πŸ’”πŸ˜­, thank you for documenting the unending horror,πŸ˜­πŸ’”

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Feb 2, 2023
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Feb 2, 2023Edited
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Yes, but WE know better. Fear is crippling but knowledge is freeing.

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It must be my imagination, but things seem a lot worse after the clot and neuropathogenic and immune compromising shot was rolled out.

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It's certainly NOT your imagination.

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Nobody ever asked me - but it seems more apparent with each passing harrowing day that one of the goals (if not THE goal) of what looks and feels very much like the end, is to utterly demolish all human memory and to place the conscious and the semi-conscious in a free floating state where the very act of remembering something that really occurred is a forgotten relic of the past. This might be the modern burning of the library of Alexandria about which many have imagined and spoken and written.

I thought recently of "Blade Runner" in which the synthetic entities called replicants recalled childhoods they never had.

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Interesting. While studing Atlantis and Rudolf Steiner, it seems this time in our Epoch is the revisiting of Atlantis with the same characters playing out the same game. Let's intend this time around, we can make a greater impact in our upward evolution. The materializing track will lead to the 8th sphere, trapping souls from their evolutionnary path of spiritualization.

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Thank you. While I've encountered the names you name, I can't say I understand what you offered here - but let's say I aspire to.

Am I truly trapped?

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Read Rudolf Steiner the mystic from the early 1900's. Gigi Young has some good videos explaining the 8th Sphere.

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Nope definitely not your imagination

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hmmm... now that you mention it

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Feb 1, 2023
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Whoah! Like dates have been played with- it is so hard to know.

The worm hole internet is most likely staying busy writing history.

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That MSNBC anchor really baffles me. The common cold? Of course it was the vaccine! What else could it be? She should be spitting mad that she now has a serious heart condition, but instead delivers this lame story like a hostage. When will someone from the establishment grow a spine and denounce these poison jabs? They seem willing to accept all manner of disease and death, and make up the most absurd excuses.

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there is no amount of evidence that will convince these people. they don't even trust their own vision, what unfolds before their very eyes. true believers.

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Feb 1, 2023
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did you see the reaction to damar hamlin? the reaction on the field, i suspect a lot of those guys were terrified they could be next. and the reaction online (twitter etc), absolute freak-out, people losing their minds like hamlin was their childhood hero. sorry but this was a second string rookie, with about 5 minutes of play time prior to the event. sure he is (was) an elite athlete, and sure it was horrible. but that's a new level of hysterics.

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Any "journalists" in the legacy media are so stupid (a requirement for employment), corrupt (a requirement to stay employed), and willfully blind (a requirement to live with themselves, I suppose) that I guess most if not all are beyond hope. Not excusing them, or her, and mentally calculating the supply of lampposts here in NYC, a media capital.

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I’m sure her show is sponsored by Pfizer 😳 and they’ve been β€œreal good” to her and co-anchors! Lots of promotional goodies.

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i hear they're also investing much of their profits to build a nice afterlife for her & her friends.

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Feb 5, 2023
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Oh no, this sounds like the account got hacked

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Understand that a lot of the people you see on TV have taken the injection, some of them are injured, some of them have strokes or die on-screen, or off-screen, but more importantly they are under control of the nanotechnology installed by the shots, which is controllable via EMF.

In an environment with a lot of electromagnetic frequencies (and i would expect a mainstream media studio to fall in that category), if you had these graphene shots, the EMF will excite/activate the graphene, so it's not surprising we see so many presenters die in the same manner, it's like they receive an electroshock. Expecting any common sense from the media is a lost cause.

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Yeah, I understand that one of the purposes of the jabs is to install a method of control, how successful it has been is open to question, although surely many have noticed personality changes in the jabbed.

However, let's not let these presstitutes off so easily. They were shilling with the dial up to 11 at least, right from the beginning, spreading outright lies and hysteria, fear mongering on a level almost unbelievable. That was before they ever had one single nano particle of mRNA injected into themselves.

I consider those in the media on the same level--at the very least--with the lying politicians, bureaucrats like Fauci, the corrupt and conscienceless medical profession, those in academia who casually kill their students for grant money. I just hope there will be enough lampposts to accommodate them if the proper institutions of justice fail in their duty.

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You're right on all these points. Just saying that, the media at large also fell for the psyop that they pushed on the public, on behalf of the puppet masters. Justice is bought, so lampposts, trees, and hemp rope will come in handy.

This might prove to almost be an extinction-level event (for nations with high poison uptake), not only because of the sudden deaths, but because of the cancers and autoimmune diseases. How do you deal with that with a failing healthcare system ?

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It looks like miscarriages and stillbirths can be added to sudden deaths, cancers and autoimmune diseases.

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I read that survival rate after myocarditis is about 50% at 5 years. So half of the young'uns diagnosed with myocarditis will be dead within 5 years. :(((((((((

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Yup, Peter McCullough has discussed that study/statistic. That study was specifically for viral myocarditis, so who knows if outcomes will be better (or worse) for the vaxxed.

Here's a "fact check" with some half truths, basically admits the underlying statistic is accurate. They say, with amusing confidence, "oh that definitely does not apply to the vaccinated", but really we only have the test of time (as if they haven't been deadly enough already):


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Whenever I read about something that says it does not apply to the vaxine or the vaxxed, then I know it definitely applies to the vaxine or the vaxxed.

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I know! Isn't it wonderful how fact checkers have provided us with such a good method of assessing the reliability of an article or claim? As soon as you see a fact checker in the vicinity, you know it's something important and most likely true and accurate.

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Yeah there's no cure at the moment, just things you can take to ease the symptoms.

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One of my husband’s friends had ANOTHER stroke a few weeks ago.

His first was less than a year ago. Both strokes on the same side. His left side. I don’t know if that is a significant factor or not.

The second stroke was much worse. So sad.

Double jabbed and boosted.

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He probably got the first stroke due to initial jabs and second (worse) stroke due to booster(s). So sorry.

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Annie did you get a reply from MCM with a phone number? I think it’s a scam. I got same phone number from MCM and gato malo. I’ve warned them both via text.

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Re: Brevin Galloway

Am I the only one who remembers Nicki Minaj being BLASTED by the legacy media and White House for talking about her friend's severely swollen testicles after the jab?

btw, It is common to get swollen glands (including swollen testicles for men), while fighting off any infection. So EVERY healthcare professional should have immediately identified this gaslighting. But the thing about the jab, you get side effects on steroids.

Re: Peloton woman

"Two days before my best friend’s funeral" ... well isn't THIS a big coincidence, now I need to know what happened to her friend. And is she connecting the dots?

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My brother had same thing happen after two injections last yearβ€” swollen testicles so bad he needed a catheter, diagnosed with thrombocytopenia, and needed 3 blood transfusions. Nicki was CORRECT. .was posting and shouting this everywhere I could at the time because I knew she was right.

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Back in 2021, friend’s 20yo son also had swollen testicles after his first shot. His doctor told him he’d seen this before and the 20yo should get the second shot anyway.

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Criminal incompetence. Literally a criminal that needs to be dealt with if we are to have any justice in this world.

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Reading these comments, I wish that the location of these sufferers was given--esp for Pelotonist and friend--if best friends, likely not living at a distance. Are we looking at hot lots? Another stack did have mention of locations and a reader noticed that lots of the comments were coming from upstate NY--was there a lot issue? Hence my wish.

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This side effect is quite common, there was an NFL player recently who had that.

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"7th graders always had 2 heart arrests"

George Orwell, "2024"

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High school athlete with blood clots. Now there is something there must be some stats on. Do you think these people and their families are just not saying it, or are they just accepting the situation, or they still don't believe the whole vax narrative they bought into is a tripe?

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They are silent into themselves. I’d like righteous anger. Isn’t happening. Yet!

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I would also.

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Feb 1, 2023
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Of WHAT? I mean, if my kid had a stroke or needed a heart transplant, what more is there to fear? I'd be FURIOUS and ready for revenge. Not yelling at you, just yelling.

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Afraid of what’s next

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Right you are.

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Feb 1, 2023
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I get it if its you. But not your kid. I get it if its being BLAMED on you, which usually it is (fat, smoker, genetic predisposition), but not your kid. Maybe I need to be more understanding. People are scared, feel stupid, hoping against hope. And that's a terrible spot to be in. But geez Louise kids dying, stroking out, having heart attacks. Thats just beyond it.

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Life on planet earth, January 2023. Somehow we are absorbing the impossible, I guess.

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We are swimming in the impossible, trying to keep ourselves and loved ones afloat :(((

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We all understand people die, sad as it is... and as you get older like me (mid fifties) you must understand that it seems more common amongst family and friends; BUT and a big but what is happening now - just amongst my family members and local neighbours is utterly mind boggling.

2 young cousins, suddenly hit with epilepsy, aunt and separate Uncle with something (cannot remember what they were diagnosed with) that makes them swell like a balloon and on and on...but with the neighbours and friends - 2 kids in their 20s have committed suicide (something which I have never come across before), but what really gets me is the amount of "sudden" cancer cases that have been diagnosed stage 4 or terminal ... 2 dead already, the other 2 on their way... 1 had been free or in remission for 20 years.. jab - bang.

Guess what ? - their loved ones STILL DO NOT GET THE RUDDY LINK.

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My goodness, so sad.

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After most of those who took the jab are gone, what are β€œThey” going to do to finish off the rest of us? Starvation, famine. Just wondering what’s in store for us in the near future.

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It's possible that because these are "self-spreading" vaccines that enough people were vaxxed to take out the rest of us.

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Also how many people can get this stuff from sexual intercourse with a vax person?

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Bingo, my big fear.

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I assume that it is either death by starvation a la Holodomor/Great Leap forward style and/or replacement by immigrants from 3rd world countries.

Maybe some Nazi Final Solution and/or Soviet Gulag methods where the dissidents are especially annoying. Hopefully I am wrong.

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Dead men sue no one. Which is what Bourla and his fiendish friends are counting on I guess.

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Who knew that with the introduction of eggs to the human diet in 2021 that they would be the root cause of an epidemic of health emergencies and premature deaths? The FDA, however, continues to insist they are safe and delicious.

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I had to quote you on Twitter. That is good stuff.

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I think you've solved it.

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What a crime that the media is not reporting any of this.

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Well, there was a slight rebuttal in a newsfreak op Ed from some aspiring doctor who only cited scAmerica but not the rest of the world Harmacide, as if only US of Arrogance are affected...

An rather limited hang out indeed

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This is why:


It is a crime not to inform people about the known and obvious toxicity and side effects of these injections.

Really, one can't legalize the crime.

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all nano needs to be regulated. even nanoparticles in cosmetics, toothpaste ... they are too small to filter out, they end up in streams and oceans (and in the fish we eat), and they get recirculated in our municipal water and we drink it.

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Is there any hope we have any agency that isn't too thoroughly corrupt to be trusted to do so? As things are going, "regulation" would mean requiring everyone to be injected with them with very severe punishments for being "delinquent".

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well, they're not going to stop voluntarily. it's going to take better laws, better politicians, better agencies.

currently the best (possibly only) option is local. i've been working with my personal doctor and a small group of concerned citizens with our county. we have made significant progress, the "lockdowns" seemed to galvanize and wake up the county commissioners, who revamped the entire health department to avoid mandates. i realize there has been lots of propaganda around the word "regulate". but without laws stopping them, is there any other way Pharma and these other industries will stop poisoning us?

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I'm so glad you have been able to have an effect on the "public health" bureaucracy through the work you're doing.

I'm afraid, though, that my feeling at this point is that it all has to be razed to the ground and the earth metaphorically salted to prevent it from regrowing.

Public health at one point served a real purpose and had enormously positive effects on society through clean water, sewage systems, regulations on housing, improvements in the food supply and other measures of that sort. But now they have teamed up with deadly and corrupt industries--Big Pharma and Big Food--and, it turns out, the Military Industrial Complex to engage in levels of evil beyond anything in history.

I believe everyone in these fields (and that includes the teaching institutions that train these "experts") are too arrogant, corrupt, stupid and willfully blind to be reasoned with. These past three years have radicalized me about the importance of limiting the size of government and especially the size and power of unaccountable agencies and bureaucracies.

How to eliminate them is a conundrum, but one I believe we will ultimately have to face, if they don't kill most of us and destroy our society and country before we can.

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Anytime a new law is written, more corruption is made possible. Just my take.

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Just in the past 12 months, my state:

-Bill prohibiting public bodies from requiring COVID Vaccines, and requires private employers to accept exemptions (medical, religious, conscientious)

-Bill allowing unemployment benefits for individuals fired for not getting COVID-19 vaccine

-Bill states: No governmental entity, school district, or other public institution shall infringe on the fundamental rights of a parent to direct the health care of their child

-Bill prohibits any school from mandating any gene therapy or mRNA injections including Covid vaccines

-Bill prohibiting unvaccinated from being denied organ donation

Lots of people spent a lot of time fighting for these. Are you saying these "regulations" are undue burdens on small business? Opening a door to corruption? We shouldn't be wasting our time?

I dunno, but that argument seems like propaganda. Or an overly broad generalization. Or a justification for laziness. You're aware the other side is trying to push a thousand laws through at this very moment, right? Are we supposed to just buy some guns and wait? Smack the like button on twitter and pretend it's activism? Shut down all the work being done by Children's Health Defense, NVIC, etc?

Not trying to pick a fight, just sincerely curious if this is simply a fatalistic viewpoint, or if there's an alternative action plan.

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Just a few more drops in the bucket.

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