Are people living in a bubble?? What about EXPERIMENTAL do people not understand?? This is so sad but if they stopped giving these shots today the death and disability will continue for years to come. I know the media is hiding the truth but at this point it makes no sense to me that people have not heard the warnings.
No one in my circles who bought the pandemic propaganda will hear a word from me about it. They will not listen. I am emotionally preparing myself to lose many friends and family in the next years.
same here. Dad is getting his fifth shot coming week. Talked and talked to a stone wall. At first being called a stupid cow, an abhorrent person endangering others (with my non existing sickness), an egoist, a liar... it is forgiven but not forgotten. I do not talk about it anymore. Sometimes I send a meme to one who woke up months ago, realizing we live in one world, where both jabbed and unjabbed have to live. That you cannot ask everyone have you had the shots. He also realized the absurdity of masking but only after a very long while. When I asked what he was so afraid of, he had no answer. He is a jab happy and runs to the doc every time a new jab is developed.... so did that with these as well.
It feels like being in an internal truth prison, where truth is the prisoner inside me, not allowed to be seen or heard. Weirdly painful in the mind, and even physically sometimes...
absolutely. And losing all your contacts, because they are all in the lie. I had a depression last year, trying to convince people I did not have pestilence... no one came to their birthday party. Luckily I have a dog and 3 cats, who volunteered to help with the food.
Wow! Sorry you had to take the name-calling, esp from family. I’m with ya, I’ve stopped trying to convince people…falls of deaf ears. It will indeed be a looong winter of discontent for us all, jabbed and unjabbed alike.
It hurt real bad at the time. Now it is forgiven... Last November a friend got me jigsaw puzzling again. I have bought a nice amount of them to kill some time. And there is always a dog willing to be cuddled. And knitting yarn, and crochet work, and even some computer games ! And all the Substackers !!!!
We are literally in two different realities now. When I woke up to what was going on, I desperately tried to wake friends and family up. Now, I feel desperately sad that nothing, absolutely nothing, I say at this point makes any difference. The only thing that stirs people from their slumber is their own personal injection injury. Even then, they often blame it on Long Covid. These days, apart from occasionally drawing attention to an especially egregious 'vaccine' injury, I stay quiet. This seems a little more effective than presenting people with facts because its has more of an emotional impact.
It is you dad and all but that is one mean person. Even if he does not agree with you, he should understand that you are only trying to talk him out of the vaxx with his best interest at heart. Why does he have to be so mean and resort of name calling and condemnations?
It's very hard to convince people that they have been injected with what is likely an irreversible poison. To stay sane, they have to believe that they have done the right thing, and so against all sense they will trot along cheerily for the next dose of poison, as soon as it comes around. There are notable exceptions of course, like the reformed Steve Kirsch or Robert Malone.
I heard Malone say in an interview quite some time ago that he did it because of his travelling. He had to attend international meetings for doctors. I wonder if he would have taken them otherwise.
How does this work: I am willing to poison myself to stay healthy? The basis of homeopathy, in fact, only the poison is almost a nanoparticle in the dosage of medicine, and that poison is an organic element of nature, not nanotechnology disguised as medicine....
so true. Even my most scientific friends who have had 5 shots won't look at at any anti-vax material. As soon as he sees what it is about, he stops reading.
It will happen; how? as the floodgate of vax harms is now becoming impossible to hide, more MSM and mainstream scientists are coming out against the jabs. A recent study by Kulldorf, Prasad and Makary did that, and they are from Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Epidemiology, and UCSF. Politicians will blow with the wind, and the wind is changing direction.
There isn’t! I gave up on our in laws, except my niece who has four beautiful children from 3-16. I begged her not to give it to them and sent her all kinds of info. I don’t know if she listened. The rest are all on their boosters and ready for more. It’s amazing what people will do to themselves to travel. They all had covid and are baby boomers who know that natural immunity is best, but they weren’t going to cancel their travel plans. I’ve accepted that we will be losing a lot of people in our lives. My family are all pure bloods and we will stay that way!
That's a really insightful comment. Travel is overrated. What are you supposed to do when you get there? Go to a café? Visit the 'temple'? Oh wow, people are just like at home, they love their family, they eat. What a revelation. I see you've got weather here, amazing. Then back to the airport and the insanity of all that. Get home. Spent thousands. Wack-a-doo.
There is no way to break through it. My children and grandchildren have all been shot up multiple times. They would not listen and all wanted to "get back to normal". Me? I am waiting daily for the notification and I am already mourning every day having potentially lost them already.
I am so sorry for you. One could say I am somewhat fortunate, as I have been greatly estranged from my family for years. I will not feel the effects as strongly as people who actually are close to their families.
No need to feel sorry. I am pragmatic as well as Christian - I know that's somewhat of an oxymoron - but being both, I know there's life after death and I lament the fact that personal choices won't have us spend this lifetime together as I had imagined we would.
I am so sorry. I hate living in this fear environment we have now. I pray often, but its this relentless push to force more and more on people and the hopelessness of not getting through to people we love and care about. That is the most difficult thing being your children and grandchildren. It is heart breaking. My entire families in-laws have taken them as well. I finally had to accept it with my in laws. The biggest fear is if my niece jabbed her children after everything I sent her and said to her. It’s sad when I had to make up my mind that I refuse to go to any funerals where I know the jab killed them. I just can’t go mourn about something that was avoidable and they refused to listen to wiser minds. It may sound cold, but I can’t keep living like this when people should have questioned it. We haven’t seen them in two years and we only live 15 minutes away from each other. I have too much fear these days for everything happening that could affect my sons. They are still single and feel strongly about not getting it after what I told them. The saddest thing is we will never be back to normal as long as people keep taking these jabs. I had to find a little joy in every day and enjoy my home and family who live near me. This stress on us isn’t good either, and it really wears you down. God bless you and give you peace in all of this.
Joni, thank you for your kindness. Your words touched my heart and the sadness you feel comes through. In all of this it is good to know we are not alone. There are so many of us who feel sad, frustrated, and helpless about not being able to reach our loved ones to keep them from harming themselves. We do have to protect our souls from all of the hurt and fear, and it is because God is with us that we can stay strong and stand firm against the tides of evilness that have befallen our world. There are many little things that bring joy and if we concentrate on those to stay as positive as possible, the negative is easier to deal with. I am so glad your sons listened to you and they're well. That is such a blessing. May God continue to bless you and give you peace through all of this as well.
I feel like you. There just has to be a way but we know that military grade psychological methods have been used to affect people’s thinking and how on earth do we go about trying to reverse it.
For those of us who can see, did we ever think that we’d been living in a situation like this? I feel so very frustrated and so impotent. I try and just get on with life but there’s this feeling which permeates my days - anger, sadness, rage, hopelessness and it’s really hard.
Believe me I know exactly how you feel. I just keep plugging away every day. I refuse to.let "them" get the best of me or destroy me. Although I spend the major part of my day sifting through 600 emails reading and watching this depressing stuff I try to do one thing each day for myself. Just taking a walk with my dog helps. I also try to cut it all off by 8pm (not always successful at this one) so I can sleep (not always successful at this one either) but I will never give in to this evil that permeates our world because it is evil and evil never succeeds for long. We just have to keep spreading the truth EVERY DAY even to those that refuse to see right now.
What you just stated is exactly what I have been trying to do to get through all of this! You really read my mind! I just didn’t articulate it like you did in other comments! It has been a real blessing finding so many of you on these substack newsletters that we can connect with. I am so grateful for this. I am so grateful for Mark and all the others who have been relentless in getting the truth out. I’ve been having more success spreading the truth with complete strangers who I meet in stores, etc., who really seem to need someone to connect with. I have shared our vitamin protocols with people who didn’t want to take the death jab and were so happy to be given something to protect them. As soon as I mentioned it, they handed me paper and a pencil to write it down. That is where I get some comfort knowing I may have helped someone who really needed it. I also think its just relating to people who feel a lot like we do with the fear and helplessness of all of this.
You just spoke to exactly how I feel everyday now. I never thought we would be living through a situation like this. I thank God for giving many of us discernment, but at the same time its so painful to watch this.
It did. It does happen to some but mostly seems to happen after a loss. If you find a way to reach them, please share. At this point though, they’re damaged and by most accounts, won’t be with us very long. You’ve a good heart.
Are you in the US? If so, you don’t need to name the state but is it a heavily vaxxed state?
I asked my mom not to take the 4th shot. She said she knew it was for the expired variant.. She went and did soon after I asked her not too and got the flu vx the same day at Kaiser. She is a Healthy walker ,75 year old, low weight, now I just wait and pray.
Youch. Ask them where they got the data that proves the vaxx has saved millions of lives. How does one prove that statement? It is impossible but we can prove millions have died from the shot.
I agree. What’s even more amazing is that they won’t even listen to family who they have always trusted and loved. They listen to the fake news and not the brave doctors and others who continually speak out. I fully understand. Its very obvious they refused to really see what was happening and the lies behind it all. I thank God everyday for the discernment so many of us have been given to see through all these lies. I am also very greatful for these newsletters where we can meet likeminded people!
I agree. What’s even more amazing is that they won’t even listen to family who they have always trusted and loved. They listen to the fake news and not the brave doctors and others who continually speak out. I fully understand. Its very obvious they refused to really see what was happening and the lies behind it all. I thank God everyday for the discernment so many of us have been given to see through all these lies. I am also very greatful for these newsletters where we can meet likeminded people!
Joni.......we are in a war. In fact we are in several wars. And in war there are always casualties. I do what I can do. I speak out even when people scream at me and call me names but I know it is the right thing to do and I pray that some will see the light. Some do but most do not. Sadly they will be the casualties of this war. I thank God everyday for all of my immediate family that has seen the truth and refuses to get the injection. Beyond that I weep for them but I cannot control what they do...even though I try really hard. LOL
You are so right, Karen. We are in several wars. The biggest being evil versus good. Satan deceives and these people running our countries right now are owned by Satan, along with all the people forcing the jabs. I really try to practice the FEAR NOT scriptures, but I am not doing so well on that front. But I keep fighting like you and especially will never give up because of my two sons! They deserve a better world to live in than what is happening now.
I’m in marxachusetts. I’ve tried over and over and over again and all I get is spite. These are the same hypocrites who welcome illegals so long as they stay out of elite, liberal enclaves. Their compassion lasted less than a day before they had our RINO Governor round the illegals up and shipped to an air base only to be distributed throughout the state in less affluent communities.
They have just shown the world who they really are. Just a bunch of self centered, lying, racist snobs, who would do anything including destroying the country in order to maintain their hypocritical ideology and (in many cases unearned ) standard of living, all while destroying the standard of living of others.
Yes, reading the post Dr. Miller presents above, I remembered Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago that the most pathetic of all the prisoners & victims were the loyal Party members & functionaries. Rather than realize they had been devoting their lives to supporting Satanically Evil Predators, they continued to believe that a mistake had been made and that they would be released when the Party to which they remained loyal finally corrected their mistake.
I have tried, to me it is dry reading. I put it down and pick it up every so often. I am determined to at least get half way before I decide if I want to finish it.
It reads as black comedy, if you are in the mood. He wrote it as a literary experiment of types(as opposed to a straight memoir) in which he did recount
horrors, but also stepped away as narrator and commented ironically on that. The archipelago of prisons is such a frightening and true image. Prisons dotted throughout the country. Eventually so many people were imprisoned that Stalin’s only solution was to lock up even more so there was no one who could blame him. His Lieutenants found themselves in the same situation. I hope Biden never reads it; he would use it as a blueprint for “Build Back Better”.
I stopped worrying about getting sick when they said 99.something survivability rate, but then I've always enjoyed gambling. I can't believe 2/3rds (?) of the country got this stupid shot.
The good news; a very low percentage of vaxxed are going back for boosters. Almost zero of the unvaxxed are ever going in to get poisoned; and the majority of parents, vaxxed or not, refuse to bring their little ones in. People are waking up, but VERY slowly.
I thought his objective was to direct funds to 'Harma. Whether the product gets used is not the main issue. In fact, when they are about to expire he can probably order more.
My question is what do they have planned for unvaxx'd? Every single medical appointment, even the eye doctor asks the question on their form. They have a medical billing code for the unvaxx'd.
I was saying TO lie, when they ask you if you're jabbed.
Start making it difficult for them.
The definition of a vaccine has been changed to " a treatment", so even if you take Vitamins C, D and Zinc, go out in the sunshine, or eat horse paste; that is now a vaccine by their current definition.
I emailed my state senator at the beginning and said " nobody should be mandated to get these shots with the '99.9% survival rate" and he wrote back to me "no it's only 98 % survival rate and that's why I'm getting the shots and I think everyone else should too". 🙄
I email my senator as well- he emails me back pre-written ‘get the shot’letters. I always reply and then never get another answer, he always just has the one pre-scripted letter. Like a TV news reader from a script.
Not just state senator. Second in charge in the state senate of Massachusetts. The Senate president, Karen Spilka, had a stroke shortly after her booster last fall. Probably just a COVID incidence. 🙄
I've never stopped emailing him and I talk to him too, and I've already told him I hate to say it but "I told you so" - due to all of the other vaccine injuries and deaths.
The vast majority of the shots are placebo. Most of the others have only small amounts of mRNA in them. A small percentage of all the lots produced the vast majority of adverse reactions. Study this website and you'll see that this is true:
Since most people got placebo (repeatedly) they've never experienced any adverse reactions to the injections, so it's not surprising they don't think they're dangerous. The fact that there's a large number of us who did get sick, injured, and killed by the shots indicates just how deadly toxic they really are, because the percentage of those who were injected with the poison is such a small percentage of all the people who got jabbed.
If people understood this, they'd think very differently about the injection campaign. As it is, if a Covid Cult True Believer hears of someone who was sickened / injured by the injections, they think the injured person is a one-in-a-million outlier, when the fact is if everyone who got jabbed had actually been injected with the poison, at a high dose, (i.e. like those in the "hot lots," the lots that generated high numbers of adverse reactions, injuries and deaths) ) they'd all be sick, injured, disabled, or dead, too. It makes the cruelty of the reality of those of us who were injured and sickened by the poison injections all the more painful.
Here's another fact that supports my statement that most of the shots are placebo:
Only a small proportion of all the vials have expiration dates on them. They correlate almost perfectly with the vials that produced adverse reactions.
As Craig Paardekooper says, in, "Only vials which contain biologically active ingredients need expiration dates."
You'll find vast amounts of shocking data like this on this website, if you take the time to study it.
That site has definitely filled out since I first visited it! So many links, so much info. Thanks for linking over to it, glad I took the time to check it out - again.
Yes, it has. I took a look at it about a year or so ago, and there was much less information there at that time. I spent at least three full hours studying almost everything on the website a few weeks ago. It blew my mind. The level of diabolical intent that the drug companies put into designing the vax campaign staggered me. As one of those who was cursed to receive the real poison, not saline solution, learning the details about it probably affects me more than it would others. I feel assaulted by not just the poison itself but by the pure evil driving the project.
There's much info coming out recently on how to counter the effects of the jab. I recommend Jessica Rose and Walter Chesnut's substacks, along with FLCCC IRecover protocol. Best wishes to you.
My husband suffered severe vertigo for a few weeks after his second shot, but his is not listed as a bad batch. So how is it that people think they're just saline? Maybe week and poorly stored but not sailine.
That's the plan. The hypnotized, stupid, idiotic victims will die happily knowing they did their best to protect their own health and that of others, and their loved ones will agree their loved one's death (or disability, maiming, or severe injuries) were a one-off, unfortunate occurrance, but were for the greater good. The level of vax injuries and deaths will intentionally be kept down to a level that the hypnotized masses will eagerly, gladly, enthusiastically accept as "normal."
To be very candid i used to think and also believe in the saline shots theory until the perfectly fine/100% healthy one min ago with no issues whatsoever and dead the next second phenomenon began.
Am seriously inclined to think that those refusing to wake and act now because in their mind they are fine was probably designed that way by the TPTB so we as humanity find it difficult to garner the critical mass to effect the necessary justice and change we desperately need right now.
In the meantime, all that's going to continue to occur is the gradual deaths of many in the group of "those injured are just one in a million and therefore acceptable". This mindset is a very selfish one indeed.
Also, the adverse events are just beginning. Many will end up with clots. Those will take time, but the endothelial tissue is meant to be smooth-spikes protruding will aggregate platelets, cause clots. When those clots get large enough or move- strokes and heart attacks.
Yes, you're right. Adverse reactions can begin immediately, or more gradually, or they might not appear for weeks or months after getting the injections. Of course, we've no idea about the long-term effects of these poison injections, either.
You are wrong. The vast majority of the jabs given were indeed placebo. Study this website:, and you will see incontrovertible evidence that this is true. You will need to take some time (a few hours) to comprehend and digest all of the information on this website. I absolutely guarantee it will blow your mind, if you do so.
It's also true that some of the vials contained low quantities of the poison, and the people who got jabs from those batches probably had adverse reactions too, but at much lower rates and degrees of severity than those who received doses from the hot lots. Those were the people who easily and effortlessly dismissed their adverse reactions as not having anything to do with having been vaxed. I saw this among my neighbors and even in my own die-hard Covid Cult True Believer family.
I got two doses of the poison, both from hot lots. But my adverse reactions from the first dose didn't begin until a week after I got it, and because of this I didn't associate them in my mind with the injection. It was only after I got extremely sick, remained sick for months, and was permanently injured, after getting the second dose, that I realized that I'd also had adverse reactions to the first dose.
Pretty much the same here and.... how with that it can qualify
as pandemic?! The greatest mystery of them all. People just couldn't stop for a moment and think, how did it make sense to them? But then, again, after eighteen months it still does to so many...
Yes- first one immunization; then two shots but they don’t immunize; then three, then four, and they get sicker and more often. Yet they can’t think their way through it. The bludgeoning stupidity.
Ooh, i think that's what Ron Johnson said during his hearing where the truckers were present. He said something like Americans aren't ready for the truth yet.
Karen I don't know what made so many so trusting and willing to take the shot but I do know many of them did it to help us all. And that makes the results doubly sad.
Re: "but I do know many of them did it to help us all" - they helped us all by dying and making more room for the Globalists, or the computers behind the Globalists which really are in control, me, I think they wasted their lives and they should not have done that, but it was a choice we each had, whether to have the vaccines or not - I chose not to, given how I've seen Big Pharma operate in the past - Thalidomide and the effects on the kids whose mother's decided that was the best way to go - shudder.
We are animals, just like all of the other animals on this planet, but of the species, Human. We get a lead sheep, in this case Biden, who through various behind the scenes manipulations, gets everyone to follow his lead and be vaccinated and the majority of those sheep follow that leader to their slaughter, because they are too silly to think that is what is going to happen to them, but not the lead sheep, Biden, he is saved for the next batch of silly sheep and the next one after that, Ad Infinitum - so what is the difference between sheep and human's after all?
Pls don't take anything she says seriously. She's already been discredited for fake credentials and experiments. Wonder why she did it or if she's just a mole.
You are entitled to your opinion, as she is entitled to hers and I am entitled to mine - I accept what she says as being true, because the events from the vaccines, are very much along the lines of what Richard Noakes has found from his Data Analysis over the past 2 years, from the information he has gathered, although he is not a doctor and has only presented the information Big Pharma and others have provided in the press, which he discovered.
By the same token, how do any of us know you are who you say you are and that you are not employed by Big Pharma to discredit anything which is adverse to what Biden and Big Pharma would have us believe? I personally don't know you from a bar of soap and I cannot vouch for you at all.
There are so many truths and untruths about the vaccines, that everyone must choose, for or against the vaccines and the truths or lies that come out of that, to get as many people vaccinated as they can, for the sole purpose of exterminating them - I believe that computers are behind this, computers designed the virus care of Moderna and computers designed the vaccines care of Pfizer and Moderna, so it would appear that while the Globalists are probably behind all of this, it is the computers themselves that the Globalists rely on and therein might be the clue of who/what really holds the strings of what is actually happening now.
I have always been against the vaccines, I have never been vaccinated, nor would I ever choose to be - thus my take on anything anti vaccine sits well with me and anything vaccine related does not - at days end, in my opinion, the facts will speak for themselves and already are, by the numbers of deaths which are occurring at an ever increasing rate, amongst those who foolishly decided to get vaccinated, which is proof enough that the extermination of the human race has begun and by 2025 everyone vaccinated will probably be dead, which in turn brings the total number of humans on the planet down to 50,000 or 500,000 depending on whom you believe - or perhaps total extermination with another life force taking over where we left off - computers for example.
At days end, Richard Noakes has come up with a viable idea for the extermination of the injected nanotechnology and parasites which are now in the blood of the vaccinated and it is theoretically possible that by shorting out that nanotechnology, the whole vaccine impetus can be halted and perhaps even rewound back to before the pandemic and vaccines began and people can live their lives out, as nature intended and not by being exterminated now, by the vaccines.
In that scenario, I like to think that we would have the gumption to go after all of those behind this extermination, from the Globalists and Politicians, down, exterminating them as they would have done us, ending up with the computers which I personally would disconnect and shut down permanently/destroy, just to be sure they are still not "working" without us being aware that they are.
I choose to discredit you, as you would discredit the female scientist concerned now - what possible motive can she provide, to be discredited or not believed now, especially, like
Richard Noakes, there is no money involved and neither of them have anything to gain out of their research, except to save as many of us silly humans that they can, from the extermination, which, ordered by Biden and others, continues at an ever increasing pace.
'Experimental' used to be used in a promising way, at least propagandically, as in 'was saved from the disease by the new, experimental drug'.....we are already trained overall to think that just means something like 'promising'...I managed to avoid it, myself but all around me took the new fancy experimental drug. It kind of grosses me out to be honest, sorry to say.
It's astonishing; really. But SOME people ARE trying to search for the truth. It's just an ongoing battle when there is STILL such massive 'misinformation' out there. It's almost unreal; the people (Some of whom are SUPPOSEDLY 'doctors') TOTALLY bashing every bit of information about the clot-shots. I found a site a while back, ""; somehow I initially thought it was going to be a site with GOOD information about the clot-shots and covid; but I was wrong. I just looked at the site yesterday and I see the 'doctor' who runs the site is 'taking a break' for a while. I wonder why; I wonder if maybe, just maybe; he's feeling some pressure from people calling him out on his blatant lies; I don't know. Here's one of his articles if anyone is interested in looking at it:
If you look at older articles you'll be stunned at how deftly he seems to 'dismantle' EVERY. SINGLE. ARGUMENT against Covid and the 'vaccines'; and what's sad and scary is that many people believe him; I can see that from the comment section. And the few who do try to show him facts get excoriated by him and his 'followers'. It saddens me to know that people are out there propagating utter nonsense; causing people who are already afraid to go even deeper into deception and further away from liberating truth. Sigh. What a huge mess has been made through all of this. I too; like so many on here; so many around the world; am holding my breath for relatives and friends who took the shot(s); some of whom have already experienced ill effects from the shots. (A-fib, miscarriage, just to name two.) What a horror show. Sigh again.
Hi Karen - if you watch the above video, my take on it is everyone vaccinated will die at the first, next or one after that, booster shot - it is how it is and this is extermination of most of our species by practice and design.
she claimed a few degrees ... people checked her and found out who she was .... interesting you are promoting her ... it all makes perfect sense ... connecting the dots :)
The other day in the pharmacy a man got the shot and they did not have him sit and wait. He got the shot, the pharmacist explain the Vax ID card, and he walked out. That light bulb just turned on after seeing the video. Negligent on the part of the pharmacy.
TO Stephanie and ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE who know what's really going on... To all my conspiracy realist friends...Yes, sometimes it's a curse and not always a blessing to be AWAKE. Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.
If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone
No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had, but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE.
The beliefs you've held, people you've trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.
Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn't stop there.
With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving for our children, knowing all too well the broken world they are inheriting. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don't "get it".
Feeling alone, being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses, but for many of you, your very own family and friends too.
Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bullshit, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.
Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can't see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because "ignorance is bliss" and reality is harsh. Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.
There is no way to sugar coat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions. You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still
function in daily life, and that's a skill people don't talk about enough.
Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it's as though they exist in another world.
Please know you are NOT ALONE, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit.
~ Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA Technology and Vaccine Damaged himself.
This is wonderful. Is the whole thing a quote from Malone?
Who ever wrote this forgot to mention that the only way to get through everything they so perfectly described is with a profound faith. In the Creator of life - choose your own name.
Malone, like Mercola and a few others, are in this primarily to make money and the method they use is to get you to pay them, one way or another - I don't want your money and that is not why I am in this at all - I want to save as many of you (silly sheep) that I can, even if I have to copy Richard Noakes's posts from wherever he posts them, to here and on my substack too, adding my own take on things as werll.
Profound faith, the Creator of Life is all bullshit, or cowshit, depending on your perspective - if you got vaccinated, then your faith is not going to stop your execution (you are the new Jews in the Concentration Camps of Big Pharma and your deaths are upon you, except not by gassing or other mass extermination methods, this time by deliberate chemical execution) and even your Pope - the Catholic one - has told his flock, to all get vaccinated, because he is in it with the Globalists and Bill Gates, in the extermination of most of you. Download and watch this and then try again: I have NOT been vaccinated, those that have, are being lead to their deaths like silly sheep to slaughter - because that is what is happening now, re above video - like it or lump it!!
Wasn't talking about physical death - which is something all healthy living beings instinctively want to avoid. Which is why I can not fathom how people run towards injections of any kind - for themselves, their children or their beloved pets.
Wasn't talking about bullshit religions and their bullshit leaders.
Although its interesting to me that the only major religious leader I have found that ACTIVELY, warned his people against the injections is Louis Farrakhan - Nation of Islam.
Don't know much about them.
And no one has come up with any other major religious leader except a few catholic bishops(?) and some lone pastors.
What I am talking about is loving life and the creator of it and each other.
Which I fail at daily.
I am uninjected which is still no metric to judge and hate by. Though, as I said, I find it very hard not to do.
I asked who actually wrote the piece Jeff Prager posted because, duh, I relate to it and I do not relate to Malone.
Thank you for letting me know it might be written by Richard Noakes - who I always read.
I've been with Mercola since before he was on the internet - so over decades. I think his desire to help people is sincere, though I do not always agree with him.
I agree re: Mercola. He's been a wealth of valid data for decades. EVERYONE has to make a living, and he does too. He also donates millions of dollars a year to OUR causes. He funds lawsuits, he matches dollar for dollar donations to Children's Health Defense and donates in many, many other ways. And he also provides us daily with great data!
" and each other." Exactly, as Matias Desmet states, hating the people perpetrating the lies only harms ourselves. We cannot hate anyone and we must love EVERYONE because those perpetrating these lies are just as deluded as those being injected.
Louis Farrakhan, in my opinion, is a good-hearted man and tries very hard to be faithful and honest. I've watched many of his videos and can't disagree with anything I've heard him say.
Yes, Dr. Malone wrote that. And yes, he got sucked into getting injected and regrets that decision. However, I haven't seen anything he's written, this soft spoken gentle horse breeder and farmer, that I don't agree with.
Thanks for letting me know Dr Malone wrote the piece. By not relating to Dr Malone, I meant, perhaps, some of his core values - not that I profess to know exactly what those are. He and I actually are of similar age, background and are both California natives, so, from what I've heard in interviews, same 180 degree turn from ingrained liberal politics. But he went into a vaccine career and I fled to Alaska and raised 5 children who never saw a western doctor. I do find all people who took the product and regret it who then go on to be warriors, to be very brave. I don't for a moment forget I almost made that mistake, unknowingly, and don't know how much stamina and stomach I would have to fight had I done so.
Dr Mercola is wonderful, as you wrote. But sometimes it can rankle
that many less well known and unknown people - usually older women, the same age as Mercola and Malone - get short shrift, no acknowledgment, and even worse, derision for their lifetime bodies of wisdom generosity of spirit and infinite knowledge.
Like "Oh here we go again with "experts", when we all seem to be slowly recognizing we need to be our own expert, take responsibility for our health as Mercola has been saying for eons, and stop putting people on pedestals and tearing down same said people.
Thank you for making me smile and adding some happiness to my evening. How about Jessica Rose, Meryl Nass, Tess Lawrie, Judy Mikovitz and SO MANY MORE! I love all of them and have great respect for them. So allow me to link you to a brilliant man (sorry about that) who will make YOU smile! Assuming you've heard of mass formation, what if there are more than one mass formations occurring right now? Who are they. What's happening to them? You'll be happy to know the answers. INSIDE THE MIND OF THE MASSES (which includes you and me too!):
Please express OPINIONS as opinions. We differ. My opinion is Malone is not in this to make money. In fact, he's spending more money than you can possibly imagine suing a host of entities, The Washington Post for one, for defaming him. An OPINION is what you've expressed and it is also what I've expressed. The difference is that I have the intellect to acknowledge I've expressed an opinion. Please try to do likewise. I suggest you read Matias Desmet's book. The only option we have is to LOVE EVERYONE and move on with our lives. And that means expressing opinions when they're opinions AND LOVING EVERYONE. To that end, and this is NOT an opinion, there is no such thing as "Silly Sheep" but only people who have been deceived. And I love them, the vaccinated/injected, the Globalists and all living beings on this planet. Better to express a cohesive, well conceived opinion than to express opinions as though they're facts. Lastly, why are you so angry?
Hi Jeff, OK, what you say makes sense - I should express opinions as my opinions, rather than a thing is just so, but then, how many posters on this substack say, hey, this is just my opinion before they post whatever they do - perhaps that is a human misconception we all suffer from.
Re: My opinion is Malone is not in this to make money. In fact, he's spending more money than you can possibly imagine suing a host of entities, The Washington Post for one, for defaming him. Me - well in my opinion, I can't make comments on his substack unless I pay to join it, which I am not going to do, so if he is not making money out of his substack, by doing that, why does he not make it free, like everyone else? Steve Kirsch had 7.5 million following him on his Twitter account, before Twitter closed him down and booted him off - multiply that out by $100 each subscription and you can see why he was pretty mad about that - Steve said that himself.
An Americanism is that you spend money to make money "My opinion is Malone is not in this to make money. In fact, he's spending more money than you can possibly imagine suing a host of entities, The Washington Post for one, for defaming him" - Steve is doing that as well, against Fox, but for one million dollars - I suggested than instead of putting a figure on it, Steve go after them for more- if Malone is so concerned about being defamed - why does he not just shrug his shoulders and save his money, after all, we are going to believe him, or we are not and having 2 Goliath's fight each other does seem rather pointless to me - unless for what other reason?
You are right, I am angry and I know it shows, I'm furious that I can't do anything to stop the madness of these vaccine shots and the numbers of people they are deliberately killing, I suppose I have been doing "this" for too long and actually there are only 2 ways I could go, give up and resign myself to the inevitability of it all, or be angry and fight back, as much as I am able - to remain sane and in control myself - I can't give up, it is not in my nature to do that and at days end, I have to like whoever I am and whatever I do, when I look into the mirror of whom or whatever I am and like what I see there - finally, I suppose, at 76, I really don't want to die from a world which has been pretty much stripped of living humans, by what I see as the final outcome, or solution, of these vaccines, anymore than I want to live alone (and in fact I don't) is that a human thing or just me, I don't know - of my ancestry, I am the end of my line and none exist except me and the world now does not care, one way or the other, if I live or die and my passing won't even cause a ripple in the passage of time, so why not go down in battle than in mute expectation of the inevitability of everything which I am powerless to stop, but I have to try anyway? You tell me - oh learned one - much laughter!!
I suggested to Dr. Toby (and I'm able to read and comment on most of Malones posts) that he listen to this interview and he liked the comment so I suspect he will. I'm sure, well I believe you're familiar with Matias Desmet's treatise on Mass Formation. What if there are more than 1 Mass formations at the moment? We know the injected are under the spell of Mass Formation if we believe Desmet, and I do. So let's suppose there are 3 current Mass Formations. Who are the people under the other 2 Mass Formations? And what is the result? Desmet explains this brilliantly and I've had to watch the interview 3 times now to fully understand his concepts even though they aren't complex. The interview helped me immensely with the direction I'm going to take. I'm 67 and raised my daughter as a single parent. She's 42 and successful. My 2 granddaughters are 16 and 22. The older one is married to a Marine, in college to become a Dental Surgeon and they just bought their first house. My daughter also raised my 2 granddaughters as a single parent so my genetics will continue which isn't terribly important to me at all. However, the interview I'll link you to changed my perception of today, tomorrow and the long-term future in that it's not as bad as we all seem to believe, the final outcome that is. Yes, there will be a lot of pain in the interim but in the end, based on the theories expressed, we can't possibly lose even if we do absolutely nothing. And this is based on the history of dozens of unrecognized previous mass formations. Please watch this interview, I promise it will make you happy.
Thanks Jeff - I have come to my own conclusions from my own assumptions which, disprove or prove, what I think is going on - I prefer not to take on board the thoughts of others, because they have their concepts and I have mine, it is a lot like someone telling you not to be friendly with someone who they don't like, it is their concept for them to not like that person, but until I speak to that person from my perspective, how can I know if I will like them or not, so I ignore the advice of others, to misdirect me and make my own mind up about things, irrespective of whatever others think and do and that way, I have a clean perception of my thoughts and how things naturally evolve and I am seldom wrong.
I brought up 5 step children over 2 marriages and the 2 boys were left in my care when my married partner abandoned them, for a much younger person than me and I became their "real parent" through the legal processes here, so that I could keep them and bring them up and not have them taken into an orphanage and beyond my overall control.
I did not stop them seeing their blood parent when their relationship with this younger person collapsed and that parent put the poison in between their kids and me, so that eventually one joined the Navy, against my will, his papers signed by the parent who no longer had any legal right to him and the other I had to farm out to a Vietnam War Widow with 3 kids of her own, because he became totally unmanageable with me - they were lovely kids until my ex did their thing - shrug.
The other 3 kids I brought up as step parent, married as I was to their other half, 2 of them were abandoned by that parent, after I had been forced out of that marriage - I was conditioned to commit suicide, but I did not, although I must admit, it was bloody close - jumper that I am, well almost am. Much laughter.
Now only 2 of those kids remain alive, 3 have since died, according to social media, I have no idea why, but whatever killed them, I had no part in and I am thankful for that - so that all that remain now is a boy from my first marriage and a girl from my second one - kids then who are in their early 50's now.
Unfortunately, they don't want anything to do with me and consequently me them and I'm quite sure they will have had their vaccines, so in all probability, before I die, all of my step kids will have predeceased me and since I am the last of my line, that stops with me too - shrug!!
Exactly. Hard to believe people I have known for decades would have been the Germans pushing their Jewish friends off the sidewalk and watching them board trains. It’s so unbelievable I once thought I had something in common with these people. Deep down they never followed ethics and lacked morality. One big wow!
Here's the really tough pill to swallow: You, I, we, are one of them, given a different issue with different circumstances on a other day. This is why individualism must always trump the needs of "society". It's the most important insight of western civilization.
In the distant past, vaccines that caused far less injury and deaths were quickly pulled from the market. For example the swine flu vaccine in the 1970s.
In recent decades, Gates and big pharma sponsored pandemic preparedness training taught public officials and the medical industry that some vax injuries and deaths are inevitable, but that we are all better off if the shots maintain their reputation as safe and effective. And maintaining that safe image by whatever means necessary is for the greater good.
Years of training took away the stigma of people dying or getting injured from vaccines and taught public officials it's to be expected. They know people are dying and getting injured. And now we have no limit for what is acceptable, or a point where they themselves admit it's not safe.
Stephanie; I am so sorry; however, YOU are a hero, as is your Mom. By you speaking out, someone will not take another shot; some mom on the way to get her helpless 5 year old boosted will stop, and save that kid’s life.
I'd love to hear the first doctor to say, 'it's a mystery' or that it's 'rare' on such episodes.
Keep names. Articles. Hopefully, one day we will have a chance to bring everyone involved to justice. They all know who they are. We can't let them off the hook.
As of now it is on Facebook. They appear to be Canadian and posted in July 2021 that they (the daughter) just had been vaccinated and were "sticking" it to Covid. In other words, good decent people lied to and deceived by the medical establishment.
I actually just received the "one in a million" response from my daughter when I told her my neighbor's son was diagnosed with VITT this week. He got a booster to go to Costa Rica for a wedding. 3 or 4 days later he developed bruising and found his platelet count was down to 1,000. He was treated to be able to fly back and be hospitalized for treatment here
The faith covidians maintain for these shots is incredible. Her one in a million response is accurate because it's one in a million injuries where you can find a doctor to admit the VI part of that diagosis.
there are 1,000 millions in a billion. there are 7 billion people on the planet. so, 7,000 people being diagnosed with VITT is cool with her? well, some people...
So sickening. And no, we won't hear about this on mainstream news. Mark, we appreciate your work to reveal the patterns and the numbers. I wonder how long Jane Fonda will drink the Kool-Aid, now that she has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
I wonder... as the elderly woman dropped hard to the floor for all to see... what did the pharmacist feel? Just a minute ago they took a needle and jabbed the $olution into her arm. Any connection? any remorse? Any OMG moment where they realize what they just did to another human being? Or, do they just call out "next" and figure, live or die after the shot, I still get paid.
Right? To ignore it you'd have to numb out completely. And I suppose that is part of the game plan. No choices, no ownership of self or property, no feelings,,, no love.
Are people living in a bubble?? What about EXPERIMENTAL do people not understand?? This is so sad but if they stopped giving these shots today the death and disability will continue for years to come. I know the media is hiding the truth but at this point it makes no sense to me that people have not heard the warnings.
They are contaminated; they are
programmed to think and react to
certain stimuli in a certain pattern.
You cannot change their mind[s], even
if you expose them to authentic
information, even if you prove that
white is white and black is black, you
still cannot change the basic
perception and the logic of behaviour.
In other words, these people…. the
process of demoralization is complete
and irreversible.
-Yuri Bezmenov (KGB defector)
I know but there MUST be a way to break through their coma. We have to try. People are being lied to and they are dying.
No one in my circles who bought the pandemic propaganda will hear a word from me about it. They will not listen. I am emotionally preparing myself to lose many friends and family in the next years.
Winter will be harsh and I’ve started mentally preparing the best I can. It’s like having a terminally ill friend or family member.
Yes, many, who do not know it...very surreal....
same here. Dad is getting his fifth shot coming week. Talked and talked to a stone wall. At first being called a stupid cow, an abhorrent person endangering others (with my non existing sickness), an egoist, a liar... it is forgiven but not forgotten. I do not talk about it anymore. Sometimes I send a meme to one who woke up months ago, realizing we live in one world, where both jabbed and unjabbed have to live. That you cannot ask everyone have you had the shots. He also realized the absurdity of masking but only after a very long while. When I asked what he was so afraid of, he had no answer. He is a jab happy and runs to the doc every time a new jab is developed.... so did that with these as well.
It feels like being in an internal truth prison, where truth is the prisoner inside me, not allowed to be seen or heard. Weirdly painful in the mind, and even physically sometimes...
absolutely. And losing all your contacts, because they are all in the lie. I had a depression last year, trying to convince people I did not have pestilence... no one came to their birthday party. Luckily I have a dog and 3 cats, who volunteered to help with the food.
internal truth prison. that is perfect. sometimes i feel it is going to burst.
Perfectly stated. At lease we have the comment sections for some much needed sanity and commaradarie.
Wow! Sorry you had to take the name-calling, esp from family. I’m with ya, I’ve stopped trying to convince people…falls of deaf ears. It will indeed be a looong winter of discontent for us all, jabbed and unjabbed alike.
It hurt real bad at the time. Now it is forgiven... Last November a friend got me jigsaw puzzling again. I have bought a nice amount of them to kill some time. And there is always a dog willing to be cuddled. And knitting yarn, and crochet work, and even some computer games ! And all the Substackers !!!!
We are literally in two different realities now. When I woke up to what was going on, I desperately tried to wake friends and family up. Now, I feel desperately sad that nothing, absolutely nothing, I say at this point makes any difference. The only thing that stirs people from their slumber is their own personal injection injury. Even then, they often blame it on Long Covid. These days, apart from occasionally drawing attention to an especially egregious 'vaccine' injury, I stay quiet. This seems a little more effective than presenting people with facts because its has more of an emotional impact.
It is you dad and all but that is one mean person. Even if he does not agree with you, he should understand that you are only trying to talk him out of the vaxx with his best interest at heart. Why does he have to be so mean and resort of name calling and condemnations?
Super old school: my way or the highway--my mother is the same way.
two stubborn people together LOL. He probably knows better but keeps on going just to piss me off so this time I shut up and let him be.
It's very hard to convince people that they have been injected with what is likely an irreversible poison. To stay sane, they have to believe that they have done the right thing, and so against all sense they will trot along cheerily for the next dose of poison, as soon as it comes around. There are notable exceptions of course, like the reformed Steve Kirsch or Robert Malone.
I heard Malone say in an interview quite some time ago that he did it because of his travelling. He had to attend international meetings for doctors. I wonder if he would have taken them otherwise.
Can't attend meetings in a box.
He also said his blood pressure elevated to stroke level after the shot.
How does this work: I am willing to poison myself to stay healthy? The basis of homeopathy, in fact, only the poison is almost a nanoparticle in the dosage of medicine, and that poison is an organic element of nature, not nanotechnology disguised as medicine....
so true. Even my most scientific friends who have had 5 shots won't look at at any anti-vax material. As soon as he sees what it is about, he stops reading.
It will happen; how? as the floodgate of vax harms is now becoming impossible to hide, more MSM and mainstream scientists are coming out against the jabs. A recent study by Kulldorf, Prasad and Makary did that, and they are from Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins Epidemiology, and UCSF. Politicians will blow with the wind, and the wind is changing direction.
Politicians will blow for the spare change.
Most politicians just blow.....
Politicians will blow with the wind hanging from the gallows.
There isn’t! I gave up on our in laws, except my niece who has four beautiful children from 3-16. I begged her not to give it to them and sent her all kinds of info. I don’t know if she listened. The rest are all on their boosters and ready for more. It’s amazing what people will do to themselves to travel. They all had covid and are baby boomers who know that natural immunity is best, but they weren’t going to cancel their travel plans. I’ve accepted that we will be losing a lot of people in our lives. My family are all pure bloods and we will stay that way!
Maybe they are looking forward to “out of body” travel.
That's a really insightful comment. Travel is overrated. What are you supposed to do when you get there? Go to a café? Visit the 'temple'? Oh wow, people are just like at home, they love their family, they eat. What a revelation. I see you've got weather here, amazing. Then back to the airport and the insanity of all that. Get home. Spent thousands. Wack-a-doo.
There is no way to break through it. My children and grandchildren have all been shot up multiple times. They would not listen and all wanted to "get back to normal". Me? I am waiting daily for the notification and I am already mourning every day having potentially lost them already.
I am so sorry for you. One could say I am somewhat fortunate, as I have been greatly estranged from my family for years. I will not feel the effects as strongly as people who actually are close to their families.
No need to feel sorry. I am pragmatic as well as Christian - I know that's somewhat of an oxymoron - but being both, I know there's life after death and I lament the fact that personal choices won't have us spend this lifetime together as I had imagined we would.
God's eternal place is waiting for all believers. There will be a new heaven and new earth.
Revelation reveals what is happening. 🙏
I am so sorry. I hate living in this fear environment we have now. I pray often, but its this relentless push to force more and more on people and the hopelessness of not getting through to people we love and care about. That is the most difficult thing being your children and grandchildren. It is heart breaking. My entire families in-laws have taken them as well. I finally had to accept it with my in laws. The biggest fear is if my niece jabbed her children after everything I sent her and said to her. It’s sad when I had to make up my mind that I refuse to go to any funerals where I know the jab killed them. I just can’t go mourn about something that was avoidable and they refused to listen to wiser minds. It may sound cold, but I can’t keep living like this when people should have questioned it. We haven’t seen them in two years and we only live 15 minutes away from each other. I have too much fear these days for everything happening that could affect my sons. They are still single and feel strongly about not getting it after what I told them. The saddest thing is we will never be back to normal as long as people keep taking these jabs. I had to find a little joy in every day and enjoy my home and family who live near me. This stress on us isn’t good either, and it really wears you down. God bless you and give you peace in all of this.
Joni, thank you for your kindness. Your words touched my heart and the sadness you feel comes through. In all of this it is good to know we are not alone. There are so many of us who feel sad, frustrated, and helpless about not being able to reach our loved ones to keep them from harming themselves. We do have to protect our souls from all of the hurt and fear, and it is because God is with us that we can stay strong and stand firm against the tides of evilness that have befallen our world. There are many little things that bring joy and if we concentrate on those to stay as positive as possible, the negative is easier to deal with. I am so glad your sons listened to you and they're well. That is such a blessing. May God continue to bless you and give you peace through all of this as well.
So very sad, tragic, and abusive for the children. Yes...even without a death there is mourning, a loss so deep in all of this.
I feel like you. There just has to be a way but we know that military grade psychological methods have been used to affect people’s thinking and how on earth do we go about trying to reverse it.
For those of us who can see, did we ever think that we’d been living in a situation like this? I feel so very frustrated and so impotent. I try and just get on with life but there’s this feeling which permeates my days - anger, sadness, rage, hopelessness and it’s really hard.
Believe me I know exactly how you feel. I just keep plugging away every day. I refuse to.let "them" get the best of me or destroy me. Although I spend the major part of my day sifting through 600 emails reading and watching this depressing stuff I try to do one thing each day for myself. Just taking a walk with my dog helps. I also try to cut it all off by 8pm (not always successful at this one) so I can sleep (not always successful at this one either) but I will never give in to this evil that permeates our world because it is evil and evil never succeeds for long. We just have to keep spreading the truth EVERY DAY even to those that refuse to see right now.
Knowledge is key. Truth. We must always question and see what is happening.
What you just stated is exactly what I have been trying to do to get through all of this! You really read my mind! I just didn’t articulate it like you did in other comments! It has been a real blessing finding so many of you on these substack newsletters that we can connect with. I am so grateful for this. I am so grateful for Mark and all the others who have been relentless in getting the truth out. I’ve been having more success spreading the truth with complete strangers who I meet in stores, etc., who really seem to need someone to connect with. I have shared our vitamin protocols with people who didn’t want to take the death jab and were so happy to be given something to protect them. As soon as I mentioned it, they handed me paper and a pencil to write it down. That is where I get some comfort knowing I may have helped someone who really needed it. I also think its just relating to people who feel a lot like we do with the fear and helplessness of all of this.
You just spoke to exactly how I feel everyday now. I never thought we would be living through a situation like this. I thank God for giving many of us discernment, but at the same time its so painful to watch this.
It will never happen sadly.
It did. It does happen to some but mostly seems to happen after a loss. If you find a way to reach them, please share. At this point though, they’re damaged and by most accounts, won’t be with us very long. You’ve a good heart.
Are you in the US? If so, you don’t need to name the state but is it a heavily vaxxed state?
I asked my mom not to take the 4th shot. She said she knew it was for the expired variant.. She went and did soon after I asked her not too and got the flu vx the same day at Kaiser. She is a Healthy walker ,75 year old, low weight, now I just wait and pray.
I am so sorry to hear this. I don’t understand why they won’t listen to their family that loves them! God bless you and may he keep her safe.
Youch. Ask them where they got the data that proves the vaxx has saved millions of lives. How does one prove that statement? It is impossible but we can prove millions have died from the shot.
I agree. What’s even more amazing is that they won’t even listen to family who they have always trusted and loved. They listen to the fake news and not the brave doctors and others who continually speak out. I fully understand. Its very obvious they refused to really see what was happening and the lies behind it all. I thank God everyday for the discernment so many of us have been given to see through all these lies. I am also very greatful for these newsletters where we can meet likeminded people!
Great analogy!
I agree. What’s even more amazing is that they won’t even listen to family who they have always trusted and loved. They listen to the fake news and not the brave doctors and others who continually speak out. I fully understand. Its very obvious they refused to really see what was happening and the lies behind it all. I thank God everyday for the discernment so many of us have been given to see through all these lies. I am also very greatful for these newsletters where we can meet likeminded people!
Joni.......we are in a war. In fact we are in several wars. And in war there are always casualties. I do what I can do. I speak out even when people scream at me and call me names but I know it is the right thing to do and I pray that some will see the light. Some do but most do not. Sadly they will be the casualties of this war. I thank God everyday for all of my immediate family that has seen the truth and refuses to get the injection. Beyond that I weep for them but I cannot control what they do...even though I try really hard. LOL
You are so right, Karen. We are in several wars. The biggest being evil versus good. Satan deceives and these people running our countries right now are owned by Satan, along with all the people forcing the jabs. I really try to practice the FEAR NOT scriptures, but I am not doing so well on that front. But I keep fighting like you and especially will never give up because of my two sons! They deserve a better world to live in than what is happening now.
I’m in marxachusetts. I’ve tried over and over and over again and all I get is spite. These are the same hypocrites who welcome illegals so long as they stay out of elite, liberal enclaves. Their compassion lasted less than a day before they had our RINO Governor round the illegals up and shipped to an air base only to be distributed throughout the state in less affluent communities.
These people are psychotic
I'm in Marxachusetts with you 😓
My condolences
They have just shown the world who they really are. Just a bunch of self centered, lying, racist snobs, who would do anything including destroying the country in order to maintain their hypocritical ideology and (in many cases unearned ) standard of living, all while destroying the standard of living of others.
Crazier things have happened I suppose
Read The Gulag Archipelago as well, if u haven’t.
Yes, reading the post Dr. Miller presents above, I remembered Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago that the most pathetic of all the prisoners & victims were the loyal Party members & functionaries. Rather than realize they had been devoting their lives to supporting Satanically Evil Predators, they continued to believe that a mistake had been made and that they would be released when the Party to which they remained loyal finally corrected their mistake.
A warning to the West and 200 Years together if you can find an English translation.
I have tried, to me it is dry reading. I put it down and pick it up every so often. I am determined to at least get half way before I decide if I want to finish it.
It reads as black comedy, if you are in the mood. He wrote it as a literary experiment of types(as opposed to a straight memoir) in which he did recount
horrors, but also stepped away as narrator and commented ironically on that. The archipelago of prisons is such a frightening and true image. Prisons dotted throughout the country. Eventually so many people were imprisoned that Stalin’s only solution was to lock up even more so there was no one who could blame him. His Lieutenants found themselves in the same situation. I hope Biden never reads it; he would use it as a blueprint for “Build Back Better”.
I read it a long time ago and have a copy somewhere. Will read it again.
I stopped worrying about getting sick when they said 99.something survivability rate, but then I've always enjoyed gambling. I can't believe 2/3rds (?) of the country got this stupid shot.
The good news; a very low percentage of vaxxed are going back for boosters. Almost zero of the unvaxxed are ever going in to get poisoned; and the majority of parents, vaxxed or not, refuse to bring their little ones in. People are waking up, but VERY slowly.
I'd like to know why Dear Leader ordered 170 million bivalent shots, about 50% of the entire US population.
I thought his objective was to direct funds to 'Harma. Whether the product gets used is not the main issue. In fact, when they are about to expire he can probably order more.
The objective depopulation. Hence the mandates.
Yes- our taxpayer money goes directly to big pharmaceutical.
Wishful thinking and an iron clad contract.
Profits for his liberal cabal.
I'm in Australia and let me tell you they are peddling
this s4it like no tomorrow, ignoring all the available data. Btw, of course that data doesn't see the light
of day, not many trouble to look outside msm, so
"the life goes on"...
"The life goes on".
Or not, for a great many of them.
They are. My girlfriend is not getting anymore, she just told me. And she's very provax.
My question is what do they have planned for unvaxx'd? Every single medical appointment, even the eye doctor asks the question on their form. They have a medical billing code for the unvaxx'd.
No it isn't a lie.
I wasn't saying you were lying.
I was saying TO lie, when they ask you if you're jabbed.
Start making it difficult for them.
The definition of a vaccine has been changed to " a treatment", so even if you take Vitamins C, D and Zinc, go out in the sunshine, or eat horse paste; that is now a vaccine by their current definition.
I emailed my state senator at the beginning and said " nobody should be mandated to get these shots with the '99.9% survival rate" and he wrote back to me "no it's only 98 % survival rate and that's why I'm getting the shots and I think everyone else should too". 🙄
That is hilarious, He deserves every shot he gets.
I email my senator as well- he emails me back pre-written ‘get the shot’letters. I always reply and then never get another answer, he always just has the one pre-scripted letter. Like a TV news reader from a script.
at least mine engages with me. many totally ignore their constituents. it's inexplicable! :(
Not just state senator. Second in charge in the state senate of Massachusetts. The Senate president, Karen Spilka, had a stroke shortly after her booster last fall. Probably just a COVID incidence. 🙄
Was reading your post too fast and ended up with “covincidence” which really works.
I've never stopped emailing him and I talk to him too, and I've already told him I hate to say it but "I told you so" - due to all of the other vaccine injuries and deaths.
The vast majority of the shots are placebo. Most of the others have only small amounts of mRNA in them. A small percentage of all the lots produced the vast majority of adverse reactions. Study this website and you'll see that this is true:
Since most people got placebo (repeatedly) they've never experienced any adverse reactions to the injections, so it's not surprising they don't think they're dangerous. The fact that there's a large number of us who did get sick, injured, and killed by the shots indicates just how deadly toxic they really are, because the percentage of those who were injected with the poison is such a small percentage of all the people who got jabbed.
If people understood this, they'd think very differently about the injection campaign. As it is, if a Covid Cult True Believer hears of someone who was sickened / injured by the injections, they think the injured person is a one-in-a-million outlier, when the fact is if everyone who got jabbed had actually been injected with the poison, at a high dose, (i.e. like those in the "hot lots," the lots that generated high numbers of adverse reactions, injuries and deaths) ) they'd all be sick, injured, disabled, or dead, too. It makes the cruelty of the reality of those of us who were injured and sickened by the poison injections all the more painful.
Here's another fact that supports my statement that most of the shots are placebo:
Only a small proportion of all the vials have expiration dates on them. They correlate almost perfectly with the vials that produced adverse reactions.
As Craig Paardekooper says, in, "Only vials which contain biologically active ingredients need expiration dates."
You'll find vast amounts of shocking data like this on this website, if you take the time to study it.
That site has definitely filled out since I first visited it! So many links, so much info. Thanks for linking over to it, glad I took the time to check it out - again.
Yes, it has. I took a look at it about a year or so ago, and there was much less information there at that time. I spent at least three full hours studying almost everything on the website a few weeks ago. It blew my mind. The level of diabolical intent that the drug companies put into designing the vax campaign staggered me. As one of those who was cursed to receive the real poison, not saline solution, learning the details about it probably affects me more than it would others. I feel assaulted by not just the poison itself but by the pure evil driving the project.
There's much info coming out recently on how to counter the effects of the jab. I recommend Jessica Rose and Walter Chesnut's substacks, along with FLCCC IRecover protocol. Best wishes to you.
My husband suffered severe vertigo for a few weeks after his second shot, but his is not listed as a bad batch. So how is it that people think they're just saline? Maybe week and poorly stored but not sailine.
When you have to return repeatedly for boosters at some point your luck might run out.
That's the plan. The hypnotized, stupid, idiotic victims will die happily knowing they did their best to protect their own health and that of others, and their loved ones will agree their loved one's death (or disability, maiming, or severe injuries) were a one-off, unfortunate occurrance, but were for the greater good. The level of vax injuries and deaths will intentionally be kept down to a level that the hypnotized masses will eagerly, gladly, enthusiastically accept as "normal."
To be very candid i used to think and also believe in the saline shots theory until the perfectly fine/100% healthy one min ago with no issues whatsoever and dead the next second phenomenon began.
Am seriously inclined to think that those refusing to wake and act now because in their mind they are fine was probably designed that way by the TPTB so we as humanity find it difficult to garner the critical mass to effect the necessary justice and change we desperately need right now.
In the meantime, all that's going to continue to occur is the gradual deaths of many in the group of "those injured are just one in a million and therefore acceptable". This mindset is a very selfish one indeed.
Also, the adverse events are just beginning. Many will end up with clots. Those will take time, but the endothelial tissue is meant to be smooth-spikes protruding will aggregate platelets, cause clots. When those clots get large enough or move- strokes and heart attacks.
Yes, you're right. Adverse reactions can begin immediately, or more gradually, or they might not appear for weeks or months after getting the injections. Of course, we've no idea about the long-term effects of these poison injections, either.
You are wrong. The vast majority of the jabs given were indeed placebo. Study this website:, and you will see incontrovertible evidence that this is true. You will need to take some time (a few hours) to comprehend and digest all of the information on this website. I absolutely guarantee it will blow your mind, if you do so.
It's also true that some of the vials contained low quantities of the poison, and the people who got jabs from those batches probably had adverse reactions too, but at much lower rates and degrees of severity than those who received doses from the hot lots. Those were the people who easily and effortlessly dismissed their adverse reactions as not having anything to do with having been vaxed. I saw this among my neighbors and even in my own die-hard Covid Cult True Believer family.
I got two doses of the poison, both from hot lots. But my adverse reactions from the first dose didn't begin until a week after I got it, and because of this I didn't associate them in my mind with the injection. It was only after I got extremely sick, remained sick for months, and was permanently injured, after getting the second dose, that I realized that I'd also had adverse reactions to the first dose.
That's what I'm thinking, if they were placebos there wouldn't be such high numbers of re-infections.
Would rather be like not vxted. Also doesn't gel with the huge numbers of very serious adverse reactions.
I'm not buying.
Pretty much the same here and.... how with that it can qualify
as pandemic?! The greatest mystery of them all. People just couldn't stop for a moment and think, how did it make sense to them? But then, again, after eighteen months it still does to so many...
Yes- first one immunization; then two shots but they don’t immunize; then three, then four, and they get sicker and more often. Yet they can’t think their way through it. The bludgeoning stupidity.
Oh they've heard, all of them have heard, from at least one stigmatized, ostracized, segregated "tin foil hat" family member.
They've all been jabbed and refuse to listen, click on a link, or read very clear, unadulterated data.
"You want the TRUTH? You can't HANDLE the truth..." - A Few Good Men
I’m the tinfoil hat member… proud to be one
“Ummmmm, actualllly, it’s aluminum foil”
- typical response from a member of the clot shot death cult.
I'll have to go back to wearing my WW1 steel helmet everywhere.
*puts on her own tin foil hat of truth
Ooh, i think that's what Ron Johnson said during his hearing where the truckers were present. He said something like Americans aren't ready for the truth yet.
Nor are Canadians.
Karen I don't know what made so many so trusting and willing to take the shot but I do know many of them did it to help us all. And that makes the results doubly sad.
Re: "but I do know many of them did it to help us all" - they helped us all by dying and making more room for the Globalists, or the computers behind the Globalists which really are in control, me, I think they wasted their lives and they should not have done that, but it was a choice we each had, whether to have the vaccines or not - I chose not to, given how I've seen Big Pharma operate in the past - Thalidomide and the effects on the kids whose mother's decided that was the best way to go - shudder.
We are animals, just like all of the other animals on this planet, but of the species, Human. We get a lead sheep, in this case Biden, who through various behind the scenes manipulations, gets everyone to follow his lead and be vaccinated and the majority of those sheep follow that leader to their slaughter, because they are too silly to think that is what is going to happen to them, but not the lead sheep, Biden, he is saved for the next batch of silly sheep and the next one after that, Ad Infinitum - so what is the difference between sheep and human's after all?
Download and watch and all will be revealed:
Her claims and certificate are a fraud.
Pls don't take anything she says seriously. She's already been discredited for fake credentials and experiments. Wonder why she did it or if she's just a mole.
You are entitled to your opinion, as she is entitled to hers and I am entitled to mine - I accept what she says as being true, because the events from the vaccines, are very much along the lines of what Richard Noakes has found from his Data Analysis over the past 2 years, from the information he has gathered, although he is not a doctor and has only presented the information Big Pharma and others have provided in the press, which he discovered.
By the same token, how do any of us know you are who you say you are and that you are not employed by Big Pharma to discredit anything which is adverse to what Biden and Big Pharma would have us believe? I personally don't know you from a bar of soap and I cannot vouch for you at all.
There are so many truths and untruths about the vaccines, that everyone must choose, for or against the vaccines and the truths or lies that come out of that, to get as many people vaccinated as they can, for the sole purpose of exterminating them - I believe that computers are behind this, computers designed the virus care of Moderna and computers designed the vaccines care of Pfizer and Moderna, so it would appear that while the Globalists are probably behind all of this, it is the computers themselves that the Globalists rely on and therein might be the clue of who/what really holds the strings of what is actually happening now.
I have always been against the vaccines, I have never been vaccinated, nor would I ever choose to be - thus my take on anything anti vaccine sits well with me and anything vaccine related does not - at days end, in my opinion, the facts will speak for themselves and already are, by the numbers of deaths which are occurring at an ever increasing rate, amongst those who foolishly decided to get vaccinated, which is proof enough that the extermination of the human race has begun and by 2025 everyone vaccinated will probably be dead, which in turn brings the total number of humans on the planet down to 50,000 or 500,000 depending on whom you believe - or perhaps total extermination with another life force taking over where we left off - computers for example.
At days end, Richard Noakes has come up with a viable idea for the extermination of the injected nanotechnology and parasites which are now in the blood of the vaccinated and it is theoretically possible that by shorting out that nanotechnology, the whole vaccine impetus can be halted and perhaps even rewound back to before the pandemic and vaccines began and people can live their lives out, as nature intended and not by being exterminated now, by the vaccines.
In that scenario, I like to think that we would have the gumption to go after all of those behind this extermination, from the Globalists and Politicians, down, exterminating them as they would have done us, ending up with the computers which I personally would disconnect and shut down permanently/destroy, just to be sure they are still not "working" without us being aware that they are.
I choose to discredit you, as you would discredit the female scientist concerned now - what possible motive can she provide, to be discredited or not believed now, especially, like
Richard Noakes, there is no money involved and neither of them have anything to gain out of their research, except to save as many of us silly humans that they can, from the extermination, which, ordered by Biden and others, continues at an ever increasing pace.
By happy accident, the ones who follow Bidens lead on contamination, are the exact same ones we are all better off without.
'Experimental' used to be used in a promising way, at least propagandically, as in 'was saved from the disease by the new, experimental drug'.....we are already trained overall to think that just means something like 'promising'...I managed to avoid it, myself but all around me took the new fancy experimental drug. It kind of grosses me out to be honest, sorry to say.
It's astonishing; really. But SOME people ARE trying to search for the truth. It's just an ongoing battle when there is STILL such massive 'misinformation' out there. It's almost unreal; the people (Some of whom are SUPPOSEDLY 'doctors') TOTALLY bashing every bit of information about the clot-shots. I found a site a while back, ""; somehow I initially thought it was going to be a site with GOOD information about the clot-shots and covid; but I was wrong. I just looked at the site yesterday and I see the 'doctor' who runs the site is 'taking a break' for a while. I wonder why; I wonder if maybe, just maybe; he's feeling some pressure from people calling him out on his blatant lies; I don't know. Here's one of his articles if anyone is interested in looking at it:
If you look at older articles you'll be stunned at how deftly he seems to 'dismantle' EVERY. SINGLE. ARGUMENT against Covid and the 'vaccines'; and what's sad and scary is that many people believe him; I can see that from the comment section. And the few who do try to show him facts get excoriated by him and his 'followers'. It saddens me to know that people are out there propagating utter nonsense; causing people who are already afraid to go even deeper into deception and further away from liberating truth. Sigh. What a huge mess has been made through all of this. I too; like so many on here; so many around the world; am holding my breath for relatives and friends who took the shot(s); some of whom have already experienced ill effects from the shots. (A-fib, miscarriage, just to name two.) What a horror show. Sigh again.
If they get their news from only MSM they haven't heard much of anything other than equity, racism, and climate change.
Hi Karen - if you watch the above video, my take on it is everyone vaccinated will die at the first, next or one after that, booster shot - it is how it is and this is extermination of most of our species by practice and design.
isnt this the fake doc?
she claimed a few degrees ... people checked her and found out who she was .... interesting you are promoting her ... it all makes perfect sense ... connecting the dots :)
Sadly, this is happening everywhere:
> Warning ~ Graphic Video:
Thank you for sharing, Mark.
The other day in the pharmacy a man got the shot and they did not have him sit and wait. He got the shot, the pharmacist explain the Vax ID card, and he walked out. That light bulb just turned on after seeing the video. Negligent on the part of the pharmacy.
I guess they need to be strapped in their chairs! That was hard to watch!
Yes, indeed. Will add a "graphic" warning to the video link. It is absolutely awful . . . .
Where was the video taken?
@Jerry Newfield ~ Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the video, including where it was taken.
I only saw it in someone else's Twitter feed not long before I was completely banned for sharing too may "red pill" resources:
TO Stephanie and ALL MY FRIENDS OUT THERE who know what's really going on... To all my conspiracy realist friends...Yes, sometimes it's a curse and not always a blessing to be AWAKE. Awakening is the most liberating, alienating, excruciating, empowering, lonely, confusing, freeing, frightening, expansive journey.
If you find yourself struggling as you try to process all this insanity, you are not alone
No one talks about the darkness that accompanies awakening, or the GRIEF. Not only grieving the life and illusions you once had, but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE.
The beliefs you've held, people you've trusted, principles you were taught- ALL LIES.
Shattering illusions is RARELY an enjoyable experience. There is a considerable amount of discomfort that comes with growth and the grieving process doesn't stop there.
With these newfound realizations, you then find yourself grieving all over again. Grieving for our children, knowing all too well the broken world they are inheriting. Grieving the loss of many relationships with people who just don't "get it".
Feeling alone, being ridiculed and shamed, not only by the masses, but for many of you, your very own family and friends too.
Feeling like you no longer have much in common with the people you are surrounded by. Struggling with carrying on bullshit, shallow conversations that lack substance with those who are still fast asleep.
Even feeling disconnected from your entire support system because they can't see what you see. Some even grieve the loss of their ignorance- because "ignorance is bliss" and reality is harsh. Awakening can be a lonely road and you will often find yourself journeying alone.
There is no way to sugar coat it- Awakening to the realities of this world is brutal. It will have you running through the entire gamut of human emotions. You have to master the art of diving down the darkest of rabbit holes only to come out and still
function in daily life, and that's a skill people don't talk about enough.
Some of you are struggling with feeling disconnected from family and friends, it's as though they exist in another world.
Please know you are NOT ALONE, and not only are you not alone, you have an entire tribe standing with you. We may be separated by miles, but we are DEEPLY connected; in purpose and in spirit.
~ Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA Technology and Vaccine Damaged himself.
This is wonderful. Is the whole thing a quote from Malone?
Who ever wrote this forgot to mention that the only way to get through everything they so perfectly described is with a profound faith. In the Creator of life - choose your own name.
Indeed, you are correct and that, your comment, is not an opinion!
Peace & Love,
Malone, like Mercola and a few others, are in this primarily to make money and the method they use is to get you to pay them, one way or another - I don't want your money and that is not why I am in this at all - I want to save as many of you (silly sheep) that I can, even if I have to copy Richard Noakes's posts from wherever he posts them, to here and on my substack too, adding my own take on things as werll.
Profound faith, the Creator of Life is all bullshit, or cowshit, depending on your perspective - if you got vaccinated, then your faith is not going to stop your execution (you are the new Jews in the Concentration Camps of Big Pharma and your deaths are upon you, except not by gassing or other mass extermination methods, this time by deliberate chemical execution) and even your Pope - the Catholic one - has told his flock, to all get vaccinated, because he is in it with the Globalists and Bill Gates, in the extermination of most of you. Download and watch this and then try again: I have NOT been vaccinated, those that have, are being lead to their deaths like silly sheep to slaughter - because that is what is happening now, re above video - like it or lump it!!
Wasn't talking about physical death - which is something all healthy living beings instinctively want to avoid. Which is why I can not fathom how people run towards injections of any kind - for themselves, their children or their beloved pets.
Wasn't talking about bullshit religions and their bullshit leaders.
Although its interesting to me that the only major religious leader I have found that ACTIVELY, warned his people against the injections is Louis Farrakhan - Nation of Islam.
Don't know much about them.
And no one has come up with any other major religious leader except a few catholic bishops(?) and some lone pastors.
What I am talking about is loving life and the creator of it and each other.
Which I fail at daily.
I am uninjected which is still no metric to judge and hate by. Though, as I said, I find it very hard not to do.
Further response to Christine.
I listen to Poornima Wagh's interviews.
I asked who actually wrote the piece Jeff Prager posted because, duh, I relate to it and I do not relate to Malone.
Thank you for letting me know it might be written by Richard Noakes - who I always read.
I've been with Mercola since before he was on the internet - so over decades. I think his desire to help people is sincere, though I do not always agree with him.
I agree re: Mercola. He's been a wealth of valid data for decades. EVERYONE has to make a living, and he does too. He also donates millions of dollars a year to OUR causes. He funds lawsuits, he matches dollar for dollar donations to Children's Health Defense and donates in many, many other ways. And he also provides us daily with great data!
" and each other." Exactly, as Matias Desmet states, hating the people perpetrating the lies only harms ourselves. We cannot hate anyone and we must love EVERYONE because those perpetrating these lies are just as deluded as those being injected.
Louis Farrakhan, in my opinion, is a good-hearted man and tries very hard to be faithful and honest. I've watched many of his videos and can't disagree with anything I've heard him say.
Yes, Dr. Malone wrote that. And yes, he got sucked into getting injected and regrets that decision. However, I haven't seen anything he's written, this soft spoken gentle horse breeder and farmer, that I don't agree with.
Thanks for letting me know Dr Malone wrote the piece. By not relating to Dr Malone, I meant, perhaps, some of his core values - not that I profess to know exactly what those are. He and I actually are of similar age, background and are both California natives, so, from what I've heard in interviews, same 180 degree turn from ingrained liberal politics. But he went into a vaccine career and I fled to Alaska and raised 5 children who never saw a western doctor. I do find all people who took the product and regret it who then go on to be warriors, to be very brave. I don't for a moment forget I almost made that mistake, unknowingly, and don't know how much stamina and stomach I would have to fight had I done so.
Dr Mercola is wonderful, as you wrote. But sometimes it can rankle
that many less well known and unknown people - usually older women, the same age as Mercola and Malone - get short shrift, no acknowledgment, and even worse, derision for their lifetime bodies of wisdom generosity of spirit and infinite knowledge.
Like "Oh here we go again with "experts", when we all seem to be slowly recognizing we need to be our own expert, take responsibility for our health as Mercola has been saying for eons, and stop putting people on pedestals and tearing down same said people.
Thank you for making me smile and adding some happiness to my evening. How about Jessica Rose, Meryl Nass, Tess Lawrie, Judy Mikovitz and SO MANY MORE! I love all of them and have great respect for them. So allow me to link you to a brilliant man (sorry about that) who will make YOU smile! Assuming you've heard of mass formation, what if there are more than one mass formations occurring right now? Who are they. What's happening to them? You'll be happy to know the answers. INSIDE THE MIND OF THE MASSES (which includes you and me too!):
"but the realization that almost everything you thought you once knew, is a LIE." speaks volumes as to who Dr. Malone is.
Please express OPINIONS as opinions. We differ. My opinion is Malone is not in this to make money. In fact, he's spending more money than you can possibly imagine suing a host of entities, The Washington Post for one, for defaming him. An OPINION is what you've expressed and it is also what I've expressed. The difference is that I have the intellect to acknowledge I've expressed an opinion. Please try to do likewise. I suggest you read Matias Desmet's book. The only option we have is to LOVE EVERYONE and move on with our lives. And that means expressing opinions when they're opinions AND LOVING EVERYONE. To that end, and this is NOT an opinion, there is no such thing as "Silly Sheep" but only people who have been deceived. And I love them, the vaccinated/injected, the Globalists and all living beings on this planet. Better to express a cohesive, well conceived opinion than to express opinions as though they're facts. Lastly, why are you so angry?
Hi Jeff, OK, what you say makes sense - I should express opinions as my opinions, rather than a thing is just so, but then, how many posters on this substack say, hey, this is just my opinion before they post whatever they do - perhaps that is a human misconception we all suffer from.
Re: My opinion is Malone is not in this to make money. In fact, he's spending more money than you can possibly imagine suing a host of entities, The Washington Post for one, for defaming him. Me - well in my opinion, I can't make comments on his substack unless I pay to join it, which I am not going to do, so if he is not making money out of his substack, by doing that, why does he not make it free, like everyone else? Steve Kirsch had 7.5 million following him on his Twitter account, before Twitter closed him down and booted him off - multiply that out by $100 each subscription and you can see why he was pretty mad about that - Steve said that himself.
An Americanism is that you spend money to make money "My opinion is Malone is not in this to make money. In fact, he's spending more money than you can possibly imagine suing a host of entities, The Washington Post for one, for defaming him" - Steve is doing that as well, against Fox, but for one million dollars - I suggested than instead of putting a figure on it, Steve go after them for more- if Malone is so concerned about being defamed - why does he not just shrug his shoulders and save his money, after all, we are going to believe him, or we are not and having 2 Goliath's fight each other does seem rather pointless to me - unless for what other reason?
You are right, I am angry and I know it shows, I'm furious that I can't do anything to stop the madness of these vaccine shots and the numbers of people they are deliberately killing, I suppose I have been doing "this" for too long and actually there are only 2 ways I could go, give up and resign myself to the inevitability of it all, or be angry and fight back, as much as I am able - to remain sane and in control myself - I can't give up, it is not in my nature to do that and at days end, I have to like whoever I am and whatever I do, when I look into the mirror of whom or whatever I am and like what I see there - finally, I suppose, at 76, I really don't want to die from a world which has been pretty much stripped of living humans, by what I see as the final outcome, or solution, of these vaccines, anymore than I want to live alone (and in fact I don't) is that a human thing or just me, I don't know - of my ancestry, I am the end of my line and none exist except me and the world now does not care, one way or the other, if I live or die and my passing won't even cause a ripple in the passage of time, so why not go down in battle than in mute expectation of the inevitability of everything which I am powerless to stop, but I have to try anyway? You tell me - oh learned one - much laughter!!
I suggested to Dr. Toby (and I'm able to read and comment on most of Malones posts) that he listen to this interview and he liked the comment so I suspect he will. I'm sure, well I believe you're familiar with Matias Desmet's treatise on Mass Formation. What if there are more than 1 Mass formations at the moment? We know the injected are under the spell of Mass Formation if we believe Desmet, and I do. So let's suppose there are 3 current Mass Formations. Who are the people under the other 2 Mass Formations? And what is the result? Desmet explains this brilliantly and I've had to watch the interview 3 times now to fully understand his concepts even though they aren't complex. The interview helped me immensely with the direction I'm going to take. I'm 67 and raised my daughter as a single parent. She's 42 and successful. My 2 granddaughters are 16 and 22. The older one is married to a Marine, in college to become a Dental Surgeon and they just bought their first house. My daughter also raised my 2 granddaughters as a single parent so my genetics will continue which isn't terribly important to me at all. However, the interview I'll link you to changed my perception of today, tomorrow and the long-term future in that it's not as bad as we all seem to believe, the final outcome that is. Yes, there will be a lot of pain in the interim but in the end, based on the theories expressed, we can't possibly lose even if we do absolutely nothing. And this is based on the history of dozens of unrecognized previous mass formations. Please watch this interview, I promise it will make you happy.
Thanks Jeff - I have come to my own conclusions from my own assumptions which, disprove or prove, what I think is going on - I prefer not to take on board the thoughts of others, because they have their concepts and I have mine, it is a lot like someone telling you not to be friendly with someone who they don't like, it is their concept for them to not like that person, but until I speak to that person from my perspective, how can I know if I will like them or not, so I ignore the advice of others, to misdirect me and make my own mind up about things, irrespective of whatever others think and do and that way, I have a clean perception of my thoughts and how things naturally evolve and I am seldom wrong.
I brought up 5 step children over 2 marriages and the 2 boys were left in my care when my married partner abandoned them, for a much younger person than me and I became their "real parent" through the legal processes here, so that I could keep them and bring them up and not have them taken into an orphanage and beyond my overall control.
I did not stop them seeing their blood parent when their relationship with this younger person collapsed and that parent put the poison in between their kids and me, so that eventually one joined the Navy, against my will, his papers signed by the parent who no longer had any legal right to him and the other I had to farm out to a Vietnam War Widow with 3 kids of her own, because he became totally unmanageable with me - they were lovely kids until my ex did their thing - shrug.
The other 3 kids I brought up as step parent, married as I was to their other half, 2 of them were abandoned by that parent, after I had been forced out of that marriage - I was conditioned to commit suicide, but I did not, although I must admit, it was bloody close - jumper that I am, well almost am. Much laughter.
Now only 2 of those kids remain alive, 3 have since died, according to social media, I have no idea why, but whatever killed them, I had no part in and I am thankful for that - so that all that remain now is a boy from my first marriage and a girl from my second one - kids then who are in their early 50's now.
Unfortunately, they don't want anything to do with me and consequently me them and I'm quite sure they will have had their vaccines, so in all probability, before I die, all of my step kids will have predeceased me and since I am the last of my line, that stops with me too - shrug!!
Much Laughter
How come the Germans never spoke out about the folks being quietly exterminated and "disappearing"? Now you know. It was just like this.
Exactly. Hard to believe people I have known for decades would have been the Germans pushing their Jewish friends off the sidewalk and watching them board trains. It’s so unbelievable I once thought I had something in common with these people. Deep down they never followed ethics and lacked morality. One big wow!
Here's the really tough pill to swallow: You, I, we, are one of them, given a different issue with different circumstances on a other day. This is why individualism must always trump the needs of "society". It's the most important insight of western civilization.
Easy to ignore and go about your day
In the distant past, vaccines that caused far less injury and deaths were quickly pulled from the market. For example the swine flu vaccine in the 1970s.
In recent decades, Gates and big pharma sponsored pandemic preparedness training taught public officials and the medical industry that some vax injuries and deaths are inevitable, but that we are all better off if the shots maintain their reputation as safe and effective. And maintaining that safe image by whatever means necessary is for the greater good.
Years of training took away the stigma of people dying or getting injured from vaccines and taught public officials it's to be expected. They know people are dying and getting injured. And now we have no limit for what is acceptable, or a point where they themselves admit it's not safe.
Stephanie; I am so sorry; however, YOU are a hero, as is your Mom. By you speaking out, someone will not take another shot; some mom on the way to get her helpless 5 year old boosted will stop, and save that kid’s life.
Thank You!
I don't know what to say anymore.
I'd love to hear the first doctor to say, 'it's a mystery' or that it's 'rare' on such episodes.
Keep names. Articles. Hopefully, one day we will have a chance to bring everyone involved to justice. They all know who they are. We can't let them off the hook.
As of now it is on Facebook. They appear to be Canadian and posted in July 2021 that they (the daughter) just had been vaccinated and were "sticking" it to Covid. In other words, good decent people lied to and deceived by the medical establishment.
You're doing God's work, Mark. Thank you.
If it was Shopper's Drug Mart, it was most likely in Canada. Do you have a location (city) because I would like to monitor the news - thanks..
Somehow I don't think it will make the news ...
Looks to be Saskatoon. She says Shoppers on Herald.
Thanks - that looks like it.
Oh my god, so is this how it’s gonna go with the new and improved boosters? Who’s killing grandma now? The unvaxxed or the poison pushers…
Unbelievable - I guess we won't hear about this on the evening news - thanks for all your work!
I actually just received the "one in a million" response from my daughter when I told her my neighbor's son was diagnosed with VITT this week. He got a booster to go to Costa Rica for a wedding. 3 or 4 days later he developed bruising and found his platelet count was down to 1,000. He was treated to be able to fly back and be hospitalized for treatment here
The faith covidians maintain for these shots is incredible. Her one in a million response is accurate because it's one in a million injuries where you can find a doctor to admit the VI part of that diagosis.
there are 1,000 millions in a billion. there are 7 billion people on the planet. so, 7,000 people being diagnosed with VITT is cool with her? well, some people...
So sickening. And no, we won't hear about this on mainstream news. Mark, we appreciate your work to reveal the patterns and the numbers. I wonder how long Jane Fonda will drink the Kool-Aid, now that she has non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
I wonder... as the elderly woman dropped hard to the floor for all to see... what did the pharmacist feel? Just a minute ago they took a needle and jabbed the $olution into her arm. Any connection? any remorse? Any OMG moment where they realize what they just did to another human being? Or, do they just call out "next" and figure, live or die after the shot, I still get paid.
They may just think she had some undiagnosed underlying medical condition. The disconnect is unreal.
Some pharmacists do figure it out:
Safeway pharmacist quits
Was it the first? Probably not
Right? To ignore it you'd have to numb out completely. And I suppose that is part of the game plan. No choices, no ownership of self or property, no feelings,,, no love.
Nor the second, or third.
Murdering maniacs