I feel like a high percentage of people are completely gaslighted. I was approached in my semi-rural local grocery store by a masked lady in her seventies. I’m in my sixties and on oxygen. She chastised me for not masking, considering the “risks.” “I’m not afraid of monkey pox,” I chuckled. “I am,” she said emphatically from behind her muzzle. “Really?” I said. “You go to a lot of gay raves?” I have no idea if my remark hit the target because what can you tell about someone so thoroughly propagandized that they’re wearing masks thinking it will “save them” from each successive announced and pre-planned sickness?? We are living in a time of madness, perhaps induced by the strangeness of the events with which “normal” people are bombarded. Killers of little children and groomers of little children hiding inside elementary schools and Disneyland. UFOs are admitted to, but no one cares. What’s a bunch of shiny objects in the sky now, after the unthinkable-ness of the past two years? The aliens could come like Han Solo in drag, tap dancing and nothing could top the spectacle of a drag queen dressed up as a health officer or a president getting an injection while sitting on a theatrical set of his own office. When the Russkies march down Constitution Ave, will anyone even blink?

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My local council in South West Scotland now has people employed to go round sticking up posters with such vitally useful directives as "Keep your area clean" and "Remember to wash your hands". I am expecting "Remember to wipe your arse" and "When you breathe in, don't forget to breathe out". The obvious drive to flush as much money down the drain as possible continues.

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Remember Wee Krankie wants to be seen as 'Scotland's Mammy' (I'm in Edinburgh).

The wonderful Neil Oliver is very good on this. This is one of his best 7-minute slots on GB News:


I particularly like the Eric Hoffer quote 'A man is more likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business'.

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It won't be the Russians marching down Constitution Avenue. It will be the Chinese and we damn well better pay attention.

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We have always been at war with Eastasia.

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No. Eastasia are allies. We have always been at war with Eurasia.

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Always reminds me of the Orphan Trains. Why are they so desperate to get rid of us? Before the food runs out?

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I would be so much happier if Russia would take over killafornia. what a great idea. Then I can call it California again

. Russian River. Sebastopol. These are Russian names.

I guess you are right . Russia invaded my state, and I welcome the takeover of the government of killafornia by more sane rational entities, and as a bonus, I never want to see a yelller and blue fucking flag ever again.

There's one hanging in the Mark Hopkins hotel right now. puke

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Long live the State of Jefferson.

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🙌 Secede! Make it real and true!

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Thank you for posting the video. Maybe this well help renew interest in the truth, and better yet move more people away from YouTube and toward freedom platforms.

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On the role and use of history for propaganda check out History as Mystery by Michael Parenti.

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Commies change vocabulary and history.

When they took over Vatican in 1958 , they taught Peter,First pope then skipped 2000 yrars to 1958 on....

If real Popes came up , they denigrated them.

Thus attack esp on pius XII, last Pope. And have "canonized " 75 % of their fake popes, beautified other 25 % 😂

These utter bastards

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They changed Church teaching *, they wanted mass in vernacular to change, change, change...

They set up controlled opposition.

* all an illusion, for they created a new church

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This "John Raymond" bullshit bot software is still quite buggy....

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THIS is why it's important that we know Francis is not Pope


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And I'll tell you what... when people stop calling Francis, "pope" and VATICAN II Church the Catholic Church, I'll stop talking about it.


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Sorry, not a techie. But I imagine it's cute.

Why don't you pretend to be a man and say what's on your mind.

Unborn enough for you?

And why did your dad give you such an effeminate name.

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I knew March 2020 was commies because I had lived it

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How would we like it indeed. This pysop Ukraine proxy war is driving me away from my friends and neighbors even more than covid. Or maybe it's that it's just unbearable coming on the heels of covid. Beam me up scotty.

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Many of us are either old enough or interested enough to remember clearly what the Soviet Union was about and the games they played. Playing copycat, consciously or unconsciously, shows how creatively bankrupt these players really are. That is the playbook they follow!?

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Most Americans haven't any idea who Vicky Nuland is. In fact, they only know vaguely even where Ukraine is thanks to nightly maps of that part of the world used by our arm-chair generals and admirals on television to illustrate their (completely mistaken) analysis of events on the ground there. Surely, the entire war and sanctions circus organized by media in Europe and the US has to rank as one of the biggest snow jobs in human history. Now that events are proving what a mendacious PR farce the Zelenskyy regime really is and always has been, one would expect Western consumers of the propaganda nonsense might at least be embarrassed. But, of course, that would require that they remember what they were thinking and saying yesterday, a herculean task they're clearly incapable of.

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To paraphrase the despicable Victoria Nuland herself - "Fuck the YouTube!"

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Scheerpost reported today that the youtube of the conversation had been restored.

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The sensible side of me says great post.

The shitposter side of me says:

"How would you like it if the Russians did the same thing to the State of California and caused it to secede from our Union?"

- Absolutely based AF.

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What does that have to do w/ Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt deciding who would rule Ukraine?

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You are a very intelligent and admirable man but I don't know what on Earth has gotten into you today. It's a joke dude, relax.

I 100% agree that what the US/West did to Ukraine in 2014 was absolutely horrific. They overthrew a democratically elected government and turned Ukraine into the poorest country in Europe, enriching their chosen oligarchs and raping the country.

This is a great post because you highlighted something I was aware of but never had the original source material before.

The rest was a joke. I know people from California who have permanently left because the state has turned into an authoritarian hell hole. As the famous phrase goes, "as goes California, so goes the Nation".

I am personally helping a couple from California who live in France who are currently housing 23 Ukrainian refugees. I get it. But we can make a joke occasionally can we not?

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California surely has become exactly what you say. It's just that your comment wasn't all that clear.

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Sorry for any misunderstanding. A few years ago I realized that Internet culture was the dominant culture, so I learned the language and memes associated with it.

In doing so, I realized I was missing out on a lot of fun.

As I have stated many times on Substack, I vacillate between pathos and bathos. I can be deadly serious one moment and a memelord the next. I appreciate it might be confusing if you aren't into Internet culture, so I apologize for any confusion.

I seem to be quite appreciated around here though so it is what it is.

Thank you Mark.

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I'm a shitposter too. I gotta dial it in sometimes in these venues as many don't get it. It's worse than trying to do sarcasm over the nets.

I just got a black, black sense of humor and I envy the innocence of those who have not reached this point. Keep on keeping on!

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Please don't dial it in.

You are to proclaim Truth.

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If they don't get it, piss on them.

Beginning of Gospel of Saint John

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It's the stress talking - Walter Solchack.

We are kinda know what is going down

So it's very fraying.

You all are great guys.

I don't ever want an apology... I deserve whatever I get 😁

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Great post John, thanks.

We need to stick together. I never go for anyone on our side except to point out mistakes. I save my rage for the shills and other enemies of human civilization. There is plenty to go around there so best conserve energy. :)

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Btw, my picture is a gorilla. Ai on Facebook actually thought it was me..

But gorilla must better looking

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"Lest we forget", the BBC pushed Maidan with a fury, one of their reporters squealing "But the people of Ukraine want REAL democracy!" And this was how REAL democracy was brought to that country: by overthrowing the legitimately elected government -- a vote that was called fair even by the BBC itself -- and replaced with a regime that could only exist by disenfranchising millions of voters in the East who gave victory to pro-Russian governments time and time again.

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If the Russians took Kommifornia, with the commies still in it and not allowed to leave EVER, I'd be good.

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I actually remember that conversation, or paraphrases from it, at that time when Nuland was handing out cookies in Maiden. She was so cocky and pompous and self assured, but her words were just BS. It was US meddling in a foreign country at its best. The Democrats are to blame for the situation in Ukraine today! They own it! Isn't that right, Obama?

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