False counter-narrative stories are planted by agencies like an attractive bait. People fall for the stories, which are then discredited. This process discredits, by association, many other counter-narrative stories which may be true. It's a psy-op for disorienting and fragmenting any opposition movements.

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Indeed. That may well have been the purpose of this one about "Malcolm Howard."

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Of course it was ... but then why not the moon landings death bed confession too? "Death bed confessions" are simply a tool of those in power targeting the small percentage of the population they know will always tend to disbelieve them to misdirect them too.

When I woke up this morning to your previous post I put my head in my hands - no, no, no, no, no - you've got it so wrong - so I'm so very relieved you retracted at least half of it - however, the same applies to the moon landings. I'd say pretty much guaranteed any death bed confession will be disbeliever-targeted propaganda.

On the very, very odd occasion when those in power tell the truth about something that can look superficially improbable don't you think they're going to exploit the TRUTH of that improbable event against the disbelievers? Don't you think they might encourage those inclined to disbelieve them to disbelieve the TRUE things so when they call out their numerous lies they will be laughed at Boy-Who-Cried-Wolf style? Also, don't you think it would give them a real kick to have the disbelievers get it wrong? They need to control ALL our minds, not just the minds of the believers, they want to get us, the disbelievers, too. And boy do they get us. I have as hard a time trying to convince the disbelievers where they're misleading us as I do the believers. I discovered the disbeliever-targeted propaganda with regard to the moon landings a few years ago.

This is my three part article where I show how the perps have misled the disbelievers over the moon landings and 9/11. I don't ask you to read the whole thing - just read it until you think I've got it wrong or it's boring and let me know at what point that is.


Part 1: The two fundamental rules of critical thinking

Part 2: How those in power have influenced the disbelievers’ thinking with regard to both 9/11 and the moon landings

Part 3:  The second fundamental rule of critical thinking applied to covid

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Conflating 9/11 with the moon landings is reprehensible. They are nothing alike. And the moon landings did nothing to advance the Bankster Club of Psychos.

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Events can be utterly different but comparisons can still be drawn. Sure, 9/11 and the moon landings were utterly different events, however, there are very clear similarities in how those in power have influenced the minds of those who tend to disbelieve them with regard to both events. This is explained clearly in Part 2 of my article - you can try to understand what I'm on about or you can not bother and keep spouting opinion based on a lack of understanding - your choice.


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Crazy talk. I suppose you figure China's plan to send astronauts to the moon in 2027 is all to make a fake video landing. And all the amateur astronomers and hundreds of foreign science institutes with hundreds of radio & optical telescopes will be suckered in. I still can't figure out why you wackos figure NASA would go to all that incredible expense & trouble to fake a moon landing. If they didn't want to spend the money, just cancel the program, they do it all the time. In fact cancelling these type of mission is the norm not the exception. And yet here they are going to great lengths and cost to do another series of human moon landings. I suppose you figure that's going to be fake too?

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I recognise the astonishing achievement of the moon landings. As I say you can read the post or keep spouting your opinion based on no understanding of what I'm on about. Pls don't make any more comments unless you read the post.

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Both are a pack of lies so they have that in common.

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No they're not - 9/11 is but the moon landings were an astonishing achievement.

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moon landings were a psy-op, brought to you by NASA ('Never A Straight Answer'), Disney and the German scientists imported here through Project Paperclip.

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This one was clever and aimed at people who know a bit about intelligence operations. I was more inclined to believe it because of the stress on compartmentalization, and the small number of people involved (the general public tends to think huge numbers of people have to be involved, but this is typically not true). The one thing that was (in retrospect) too "on the nose" was the project being called "New Century." Thanks Mark for letting us know! I just saw this making the rounds recently too.

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Absolutely and while people may well recognise the existence of controlled opposition they really don't get it properly, they still allow themselves to be misled ... and those in power know exactly how they can manipulate even those who understand the phenomenon.

I'm obsessed with 9/11 which I only woke up to in 2014 but that was only a semi-awakening. It was only in 2018, after four years of dedicated study when I had an epiphany about what kind of event it really was - funnily enough the only experience I can really call an epiphany that I've ever had in my life, it was so visceral. I felt like a dumb bull in the dark being yanked viciously by the nose-ring this way and that. I hate to think the only epiphany in my life will be over 9/11. Seriously? But it may well be considering I'm 61 and I've only had the one so far.

Since 2018 I've woken up to a few other things about 9/11 but lately I've thought, "Well, I've really got the basics now, sure there's heaps I don't know but I've got the basics." However, I've just been looking at images of the WTC seemingly taken at the end of the day and the scene of destruction is just amazing. As if WTC-7 was the only other building to be destroyed on that day. While they may not have brought down the other buildings in clear implosions as they did WTC-7, the destruction is massive. I'd woken up to the fact that WTC-7's implosion was a form of distraction to keep us focused on the building demolition - at least the demolition of the Big Three - and away from the much more revealing planes but now I see having us focus on WTC-7's perfect implosion is also a way to keep focus off all the OTHER buildings at the WTC that were essentially destroyed on the day. Wow!

I've just written this article, Ned, if you're interested or just engage with the questions below.



1a. How is it that allegedly about 50 people died in WTC-3 (the Marriott Hotel) on one side of WTC-2 while there are no reported deaths in WTC-4 on the other side of the building?

1b. Do you believe the survival story of wheelchair-user, Leigh Gilmore, in the Marriott?


2. How is it, in fact, that deaths were only reported in WTCs 1, 2 and 3 but not in 4, 5, 6 and 7? See image of WTC after "the attacks".


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Your posts on your substacks are very compelling, thank you for adding them here. Can you talk more about your epiphany you experienced in 2018?

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Thank you so much Petra, I feel as if I just talk in the wind all the time and no one ever listens to me. I feel so frustrated because I don't really have so much to say but the little I do have no one will listen to. I've just started reading about deuterium on your website - fascinating.

To answer your question: Perhaps about two years into my awakening that 9/11 was an inside job, I'd read on Simon Shack's site, www.cluesforum.info, that deaths were faked and the evidence he gave of fakery was pretty convincing. So for awhile I accepted that at least SOME deaths were faked - and as I recognised that the plane crashes were all faked at least the 265 passenger deaths were faked too but I still believed that there were genuine people out there who'd lost their loved ones and that there were people the perps wanted rid of who were employed in the buildings - so the claims of real deaths and injury were starting to crack but I wasn't totally on board with complete staging.

One morning while I was getting ready for work an auto-play YouTube video came on of alleged janitor in the North tower, William Rodriguez, which annoyingly I can no longer find, that I was only half-listening to. In it I caught that William said he'd heard explosions in the basement - very incriminating to the government because it suggested controlled demolition - but also that he'd received awards for bravery for rescuing "hundreds" from the North tower.

The contradiction hit me - I'm like, how can someone who's said something so incriminating be awarded for bravery? And then it was like a cascade of dominoes. I'm not sure exactly how I got it at that point but I realised that there were two propaganda campaigns: one targeted to those they knew would believe them no matter what they said and one targeted to those who would immediately or eventually disbelieve their story because it was so obviously ridiculous and I realised that they'd staged death and injury - none of what they put forward for it was real, it was all propaganda. That isn't to say no one died because we can see they destroyed the whole of the WTC so perhaps people did die or at least get injured ... but there's zero clear evidence of it. All the evidence put forward easily fits "pseudo" evidence and, in fact, some of it only fits pseudo, it is very obviously fake.

They always let us know by doing their fakery sloppily, it's called "hidden in plain sight / revelation of the method". They believe that by telling us they put the onus onto us to call them out and if we don't call them out it's us who are really responsible and they are spared karmic repercussions. How's that?

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That is very helpful in understanding how you've arrived at this point, thank you. Don't worry about who will listen now, just keep writing and studying. Those who seek truth's will find you. I appreciate all your research very much and your rules and guide posts for critical thinking are fundamental.

The fake binary aspect of the operations you described in your second part is also very important. "There’s a large cast of logical fallacies playing roles in the 9/11 propaganda strategy, including all those mentioned above but the absolute star of the show is the logical fallacy, false dilemma, or the “fake binary” as referred to by Catte, in her article, The Function of the Fake Binary." Thank you for this reference.

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Thank you, Petra Liverani. I recall my own awakening, after researching 9/11 from 2003 to 2013 with ever increasing incredulity that our government could be so evil. I, too, was shaken to my core with a knotted-gut visceral reaction.

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But actually, Ned, my epiphany wasn't in relation to my first awakening of "inside job", it was to my second awakening that it was an inside job of a kind different to the "inside job" that most of us believed it was, it was really a Full-Scale Anti-Terror Exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills, many of which they informed us of, but a crucial few they didn't, pushed out as a real terror attack.

You can propagandise health professionals by the thousands and thousands to deliver an injection that harms people in very cruel, horrible ways including death but you can't propagandise demolition professionals to bring down seven buildings without evacuating them first - couldn't happen. Ironic, no? They didn't kill people when they said they did and now they're killing and maiming people by the thousands and thousands in the name of keeping them safe. The thing is they didn't want to kill people on 9/11 they only wanted us to believe in their deaths and injury while now they obviously really do want to kill and maim them because otherwise why would they be doing it in this manner?

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very true. this type of information operation very much also taps into our daily mental laziness and incapability to be aware of the difference between facts, insinuation and lies. did our capacity for discernment and mental resilience evaporate?

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Neb B. Great insight and understanding. People seeking truthfulness need to be intelligent thinkers understanding nuances, subtleties, shades and gray and have discernment. MOON HOAX: DEBUNKED! https://www.moonhoaxdebunked.com/ Conduct your due diligence.

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been doing that for a long time. as I see it, first there's a colossal event and an official investigation - following and/or in tandem with the officially presented research findings there are those who pose serious questions ("truthers") - next there are those who start debunking the truthers' arguments. Paolo Attivissimo, author of moonhoaxdebunked is also known for 'debunking' the questions and research of Architects & Engineers who are involved in research meant to get to the truth of 9/11. so perhaps for now we might agree on the fact that there are those who are involved in serious research and those trying to debunk that.

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mary-lou - agree. One's quest for truthfulness is a personal choice. TPTB benefiting from the concealment of truthfulness aren't going to provide the "dots" and connect the "dots" that reveal truthfulness. Either YOU collect and connect the "dots" or some other entity will do it for you. You are either free (sees truthfulness) or a prisoner. But people love their cages and TPTB work tirelessly to keep it so. "Opinions with which they disagree are not merely wrong, and are not to be argued against on their merits, but are deemed "offensive" and need to be shut up." ~ _John Mcadams (well known supporter of the Lone Gunman Theory - JFK assassination).

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I collect "dots" and connect 'dot." Challenging given all the noise; gas-lighting, gatekeepers, narratives, algorithms, and TPTB's B.S. A great source of "dots" for researching Covid-19. "This page contains a reference list of credentialed experts and freedom warriors that have earned the right to voice an opinion on the pandemic and the “public health” response." https://totalityofevidence.com/resources/experts/

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brilliant, TQ

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And this is why you are a trusted source of information. THANK YOU.

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Your integrity speaks for itself. For many -- most? -- of your readers, the falsity of the Sept. 11 "confession" story probably has zero bearing on their thoughts about the event. Who knows; if this "false flag" story was recently making the rounds even though it's 5 years old, maybe it's a sign of an ever growing number of people who have written off the official story. There's been several anti-official story 9-11 seminars to "celebrate" the anniversary this year. Maybe the rulers felt a new dose of misdirection/misinformation was called for to deter/denigrate a rising wave of skepticism.

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Honesty is the best policy. It’s a pity more people don’t exercise it!

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Kudos. People should be aware that the spooks often seed these kinds of stories so that in easily debunking them they can give the average Joe the warm fuzzy feeling that every other question about 911 has a similar answer. Show the sheep that one of the wolves is just wearing a costume and they won't mind the real ones.

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Thank you , class act!!

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Hank Aaron died after his hacksxxxine injextions.

Of course the usual thing I assume on a grand refutation is they are putting out the fire saying taint there no fire hear cough cough wheeeze .

Next fact.

Three buildings came down In a controlled demolition Tues 9 11 01.


Someone and somebody , several, placed those nanothermite charges.


Most of us thought that day was biggest scam.ever .


Not even close to the viruganda scamdemic.

So , I can't prove they put no man on the moon.

I can prove they done beeen walking all.over you and me as long as I had got eyeballs to see

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All seven WTC prefixed buildings came down that day and no flashes of light anywhere from explosions were ever seen. It was a natural event caused by the two doors high in the buildings and the counter rotating storms systems either side of the buildings. The US government can't control storm systems or write about the two witnesses the two candlesticks that stan before the god of the earth, wall Street, 2,000 years before it happened.

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Snopes is not exactly the most reliable source of information contrary to what most people believe. They've demonstrated plenty of bias in the past.

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It wasn't Snopes that alerted me, but a friend. Snopes is not trustworthy; but they did catch this one.

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More accurately Snoopes likely were told to "catch" that false story from their masters to boost their credibility.

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Well that settles that then! WTC7 fell at free fall speed spontaneously because of racism and climate change. I’m glad I can go back to my warm cocoon of never having an independent thought not planted by MSM. Phew!

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It makes me wonder if there were lies about the November 2020 election and January 6th too.

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Okay but you realize in Snopes "debunk" of your story, they actually state the following:

"The conspiracy theory that WTC7 was brought down through a secret controlled demolition (thereby establishing that the 9/11 attacks were a “false flag operation” and/or an “inside job”) have been comprehensively debunked, with the evidence demonstrating that fire alone caused the building’s collapse."


Now that's a humdinger of "fake news" right there.

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Yes, Snopes is a fount of disinformation. But in this case they were right. (They weren't the source of my discovery.)

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As another follower stated, you are a "class act", Mr. Mark!!...and is why "we" follow and trUst your work!! ThAT said, thIS particular 9/11 deathbed confession may not be part of thE truth of what really happened in that mOst horrific controlled inside job (with outside accomplices), but I wholeheartedly believe, as do so many others, that thE truth IS out there and it WILL come out, sooner than later I'm guessing. I'm just espEcially grateful to have you, and others alike, to trust and count on during this most unimaginable time in our history, in providing THE truths we're all so deserving of. ENDless gratitude, Mr. Mark.!. You are quiTe the Rockstar❣️

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I would like to see Snopes editors try and break one of those 49 giant steel I-beams with fires. I'd give them a tiger torch, much hotter than office fires, and a 100lb propane cylinder, and a big sledge hammer, go at it children, see if you can even bend it one mm. I've used high explosives on a heavy I-beam like that, trying to break it, and all they did is took the paint off. Not even a noticeable bend. You need special shaped cutting charges that shoot a copper or iron plasma through the metal.

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You handled this in a highly ethical way, which will further cement your credibility among your readership. Thank you for having integrity.

p.s. Quite a few of the people I subscribe to on Substack have encountered experiences just like this. Like you, they corrected the record as quickly and accurately as possible. Know that you are in excellent company!

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That's okay. Not getting your facts straight is an honest mistake. Lying is another issue.

After that "Fiery but mostly peaceful" garbage in 2020 I swore off MSM altogether. I don't like liars and hate being gaslighted.

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Whoa . . . . last I read SNOPES doesn't have a modicum of integrity


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I think plagiarizing articles is the least of Snopes' crimes. They're flat out liars

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CORRECT! There was actually more but I've since forgotten. I just recall it not being the supposed bastion of truth!

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...truth's bastard child. ;)

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It's really not that hard to admit a mistake. Thank you. Too bad we're drowning in lies by those in power and the truth is so hard to discover.

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The NIH / CDC made a concerted, organized effort to reach out to black celebrities, because they knew that black people won't forget Tuskegee, etc. Fauci loves mingling with the rich & famous, so this was right up his alley. I don't know if Fauci is the one who approached Hank Aaron about making an instagram moment out of his jab. Some other black celebrities (like DL Hughley) recounted their experience, a phone call or personal visit from Fauci. Either way, the little sociopath weasel killed one of my childhood heroes. If they hadn't convinced him one-on-one, they may have still got him with the propaganda drive.

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