The charade parade goes on, uninterrupted by the heartbeat that doesn’t.

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We'll put.

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Sorry, well put.

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Thank you!

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May 13, 2023Edited
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if it's anything like where i live- not many- so many seem to realize the quackzine kills- but they still 'believe' in the 'virus' and that it will still 'get them' 100%- masked bandits in marin!

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Great article by the Worlds 2nd smartest guy about the 1918 Spanish flu and pictures of people that were masked! Many died and some literature from then and now in the article, point to the secondary bacterial infections that developed after the virus ( common ) because they were wearing a mask. Great article he posted on substack a couple weeks ago BECAUSE ! None other then Fraudci weighted in on the cause of death in a NIH paper with his name on it concluding it was (the masks) secondary bacterial infections in 1918, just like our Covid flu now BTW

, hence the people that lived took a timely Z pack ( Azithromycin) for the secondary pulmonary bacterial infection ( pneumonia ) towards the end.

Point being Fraudci used this as the real life example of how to do people in.

The Devil announcing his intentions, with his published paper.

Don't forget people, the reason we sneeze or cough is to expel antigenic material. Period. That includes bacteria ( and viruses ). So if we are keeping it in our masks, we breathe it all back in, in concentrated form. Bad news.

Turns out, God did have a good design and every time we try to do better we screw up. Of course Fraudci knew and his was malicious intent.

Everyone must realize when the the Evils say something , it is the opposite that is true, 95 % of time. They have to keep that 5 % truth so someone could pick out a truth once in a blue moon 🌚 and try to throw off the lying narrative. In fact I just read a good comment by someone....I will find it and post here.

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Here it is, with your permission Santini ?

The Great Santini

Writes The Great Santini Newsletter

May 12

The oligarchs (the Help) are using words with two meanings. The meaning that is commonly understood sounds benign. The real meaning that they understand is nefarious. Diversity really means homogeneity. Equity really means theft. Inclusion really means exclusion. These oligarchs are evil. They must be stopped. Exposing them is the first step.



omicron = moronic when unscrambled and

delta omicron = media control

This last one is when the media had to start 😂 the delta from South Africa because they were refusing the vials being shipped from Pfizer because they realized it was a Hoax. That was their " punishment " then the media took it from there.....

Unfortunately they assassinated other leaders for the same thing--Hoax realization, Haiti, Tanzania and one other country S and poor Abe from Japan who knew better. ( newly retired PM).

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There was not a influenza pandemic in 1918. They were killed by vaccines then too. There are books on the subject.

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And from the masks, too, right? Contamination from the masks - nobody changed them. Dirty, dirty.

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Just try telling that to the Morons, like I did...

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Thank you for bringing that up. I did not realize that was the issue back then as much as it was.

Frightening how little we have learned since then.

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I’m across the bay from you on the coast. It’s crazy how many got had. Mask nuts abound. At least I can tell who the psychs are now.

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Valarie ,

I Lived in Marin for 30 years

Left in 2015

Still talk daily to a few good friends and still check out PATCH and the laughable IJ newspaper on and off.

The hysteria around Marin was insane.

But nothing like the jab insanity.

All that from a county that is all about organics, no GMO’s, farmers markets and holistic docs.

But.....when the CV rode into town all I heard was how Marin lined up to be jabbed no questions asked.

Stories being recounted from visits to the “Good Earth” 🌍 nauseated me.

A store that always fought for nothing chemical or synthetic going in your body (or on the store shelfs!) seemed to suddenly align with Fizer

Prior to 2020, you would see endless car bumpers adorning the sticker

“My Body My Choice”plastered on Prius’s ,Volvo’s and Beamers.

Sadly by January 2021 that message quickly shifted to Marinites screaming the “opposite” message on NEXTdoor and Fakebook

I won’t lie it took me for a big looper as it all played out 😭

The Fear factor really gripped Groovy Marin and common sense was tossed to the ocean breeze that blows through

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If you haven't watched "The Matrix" yet -- high time you did. After that, watch "V for Vendetta". "They Live" might be a good follow-up, haven't watched it yet.

After that, if the world you now live in suddenly doesn't start making a lot more sense, I don't know what to tell you.

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I'll add to that to read 1984 and RAPE OF THE MIND by Dr.Joost A. M. Meerloo.

That book was written about my parents generation in Holland.

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v for vendetta was good if you can ignore the stealth muslim/ koran propaganda. Matrix was good. They Live is a favorite. One thing it brings out is how greedy people can be and how quickly they'll sell out.

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Am now about halfway through "They Live."

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people just showed what they really are. They pretend to be something but when they are told to fear, instructed to do something, that is what they do. Most of them always would have turned you in to the KGB in a heartbeat. For not wearing a muzzle or refusing the injection.

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Most Bollywooders are pretty stupid, empty headed narcissists that barely graduated from high school. Very confident though, that can be mistaken for smart. Used and abused street smart I will give you, after a few years.

Experienced living there and socializing with them for a while.

Now the Satan streak ( think Rihanna ) is there so there might be the well keep secret that this is the poison drink to avoid but act like it is good for everyone else's sake.

I am trying to think of an example. Some may enjoy placing Russian Roulette, many people I come across say, when asked " well I took it and I didn't die " or " I'm not dead yet ". It crosses my mind to give them a little bit more info on the sequela of the Bioweapon Injection but usually they do not really want to hear any more. 🤔

I would think people may have grown out of that erroneous thought process though.

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wake up one by one ...

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Really? Then what happens. Do they run ( stampede like horses ) or just walk fast away?

Seriously curious...

Always looking for insight.

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The director (or maybe producer) of The Dallas Buyers Club, died suddenly after his “booster”. He was keenly aware of the industry’s evil doings, ans still lined up dutifully, shaking in his Uggs. Doesn’t bode well for these “geniuses”.

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I know there are more dying and dying at a younger age. A couple of weeks ago I was sitting near two older men in a doctor’s waiting room. They were discussing how everyone was dying and getting cancers, etc at such young ages now. They even mentioned young people getting dementia. I am sure they were jabbed but it just validated the increase in deaths and disease.

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My 33-year-old son told me that he and his wife have been talking about how a number of their friends have developed very serious cancers. He said they'd read an article about how younger people were getting cancer, and no one knows why. It could be obesity . . . I said, "Well, a lot of people think it's the COVID vax . . ." I know my son was vaxxed--not sure about my daughter-in-law--and it scares me to death.

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My sons, their families were all vaxxed and boosted. Wouldn’t read any info I sent. Couldn’t see them the whole time because of no masks or jabs! They still don’t get it. By the way they are very intelligent!!! Just know it all. 💔that grands, 3-17 were all destroyed. Keep 🙏🏼ing they got saline. At this point I believe, sadly, we’ll all eventually succumb to this monstrosity!

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I do believe there are millions who will not succumb.

Many of the people on this substack will not comply.

There are things worse than death.

Sorry hearing of your family's choice to take part in the

jab experiment. Many of my family members are intelligent too,

better educated than me yet rolled over for the monstrous lies

peddled on TV. Many of us tried our best to speak sense to our

relatives, with little affect. I don't think the majority realized the enormity

of their decision taking the injections. With so many political divides, many wanted to align themselves with their tribe. If you didn't get the jab a person was on the 'wrong' side. This rollout was very calculated and well played.

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

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"Better educated ."

Means more time in the COMMUNIST indoctrination system I guess where there is zero critical thinking.

I'm a blue collar idiot according to my best friend growing up and our other valedictorian Dr friend in grade 13 in 1975 and we are 68 now .

Both of these really educated guys are now DIMINISHED and don't communicate with me any more since I am an idiot they said 🙄 two years ago because I did not take the cupcakes.

I'm incredibly fit and strong and haven't had a poison JAB since I was 5 and under.

My two Dr friends are COWARDS like many of you Drs.

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You could forget a print out of the FLCCC post shot protocols to treat the spike protein binding and negative Bioweapon Injection effects at their house next time you visit. Leave it by " accident ". 🫣 Such like a mom trying to take care of her children and being ostracized and ridiculed for it. I thought that was over in the teen years but apparently that was just wishful thinking.

Then check at the next visit see if they have the ingredients of ivermectin, zinc, quercitin, NAD, Vit D, nattokinase (nattokinase per Dr. Peter McCullough Cardiologist that was onto this farce from the beginning! )

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I think you mean "onto" not "on".

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I corrected affects to effects and because to but!

I have to do more proofing. Thank you.😊

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Jonestown meets the Covidian cult. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song I DRANK THE KOOL-AID.. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/i-drank-the-kool-aid

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I can relate to you as my children dismissed the stuff I sent telling them to just wait. I'm heartbroken and I can't control anything so should just ignore it but it's impossible to do so. UK papers seem to be printing lots of fobbed off patients by doc stories, young people, with aggressive cancers. They must want us to know because they, tptb, made sure no serious adverse events immediately after jabs got no press coverage whatsoever. Oh, fortunately for us, mRNA vaccines now being produced by pHARMA, for cancers. Do they have a crystal ball?

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My sympathies. I have a daughter who took the jab. She adamantly defends the current US Admin's ideology and the sold-out sorcerers who delve in Scientism and foist crack pot lunacy on unsuspecting Americans. A very ill and dependent citizenry is easier to control. Pharma Rules!

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Pharm animals is how they view us. Most walked straight into the cage and gladly turned over the keys to their life. It still hurts my head and heart as I watch it all come to its inevitable end.

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We shouldn't be treating animals this way either. Plus it's bad science to test on another species to find out about human issues.

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JUST TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. “Straight shooter” advice on vaccination for the brainwashed. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/just-too-good-to-be-true

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Like everything in their globalist parasitical agenda.. they tell us everything (regards your comment - "They must want us to know...") and whilstthis may sound ridiculous, they tell us, because they are forcing us to make voluntary decisions to take the likes of the jab; reason for this ?; well I do not know, but many insurance companies no longer will play out as they say taking the jab was voluntary or even death was suicide... (whether that is true, I cannot say, but many articles say it is) ... BUT and a big but and something I would have mocked 3 years ago .. could it be a battle of our souls... ???

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a battle of our souls and for our souls. there is a peculiar evil at work here. Not like run of the mill human evil. I believe there are supernatural forces at work, Satan is doing well at the moment.

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cancer patients were excluded from trials .... see on page 5


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Well isn't that ironic!!

Prob because it would have showed it doesn't freakin help!

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Same here, have wife and daughter double jabbed, due to nursing job. We have all attended multiple funerals this year (not last) of loved ones, friends and colleagues, all ppost 50 years of age though... but what happens when Son and Daughter's mates start dropping... even they cannot blank it out and I believe in "helthy body-healthy mind and vice versa; so will that have more negative effects on them ??)

Sorry, many of the funerals were for cancer, a sudden onslaught and very quick time from first symptoms to death ... one had been in remission (cured) for 20 years and he had the jab ... 3 weeks later it was back at stage 4.

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Let's pray they got saline. My life is not same since knowing my kids took them.

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Again, but I doubt Saline will be beneficial, but you never know. Good luck, fingers crossed and prayers for all.

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From my new hobby of reading non-fiction, history of western medicine, germ theory, uncovering truth of all previous outbreaks, there is no proof of viruses or contagion, none! So nothing to immunise against. Toxins make us ill and administered various ways. Saline on it's own not toxic so harmless rather than harmful. Yes, prayers for all.

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Yep; welcome to the club. What you have just stated is the most important thing that people need to understand, because without that understanding they will just continue to pop the pills, take the jabs for their next "health scare".

Also important and to understand that your "environment" plays a massive part in your health and FOR ME the old saying "Healthy mind - Healthy body" .. is also a key as the two are so intertwined, it is unbelievable.

Just an example = https://www.barrowneuro.org/resource/about-the-pituitary-gland/#:~:text=The%20pituitary%20gland%20is%20connected,hormones)%20that%20control%20their%20functions.

Anyway God bless, cheers.

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I agree with you, Mark -- there’s enough proof of the ongoing genocide project.

I’m reading, for the second time, the book TREBLINKA. It’s about one of the first concentration/murder camps in the early 1940’s’.

It’s the most excruciating piece of writing I’ve ever experienced.

And it’s relevant to today.

It’s about the victims and how they thought/acted/refused to see till it was too late; it’s about the propaganda perpetrated upon the population which mesmerized most & led them to their tortured deaths; it’s about who did the killing & how the sadistic killing was done. It's an unbearable book that must be read.

What I’m coming away with: we today are living the SAME PATTERNS as before: the same people-- both victims and murderers and they who sought to fight back, the Same Patterns.

Bottom line: We no longer need proof.

Today, we need courageous men to gather themselves into units and go out and take care of the situation. 
We need the CAUSE of the problem put down.

We, myself more than any; we, the cockroaches who prep and hide and gather and learn and attempt to store things up: water, food, etc… we need the CAUSE put down.

Without strong men stopping the CAUSE of this filthy situation, there’s no amount of prepping and hiding from the exterminators possible. Nothing will stop them from continuing to kill us and there’ll be no freedom but our choosing to end our own lives.

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Difference is, the Nazis did not target the whole population. They chose a relatively small segment of people that they could vilify, convincing the wider population that they were inhuman and therefore disposable. True, they also targeted a few Aryans such as homosexuals and heavily disabled, but generally it was 'others'. Not so today, which I guess that is why the maniacs behind this are so terrified of the truth getting out.

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Ironically, when people compare this to holocaust, like UK politician Andrew Bridgen or Dr Sucharit Bakti, they get kicked out of their party for anti-semitism or taken to court for stirring up the population.

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you could compare it to communism. Which is still alive and well. No one ever mentions the 1-200 million people murdered, starved and sent to gulags by various communist governments.

Communists have the olympic gold for extermination but somehow communism gets a pass. Why is that?

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May 13, 2023
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And those who speak out. Un injected or not.

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Vax passports on the way out? Don’t be so sure. Listen to Turfseer’s mega-hit PASSPORT TO HELL. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/passport-to-hell

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Stand up,

You are absolutely correct. Another good book I read to try to understand how the Germans could pull it off was - In the Garden of Beasts. Told largely by the letters of the Ambassador to Germany from the USA in 1939, 1940. He was a Professor from U of Chicago, need I say more....he did not really notice a thing out of place while living in Berlin and traveling Germany with his wife and daughter. His daughter was having picnic dates with Himmler ( or one of Hitlers sadistic lieutenants, I can't recall for sure which notorious one it was frankly). So while the Jews were disappearing from their houses and neighborhoods, and we know how that goes when families just go missing from neighborhoods, he was conveniently clued out. This goes back to are these people we are surrounded by just really stupid or are they Evil? Sometimes it is hard to tell. If they are really clever Evil ( and good actors/actresses ) ie Rachel Walensky ( I don't care if I am spelling her despicable name wrong ) they pretend they are stupid while they do there malicious psychopathic deeds. Just like some of the German Nazis did. Perhaps for instance the reception Secretary at Dr. Mengele's office. Wonder which personality she had to welcome the subjects in to the torture rooms? It is important to make the citizens feel comfortable and happy ( " be kind " ) so you get co operation that makes your job way, way easier day after day. Also when moving into the poison gas ovens, be kind, to make the resistance a minimum and jobs of sadistic guards much easier and less confrontational. Heaven for bid the guards have a hair put out of place, from resistance.

4 % of our population is Sociopathic ( it feels like much more now) The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout PhD Clinical Psychologist. Excellent book that seems to be flying off the shelves now. Because it is pre Covid 1984 it seems like child's play compared to these sociopaths now. Please give us an update Dr. Stout on what we are dealing with at present.

These Psychopaths and Sociopaths need to be ferreted out, caught in the act and as Evolution and natural selection does ( ie bar fights and subway defending brawls ) eliminated from our population. The smart good people need to mobilize like they did NOT in Germany 1939, 1940, 1941, etc. The longer we wait the harder it gets.

The Evils are pinging us off one at a time, sometimes more in the large and small plane crashes of late. Two can play at that game, we need to show them the same curtesies and defend ourselves, our families, our loved ones and the weaker good people.

Please mobilize all White Hats, Alphabet agency workers/leaders that are not Deep State and anyone, just anyone who can educate people, like the employees of these Evils, on what the Evils do in their spare time. Sacrificing children and I am going to say it here although some are not going to like to hear it but too bad, it is a burden to be shared--sacrificing children and drinking their blood for a high. Lots of pics and videos around on it. bitchute.com, rumble.com, odysee.com Go down some rabbit holes from Epstein's Islands, alive and well as ever. They are so bold about it they named well known Microsoft products for it. They laugh at our stupidity, naivety and goodness constantly.

They gave the children free Microsoft computers with one part of the two part name, for school. When you figure out what is really going on you will be just as horrified as the Stand Up Thinker above reading his recommended educational book.

We need to act now. Do Not Comply

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Most are not sadists. The majority are religious fanatics.

There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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I was talking about the Evil Billionaires like BHates, Soros and KSchwab etc.

Yes they are all Sadists.

Group of 0ver 300 out of the 800 or so billionaires.

The 300 includes Orca ( Oprah ) if you can believe it!

Anything to be accepted by the white group.

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stopworldcontrol.com is also a big rabbit hole of this evil stuff that is going on.

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The killing method varies, the number of victims is far greater, but the patterns are indeed the same. This mass killing event however .. they used a more distributed chain of command, with an army of (for most, clueless about the dangers) injectors and the pyramid of evil above dispatching the poison.The cause ... evil, greed and disdain for the human race, it's always been there throughout human history in some form, eugenics isn't new ...

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Great point. Well said. And what I've learned of the "clueless"... yesterday, YESTERDAY! a female friend of mine who I've been-- a dollop here, a dollop there-- who I've been trying to tell about the goings on... yesterday, she threatened me, saying that if I did NOT stop talking about this-- all this doom and gloom stuff, she'd have to avoid me.

I wanted to tell her, though I didn't, "Please avoid me-- I've been wanting to rid myself of your company!"

Bottom line: we keep thinking that the sleepers, were they to wake up, would help us or things will change-- I don't think that any longer. They do not, most of them, want to wake up; and THEY are the enemy because THEY carry out the orders: they run the hospitals, they inject the lethal materials in the syringes.

The collaborators are the enemy. None of this could happen without the collaborators.

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Being a quitter is being the cabal's ally.

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Fascinating. I'm not sure, though, that I'd call committing suicide after having experienced what they experienced in these death camps, as "quitting." Their situation -- once in the murder camps-- was different than our situation at the present time. They were caught and without much choice... I'm not convinced what they did was quitting. Though, I think those caught should have simply decided to fight back and embraced dying cause they were doomed anyway: might as well hit the guard and eat his face off... you're gonna die anyway. but, I AM CONVINCED that OUR people, the people of today (not all of us, but the majority) are quitters: those of our time, these times when we have a chance to fight back-- all the collaborators who help run the system-- the collaborators who make it all possible-- the "Karens" who go along to get along, etc-- they're quitters. Those who have the time and the chance to fight back, and don't... that, to me, is quitting.

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by the time families were being rounded up and transported by train to the camps, able-bodied men had mostly been removed already, leaving women and children and the elderly, and men who were professionals like teachers, etc. and knew nothing about self-defence. Jews had lived in Germany for about 1,500 yrs, they were assimilated for the most part, which is why Eichmann came up with the yellow stars because you couldn't tell Jews from others, everyone dressed in modern clothes and enjoyed a civil life including going to concerts, museums, swimming in lakes, hiking in the mountains, etc. just like everyone else. How could a nation who gave them Goethe, Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Mozart be capable of such horrendous things? Many people had a chance to leave and chose to stay because of this, they thought it was a passing thing until it was too late.

My paternal grandfather who was born in 1900 and ran away from Poland and was shot in the legs as he crossed the border into Germany, and managed somehow to get to family in Paris, used to always say, being a Jew means knowing you will always need to be prepared that at any moment you will have to pack a suitcase and run. He emigrated to the USA (NYC) after a short stay in Canada in the 20s.

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Yes. To be prepared, always. That's why we must have a "go-bag". Absolutely. Thank you!

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I can't remember where now, as it was long ago, but I read that German child-rearing was still very traumatizing and arbitrarily disciplinarian, which creates adults who dissociate easily. The thesis was that that was part of how Germany fell to National Socialism, though it was multi-factorial, the devastated economy being a crucial aspect. I think it might be that removing liability from the vaccines in the 80's, getting rid of recess, which allows for somatosensory integration, introducing standardized testing, destroying literacy by introducing the nonviable whole language instead of phonics, introducing screens, video games, porn,and feeding ideological gender pedagogy from the schools of education may have all been very purposeful to create compliant ideologically possessed people here.

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right, for no reason at all Germans turned on the jews. No reason at all for the other 109 countries.

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I was only referring to "...there’ll be no freedom but our choosing to end our own lives."

I doubt your life or any of us here are truly impacted that much by what has gone on so far, except for loss of loved ones and a small number being fired and the aftermath that caused for refusing the vaxx.

As a whole, knowing the history you referenced, we don't have to wait until it's too late. And even then, always try to take at least one with you. That's what I meant.

You must follow this and see what waiting and hoping will lead us to: https://michaelyon.substack.com/

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May 13, 2023
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Truly impacted:

Everything you own confiscated? Are you starving? Have no water? Removed from your home? Physically attacked by thugs, illegals, gangs, or the government? Interred in a camp? Pinned down and force vaxxed?

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To be fair, some people lost their livelihoods and their families / communities from the decision to not vax, which is a pretty big deal. There were millions locked in their homes in China, people violently attacked by police in Australia and other western countries, villagers in India and Bali force injected. Maybe the readers of Mark haven’t experienced all these things, but please don’t downplay what happened the last few years. Highly traumatizing to all of us, if only on a psychological level. Fifth generation warfare.

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That is what many of us are trying to prevent. And there are as many ways to do so as there are people on earth.

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that comes later.

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I actually hope they kill me before I have to make that choice.

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I sometimes think that way, but reading the book, TREBLINKA, one sees that there are ways of dying that are not bearable: sometimes, one isn't just shot in the head, but tortured for hours-- there are ways the predators torture and love torturing the victim-- it's unreal. Literally, unreal.

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Wow, just wow.

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That is why they (those in control of this murderous rampage) are trying to weaken the male population via many means, don't want to offend anyone, so won't say exactly what I think.

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Say it. Say what you think. Telling the truth is like applying a Brillo Pad to the soul. It's imperative, it's cleansing and we're not going to survive with it; "it" being... the truth. Thank you, KoalaPower.

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l will say this hormones are being affected by toxins, changing bodies and minds.

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Love this.

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the evil people who are doing this won't stop. If they are stopped from doing just one evil thing, death/injury injections, cbdc, fifteen minute cities or whatever, they'll keep trying from other directions. They have to be somehow brought to justice on this earth.

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May 13, 2023
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it's the same playbook in every western nation at the moment...all these countries are being flooded with military aged single men masquerading as "refugees"..all at the exact same time....ireland is being over run right now,(an undercover reporter discovered an active military base in Dublin housing over a hundred of these men, which is worrying) so is the UK and the other EU countries...I'm watching the exact same unfolding in the US...I don't hear much about Canada though..are they having the same issue? It's so obvious that it's co-ordinated and if you speak up to question it, the usual response in all these countries is that you're "far right" (and the irish government have just passed one of the most draconian anti free speech laws every seen, where if accused you are presumed guilty and you have to prove your innocence) ...it's all leading up to something big...

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There was spotted a while ago, a large group of Chinese soldiers training out of a Chinese Base out west in the winter. BC? They had winter camouflage on in the pic I saw. The story said they were found out additionally because one of the troops died or was murdered, can't recall.

So hard to know though with the Psych Ops going on. I don't watch LSM so it had to be from a decent source. Sent to my Canadian friends. There are tons of Chinese in Canada buying up the land like crazy.

So if I had to put money on it, it sounds like the Chinese will take Canada and it will go on almost unnoticed or undeterred. China loves Natural Resources and Canada has lots of them.

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Lots of Chinese in my area of Scarborough which is Toronto east and I know many but most left China to be free here.

Not saying they haven't infiltrated they have which scares some Chinese I know.

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Not just Canada, they are buying and investing all over the world but particularly in strategic places. Why are Governments allowing this? Most likely because those who allow it are getting paid big bucks.

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The Chinese have been drilling troops on an island off the west coast of Canada.

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I'm here in Ontario CHINADA and yes we are being invaded at Roxim Rd between NY State and Quebec and I'm sure esle where since our border is massive.

I know they are being bused in by the NY mayor and his gang of WEFers.

I don't know how many will come up from the huge US southern border invasion.

Lots from the warm areas do not handle our cold well .

We don't get a lot of Latinos from the warm weather.

There have been frozen bodies last winter crossing our border.

8 at one time found frozen in the water.

I grew up in Ontario and you don't survive our winter unless you can get inside quickly.

The Chinese though know more about handling the cold even though ours is more extreme.

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Could these military young men be trained Jihadists as they are already infiltrating the country. Look what they have done to Paris and are doing to many other cities.

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yeah but isn't it strange that there have been no terrorists attacks in the last couple of years? especially with the middle east flooding into europe...not a single one...in ireland at the airports, the middle eastern refugees are being let into the country without any passports or identification...makes a mockery of all us sweating over our 100ml bottles of liquid for so many years when we were flying

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Fantastic. Yes. And best, if you pursue this, to do it offline. Thank you in advance for your efforts, sir.

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And although Disney has been doing its its best to conceal it, Donald Duck died last week of myocarditis; Snow White and Grumpy have passed away because of "unknown causes".

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Many long surviving, beloved and young animals have died in zoos as the injection was required.

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this was so sad and cruel! I've been boycotting visiting any zoo since 2021.

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omg, yes, I've seen that many times already. Unbelievable the cult even forced it on animals. No limit to the idiocy.

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They are SO horrendously Evil they are trying to drive us crazy with grief and sadness. Those stupid useful idiots that were giving ( animals! For God sake! ) Bioweapon Injections. ) What brainless .....

Not to mention the USEFUL IDIOTS that were injecting the humans. They should just say NO. Stand Up. Get a backbone. You are being told to murder someone, so you do??!

Worse then then the human Psychology( Dr. Stanley Milgram ) electrocuting experiments that we all studied and would never think we would do.

" Above all, do no harm. "

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about a year ago I stopped by big store pharmacy and asked if they were still injecting people. The pharmacist said yes, four this morning. I asked if she did informed consent. It confused her and she showed me a pfizer print out. That is what we are contending with.

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I failed to mention that livestock is being injected as well.

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I'm baffled.

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While Steven Spielberg makes award-winning movies about the Nazi Holocaust, he is silent about the much larger vaccine-induced holocaust which has killed, paralyzed, and severely damaged millions of people in the USA and around the globe. A Big Pharma/Government genocide carried out using the pretext of an "apocalyptic novel virus" that's a lot less deadly than the seasonal flu (if such a virus exists at all). The craven Hollywood "community" falls into line, with one or two exceptions.

Maybe it's time to boycott Hollywood.

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i stopped watching tv over a year ago...couldn't take the lies anymore...then i stopped my subscriptions to amazon and netflix...couldn't take the indoctrination of all the new movies and dramas...now i look at pics of celebs and actors and all i do is smell the vile rot that emanates from them all...once you've woken up to this, there is never any going back

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You're right, there's no going back. And it really is time... BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD. Someone should start a national movement. Hit them in the pocketbook, which is the only thing they understand. Boycott the bastards until the biggies tell the truth about the medically worthless, dangerous, often fatal covid "vaccines". Tell America the truth about the fake pandemic, the fraudulent PCR test yielding false-positives up to 95% of the time, the vastly inflated, meaningless "case" statistics, the murders by Fauci of countless elderly people using mandated Remdesivir and ventilators, the insane destructive lockdowns and disease-causing masks, the highly experimental mRNA genetic cocktail ("vaccine") which killed or sickened nearly all the animals in all previous trials, the central role of Gates, the WHO, and the presstitute media in shoving the scamdemic down the nation's throat, and the millions of people now dead or permanently damaged by Pfizer and Moderna (and AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, etc). BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD---which is after all the central shaping mechanism of the American mindset. With one speech or 30-minute documentary, King Spielberg could turn around the whole shameful situation. Then Bill Gates could announce that he has set up a fund to pay billions to everyone damaged by the "vaccines" he promoted, funded, and massively profited off of.

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Because everrything you read about extermination camps is Hollywood. Read David Irving or Nick Hollersrom. Why no mention of them in WW2 memoirs of Churchill? Did you realise allies heavily bombed everywhere, damaging rail, bridges etc, making it extremely difficult for food and medical supplies through to camps and typhoid broke out in them. Ann Frank's father wrote her diaries usinng ballpoint pen which was not invented until after war. Ann died of typhoid in Belsen hospital! I bet you believe they made soap and lampshades from bodies too. Our history is so distorted. I only discovered it since lockdown and reading. Pandemics are impossible. Spanish Flu was mixture of experimental jabs, stress, bad hygiene, masks, overdosing of new asprin and more experimental jabs, plus electrical radiation damage from telegraph system just built. Polio symptoms caused by arsenic and DDT spraying. Moon landing faked, 9/11, Titanic, nothing we are told is the truth.

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David Irving's work is invaluable and provides a sobering antidote to some of the greatest deceptions of our time. also this great documentary, going from the era of World War I, when the wealthiest and most powerful figures of industry discovered the immense profits to be had from a landscape of ongoing military conflict, to JFK and 9/11 - https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/everything-rich-man-trick/

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What? What about Santa Claus? 😭

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I just came across sacred secretion yesterday (look it up) and apparently Santa Claus derived from the substance produced by the Claustrum that can help activate the pineal gland. Very interesting if true!

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Hijacked by Coca Cola and made to wear a red and white suite,used to be St Nicolas in Europe who delivered food parcels to the poor.

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finally, an intelligent response. As opposed to massive propaganda.

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in 1998 I visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam as part of our 3 week European vacation. There was a plaque on a wall with Spielberg's name. At the time, the Foundation needed to raise $10 million and he gave like one million. Schindlers' List had already made hundreds of millions of dollars and the cheap bastard couldn't even pay the amount they needed plus extra for the future. Besides being a ped0 he is a disgusting human being and when I was in Hollywood I heard lots of stories of him stealing ideas and stories for movies and other things. Armistad and Twister were stolen and the original authors sued and won but you'd never hear about that. And Armistad was written by a black female PhD student.

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While filming Schindler's list, John Williams told Spielberg that he didn't think he could compose the score for the film because the subject matter was so upsetting. Spielberg told him that he would get "one of the greats", if they

were still around. Williams ended up composing one of the most haunting movie scores ever written. I always look at end product over the characters of the story tellers. We can still learn a lot from what gets created. So I still watch and learn.

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fyi John Williams went to Juilliard and most of his teachers there were Jewish...yes and Itzhak Perlman played the violin, etc.

The man who wrote the book Schindlers' List, he was Australian, I can never recall his name, anyway he was given the screenplay to read and demanded Spielberg remove his name having anything to do with the movie, that's how far from the truth Spielberg went.

I was generally disgusted by the movie.

One scene in particular showed a family the night before they were going to be taken away, the adults and the children were being fed pieces of bread with diamonds in them. I found this scene to be extremely disgusting. This scene fueled the anti-Semites for years. People sewed precious items into clothing but feeding diamonds to children?

Also in reality it was Oskar Schindler's wife who came up with the scheme to save as many Jews as possible by having them work in their factory. She was the real hero.

Around this time the French film maker Claude Lanzmann made a documentary film called Shoah which ran around 9 hrs long. He went around Poland and other countries speaking with people who were still alive and lived through that time. This is the film people should watch, not Spielberg's.

At one point Lanzmann and his crew including translators were in a Polish village which once had about half the population were Jews. He talked to the babushkas and they said they hated the Jewish girls because they were beautiful and smart and talented, everyone played piano and excelled in school. They were jealous that the Polish boys liked the Jewish girls better, so when the Nazis took them away they were happy and they right away moved into their homes and apartments and businesses and never looked back. It was shocking really to see the vitriol that still existed and this was around 1994.

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thanks for this recommendation...i've just found it on youtube and am watching it...one of the most noticeable things that is immediately standing out to me is how involved the ukrainians were in working with the germans to transport the jews to the camps...makes you think

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bingo...and you're so welcome, and wow that's so great you are watching it!

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wow..i've just reached the part where they are discussing the payments received by the railroad companies for transporting the jews...and how they created "group rates" for the transport which was billed to the gestapo department...with extra charges for cleaning the wagons and repairing any damage after transport...have never ever heard this angle before...and it makes me shudder at how similar it is to all the hospitals who were paid extra for covid patients and specifically covid deaths...

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Thank you. Hollywood takes many liberties, and I don't like when they take liberties with historical events. I have watched many documentaries on WW2, but have not seen that one. But, Schindler's list did spur my great interest in knowing more. It doesn't surprise me that a woman was behind the saving of those people. I had a great uncle who was a Pearl Harbor survivor. My parents were both born during the war, before we entered it. The US citizenry had no desire to enter as we were a much more isolated and self-sufficient country without a war machine economy. Until Pearl Harbor, which you are probably fully aware of. We still have the shadow economy of WW2, which is based on chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and defense. And as many already know much of our ramped up production during industrial revolution pre and post WW2. It's this desire to continue this high production economy and infinite growth that put us where we are now, no better than some of the worst actors in history. And an economy also based on genocide and slavery as many were initially throughout the world.

I'm hoping that we will learn from this before it's too late. Because to me, the entire human genome is under severe threat. My niece and I feel it on a primal level and see it for the emergency that it is. That's what I'm really concerned about.

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May 15, 2023
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Schindler's List is a 1993 American epic historical drama film directed and produced by Steven Spielberg and written by Steven Zaillian. It is based on the 1982 novel Schindler's Ark by Australian novelist Thomas Keneally. The film follows Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who saved more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees from the Holocaust by employing them in his factories during World War II. It stars Liam Neeson as Schindler, Ralph Fiennes as SS officer Amon Göth, and Ben Kingsley as Schindler's Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern. (extracted from Wikipedia)

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Absolutely! I have been saying that since he sat silent during Bosnia/Kosovo !

He just watched all the Israelites slaughter their own people. Sell them out for for coins. He did not say a peep or give a flying f...k ! Too busy on his big beautiful yacht in Lauderdale last I saw it. He has his & that is all that matters. All the "poor Jews " stuff in his movies was for marketing and advertising. Equals more money for him. Pfizer's first start was the playing ground of Israel. Hope Spielberg is all vax'd and boosted up like his brethren. Bets? Good for thee, not for me Lib would be my bet.

I am stunned that the citizens of Israel have not realized it yet and are not at their leaders throats. Their death rate is horrendous.

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When they say "misinformation" that should be translated as 'blasphemy." We are the heretics who refuse to follow their religion. They are lazy people who spout unscientific slogans such as "Trust The Science."

“Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and his “patient” Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch the hit music video TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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He is also silent about the holodomor and the Red Terror one and two and pol pot, stalin and various other communist luminaries. Like Che for example who killed around 20, 000 Cubans and personally murdered one to two hundred people.

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Excellent, Mark. I'm 74 and wonder sometimes about my purpose late in life. Among many reasons, I find reminding people that these events or occurrences seldomly happened earlier in my life. MSM can destigmatize these improbable stories, but I won't. Young kids don't die from heart problems. Young, vigorous athletes aren't forced into early retirement because of health problems. Huge numbers of vigorously healthy people of all ages don't die suddenly in their sleep. These were rare occurrences when I was growing up. People who died back then were known to struggle with a serious disease. Athletes were strong and healthy. No one ever heard of a teen dying or encountering heart problems unless they were tragically born with a malfunctioning heart. So, I find people tend to listen when I say, "I'm 74 and never saw this happen in my life until just two years ago. This is not normal."

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75 here. Ditto on your observations. TPB is trying to convince us that this is the "new normal."

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Thank you for your sharing your statement of purpose. I will be borrowing much of your comment as it should be repeated tirelessly until we see justice.

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Don’t forget about suicides. I work in a retirement home and I’ve never witnessed so many elderly take the MAID service when they aren’t necessarily suffering a great deal...I used to work in hospice and occasionally had patients in excruciating pain that all the pain medication given couldn’t touch. Those people who chose the end of life cocktail I understood (I still don’t agree with suicide but I understand the desire to escape severe pain of a terminal illness) but when someone just chooses to die because they can feels very wrong especially when it’s being very normalized among the elderly I work with. BTW, they just had their 6th experimental toxin this week😳 and I just found big 5(or 6 G?) cell towers have been placed on our building...where people live and work. So many are dying of cancers, falling, crazy aggressive behaviors from dementia, and the ailments keep coming.

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TQ for posting. be well

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Thank you, to Christine, for telling us about the following (some of the most terrifying news I've heard of late):

"BTW, they just had their 6th experimental toxin this week😳 and I just found big 5(or 6 G?) cell towers have been placed on our building...where people live and work."

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No need for thanks. I’m an open book and can’t seem to shut up about any of this tragic agenda coming at us like a freight train. Sadly this stuff has been happening for decades and I’ve only woken up to it maybe going on 2 years 😂! And sadly I’m surrounded by people who think I’m the crazy one. Some of my coworkers are starting to see when I point things out however they say, well, we have. I choice. Ugh! And I honestly don’t have an answer because really what can we do? That train is shooting straight for us! Im just trying to practice staying out of fear mode.

And not complying with kill shots and letting my coworkers no we cannot comply ourselves out of tyranny and we are bigger together than we are alone. Lastly, I no longer believe it’s my job to save the world. Im here solely to save my soul and hopefully I’m successful and hopefully I am a good example to other souls if they choose❤️

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What a beautiful message. I'm in the same place you are!

Thanks for the note... even though you said there's no need to thank you!


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The infrastructure must be taken down. I call on the men of great courage, if they choose to fight back, to start with the infrastructure. The infrastructure first.

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So the company I work for in Alberta has 15,000 or so employees- a while ago they proudly stated that 97% had accepted the challenge and received the clot shot. I was one of around 350 that did not. If Hollywood or the 51,000 employees of the Cleveland Clinic are suffering, then it would be interesting to see how my lot is doing. I am pretty sure the results are not pretty, however management keeps a tight lid of ‘health’ matters, except when they were banging on about ‘doing it for Granny’.☘️

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Read the obituaries, they should list where the people were employed.

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There's no business like show business like no business I know.

There's no business like show business for what show business won't show.

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It seems that there are many tv shows and movies stating the obvious in plain sight. They "know" without saying so outright. Except for Woody Harrelson. Even he didn't say so outright, but nearly.

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Heche seemed pretty lively after her crash for being a dead body if I remember rightly.

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-- Annnnnd, the Beat Goes On with the on-going witness to the terrifying and tragic reality of the consequences of the largest coercive medical experiment on human beings in history via MCM's "In Memory of Those Who Have `Died Suddenly'" at:


-- As well as very partial ongoing lists:




-- As well as the "glue" that binds up all this reality to extinguish WE THE PEOPLE:

State Censorship & Gagged Thought - Once Unthinkable, Now Run-Of-The-Mill


-- As well as annotated transcripts of all 5 Episodes of NEVER AGAIN IS NOW GLOBAL:


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Mira Sorvino was in the news, furious that her father was ignored by the "Academy".

I've always liked Paul Sorvino as an actor, but what I'll remember most about him was his comment on Harvey Weinstein:

"If he doesn't (go to prison)... he has to meet me. And I will kill the motherf--er. Real simple."


His daughter Mira Sorvino had rebuffed Weinstein, and as punishment he kept her out of the Lord of the Rings movie, and blackballed her career for almost two decades. She is a marvelous actor as well (I dont know her politics).

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That they left out Paul Sorvino, that tells you everything you need to know that something is really, really off.

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Made me think of the Tim Ballard movie... that has never been released with Mira Sorvino & Jim Caviezel on child & human trafficking.

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I read about that. Was unaware that it had not been released, or that Mira Sorvino was involved with the film. Interesting.

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i'm interested! my local theater says it's coming out 4th of july

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You make a good point that the increase is so obvious that comparison is not necessary. It’s as if what is going on in the US has a Planet of the Apes feeling when the astronauts discover the Statue of Liberty.

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My former housemate(a school teacher) received one J&J shot and subsequently got "Covid". He acknowledged that people are dying from the shots. He received his shot well before I moved in with him and said vociferously that he would not get another shot. Months later, when looking for another teaching job, he received a job offer at a private school making 100K/year + health benefits but the school told him he needed to be "updated" on his vaccinations to work at the school. On a Saturday this past March, right before I was moving to another place, he said once again he´s not getting another jab. Two days later on Monday, I came home from work and he told me he got the jab. UNBELIEVABLE! He was looking for work for this coming Fall semester so he had ample time to find another teaching gig(or a job outside of teaching) that didn´t require to be vaxxed. Incredible that people have put their careers over their health. My question to people like him, is, what happens if the shot injures you and you won´t be able to work? No logic or common sense.

Now on to where I live now(same county, Marin County, CA), the lady who I rent from(early 70´s) were talking one day and she asked me after I had been living here for a month if I was vaccinated and I told her I am unjabbed. She said "good for you" as she told me she got jabbed twice and completely regrets her decision. This woman eats very healthy(mostly organic) and exercises daily. She didn´t want to get the shot but her "friend" told her she wouldn´t be allowed to see her if she wasn´t jabbed. So sad.

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Thank you to Nomadicsoul for writing these words: "She didn´t want to get the shot but her "friend" told her she wouldn´t be allowed to see her if she wasn´t jabbed."

To all reading this: this "friend" should be re-named A COLLABORATOR.

It is the collaborators who are making possible this genocide, as they are making possible the entire totalitarian framework being built around us.

Take note of the collaborators in your area.

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You´re very welcome Standup. I told her that her friend isin´t a friend but a BULLY. Yes, indeed her "friend" is a COLLABORATOR who is one of many who are bringing us down this trajectory of totalitarianism. I will do anything not to let these people bring us unvaxxed down with them.

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Given all the unbearably hard things we face and overcome or simply survive in our lives, the threat of being alone is just too hard for many.

Loneliness is more feared than death, it seems.

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I read long ago one of the greatest quotes of all time, can't recall who wrote it:

"Learn to say NO and learn to live alone."

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A guy I work with told me yesterday that, over the past year, his dad has developed serious heart trouble, his mother was diagnosed with cancer, his brother has developed serious mental health issues, and his sister recently lost a breast and is scheduled to have one of her arms removed. This guy still wears a mask, so I'm sure his whole family has been jabbed. It's just astounding.

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We are seeing an explosion of chronic illness like never before, how anyone can say we are living longer and healthier has their head in the sand.

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Oh, and I forgot to mention, both of his parents are only in their 60s.

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I can only imagine how much worse off they’d be if they weren’t vaxxed.

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