They're just spreading the wealth around. Big Pharma made billions, and now the murder stocks like Ratheon and Lockheed Martin get their turn at the table. They are up about forty percent. A writer in the Daily Mail was ecstatic about the economic gains. I really like the financial blog www.zensecondlifeblogspot.com - he says the world is at peak idiocy and it's difficult to disagree with him.

Maybe the U.S., China and Russia aren't really enemies. Perhaps it's more like TV wrestling where they only pretend, and invade various countries to use up the weapons so they can build more. It's interesting that they never attack each other.

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That zen link died.

I agree Gwalhir about the globalists. States and nationalism are fun tools to them.

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Thanks Mark. I came to you from The Delingpod. I like to write cynical poems to get the funk out of my system and this made me think of one I wrote a month ago.


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Good stuff! I'll add it to the post.

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Wow. Thats the last thing I expected. High praise indeed. Thanks again

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First Divide & Conquer; then Bread & Circus; finally the nation declines & fails.

We are hanging out in the Bread & Circus phase; our choices are a reuniting of a supermajority or the collapse of our Constitutional Democratic Republic.

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People with nose cones looking like death and taking the needle. That is still happening. That’s a good template for destroying hearts and minds.

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Ha, nose cones! God they're hideous. "What crazy snot wrap can we get these tiny little sheep to wear next? Everybody think. THINK"

(Intern in back) "Um, I have one: It's kind of a cone shape, if it was orange you'd think their face was fresh asphalt".

"You're fired! That's a bridge too far!"

"Bridge... too far..? How do we let motorists know if a bridge is impassable? Cones. I bet if we stay away from orange the sheep won't balk". Cut to: a sea of N95's on their little sheep faces and the intern wins the 50 buck bet. Happy Ending! Psyche, it's anything but happy. It is So. Fucking. Pathetic.

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Hilarious. I have thought that for ages. There's a group sitting in a room. Baseball hats. T shirts. Throwing crumpled potatoe chip bags around.

Two feet. No, three feet.

No - six feet - come on dude.

No one will fall for six feet bro........

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Have a word with Alex Berenson. These people are court jesters. Nothing more.

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Totally agree. Mr Miller do you read Berenson? I don't understand his logic. Is he saying all of the videos showing the Azov admitting to being Nazis are lies or propaganda, it just doesn't make sense to me?

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Is that what he's saying? I stopped reading him when he started claiming that Ivermectin doesn't work. Once a Timesman, always a Timesman.

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His attacks on Iver make no sense. I'm not an incredibly intelligent person nor do I have time in my life for immense amounts of research, I can't stand the right/left back and forth nonsense. We are all people, and we as a people are being misled by both sides of our government and the media. I don't know how to spot propaganda like you and other professionals and since I don't trust media I rely on people such as yourself and other alt media and hope that the info that I'm consuming is accurate. I want to be a decent human and I want to have truth in my life, that is getting harder to come by. Please keep fighting the good fight.

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I'll have to check out your stuff

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Berenson is a joke.

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I subscribe to Alex B. I support Ivermectin and I've used it too and as far as Alex B, I say don't shoot the messenger...he puts up studies...so you can make up your own mind. For every negative Ivermectin study there are many more that prove it works .

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I red Greenwald post and wow guys, the war is on. Russia Ukraine is nothing confronting what's happening in US press and online media.

You've grown a new race here in America and exported all over the world:

The super trained neo nazi media guys/girls that don't use real weapons, but weapons of mass distraction.

First you did ensure US to have almost the monopoly of online platforms. Google/YouTube, Fakebook/instagram, Twitter, then you started use them as weapons of propaganda against the rest of the world and now even inside US...

Wow guys!! I thought that americans were killing millions of people in traditional wars to export democracy, but now you're killing people by destroying their reputation in a surgical way, like the famous missiles or drones you've been using in marriage ceremonies...

If until today I had a bad idea of US Governments and Agencies and all the criminal acts they have done since WWII, now I've a bad idea of Americans themselves. Sorry!

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The Godfather was great because it exposed the rotten core of crony capitalism as essentially a mafia operation. In his youth he could see clearly for miles but in his dotage he’s befogged like many another weakened mind. Same as Neil Young. I’m only middle aged and trying to forgive them their addled state of mind that comes with senility.

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I see. I guess I’ve never looked to him for that information since I’ve been finding facts from all the obvious sources of Covid and vaccine reality. I think it’s fair to say that anyone reading his reporting learns how the corporate media and governments are twisting reality and making up “facts.” That’s valuable.

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Thats why I unsubscribed to Alex Berenson’s substack. He sets himself up as the COVID reality guru then promotes the Pfizer pill. With Greenwald it’s different. I’m not going to stop reading him because of your view. I don’t share it in this case. We need refutation of official lies in various quarters. If someone helps you to identify those lies that knowledge will help you in defining other lies. It seems to

Me that’s what MCM does in his classes.

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Here is the correct address for the no-bullshit financial writer I like:


And I hope you are all reading C.J. Hopkins at Consent Factory.

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I do wonder if that firmament of “stars” means as much to the rising generation as it did to me back in the 70s i.e. that “Golden Time” of affluence when you could really believe there was such a thing as a “Left” that actually gave a shit about you and not just a plastic counter to voice trivial grouches.

Certainly the young ones of today are growing up in an increasingly brutalised and deprived world surrounded by clowns trying desperately to distract them with the aforementioned grouches now being applied to utterly phony demographics – or should that be: even more phony demographics? I reckon so. But our current young ones have less security and more fear. They will therefore have less patience for this cardboard crud.

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I see. So are we endorsing Paul Joseph Watson's sophomoric-xenophobic stuff about Ukrainian refugees "really" being a cover for a globalist plot to secrete non-whites into Europe? I just need to keep my bookmark on what's "left" now in the right place, yaknow.

All those dead civilians in Bucha? Crisis actors! Keep the anti-imperialist faith. These are trying times I know.

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All WHAT "dead civilians in Bucha"? Get a grip. If you rely on Reuter/CNN/NYTimes/ WashPost for what you know about that war, you don't know zip about it. Check out Scott Ritter, Col. Doug McGregor, or some other seasoned commentator who actually knows what he's talking about. Russia is NOT slaughtering civilians in Ukraine.

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I suggest you read Larry Johnson at https://sonar21.com as well as Andrei Martyanov at

https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com John Helmer is also quite good. http://johnhelmer.org/

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Hilarious. I’m going to read this again a few times in the later AM. Thanks!!

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Yep. Wait till the ESG scoring system is fully implemented for individuals like it being done to companies. God help those of us who read things on Substack, don’t mask, haven’t gotten the shot, oppose CRT and teaching sexual perversion to young children and recruiting them OR doing all the “right” things but NOT supporting the “right” things enough. We have already seen this.

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Apr 2, 2022·edited Apr 2, 2022Author

Yes. (Too bad he went along with canceling the screening, though.)

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? regarding GG. Just read his most recent substack. It was amazing

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Who is GG?

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Glen Greenwald

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Gregg Greenwald

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Same with Matt Taibbi.

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again, who is GG and which is his substack related blog?

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Yeah, I guess we all missed it..

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Greenwald, still, is the best friend, among journalists, that COVID skeptics and vaccine resisters have, because of his strong outspokenness for freedom of choice and against persecution, coupled with the size of his influence.

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Buckled how?

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I completely agree with you amd I’ve followed greenwald since 2010. It’s beyond depressing

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De Niro should have turned to Coppola and asked, "Are you talkin' to me?"

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DeNiro is an actor playing the part. He is only interested in making that role he is playing look as realistic as possible and people believe the acting. Too bad!

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Did he pulled it at the end? I red his declaration that because their autistic child they choose to show it.

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