My husband (an engineer/general contractor) was talking to his framing subcontractor yesterday who is not vaccinated. The framer was with his high school aged son in Asheville, NC for a swim meet & during the meet five of the swimmers sunk to the bottom of the pool & had to be rescued. The framer does not know what the health outcomes were for the swimmers as he lives in GA & left right after the meet. A man who has worked at the swim meets for years said he has never seen that happen to even one swimmer previously. The man said he thought this was the result of the vaccines.

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I wish there was a mad button. That’s absolutely horrible.

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Amazing. They've probably got some serious clotting preventing blood flow and so they were unable to keep going.

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Paging Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.

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And, Mark, here is something else we've noticed in these parts (New England): many acquaintances coming down with cold after cold this spring. My son runs a dance school and has not seen anything like this in previous years. The one thing all these sniffle and cough victims have in common? They're all jabbed and boosted. Strangely, they can't seem to make the connection between what I assume is a seriously compromised immune system and recently acquired injections. In my family, we are refuseniks and it's clear to us that something is very wrong in what's going on.

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I have never seen so many colds as I have this winter. But it’s not been isolated to the only the vaxxed. I don’t have any theories but it also stands out as we had only one cold the year before, also very strange.

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Mark - of all the substacks for which I signed up, yours is my favorite as you cover the most important topics. We've known quite a few vaxxx-injured and sudden deaths - all are fascinating. But I want to tell you & your readers about a particular one. Our friend Stephen is a musician. During his usual gig at a local restaurant last month, he stepped outside for his usual break between sets but never returned. He left his briefcase, his wallet with his ID & bank card in the restaurant. After a little while, the restaurant staff went outside to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found. At that point, staff called his relatives to alert them about his disappearance and to see if they had any word from him. Relatives called the hospitals but nothing. At that point, they put word out on social media to our friends about what happened so that if anyone had seen Stephen, to please let them know. Of course I knew exactly what happened - I was positive that Stephen had collapsed from a vaxx injury and went down so suddenly, he hadn't time to make it back into the restaurant. No one except for me believes it was a vax injury. After family filed a police report, police found him in the ICU not under his name but as a John Doe since he had no ID on him , - apparently a passerby had seen the collapsed Stephen and made sure he was taken to the hospital. Family finally took him off life support as he had so many blood clots doctors couldn't do anything more. How do I know he was vaxxed? Because the last time I talked to him, he told me he was -- I was surprised because he had been an old-time leftie who was suspicious of everything government. For every story you post, Mark, there are probably many many more like this one that people don't hear about unless they know the person.

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Ironically, it's the "lefties" that are now full on board with the jabs and the most eager to remove the rights of others if they don't comply with mandates. A complete reversal of the lefties of the 60's. Now, the lefties are embracing Communist China style policies.

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yes -I used to be a leftie. If Stephen wasn't on the "left" he might still be alive today. I tell people that I used to be a leftist until the left tried to kill me.

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My position is that I still am a leftist, but a real one.

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hahaha I think that is Mark's position too.

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I would have expected centrist liberals to fall for the Covid fraud, but not virtually every progressive "influencer" as well. BUT there are and have been all through this farcical nightmare ordinary leftists who have seen exactly what is going on, and as the psychosis wears off, I think many more will come to their senses.

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Dream on....

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I guess they forgot these are the Trump jabs.

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Insurance companies are finding a spike in all-cause mortality concomitant with the vaccine rollout. No, they haven't said that the new vaccines are the cause, but they've been unable to explain it. They are seeing a 30--50% rise over 2020. According to Edward Dowd a 10% rise is a once-in-two-hundred-year occurrence, but this is truly off the charts. No wonder no one in authority will debate the doctors and scientists who have raised the issue of vaccine safety. They wouldn't dare. Steve Kirsch routinely offers a million bucks to anyone wiling to debate his team. No takers...hmm. One needs no proof, surely, that the entire corporate media landscape is polluted by the graveyard fog machines built from scratch by Big Pharma: The fact is: the FDA asked a judge for 75 years to release the Pfizer clinical trial data, AND NOT ONE MAJOR NEWSPAPER COVERED IT. Meanwhile, at nursing homes in the town where I live people are lining up for their FOURTH shots. We shall see how well that works out.

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I keep asking myself, what will the role be of a pureblood like myself, to "keep the machines running" 20 years from now for big industrial hospital systems? A pod in a cage eating the bugs? A dystopian turn indeed

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My thoughts exactly!

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Approximately half of my jabbed friends are experiencing health issues not present pre-jab.

Vertigo, Tinnitus, Electrical Impulses in Extremities, Low Blood Pressure upon standing, to the point of passing out.

2 had racing heartrates & palpitations which ended in ER visits and a hospitalization with a battery of tests. Another friend mentioned a rash across her chest & feared her T Cell Lymphoma was back (said rash looked exactly the same) And a different friend has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis, a Herniated Esophagus, and GI issues.

You will never convince me these issues aren't a result of the experimental BIOWEAPON

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Hmm. Now that you write this, I remember that a fellow at my church, fully jabbed and boosted, told us two weeks ago that he's been diagnosed with.... lymphoma.

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It's really astonishing and sad. Everything the experts I listened to (and still do) said would happen, seems to be coming true.

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And the experts who have made these very accurate predictions have been ridiculed and ostracized. Thinking about it always makes me wonder what is wrong with people? Why are they so willfully blind?

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Same thought here, Laura. On top of all the danger, the jabs don't work. Someone I know recently visited Ireland on a tour where everyone was jabbed. Nine of fourteen traveling with the tour failed the idiotic Biden reentrance test --i. e. they tested positive -- and thus missed their return flight!

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I failed to mention 2 jabbed people who died.

One was 62, he went in for a heart valve replacement and never came out. That one is questionable.

The other was my daughter's BIL, early 40's. Diabetic. Went into ketoacidosis and fell, causing a brain & spinal injury, then died.

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I also failed to mention, one of the irregular heartbeat ER visits resulted in them finding "spots" in her lungs & liver. They are monitoring them to see if they grow bigger.

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It appears that the injections are awakening aggressive cancers.

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Cancers suppressed by the immune system. MRNA shots damage the immune system. After 3 shots about 80% loss of function of immune system. For those who get cancers or reawakened cancers, the cancer suppressing functions have been damaged.

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I obviously don't know many people, or else no killer vials brought onstream around here.

I know some people who are newly strangely sick, falling down, having new weirdo things wrong.

As a depopulation tool, people dropping dead makes sense, but where's the logic in just debilitating so many?

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Debilitated people need big pharma for drug relief.

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I had pointed out to me someone who took his two teenage boys to be injected so that they could play rugby.

Next day one boy dead, other still has heart problems.

I didn't speak to the father as it is all too dreadful.

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Thank you for all your work, Mark. While we can't necessarily prove any one death is attributable to the vaccine, we can definitely see the increase and know that there are many people dying that otherwise wouldn't in a given time frame. I have noticed some of your readers note the instances of "died suddenly " seem to be accelerating over time. I know a few people that "died suddenly " in the last few weeks where the circumstances were highly suspect (I suspect vaccine but don't have a way to confirm). It is disgusting how much of the main stream media, health officials etc. seem to be ignoring it and in many cases are still pushing the vaccine. It makes me sick. I feel like they are trying to gaslight us all into questioning our own observations.

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I personally know 11 people that have died suddenly since last summer- more than half from heart attacks.

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thank you for shedding light on this Mark Crispin Miller ... Most people are not prepared to understand that these "vaccines" (mRNA bioweapons) were meant to depopulate our planet. It's too dark & they prefer to no even fathom that our own government would do this to us.

Once I learned 9/11 was an inside job and saw WTC #7 implode onto itself - and realized the humans jumping out of the WTC towers 1 & 2 was created by W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Mossad, CIA, Saudi's & M19 - I knew then they were capable of anything and worse than what the Nazi's did in Germany. Never underestimate the evil of men and the willingness of others to look the other way. Unfathomable.

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FDR knew Pearl Harber was going to be bombed.

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Yeah,and see how that fact hasn't seen the light of day

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I've been hearing this for 30 years. I had a history teacher even assert the U.S. knew it was going to happen. Has it ever been firmly proven?

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I think I saw on a documentary once that said he only knew a few hours ahead of time, and there was not enough time to do anything. It may or may not be true, but he came up with a lot of ideas that were not good for our county. I always believed he knew, though.

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We ignore the evidence all around us while we wait for "proof"... sigh. This is how we got here.

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Mark, we get together with a group of 7 neighbor couples outside each Friday since shortly after covid began. A couple of months after the initial shots, one had a serious stroke (still recovering) and one fainted and took a hard fall within a day or two of one of the initial shots. Following the boosters that they all got, one ended up with open heart surgery 2 or 3 weeks following, and one had a heart rhythm issue (also 2 to 3 weeks following) that seemed to hit hard for a week or two. Can’t say these were all caused by the vaccine since some have health issues, but seems like too many for some of them not to be.

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I’m a retired nurse and throughout my entire medical career working in critical care and the cardiac cath lab I never saw or heard of so many people having sudden deaths. Healthy people don’t not die for no apparent reason, especially children. Doctors, nurses, respiratory therapist and other medical personnel know this for a fact. Therefore it seems obvious to me that these injections are harming and killing massive amounts of people.

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A Toronto hospital, could have been Sick Kids I forget, took out ads that were plastered on city buses about strokes in children. Totes normal. It's almost as if they know the vaccines cause it yet keep quiet about it. There's something deeply macabre and disturbing about all this.

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Excess deaths--rising and falling with vaccination rates, synchronized with age cohorts (college aged people before the semester), present in every country with a modern health care system, and occurring at rates that exceed chance probability by 1 in a billion--are a virtually indisputable source of evidence. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

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Something is definitely up. My partner was informed in January that her previously healthy mid-40s co-worker had died of a stroke. (The last death at her office of ~500 people was a suicide 5 years ago.)

Then, last week, another co-worker was off for a few days because he had to attend his best friend's funeral -- an apparently healthy guy in his 30s who was, out of nowhere, diagnosed with a rare cancer affecting his spleen.

On top of this, I heard of an acquaintance miscarrying in the second trimester earlier this year -- and yes, she'd received the 'booster' over the Christmas period. These are no longer seeming like coincidences...

Edit: OMG I have just today heard of an acquaintance whose brother was recently diagnosed with advanced-stage testicular cancer at the age of 39! He was previously healthy...

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A good friend of my husband had the following happen to his mother. She developed mild neurological issues after one of the initial shots. Her son suspected that they were caused by the shot.

Then, after the booster, she was feeling ill. She and her husband decided that they would go to the urgent care the following morning if she was still unwell. She was standing in the kitchen, collapsed and died immediately. They believe her death was caused by the vaccine.

Soon after her death, my husband's friend's wife booked a cruise which required a vaccine. He had resisted the vaccine until then. However, after seeing his mother's likely injury and death, he got the vaccine -- for a cruise.

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I second that 'wow.'

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Our state helpfully lists traffic fatality totals every year right in marquees up on the interstates so drivers will hopefully either slow down, stop texting, pay better attention, etc. I’m going to see if they’ve got a site that has the totals posted by year and if there is any odd bump last year compared to previous years. I will also pay attention to totals as they show up for this year.

Will follow up if I find the information.

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Not much to report as a cursory dig yielded up only a very short timeframe. Oddly enough state records only show up from 2018. A few other sites listed info for a single year like 2017.

I was expecting to find multiple lists from various sources with a longer timeframe span. Seems odd for all the pencil pushers & number crunchers to not compile this. I will try at a federal level later and see if those bureaucrats are more thorough.

Total Fatal Crashes 2019: 928

Total Fatal Crashes 2020: 965

Total Fatal Crashes 2021: 1,103

A bump, but not a HUGE one. To be fair, roads are abysmal here. Too few with not enough lanes for the sheer volume of drivers on the road. Poor driving conditions frequently, with LOTS of traffic. Hardly any left turn lanes with green arrows. It’s quite antiquated compared to where we relocated from. There’s a lot of data like this I think must be factored in. I will be very curious to see how much it jumps though once the data for 2022 Is compiled. That could be very telling, as I expect the rate of previously healthy people suddenly struck dead will increase with time. 😞

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The masks were already causing more accidents than usual in 2020. Car & Driver ran a piece on the increase, though of course it didn't mention masking as a possible cause, the hypoxia causing people to pass out at the wheel.

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Journalist Eric Boehlert was tragically killed by a train while biking last night -- very strange. It was in his home town of New Jersey in an area he biked daily. How could that even happen unless he passed out?

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Interesting. Even if he was wearing earbuds or headphones, at night he would have seen the train light.

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Here’s a local principal who died unexpectedly. Heard I it on our local radio with the same “unexpected” wording.

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