Yes. We've noticed

Everything is shrinking..variety..food proguction..supply chains..energy..rights... real estate....

They told us what they are doing. We will own norhing..we will rent everything..and they will own the entire planet and everything on it. Including us. And the genome of us and every living thing.

They told us what the plan was. Did you not believe them? Itsxrigjtbon their web site. What and how. And lately by when.

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It's called shrinkflation. It's a way to raise the price of an item without appearing to, by making that item smaller. It's been going on for years. Bread, chips, cheese, packaged drinks, etc. You can keep the package of a bag of chips the same size, but lower the weight and fill it with air. Instead of a 12 oz package of something you make it 10 oz and keep the package the same size so that most people don't notice that they're getting less for the same price. But, the Fed Reserve still tells us that inflation isn't high enough. Gotta raise rates some more.

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Wrote a comment already explaining this, but just read this one. Spot on.

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It dawned on me today that the hyperinflation just around the corner is stage 2 of destroying small businesses in America. Of course, stage 1 was the scamdemic. Nothing will impact the billionaires...inflation? Say what?

I don't understand (yet) how "Big" Business likes the idea that all their customers are going to Hell in a hand basket. Then, selling to billionaires simplifies everything. You don't have all those "deplorables" polluting your stores.

It's really funny, the thinking going on in D.C. They made McDonalds and Starbucks leave Russia as part of the "sanctions." Russian entrepreneurs took over the stores, hired back the employees who know how to run everything, and are keeping the money at home. Explain to me how sanctions are supposed to destroy the Russian economy.

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The sanctions didn't destroy anything, I think it's beginning to dawn on people. Russia's economy is doing better than ever. Hell I might even move back there one day. At least it's an alternative to Canuckistan where I live now.

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The sanctions backfired on Washington. The scum in the state dept. have no idea what to do next now that the proxy war in Ukraine was a disaster for the Americans. The future lies in Mother Russia.

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Amen, my friend.

It's impressive how the propaganda machine has ramped up to full speed. I expect it to implode any day now. What's worse is that brain parts will soon be spraying around the world as "normie's" brains start exploding.

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Yup, and the masks are back. Have seen several people the last few days wearing a mask while driving... ALONE. Just saw a man riding a bike with a mask but his riding partner wasn´t. Have seen several people walking masked up. These clowns are finished.

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How much narrower can they make toilet paper before it is unusable?

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There are some very good medical journals out there.

The pages are wide and very absorbent.

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Save your dollar bills soon toilet paper will be worth more!! 💸

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probably find out soon enough ;-))

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A spice mix I bought at Costco was replaced with a “premium” spice mix form the same company. Only difference is the premium one lists corn meal as the first ingredient, whereas the old one was only spices.

While weaning my kids off chicken nuggets, we noticed they stopped quality control and all the burned ones, weirdly shaped ones, etc. are now left on the conveyor belt and packaged. One bag was 30% small bits with no chicken in them. Their new thing is to replace some of the chicken with vegetables, I’m sure grown with copious amounts of pesticides. Now they’re “healthy,” but no one talks about how much nutrition is lost just 1 hour from picking many vegetables, especially leafy types. I have 10 raised bed gardens, so we usually have something growing we can eat for nutrition. I feel sad for all the people who bought “emergency seeds”, yet haven’t spent any time learning how to grown them. Practice growing SOMETHING NOW! Not everything will do well every year, plant a few things. You’ll kill some stuff, there will be pests, but you’ll learn and keep getting better.

I don’t buy frozen fries anymore either, they leave the burned and green and rotten potatoes in and mix them all in. My kids now prefer homegrown potatoes as we’ve been doing for the last 3 years. I don’t have an acreage, I live in the suburbs. Almost sweet potato harvest time! Potatoes are MUCH easier than grain crops and you don’t have to have a ton of space to grow them.

I quit watching tv and have been watching gardening YouTube videos and implementing what we watch. Best info I get is from https://www.thesurvivalgardener.com

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Oh THANK YOU! Great tip on the utube video.

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"Have you noticed that they're (quietly, and slowly) taking everything away?"

What you're looking at is a food shortage.

A massive food shortage.


When people get told of food shortages, they naively think of 'empty shelves'.

I always have to correct them. There's never an empty shelf during a food shortage (this is not to be confused with a famine).

Instead you will find supermarkets perfectly stocked... with food you cannot ever afford.

*That* is what a food shortage looks like.

Shelves brimming with food you cannot afford.

Because supply and demand dictate price.

Low supply and high demand means high price.

Companies don't want to 'jack up' the price, so instead they hand out smaller and smaller portions.

We have a term for this too (no, not "shrinkflation", dumb term): RATIONING.

Food prices go up.

Rationing comes into effect.

Those with the fat wads of cash can buy food on the proverbial black market (of overpriced imported goods).

What you're seeing is a food shortage.

Here's another thing to look for friend: look for diminishing diversity in products.

As companies look to cut back losses, they will simplify their products on offer.

Fewer flavours, less choice.


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They say that Hope is happiness;

But genuine Love must prize the past,

And Memory wakes the thoughts that bless:

They rose the first–they set the last;

And all that Memory loves the most

Was once our only Hope to be,

And all that Hope adored and lost

Hath melted into Memory.

Alas it is delusion all:

The future cheats us from afar,

Nor can we be what we recall,

Nor dare we think on what we are.

—Lord Byron

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Jerry is right. I bought a loaf of excellent, but very expensive, gluten-free organic bread that I've been buying for years and immediately noticed the slices are smaller. It is even more noticeable when i put the bread in my toaster.

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Property taxes keep going up.

Co-payments on doctor visits too.

Medicare payments to providers seem to be decreasing.

Highways, even Interstate Highways, are deteriorating.

Woe is us.

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Yes! The property tax in Youngstown, Ohio, is supposed to go up 38%. "They" really want to make sure that no one can afford a home!

The roads are definitely another sore point: We have roads that should be repaved, but instead "they" have decided we need bike lanes and round-a-bouts. There are petitions in our community to stop it, but not sure what good they will do...

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Those bike lanes wipe out the parking, too.

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They're doing the same where I live in Boston.

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My mother is in hospice, experiencing end of life dementia. I just got the Medicare summary for the last 3 months of her care. For any regular care she needed pre-hospice, Medicare bargained the contracted price down, in some cases, to a quarter of the ask. And the asking price was already modest. But once hospice started, I see they have much higher asking prices, Even for things like regular exams or visits, and Medicare pays them their full ask. Here in the United States, hospice is the closest thing we have in my state (Massachusetts) to euthanasia. Medicare is definitely incentivizing ($$( death care over healthcare.

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I went through the same with my late mother.

I agree about hospice.

I wish I had had access to heroin instead of morphine.

My best wishes to you and your family.

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Have you noticed that they are also adding more poisons in outer food as well?

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That’s the only upside you eat less of the processed, poisons high fructose corn syrup, polyethylene glycol PEG , bioengineered grains as noted on your major cereal, brand boxes, nowadays, etc. etc. etc.

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It's called THEFT... uh, I mean, INFLATION!!

Same price but less product!

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Hidden tax

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Not so hidden anymore, if it ever was. They count on ignorance. Inflation has always been used to transfer money back to the "Bankers".

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To the main illustration — gluten free bread, and I would add products in general — this is a major scam. It's a captive audience, for those who take their diet seriously (all celiacs must, or it's 12 hours on the shitter). The upcharge from regular bread to gluten free can be 25% of the cost of the sandwich or burger. Then you might have to ask them not to contaminate it on the grill (by placing it where gluten buns are toasted), though you would most likely find out the hard way.

Then everything is small. You can eat most sandwiches made on GF bread in four bites. That is, if you're inclined to eat it; much of what is galled "gluten free bread" would get a low quality rating as a dog biscuit.

Gluten free pizza can be $20 for the same weight of what in regular pizza would go for $10. And then it's baked in the same oven.

Much that is called "gluten free" on menus (such as in Mexican places, the worst) is run through a deep fryer where chicken nuggets, coated wings and snotballs (breaded fried cheese) are cooked, so the claim is fraudulent.

In one restaurant, the challenge of finding something gluten free besides plain lettuce went on so long the manager came up. When I asked him why they didn't have a gluten free deep fryer, he said it was the cost of operation. I did the math; a 1,000 watt fryer (typical) run for 10 hours would cost $2.20 to operate (where electricity is high-cost, such as in New York where I live). That's the cost of ONE gluten free toast upcharge.

I could go on.

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Wow, ignorant and woke mgrs as well

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See also: toilet paper math and the incredible shrinking orange juice bottle. Just admit you're charging me more for the same amount. I hate having to buy three bottles at once.

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Amazon is AWESOME right now. You can buy almost ANYTHING and have it delivered to your front door in less than 24 hours.

That's now. What a great way to get us hooked on Amazon while our mom and pop stores (or even corporate markets, drug stores, hardware and furniture stores etc.) methodically go out of business. Soon, Amazon will be the ONLY place to carry what you want.

What do you think will happen next? Amazon will start charging for delivery, it will likely not come quickly, prices will sky-rocket and it will cut its product choices by 90%. But it will be your only choice by then.

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"You will own nothing and you will be happy."

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I am more disturbed that Jerry is eating white bread and processed cheese. There is nothing in those two substances that will help his gut flora.

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Really? You care more about Jerry Newfield's gut flora than about the ongoing devastation of the world economy?

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

I didn't say that Mark. The problem with society, especially in the US and UK, is that they have become dependent upon processed garbage for sustenance. Hence the chronic illness, obesity and general "dumbing down" of the population. And this is being done with the full co-operation of the health and food authorities. Then throw in the immunotherapeutic toxin and voila! What a sad and sorry state of affairs. Just as an aside, I am 66 years of age, do not have a doctor and have been prescribed drugs about 10 times in my lifetime. Mainly antibiotics.

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As for the world economy, what did the respective governments think was going to happen when they started splashing insane amounts of printed money around? Mainly to people and organisations who did not need it. Whoever controls your government is the problem, not a company maximising their profits by cutting back on quantity and quality. Make your own bread or find another product.

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And lockdowns 🤦

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