minutes)
I agree with the IDF folks calling this a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose). Your biggest enemy is your own government.
And you might go ahead and be appalled. But how do you know any of this is true? Recently the suggestion was made this Hamas incursion was a Paragon System Software failure. Paragon has become Israel's only defense software contractor, after having political enemy of Netanyahu Ehud Barak's major ownership company have all its competitors run to ground or, bought by the US DOD. Strange how Biden, Blinken, and the DOD were so focused on Paragon? Then Paragon's software failed.
Theories suggest this was to get the Conservative government of Netanyahu out. So this maybe not Netanyahu's "genocide" but his being set up by some of the worst people on earth.
Of course I am referring to the obscene percentage of Israelis “vaccinated”. Not the invasion about which I know nothing. I just checked it’s 105%. That’s unlikely but it’s still horrific.
Apparently 90% of the over 19 adults took the first 2, 80% the third and 50% the 4th. That doesn't bode well for them. Considering the DNA contamination issue with Pfizer one has to fear for the people who took the shots.
Not buying that hot load of garbage but there is this.
"Bibi My Story" published 2022.
650 pages, 8 pages about covid.
"A Nobel Prize winning biochemist told me that Covid was a "a small anthill" that would soon disappear. I didn't buy it."
Next paragraph.
"I got much better advice from my friend Larry Ellison the brilliant founder and chairman of Oracle, who was working closely with the experts at Oxford University on fighting epidemics."
"Bibi, get as many vaccines as you can, from as many sources as you can, as quickly as you can", Larry urged. As usal, he was spot on."
Yes, but it’s who every typical person I know believed. And they are not crazy and not globalist and not Hitler. They just have been taking vaccines their entire lives, hoped for the miracles from a Hollywood movie, and ‘did their part. You don’t have to be evil to be led astray. I’m just a contrarian.
It often seems like that. I encounter people all the time who parrot what the Prime Minister of Canada says and don't actually know anything about the product they are shilling for. Zombies for the man, I guess.
unfortunately, many Israeli people don't seem to realize this. When I mentioned it earlier, someone convicted me of hate speech. A jewish professor wrote a kind of weird piece on the expose, defending Israel. I defend neither - I defend the regular people on both sides, who are the victims of the war lords. Let these war lords fight it out somewhere in the desert where they don't harm anyone, and let the people live in peace. someone who had visited Israel said that the people get along just fine.
Who needs Hamas (which Mossad and CIA helped create) to murder Israelis when you can murder your own citizens with a shot in the arm? Bibi has easily killed a LOT more Jews with the bioweapon shots than Hamas did on Oct. 7. Israel made an exclusive deal with Pfizer to supply the country with the killer jabs. Bibi bragged about offering up the Jews as experimental guinea pigs. Most of the Israeli Jews despise their leadership just as most of us Americans despise our phony (s)elected pervert "leaders." May God help us all and wake up the normie sleepers.
Yasmin Porat Kibbutz Survivor Speaks: Hamas treated us with care humanely. Israeli forces shot their own civilians with massive firing on both hostages & Hamas indiscriminately interview by Aryeh Golan 16Oct’23 2m18s
“The Palestinian struggle for justice is actually the greatest test that the West has faced since World War II precisely because it involves the people who were so grossly abused in that conflagration. This is the continuation of a trauma that was not properly dealt with. To those who claim to be in the Freedom Movement but are either opposed to or indifferent about freedom and dignity for Palestinians, my message to them is this: call yourselves freedom-for-me-but-not-for-thee warriors; call yourselves selective justice warriors; call yourselves anything you like. Just don’t call yourselves freedom-lovers.”
The irony is that during covid, the left was pro censorship and the right pretended to be free speech absolute.
Now with Israel, the right is pro censorship and the left is getting a taste of their own cancel bullshit.
Maybe we can stop playing stupid childish/adolescent team sports and have absolute morals instead of this red and blue gang crap. RepubliBLOODS and DemoCRIPS.
Robert Malone refers to Israeli’s as the most Submissive on earth due to their rabbi influenced submission to the alleged vaccine aka countermeasure or bio weapons. Now the Israeli’s are committing genocide on Palestinians in Gaza and they don’t have to wear a star to identify them cause they are locked in Warsaw ghetto like enclave how convenient. The world just watches the UN is an accomplice. We live in a heartless criminal world, the world and our government is also committing genocide with every vaccine they administer. We are all Palestinians! Read and weep. Bibi can’t. act without world support from the world governments captured by their controllers the corporate oligarch’s. Remember we are all the other aka the enemy, useless eaters, expendable. Stand by in silence at your own peril.
you do know that the idf forcibly removed settlers from gaza at the demand of palestinians? you do know that the palestinians continued to bomb israel even after the settlers were evicted? israelis have been under attack from arabs since forever.
Genocide? How would Israel's actions against Hamas lead to genocide? Do you know what genocide means?
As far as the civilians of Gaza...Who is preventing these Gaza ARABS from going South? Hamas. And, of course, Egypt.
Why is it okay for an entire enclave of Arabs to be ruled by Islamists who plot genocide against the Jews, which they want to be worldwide, not just in Israel? Where has the outrage been that young Arab children in Gaza, and the West Bank, are taught, in school, to hate Jews?
Why, when Israel handed over Gaza to the Arabs, did they immediately elected a terror group to run themselves?
Could it be that Israel, and Egypt, continue to blockade Gaza because Hamas devotes so much effort to kill Jews, and states in their charter they want to wipe Israel off the map?
Do you see a peace partner in Hamas? Yet Israel was willing to give land for peace. Didn't work. Israel has stayed her hand at every conflict. Didn't work. The Israelis don't want slaughter everyone. Remember Gold Meir's famous words. “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
All that would need to happen to have peace would be for the Arabs to put down their weapons.
A lot of leaders were in with the globalists on the vaccine Depop thing. I don’t think Netanyahu was one of them. I think there were a few leaders who were just dumb enough to trust the “science” being thrust upon them by the WHO and others, and the fear mongering that the virus was deadly and the vaccines safe and necessary to save lives.
I don’t think Trump knew better and I don’t think Bibi did either.
I also don’t believe Bibi knew about the impending attack. Not a chance.
I do believe WE, as in the US intelligence agencies, had information they didn’t share. I also believe what I’ve heard from insiders that I know, that there were misinterpretations of movements within Hamas. They see them doing many things all the time, practicing attacks the way our military does exercises, or preparing for their usual barrage of rockets, which are aimed into Israel regularly, and they mistakenly interpreted this as such, so no special warning was given to the leaders.
They also depended too heavily on their technology and their fences, believing they’d have warning if any serious event ever took place.
I also believe the reports that Russia, China, and Iran were involved in a cyber attack against them which contributed to the damage to their security and warning systems in place.
But everyone always wants a “bad guy” to blame and just like Trump, Netanyahu is the one.
You don’t think he’d know (especially with the Golda history) that if he did this on purpose, allowed an attack when he had knowledge of it, that he’d be ousted? You think he fought as hard as he did and put up with the personal attacks and lies to get himself ousted and banned from office forever on purpose? No way.
The two people who try the hardest to do what’s right for their countries and citizens, albeit not perfectly (covid protocols, lockdowns, and vaccines being huge errors in judgment and trusting untrustworthy agents), are the ones who get attacked and lied about. Consistently.
Bibi was well connected to Mossad, who was/is well connected to the CIA, who are all well connected to the DoD and IDF, and therefore back to Bibi. If Egypt knew something was up 2 weeks before 10/7 and notified Bibi/Zionist regime, then bigger actions had already been laid out/planned possibly months in advance. IDF knows more about Hamas (again, they’re well linked) and the GAZA terrain than anyone. Sorry, I’m having difficulty with all the “sudden & amazingly unexpected “ surprises (underground tunnels, land lines, stored bombs/missiles,Iron dome mysteriously shut off, boarder mysteriously left open and unguarded, distractions occupying IDF in West Bank, etc). Really?
Ehy don’t we just blame it all on UFOs and climate change and move on.
Bibi knew, he sold his fellow citizens to the vaccine cabal for shekels, he is after the underwater resources owned by the Palestinians. This guy is rotten to the core. Do some research.
PS. Your writing style and "Susan Bennett - Writes Susan’s Substack " are remarkably similar. Did you two go to the same schools? Are you the same person? AI generated talking points? LOL.
Wake up, Mark. All or most of the top leaders of his globalist cohorts ARE ZIONISTS. "Rhetorically-questioning", who do you think is mass-murdering us across the globe right now with the "vaccines"? Officials of the Israeli government have admitted in the past that they not only want all Palestinians and Muslims exterminated, they want ALL non-"Jews" (aka, non-Ashkenazim) eliminated, and they're doing it right now through their globalist cohorts. As much as I / all of us don't want to believe it, there is a massive Ashkenazim (aka, "Jewish") conspiracy FACT going on right now. They're murdering us!
They willingly sacrifice many of their own, as shown by their using their own "al CIAduh(!)", Hamas, to perpetrate their own "9/11" on October 7th, letting many of their own citizens be murdered, etc., and "justify" "mass-'eugeniciding'" the Palestinians in retribution. Convenient that they don't believe in the Messiah, Jesus the Christ (please excuse the redundancy since Christ means Messiah as well), and the New Testament, because together they make it completely clear that revenge belongs ONLY to God. (Romans 12:19-21.) They cannot overcome evil with evil, and ONLY with good; but, time and time again for thousands of years, what have the Jews done that God tried many times to show them doesn't work to make the world "safe"? They poured out revenge, taking it out of God's hands. Yes, God allowed a lot of it for awhile, but He finally drew the line, ended the Old Covenant, and instituted the New Covenant. He did away with "an eye for an eye", and ushered in "love your enemies". See the bigger picture, Mark.
[See Matthew, Chapter 5 and Luke, Chapter 6.)
It reminds me of the present governmental state of affairs: They're pouring out "security" at the expense of our liberty(ies) to supposedly try and make the world "safe", but in the process they are making the world the opposite of safe, and less and less safe, as well as increasingly dangerous at the hands of government, both "(s)elected" and unelected, national and global(ist) government "leaders", who are "Pied Pipering" us to our doom.
Remember, Mark, it is ALWAYS a Jewish plot. And it is some random poster who just knows ALL about it. And it involves, more often than not, the Ashkenazim, apparently the Sephardic Jews are just baffoons ripe for slaughter.
That said, I think the intelligence failure was aimed to get rid of Netanyahu, and the US Administration was involved.
Also, there were no jews at all in the levant after "the romans kicked them all out," and there are no real jews in israel now, they are imposter khazars. Not only that but the queen is a jew and greta is a rothchild.
Those are just a few of the dogwhistles i've seen lately, silly as they are, they're all part of the same cluster of beliefs adding up to one thing, that israel doesn't have a right to exist and neither do jews.
You are right but like all our nations and people, we are very divided. Left or right under any name but divided we are. Even Israel has two factions their govt and people. This is not unique to Israel and that’s exactly how they have planned it.
But we have nearly finished bringing it down. This latest event is just another distraction to absorb the minds of those who are not fully aware of what has been going on for the last 100 plus years.
I finally read the article (I had good, disability-concerning reasons for commenting first in response to the subtitle of your article), and other than your being wrong about George Floyd, I otherwise agreed with it entirely. No need to jump to the conclusion that I'm an adversary just because I was immediately giving you constructive criticism. I wouldn't subscribe to you if I didn't agree with ninety-something percent of what you write; and, believe me, if you turned out to be what I believe to be, though someone sincerely trying to do some good, and actually doing some good, disingenuous(ly), egotistically, phonily, and/or "self-centeredly" (I like making up new words), etc., I'd be out of here in a few heartbeats (I hope). Right now, I'm an interested reader.
With all the debate over "open air prison" and "measured response" and everything else, the (to me) OBVIOUS OUTCOME that the globalists have imagined is coming true: exponential, rapid expansion of divisiveness.
There's the attack on Israeli citizens (however that was orchestrated).
There's the air strikes in gaza and the civilian collateral damage.
There's the widening of conflict/war when the ground assault begins.
There's the potential for a mix of US, iran, china, russia engaging and perpetuating WWIII.
There's the global pro hamas anti-israel protests and explosion of anti-semitism.
There's the against-all-logic queers for palestine support.
There's the likely coming violence in major cities everywhere from pro hamas activists and under that umbrella, left wing lunatics of every woke shade.
There's the 10,000 a day illegal stream into the US waiting as a standing army.
etc. , etc., etc.
Divisiveness and pain as the CBDC is readied and the lockdowns (probably under the guise of marshall law) are strategized to be presented as the only "rational" solution.
george soros especially, has to be in a perpetual orgasmic state seeing the vision become reality.
Do you think we have a Nazi problem? Is King Charles one? Are all the intel services of the five eyes full of Nazis? Nazis in Ukraine. Nazis in Switzerland. Nazis at the south pole and in Argentina. The Catholic Church setting the Nazis up wherever they go. The Canadian parliament standing and applauding a Nazi war hero. Operation Paperclip + MK-Ultra = Nazi science in American institutions (the military and the academy).
AVITAL LIVNY is the initiator of the testimony Project, Israel
Watch: The Testimonies Project (Israel)
Avital Livny Giving Evidence About Testimony Project In Israel To Grand Jury Day 6 02/26/22
AVITAL LIVNY: When the vaccinating— so-called vaccinating, sorry, that's the terminology that I'm using because I'm dealing with people that use it and I have to talk to them even though I don't think of it as vaccines anymore— but when it started in Israel, soon after, I think, two months or three months after, I already started hearing about people experiencing side effects, people that I know around me. The numbers went up as time went by. And I also started noticing people on FaceBook posting posts telling about what happened to them after getting the shots. And the dozens became hundreds, and yet in the Israeli media there was nothing. Everything is perfect, no side effects.
And also I noticed that whenever somebody posted a post telling about what he experienced, the side effects he experienced, he immediately got comments like "Fake News," "Lies of Unvaccinated People," "Anti-Vaxx People," and I knew right away that the only way to stop this, and to bring the truth out, is only with video testimonies because once you see the person's face, speaking from his heart about his tragedy, in your guts you know when it's not fake. You know.
But all the organizations that were involved at the time with the testimonies and with collecting the details and the data, when I contacted them they told me that it was impossible to get people to testify on camera since they were afraid. So I waited. I was hoping that somebody will do it. But eventually when I saw that the Israeli government is not stopping, that they're not going to investigate any of those reports and, on the contrary, they went full power ahead and started giving the shots to the 16 and 18 year-old teenagers, as a mother of two, I decided that I have to try and do it myself.
I went inside private groups on FaceBook of people who got injured from the vaccine, this was the title of the groups, and started going over, there were already thousands of testimonies there, posts, comments. I went over thousands of them and contacted hundreds of them though Messenger, introducing myself and telling them about the project that I was going to do. But almost all of them didn't want to do it, they were too afraid to come out with their stories.
And Ilana [Ilana Rachel Daniel, previous speaker ] mentioned it before, you have to understand that the atmosphere in Israel since the so-called vaccination started is so violent, so toxic. A lot of hate, fear. Families are falling apart, getting divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated, and no wonder since, as Ilana told you our own prime minister, the incitement against the unvaccinated is unbelievable. And he was caught on camera saying, at the beginning of his being prime minister, he was saying that the unvaccinated people are like people going on the street with a machine gun spraying a deadly virus all over. And as she said, he was saying, when they started giving the shots to children in schools, "I want the parents of the vaccinated children to fight with the parents of the unvaccinated children."
So, no wonder people were afraid for their jobs, of what their colleagues and friends would say, and they didn't want to come out with their stories. So in order to give them a sense of confidence and safety, I gave them my word that I will not publish anything before I have at least 40 testimonies.
Three and half months later, the project was ready. It became a heartbreaking documentary of an hour and seven minutes. It was released five months ago, already translated to 15 different languages. Only in our website it was, it got more than 2 million views. And still, on the Israeli media, nothing. The majority of the Israeli people never heard of the testimonies project. You get the feeling that they want to shut it down, they want no one to know of the side effects.
As Ilana said, there was this post of the Israeli Minister of Health, they deleted thousands of comments of people saying what happened to them, instead of reaching out to them and checking the information.
Not a lot of people know but in Israel, there is no normal system, until not long ago, there was no normal effective system to collect data and reports of side effects, unlike the American VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System]. People who, most of the people don't even know that they should or are supposed to report. And the people from my project when they tried to send in a report they told me it was impossible At the time you had limitation of words, and you could only choose from several side effects. So if you had something different you couldn't put in the report. And the most important thing, no transparency. So you have no idea what happened to your report, you cannot see other reports and compare data. The whole idea of transparency in the American system, the VAERS, is that researchers, doctors, scientists, they can go inside the data, they can do their statistics and see if there are patterns. In some of the side effects indicate, that this is probably this is from the vaccination, from the shot. In Israel, we are the laboratory of the world but we don't have a system like that.
And in the American VAERS it's mostly doctors who send in the reports. In Israel, a woman in my project, her name is Esty, she got heart problems, she asked her doctor, "Are you going to report this?" he told her, "It's not my job to report. If you want, go ahead and report it." Most of the doctors are not willing even to write on the same page on the injury, where they're supposed to put the data, that that this person two days ago had also he got the Pfizer shot. They're not willing to write it down. So as I said, you have the feeling that they try to shut it down.
same in the Belgian and Dutch press, only the Italian press is reporting on sudden deaths, all the rest barely. sen. Johnson in the US had 2 round table meetings with doctors and people who were harmed or had lost family members due to the jabs. No press was present, and one was the same day as the elections. Hardly anyone saw it, and these that were forwarded the link gave not a sign they had watched it.
It's been brutal. I thought Senator Johnson's roundtables were extraordinary-- and historic. I transcribed a number of the testimonies, and I'll do more as time permits. If you or anyone want to see these, you can find them on my List of Transcriptions (look for them under July and November 2021).
And then Johnson did nothing!
What power did he have when he’s in the minority in the senate ?
I for one am very grateful to Senator Johnson for all that he has done, which I consider both unusually courageous and highly creative, and I recognize that party dynamics and the legislative process have their limits, which sometimes are difficult to appreciate from a distance. Add to that, we are not fully informed about all that is going on behind the scenes (and all the readings of newspapers and Substacks won't remedy that). All that said, it has been deadly frustrating to see so little overt progress when people are being killed and injured, and citizens' rights violated.
Also this one:
Dr. Paul Alexander, Steve Kirsch & Dr. Richard Urso: Masks Do Not Work
Source video:
COVID-19: A Second Opinion
Streamed on January 24, 2022
thank you! I saved thim just in case someone wakes up - these are real eye openers!
These transcripts are fucking priceless!
We were just "sparred" as planned....
Interesting about Italy. I had to stop after they asked me, worryingly (they worried I was too obsessed with attempting to convince them it was all a very dangerous scam), and anyway the damage having been done (11 shots between the 3 members of my immediate family) as of very recently my dad, the most 'trust the Science TM' of my family, finally seemed to be hinting that he believed it to be the cause of all the young dying of 'natural causes' he was seeing daily in the local papers. What tipped his psychic scale, ironically, wasn't the local newspapers deaths reports but the old fashioned funeral church bells he was hearing daily while spending a few days in the mountain village in the Trentino region where him and my mom have been going since they started dating 68 years ago. In one week he could not believe there were so many funerals. So here it was after 3 years from my own 'trust the Science' father as close to an admission that what I had been so obsessive about may have been because I was on to something.
I hope your family members will all have had the fake shots (there were quite a few that only contained harmless liquid it seems)
here is a post that just came in from Jeff Childers, who checks the jab status of the posts
The posts of Covidsteria, too, have pics of the person being jabbed, or the sticker.
I owe Ilana a huge debt. Thanks to her "Jerusalem Report" I could see how they were putting the screws to people. It gave me 2-3 months to plan a work around before it got to my country (Canada or as it is more accurately known, Soviet Canuckistan). We were behind on the roll out and the societal pressure. I put that lead time to good use and my family & I survived un-injected.
Zelenko once said that "The Chinese are envious of the media control the Israeli government has".
Thanks for this comment, TRM, and congratulations on escaping the jabs. So often it seems no one is listening, no one cares, but then there's a report like yours, where the message did get received, it did help.
As for myself, I knew there was something peculiar with all this from the beginning, though it took me a while to start putting the pieces together. My biggest wake up call-- and it prompted me to start transcribing-- was pulmonary nurse Albert Spence's testimony before the South Carolina State Senate back in September 2021. I could see that Spence knew what he what he was talking about, he sincerely cared about his patients, and he was warning us of something really sinister going on in the covid wards, and I got that warning loud and blaring. I will always be grateful to him, and to all who spoke out, and are speaking out.
P.S. If anyone wants to watch Albert Spence's testimony:
The video posted to YouTube on September 15, 2021 of the testimony by Albert Spence, a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience, before the South Carolina State Senate Medical Affairs Committee, was almost immediately removed by YouTube "for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." It can now be found on Bitchute at this link:
That is so interesting. I was like you, I could sense something was peculiar going on and it took me a while to put the pieces together. I had several things that got me to wake up and see what was going on.
Chilling. I had seen testimonies project videos before but didn't have this back story. Thanks Transcriber B.
I watched Livny's videos early on. I think this type of testament is so powerful.
React19 is doing it, and of course, Polly Tommey at Children's Health Defense with her current bus tour.
Thank you for your comment, Judith, and I quite agree. Polly Tommey is an expert interviewer-- she's knowledgable, but she's also fierce and compassionate as apt. I'd add to that Michael Gray Griffith, who does interviews for Australia's Cafe Locked Out, as a special standout. (I'll only be able to transcribe the tip of the iceberg of what's out there.)
P.S. For anyone who hasn't seen it, check out Polly Tommey's bus tour at
Some very powerful testimonies there.
This is incredible. Thank you for posting it.
Thanks for reading.
A lot of "stage 4 cancer" and subsequent deaths in my circle of Buddhist practitioner friends for over a year. We name friends & family for compassion-meditation, so it is a good bellweather.
THEY want you dead or a slave every which way from Sunday and actual kinetic warfare ops are major components in THEIR arsenal.
ISRAEL: A pox on both their houses! Recommend Scott Ritter's detailed and incisive essay:
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant parasites are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of THEIR POISONS, AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Kudos to Mark Crispin Miller's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Even without the vac, for those of us who resisted, protested, and voted with our feet, it is difficult and painful to guard against potential heart pain through all these months, knowing those who insisted on deliberate ignorance of the dangers, life injuries and death. ~~~And reading Mark’s long lists, is like standing on the sidewalk, and watching an endless funeral cortège of cars pass by, eventually turning in at the cemetery two blocks away. What would that be like, now, if we had that old tradition, taking time for reverence! sorrow amd thoughtfulness….maybe hours and hours, in some towns likely. And more to come the timing plays out Amen and amen. OMG
Profound image. I imagine a cohort of pianists in a public venue taking turns to play Chopin's Marche Funebre. Again, and again, and again. Maybe with a visible bag of used needles on top of the piano, attached to a sack of money.
Don’t know whether this will make you feel better or not…it has been months now that I have seen daily, and I do mean daily funerals at a church I drive by regularly. I don’t remember the timing exactly, but started noticing it more than a year ago.
No Christy…..thanks, and not feel better, but just knowing that someone is aware, that church parking lots are still really the physical evidence of the digital funeral cortège. ~~~Someone like you is making a note of the neighborhood grief, no, we are not nuts, and your remarks are helping give us all some comfort and reality to the statistics~~~ It’s important to me that I have a chance to read their obituaries, proof of life lived, hopes of family and friends gone forever. Thank you to Mark….Otherwise it’s just a list, and moments pass by….as in so what? a fireman in Ontario, a pilot over Minneapolis and a piano teacher in Atlanta. ~~~What still makes me sick is remembering that scores of black churches in the SE early on, scheduled vacs and lunch on Sundays after the service…..whatz the news there, by now?!! OMG Still the same…the groupies, “I got my shot, did you?! Great! Well, now we’re all safe!!” Yah yah If only…..
The PA in the West Bank, Hamas in Gaza and the government in Israel ALL put the screws to their own people to force/coerce them into getting the injections. The first 2 were less successful as they had over 50% unemployment so lost a huge leverage point.
Maybe instead of shooting each other everyone should consider taking care of their own traitors. Just a thought LOL.
It's a horrific thought but Netanyahu, Bennett & Bourla may have succeeded where Hitler failed.
Interesting fact on Hamas pushing the injections. Almost as if f there is background long term collusion. Hmmm
AND, there is absolutely no doubt in any measure of the subset of those both 'Zionist and Globalist' to be large enough to perpetrate this travesty...With China in on the fun in the Med. Theater as well.
Just received this through 'Church Militant' tonight and it's very informative. Video: 9 min.
Thank you! I followed him for a long time several years ago but lost track and was buried in the other sites. Glad to catch up again He is a military kid
The one group never mentioned by most ‘truthers’ as pulling the strings in most world events are those connected to a certain religious order. Those who are never mentioned have a high probability of ‘being up to something’. Could they be offering the others as sacrifices to hide their own crimes?
Not certain about what you're writing. Could you clarify?
She means Jesuits I think
Amy, you are my (mental) twin!!!
I love your most excellent presentation here!
Bless you my friend, I feel your pain. Being surrounded by totally blind sheeple is hell on earth!
You covered a lot.
All of which us AWAKE folks have studied.
Much of which I've sent to folks over the years.
And I still do try with my volunteering distributing hard copy papers covering all those Rabbit holes and much more.
Truth telling still scares some folks but we keep trying.
God bless.
109% agree 👍
Netanyahu is no different from the other globalist puppets.
I am not Jewish but I was APPALLED that “Bibi” signed on for this genocide. ISRAEL come on I thought what am I missing. Who is paying him off to carry out this mass murder on his people
Disgusted with your comments attacking him when Israel is fighting for its life. Naftali Bennett, the globalist puppet, forced the vaccines on every Israeli and Netanyahu is fighting to keep Israel from being genocidally overrun. Sick of all this picking on Jews and Israel bullshit.
"Disgusted with your comments attacking him when Israel is fighting for its life" - Do you see how easy it is for them to distract you? Goering described the exact response you gave. You are too easy to fool. You've got to up your game.
Netanyahu signed the deal with Pfizer and Bennett carried on. What does that tell you?
Look the people calling BS on the Israeli government's story are hardly pro-Palestinian. They are IDF & ex-IDF who served in and around Gaza. Some of them probably shot or shot at Palestinians. They cite FACTS like:
1) Sept 1st the government takes arms away from the civilian defence forces in the Gaza belt communities.
2) Sept 10 the army tells the Gaza belt communities to go ahead with their planned festivities as they were sure they were entering a "period of calm"
3) Egypt warns Israel "Something big is afoot in Gaza" 10 days before Oct 7
4) Egypt warns Israel AGAIN that "Something big is about to happen in Gaza" 3 days before Oct 7
5) Israel PULLS a lot of troops from the Gaza border
6) Israel takes 7 (yes SEVEN) hours to respond (you can drive from Bere Sheva to Gaza in 40 minutes)
I agree with the IDF folks calling this a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose). Your biggest enemy is your own government.
Netanyahu is corrupt and struck a deal with Pfizer. He also allowed the attack to happen to his own people.
I'm sick of being accused of picking on Jews because I speak up against a government and the forces behind it. In this instance the govt of Israel.
It's just like every other government. Owned.
For me, that has nothing to do with Jewish.
And you might go ahead and be appalled. But how do you know any of this is true? Recently the suggestion was made this Hamas incursion was a Paragon System Software failure. Paragon has become Israel's only defense software contractor, after having political enemy of Netanyahu Ehud Barak's major ownership company have all its competitors run to ground or, bought by the US DOD. Strange how Biden, Blinken, and the DOD were so focused on Paragon? Then Paragon's software failed.
Theories suggest this was to get the Conservative government of Netanyahu out. So this maybe not Netanyahu's "genocide" but his being set up by some of the worst people on earth.
Globalist not Zionist=BIBI Face the facts.
Of course I am referring to the obscene percentage of Israelis “vaccinated”. Not the invasion about which I know nothing. I just checked it’s 105%. That’s unlikely but it’s still horrific.
Apparently 90% of the over 19 adults took the first 2, 80% the third and 50% the 4th. That doesn't bode well for them. Considering the DNA contamination issue with Pfizer one has to fear for the people who took the shots.
Transfection alone is deadly, the contamination compounds the issue.
I just read PFizer called Israel a kind of lab for Covid quackzenes. Also almost everyone in Israel is “vaccinated” and no one in Palestine is.
Untrue. Was a huge push to jab in Palestine Gaza west Bank. Just not covered in media
Not buying that hot load of garbage but there is this.
"Bibi My Story" published 2022.
650 pages, 8 pages about covid.
"A Nobel Prize winning biochemist told me that Covid was a "a small anthill" that would soon disappear. I didn't buy it."
Next paragraph.
"I got much better advice from my friend Larry Ellison the brilliant founder and chairman of Oracle, who was working closely with the experts at Oxford University on fighting epidemics."
"Bibi, get as many vaccines as you can, from as many sources as you can, as quickly as you can", Larry urged. As usal, he was spot on."
From Bibi My Story.
Published 2022
He believed someone who recommended he protect his people. Oh the horror!!
What I found interesting was who he chose to believe
Yes, but it’s who every typical person I know believed. And they are not crazy and not globalist and not Hitler. They just have been taking vaccines their entire lives, hoped for the miracles from a Hollywood movie, and ‘did their part. You don’t have to be evil to be led astray. I’m just a contrarian.
Every country will take their people to war before any accountability for the death jabs..not just Israel
It often seems like that. I encounter people all the time who parrot what the Prime Minister of Canada says and don't actually know anything about the product they are shilling for. Zombies for the man, I guess.
unfortunately, many Israeli people don't seem to realize this. When I mentioned it earlier, someone convicted me of hate speech. A jewish professor wrote a kind of weird piece on the expose, defending Israel. I defend neither - I defend the regular people on both sides, who are the victims of the war lords. Let these war lords fight it out somewhere in the desert where they don't harm anyone, and let the people live in peace. someone who had visited Israel said that the people get along just fine.
That SOME Israelis do, and are now saying so out loud, is cause for cautious optimism.
may be they wake up, not only to the jabs, but also to the awful situation in their country, and their corrupt govt. well, which govt is not corrupt?
Well said!
Who needs Hamas (which Mossad and CIA helped create) to murder Israelis when you can murder your own citizens with a shot in the arm? Bibi has easily killed a LOT more Jews with the bioweapon shots than Hamas did on Oct. 7. Israel made an exclusive deal with Pfizer to supply the country with the killer jabs. Bibi bragged about offering up the Jews as experimental guinea pigs. Most of the Israeli Jews despise their leadership just as most of us Americans despise our phony (s)elected pervert "leaders." May God help us all and wake up the normie sleepers.
Amen. And thanks for noting that Hamas's insertion was a joint US/Israeli operation (to get rid of the leftist PLO).
Here are but a few articles printed in some Israeli press, not available in the west. Many dozens of testimonies are available.
What really happened on 7th October? Two weeks after Hamas breakout assault on Israel, a clearer picture of what happened, who died & who killed emerges correlated from diverse public sources. 24Oct’23
Growing Number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian & military deaths following 7th Oct attack 22Oct’23
Yasmin Porat Kibbutz Survivor Speaks: Hamas treated us with care humanely. Israeli forces shot their own civilians with massive firing on both hostages & Hamas indiscriminately interview by Aryeh Golan 16Oct’23 2m18s
“The Palestinian struggle for justice is actually the greatest test that the West has faced since World War II precisely because it involves the people who were so grossly abused in that conflagration. This is the continuation of a trauma that was not properly dealt with. To those who claim to be in the Freedom Movement but are either opposed to or indifferent about freedom and dignity for Palestinians, my message to them is this: call yourselves freedom-for-me-but-not-for-thee warriors; call yourselves selective justice warriors; call yourselves anything you like. Just don’t call yourselves freedom-lovers.”
Nailed it.
The irony is that during covid, the left was pro censorship and the right pretended to be free speech absolute.
Now with Israel, the right is pro censorship and the left is getting a taste of their own cancel bullshit.
Maybe we can stop playing stupid childish/adolescent team sports and have absolute morals instead of this red and blue gang crap. RepubliBLOODS and DemoCRIPS.
Excellent piece. Thanks.
Robert Malone refers to Israeli’s as the most Submissive on earth due to their rabbi influenced submission to the alleged vaccine aka countermeasure or bio weapons. Now the Israeli’s are committing genocide on Palestinians in Gaza and they don’t have to wear a star to identify them cause they are locked in Warsaw ghetto like enclave how convenient. The world just watches the UN is an accomplice. We live in a heartless criminal world, the world and our government is also committing genocide with every vaccine they administer. We are all Palestinians! Read and weep. Bibi can’t. act without world support from the world governments captured by their controllers the corporate oligarch’s. Remember we are all the other aka the enemy, useless eaters, expendable. Stand by in silence at your own peril.
you do know that the idf forcibly removed settlers from gaza at the demand of palestinians? you do know that the palestinians continued to bomb israel even after the settlers were evicted? israelis have been under attack from arabs since forever.
You are correct about the UN. I hate the fact that it is on American soil
Genocide? How would Israel's actions against Hamas lead to genocide? Do you know what genocide means?
As far as the civilians of Gaza...Who is preventing these Gaza ARABS from going South? Hamas. And, of course, Egypt.
Why is it okay for an entire enclave of Arabs to be ruled by Islamists who plot genocide against the Jews, which they want to be worldwide, not just in Israel? Where has the outrage been that young Arab children in Gaza, and the West Bank, are taught, in school, to hate Jews?
Why, when Israel handed over Gaza to the Arabs, did they immediately elected a terror group to run themselves?
Could it be that Israel, and Egypt, continue to blockade Gaza because Hamas devotes so much effort to kill Jews, and states in their charter they want to wipe Israel off the map?
Do you see a peace partner in Hamas? Yet Israel was willing to give land for peace. Didn't work. Israel has stayed her hand at every conflict. Didn't work. The Israelis don't want slaughter everyone. Remember Gold Meir's famous words. “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
All that would need to happen to have peace would be for the Arabs to put down their weapons.
A lot of leaders were in with the globalists on the vaccine Depop thing. I don’t think Netanyahu was one of them. I think there were a few leaders who were just dumb enough to trust the “science” being thrust upon them by the WHO and others, and the fear mongering that the virus was deadly and the vaccines safe and necessary to save lives.
I don’t think Trump knew better and I don’t think Bibi did either.
I also don’t believe Bibi knew about the impending attack. Not a chance.
I do believe WE, as in the US intelligence agencies, had information they didn’t share. I also believe what I’ve heard from insiders that I know, that there were misinterpretations of movements within Hamas. They see them doing many things all the time, practicing attacks the way our military does exercises, or preparing for their usual barrage of rockets, which are aimed into Israel regularly, and they mistakenly interpreted this as such, so no special warning was given to the leaders.
They also depended too heavily on their technology and their fences, believing they’d have warning if any serious event ever took place.
I also believe the reports that Russia, China, and Iran were involved in a cyber attack against them which contributed to the damage to their security and warning systems in place.
But everyone always wants a “bad guy” to blame and just like Trump, Netanyahu is the one.
You don’t think he’d know (especially with the Golda history) that if he did this on purpose, allowed an attack when he had knowledge of it, that he’d be ousted? You think he fought as hard as he did and put up with the personal attacks and lies to get himself ousted and banned from office forever on purpose? No way.
The two people who try the hardest to do what’s right for their countries and citizens, albeit not perfectly (covid protocols, lockdowns, and vaccines being huge errors in judgment and trusting untrustworthy agents), are the ones who get attacked and lied about. Consistently.
Can you address the counter-evidence presented by Israelis? Your comment seems to comprised of wishful thinking.
Bibi was well connected to Mossad, who was/is well connected to the CIA, who are all well connected to the DoD and IDF, and therefore back to Bibi. If Egypt knew something was up 2 weeks before 10/7 and notified Bibi/Zionist regime, then bigger actions had already been laid out/planned possibly months in advance. IDF knows more about Hamas (again, they’re well linked) and the GAZA terrain than anyone. Sorry, I’m having difficulty with all the “sudden & amazingly unexpected “ surprises (underground tunnels, land lines, stored bombs/missiles,Iron dome mysteriously shut off, boarder mysteriously left open and unguarded, distractions occupying IDF in West Bank, etc). Really?
Ehy don’t we just blame it all on UFOs and climate change and move on.
Tip: following the $$$$ always helps.
Pretty sure that Bibi said that Israel was being used as Pfizer’s laboratory. Of course he knew what he was doing.
Bibi knew, he sold his fellow citizens to the vaccine cabal for shekels, he is after the underwater resources owned by the Palestinians. This guy is rotten to the core. Do some research.
Is that you Sara? If so happy birthday if I don't talk to you until after November 5 :)
Sara Netanyahu (Hebrew: שרה נתניהו; née Ben-Artzi; born 5 November 1958) is the wife of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
PS. Your writing style and "Susan Bennett - Writes Susan’s Substack " are remarkably similar. Did you two go to the same schools? Are you the same person? AI generated talking points? LOL.
Wake up, Mark. All or most of the top leaders of his globalist cohorts ARE ZIONISTS. "Rhetorically-questioning", who do you think is mass-murdering us across the globe right now with the "vaccines"? Officials of the Israeli government have admitted in the past that they not only want all Palestinians and Muslims exterminated, they want ALL non-"Jews" (aka, non-Ashkenazim) eliminated, and they're doing it right now through their globalist cohorts. As much as I / all of us don't want to believe it, there is a massive Ashkenazim (aka, "Jewish") conspiracy FACT going on right now. They're murdering us!
You're out to lunch. How come so many of those "Ashkenazim" have been dropping dead post-"vaccination," if it's all a Jewish plot?
You obviously haven't read the post.
They willingly sacrifice many of their own, as shown by their using their own "al CIAduh(!)", Hamas, to perpetrate their own "9/11" on October 7th, letting many of their own citizens be murdered, etc., and "justify" "mass-'eugeniciding'" the Palestinians in retribution. Convenient that they don't believe in the Messiah, Jesus the Christ (please excuse the redundancy since Christ means Messiah as well), and the New Testament, because together they make it completely clear that revenge belongs ONLY to God. (Romans 12:19-21.) They cannot overcome evil with evil, and ONLY with good; but, time and time again for thousands of years, what have the Jews done that God tried many times to show them doesn't work to make the world "safe"? They poured out revenge, taking it out of God's hands. Yes, God allowed a lot of it for awhile, but He finally drew the line, ended the Old Covenant, and instituted the New Covenant. He did away with "an eye for an eye", and ushered in "love your enemies". See the bigger picture, Mark.
[See Matthew, Chapter 5 and Luke, Chapter 6.)
It reminds me of the present governmental state of affairs: They're pouring out "security" at the expense of our liberty(ies) to supposedly try and make the world "safe", but in the process they are making the world the opposite of safe, and less and less safe, as well as increasingly dangerous at the hands of government, both "(s)elected" and unelected, national and global(ist) government "leaders", who are "Pied Pipering" us to our doom.
Remember, Mark, it is ALWAYS a Jewish plot. And it is some random poster who just knows ALL about it. And it involves, more often than not, the Ashkenazim, apparently the Sephardic Jews are just baffoons ripe for slaughter.
That said, I think the intelligence failure was aimed to get rid of Netanyahu, and the US Administration was involved.
Also, there were no jews at all in the levant after "the romans kicked them all out," and there are no real jews in israel now, they are imposter khazars. Not only that but the queen is a jew and greta is a rothchild.
Uh huh. Once you mention the dogwhistle for antisemites, "khazars", I knew you were onto something. :-)
Those are just a few of the dogwhistles i've seen lately, silly as they are, they're all part of the same cluster of beliefs adding up to one thing, that israel doesn't have a right to exist and neither do jews.
Love comes in many forms. Hate seems to be all the same.
thank you!
This time, though, it happens to really be a "Jewish plot".
You are right but like all our nations and people, we are very divided. Left or right under any name but divided we are. Even Israel has two factions their govt and people. This is not unique to Israel and that’s exactly how they have planned it.
But we have nearly finished bringing it down. This latest event is just another distraction to absorb the minds of those who are not fully aware of what has been going on for the last 100 plus years.
I finally read the article (I had good, disability-concerning reasons for commenting first in response to the subtitle of your article), and other than your being wrong about George Floyd, I otherwise agreed with it entirely. No need to jump to the conclusion that I'm an adversary just because I was immediately giving you constructive criticism. I wouldn't subscribe to you if I didn't agree with ninety-something percent of what you write; and, believe me, if you turned out to be what I believe to be, though someone sincerely trying to do some good, and actually doing some good, disingenuous(ly), egotistically, phonily, and/or "self-centeredly" (I like making up new words), etc., I'd be out of here in a few heartbeats (I hope). Right now, I'm an interested reader.
With all the debate over "open air prison" and "measured response" and everything else, the (to me) OBVIOUS OUTCOME that the globalists have imagined is coming true: exponential, rapid expansion of divisiveness.
There's the attack on Israeli citizens (however that was orchestrated).
There's the air strikes in gaza and the civilian collateral damage.
There's the widening of conflict/war when the ground assault begins.
There's the potential for a mix of US, iran, china, russia engaging and perpetuating WWIII.
There's the global pro hamas anti-israel protests and explosion of anti-semitism.
There's the against-all-logic queers for palestine support.
There's the likely coming violence in major cities everywhere from pro hamas activists and under that umbrella, left wing lunatics of every woke shade.
There's the 10,000 a day illegal stream into the US waiting as a standing army.
etc. , etc., etc.
Divisiveness and pain as the CBDC is readied and the lockdowns (probably under the guise of marshall law) are strategized to be presented as the only "rational" solution.
george soros especially, has to be in a perpetual orgasmic state seeing the vision become reality.
You nailed it.
Well said. The best wrap for all of this drivel. I’m nauseous now. How to sleep?
Binge-watch sitcoms from your childhood.
Do you think we have a Nazi problem? Is King Charles one? Are all the intel services of the five eyes full of Nazis? Nazis in Ukraine. Nazis in Switzerland. Nazis at the south pole and in Argentina. The Catholic Church setting the Nazis up wherever they go. The Canadian parliament standing and applauding a Nazi war hero. Operation Paperclip + MK-Ultra = Nazi science in American institutions (the military and the academy).
Indeed. It's as if the Allies didn't really win the war.
Guess what? The Allies didn’t win the war. The money handlers and bankers did!