Mark, you have listed a substantial number of healthcare facilities that are unable to handle the load of incoming patients,, and the question always being raised is "Why?" The wrong answer that is always offered is that there is a shortage of funding. No, it is not funding. It is the lack of accountability and the cooperation of hospitals with governments, whose mission today is to maximize profits while aligning themselves with the program of the WEF, Bill Gates and all those who are deliberately and determinately striving to destroy Nations in order to merge them into the World Order. It is clear to those of us who see with our eyes, hear with our ears, but also engage our brains to process all the information that we are absorbing.

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Private equity firms running hospitals understand that they can understaff and keep things lean enough so that any increase in demand will cause an emergency. And with the right media coverage of that emergency comes pressure on the government to throw billions at the private equity firms to fix it.

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Multiple bots that keep trying to send people to weird Google pages. Not sketchy at all!

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Also, a Spanish speaking relative in the profession complains that she has to deal with all the illegals and other immigrants who have never been to a doctor in years BUT have all sorts of health problems... these people take up alot of time to deal with and overwhelm the system in many areas of the country...

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It appears abundantly and incontestably clear (although it is now being feverishly memory holed) that aside from a shortage of staff induced by continued shot mandates in New Zealand and Australia, and the direct consequences of the unsafe/ineffective/unpredictable/unethical toxic shots leading to fulminating ill health, sickness and disease in the wider populace, the generally assigned the ICD-10 category of "bafflement syndrome" pervades. The collapse of staffing appears readily addressed by importing larger number of professional immigrants willing to run the gambit and genuflect to the edicts of the WHO/WEF who now control over-paid, shot free, bureaucratic health czars.

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You have said it so well! I speculate that you, a fellow critical thinker, are pondering what this world is going to be like, after all this insanity has taken over. From my perspective and at my age I hope that it does not all come together in the next ten to fifteen years, assuming that I have that many years left on this earth. I hope not, from one or the other perspective because I think that I would lose my sanity from striving to cope with the "sustained" insanity. "sustained" seems to be the buzz word in the vocabulary of the DEI globalist non-thinkers.

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I have a job to do at the barricades that became self-evident in Jan 2020. I couldn't live with myself if I hadn't given it a go and borne witness.

The DIE devotees (who attempt to use Deus, Dei as their acronym for what more accurately should be labelled DIE) .. they betray themselves at every turn.

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I still don’t get how their plan is to work. …. Incoming population: no English, no offense, but how to hold a fork, answer the phone, welcome visitor to the office, write a paragraph and dress for the workplace? Layers and layers of culture….and oh, forgot the vetting part! are they working for a few months and then have some interesting crime planned? Oh, and how long are they really nice when living with you, JB urged us to do that, and then run off with the 14 year old. “She tempted me with her American girl wardrobe”. Goooooood luck my friend

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Planned chaos to take US+ other nations down is their plan. Destruction, couched in terms such as "sustainable development", that is not, and "green new deal" that benegits only the perps.

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This has been so for years/decades since government and corps took over healthcare.

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Apr 6Edited
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It was going bad before Hillary too. Regan signed the bill protecting BigPharma from litigation for adverse effects of vaccinations 1986.

RN here for 43+ years through every Fauchi plandemic and healthcare changes in those 4+ decades. But yes vastly more convoluted with Obama! Then Trump's cov.id.coup which he announced to US and world on Friday 13th, March 2020 and which Biden contines. The constant throughout has been the WEF.WH0.UN driving their agenda forward thru every Pres admin.

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Apr 6
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Yes i got that. What a mess that was. Yet another step by UN.WHO to muddy the waters in every way.

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An NZ bureaucratic axiom these days!

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Bingo! It's always money. And though it travels in one direction, today's fast lane leads to globalism. We let it start. Will we stop it before the "end"? "Information"? Too much of it can, indeed, confuse the issues. And it's the issues we need to focus on.

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NOW is the time to educate yourself about holistic healing! STAY AWAY FROM THE MEDICAL CARTEL!

And yes, I can say this! I had cancer three years ago. THAT is why I made my choice to stay away, unless absolutely necessary.

I find most doctors abhorrent. They know nothing to help most people. I can’t believe we trusted most of them for so long (not all!).

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I agree, most "Providers" are abhorrent. We aren't supposed to say Dr. anymore because it offends the Nurse Practitioners and Physician's Assistants. They feel left out.

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They’re abhorrent because they’ve been ALLOWED to get away with it! If you want to be called a doctor, then go to an overpriced medical “school”. Or, you could say, “I identify as a doctor!”

People must stop being lazy and educate themselves about THEIR own bodies! Our bodies know how to heal. Give your body what it needs to help you!

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Unfortunately not everyone has that ability, and I am not referring to being lazy. Some illnesses and conditions do require medical care that a supplement and a ray of sunshine isn't going to fix.

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Hmmmm…I may beg to differ. Although, I do understand. Cancer survivor here. And I do believe that there are already cures for cancer. I think cancer and other chronic ailments are a body’s way of telling you that something is out of sync with various functions of your body.

Unfortunately, the medical cartel makes way too much money off cancer. And it isn’t a death sentence, by the way!

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That is fine, you can differ. I have tons of supplements, oils, remedies, teas, homeopathics, you name it, but it isn't going to work for everyone or every problem. Mind over matter for starters, as well as breaking the programming of the medical system. A vitamin is not going to fix a broken arm, it just isn't.

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Hospitals are good for traumatic injury. Not for healthcare. Two different things.

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Yes. You can end up in a hospital quick as a wink by a random fall or a smallish car accident. Happened to me in 2022. Perfect health and then boom. In the hospital for Surgery for broken bones. I healed very well though. Haven’t been back to conventional medicine.

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I got you! I agree!

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I just watched an interesting video from Dr. Lee Merritt (you can do a search & find it if you are interested ) who believes that cancer & other diseases are cause by parasites - which is why the anti parasitic meds such as ivermectin & hydroxychloroquine work well for C19 and other viruses. Fenbendazole (a dog, horse, goat etc dewormer) may be a cure for cancer. Joe Tippins (look him up with a search engine) was told to go home & prepare his affairs as he was dying of cancer & doctors said they could do no more. A veterenarian friend of his sent him fenbendazole to try and he recovered! Yes, I too blieve there is a cure for cancer but it is being with held because the chemo drugs are better money makers. Deworming meds are relatively cheap. The theory of parasites sounded a bit wacky to me at first but might actually make sense. ??

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2nd Smartest Guy in the World write on this idea last summer--and that it was a physician in early 20th C who first considered this publicly.

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It's important to consider that there is likely no one cause for cancer, just as there is no singular cause for heart disease or back pain.

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I have Ivermectin, HCQ, and Fenbendazole on hand. 😉


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Talk about suppliments, Canada just suppressed access to them by passing new legislation. The Highwire from yesterday covers this issue.

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That's an ongoing fight with Shawn Buckley and many on his team.

Plus many volunteers like myself and 1000s of others.

Yes they aren't listening and did "pass it" but the fight is far from over.

Shawn and his team won the fight in 2008.

This one is bigger because of course it's part of TPTB end game

In CHINADA just join https://nhppa.org/ and follow instructions as many of us are doing.

Or simply help by giving them a little monthly amount like we also do.

They gub'ment knows,Canadians do not want this.

I'm a consumer of great health supplements for 30 years and I care.

The bigger players are the manufacturers and ,health food stores and Naturalpaths and many alternative health professionals.

Easy to help somewhere.

Lots of folks doing "something ".

Good to have Shawn on the Highwire..

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Best of luck to everyone fighting this courageously....it's just amazing one has to 'fight' something like this.

Why do you think ALL in authority are in lockstep with these anti-human measures. Why do all capitulate? Are they threatened?

I'm in France and perhaps you've heard a recent law has been passed where any medical professional who advises against mRNA therapies can be arrested, fined and JAILED. Even the anti-establishment press barely mentions it.

Amazing how everyone is bought off.

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aloha Renee.

MD= medically disturbed

MD= medical dummies

MD= mutalation doctors

MD= monetized doctors

MD= medically deformed

MD= money or die

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MD= medical demon😉

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MD = murdering doctors

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Good grief Something about *their* not having spent years in medical school? Way-ell!! I mean, it all sorta adds up, when you don’t … how can you be offended… what a world

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Aloha Sharon.

About four years ago, the University of Hawaii’s Medical School asked pre-med students “Why do you want to be a medical doctor?”

At least 90% answered: “I want the social-economic & political status of a “Doctor.” I want to live in a $10 million beach front home and own lots of Mercedes, BMWs, Porches,etc.

Not one pre-med student mentioned,” I want to be of service to the community.”

Enough said.

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The only honest answer they gave in their life.

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And patients are the cash cows...

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Actually, the insurance companies are the cash cows. I see what

my insurance company paid out for my surgeries and I was SHOCKED!

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No words….. Honor, sacrifice, humanity….out of mind

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all these should have been blocked from the school

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We aren't supposed to say ER anymore either. Proper term is ED, Emergency Department. ER's got offended that every other specialty of medicine had their own "Department" soooo, they wanted to be a Department too. I kid you not.

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Erectile Dysfunction it is.

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My first thought as well--but saw yours as I was about to write it

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Good grief

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that is if you get to see a doctor at all. usually hereabouts you get to see 2 or 3 nurses and then may be you might see a doc for 2 minutes. Unfortunately the nice older doc retired and friends have tried most everyone, and tell me there are no trustworthy docs around here. Drive to next town over, 65 miles, and still not find much... another 65 miles..

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WRONG. Most vaccines are given to children by NURSES. Nurse Practitioners and Physicians are targeted even MORE by Big Pharma, because they want to "feel important." You are delusional. The whole system is rotten. Vaccine autism and death comes with a female smile. Better believe it.

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So true, so maddening and sad. At my own doctor’s office, in the hallways and small closets of coworkers stacked together, I’m sure none of them have a clue what’s really happening out there, and wouldn’t want to know…And for anyone wondering, how long can they sense something must be twisted, and surely not true?

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If they don’t sense it now, they must be brain dead, seriously!

I lost my job of 23 years because I refused to put a swab up my nose. A few months later, it would have been the jab.

We all have Intuition…God given. Some people are more in tune with that God given Intuition. It can be developed. This is something that has been ignored for most people .

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Wow, so so proud of you….and yes, I have taken flack from siblings early on for quite a while, but finally they shut up. I wish I knew if they are up to date on theirs, but don’t dare ask. Dread what could be next. At my last Dr visit for something else, they were swishing around getting ready for the gesture, and I said “and I’m not doing anything about Covid!” And she backed away, sure didn’t expect it.

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I sort of had the opposite experience. My Doctor asked if I had received any vaccines recently , or if I wanted any. Almost seemed afraid to even say the C word.

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LOL...my GP knows better than to ask me. When the jab came out, I went to his office with a 3 page letter outlining why I wasn't going to take it. These days, my trust is so in the toilet, I won't even get the only jab I usually got religiously, which was tetanus. Funny, that, I got a really deep cut (3 stitches) in my fingertip (gutting a chicken), my tetanus shot was years overdue, and my finger never even got infected, much less a case of tetanus.

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I'm right there with you on any jabs including tetanus. If I cut myself out in the garden I spray on some colloidal silver water (my husband makes it) once or twice and it heals nicely. No jab needed!

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No one needs Tetnus shots. They were used when people still used horse and carriage. Disease was spread from horse feces. It’s a scam, like ALL vaccines, in my humble opinion.

I’m 60 and have had no flu shots or vaccines (a couple in 1963/64 when born). I don’t get sick.

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Stand your ground Sharon! 😉

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Me too. Intuition awakened literally in the moment I was offered shot at my job (hospital). This visceral feeling and now it makes sense - people thought I was nuts and all I could say was “I just don’t want it.” Not fear exactly, but the feeling you get when a pushy salesperson tries to get you to buy some extended warranty or something and you just feel icky.

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Renee Marie, I grew a thriving medicinal herb garden ~30 years ago, more as a whiim than for use. Lost it when professional life overtook my personal life. About 2017 or 2018, I decided I 'd like to re-instate it, and began that process. Just in time, right? I was able to treat a nasty bad cold this past week with my own herbal concoctions (and povidone for which I thank Peter McCullough).

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Problem is majority of the population have no clue about nutrition and how to properly take care of themselves. If there's a health issue, they immediately go to their doctor and get that magic pill, thinking it will cure them. They think the doctors have all the answers. Far from it. I've been learning about health and nutrition for over 30 years and there's so much to know how the human body works. It takes years reading books, articles, research, that most people don't know about. They wouldn't even know where to start. You have to learn to be your own doctor. There's so much information out there now how to take care of yourself, including curing yourself of cancer, such as taking Fenbendazole and Ivermectin and so much more.

The Allopathic way of treating people is never fixing the underlying problem. Their method is surgery, chemo/radiation treatments and synthetic toxic pharma drugs. They never want you to get better, continue going back for more drugs for life, the many vaccines now, a slow kill system. Gotta keep these doctors happy with their high lifestyle - beautiful home, vacations, cruises and that nice wonderful fat paycheck.

With all that being said, this Allopathic system is unsustainable, healthcare has greatly declined for years, many hospitals are closing, nurse/doctor shortages, etc. What is needed are more naturopathic doctors/health centers, including learning about nutrition and eat a better healthier lifestyle.

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the saying is all they know is cut, burn and poison. There is a place for allopathic medicine. We know they are good with trauma injuries. There are other things as well, like hip joint replacements and routine surgeries that they've been doing for a hundred years or more. But they've gone too far and forgot what they were supposed to be there for. Now they think they are God. The med/pharma complex is the 1st or 3rd leading cause of death which no one ever brings up.

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My brother died of stomach cancer years ago because his doctor kept insisting it was acid reflux, too lazy to refer him. His car had bottles of acid meds rolling around after he died.

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What a heart break. I’m truly sorry for what your brother had to go through. Bless his soul, with God!

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Amen to that

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A couple comments about ER capacity...

It has become incredibly difficult for Medicaid patients to find a doctor who accepts it. Both Medicare and Obamacare are quickly becoming that way. So what people do is skip the primary care doctor (or they don't even have one), and just go to the ER, for everything. The ER may not take good care of you, but they're not going to turn you away, and they may pass you along to a regular doctor, making it an easier way to "get you into the system".

Also, undoubtedly, ERs are overrun by adults with mystery illnesses that have popped up since roughly, oh I don't know, let's say 2021. Of course I just pulled that year out of a hat.

But children have been frequenting the ER for much longer. The government says 75% of children visit the ER once per year, and 1 in 20 children visit the ER 3 or more times per year. But the data from my insurance company is much different, saying the *average* is 4-6 visits per year.

Here's one more crazy coincidence - the majority of those children visit the ER within 24 hours of their pediatric wellness visit.

Makes you wonder... potential health trigger have children been exposed to, that was recently thrust upon adults since 2021? Doctors are baffled, I tell you. Baffled.

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Is there ANY WAY to have an awareness campaign on what those *%#@& vaccines are doing to our kids?

My sister didn't believe it when I told her that the USA has the highest incidence of infant deaths, more than all other developed nations COMBINED! Sent her info, but it still didn't dent her programming.

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Cognitive dissonance can be a MAJOR problem.

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yup, you're basically talking about therapy, or deprogramming from propaganda (which is similar to deprogramming from a cult). because it's not just a "fact", it's their worldview, which has existential ramifications.

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Yes, I've thought this very thing exactly - just how you described it.

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Apr 6
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Sean Hannity read off a list this week of all the ways RFK differs from what we might think he believes. …actually terrifying for me. I had no idea. Was in the car and couldn’t write them all down

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Absolutely....especially now after his VP choice where RFK is revealing his hand.

This will separate the men from the boys. Let's see how many holier-than-thou supporters (Del Bigtree,, Ed Dowd) are going to call this out. It really looks like The Annointed lead us away from evil, then make a BIG U-Turn in the end.

What say you, Mark? Are you willing to concede that Sage Hana had this pegged correctly? Many of us are no longer willing to be duped.

Bobby certainly realizes who he chose and what this will mean to many supporters.

Why is he doing this?

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He is doing this because he is one of the satanic globohomopsycopedos. What other conclusion is possible?

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Certainly plays the long game....DECADES long.

Do they start out with good intentions and then read the riot act? Perhaps some while others are placed there at the start as an alternative to later lead astray.

Wondering who's left out there we can trust? SOMEONE with authority and integrity has to be fighting the good fight, no?

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Yeah, baffled. There's just no way to figure out why all this happened since 2021.

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ha! yup. might as well not even ask. we'll just never know.

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It's like there are multiple realties being presented to people on different platforms right now. Myself, I'm convinced that what has happened since 9/11--deliberate or not--has resulted in the complete destruction of America, and the post-WWII liberal order western hegemonic structure. I'm also convinced the jabs are killing or harming significant numbers of people, and that our "leaders" are deliberately sabotaging our ability to live free, open lives, (and to bond with each other around common values) either due to some directive orchestrated by shadowy dark elites, or by pure spiritual evil itself (however you wish to define that). However, turn on your television or look at the MSM newsfeed, and you get the idea that everything is basically okay, and that the most important thing in the world is that some actor learned to cook a new meal, or that a newly constructed tribal group has not been recognized for their centuries of oppression. I pray that God touches people's hearts and opens their eyes to what is truly going on around us. I'm of the mind that we have little time left before things we have believed to be eternal our entire lives will be dismantled in an instant.

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millions, and probably billions all told, of people have been wiped out in the past...holodomor, china, world wars etc...we were all led to believe that those days of horror were over and the world was getting better day after day...it was all a complete lie...now i find myself thinking more and more about those ordinary russians/ukrainians and chinese citizens who were deliberately murdered by their own leaders...ordinary people just trying to live their ordinary lives...just like us...and all confined to the dusty halls of history where they've been forgotten about...just like the victims of today will also be forgotten about in the years to come...how many past civilisations, that we've not even been told about, has this happened to before? it seems the ptb are well practised at this. they've been on this merry-go-round before.

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Sarah k- You are exactly right. (In my opinion). I have been preaching the same thing and having the damndest time getting people to understand that what has been done before will be done again. And is being done right now. Good ordinary people will not, maybe cannot believe there are monsters among us. Inhuman Monsters.

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Yes indeed. The lies are so extreme and so psychotic that it is beyond the ability of most people to come to terms with. I pray for us.

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Damn Sarah! I think the same! Human behavior doesn’t seem to change much, does it? Well said!

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I call where they are living The Truman Show World. It’s where everything is awesome and is bright and shiny. Truly surreal times we are in.

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I think people ignore their God given Intuition. I used to. I don’t anymore! My Intuition is nearly 100% accurate.

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I agree. My intuition tells me “America,” or the America I have known my whole life has been utterly destroyed, taken over by globalists and “multiculturalism” so anarchic that nothing can bring her back. There has been a noticeable and deliberate importation of thousands or tens of thousands of “immigrants” into San Diego where I live since “COVID.” None of these “immigrants” give a shit about America except for treating her as their parking lot and investment scheme. I cannot believe that all of my ancestors fought in our controllers wars for this nihilistic bullshit. I am in prayer daily for my and our redemption.

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Perfectly said Chris.

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Profound comment, Chris. Fully agree

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Apr 6
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Absolutely agree.

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One might think that with all the vaccines given to people, we shouldn't even need hospitals.

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Ain’t that the truth….and finally some might have to confess, “that’s when the penny dropped….” These past few years ….either securely closed the mental doors forever, or opened wide the windows of truth and understanding, “from here, can I jump out safely and get away? “

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every country the health care workers were the first in line for the vaccines. I suppose many are now patients not workers.

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Health Insurance Industry is dictating what MDs (Allopaths, etc.) can do or not do. They are in FULL control of what doctors can or not prescribe as treatment and Pharma drugs. This is what happens when everything in life is deformed into a BUSINESS. What is not a business in the USA??

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Good riddance to allopathic "medicine." I welcome its current demise and its eventual extinction wholeheartedly.

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Only problem is naturopaths here(PA) don’t take insurance and are too expensive for us. We’re old and struggling! Had great drs until they died or retired. Got sick of interviewing and settled. But, it’s not what I need.

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Most things you can find on your own in books or websites.

(Be careful with prescriptions, that unfortunately goes through the system aka doctors)



These days I've been giving advice to my family who finally started to see that their doctors are just dumb pharma shills.

They thought I was kooky until con-vid showed them the quacks are the ones who were officially doctrinated by crooked schools.

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You’re lucky your family is starting to see it. One never will. They still believe I’m a conspiracy theorist!

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You are, but that's ok, most of them become true!

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You’re a “Conspiracy Factualist” 😉🤣

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I see you have connected with Georgie Dinkov. Through him and Mercola i found out why i had certain issues and changed my diet 7 months ago. My very expensive functional medicine doc helped some but never had the answers that were right in front of my mouth, so to speak. Treating myself now.

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People have to be careful doing their own medical care especially if they are on prescription medication.

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I weaned myself off both benzos and ambien. Plenty of info available on the 'net. Doctor had me on them for over a decade. Didn't trust him to help, as he caused the damn problem in the first place.

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I did the same! YOU know more about your body than doctors do! Simply listen to your Intuition.

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Yes I forgot to mention that. Thanks

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You echo my sentiments exactly; the cult of the medics is in free fall, and it's collapsing with exponential speed. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. All those who are dependent upon that system are now facing the consequences of having handed over personal responsibility for their own health into the hands of doctor god and "science"; authority outside of the self. I feel very sorry for the millions and millions of people who are convinced that they will die without their prescriptions...without access to the cult's barbaric procedures, and many WILL die if they don't make radical changes. The time to start is now.

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Yeah and it takes time to ween off the more dangerous ones like SSRIs, statins, and blood pressure meds.

It's so crazy that the newer meds are worse than the old ones. Honestly, I think future research will only bring more issues because they're over complicating the chemistry.

I remember reading how even with opiates, the later ones are the super addictive ones that cause more issues... The original poppy plant and the original ones developed from it are much safer than the later ones like oxycontin, midazolam/fentanyl.

Same for diabetes. Metformin is much less problematic as it's based on the berberine plant. The later ones just got crazier and crazier. The latest fad is weight loss using ozempic which is a diabetes drug that's really problematic!

And we learned during con-vid how an old medicine, ivermectin, which is based on natural soil organisms, outperforms every single "antiviral". It actually extended life beyond expectancy because con-vid was pretty much killing an average age of life expectancy! (Which means con-vid was just normal death rebadged 😂 )

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I still see an adherence to the "take a pill" for your problems ideology in your statement. This "natural" drug is better than the newer drug.... The goal should be NO drugs, natural or synthetic. We have to get people out of the allopathic paradigm completely. It means changing diets, cleaning up bodies, avoiding all drugs, avoiding EMF exposures(how many still carry "smart" phones on their bodies?), clean air, water, changing emotional patterns....

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Yeah and we should stop believing in the nonsense germ theory of disease which only covers up for the real causes of sickness, toxins/pollutants.


As for the other issues, avoiding shitty stuff like processed foods and drinks gives most of the benefits. A reverse osmosis filter or a water distiller is recommended and it helps to add a bit of sea salt to the water to remineralize it.

EMF is an issue if you live near a tower or are constantly on calls because of distance to your body. The power of the signal falls off with the distance squared... Which means that the phone 10 inches away is 100 times less than 1 inch near your ear/head.

I'm not worried about when the phone is not in use, as long as the apps aren't set to constantly be downloading or uploading data.

Actually even downloads, like streaming music or videos gives off very little energy, as you can see by the battery life. For every so l thousand or so bytes received, the phone transmits a byte or so. This is why phones started to use less power with 4g and 5g over 3g and 2g which are less efficient at coding data, thus needing much more signal power for the same amount of data.

The worst phones were the old ones that needed huge battery packs or plug into the car that used analog signals because of the huge power use.

Wi-Fi is a similar story. Older Wi-Fi used to be highly inefficient and quite slow. There were a lot more retransmits needed because it was not as accurate in judging the signals than it is today. I remember past Wi-Fi also being quite inundated with interference from neighbors' Wi-Fi. These days despite seeing more Wi-Fi access points in my area, my own Wi-Fi is much faster and more consistent than those days. I bet those older days had a lot higher EMF which is why interference was more of an issue. (In those cases a lot of data has to be re-sent multiple times in order to complete!)

I'm not saying EMF is not an issue but it's not as bad as it used to be!

The simplest thing is to keep some distance from your phone while using it and while sleeping. After all, there's nothing we can do with the signals already in the air unless you want to put sheet metal or metallic paint on your walls 😂

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Frequency is also part of the problem. The newer higher frquencies, like 5G appear to be more damaging to cells than earlier lower frequencies. Phones are always looking for towers when turned on. Put it near an FM radio and listen to it radiating when "not in use". Of course, all much worse for children who are now weaned on phones.

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I had no trouble stopping my 3 different statins I was instructed to take. I felt like hell so I just stopped taking each of them each time they were prescribed & I started aching or losing my memory. I still "fight" with my cardiologist over them. They steal your brain & they cripple people. No need to wean just stopped. Felt better within a week. Interesting insights about statins from Spacedoc . com. check it out.

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I believe the cholesterol myth is just that. A crock & a myth!

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Considering that the brain is largely made up of cholesterol, that entire claim has never made a single lick of common sense.

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Good to know! My girl's mother takes em and I wanted to see her wean off.

Thank God my father stopped statins as soon as I told him that it can cause liver issues as it creates cholesterol.

But he's still on blood thinners for no fkin reason. He stopped taking them a week before a blood test and it turns out no change at all.

Cardiologists, like most specialties tend to be clueless about the big picture.

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It's been like this for almost a decade. Corporations and equity firms sucked the capital out of medicine and ran it with a skeleton crew.

End stage capitalism.

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All self-created. First, they poisoned a large portion of the population, creating a sick populous requiring more medical care and at the same time, they drove many good people out of the medical care system by demanding they continually submit to endless toxic vaccinations. What is called healthcare now is just a machine that creates permanent pharma customers and treats symptoms only with poisonous drugs and more shots.

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My wife and I do not use the health care system at all whatsoever.. We are both 60 years old, and we are under the care of https://www.yostwellnesscenter.com/, even though they are in Urbandale Iowa, and we are in Arizona.... we are very well taken care of. My wife and I will never ever set foot into another hospital as long as we live. But one thing is for sure, if you do not have your health, you have nothing. Ive been dealing with Metabolic Syndrome, and my wife with a thyroid issue. Yost wellness center took care of my wifes needs in about 6 months time... my issue has taken abit less time, 4 months. While it is NOT cheap, its 10x cheaper than hospital stays or visits. And much much less than an MD doctor visit, which 99% of them only treat your symptoms, where as Yost Wellness center treats the root cause of the issue. Anyways, after the mass murder that the hospitals took part in, as well as labeling every single death of 2020 from the fake covid (common cold) disease, we are done, and over the US health care system. No matter what.

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I'm in my 60s. I see a TCM practitioner, who isn't an MD. I fight so much with my GP, he's asked me a couple times if perhaps I'd like to find another doctor.

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