There was a time ... when main stream journalists were interested in truth...they would alert to anything fishy..and begin digging into the facts.. now they just spout drivel and avoid any attempt to find out what is really going on... the gatekeeper club members have all bought into one man’s dream to wipe out humanity.
Apparently mush of the c.rap we now all read is even DELIVERED to them by the globalist puppets and they just have to change a few words around.
Can only talk about the UK; but from what I understand is that the UK government is paying the media or has done so far... nearly 2 BILLION of our taxpayers money, for what they call "advertising" !!. ... to spew out their BS rhetoric... at least in the UK; people are finally awakening... not all, but enough !!???.
You know, it’s one thing that so many we know, of past generations are ‘unable’ to conceive the wickedness of our leaders, because they grew up with a conscience, Sunday School, and the Ten Commandments somewhere in school hallways, maybe. They are not being deliberately stubborn, they simply cannot imagine their small town leaders having such black hearts. Their proudest memories are past awards received for honesty, kindness, extra effort on behalf of their neighborhood. But for those we know with plenty of education certificates on the walls, and a superior, arrogant mentality, who refuse to read other than Wiki or approved news sites…..frankly, I am finding myself detaching… When the righteous chaos erupts I may not speak, just watch them faint at the podium, keel over at their microphone…..and enjoy the show. I need to have the thesaurus handy, I don’t seem to find the words anymore, even then, really, are there any left to describe these times?!
I am not arguing as I totally agree with you. For me, they are trying to rip the morality out of society... I used to use the words "religion and faith; but was attacked non-stop; so now I say a long string of things ... "morality, faith, religion, spirituality, self-awareness, consciousness eyc" BLAH BLAH BLAH... gets longer if I can be bothered.
Once our ... let us gust say "morality" is gone; in my view... we have lost.
people are more in the know regarding the hundreds of billions of dollars from "religion" being paid out for perverts, pedophiles, rapists, and also the church supporting politicians that are perverts, pedophiles and rapists. the church has a thousand year long spree of killing, raping, burning, looting, torture. they have no morals and now there are mega churches where money and plenty of it is god.
Believe it or not, there has never been "a time" when journalists were being truthful. Whether or not some BELIEVED that they had full license to pursue "the truth" is another matter. As far back as you care to look the media has been deceiving the masses. That some surprisingly truthful stories appeared from time to time in the past as outliers, moreso than today, only demonstrates that the overall media control matrix wasn't as easily monitored as it is today.
The purpose of the media is and always has been to shape BELIEFS. Said BELIEFS, when collectively shared are what shape our overall REALITY. We create it, not "them". And "they" know this full well, which is why their prime directive is to prevent the masses from understanding how this reality works. Because once enough of us figure it out, it's game over for their apparent control over us.
Until enough people come to understand and realize what's going on, the masses will continue to unwittingly give their power away to paper tigers. The extent of it goes light years beyond propaganda and deceptive reporting.
More than anything else, the media (both news and entertainment) is used to teach the masses how to behave. Accordingly what passes for "normal behavior" today has never been further away from what should be our "natural behavior". Thus, the media has effectively NORMALIZED destructive and insane BELIEFS which ultimately manifest as destructive and insane BEHAVIORS.
The controllers primarily take full advantage of humanity's natural instinct to mimic and mirror what we learn from those around us. Secondarily, they recognize our psychological drive to "follow the herd" and "seek safety within the tribe". Thus, they bank on the fact that it is extremely difficult to break away from the protection of the herd knowing full well our primal instinct tells us to either conform with the tribe or perish as the lone wolf.
All of this is accomplished through the media. And it's not enough to intellectually know this either. If you watch any of it, even mindfully aware, you'll be "brainwashed" into conforming with the desires of the "programmers" who generated the content they wish you to consume. Because for everything you intellectually see as "coercive", you'll miss a dozen or more coercive elements of the content that you unconsciously "take on" as your own.
Thus, the only way out of the quagmire is to turn it off and tune out. With time, you'll slowly begin to defrost from the all the brainwashing and see with clear sight for the first time. A step very few wish to take as the instinctual "herd mentality" still holds sway with the majority.
Mika, a synoptic sledgehammer opinion worthy of reinforcement belying fourth estate mythology, not bad & thank you (ha).
'The most studied subject in the history of man, is Man itself, why? ...'
Please consider your own substack, no volume is necessary, simply broadcast an opinion when compression of your literacies occur & you desire again to enforce a shortcut to sincere souls ...
MSM are paid activists, they do as they are told to collect their perks and cash. Indie Journalists, the ones that do the work as in the old days, are shut down. They really need to form a Union or something. A few of them in Europe are doing it, they have had too many arrested and their gov'ts freezing their bank accounts to shut them up.
By "one man" I'm guessing you mean either Klausy Baby (Schwab)-TM or Killy Boy (Gates)-TM... But, those doofus's (what IS the plural of doofus?) are NOT the ones really behind all this. Yes, they, too, dream of an empty planet, but they are not the masterminds. If you've read any of Peter & Ginger Breggins' work, then you should know that. No, these clowns are among the "front men", the forward "face" of this genocide. The real psychopaths behind all this are the Central Bankers, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefelllers, and a couple of other groups.
Yes ... when Forbes produce a list of the wealthiest they always put Billy near the top three at 60 billion plus... but never put the banking dynasty of the Rothchilds .. whose wealth exceeds the trillions .. that over a thousand million at least... it’s off the charts .. but more importantly... why do Forbes keep it a secret?
BlackRock and Vanguard list some of its shareholders .. one of the biggest is the USArmy.. and surprisingly... the British Government...also the BBC gets nice dividend payout everytime Billy pushes out another round of before compassion.
Exactly. If parents are dead, children dead. Who are the heirs to the properties. Same with the vaXXed, If the parents die off, children next, and offspring. Who inherits properties????
Those islands know storms. All that discussion and money spent on preparedness, infrastructure, training but they all failed to save any significant number? Rescue ships took hours for those in the water when military and coast guard boats right there? Didn't almost 100 die in the water? All of these failures a statistical impossibility on its face. Seems the more they prepare the more dysfunctional and ineffective it is. Ring familiar? Pandemic preparedness seems to have the same trend, the opposite seems to be the result. Inflationary Reduction Act con also. How gullible are the people when they keep believing what is actually inverted in name vs. results.
Saunter back to 9/11...the most advanced military on the planet couldn't keep a "plane" (actually a missle) from hitting the Pentagon? 2 planes "allowed" to hit the twin towers? There are books written about the "inconsistencies" but yea, believe what you're told cause you can't live in any other world.
Hey, but it was such an opportunity for them. Get rid of a bunch of "useless eaters". Get a nice big chunk of prime real estate they can sell to their wealthy donor class. Milk the disaster endlessly about the "terrors of Climate Change". Win, win, win.
Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock.
"What we have here is a complete failure of the Emergency Response System. It was a failure to detect the severe nature of the threat. It was a failure to notify residents of the need to flee. It was a failure to call immediately for State and Federal resources to deal with the tragedy. I would note that my principal source on Maui is very laudatory of the work FEMA has done in searching the rubble and recovering remains. His assessment of the response of Hawaiian authorities is scathing and involves the use of many of the seven words you cannot say on television."
Body count is currently 111(?) MSM, but there are over 2,000 or more are still missing. The only bodies they are allowed to count have to be intact! That means NO insurance payouts for lands and homes or lives. The survivors will be forced to leave.
"A good friend told me she saw a firefighter at Costco a couple of days after the fire. She mentioned that the death toll was just raised to 50-something. He told her that the firefighters had already used up 400 body bags, all that they had available. He said the death toll was way under-counted."
"I was working with a young guy loading trucks and during a break he told me he was a police officer stationed up in Haleakala and brought down to assist with finding bodies in the rubble of Lahaina. He told me that everywhere one stepped there were the charred remains of bodies, and in his opinion the death count was way low."
"My source in Hawaii described scenes lifted from Dante’s Inferno. Entire families clustered in their home’s bathroom using the bathtub filled with water seeking refuge. All burned beyond recognition. Firefighters are vomiting when they uncover these horrific remains. The rescue workers involved in this grisly recovery task will likely be Post Traumatic Stress casualties themselves."
The Police are not only lying in Maui about everything, but the Maui Police are now arresting all witnesses to the fires. They are all DEEP STATE, and should be shot dead on sight.
That is the part that always disturbs me when stuff like this happens, the public servants that go along w/it and do as they are told to do when they know it is wrong. They may not know the full story, but from experience, they know something isn't right and yet don't speak out.
How could you be a human, much less a cop and close the road to make it difficult for people to escape?
I mean, we've got Cofer Black, head of CIA's counter terrorism office during 9/11, working as a marketing director for Burisma as the United States is turned into a 3rd world oil producing shithole under the global enslavement of carbon policies while bombing the competitor's pipeline.
It's almost like it's all part of one big plan. It's almost as if it's the same group of people doing it. All of it.
Based on what is going on in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Maui I am beginning to presume that it is a massive land grab by equity firms. Here in Canada the same thing has been going on for a while. There is a massive housing shortage and the fact is that buildings all over the country are owned by equity firms that are squeezing the wealth out of everyone on behalf of their shareholders. The question is, what will these firms do with this property? An example of that process is Bill Gates' buying up massive amounts of agricultural land. What does he do with it? He produces genetically engineered french fries for MacDonalds and soy beans for cheap cattle feed. Neither of which is particularly good for the planet or for the health and well-being of you and me. Gates is essentially a mediaeval lord in this respect and the people who are forced to work these farms and grow what he tells them to grow and how he tells them to grow it are serfs in service of his wealth. This is what we are up against with these people.
"What we have here is a complete failure of the Emergency Response System. It was a failure to detect the severe nature of the threat. It was a failure to notify residents of the need to flee. It was a failure to call immediately for State and Federal resources to deal with the tragedy. I would note that my principal source on Maui is very laudatory of the work FEMA has done in searching the rubble and recovering remains. His assessment of the response of Hawaiian authorities is scathing and involves the use of many of the seven words you cannot say on television."
He almost broke the first rule of Fight Club at the 00:39 time stamp...alllmost let's it out. His 'uh-oh' moment forgetting his indoor voice not meant for outdoors.
Suggestion: why not skip over the offering by Peter-there-really-is-a pandemic Breggin and his wife and instead go directly to Peggy Hall's extensive analysis:
I'll make the same comment to you as I did to "Jerry"...
What exactly are your qualifications and/or experience that back up your less than flattering description of Peter Breggin...? If you have such evidence, then plz provide, so we ALL can judge for our selves. If you have no such evidence, then what you said is OPINION, and you should state it as such.
Breggin's great contribution was droning on about psychiatric drugs being a bad idea - which any reasonable person would recognize as a self-evident fact.
As I've already pointed out, Thomas Szasz was the genuine article and in fact warned us decades ago, in his book Pharmacracy, about the world which we now occupy.
Invented Diseases Are Far from New: The Mad Myth Known as Mental Illness
Other experts of the same priest class that Murphy addressed, or rather a different branch or holy order thereof, has for decades produced, out of that same thin air that exists in the upper reaches of the ivory towers of psychiatry the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Were I ever assigned the task of assembling a list of books for summary burning that “manual” would share the top with its distant ancestor, the Malleus Maleficarum. The DSM is a book of fiction from which prescription drugs and other “treatments” have flowed like manna from heaven.
The current edition fattened a decade ago to more than a thousand pages of disorders, evidence of which is non-existent. By way of a remarkable coincidence (No sane person believes in conspiracy) these illnesses are “treatable” via dangerous man-made and, of course, patented drugs. Toxic medicine for nonexistent illness. Where have we heard this before?
Meanwhile, the brilliant, prolific and prescient Thomas Szasz fought tirelessly against the psychiatric establishment and the process by which they transformed “problems with living” into “medical” diagnoses. It was already a centuries old deception when in 1960 he published “The Myth of Mental Illness” and that myth remains both a deception and a profitable fiction. I find it interesting that the invention of the current non-existent plague occurred sixty years after Szasz’s book about the invention of “mental illness.”
One of Szasz’s last books, first published in 2001, ends with a chilling and prescient warning about the sordid place in history that has now arrived, the so called “new normal.” I use the term not to support that oft repeated demented thought but to address the linguistic absurdity of this time. Note the arrogance with which the powers that should not be declare and decree that the mass insanity of the moment is both normal and permanently established. Note too the hapless compliance of the millions and billions who accept this as an existential fact and the despair felt by those who know better.
In Pharmacracy Thomas Szasz addressed a moment that he posited but didn’t quite live to see. His warning about the depravity tersely named and massively marketed as “the new normal” and “the great reset” appears near the end of his book:
"Formerly, people rushed to embrace totalitarian states. Now they rush to embrace the therapeutic state. When they discover that the therapeutic state is about tyranny, not therapy, it will be too late."
Peggy Hall does do a great job, although you didn't make it clear exactly WHICH video(s) of hers you're referring us to... Or, are you referring us to ALL her videos?
And, what exactly are your qualifications and/or experience that back up your less than flattering description of Peter Breggin...? If you have such evidence, then plz provide, so we ALL can judge for our selves. If you have no such evidence, then what you said is OPINION, and you should state it as such.
Nothing about the traumatic firestorm that swept through Lahaina, Hawaii, was natural. Wildfires in Canada, the long, hot summer throughout the northern hemisphere, and the hurricane in California are not due to climate change as claimed by the very same dark hearts that technologically caused that scope of death and devastation and are causing other tragedies and hardships worldwide.
The recent fires in California, Australia, and now Hawaii are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. They are being called forest fires and wildfires, but they are clearly something very different. These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched.
In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit. So it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum. But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area. And melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. These are unexplained anomalies. In the California fires of 2018, cars were randomly bursting into flames on the freeway with no surrounding fires. We’ve seen these same anomalies in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Cars completely burned out with no explanation.
In Maui, these unnatural fires spared the homes of the rich while burning the native homes of the working class. With precision, these fires destroyed the most envied, high-valued area of Maui.
For decades, Directed Energy Weapons have been classified. But they have been on the public record for several years. Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs, have the ability to burn homes with this sort of precision. But in order to be this precise, the area would have to be mapped out. In January of this year, green lasers were seen over Hawaii which could best be described as a geospatial array for mapping terrain.
We have seen that among the ashy ruins, there are blue-colored objects that have somehow survived the devastation. Blue cars. Blue umbrellas. A blue boat. Blue planters.
Videos online are going viral that show how lasers can easily burn through certain colored objects, but objects that are colored blue remain unharmed.
Directed Energy Weapons include lasers, millimeter wave, and microwave. They are all based on light frequencies. And different wavelengths of light affect colors differently. For example, in laser tattoo removal, different wavelengths are used for removing different colors. And this is because color is a quality of light, and each color has its own frequency. Interestingly enough, the frequency of the color blue is 6.66.
I, too, thought that the unburned blue things was important - that the blue color was the important piece. But, it may instead be that the composition of things that's most important... Robert Brame, a forensic arborist, was interviewed by Peggy Hall, and he's seen things in these recent fires that makes him believe it's the composition of certain things as to why they're not burned. He's speaking particularly about tires, but that thought can be expanded to other items.
Part of the agenda is meant to confuse people… to the point… that they no longer trust themselves to discern fact from fiction…
The Maui story is meant to do that… I think… on a psychological level… it’s not incompetence or even corruption… it’s part of a psychological operation… of fear mongering and intentional confusion.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984
And the AI we see rolling out serves the exact same function…
Can we even trust that’s actually X person… or is that AI generated?
It’s only going to get worse.
So people need to stay strong mentally. Don’t fall pray to the psychological tactics being implemented. They mean to confuse us. It’s an intentional mind game.
It used to be illegal to own more than a handful of any media outlets and then the law was changed and now it is the opposite. a handful of corporations own all the media.
Green not only slips up by starting to say smart cities, but in my opinion he gives the agenda away already before, very clearly, by saying something to the effect that the fire was needed to be able to show the world an example of human suffering from climate change, which the world will see and believe, as well as subsequently an example of successful mitigation or so.
Much thanks for this Mark. According to Lahaina Chief of Police AND coroner, this is yet another data point to be scrubbed (6:26) ...
There was a time ... when main stream journalists were interested in truth...they would alert to anything fishy..and begin digging into the facts.. now they just spout drivel and avoid any attempt to find out what is really going on... the gatekeeper club members have all bought into one man’s dream to wipe out humanity.
Now they are presstitutes just spewing what they are paid to say
Good one
Apparently mush of the c.rap we now all read is even DELIVERED to them by the globalist puppets and they just have to change a few words around.
Can only talk about the UK; but from what I understand is that the UK government is paying the media or has done so far... nearly 2 BILLION of our taxpayers money, for what they call "advertising" !!. ... to spew out their BS rhetoric... at least in the UK; people are finally awakening... not all, but enough !!???.
You know, it’s one thing that so many we know, of past generations are ‘unable’ to conceive the wickedness of our leaders, because they grew up with a conscience, Sunday School, and the Ten Commandments somewhere in school hallways, maybe. They are not being deliberately stubborn, they simply cannot imagine their small town leaders having such black hearts. Their proudest memories are past awards received for honesty, kindness, extra effort on behalf of their neighborhood. But for those we know with plenty of education certificates on the walls, and a superior, arrogant mentality, who refuse to read other than Wiki or approved news sites…..frankly, I am finding myself detaching… When the righteous chaos erupts I may not speak, just watch them faint at the podium, keel over at their microphone…..and enjoy the show. I need to have the thesaurus handy, I don’t seem to find the words anymore, even then, really, are there any left to describe these times?!
I am not arguing as I totally agree with you. For me, they are trying to rip the morality out of society... I used to use the words "religion and faith; but was attacked non-stop; so now I say a long string of things ... "morality, faith, religion, spirituality, self-awareness, consciousness eyc" BLAH BLAH BLAH... gets longer if I can be bothered.
Once our ... let us gust say "morality" is gone; in my view... we have lost.
people are more in the know regarding the hundreds of billions of dollars from "religion" being paid out for perverts, pedophiles, rapists, and also the church supporting politicians that are perverts, pedophiles and rapists. the church has a thousand year long spree of killing, raping, burning, looting, torture. they have no morals and now there are mega churches where money and plenty of it is god.
I think that "presstitutes" was coined by Paul Craig Roberts.
I thought it was Gerald Celente. Heard him say it ages ago.
Hate them, but they're correct:
Q: Who coined the word *presstitute*?
A: "Gerald Celente
According to 2 sources:
Coined by American researcher Gerald Celente, the word is a portmanteau of press and prostitute."
Oh very interesting, sounds like Celente
That's what i thought too. He sys it like it is and doesn't care if some don't like it!
I first heard it used by Sheryl Attkisson. - yes, such a reliable source - says that it was coined sometime between 1950 & 1955, and makes no claims re. who might have coined it.
But they think they will get special passes when it’s time for the cull.
Going to see a whole lot of "elites" find out they aren't elite at all. They are, like the rest of us, useless eaters.
like the Red Guard when Mao got into power. all done - buh bye
The cull is ongoing.
Believe it or not, there has never been "a time" when journalists were being truthful. Whether or not some BELIEVED that they had full license to pursue "the truth" is another matter. As far back as you care to look the media has been deceiving the masses. That some surprisingly truthful stories appeared from time to time in the past as outliers, moreso than today, only demonstrates that the overall media control matrix wasn't as easily monitored as it is today.
The purpose of the media is and always has been to shape BELIEFS. Said BELIEFS, when collectively shared are what shape our overall REALITY. We create it, not "them". And "they" know this full well, which is why their prime directive is to prevent the masses from understanding how this reality works. Because once enough of us figure it out, it's game over for their apparent control over us.
Until enough people come to understand and realize what's going on, the masses will continue to unwittingly give their power away to paper tigers. The extent of it goes light years beyond propaganda and deceptive reporting.
More than anything else, the media (both news and entertainment) is used to teach the masses how to behave. Accordingly what passes for "normal behavior" today has never been further away from what should be our "natural behavior". Thus, the media has effectively NORMALIZED destructive and insane BELIEFS which ultimately manifest as destructive and insane BEHAVIORS.
The controllers primarily take full advantage of humanity's natural instinct to mimic and mirror what we learn from those around us. Secondarily, they recognize our psychological drive to "follow the herd" and "seek safety within the tribe". Thus, they bank on the fact that it is extremely difficult to break away from the protection of the herd knowing full well our primal instinct tells us to either conform with the tribe or perish as the lone wolf.
All of this is accomplished through the media. And it's not enough to intellectually know this either. If you watch any of it, even mindfully aware, you'll be "brainwashed" into conforming with the desires of the "programmers" who generated the content they wish you to consume. Because for everything you intellectually see as "coercive", you'll miss a dozen or more coercive elements of the content that you unconsciously "take on" as your own.
Thus, the only way out of the quagmire is to turn it off and tune out. With time, you'll slowly begin to defrost from the all the brainwashing and see with clear sight for the first time. A step very few wish to take as the instinctual "herd mentality" still holds sway with the majority.
TRUTH. Great comment.
Mika, a synoptic sledgehammer opinion worthy of reinforcement belying fourth estate mythology, not bad & thank you (ha).
'The most studied subject in the history of man, is Man itself, why? ...'
Please consider your own substack, no volume is necessary, simply broadcast an opinion when compression of your literacies occur & you desire again to enforce a shortcut to sincere souls ...
Best wishes.
"news"papers and magazines...all/ most publications really, got rid of investigative reporters decades ago...
MSM are paid activists, they do as they are told to collect their perks and cash. Indie Journalists, the ones that do the work as in the old days, are shut down. They really need to form a Union or something. A few of them in Europe are doing it, they have had too many arrested and their gov'ts freezing their bank accounts to shut them up.
By "one man" I'm guessing you mean either Klausy Baby (Schwab)-TM or Killy Boy (Gates)-TM... But, those doofus's (what IS the plural of doofus?) are NOT the ones really behind all this. Yes, they, too, dream of an empty planet, but they are not the masterminds. If you've read any of Peter & Ginger Breggins' work, then you should know that. No, these clowns are among the "front men", the forward "face" of this genocide. The real psychopaths behind all this are the Central Bankers, the Rothschilds, and the Rockefelllers, and a couple of other groups.
Yes ... when Forbes produce a list of the wealthiest they always put Billy near the top three at 60 billion plus... but never put the banking dynasty of the Rothchilds .. whose wealth exceeds the trillions .. that over a thousand million at least... it’s off the charts .. but more importantly... why do Forbes keep it a secret?
BlackRock and Vanguard list some of its shareholders .. one of the biggest is the USArmy.. and surprisingly... the British Government...also the BBC gets nice dividend payout everytime Billy pushes out another round of before compassion.
The rightful inheritors of the properties that were incinerated have been
incinerated also. Without the next generation, the transfer of land to its new
owners will take place without as much resistance. A generation of future
rightful/local Maui landowners have been silenced forever.
Same scenario with covid - wiping out generations and damaging dna. Weaponizing the law to prevent litigation.
Exactly. If parents are dead, children dead. Who are the heirs to the properties. Same with the vaXXed, If the parents die off, children next, and offspring. Who inherits properties????
It sure ain't the birds and the 🐝bee's.
THAT is an EXCELLENT point.
Awful, sickening!
Those islands know storms. All that discussion and money spent on preparedness, infrastructure, training but they all failed to save any significant number? Rescue ships took hours for those in the water when military and coast guard boats right there? Didn't almost 100 die in the water? All of these failures a statistical impossibility on its face. Seems the more they prepare the more dysfunctional and ineffective it is. Ring familiar? Pandemic preparedness seems to have the same trend, the opposite seems to be the result. Inflationary Reduction Act con also. How gullible are the people when they keep believing what is actually inverted in name vs. results.
Saunter back to 9/11...the most advanced military on the planet couldn't keep a "plane" (actually a missle) from hitting the Pentagon? 2 planes "allowed" to hit the twin towers? There are books written about the "inconsistencies" but yea, believe what you're told cause you can't live in any other world.
There WERE NO PLANES on 9/11...all CGI
Hey, but it was such an opportunity for them. Get rid of a bunch of "useless eaters". Get a nice big chunk of prime real estate they can sell to their wealthy donor class. Milk the disaster endlessly about the "terrors of Climate Change". Win, win, win.
Yeah sure, your qualifications as a govt high up is your skin color, not the color or even existence of your brains
Water czar indeed, what an idiot
Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock.
"What we have here is a complete failure of the Emergency Response System. It was a failure to detect the severe nature of the threat. It was a failure to notify residents of the need to flee. It was a failure to call immediately for State and Federal resources to deal with the tragedy. I would note that my principal source on Maui is very laudatory of the work FEMA has done in searching the rubble and recovering remains. His assessment of the response of Hawaiian authorities is scathing and involves the use of many of the seven words you cannot say on television."
Body count is currently 111(?) MSM, but there are over 2,000 or more are still missing. The only bodies they are allowed to count have to be intact! That means NO insurance payouts for lands and homes or lives. The survivors will be forced to leave.
"A good friend told me she saw a firefighter at Costco a couple of days after the fire. She mentioned that the death toll was just raised to 50-something. He told her that the firefighters had already used up 400 body bags, all that they had available. He said the death toll was way under-counted."
"I was working with a young guy loading trucks and during a break he told me he was a police officer stationed up in Haleakala and brought down to assist with finding bodies in the rubble of Lahaina. He told me that everywhere one stepped there were the charred remains of bodies, and in his opinion the death count was way low."
"My source in Hawaii described scenes lifted from Dante’s Inferno. Entire families clustered in their home’s bathroom using the bathtub filled with water seeking refuge. All burned beyond recognition. Firefighters are vomiting when they uncover these horrific remains. The rescue workers involved in this grisly recovery task will likely be Post Traumatic Stress casualties themselves."
Source: Larry Johnson
The Police are not only lying in Maui about everything, but the Maui Police are now arresting all witnesses to the fires. They are all DEEP STATE, and should be shot dead on sight.
That is the part that always disturbs me when stuff like this happens, the public servants that go along w/it and do as they are told to do when they know it is wrong. They may not know the full story, but from experience, they know something isn't right and yet don't speak out.
How could you be a human, much less a cop and close the road to make it difficult for people to escape?
Substack is banning folks who are making comments
Your link did not go to what you said - can you plz check & repost the correct one? Thanks, I really want to see it.
I mean, we've got Cofer Black, head of CIA's counter terrorism office during 9/11, working as a marketing director for Burisma as the United States is turned into a 3rd world oil producing shithole under the global enslavement of carbon policies while bombing the competitor's pipeline.
It's almost like it's all part of one big plan. It's almost as if it's the same group of people doing it. All of it.
That's because it IS one big plan, with the same group behind it all. Or, were you being sarcastic? ;)
Based on what is going on in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Maui I am beginning to presume that it is a massive land grab by equity firms. Here in Canada the same thing has been going on for a while. There is a massive housing shortage and the fact is that buildings all over the country are owned by equity firms that are squeezing the wealth out of everyone on behalf of their shareholders. The question is, what will these firms do with this property? An example of that process is Bill Gates' buying up massive amounts of agricultural land. What does he do with it? He produces genetically engineered french fries for MacDonalds and soy beans for cheap cattle feed. Neither of which is particularly good for the planet or for the health and well-being of you and me. Gates is essentially a mediaeval lord in this respect and the people who are forced to work these farms and grow what he tells them to grow and how he tells them to grow it are serfs in service of his wealth. This is what we are up against with these people.
"What we have here is a complete failure of the Emergency Response System. It was a failure to detect the severe nature of the threat. It was a failure to notify residents of the need to flee. It was a failure to call immediately for State and Federal resources to deal with the tragedy. I would note that my principal source on Maui is very laudatory of the work FEMA has done in searching the rubble and recovering remains. His assessment of the response of Hawaiian authorities is scathing and involves the use of many of the seven words you cannot say on television."
Source: Larry Johnson
He almost broke the first rule of Fight Club at the 00:39 time stamp...alllmost let's it out. His 'uh-oh' moment forgetting his indoor voice not meant for outdoors.
Suggestion: why not skip over the offering by Peter-there-really-is-a pandemic Breggin and his wife and instead go directly to Peggy Hall's extensive analysis:
Speaking of psychiatrists, Thomas Szasz was the real thing. Breggin is what he is.
different style: she talks a lot.
Yes, and says so little.
Yes! Get rid of the Breggins and go directly to Peggy Hall. Not sure why he thought we'd want to hear from the Breggins .
I'll make the same comment to you as I did to "Jerry"...
What exactly are your qualifications and/or experience that back up your less than flattering description of Peter Breggin...? If you have such evidence, then plz provide, so we ALL can judge for our selves. If you have no such evidence, then what you said is OPINION, and you should state it as such.
Breggin's great contribution was droning on about psychiatric drugs being a bad idea - which any reasonable person would recognize as a self-evident fact.
As I've already pointed out, Thomas Szasz was the genuine article and in fact warned us decades ago, in his book Pharmacracy, about the world which we now occupy.
Invented Diseases Are Far from New: The Mad Myth Known as Mental Illness
Other experts of the same priest class that Murphy addressed, or rather a different branch or holy order thereof, has for decades produced, out of that same thin air that exists in the upper reaches of the ivory towers of psychiatry the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Were I ever assigned the task of assembling a list of books for summary burning that “manual” would share the top with its distant ancestor, the Malleus Maleficarum. The DSM is a book of fiction from which prescription drugs and other “treatments” have flowed like manna from heaven.
The current edition fattened a decade ago to more than a thousand pages of disorders, evidence of which is non-existent. By way of a remarkable coincidence (No sane person believes in conspiracy) these illnesses are “treatable” via dangerous man-made and, of course, patented drugs. Toxic medicine for nonexistent illness. Where have we heard this before?
Meanwhile, the brilliant, prolific and prescient Thomas Szasz fought tirelessly against the psychiatric establishment and the process by which they transformed “problems with living” into “medical” diagnoses. It was already a centuries old deception when in 1960 he published “The Myth of Mental Illness” and that myth remains both a deception and a profitable fiction. I find it interesting that the invention of the current non-existent plague occurred sixty years after Szasz’s book about the invention of “mental illness.”
One of Szasz’s last books, first published in 2001, ends with a chilling and prescient warning about the sordid place in history that has now arrived, the so called “new normal.” I use the term not to support that oft repeated demented thought but to address the linguistic absurdity of this time. Note the arrogance with which the powers that should not be declare and decree that the mass insanity of the moment is both normal and permanently established. Note too the hapless compliance of the millions and billions who accept this as an existential fact and the despair felt by those who know better.
In Pharmacracy Thomas Szasz addressed a moment that he posited but didn’t quite live to see. His warning about the depravity tersely named and massively marketed as “the new normal” and “the great reset” appears near the end of his book:
"Formerly, people rushed to embrace totalitarian states. Now they rush to embrace the therapeutic state. When they discover that the therapeutic state is about tyranny, not therapy, it will be too late."
So, basically your beef against Breggin is because he's not Szasz. lol. Get over it.
Peggy Hall does do a great job, although you didn't make it clear exactly WHICH video(s) of hers you're referring us to... Or, are you referring us to ALL her videos?
And, what exactly are your qualifications and/or experience that back up your less than flattering description of Peter Breggin...? If you have such evidence, then plz provide, so we ALL can judge for our selves. If you have no such evidence, then what you said is OPINION, and you should state it as such.
Nothing about the traumatic firestorm that swept through Lahaina, Hawaii, was natural. Wildfires in Canada, the long, hot summer throughout the northern hemisphere, and the hurricane in California are not due to climate change as claimed by the very same dark hearts that technologically caused that scope of death and devastation and are causing other tragedies and hardships worldwide.
The recent fires in California, Australia, and now Hawaii are unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. They are being called forest fires and wildfires, but they are clearly something very different. These fires are burning homes into a white powdery ash footprint while often leaving the surrounding green trees and shrubs practically untouched.
In extreme cases, forest fires can reach temperatures of up to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, and the melting point of aluminum is 1220 degrees Fahrenheit. So it is possible for an extreme forest fire to melt aluminum. But there are cars with puddles of melted aluminum that were clearly not in the wildfire area. And melted glass, which has a melting point of around 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. These are unexplained anomalies. In the California fires of 2018, cars were randomly bursting into flames on the freeway with no surrounding fires. We’ve seen these same anomalies in New York City on September 11th, 2001. Cars completely burned out with no explanation.
In Maui, these unnatural fires spared the homes of the rich while burning the native homes of the working class. With precision, these fires destroyed the most envied, high-valued area of Maui.
For decades, Directed Energy Weapons have been classified. But they have been on the public record for several years. Directed Energy Weapons, or DEWs, have the ability to burn homes with this sort of precision. But in order to be this precise, the area would have to be mapped out. In January of this year, green lasers were seen over Hawaii which could best be described as a geospatial array for mapping terrain.
We have seen that among the ashy ruins, there are blue-colored objects that have somehow survived the devastation. Blue cars. Blue umbrellas. A blue boat. Blue planters.
Videos online are going viral that show how lasers can easily burn through certain colored objects, but objects that are colored blue remain unharmed.
Directed Energy Weapons include lasers, millimeter wave, and microwave. They are all based on light frequencies. And different wavelengths of light affect colors differently. For example, in laser tattoo removal, different wavelengths are used for removing different colors. And this is because color is a quality of light, and each color has its own frequency. Interestingly enough, the frequency of the color blue is 6.66.
I, too, thought that the unburned blue things was important - that the blue color was the important piece. But, it may instead be that the composition of things that's most important... Robert Brame, a forensic arborist, was interviewed by Peggy Hall, and he's seen things in these recent fires that makes him believe it's the composition of certain things as to why they're not burned. He's speaking particularly about tires, but that thought can be expanded to other items.
I said before ... .....where are children? NWO sacrificed to Baal
When do the Crusades begin?
We no longer have real news in real time. Everyone of the journalists and politicians are complicit in this madness
Part of the agenda is meant to confuse people… to the point… that they no longer trust themselves to discern fact from fiction…
The Maui story is meant to do that… I think… on a psychological level… it’s not incompetence or even corruption… it’s part of a psychological operation… of fear mongering and intentional confusion.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” ― George Orwell, 1984
And the AI we see rolling out serves the exact same function…
Can we even trust that’s actually X person… or is that AI generated?
It’s only going to get worse.
So people need to stay strong mentally. Don’t fall pray to the psychological tactics being implemented. They mean to confuse us. It’s an intentional mind game.
It used to be illegal to own more than a handful of any media outlets and then the law was changed and now it is the opposite. a handful of corporations own all the media.
Green not only slips up by starting to say smart cities, but in my opinion he gives the agenda away already before, very clearly, by saying something to the effect that the fire was needed to be able to show the world an example of human suffering from climate change, which the world will see and believe, as well as subsequently an example of successful mitigation or so.
Absolutely he gave a LOT away in that clip. We need one without the commentary.
Much thanks for this Mark. According to Lahaina Chief of Police AND coroner, this is yet another data point to be scrubbed (6:26) ...
Keep up the good fight.
Cheers from Japan
We need all of them to give the game away. We can't keep having to live like this.
My question is where are the parents, aunts and uncles of these children? Are they pleading for someone to help fund these little ones?
They are also dead.
All of them? Doesn’t seem possible.