How anyone took the shot is very baffling to those who did not.
Like - Dear Shot Takers, Has no one ever lied to you before?
How could you get to the age of 18 without understanding that the media and the government is run by people and people lie? Were you raised in a crawl space?
They also didn't think it weird that some creepy geek like Bill Gates was all of a sudden on tv pushing it like he was the president? And then when Rumpelstiskin (Fauci) showed up instead of running away they called him a sex symbol?
One thing this has done is to make you realize how accurate that IQ bell curve is.
There is a staggering amount of stupid people in this world.
No trouble to grow an economy when you dictate slave labour and harvest organs for sale. The attack on our freedoms is only beginning. If you don't believe Communist regimes are bad, look beyond the mainstream and listen to those whom have escaped it. Why do you think the Chinese people are literally risking their lives to protest? They have had enough.
It's all about public money creation in China vs private Bankster Debt money creation in the West. China, through public banks gives massive loans to develop productive and valuable industry. For example the People's Bank of China will give interest-free or very, very low interest loans to a textile manufacturer to build a giant solar cell or solar panel factory in yuan with an understanding that the loan need never be repaid. So solar factory sells low cost solar panels to US distributors which are bought with US tax$ and US gov't debt. Solar factory returns $US to the PBOC. So effectively the PBOC printed $US interest free, which even the US gov't can't do, funded with US debt. The PBOC returns yuan to the solar panel factory. This creates many high productive jobs and a massive solar supply chain in China. Funded by US debt. They don't do that even in Russia whose Banking system is at least partially under control of big Western Banks.
They also do weird things like build entire cities, called ghost cities, way out in the boonies with hardly anyone living there. There is no profit to developers to build these, without any customers, its all done with interest free government loans that need never be repaid. So a giant industrial supply chain, including highly trained productive workforce is developed, which spills over into the industrial strength of the entire economy.
This is not how the criminals in the West do money creation. They do it with massive interest bearing debt from private banks to create money spent directly on consumers who produce nothing or scam artists who produce worthless solar or wind farms or Institutes of Wokeness, during a pandemic when productive industry and workers are locked down stupidly. And supply chains are totally broken. A recipe for rampart inflation combined with negative economic growth. Insanity except for the criminal Western Banksters who have nefarious motives. Russia is much more in tune with them than China.
US Gov also building out ‘5G connected smart cities’ same way using Chinese suppliers. Los Angeles new LEOTECH Green Cobra LED streetlights is Silicon Valley based subsidiary of LITEON, a Chinese based company which provides comprehensive 5G intelligence solutions:
Almost all debt is not repaid. That's how our monetary system works. Private banks create money, loan it to governments who rarely pay it back. They just pay the interest. You are still paying for the cannons the Confederacy bought in the Civil War.
we call ourselves a democracy, but in actuality we're a kakistocratic oligarchy. the world would be a better place if we lived up to our own hype and became a democratic republic. ps even the Uyghurs (who face greater threats) have more balls than we do...
Not sure I follow. Yes China is worse. Europe and USA are bad, and as we know many leaders in the west want to emulate China. It is a class-based society. There are millions of wealthy Chinese--the ones you see traveling. But there are far more "peasants" who can't travel or even see their children but once a year. Sure every one has a cell phone where all they see and do is under the ever watchful eye of the CCP. They can be jailed for any reason for five years. They can be denied travel. They have it worse . . . But Europe and USA are catching up.
you dont have to go in china to understand what has taken place there.
just take a plane anywhere in the world or walk down in your neighborhood (assuming you are not living in the hills) you will see .... chinese ... dahhhhh
There are 1.4 billion people. 1% is 14 million. Only these 1% people have time and money for travel. 99% of people are poor. Majority of people never travelled abroad. They work hard for living.
I was also skeptical of those videos but now that we're seeing people falling dead flat on their face in much the same way all over the world, I'm inclined to think they may not have been fake after all.
THEY were fake. THESE are real. And the reason why so many people can't see the videos out there now, or believe that the "vaccines" do any harm at all, is because they were so thoroughly traumatized in early 2020.
by those images from China AND the endless fear porn in the media.
Also, note this major difference between then and now: THOSE images were EVERYWHERE throughout the corporate AND "alternative" media. THESE show up on "social media" and Substack posts like mine and Celia Farber's. That difference should tell you everything.
First of all, you are exaggerating about the number of people traumatized by the fear porn. The vast majority of those who got the vax did it because of mandates, to be on the safe side or "do the right thing", not because they were afraid of catching the alleged virus. People didn't question the "vaccine" because the vast majority of them in our societies accept vaccines as necessary and harmless. Second, the fact that images like those were broadcast all over the place in early stage of alleged pandemic means nothing. It took a while for censorship to set in.
I'm sure you realize that China's economy has grown since we transferred most of our manufacturing to them many decades ago, largely due to their developing country status within the WTO which is why so many of our products come to us from China. I also imagine most Chinese tourists earn well above average salary and have furthermore been granted the privilege to travel, inter alia, due to acceptable social credit score/compliance. Of course, as you say, we're heading in the same direction. The difference is that the average "westerner" is only just starting to wake up/react to what's going on in their countries.
Opposite of compassionate capitalism to a deep degree (For example -check out CEO Green of Hobby Lobby) He is now 80 years old, but, has seemed to really run a decent, caring company.
In decades past I would have put philanthropist Dale Carnegie as a compassionate capitalist
As I see it, there aren't types of communism and types of capitalism. That's just the spin being used to sell us on the idea that 'this type' of communism is better than 'that type' of capitalism.
In reality, there are just types of people.
SOME capitalists, such as Soros, Bill Gates, etc, have achieved so much wealth (via capitalism!), that they now own virtually everything. Now, want to own us, too. In order to do that, they need to take away from us the very same opportunities they enjoyed, such as the opportunity to work hard and build a better life for ourselves and our families.
It's these handful of hyper-rich capitalists (not capitalism itself) which have run amok. In 'the new normal', we will no longer be free to pursue our own dreams; rather, the 'new normal' (as the 'elites' see it) is: Capitalism for me, communism for thee!
They try to make it all seem well and good for humanity, telling us "Everyone will be equal." What they really mean is, "You'll all be equally poor. And, I will be your ruler."
You think tyranny is the way to go? As a way to improve our lives here in the west? The middle class in the west is being undermined by those who want to enslave us. In the end, there will be two classes: The ruling 'elites', and the underlings who serve them (or else!).
And, bear in mind, socialism is merely a stepping stone to full communism. There's only one kind of tyrant.
I suggest that you double check these reports with veteran journalist Brian Berletic of The New Atlas, or with Asia Times, especially journalist Pepe Escobar who writes frequently here. ( I just checked all three of these sources and could not find anything about this uprising.) Berletic lives in Thailand and has been reporting on Asia for many years now, at first under a pseudonym. His reports are well investigated, and one gets the sense that he is meticulous about whatever he reports on. You might also see if with Ben Norton has any recent reports on this.
This is a critical time in Asia, with the U.S. gearing up to make war on China, and they are "trying every trick in the book" to accomplish their goals in their efforts to block China's rising star, as well as the inevitability of the emerging Multipolar world.
The new version of the CIA, NED (The National Endowment for Democracy), is very active in Asia now--including the well-worn tactic of color revolutions, employing the youth.
But the US is not trying to hold China back. The US and most of the western nations helped finance the rise and rise of China, and those dedicated to making China number one are the Davos globalists. They are destroying our people (Covid and mRNA), destroying our militaries with wokeness, destroying our services (no-jab, no job), destroying our economies and destroying our fuel, food, and fertlizer, therefore our ability to feed ourselves. Countries like Australia and New Zealand took the guns. Biden is trying to take Americans guns - on the verge of a war with China. Why? Because Biden and Xi are on the same Davos-WEF team. They are playing for global fascism through the United Nations. They want war. It is the next in the illuminatis planned 3 great wars scheme. This is how they get to multipolarity which is the real objective for the globalists - the Great Reset, the UN-WEF global communism project.
We look at the WEF and think western. it is not. All the 1200 companies and investment funds like BlackRock and Vanguard are partners in China with the CCP. Agenda 2030 is to take it all and give it to China - but all the WEF partners get richer.
Biden and Xi are taking their citizens to war against each other - and the G20 leaders have smashed the world so that the western nations will lose.
Absolutely why everyone can’t see this I guess they don’t do proper research. The elitists made China what it is today on a model they wanted to try out first on a people who could not resist. Now it’s time to export the fascism worldwide and how better than totally destroy any idea of freedom.
Agree completely. The Redacted talked as well about caution and double checking on what we are seeing saying we shouldn’t be “westsplaining’ Asian culture and events. My stepdad who is Vietnamese Chinese reads online news daily in Chinese reacted to the footage by commenting that a trigger in part could have been the World Cup appearing so free and COVID restricted while they were under ridiculous lockdown with no evidence of symptoms. We should also note Taiwan’s rejection of their pro western leadership, interpreted as a signal that Taiwanese do not want to be the next Ukraine.
Penny Wong, Australian Foreign Minister, just refused to see a Uigher delegation as the Chinese are cranky with us. We've just accepted EIGHT USA B-52 Nuclear platforms into Northern Australia. See, the yanks couldn't give a shit if Australia took a hit, we're a vassal & the canary in the coal mine... a bit like Europe🤭
They're taking advantage of the acceptance / encouragement of masking outdoors to avoid the face-recognition surveillance state created in Urumqi. I fear for them. Is there a tipping point where technology can enslave a generation? Urumqi will be the first to find out.
The CCP is terrorizing its people using the Covid fraud as a weapon.
This is a weapon of mass destruction that they are using to impoverish their people again, and drive the wealth and income into the hands of all their big businesses that the CCP now controls - every major business and overseas Chinese company are part of what one academic calls CCP Inc.
This is the Cultural Revolution 2.0.
The Chinese Internet Firewall ring fences them and no doubt has prevented the majority of Chinese from understanding what has been happening anywhere else in the world.
But these images are showing that anger is rising. And I think our Covid-dictators from China to Auckland to Washington to Brussels and London have misjudged humanity - they think that the majority of humanity are weak and will behave as sheep. And a lot will.
But what they have forgotten because their own generation has not lived through wars like they are forcing on us all in their deceitful and corrupt way - is that tough times make people tough.
And when anger has filled ones heart for long enough, and the pain becomes great enough, and the enemies have destroyed enough - then a very high percentage of people become toughened to the point of losing all fear, finding their courage and they will fight like people possessed.
And this is what the CCP, the Davos Globalists, and the Biden-Democrat traitors don't understand - they have pushed the people to the wall and now the warriors classes are going to start emerging from the masses and it will create new leaders and the people will fight.
It is coming. The more they hurt us. The more they toughen us. And in the meantime they sit in their ivory towers completely unaware of the massive millions of rageful and bloody minded resistance fighters that they have created with their ugly corrupt genocidal corporate fascism.
But there is going to be a lot of pain, destruction, and blood on the side of the 99%.
There already has been between 11.3.20 and today.
But trust me on this - apart from monitoring the massive shifts and changes that have occurred in my own psyche - I have been watching the radical shifts and changes in people who have been fighting back - and it doesn't matter if it is doctors like Dr. Yeadon, Michael Malone, Dr. Vernon Coleman or Pierre Kory - or media personalities like Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlon and the crew at GB News in Britain - or comedians like AwakenwithJP or the Jimmy Dores show - they have all been transformed. They went through confusion. Indignation. Disgust. And finally they realized it was evil. And they started to fight.
And each and every one of these people are the tip of the iceberg, they represent what has been happening all over the world. The transformation of people from passive citizens to enraged fighters.
There has already been great pain. There is a lot more pain to come Jessica.
But in the end the 99% will win.
This is in fact not the first time that we as a group have fought against the global fascists.
They've been waging war on us for hundreds of years.
And every time they raise their ugly, vile, evil heads - millions die, but the majority rise up in disgust and revulsion at the reality they represent and we beat them back - albeit at a great cost.
This has happened in WW1, WW2, communism, Nazism, and now the CCP - now we have a new evil that shows the evil lurking amongst us - Marxist Fascism.
The true source is the western elites.
Scum that they are.
I am right. But brace yourself - there is a lot of pain heading our way.
Uyghur slave labor in Xinjiang. That's how almost all the solar panels used for the "Green Energy" agenda in the West are made. Amazing how those solar companies make it to the top of their ESG list of environmentally friendly companies. Funny AOC & Ilhan Omar have no problem with Moslem slaves building their "Green" solar panels for giant solar industrial sites in the USSA.
I watched this video on Telegram earlier, too. Our financial sector was framing the dispute as one over bonuses on wages after hiring, but we can see the deeper reasons for this rebellion. Slave labor in China - no matter what they try to pin it on - is still enslavement.
I think Ed Dowd has been an important voice in all this because he comes at it from the money angle. There is no plausible explanation why China would have a zero COVID policy and ongoing lockdowns for something as benign as the common cold. Unless you consider the catastrophic financial implosion that is on their doorstep, and much of the rest of the worlds too:
It would be amazing if the Chinese people would revolt ag that awful totalitarian dictatorship
More amazing would be if citizens of Western authoritarian gangster states pull their own psyop- mangled heads out of their own asses.
How anyone took the shot is very baffling to those who did not.
Like - Dear Shot Takers, Has no one ever lied to you before?
How could you get to the age of 18 without understanding that the media and the government is run by people and people lie? Were you raised in a crawl space?
They also didn't think it weird that some creepy geek like Bill Gates was all of a sudden on tv pushing it like he was the president? And then when Rumpelstiskin (Fauci) showed up instead of running away they called him a sex symbol?
One thing this has done is to make you realize how accurate that IQ bell curve is.
There is a staggering amount of stupid people in this world.
No trouble to grow an economy when you dictate slave labour and harvest organs for sale. The attack on our freedoms is only beginning. If you don't believe Communist regimes are bad, look beyond the mainstream and listen to those whom have escaped it. Why do you think the Chinese people are literally risking their lives to protest? They have had enough.
It's all about public money creation in China vs private Bankster Debt money creation in the West. China, through public banks gives massive loans to develop productive and valuable industry. For example the People's Bank of China will give interest-free or very, very low interest loans to a textile manufacturer to build a giant solar cell or solar panel factory in yuan with an understanding that the loan need never be repaid. So solar factory sells low cost solar panels to US distributors which are bought with US tax$ and US gov't debt. Solar factory returns $US to the PBOC. So effectively the PBOC printed $US interest free, which even the US gov't can't do, funded with US debt. The PBOC returns yuan to the solar panel factory. This creates many high productive jobs and a massive solar supply chain in China. Funded by US debt. They don't do that even in Russia whose Banking system is at least partially under control of big Western Banks.
They also do weird things like build entire cities, called ghost cities, way out in the boonies with hardly anyone living there. There is no profit to developers to build these, without any customers, its all done with interest free government loans that need never be repaid. So a giant industrial supply chain, including highly trained productive workforce is developed, which spills over into the industrial strength of the entire economy.
This is not how the criminals in the West do money creation. They do it with massive interest bearing debt from private banks to create money spent directly on consumers who produce nothing or scam artists who produce worthless solar or wind farms or Institutes of Wokeness, during a pandemic when productive industry and workers are locked down stupidly. And supply chains are totally broken. A recipe for rampart inflation combined with negative economic growth. Insanity except for the criminal Western Banksters who have nefarious motives. Russia is much more in tune with them than China.
US Gov also building out ‘5G connected smart cities’ same way using Chinese suppliers. Los Angeles new LEOTECH Green Cobra LED streetlights is Silicon Valley based subsidiary of LITEON, a Chinese based company which provides comprehensive 5G intelligence solutions:
Not to pick nits, but Lite-On is a Taiwanese company. Or at least it was founded in Taiwan. Just FYI.
Almost all debt is not repaid. That's how our monetary system works. Private banks create money, loan it to governments who rarely pay it back. They just pay the interest. You are still paying for the cannons the Confederacy bought in the Civil War.
Mr Blunt--you are indeed blunt, and on point!
They are Marxist Fascists.
The marriage of the public-private sectors makes their totalitarism fascist.
communist ... pfff
Is that way we in the United States of America have an incredibly higher prison population than does "totalitarian" China??
You aren’t counting the concentration camps in China
we call ourselves a democracy, but in actuality we're a kakistocratic oligarchy. the world would be a better place if we lived up to our own hype and became a democratic republic. ps even the Uyghurs (who face greater threats) have more balls than we do...
Not sure I follow. Yes China is worse. Europe and USA are bad, and as we know many leaders in the west want to emulate China. It is a class-based society. There are millions of wealthy Chinese--the ones you see traveling. But there are far more "peasants" who can't travel or even see their children but once a year. Sure every one has a cell phone where all they see and do is under the ever watchful eye of the CCP. They can be jailed for any reason for five years. They can be denied travel. They have it worse . . . But Europe and USA are catching up.
you dont have to go in china to understand what has taken place there.
just take a plane anywhere in the world or walk down in your neighborhood (assuming you are not living in the hills) you will see .... chinese ... dahhhhh
There are 1.4 billion people. 1% is 14 million. Only these 1% people have time and money for travel. 99% of people are poor. Majority of people never travelled abroad. They work hard for living.
Check out Celia Farber’s Substack, The Truth Barrier just posted some very disturbing, ungodly footage (videos) coming out of China now
I was also skeptical of those videos but now that we're seeing people falling dead flat on their face in much the same way all over the world, I'm inclined to think they may not have been fake after all.
THEY were fake. THESE are real. And the reason why so many people can't see the videos out there now, or believe that the "vaccines" do any harm at all, is because they were so thoroughly traumatized in early 2020.
by those images from China AND the endless fear porn in the media.
Also, note this major difference between then and now: THOSE images were EVERYWHERE throughout the corporate AND "alternative" media. THESE show up on "social media" and Substack posts like mine and Celia Farber's. That difference should tell you everything.
First of all, you are exaggerating about the number of people traumatized by the fear porn. The vast majority of those who got the vax did it because of mandates, to be on the safe side or "do the right thing", not because they were afraid of catching the alleged virus. People didn't question the "vaccine" because the vast majority of them in our societies accept vaccines as necessary and harmless. Second, the fact that images like those were broadcast all over the place in early stage of alleged pandemic means nothing. It took a while for censorship to set in.
I'm sure you realize that China's economy has grown since we transferred most of our manufacturing to them many decades ago, largely due to their developing country status within the WTO which is why so many of our products come to us from China. I also imagine most Chinese tourists earn well above average salary and have furthermore been granted the privilege to travel, inter alia, due to acceptable social credit score/compliance. Of course, as you say, we're heading in the same direction. The difference is that the average "westerner" is only just starting to wake up/react to what's going on in their countries.
Good question- we have seen our freedoms being stripped from us, too!
The Chines have the workforce & implemented extreme capitalism (imo)
What is 'extreme capitalism'?
Opposite of compassionate capitalism to a deep degree (For example -check out CEO Green of Hobby Lobby) He is now 80 years old, but, has seemed to really run a decent, caring company.
In decades past I would have put philanthropist Dale Carnegie as a compassionate capitalist
As I see it, there aren't types of communism and types of capitalism. That's just the spin being used to sell us on the idea that 'this type' of communism is better than 'that type' of capitalism.
In reality, there are just types of people.
SOME capitalists, such as Soros, Bill Gates, etc, have achieved so much wealth (via capitalism!), that they now own virtually everything. Now, want to own us, too. In order to do that, they need to take away from us the very same opportunities they enjoyed, such as the opportunity to work hard and build a better life for ourselves and our families.
It's these handful of hyper-rich capitalists (not capitalism itself) which have run amok. In 'the new normal', we will no longer be free to pursue our own dreams; rather, the 'new normal' (as the 'elites' see it) is: Capitalism for me, communism for thee!
They try to make it all seem well and good for humanity, telling us "Everyone will be equal." What they really mean is, "You'll all be equally poor. And, I will be your ruler."
You think tyranny is the way to go? As a way to improve our lives here in the west? The middle class in the west is being undermined by those who want to enslave us. In the end, there will be two classes: The ruling 'elites', and the underlings who serve them (or else!).
And, bear in mind, socialism is merely a stepping stone to full communism. There's only one kind of tyrant.
Story in WSJ that Chinese are seeing world cup crowds and realize the rest of the world is handling covid so differently. They hadn't known.
Substack just may be a convenient post-2030 Kill List. Just speculatin'.
I've certainly wondered that very thing. Though, not sure they would wait 'til 2030.
One must keep an open mind in these inverted and distorted times.
How much you want to bet the CCP is about to declare victory over the coronavirus?
You may be on to something.
I don’t pray a lot, but I pray for these people’s safety. 😰
I suggest that you double check these reports with veteran journalist Brian Berletic of The New Atlas, or with Asia Times, especially journalist Pepe Escobar who writes frequently here. ( I just checked all three of these sources and could not find anything about this uprising.) Berletic lives in Thailand and has been reporting on Asia for many years now, at first under a pseudonym. His reports are well investigated, and one gets the sense that he is meticulous about whatever he reports on. You might also see if with Ben Norton has any recent reports on this.
This is a critical time in Asia, with the U.S. gearing up to make war on China, and they are "trying every trick in the book" to accomplish their goals in their efforts to block China's rising star, as well as the inevitability of the emerging Multipolar world.
The new version of the CIA, NED (The National Endowment for Democracy), is very active in Asia now--including the well-worn tactic of color revolutions, employing the youth.
You are right they are setting the stage for war.
But the US is not trying to hold China back. The US and most of the western nations helped finance the rise and rise of China, and those dedicated to making China number one are the Davos globalists. They are destroying our people (Covid and mRNA), destroying our militaries with wokeness, destroying our services (no-jab, no job), destroying our economies and destroying our fuel, food, and fertlizer, therefore our ability to feed ourselves. Countries like Australia and New Zealand took the guns. Biden is trying to take Americans guns - on the verge of a war with China. Why? Because Biden and Xi are on the same Davos-WEF team. They are playing for global fascism through the United Nations. They want war. It is the next in the illuminatis planned 3 great wars scheme. This is how they get to multipolarity which is the real objective for the globalists - the Great Reset, the UN-WEF global communism project.
We look at the WEF and think western. it is not. All the 1200 companies and investment funds like BlackRock and Vanguard are partners in China with the CCP. Agenda 2030 is to take it all and give it to China - but all the WEF partners get richer.
Biden and Xi are taking their citizens to war against each other - and the G20 leaders have smashed the world so that the western nations will lose.
Biden and Xi are on the same team.
Absolutely why everyone can’t see this I guess they don’t do proper research. The elitists made China what it is today on a model they wanted to try out first on a people who could not resist. Now it’s time to export the fascism worldwide and how better than totally destroy any idea of freedom.
Exactly Jessica. Exactly.
Agree completely. The Redacted talked as well about caution and double checking on what we are seeing saying we shouldn’t be “westsplaining’ Asian culture and events. My stepdad who is Vietnamese Chinese reads online news daily in Chinese reacted to the footage by commenting that a trigger in part could have been the World Cup appearing so free and COVID restricted while they were under ridiculous lockdown with no evidence of symptoms. We should also note Taiwan’s rejection of their pro western leadership, interpreted as a signal that Taiwanese do not want to be the next Ukraine.
Penny Wong, Australian Foreign Minister, just refused to see a Uigher delegation as the Chinese are cranky with us. We've just accepted EIGHT USA B-52 Nuclear platforms into Northern Australia. See, the yanks couldn't give a shit if Australia took a hit, we're a vassal & the canary in the coal mine... a bit like Europe🤭
They're taking advantage of the acceptance / encouragement of masking outdoors to avoid the face-recognition surveillance state created in Urumqi. I fear for them. Is there a tipping point where technology can enslave a generation? Urumqi will be the first to find out.
The CCP is terrorizing its people using the Covid fraud as a weapon.
This is a weapon of mass destruction that they are using to impoverish their people again, and drive the wealth and income into the hands of all their big businesses that the CCP now controls - every major business and overseas Chinese company are part of what one academic calls CCP Inc.
This is the Cultural Revolution 2.0.
The Chinese Internet Firewall ring fences them and no doubt has prevented the majority of Chinese from understanding what has been happening anywhere else in the world.
But these images are showing that anger is rising. And I think our Covid-dictators from China to Auckland to Washington to Brussels and London have misjudged humanity - they think that the majority of humanity are weak and will behave as sheep. And a lot will.
But what they have forgotten because their own generation has not lived through wars like they are forcing on us all in their deceitful and corrupt way - is that tough times make people tough.
And when anger has filled ones heart for long enough, and the pain becomes great enough, and the enemies have destroyed enough - then a very high percentage of people become toughened to the point of losing all fear, finding their courage and they will fight like people possessed.
And this is what the CCP, the Davos Globalists, and the Biden-Democrat traitors don't understand - they have pushed the people to the wall and now the warriors classes are going to start emerging from the masses and it will create new leaders and the people will fight.
It is coming. The more they hurt us. The more they toughen us. And in the meantime they sit in their ivory towers completely unaware of the massive millions of rageful and bloody minded resistance fighters that they have created with their ugly corrupt genocidal corporate fascism.
They are going to pay. In blood.
I do hope you’re right ✊🏼
I am right.
But there is going to be a lot of pain, destruction, and blood on the side of the 99%.
There already has been between 11.3.20 and today.
But trust me on this - apart from monitoring the massive shifts and changes that have occurred in my own psyche - I have been watching the radical shifts and changes in people who have been fighting back - and it doesn't matter if it is doctors like Dr. Yeadon, Michael Malone, Dr. Vernon Coleman or Pierre Kory - or media personalities like Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlon and the crew at GB News in Britain - or comedians like AwakenwithJP or the Jimmy Dores show - they have all been transformed. They went through confusion. Indignation. Disgust. And finally they realized it was evil. And they started to fight.
And each and every one of these people are the tip of the iceberg, they represent what has been happening all over the world. The transformation of people from passive citizens to enraged fighters.
There has already been great pain. There is a lot more pain to come Jessica.
But in the end the 99% will win.
This is in fact not the first time that we as a group have fought against the global fascists.
They've been waging war on us for hundreds of years.
And every time they raise their ugly, vile, evil heads - millions die, but the majority rise up in disgust and revulsion at the reality they represent and we beat them back - albeit at a great cost.
This has happened in WW1, WW2, communism, Nazism, and now the CCP - now we have a new evil that shows the evil lurking amongst us - Marxist Fascism.
The true source is the western elites.
Scum that they are.
I am right. But brace yourself - there is a lot of pain heading our way.
Uyghur slave labor in Xinjiang. That's how almost all the solar panels used for the "Green Energy" agenda in the West are made. Amazing how those solar companies make it to the top of their ESG list of environmentally friendly companies. Funny AOC & Ilhan Omar have no problem with Moslem slaves building their "Green" solar panels for giant solar industrial sites in the USSA.
Whoa. Do you have links to articles about this?
I watched this video on Telegram earlier, too. Our financial sector was framing the dispute as one over bonuses on wages after hiring, but we can see the deeper reasons for this rebellion. Slave labor in China - no matter what they try to pin it on - is still enslavement.
Freaking awesome! As things escalate, in China and elsewhere, live streaming will serve to wake up more people. Thank you for sharing!
If China's lockdowns are so successful in containing Covid, WHY DO THEY STILL NEED THEM ALMOST 3 YEARS IN?
I think Ed Dowd has been an important voice in all this because he comes at it from the money angle. There is no plausible explanation why China would have a zero COVID policy and ongoing lockdowns for something as benign as the common cold. Unless you consider the catastrophic financial implosion that is on their doorstep, and much of the rest of the worlds too:
Thanks for the link. I check Dowd’s Gettr account regularly and I think it’s pinned there. I’ll finally watch it!
I think he's outstanding! 🙌
And all wearing useless masks!!
Power to the people
Ah China, our exemplary example!
Enough Already!!