Hawaii governor starts to give the game away, then struggles to unsay it
Meanwhiie, over 1,700 children are still missing, yet no one's asking where they are
Click on this link (not the screenshot):
Now, while we (few) pass this around, chortling at that “gaffe,” let’s give some thought to the far graver question as to where all those children are, and why “our free press” isn’t asking.
Here’s an excellent overview, by Peter and Ginger Breggin, of all that’s deeply, weirdly wrong with the response—or non-response—to the catastrophe:
Maui’s Inferno – Organized Human Evil
We Used to Know How to Do “Rescue!”
September 7, 2023
The Breggins note that 1,757 children are still missing—a fact that most of “our free press” have either understated or (more commonly) suppressed.
So where are all those children? And why is “our free press” not asking—just as they have always buried such concerns (just like the FBI)? We need to ask both questions loud and clear, until we get some answers to that first question (whereas the answer to the second is already clear enough).
There was a time ... when main stream journalists were interested in truth...they would alert to anything fishy..and begin digging into the facts.. now they just spout drivel and avoid any attempt to find out what is really going on... the gatekeeper club members have all bought into one man’s dream to wipe out humanity.
The rightful inheritors of the properties that were incinerated have been
incinerated also. Without the next generation, the transfer of land to its new
owners will take place without as much resistance. A generation of future
rightful/local Maui landowners have been silenced forever.