This makes me think of "Amandla! A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony" (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0303297/), which documents how South Africans used the power of song to bring down Apartheid. That would be a powerful element to incorporate into today's acts of peaceful noncompliance.

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So true. There is no music in the Enemy.

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Indeed. No humor, either.

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And no compassion either

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Mark Crispin Miller, you know that the similarity is truly what is interesting. Vaccinated for what and why? Covid-19 is fiction. The vaccines are for control. Cuba is therefore at least as unfree as Ontario, "Cuba vaccinates children as young as 2 in strategy to reopen schools, economy." CDC FOIA documents reveal no “covid-19” isolated virus in existence

The FOIA request is identified as #21-01075-FOIA.

In other words, the CDC has never isolated and purified any covid-19 virus, period.

The website of Dr. Robert O. Young reveals additional documents showing that the CDC has never isolated and purified the HPV virus, the Measles virus, the MERS virus, the Zika virus or the Polio virus, among others. Mike Adams adds:

* No isolated Certified Reference Materials for “covid-19” virus.

* PCR tests that find “positive” results for covid merely the result of amplified instrument background.

* FDA admits PCR tests were developed without any isolated covid-19 virus samples. So they simulated the virus.

* Virologist Dr. Judy Mikovitz confirms common coronaviruses and monkey viruses fraudulently labeled “covid.”

* Dr. Jane Ruby explains the lack of any viral isolate and why the pandemic is based on coordinated science fraud.

* CDC FOIA documents reveal proof the CDC has never isolated covid-19.

* The spike protein bioweapon is real, and covid “vaccines” are kill shots to achieve depopulation.

* CDC Director Walensky admits the covid vaccine doesn’t stop covid infections.

* Sen. Rand Paul calls for Americans to resist covid tyranny.

Last year when covid skeptics were saying “there’s no such thing as a covid virus,” I strongly disagreed. As a published food scientist, laboratory owner and inventor of two published patents based on mass spectrometry analysis, I was aware that SARS-CoV-2 had been genomically sequenced. Surely, I mistakenly thought, it had been isolated, purified and determined to be the cause of covid-19 sickness.

A year later, it turns out the skeptics were right. And the warnings of people like Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport, David Icke and others were right on the mark.

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China had no isolated virus. The image of a virus is not a virus. The virus could not have been a lab leak since no virus exists.  

Chief epidemiologist of Chinese CDC admitted 'they didn't isolate the virus'   https://youtu.be/pAMfzHPKejg

The CCP isolation data was used to create the spike protein for the vax. This is a big deal.

The claim is they isolated the virus but if you understand what they did it was not purification.

Basically they looked at sputum and got dna fragments and claimed it was the virus. They never took it and made it and made a reinfection.


Last year when covid skeptics were saying "there's no such thing as a covid virus," I strongly disagreed. As a published food scientist, laboratory owner and inventor of two published patents based on mass spectrometry analysis, I was aware that SARS-CoV-2 had been genomically sequenced. Surely, I mistakenly thought, it had been isolated, purified and determined to be the cause of covid-19 sickness. A year later, it turns out the skeptics were right. And the warnings of people like Dr. Thomas Cowan, Sally Fallon, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Jon Rappoport, David Icke and others were right on the mark. (I have since apologized to them all in a public podcast.) How did I come to realize the medical and scientific establishment has fabricated all this? And what's the explanation for the very real sickness that people are experiencing? I'll share that story here, but in short, common cold viruses and monkey virus fragments found in flu shots are being mislabeled "covid," and there is a weaponized spike protein bioweapon that's being distributed via vaccine injections. That's all real. But there's no such thing as a real, physical, isolated covid-19 virus that has been harvested from sick people and shown to infect other people and make them sick. What we're really witnessing here, it now seems, is three distinct things: 1) A cocktail of common cold viruses labeled "covid" which are circulating and causing sickness in some people, most likely because of the lack of immune system exposure to wild type viruses during all the global lockdowns. 2) A weaponized spike protein toxic nanoparticlethat's being injected into people as a "clot shot" ... and it's likely shedding, causing harmful side effects in other, unvaccinated people. 3) A wholly fraudulent PCR "casedemic" scheme that's designed to flag almost anyone as "positive" based almost entirely on how many cycles the PCR sample prep instruments are instructed to carry out, thereby amplifying instrument noise to the point of a "positive" hit. Almost anything can be flagged as "positive," including genetic material fragments from previous years' flu shots. 

 o reference materials, you can't develop a legitimate analysis test. And this is exactly what the FDA admits in its own documents, which state that since covid-19 viruses weren't available for the development of the PCR test, they "simulated" it by using human cells and gene bank coronavirus fragments. From the FDA's own document: Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA ... spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. In other words, they faked the covid virus by using gene bank cells which were deliberately and falsely labeled "covid." This is how the PCR test was developed. The FDA admits it all. The PCR test is a fraud.   Point this means the PCR tests aren't being anything real and physical. Instead, they're relying on downloaded digital libraries.

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Dashing over to the website Playing for Change dot com (If I got that right, from the end credit) to find out more-- because this is magnificent! Eager to know about the inspiration and the back story of the musicians and the production team. And it *is* incredibly beautiful from beginning to end. The transcendent and heartwarming power of music and song comes through in every frame...these are universal joys and hopes. I just love this. Thank you!! P.S. Hablo sólo un poquito del pecado español, sin embargo the English captions are wonderful :) I am either too old or to provincial so I did not know all of the words. Double thank you!!!!

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Same here, have sung along in Spanish to Guantanamera since I was young and even though I am a Gringa y yo habló Español, I never knew what this song meant. Cuban Spanish is a bit trickier for me to understand than the Mexican Spanish I learned growing up on La Frontera! Makes it even better! Thanks for highlighting my evening!

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It's beautiful. With all that you are sharing, it's great that you keep reminding of us of the love and joy and beauty that we are fighting for. That little girl dancing towards the end? Made me cry.

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Moving. Inspirational. Beautiful. There is no more fitting a song for these dark times. A song of love and unity. Share it far and wide!

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Fantastic! Thank you for sharing that 😊

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What a great performance! I know nothing about the Cuban vaccine beyond what you’ve said here, but no vaccine is needed for this disease. Yes, Cuban doctors have helped people all over the world

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I heard the Cuban vaccine does not use the spike protein, but another aspect of virus.

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The song is beautiful

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That brought tears to my eyes. Somehow it reminded me that resistance is its own reward - allowing a joy in life that can't be snuffed out - not even by decade after decade of blockades and sanctions the most powerful and amoral nation on planet earth.

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I have always loved that song, since I was young, and can sing along in Spanish, but I never knew the translation of the words. It makes so much more sense to me now, so many years later!

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Those poor people to be so oppressed. I mean the Canadians of course.

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One of favorite musical performances ever. So very beautiful!

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But...but...but... aren't they communists in Cuba? That means they must be the height of evil, isn't it? Even our great leaders and media call them "a rogue state", which doesn't bow down to the empire, doesn't put profits before human life and doesn't privatize its economy into private hands as the american empire demands (which of course has "god" on its side), and doesn't put "greed and self interest" as its highest values. Do you need any more proof than this that they are evil?

I mean, if they weren't so evil then why else would our great nation attack them nonstop, viciously isolate them from the rest of the world and impose on them the most brutal inhumane starvation blockade for decades and decades which is meant to starve and destroy them (favorite american tactic employed all across the globe against the empire's targets for take over) and allow good God-fearing capitalist americans to take over and show them what real "success" looks like, what real profits look like (murderous american blockade which the entire planet votes against year after year after year and our great nation ignores)

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Good, certainly, that the Cuban vaccine uses established vaccine technology. However, it likely has the same limitation as the flu vaccines. The flu vaccine lowers mortality for one or two specific "influenza" viruses but actually increases the likelihood of mortality for all of the other acute respiratory strains such as rotaviruses, adenoviruses, etc., so it comes out as a wash, with no net lowering of overall mortality rate. (I wish I could find the link to the study I saw.)

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