It's impossible for me to not consider vaccines related death when a celebrity or anyone else for that matter dies suddenly. It's puts every death into question.

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That's my default thought too.... Mark, in the future you might consider a piece for your Irony Hall of Fame, people who publicly came out for the vaccines and people doing their civic duty to get jabbed (and those who enthusiastically condemned those who didn’t do their civic duty) … people who later died, perhaps from said jab.

From your site and others I can think of several journalists, editors, science journal contributors, medical leaders, academics, scientists and celebrities who would qualify for this list. This would flip the narrative as we all remember all those gloating feature stories about “Covid skeptics” who later died from Covid (at least allegedly).

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We note them when we find them. Feel free to share those examples, and thanks.

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The list is so big by now, it would be a pretty time-consuming project. I'll add it to my list of stories I need to write .... but probably won't.

Here's one I just posted about somewhere else. Everyone talks about the lessons from the Diamond Princess cruise ship (where seven elderly passengers died). This is cited as an example of how the virus really wasn't dangerous to anyone but the elderly and those with serious pre-existing conditions.

I think an even better example is the case study of the outbreak on the USS Teddy Roosevelt aircraft carrier. That ship had 4,500 crew members who lived on top of each other for more than two months. A later antibody study (combined with PCR test results) suggested that 60 percent of the crew had been infected. But only one crew member died from Covid - and he was 44, probably one of the oldest crew members on the ship.

In other words, the infection fatality rate for those under age 44 (about 3,000 crew members) was 0.000 percent.

I also think this virus came on board that ship before it left port on Jan. 17, 2020 (BEFORE the fist official case in America). So I think there's a huge cover-up of that ... and nobody got the other obvious take-away: this virus was/is NOT lethal to healthy young adults and the middle-aged.

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If they had access to early treatment, that 44 year old probably wouldn't have died.

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I would like to find out more details about how and why he died. We never get those details from the press or CDC studies of course.

The CDC, as some probably know, does produce its own (non-peer-reviewed) "studies." A lot of them, in fact. They produced the "Roosevelt study." These studies are all thought to be infallible, but any clever 10th grader could poke holes in all of them.

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When you say one crew member died from "Covid" I would question that. The theory was never properly vetted in the laboratory. First of all the discovery of a "novel" coronavirus was based on ONE case of a man with atypical pneumonia in China (given the level of pollution in China, "atypical" is normal).

A proper study must involve HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of subjects with samples examined under the electron microscope. That was not done.

When they take a "sample" from a supposedly infected person and mix it in a tissue culture in a petri dish, that culture is contaminated with other toxic ingredients (antibiotics to name one for example). In other words the virus in the sample is not isolated.

Their theory is that the sample from the infected person is causing a cytopathic effect (cell death). Even if you believe that, no proper CONTROLS are conducted to compare a tissue culture WITHOUT the sample of the supposedly infected person.

Without a control, you cannot see whether the "infected" sample is the cause of the purported cell death. If we see the same cell death WITHOUT the "infected" sample, then the entire theory that "Covid" is the cause of the illness would be shot to hell.

For the best understanding of the problems with the viral theory, check out ViroLIEgy Newsletter at https://mikestone.substack.com/. This is a wonderful newsletter which really goes into detail explaining the fallacy of virology and its deceptive theories.

Sick of being accused of asymptomatic transmission? No contagion here. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song I’M NO SUPERSPREADER: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/im-no-superspreader

A song about the fraud of Virology. Listen to THE DISH. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-dish.

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"I also think this virus came on board that ship"

For me, it's enough that you think that there is a killer plague virus. Wake up already.

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Or the other possibility is that there is no virus therefore, nothing to "catch". Antibody tests and PCR tests are both useless. Antibodies are non specific and PCR as a diagnostic test is a complete fraud. Those on cruise ships had to be jabbed to get on board. That is most likely the cause of death, not any virus.

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What I like about what you do, Mark, is the counter narrative of the obscenely over attributed Covid deaths. Too many were said to have died of Covid in order to set the stage for the experimental jabs campaign. And social media was rampant with indignant fans blaming Covid and lack of vaccination as the reason their favorite celebrity died. Keep up the good work. Very necessary to bring out the real danger of using the human race as lab rats.

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Maybe we need a meter, the younger, the higher the value. Bieber comes to mind.

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Same, my small group who are wide awake question every single death ☠️ . I pray that future will hold those responsible accountable and those who suffered ... families, friends ... some solace.

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Me too.

After a fair trial, then THIS:

"Thanks for making us a 'vaccine' ... We made you a 'play swing' "


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Exactly so.

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“In any case, I don’t accept, and cannot tolerate, the breezy view, which some have offered in their comments here, that “sudden deaths” of those beyond a certain age don’t matter—a position that smells strongly of the same eugenicist world-view that’s lately become inescapable in Canada and many other places bluntly pushing euthanasia. Once we accept the view that such-and-such an age is old enough, we’ve yielded yet another scruple in the ongoing drive to make us all collaborators in the global war against humanity.” <- Thank you, Mark! I am of this same mindset.

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Precisely. Prolife...no matter the age. A person's dignity and worth is not dependent on age or stage in life. We all have self-worth simply because we are created. Alive.

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Indeed! We had an elderly death in the family recently. She was 92 and had recently had a booster. She had complained to me about some weird symptoms on the DAY she died, but they didn’t seem urgent (weren’t heart/breathing related, etc.).

I had some trepidation about leaving her, but knew my young son would be home to her soon (he lived with her while attending university near where she lived).

When he arrived, she was gone. I had no idea; nor, did anyone else, until our son showed up unexpectedly at around 8:45pm weeping uncontrollably.

She was extremely healthy, still active, and her mind was as sharp as it had ever been. I KNOW it was that evil death shot. She was slain by that shot and it was not her time, despite her age.

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"... She was extremely healthy, still active, and her mind was as sharp as it had ever been. I KNOW it was that evil death shot. She was slain by that shot and it was not her time, despite her age."

Such knowledge can be almost unbearable sometimes. I am so very sorry for your loss, Samantha. 🙏 💔

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Thank you so much. This was back in November 2022 and we all still miss her every single day. Your sweet words help so much.

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Very sorry for your loss. My father took booster in April 22, had a sudden severe downturn in his dementia, wound up bed ridden and died just after turning 93. He was in very good condition for his age prior.

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Oh Ernie, I’m so very sorry for your loss. You are in my prayers!

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I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I will pray for you and your family.

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Sorry to say but she obviously was amiss somewhere in her mental/physical well-being because she swallowed the clearly obvious lies about the covid and the jab.

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Plenty of young people did that as well. I was shocked to learn that people like Gavin Newsome (Granted, not the sharpest tool in the shed) has a vax injury and another famous politician as well (can’t remember who off hand) has one too. I would have guessed all these people took saline!

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Plenty of young people did that as well. I was shocked to learn that people like Gavin Newsome (Granted, not the sharpest tool in the shed) has a vax injury and another famous politician as well (can’t remember who off hand) has one too. I would have guessed all these people took saline!

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Sorry for your loss. I too was unsuccessful in warning my family about the so called vaccine. We've suffered adverse effects but no deaths so far

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Was about to do the same as you did... Copy those words right there from above and say thank you.

Ditto for me. I have felt exactly the same and it pushed my own mother over the edge within 6 months. She may still be here if it were not for the hokey pokey and the devastating loneliness of lockdowns. People thought I was crazy when I first mentioned it. I was following too much science to think anything but. All. Of. The. Science.

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May 4, 2023Edited
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Having the elderly die off serves several purposes. First, the government no longer has to pay social security or medicare benefits. Second, it helps to hinder the influence the elderly have on the culture by wiping out the old ways of thinking. It's very evil.

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Absolutely. They have been avoiding the social security issue for decades. This serves their purposes. Shrink the rolls.

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May 5, 2023
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Wow! That looks amazing! Stew is a trailblazer with these issues. I will watch! Thank you for the link!

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One doctor voted against. Amazing.

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I am pretty sure the reason they targeted the elderly people early on was to get rid of paying pensions and retirement benefits. They call us Useless Eaters. These elite parasitic scum are far worse than useless. They are pathetic.

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Look at the charts showing deaths. Such a huge spike in Q1/Q2 of 2021. What a coincidence. All “unvaxxed” of course since that was after the first jab….,

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ohhh I like that. They do call humans useless.

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I am also pretty sure this part of the evil plan.

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I thought that too. I think it was the initial plan and then they just continued downward in age groups.

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Yes, absolutely. I received 5 letters from the British NHS, telling me to get "my" jab which was waiting for me. I ignored them all. No further letters about "boosters" or anything. The evidence that it was all nefarious was and still is EVERWHERE! Why are so many deaf to it! 100 years of respiratory medicine - proven and commonly applied medical facts/working principles were turned on their heads - 180 degrees, upside down and yet only about 5% of the British saw it.

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It is understandable that people like Lightfoot, whose music I loved, got the jabs because they wanted to perform. In a bio I read 2 days ago, it is clear that he still wanted to tour soon, and had no idea at all of giving up. The article also stated he did all he could to preserve his health, gave up drinking and gave up smoking. Every death matters. Even the death by injection of an 80+

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Yet they are still recommended for seniors across the board even by professionals who think they could be potentially dangerous for everyone else. What kind of thinking is that?

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Perverted "thinking."

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money money. if you get paid large amounts for pushing poison and you have no conscience, you just keep on going. I cannot believe a doctor who cares, would still give them. A doc hereabouts who is otherwise a pill pusher, stopped promoting the jabs after one booster. They probably found out... which they should have from the get-go if they had read the 9 pages of adverse reactions on the pfizer website (like I did, and I have no med education at all)

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It isn't thinking; its behavioral engineering.

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Exactly. A type of limited hangout I suppose.

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Perhaps a flag in front of my house will go up:

Every Death Matters.

In orange, you know, for effect. Sigh.

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I expect there might be several flags on each block if people would tell the outside world know what happened to their loved one by placing some sort of flag out front or in the window ... one flag to mark each murder.

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How many people, whose loved ones died, are in total denial that it could be possibly related to the shot, though??

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That’s actually a good idea. At least a sign in the window. How many connected to that household.

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My late husband died at age 90 in January 2017. He had a stroke of sorts (I never took him to the hospital) in Nov. 2015. He had been healthy and vibrant, despite some cardiovascular issues that eventually did him in. So yes, I see age 84 as too young to die, particularly since Gordon Lightfoot was planning to be on tour!! When someone is nearing the end of their life, their health starts to fade in the normal course of events. I saw this with numerous of my husband’s colleagues: they would have never planned a tour or anything grueling like that in their last year or so of life. So yes, the Covid jab accelerated Gordon Lightfoot’s demise. As well as the demise of Jerry Springer and many others. They probably had another decade or two left in them if they hadn’t taken the jab. Thanks for this post, Mark. It certainly resonated with me!

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I agree completely! People start to check out a bit as their time approaches and these people are not doing this.

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Betty White got boosted and had two strokes that proved fatal a couple weeks later, shortly before her 100th birthday, which she and the world had been looking forward to celebrating.

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Well said.

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Thank god my 106 year old grandma is a Trueblood. Had Covid twice and she is fine. Somehow my jabbed Aunt decided against it as her caretaker because there was no data for that age group

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My elderly husband listened to the propaganda and got 2 shots. Oh yes, no side effects... He was a healthy strong-as-an-ox turned 87 y.o this year when he passed away. His cardiac med bill was clear in 2021. In February he had arythmia after he passed the snowblower (oh yes he still did that). Turns out at the emergency they found a shredded valve on his heart and damage, like sclerosis on both his lungs. He caught a bad bug in his lungs during his stay and never made it back home. He died of old age right? most of his folks got to be a century old. Strangely, at his funeral, we had Gordon Lightfoot music play, he loved Gordon's music. Another one not making the victim chart.

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So sorry to hear, Sophie. I've watched my 90-year-old mother, whose mind was clear and fine a year ago though she was slowing a bit, completely change into an angry bitter child whose mind is mush. It's heartbreaking and maddening as two of my vaxxed libtard sisters got her to take the bioweapon shots she never wanted.

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So sorry.

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This is so sad... YOU know the truth for your mom. I have an aunt, 94, completely sound and healthy that, the minute she got the 1st shot, started crazy arythmia and passed away a few days later. Silence and condolescences from the family. Theses "medical coincidences" are maddening! . I'm sure we are being reasonable to accept that yes, older folks can suffer from dementia and pass away at some point, but this vax carnage has passed under the radar big time.

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Sophie that’s so sad. It must have been stressful having him feel the jabs would keep him safe and you having valid skepticism.

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My sermons were not enough to keep him away from this stuff... At the hospital they asked him twice if he was jabbed, both times he answered "yes, and I regret it"...

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My thoughts are with you.

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My great grandfather lived to be a little over 100, but I only remembered him as an old man.

However, he did so much, and wasn't always old, and as he said at the wnd, useless. At his funeral, there were two large pictures of him next to the casket. One, when he was an 18 yearold in his Army uniform while in France for WW1, the other when he was working as a fire captain in the 1950s.

In my will, I am going to add a stipulation that there is a photo of me as a young man next to the coffin, because that first picture of Lightfoot is awesome, and the one where he is being killed, I mean vaccinated, is just sad.

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I agree many would be alive if they had not gotten vaccinated. My Mom, my Aunt, three cousins, countless friends. What about Betty White I could go on over and over. I check msn.com each day and as I scroll through there are at least 2 or 3 deaths reported daily, today there is 5!....Petr Klima age 58, Tori Bowie age 32, Jordan Blake age 36, Calvin Davis age 51, Linda Lewis age 72. If you have taken the vaccine....please get a hold of the supplements that help clear the body of the spike protein. It might help...although I believe most of the sudden deaths are due to damage to the heart caused by the vaccine. May they all rest in peace.

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CBD oil Helps.

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Oops the link in this reply points to the Canadian site...the US site listed 5 today!

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Am I the only one who finds it hard to believe that someone as prominent as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip would not have been clued in on the dangers of the "vaccines" and if they received any, would have received saline or something like that? ( I don't know what to believe anymore, about the super-elite)

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I would suggest (tentatively, of course) that Charles was impatient, as were his supporters in the WEF.

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I agree completely and have always counted Elizabeth and Phillip in my mental tally.

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Wouldn't be the first time. According to the Enclyclopedia Britannica George V was injected with cocaine and morphine to speed his death.

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I dunno, Danni. The father of the vaccine scam Edward Jenner, got English blue bloods to take the witches brew mixes he made to "vaccinate" for smallpox. Lots of them died, btw. Royals are typically retarded, inbred, intellectually lazy. The only thing most know how to do is drink adrenochrome, hate the rabble, treat the help with just enough respect so as not to have their food boogerized or poisoned.

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“Boogerized”. For some reason this made my day amongst all the crap

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Even the elites are expendable at a certain point. That's why they have that scowl on their faces. No one is safe. Hahaha

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They may not keep Charley around once the NWO gets under way. Horrible as the royals are, Buckingham Palace is a British landmark. All part of that national culture the globalists are determined to erase.

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Tragic and it has put a lot of fear into the music business. Musicians tend to be highly social and cooperative folks - unfortunately among the last to question such a diabolical policy.

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As a former professional musician, I agree with your characterization. I am confident that the majority of musicians with whom I am still in contact gladly got the shots and a few still have the "I got the COVID-19 vaccine #Let'sDoThis" banner on their social media selfies. They are generally political liberals and would have instinctively followed the herd.

For those less inclined, there was also pressure and de facto mandates from promoters, advertisers, and labels (through the entities that control them financially) for artists to get the shots and to promote vaccination. It saddens me that the bands I've followed for years and who are currently engaged in world tours are all injected.

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It is bad in Nashville. Lots of anxiety. But then as people find out it is going to be everywhere. Nobody talks about it much that I can see. I know some that quit touring in pandemic years and are unvaccinated.

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musician friends of mine.... in their (small, well-known locally) band all were (gladly and compliantly) vaxxed except the singer, who refused. The guitarist, in his 50s, then had a scary health event (something neurological) which interfered with his ability to play, though he recovered partially, well enough to resume yet noticeably diminished in strong, male driving energy that was an important part of the band's popularity. The singer, during the latter half of 2021, was extremely anxious that the band wouldn't be permitted into any of the venues, due to "vaccine passport" types of restrictions which nearly came into being (until Omicron kind of ruined the party for the tyrannical controllers). They played together for 2022 but the guitarist couldn't continue, and so he retired and that meant the end of this band's run.

I know a good number of people who haven't died suddenly, but who are no longer functioning anywhere near what they were able to do (whatever it was -- music, cognitive, physical energy, etc.) before they got their shots.

It is like the whole world is diminished. Even though things have opened up again and maybe 10% of people are wearing masks (100% in medical offices though).... there is just a pall over everything.

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Agree 100%. There is a pall over everything . Reminds me of the Dylan line (to choose one of many) so many prophetic lines in his work.

"Darkness at the break of noon."

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Please elaborate on this statement: "Lots of anxiety. But then as people find out it is going to be everywhere." Do you mean anxiety from musicians and entertainers who were injected and fear being the next 'sudden and unexpected'?

My sister is going through this. Unknown to me she got the first two in early 2021 at the insistence of her Silicon Valley tech exec husband. Sadly, it wasn't until after the second one that she started doing research (basically reading things that I was sending her). She's following the FLCCC Protocol and trying to live healthy but she's very fearful. At least she talks to me about it.

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No I believe it is going to be everywhere as people wake up in all walks of life.

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Even if the shots are not immediately deadly, one can’t help but wonder if the so called health issues may have been experienced much later, giving these elders a few more years of life.

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results are not good.

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That is what makes them perfect from the evil ones’ perspective. Sometimes the spike is fast and oftentimes the spike is slow acting....Very slow and takes time to do its damage.

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What’s so old about 83? I play ice hockey all winter, three times a week here in Canada with a fellow player who just turned 80 last March. He’ll be back next year to turn 81 (although he’s likely vaxxed, so who knows). Thank you Mark for all you do.

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My mother in law had a stroke about 45 days after her second dose. Unfortunately it only disabled her. Now she is in the care of a nursing home eating soft foods and having to be hoisted to use the restroom. I imagine there are many living this half life thanks to big farma.

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Still under 50. I'm disabled thanks to what Big pHarma did to me nearly thirty years ago. They've been crippling and killing for decades.

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My 80 year old mom had a minor stroke and blamed old age. Then she got boosters and 2 shingles shots. Her family lived well into their 90’s fairly healthy and active. I’m thankful for every day she’s here and still doing well. She had to stop walking daily recently, yet she refuses any supplements. I got her to take nattokinase for 2 weeks & she quit. 3 friends in her park died after the jabs “ peacefully in their sleep “& im the only one questioning it.

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I cant believe how the authorities started bundling all the shots as you say throwing in shingles and flu to boot and people lined right up. We had family members pushing that damn shangle dangle shot at the holidays. That person got shingles from aggravating the virus due to the first cv hokey pokey.

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My mom’s 80 . When she was 50, she had pneumococcal pneumonia and developed sudden adult respiratory distress syndrome. Ever since, she’s held doctors on a pedestal. (She refuses to see how my autoimmune issues are related to a booster shot for work in 2001. I’ve been on disability since 2003. )Her recovery was truly a miracle. I keep praying for 30 years that she sees it was God healing her through the doctors .

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It amazes me how many musicians - when told to "jump" - had only one question - "how high?"

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As an old rocker/punk I am also amazed but there are universal rules. Power corrupts. Greed Corrupts. FEAR corrupts. You get what you pay for?

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RIP to one of my fav singer-songwriters. In the end he wasn't rebel enough to save him self.

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Ain't that the bitter & ironic truth of the matter?!?! I'm still crestfallen at how many of my erstwhile favorite & admired musicians within the Punk genre have themselves proven so easily "punk'd" by this pseudopandemic narrative.

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Eric Clapton a notable exception.

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Van Morrison seemed to reject the plandemic con also.

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He was on to the narrative due to his lyme Dx.

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The Offspring fired their drummer of twenty plus years because his doctor told him he would literally die if he got the jab. Oh well said the band. Adios.

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I remember first listening to The Offspring in early 1990, shortly after their first LP was released. It remains one of my favorite Offspring recordings, along with 1991's "Baghdad" 7" and 1992's "Ignition" which arguably set them down the road to mainstream stardom & success. Pete Parada's firing for refusing this rushed, experimental, and medically unnecessary serum serves as an indelible blot on The Offspring's career.

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Rebel against what?

True rebels against a system don't get rich and famous doing so.

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Nicely put...

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