Too close to home. If history doesn't repeat it sure does rhyme:


In Germany during Nazism (and the U.S. since CV), doctors & scientists were the first supporters of fascism. And judges. The medical and legal professions are counted among the first and most ardent supporters of fascism. An overview of all of the Subsequent Trials at Nuremberg. Doctors. Scientific industrialists. And Judges. A most fascinating read. And why doctors complied with and judges didn't shut down the abusive pandemic restrictions and mandates until years into them. And even those rulings that did were based on process violations, not harm to constitutional rights. Law schools are totalitarian today because the top jurists in our nation support totalitarianism, fascist, Marxist and oligarchical varieties. Same values as doctors and scientists. They all go to the same galas, fetes, fundraisers, social circles - doctors, academics, politicians, corporate honchos, ambitious lawyers and judges all clank wine glasses, small talk, ego stroke at power events to get nominated in the first place. Same schools, ethos, ambitions, egos and values.


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More. This piece in Catholic Culture focuses on the Nazi's treatment of the handicapped and disabled using the medical profession. But it also acknowledges that political opponents and dissidents, non-conformists, the disobedient, etc were often declared mentally ill, dangerous antisocials, and met the same fate as others with disabilities...and Jews and gypsies. All deemed undesirable by eugenicists. This is long, two parts, but when you read it the parallels to our world since March, 2020 are unmistakable:

Useless Eaters: Disability as Genocidal Marker in Nazi Germany

Catholic Culture, 2002


"Second, because many of those with disabilities were now more visible through outpatient programs, their infirmities and their sometimes inappropriate or undesirable behavior were often considered a threat to public decency and social order. Accordingly, inappropriate public behavior by people with disabilities was often dealt with in terms of legal action and through the criminal justice system, thus melding disability and criminality in the public mind. Professional and public debate had raised the imperative of social control to prevent the proliferation of asylum inmates, including those with disabilities, whose characteristic behaviors were now firmly perceived to be at best undesirable and at worst criminal.


It was at this point that the seeds of genocide were sown among professionals and ordinary German citizens alike. The juxtaposition of severe economic constraints, crowded asylums, the attachment of levels of economic viability to human worth, and the sense that people with disabilities formed a burdensome and often criminal element in society all significantly added fuel to ethical debates concerning euthanasia and sterilization. By the late 1930s, there was open discussion among many asylum administrators about actually killing inmates.


However, in the 1890s the meaning of euthanasia in Europe, and especially in Germany, came to include two other aspects. First, the notion of a voluntary "right to die" was extended to mean that in some instances the request for euthanasia could be made by persons other than the suffering patient. Second, the extraordinary levels of care accorded the terminally ill and asylum inmates again raised the issue of negative human worth and underlined the possibility of involuntary euthanasia


The distinction between voluntary euthanasia and involuntary killing was thus effectively eradicated, and an ominous term was coined for the first time: "life unworthy of life."


By the early 20th century, scientists had amassed a great deal of pseudodata portending to show differences between individuals, genders, and ethnic groups by rank ordering any population trait from superior to inferior.


In addition, levels of socially appropriate behavior (law-abiding, self-regulating, restrained, and conformist) were judged superior to socially inappropriate behavior (criminality or antisocial behavior. These and other classifications soon precipitated both informal social changes and more formal legal measures.


Second, an offshoot of Darwinism, Social Darwinism, held that not only biological traits but also social characteristics and their resultant behaviors were genetically determined. Social Darwinism's ideas of difference, therefore, in the form of eugenics, appeared to have immediate and effective application for a number of societal problems, such as "hereditary" social traits (e.g., socially inappropriate or criminal behavior). Here the rationale was simple: All visible traits of human difference were genetically determined. Thus, just as eye and hair color were genetically determined, so were drunkenness, sexual promiscuity, and other socially inappropriate behaviors. A simple extension of these perceptions led to the idea that an effective way of controlling or eliminating these problems was by sterilization, incarceration, or death.


Eugenics captured the imagination of researchers in Europe, England, and the United States. In the United States, politicians purportedly promoting the public good were quick to recognize eugenics as a powerful tool for shaping public opinion against people with disabilities. Such awareness fueled laws in many states for the involuntary sterilization of people with disabilities, the most famous case perhaps being that of a Virginia woman with mental retardation. Carrie Buck, named in the 1927 landmark Buck v. Bell case [Still US settled law today, in 2023, upheld as recently as 2003]


Thus, eugenics asserted that the "feebleminded" (a generic, inaccurate term covering everything from mental retardation to alcoholism) were almost always so because of inherited inferior characteristics. From these assumptions, they "saw the cause of the social problems of their times, such as alcoholism and prostitution, as inherited feeblemindedness, and viewed the manifestations of poverty, such as intermittent employment and chronic illness, as a hereditary degeneracy"


Also in 1933, the Nazis enacted the Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals, a law that further blurred the distinction between bona fide criminal behavior and inappropriate social behavior that characterized many people with disabilities. The law stipulated that these criminal asozialen (asocials) could be committed to state asylums, held in indeterminate protective custody, and, in the case of sex offenders, officially castrated


Hitler understood that state-sanctioned homicide would depend on other factors to severely curb public outrage until war became reality. The war, Hitler reasoned, would provide both a distraction and an excuse for officially killing those deemed undesirable. One such factor was the use of propaganda to convince the public of the desirability of some lives over others.


To this point, Nazi involvement with mercy killing, while implicit, appears to have been muted and uninitiated by the state. However, social perceptions of disability had been radically modified, and requests for mercy deaths were increasing and were generally viewed as more acceptable, whether conducted by individual citizens or the state. Essentially, disability was widely acknowledged to be a legitimate justification for murder.


Ironically, 1939 was the year designated by the Nazis as the year of "the duty to be healthy". The children's killing program was to report directly to Hitler's Chancellery through a front organization under the pseudoscientific moniker of the Committee for the Scientific Treatment of Severe, Genetically Determined Illnesses. However, this impressive title belied its function, as it was headed by Hans Hefelmann, an agricultural economist. On August 18, 1939, prior to the German invasion of Poland, which began World War II, this committee produced a secret report, disseminated to all state governments, requiring all midwives and physicians who delivered infants with obvious congenital disabilities to register these children and the nature of the disability


As added incentives, midwives were paid for every infant with disabilities so referred. Failure to report these cases resulted in substantial fines. This directive would also later require teachers to report these disabilities among their students in schools.


Information on the registered children was returned to the Reich Health Ministry in Berlin, where a panel of three professionals — physicians, psychiatrists, or a disparate array of related professionals (such as ophthalmologists) — sorted the children's records into three groups....Children in the third group, designated by a plus sign on their records, were identified for "treatment", "disinfection," "cleaning," "therapy", or "selection", all Nazi euphemisms for extermination.


Those designated for extermination were transferred to one of 28 facilities, among them several of Germany's oldest and most respected hospitals, where they were housed in specially designated killing wards. The Nazi authorities took great care to inform parents that their children would be safe in special wards at the clinics, which would "provide all available therapeutic interventions made possible by recent scientific discoveries". These assurances were always given with the caveat that such endeavors were also fraught with mortal risks.

There is little doubt that hospital staff were complicit in these endeavors.



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The methods of killing at the institutions varied. In some instances, children were simply starved to death, which was not considered ideal because it took too long. However, starvation did allow these murders less chance of detection. Other methods included allowing children to die of exposure in the cold German winters by turning off all heat in the institution. At several asylums, children perished after being administered chemical warfare agents. A more grisly approach involved a method reserved for children who were resistant to other poisons or, because of their disability, were unable to swallow the poison in pill form: fatal injections directly into the heart. The most popular lethal drug was Luminal, a barbiturate, closely followed by morphine for children resistant to the Luminal. These were usually administered in pill or liquid form. The genius of this form of homicide was the normally expected availability of these medications in hospitals. Also, some poisons killed indirectly over short periods of time by precipitating fatal medical complications that were then reported as natural causes of death. There is evidence that physicians exchanged information about the efficacy of various medications when they visited each other's institutions or met at the Reich Ministry of Health in Berlin.


The murder of the children also followed a particular administrative and logistical course. As the condition of the child deteriorated following the fatal dose, the parents would be informed that their child was seriously ill, with a quick follow-up via a standardized letter announcing the child's death before parents could arrange to visit their sick child. This letter always noted that the child had died suddenly and unexpectedly of one of a number of diseases. Popular choices included brain edema and appendicitis. The favorite cause of death, however, proved to be communicable disease, which necessitated immediate cremation to avoid the danger of an institutional epidemic.


In this action, patients from several asylums were rounded up, taken to nearby woods, and individually shot in the back of the head. Between 1939 and 1944, almost 13,000 Polish psychiatric patients were killed in this way. However, in such instances, it quickly became evident that the perpetrators' close proximity to the resulting gore exacted a heavy psychological toll that could be reduced only by using less grisly methods.

The logistical necessities involved in killing large numbers of asylum inmates were also problematic within Germany itself.


A human experiment on the effectiveness of the gas was conducted in January 1940. A number of senior officials responsible for Aktion T-4, including many asylum directors and several others who would later make their names infamous at Auschwitz, gathered at a defunct prison near Berlin. Approximately 20 naked asylum inmates were herded into a prototypical gas chamber by psychiatric nurses. The enthusiastic onlookers watched closely as the inmates died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Eight further inmates were administered lethal injections, but when the poison had little immediate effect, these inmates were gassed as well. Buoyed by the dreadful success he had just witnessed, Viktor Brack, one of the top Aktion T-4 officials, victoriously declared the importance of using physicians to administer the gas through his oft-repeated motto: "The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor"


Based on the logistical experiences of killing children with disabilities, similar administrative networks for registering the adult victims and the sham system of notification of next of kin were put in place. The euphemistically named Community Foundation for the Care of Asylums was the official unit responsible for hiring the killers and building staff, acquiring the gas, and later recycling gold teeth and selling jewelry from the dead. Another sham organization, the Community Patients' Transport Service, Ltd., transported asylum inmates from other institutions to the killing centers.


Their identities were checked and they were closely observed by a physician, who attempted to match the size and appearance of the patient with a sham cause of death that was shortly to follow. Patients were then weighed, photographed, stamped with a number, and given a piece of cardboard with a corresponding number for retrieving their clothes later. Those who possessed gold dental work were further marked with an X on their backs. Others were also carefully marked if they were deemed appropriate for "scientific" autopsy after death. Most patients' fears were allayed by these seemingly routine medical procedures, which they had all undergone many times before.


Concocted causes of death included the now familiar list: communicable diseases such as meningitis, which was possible in people of all ages; pneumonia, a common cause of death secondary to other serious diseases; and cases of stroke, a favored sham diagnosis among the elderly.


There is little evidence that asylum directors openly opposed the killing of their patients. However, some questioned the legality of the program, and others deliberately avoided meetings that would have given them no choice but to become personally involved. Some quibbled with the accuracy and utility of the identification process. Scattered instances of delay, deliberate incompetence, and other forms of resistance also occurred. In spite of these efforts, reluctant asylum personnel were often reduced to making difficult choices of who would be taken to the killing centers and who would not.


The Role of Science

A major impetus for Nazi ideology was its claim of legitimacy based on the pseudoscience of Social Darwinism, which drove perceptions of difference from benign recognition to active genocide. Not only was the pseudoscientific claimed as science (i.e., as established fact, data based, and replicated over time), but it was used as an instrument of deceit to perpetrate murder. On one hand, the appeal to "science" allowed the willing German intelligentsia to be more easily convinced to support and participate in brutality masquerading as research. On the other hand, the claims of Social Darwinism fed the public's long-held distrust of those who were different, whether racially or in terms of disability


The enchantment of the intelligentsia with pseudoscience and the willingness of the public to seize pseudoscientific "facts" as legitimate knowledge remain problems in special education today, albeit in more benign forms. For example, the unfortunate history of facilitated communication (FC) eloquently demonstrates that fairly nonsensical ideas can be widely and enthusiastically embraced by people who should know better.


The Power of Ideas

The events described in this article demonstrate the power of ideas and their consequences in the real world. In Nazi Germany, harshly prejudicial ideas toward people with disabilities replaced other, less extreme ideas. Eugenics, for example, did not appear in and of itself sinister, but it was quickly co-opted for nefarious ends. The idea of eugenics was dangerous to people with disabilities because it propelled action with scant regard for decency and compassion. In the marketplace of ideas, eugenics was embraced largely because it served a wider prejudicial purpose, namely, to control and then rid Germany of people deemed different, inferior, and asocial. The minority who resisted were soon silenced in the tidal wave of a demand for conformity to a master race superior to all others.


Complicity of the Medical Professions

It is important to note that the enactment of prejudice against people with disabilities in Nazi Germany could not have succeeded without the complicity of the medical and adjunct professions. Power over life and death was placed firmly in the hands of physicians who became white-coated executioners, having long abandoned the "do no harm" clause of the Hippocratic Oath. Currently, there is evidence of the medical community's again being willing agents in hastening the deaths of people deemed not viable, including people with disabilities, through familiar methods for ending the lives of terminally ill people, such as starvation and death by thirst. Furthermore, there is evidence that "do no harm" is now viewed as a somewhat quaint throwback to a distant, less sophisticated era. For example, many physicians no longer take the Hippocratic Oath before beginning their careers, and many standard hospital treatment protocols now stipulate that staff physicians may override next-of-kin requests for patient treatment if the physician decides that treatment will likely be ineffective.



The Nazis needed a means of influencing public opinion for more active perpetration of actions already planned. Propaganda became a useful tool. Nazi propaganda was created by many leading German artists, authors, and other creative persons impressed by the Third Reich, who lent their credibility and prestige to film, literature, and other public projects. Inexpert in matters of science, but eager to be on the cutting edge of issues of the day, many high-profile celebrities willingly embraced National Socialist dogma."

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In the definition of disability and undesirables, "useless eaters" from the piece above it included those who were non-conformists, asocial; disobedient, political opponents. Classified as mentally ill.

There's a new term in vogue amongst those self-imagined betters today known as "evidence-based reality." As in, the government's narrative. True or untrue as that may be.

Aspen Institute on Information Disorder


About the Commission:

"3. How government, private industry, and civil society can work together in the short term to help protect underrepresented groups, and engage disaffected populations who have lost faith in evidence-based reality"

And these are the types of people who get to say what "evidence-based reality" is:


So, if you engage in civil disobedience, oppose false government narratives about masks, jabs, elections, climate change, gender, etc. then you will be diagnosed as suffering from a mental illness. Because you've lost faith in evidence-based reality. You're dissociated from reality, e.g. insane. Maybe reeducation camps can help you with your illness? Or maybe not, and you'll be considered a useless eater.

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I've been arrested for nonviolent civil disobedience over 45 times, but not yet on this issue. Please explain why you raised the term " civil disobedience."

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Going back to the Catholic Culture article I shared long excerpts from. The disobedient and political dissidents, opponents in Nazi Germany were declared antisocial, undesirable, mentally deficient, dangers to society. Along with the handicapped and disabled. Sterilized and euthanized for their opposition to the Nazi regime.

This it the path that "evidence-based reality" leads to. You've not *yet* been declared mentally ill and subjected to the treatment described in the article. Yet. But unless we reverse this trajectory we are on you will be. And so will I. And so will all political opponents and dissidents.

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While I certainly can't say I'm sure you are incorrect, I'm not sure we are using the term "civil disobedience" in the same way. If those you refer to were far from violent and were not intending to be arrested, their actions differed from mine. You might make the case that intention to be arrested not be required to consider an act to be civil disobedience. Happy to have that discussion.

In recent years my resistance work has been in the area of the climate crisis. I now spend MUCH more time on the lies about COVID, but haven't found a situation where I was able to get arrested yet. I assume you realize most climate crisis activists are hostile to health freedom evidence. I assume you also realize most health freedom activists are certain there is no climate crisis. I am willing to grant those health freedom activists the respect that the profound corruption of pharmacological science could imply other realms of science could also be plagued by corruption.

My differences WITHIN my nonviolent resistance circles vary significantly from expecting increased draconian responses. Especially American practitioners of nonviolence want something for nothing. They want to get arrested and either make a deal to avoid a sentence or win in court using a competing harms defense. Gandhi felt that "suffering cheerfully in jail to touch hearts" was where the power of satyagraha could be found. Thus the power came from our own sacrifice rather than our ability to frustrate the adversary. Both King and Gandhi sought to eventually become friends with their adversaries.

During the last 5 times I tried to get arrested, the 3 times I did get arrested the judge refused to give me a sentence. ( This is funny) One of those times, the PROSECUTOR judge shopped and found a judge who would give me 3 days. You may or may not realize that it's defense attorneys who usually do the judge shopping. The most recent time I tried to get arrested, leadership opposed my proposal raised in the middle of an action.

The other time I tried to get arrested, it was ON THE HEALTH FREEDOM ISSUE. They refused to arrest me. it was during my 50th MIT reunion. I sat for 42 hours in the office of the MIT corporation, having MIT campus police do 90 minute shifts sitting with me. I had taken out a domain name ScienceRequiresCollegiality.com but but still have not set it up. One officer asked, " Don't you want to be out partying with your classmates?" My response was," They all drank the Kool-Aid,"

I was quite surprised the judge in my home county said in 2019," I don't believe in putting people who do civil disobedience in jail." 37 years earlier and 900 miles to the north in a protest against nuclear power, I got a 6 month sentence for a NVCD. I expected the south to be more draconian than the north.

Here's what I concluded. It's not in the interest of those in power to have people considered honorable in jail. What they want is for activists out of frustration to escalate their activities to be increasing less honorable in the eyes of the public.

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Wow. Great Job.

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You don't know about the anti-lockdown, anti-vax, anti-mask protests, or the vax refusnicks?

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I am familiar with these protests and very much inspired by them, but I am unfamilar with any actual civil disobedience arrests. R U?

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Prince Harry and Katie Couric. Don't know who the others are, but glad to see they have tried to include a variety of races and genders. And it's all "evidence-based " which is the medical "smart". Fortunately,, they do let us know we've got about 6 months before we all get diagnosed with information disorder. Starts in July.

Thank you for this warning, Fox.

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Well, the diagnosis will be dissociation from reality, EBR the supersmert declare. Dissociation from reality is a clinical definition of insane. If we insist on our own reality and continue to spread "mis/disinformation" they haf veys ov dealing vith us.

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I think Information Disorder is the diagnosis, criteria for which would include dissociation from reality as evidenced by at least 5 of 7 behaviors or symptoms such as refusing the juice, bringing up the naht-sies, believing in or declaring that you saw an actual woman, believing people with Downs should not be killed and the like. And yes, they will undoubtedly haf veys. God be with you!

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a barbiturate followed by morphine...gee they didn't stretch too far on that combo

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Right. I only shared excerpts of the piece. When I read it in its entirety I cried. Horrors at the hands of "healers." And the knowing lies to family. The practice of medicine today is horribly similar.

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Thank you for bringing these atrocities to light.

Some people have too short of a memory and or an inability to put 2 + 2 +2 together. These people need to wisen up or get out of the way. If not, they will be fish bait soon for the Nazis.

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"victoriously declared the importance of using physicians to administer the gas through his oft-repeated motto: "The needle belongs in the hand of the doctor"

Dr's. The "Angels of Death." Government's preferred agents of democide.

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I’m not sure apart from divine intervention that we can count on the ability of clear thinking on this or any other encroachment of the state as they seek to strip away freedom from us all. Many people’s brains are broken; they no longer are able to to see or understand what 2+2+2 equals. I recall reading with trepidatious fascination the flurry of tweets several years backs where it was discussed that it is now taught and argued that 2+2 can equal 5. The debate over the truth of that was pretty fierce.

If core principles of mathematics can be upended like that and younger minds are being taught and programmed to accept this kind of backward inversion of truth as the real truth, it’s no wonder that people like C.J. can be labeled as a spreader of nazism and the foolish swallow the lie whole.

But my husband thinks a lot of the foolishness and acceptance of lies as truth is due to the fact that especially in the western world, there hasn’t been enough pain yet experienced by most. People ARE suffering everywhere, and many injustices are happening. But until such suffering touches most of us and humanity rises up in a tide, the lies will keep being swallowed whole. And he believes the tidal surge of F You/No! will arise when the wheels finally fall off the banking cartel buses.

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wow, this is like a book chock full've tragically true information... addin' one more (if ya got the stomak fer it)... exposure. I saw a documentary where German Nurses were ordered to take naked unswaddled newborns and other young babies out on the terrace or outside in the dead of winter "for fresh air" (but really to expose them to extreme cold which would ruin their immune systems). Some were wiped down with cold water before that to increase the trauma. These were nurses, groomed and hardened to do this to innocent babies so by the time the Jews and others were "delivered" they were already inured and ready for 'em. It ain't human (or humane) an' yet SO MANY were complicit. It makes me so sick ta even think 'bout it. (One'a my kids has autism so I kin imagine what "zey vould've done mit her..." Like I said, tragic... (And THIS is what the US, Canada, UK ,etc emulate today....)

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Bingo. Sames.

There's a sentence in it about how German shock soldiers, hardened to killing, were too mentally debilitated from executing the "patients" in the woods, shooting them in the back of their heads, that they had to sanitize the process of murdering. Which became the impetus for the gas chambers. Murder is murder, even by professional soldiers. But when sanitized and done by "healers" with god complexes "just doing their jobs," that's what made mass murder possible. Industrialized murder can only be committed under the pretense of "health care." Sarah Palin was right, after all. Death panels. Just like in Nazi Germany. Taking pride in their work, not an ounce of shame among them.

I witnessed their deceit and heartless care for my aging mother in 2019. Lying to me and my sister's face about the care she and we had instructions for. Hastening her death, believing that family members are just too emotionally attached to make the "more compassionate" decision to send her to the grim reaper. Even with us and her husband as her patient advocates, they'd straight up lie to us, while we stared at the evidence they were lying. I can only imagine being in that system without a real advocate. The hospital's on-call social worker claiming to be a patient advocate was in on it, we pointed at the evidence of the nurses lies and the "patient advocate" looked us dead in the eye saying they trusted their nurses, evidence be damned. Evil. Just like Nazi Germany.

Only natural healers for me. Non-allopathic. Rockefeller "western medicine" is Satanic blood-letting and poisons. Ghoulish.

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Agree fully--this quote sez it all: Industrialized murder can only be committed under the pretense of "health care.

EVEN today, they cannot reflect on the harm (aka murder!) done, they offered the "best care."

I'm so sorry 'bout your mom an' how she wuz treated. After each jab (insisted on by her dok-turd husband) my ma got wurse and shortly after jab #3 + a flu shot, mine had a stroke/seizure an' after weeks in hoss-spit-all an' weeks in an equally awful "aftercare" center, she's a ghost of her old self. Slurrs here words, had ta re-learn to walk, she doesn't even know whut day it is. Still fightin' the rest've my fambly tellin' 'em THEY are responsible but it all falls on deaf (self-righteous) ears...

I've long been a fan've holistic-only... seen too much harm done in my own fam (my granny died from Vioxx) and with dear friends. (We lost 2 of our closest elderly friends to nursin' home & hoss-spit-all care under "covid"--sadly, we couldn't visit 'em--jab required--and their own kids said bye thru glass). Obscene... but yes, all in the name of "health care." They care to kill is--to remove us, cleanly, surgi-cully, from the planet! Ghoulish is right... ghouls white in lab coats (hidin' their forked tails !!!!)

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So much evil. So hard to get even family to see. And even if/when I'm able to pull a family member out of the grips of deceit of one health lie by their provider, "I'm done with the jabs", they return to trust the same ones who told them to get the jabs to care for other ills with just as harmful drugs, refusing to believe that the other drugs are also causing harm. Made by the same manufacturers of the jabs they no longer trust, prescribed by the same "health care" doctors and nurses who put the dangerous jabs in them in the first place.

It's like trying to help a loved one or neighbor in an abusive relationship to leave their abuser. They just can't, no matter how many black eyes and broken bones, no matter how bad their spirits are broken. Who will defend their abuser from the threat that a loved or neighbor poses to their relationship, and get mad at them for trying to help. Sames. Terrible. And yet we try. Because we love and care. And pray that one day they leave, just like we pray for them to leave bad relationships.

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That is exactly what Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is pointing out.


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He is very bright and right on with his science and early death for us all. The ave age of death is America decreased by approx. 2 1/2 years this past year! Holy hell!

This guy does know what he is talking about. Not that I trust him to run the country. But likely, if he is worthy of trust and he is good, he could run HHS. As long as he is not a psychopathic, compulsive liar, we have 100 % improvement.

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But he also disparages seriously important people in this movement without evidence of why. I appreciate his commentary but if you are going to do that you better bring hard evidence otherwise it is purely destructive for all of us.

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Gayle, I have learned a few things these past years...there are no heroes. I know that we all want a hero, someone we can trust, who seems to be on our side and can turn the ship around.

So I get why you can be upset by his dinging people...but look beyond. Yes, RFK jr. is a falconer (and its not cheap) and yes, DJT has a gold toilet. Everyone needs to be looked at hard...so I try and separate opinion from fact.

And his facts are correct.

That's all I can say.

And personally, I like people who dare to say what they think....it is up to me to decide if what they say is true or not...but everyone has opinions and I dont subscribe to the "words can hurt". Damn right they can, but I'm old school, sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. They only hurt if you let them, and the only thing you have control over is how you react to them.

Did you watch Naomi Wolf on Emerald Robinsons show? She called Wallensky & Zuckenberg murderers....

And she is right. She has the proof, cause she did the work. They knew and forced or coerced or said you should get jabs...and we know pregnant women should never ever have had the jabs.

So she disparaged seriously important people......

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I agree they cannot be right on all things but targeting of people who have sacrificed the most without evidence is not a small error.

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And yet, we, the “enlightened,” allow this to happen?

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And how do we stop it? That's the challenge. With the corruption of the press and of the voting system, it's not an easy thing for the "enlightened" to build mass support for necessary change.

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Article from October, 2019 about standing up to an authoritarian regime. Written by an author who had Pres. Trump in mind as the possible authoritarian, but the same concept applies to any authoritarianism:


"Few will fight Gilead after carefully weighing up the consequences – after all, the most likely outcome is failure and obliteration.

What drives forward fights against an oppressive society is a rival vision – a vision of equality, liberty and justice, and a sense that these should be defended, whatever the consequences."

One thing I've noticed since becoming a sponge of information since March, 2020, knowledge being power and all, is that many of the same people who've taken authoritarian control of our nation had done the same research and formed strategies to combat authoritarianism before 2020. I've become wise enough to understand that sometimes my foes may tell me truths, and sometimes my friends may tell me lies. And I can, I must learn from both.

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Pro Tip:

Mock Them.

That Is The Second Rule

In Beating Them.

The First Rule Being

Never Make Allowances For Them.


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I've been saying that all along. I've been attacked for voicing frustration from all the talking we do with no action while also saying I have no clue as to how to stop the evil. Asking me what I have done. We all want to do something but what?? I hate to say it but it will take great sacrifice on our part to change this trajectory. Do things we don't want to do. Prayer for God to guide us and give us the strength for what's coming..

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Not easy as 1-2-3 but here goes...

1. take down all the 5G towers (it'll be by sabotage as doin' it by legal means'll take years--they were put up without any votes "arguably" illegally). Who can do-it? Young able-bodied folks that kin climb (trained at rock-climbin' gyms too!), anyone with access to trucks with cherry pickers... IF they start doin' this in the red states, it might ketch on in the blue ones in areas outside the cities... includin' upstate NY...

2. we need hackers ta throttle their systems, all've 'em--computer, cbdc-powered plants, etc (we keep "our" grid...throttle theirs...)--from Fink's Alladin, ta all them laptops at meetings where they "War Game" (each new plandemic or clot shot...), at the WHO, at Bilderberg. Surely all them tech-saavy hackers aren't "for" the Great Reset?

3. ruin their tunnels & bunkers, many are run on servers so takin' down all servers below is a start... that takes some armed dudes with infrared an' "gear" (thinkin' a Robert DeNiro's role in BRAZIL but with buff n' ammo)

Of course these are just crackpotty hopeful musin's but I do believe what's left of us do yet have brawn n' brains' n' guts ta do it!

I stay up nights won'drin' about HOW we kin stop it...

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Jun 17, 2023
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Same here.

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Jun 17, 2023
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Not just Nazi tactics. Chinese Communist tactics under Mao:

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013

('GET' .pdf download)


A blueprint to transform national individualistic democracies into global collectivist totalitarianism. Using the politics of infectious disease, fear, to impose itself on the people.

From the book's official description:

"Diseases are everyday, ordinary occurrences intimately related to people’s daily lives. However, as the metaphor of the “Sick Man of East Asia” emerged against the backdrop of a weak modern China, health care and the curing of diseases were turned into grand state politics with far-reaching implications. This book, starting with the argument for diseases being metaphors, describes and interprets such incidents in China’s history as the Abolishment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Patriotic Hygiene Campaign and the Cooperative Medical Services. In an effort to reveal the internal logic of disease politics in the transformation of the state-people relationship, the book analyzes key aspects including the politicization and inclusion of diseases in state governance, the double disciplining of hygiene, legitimacy construction of the state, the remaking of the nationals, and the expansion of the “publicness” of the state. The book argues that disease politics in modern China has developed following the path from nationals to the people, and then to citizens, or from crisis politics and mobilization politics to life politics. In addition, a marked change has occurred in China’s state building: increasingly standard, rationalized and institutionalized means have been employed while the non-standard means, such as large-scale mobilization and ideological coercion, had been historically used in China."

Governments around the world coordinated a democide of their people. Democratic governments indulged in totalitarianism. The book above was referenced in in the recommendations of the most influential international affairs publication in the world, Foreign Affairs in March, 2020. Urging governments and corporations to follow China's totalitarian pandemic response:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


It was devious. Few of us realized or had a grasp on it. If we had we would've caught this sooner. Which was the point of that consequential lie of omission of the teaching of history.


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Jun 17, 2023
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Yes. Just demonstrating that its been used by others, in the same exact way its being used by our own today, with leading international affairs publications providing the blueprint from previous weaponized public health campaigns.

The book from China that you can download as a .pdf is very long. But I listed many of the chapter and section titles it contains that most will find interesting in my substack link. If choose to download the .pdf my list will help readers get to the meat of it.

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Not to forget UK politician Andrew Bridgen, suspended for comparing gov't's handling of covid with holocaust

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Bridgen will be remembered as a hero. Those who tossed him out of his party, they will not be remembered except as thoroughly contemptible.

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preforming a "nazi salute" as a child and adult.. "..A Young Princess Elizabeth (Left) – and Queen Elizabeth II (Right)! ..Britain Has a Long History of its Middle-Class Supporting Fascism and Nazism! Both Churchill and King Edward VIII Openly Supported Hitler Prior to 1939! The flag of the British Fascist Party was Ordered Removed from Outside the Party’s London Headquarters (1933)! ..": https://thesanghakommune.org/2022/06/10/ukraine-neo-nazi-regime-associates-british-union-jack-with-nazi-german-swastika-10-6-2023/#comment-1130

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Professor Miller - Wow. Just Wow. Epic summing up of what is happening (and the hypocrisy that goes along with it).

Thanks for mentioning our Jan 6 as the Reichstag fire it was.

Thanks for pointing out that "far right extremist/white supremicist" is the "communist" smear of our time.

And the total and notable volte face of the cry of Nazi!

We need hundreds more of you, of CJ, of any number of fighters against this current regime.

And we so desperately need a way to compete better against the six corporation who own all the media...

TV has been the biggest brainwashing success ever....and I do not know how to drag people away from it anymore...

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I've long said they call it television programming for a reason. They're telling us what they're doing to those who watch it.

It's actually quite fascinating to watch these sociopaths. They have an odd set of ethics, the need to tell us, confess their designs and intentions to those who bother to listen. Knowing that even fewer will take heed and alter their behaviors or try to stop them. As if going to confessional absolves them of their sins. "Programming. See, we told you, you just didn't listen!"

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Hmmmm, and what about those of us who do not watch the idiot box? Hard to program one who does not participate, lol 😂. And yes, you are correct, even satan has to follow a code of ethics, which is to tell us exactly what they doing or will do. It’s like fauci announcing in 2017 that there will be a pandemic or gates event 201 it was a warning, which many failed to acknowledge.

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I stopped watching TV in 2013. I smelled propaganda in everything on TV, weather, sports, history, cartoons, comedy, series, and of course the news. Before then I noticed it, but that year it became so pervasive and inescapable I had to shut it off and gave away my big screen.

I later learned that 2013 was the year Obama and congressional R's & D's passed the NDAA that included the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, legalizing government's propaganda campaign directed at domestic audiences. The exact opposite of what the original act was passed to prohibit.

Obviously that change is what set me off and I refused to go along with my programming anymore.

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You really hit the nail on the head with this.

And the bit about their ethics? it is true, and chilling.

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I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this. But it is very interesting if it is true. It's written with an aire of authenticity, but I've seen nothing to corroborate it from a source I'd describe as credible to others. Nonetheless I share it here. If true, it would be even more chilling. It fits with the ethics I describe the perpetrators hold. For your consideration, entertainment or edification.


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Sage Hana here on substack has been treating us to the Day tapes...agree with you...if true, very chilling. No one can vouch for its authenticity...

Lately, I think it is how you live with ambiguity (real? Not real? what?)that matters...because if you are a thinking human being...it is difficult, but something we need to do.

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Kudos to Mark Crispin Miller and CJ Hopkins for their heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links. RejectDigitalEnslavement.com


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.


There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!

















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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I only have one comment for this outstanding piece by Mark; when the fake kidnapping of Gov Whitmer of Michigan happened, it reminded me of a short story by O'Henry, called "The Ransom of Red Chief," in which, two losers kidnap a young boy for ransom, only to discover he is the world's worst brat, and in the end, they are happy to let him go without any ransom just to be rid of him.

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Actually, an actual kidnapping never occurred, these were allegations of conspiracy to do so which, we now know, we’re phony entrapment schemes.

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yes I know but at the time when it was being reported, that's what I thought of because who would want to kidnap her she is so vile.

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Jun 17, 2023
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Yes that is true, she did write that. I read it that a kidnapping actually did occur so I figured a clarification would help.

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The bio-fascist cult of caring reminds me of my car dash screen notifying me "911 Assist Cannot Find Your Phone".

That's a tricky way to say we can't track you. We know TPTB do not care about our safety or well-being.

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WOW! Now that’s some amazing and impressive perception! Kudos to you.

Me, even at a very young age if felt the TV was evil, so tuning out was easy for me.

When my husband passed (2020) unexpectedly, the first thing I did was cancel all cable and streaming. He was addicted to the damn idiot box and it did make things definitely hard to live in the same house together.

I miss him dearly but am so glad he is not here for this shit show, as I know he would have fallen for all of it. His brain was mush from too much TV.

I take care of some seniors, who too, are sucked into that evil matrix, so conversations are a challenge these days. When I try to tell them the real truth, I get those hilarious eye rolls and am called a conspiracy theorist, lol 😂.

It’s funny you mention the weather, I do check it daily to plan my days, it’s always wrong and the info on there is 100% pure propaganda. So, you know it’s bad when they’ve bastardized the weather!

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MCM nails it once again.

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Outstanding essay, Mark! How do we stop this is indeed the question that needs answers. I think a lot of things like this started when Bush signed the patriot act and so many people responded with, "I have nothing to hide so why should I care that the government just nullified the Constitution?" I don’t know if protests would have worked after they ignored tens of millions of people who protested against the Iraq War.

In case you haven’t seen this video about how corruption is legal and that nothing we do changes anything, watch it and see how true this is. I wish I had some answers for how we take control of the government, but the only thing I can come up with is a general strike where everyone who can just stops going to work. Or a general boycott of things that hurt the PTB’S profits.


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That is the Nazi MO.

And Communist MO.

Accuse the other side of what you are doing!

Keeps a large portion of the population confused and or misguided.

Wake Up People!

Do Not Comply!

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That's a feature of all war propaganda, including that used in political campaigns.

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New record for clowns in a car incoming.

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Deliberate obtuseness in the face of irony is one of the many little tools they use. I had the idea of drawing a swastika on my mask, back in the day, but I shied away from it, fearing this. Even today I worry about someone seeing WIlliam Shirer’s book on my shelf, with its bold, black swastika. This is the essence of a kangaroo court. “Look--he has a book with a swastika on it. He must be evil.” As opposed to, “Look at me, I’m wearing a mask. I am therefore a good person.” Jordan Peterson would call this latter claim a violation of the third (?) commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain;” that is, portraying your simple actions, such as mask-wearing, as virtuous.

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Joe Rogan interviews RFK.

Over 3 hours but worth it.

RFK is impressive.

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Pro Tip:

Mock Them.

That Is The Second Rule

In Beating Them.

The First Rule Being

Never Make Allowances For Them.


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b) "the prosecutor and his staff may not be as dimwitted as their accusation makes them look. They may know perfectly well that Hopkins’ book is actually the opposite of Nazi propaganda" check.

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The way things are going that blinding flash of light can't come quickly enough as far as I and many others are concerned.

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I've Come To The Conclusion

Ex Post Facto

That The Vaccinated People

Are Exactly The People

That I Would Have Wanted To Take It.


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I have often felt and thought that. And then I think of my family and friends who I didn't want to take it. And as that thought cracks my heart open to them, what they've done to themselves, and my prayers they aren't harmed by them as much as I fear, my heart grows wider and I think about the rest of humanity that's just like my family and friends. Who I don't, at the end of the day, wish harm on. So I listen to my better angels and put down those thoughts, and embrace my connection to God, who I pray will help protect my loved ones, knowing he forgives me for my sins as I must forgive others. Though my heart isn't quite open enough to forgive the actual perpetrators, just the ignorant and oblivious.

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What Was Mao.

Is What Is Now.


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Only if we Allow.

We can choose to follow the Tao.


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You Need An Ideology.

To Fight An Ideology.

Work It.


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Kind of the point I shared in an earlier reply to Mark, will share again here:

Article from October, 2019 about standing up to an authoritarian regime. Written by an author who had Pres. Trump in mind as the possible authoritarian, but the same concept applies to any authoritarianism:


"Few will fight Gilead after carefully weighing up the consequences – after all, the most likely outcome is failure and obliteration.

What drives forward fights against an oppressive society is a rival vision – a vision of equality, liberty and justice, and a sense that these should be defended, whatever the consequences."

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Their Own Government

Used Their Own Minds Against Them.

If You Are Not More Vigilant

Your Own Government

Is Going To Use Them

Against You.


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We don't win without them. The battlefield is the MINDSPACE, as the UK's program designates. In an Information War. We have a very short period of time remaining before what you share becomes our shared reality. And if we are to learn from history now would be the time to do so. Their minds are only won back with love. Not hate. Not isolation. Not division. And Faith in God. A human without faith in God worships government. With the same religious fervor of the evangelized for the causes of government, even as they suddenly change. And change again. There's no hidey hole, no doomsday survivalist camp that will be safe from eyes in the sky that can see every square inch of the planet. We have to win their minds. With our humanity. And God's grace. Now. Today. How many minds have you tried to reach today? Through their hearts?

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Surely more accurately and appropriately put: That the voluntarily vaccinated people. Though, even this, fails to duly mitigate for the pervasive propaganda and resultant loss of informed consent.

Whilst I get your point, I would limit to those who sought to force others to get vaccinated. Which, is all too large a sub-group of 'The Vaccinated People' for comfort.

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Jun 17, 2023
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Dude! Bingo.

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You Need An Ideology.

To Fight An Ideology.

Work It.


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