Correct. Here additional proof.

DEW weapons: The proof is in the timing and damage....

In the past years Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the recent California wildfires(2017/2018) and explains how the fires could not have been created naturally.

Highly Decorated Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the possible directed energy weapons used to start over 16 major fires that began in the middle of the night in Napa/Sonoma/Mendocino Counties.

Fire Captain Lord says that based on his 30 years of experience, Directed Energy Weapons seem like the only plausible explanation for the rapidity of the fires’ spread and the extremely high temperatures, adding, “The holes that were burned through the hoods of cars all the way through the engine blocks are a little bit suspicious.”

The fires spread to over 16 locations at the same time, and even crossed an eight-lane highway before burning down an entire Kmart store in just hours. Cars were found melted. Houses were found “dustified.

Drone footage of fire damage in Santa Rosa | Los Angeles Times | Buildings and Cars Destroyed – Trees and Plastic Items Untouched.

Even the head of Cal Fire for the state said on CNN he had no idea what started the over 60 strikes that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning. Sudden, unexplainable winds kicked up to 60-70 mph, blue flashes and sparks were seen above by many, including me. Cars were torched, yet trees untouched. Homes were reduced to unrecognizable rubble….





The real issue has been Government made geoengineering.

Drone footage of fire damage in Santa Rosa | Los Angeles Times | Buildings and Cars Destroyed – Trees and Plastic Items Untouched. Proof


Explained: Unburned trees next to burned down structures as ...

Why do houses burn but trees remain? I believe we were told these were wildfires?


Excerpt from the document Technology Horizons discussing Directed Energy Weapons: “The document “Air Force Directed-Energy Systems Laser-based and high-power, microwave-based DE systems being developed by several nations will play an important role in the strategic context of 2010–30. The success of MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) in tracking, targeting, and destroying a representative missile in February 2010 with an integrated, airborne, megawatt-class chemical laser demonstrated the potential of strategic-scale systems. Ground-based lasers are likely to appear for air defense and other roles, as will airborne microwave-based systems that can disable or defeat electronic systems.

More recent solid-state laser technologies are enabling tactical-scale systems for potentially revolutionary airborne self-defense and low-collateral-damage strike capabilities. Emerging fiber laser technologies as well as diode-pumped alkali lasers may allow later versions of such systems to be made even smaller for integration in a much wider set of platforms, including fighters. DE systems will be among the key “game changing” technology-enabled capabilities that enter service during this time frame.” read more…PDF of the book “Full Spectrum Dominance”:



See more technology the US has in their possession here:



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I agree totally.

GeoEngineering is one of the greatest risks to all of humanity. And will cause great human suffering, if continued.

These Fires are hotter than natural fires… fire tornadoes… one theory is the aluminum from cloud seeding falls to the ground and is highly combustible once a fire begins… so essentially the problem is man made and created. Not due to a natural event.

Man thinking they’re God… is at the root of this spiritual battle.

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Thanks I had forgotten about the aluminum as a fire accelerant - "is any substance or mixture that accelerates or speeds the development and escalation of fire."

"The author discovered that unprecedented levels of aluminum and barium nanodust, primary components in chemtrails, both of which are incendiary, are fueling the ferocity of the super wildfires."


"A retired USAF brigadier general, Gen. Charles Jones, has been quoted from a public source as stating, "These white aircraft spray trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers and chemicals."

"Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. "Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens. It's near explosive. When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term ̶ 'firenados,' " he said. The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed."

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The ozone layer is being destroyed by this high altitude pollution, the soil is turning alkaline, moisture is being held in suspension due to an excess of rain forming nuclei, and the heavy metal nanoparticles (principally aluminum, barium, and strontium) and other agents (e.g., microplastic polymers and mold) in the debris fill the air column, harming the respiratory and cognitive functioning of all life, not to mention blotting out the sun's life giving rays. The fallout is sub-micron sized, which is highly problematic, given that anything smaller than 6 microns passes straight into the bloodstream via the lungs and crosses the blood-brain barrier. The bioavailable heavy metals we are inhaling increases our resonance with damaging cellular radiation. Multiple toxic exposures, occuring simultaneously, can be made 10-100 times worse than had they occurred in isolation due to a phenomenon called "synergistic toxicity." The oxygen production and carbon sequestration function of terrestrial plants and sea plankton have dropped precipitously in the last decade. Pathogens and disease thrive in darkened, low O2 environments. Aluminum nanoparticles, proven to be the primary component in the spraying, function as airborne dessicants as well as fire accelerants, causing forest fires to burn hotter and faster. This material also toxifies the soils, killing beneficial microbes and causing plant root systems to stop uptake of nutrients to avoid contamination. The blanket of high altitude nanoparticles bind with rising O2, preventing it from reaching and recharging the ozone layer, thus causing a drastic rise in ultraviolet radiation -- including UVC -- hitting the ground, damaging the plant and animal life that dwell therein. It doesn't help that employees of NOAA and the National Weather Service have signed non-disclosure agreements and thus are not free to reveal the crimes their agencies are engaged in.

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good summary!

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Thanks, do you have any links that can be provided?

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This is all pulled from Dane Wigington radio presentations, much of which can be sourced at geoengineeringwatch.org. But Dane is a carbon and ocean rise fear monger. You would think that the Obamas buying beachfront property on Martha's Vineyard would be all you need to know about the likelihood of us all being under water shortly. He has copies of the NDA's and other materials.

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But it also doesn't make sense that a hell of a lot of city people are buying either second or first homes in the countryside. I also wonder why PG&E admitted responsibility in starting the CA fires--did the Pentagon twist their arm? (much is wrong but it's hell to analyze it effectively)

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And don’t forget Obama’s second home- an oceanfront Hawaiian oasis… you’re right- Obama seems unafraid of oceans rising.

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Thanks for the link

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God help us

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I’m in agreement. I usually burn my yard waste, twigs, sticks, leaves. The last time I lit my burn barrel, it was explosive, like someone poured gas or an accelerant on it. I just thank God I always have my hose on and ready or it could have been a disaster. My fire pit cover is black, we actually got some rain the other day and now it has a coating of white dust? Looks like the days of dancing in the rain and eat snow have come to an end.

My worry is what is this doing to all the animals?

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That is a good question, what is it doing to the fish and animals that breath air....

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Northern Michigan sky gridded several times a week. Plants, soils are dying. Few monarchs, birds and bees. This needs to be halted and nature freed from such destructive action by the elite.

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3. For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please follow the links for full documentation:

A. Geoengineering Programs and Weather Modification Experiments.

This article lists active geoengineering programs, proposals, experiments, field trials, and weather modification programs worldwide:


B. Weather Modification Laws in the United States of America:


c. Extensive list of Patents:


For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs.

The evidence is clear.Map of U.N. Tracking Weather Modification Projects (1952-1999)



#1 There’s Barium and Aluminum in jet exhaust: Take a look at the IPCC’s report and you will see confirmation that indeed barium and aluminum are indeed in the exhaust plumes of jets.


 The aluminum as a fire accelerant - "is any substance or mixture that accelerates or speeds the development and escalation of fire."

"The author discovered that unprecedented levels of aluminum and barium nanodust, primary components in chemtrails, both of which are incendiary, are fueling the ferocity of the super wildfires."




"A retired USAF brigadier general, Gen. Charles Jones, has been quoted from a public source as stating, "These white aircraft spray trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers and chemicals."

"Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. "Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens.  It's near explosive.  When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term  ̶ 'firenados,' "  he said. The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed."

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That's not geo-engineering but geo-terrorism!

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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I like some of your solutions. No reason to blame masons though :).

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I know you're being ironic, I write this for the rest:

Who are “the powers that shouldn't be”?

In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. There’s no money trail and no favor-returning revolving-door linking USA with any other country’s deep state, yet all governments followed the same scripted injuring COVID-response. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!

There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?

In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?

Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!

How could anybody explain that the framework for this bio-bombing was made legal through nuanced patient changes in the legislation puzzle during decades, until leaving everybody in the merciless hands of the Pharmafia/Pharmaterrorists, under the full protection of DoD legal immunity for COVID injectable bio-bombs? Which other entity other than Freemasonry could have pulled this off ?

Isn't it strange that all COVID injectable biobombs were abortion laced? It's because they are all Satanic laced! It’s no coincidence that Freemasons worship Lucifer as the great architect.

I'll publish a lot more about this in my subs!

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Spot on! And most people I know when I try to warn them think Freemasonry doesn't have much power anymore.

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Subscribe! I'll soon post more like this:

Case study: Buffet

This business case shows how easy it is for masons to get monopolies with huge profits over the sweat of the people, by infiltrating the controlling organizations.

According to TheNation, Buffet is “a major investor in the most profitable company you’ve never heard of—one used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, mostly without their knowledge.

The company is called Verisign, and it operates an essential backbone of the Internet: registries for the domain names .com and .net, among others. If you want to create, for example, MyWebsite.com, you buy the name from a retailer like GoDaddy. But Verisign controls the global registry for .com, so GoDaddy relies on Verisign to connect users to MyWebsite.com. Verisign collects a small fee for this service, usually less than $10 a year. But drawing that fee from an enormous pool of websites results in a massive revenue stream.

As of September 2017, two of Verisign’s domain-name registries, the aforementioned .com and .net, accounted for 145.8 million of the 330.7 million websites in existence, or nearly one in two. Take away the 144.7 million sites tied to a specific country (like .us, or .cn for China), and it’s more like four out of five. Any company controlling 80 percent of a given market can safely be termed a monopoly, though a spokesperson for Verisign said in a statement that “we believe competition is thriving in the market.”

The nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the registry industry’s main regulator, granted Verisign exclusive contracts to operate .com and .net. Verisign can automatically renew the contracts as long as it meets certain performance metrics. The company was also initially permitted to raise prices gradually, despite the fact that the costs of managing a registry decline over time because the necessary infrastructure is already established.

“If you’re giving a near monopoly in an industry where prices are falling, you would think that you would have terms in the contract to lower the price,” said economist Dean Baker, a critic of government-granted monopolies. Instead, prices for .net domain names can rise 10 percent per year; they’ve more than doubled since 2005, from $3.50 to $9.02 (Verisign’s statement called this price “lower than most competing legacy [top-level domains]”). Prices for .com domain names have also risen, though they are now frozen at $7.85 per year, due to an amended contract executed in 2012. Competitors have offered to run registries at significantly cheaper rates, yet ICANN hasn’t altered Verisign’s contract terms.

Normally, companies with regulated prices aren’t profit-making juggernauts. But in the third quarter of 2017, Verisign’s operating income as a percentage of revenue hit 61.9 percent, putting it near the top of all companies in the S&P 500. This number has climbed steadily since 2006. If the trend continues, sometime in the next decade Verisign will post the highest rate of profitability of any public company on earth.

That may explain why Buffett owns nearly 13 million shares of Verisign stock, worth $1.47 billion as of mid-January 2018. Buffett is famously averse to Internet stocks, but he does like a sure thing. So does the rest of the market: Verisign stock jumped nearly 44 percent in 2017. Buffett’s seal of approval tends to boost fortunes on Wall Street, so more money flows into monopolies.

In 2016, ICANN arranged a blind auction to sell the rights to the .web domain name, seen as a promising competitor to .com. To the surprise of industry observers, an obscure company named Nu Dot Co outbid six rivals for .web, offering a record-shattering $135 million. The mystery was clarified four days later, when Verisign issued a brief press release announcing that it had provided all $135 million for Nu Dot Co’s bid. Already in control of .com and .net, Verisign had wrested control of one of the only plausible alternatives. In its statement, Verisign said that “We intend to launch .web to bring choice and reliability to consumers world-wide.”

Though there were signs of Nu Dot Co operating as a straw purchaser before the auction, ICANN refused to delay the proceedings. Competitors cried foul, arguing that they would have bid higher if they’d known a deep-pocketed foe like Verisign was involved. “ICANN has a history of sweetheart deals with Verisign,” said Jon Nevett, co-founder of Donuts, a competing registry that unsuccessfully sued ICANN to block the .web auction. (The case is now under appeal.)

The (mason controlled) Justice Department opened a yearlong investigation into the potential rigging of the .web auction, but in January, the department closed the case. In a research note, JPMorgan Chase called Verisign’s acquisition of the domain name “a very good defensive strategic move, keeping .web out of the hands of the potential competitor.” Verisign’s monopolies remain well guarded—and a continuing source of profits for Warren Buffett.”1

The same thirst for monopoly can be seen at his stakes in American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Synchrony Financial, which provides private-label credit cards to retailers. Buffett owns 31 daily newspapers, most of them local monopolies.

But Buffett’s third most valuable stock holding (after Wells Fargo and Kraft Heinz) is a $22.8 billion investment in Apple, perhaps America’s most notorious corporate-tax evader, famous for stashing profits in offshore tax havens.

Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway is a massive holding company with a market capitalization of nearly 1 trillion dollars (a trillion is 1000 billion dollars).

Another case of how they make easy money: Berkshire, Vanguard, BlackRock and other mason funds started investing in the major airlines. Suddenly the Government allowed “industry concentration” (oligopoly), which resulted in higher prices because 4 airlines with 80% of the market and not competing between themselves because they had the same owners. 2 It’s no different than buying farmland and then having government minions to build a paved road around: the land price soars because of that. You make millions while the taxpayers paved the road (metaphorically and literally). This surplus is just a moment in the profit timeline. Yet, in the airline case, it’s the consumers that pay the over-price or airline tickets… forever!

It’s interesting that Buffet gave instructions that when he dies 90% of his estate is to be invested in certain index funds run by masons, mainly S&P. This proves 2 things:

1. It’s not about which particular firms they control but that now, by adding their low percentage ownership of listed corporations, through many different funds and vehicles, they actually control anything on the stock exchange. That explains why so many companies are wasting billions in ESGs and pushing wokeness and are not getting sued by major stockholders.

2. It’s not about stock picking any-more: they are pouring so many counterfeited billions that everything listed is rising above inflation. “The trick is not to pick the right company,” Buffett told CNBC’s “On The Money” in 2017. “The trick is to essentially buy all the big companies through the S&P 500 and to do it consistently.” 3

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FYI: My beloved grandfather was a 32nd degree Mason and a God-loving Christian. Definitely NOT a Satanist or Luciferian.

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Most Masons have no idea what is really going on at the top. And for you to know his degree being that degree you should know what that really means and it’s disturbing that you obviously do not.

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Mine too, though not a Christian.

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Raytheon employee just on you tube now from Antarctica confirmed DEW being used and other constructs doing Earthquakes. Worth watching. Disclosure is now happening.

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Do you have a link?

Here is what some folks have pointed out. First if it was done, it was easy to use plausible deniability.

" Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command, to deny knowledge of or responsibility for actions..."

"In Turkey's case: Turkey is no stranger to strong earthquakes, as it is situated along tectonic plate boundaries. This is a well known fact that every Government knows.

The Arabian Peninsula is part of a tectonic plate that is making its way north into the Eurasian Plate, and the entire nation of Turkey is getting squeezed aside.

What makes Turkey even more vulnerable is that the movement from the Anatolian plate is essentially slipping along the fault lines of the North Anatolian fault zone, the most seismically active fault zone in the world."


Most of the largest earthquakes in the past hundred years have been along the North Anatolian Fault.

But stress has been building along another major fault: the East Anatolian Fault. That fault has seen some big earthquakes in the past, says Patricia Martínez-Garzón, a seismologist at GFZ Potsdam, a research center in Germany. But more recently, there hasn't been as much activity.

This Earthquake was along the East Anatolian Fault. So the question is did NATO/UDSA decide to place an energy into the fault for the straw to break the camel's back.


It may not have been the first time.

Nations which go against US foreign policy agendas and objectives (or that have coveted natural and energy resources) are all too often hit with catastrophic earthquakes. Question, is it just an amazing coincidence? Please watch this 4 minute video covering tectonic weapons.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?



Nations which go against US foreign policy agendas and objectives (or that have coveted natural and energy resources) are all too often hit with catastrophic earthquakes. Question, is it just an amazing coincidence? Please watch this 4 minute video covering tectonic weapons.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?


Ionospheric Heaters and atmospheric resonance technology




I assume everyone reading this knows of


. Less known is that HAARP is only one of several such facilities - and not the most powerful one either.

There are others, here are five:

Mu Radar - 1 megawatt facility in Japan (34°51'14.80"N 136° 6'19.45"E).

Arecibo Observatory - 2 megawatt facility in Puerto Rico (18°20'38.97"N 66°45'9.77"W).

HIPAS - 70 megawatt facility east of Fairbanks, Alaska (64°52'21.18"N 146°50'18.78"W).

Sura - 190 megawatt facility in central Russia (56° 7'10.32"N 46° 2'4.41"E).

EISCAT - 1 gigawatt facility in Tromsø, Northern Norway (69°35'1.06"N 19°12'57.11"E).

(you can copy and paste the coordinates into google maps)

Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.


Last year, we looked at some fascinating data from the DEMETER spacecraft showing a significant increase in ultra-low frequency radio signals before the magnitude 7 Haiti earthquake in January 2010

Today, Dimitar Ouzounov at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland and a few buddies present the data from the Great Tohoku earthquake which devastated Japan on 11 March. Their results, although preliminary, are eye-opening.

They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicenter, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.

At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicenter, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up.

These kinds of observations are consistent with an idea called the Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling mechanism. The thinking is that in the days before an earthquake, the great stresses in a fault as it is about to give cause the release of large amounts of radon.

The radioactivity from this gas ionizes the air on a large scale and this has a number of knock on effects. Since water molecules are attracted to ions in the air, ionization triggers the large-scale condensation of water.

But the process of condensation also releases heat and it is this that causes infrared emissions.

"Our first results show that on March 8th a rapid increase of emitted infrared radiation was observed from the satellite data," say Ouzounov and co.

These emissions go on to effect the ionosphere and its total electron content.

It certainly makes sense that the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere are coupled in a way that can be measured when one of them is perturbed. The question is to what extent the new evidence backs up this idea. The Japan earthquake is the largest to have struck the island in modern times and will certainly turn out to be among the best studied.


A high-level Chinese military source secretly disclosed last week that the recent earthquake in Sichuan Province caused a chain-reaction of explosions in the Sichuan mountain areas. The explosions destroyed the Chinese army’s largest armory, new weapon test bases and part of nuclear facilities including several nuclear warheads. This information is considered China’s top military secret. […]

After carefully analyzing seismic data, military experts in southeast Asia confirmed a non-geological shock had occurred at the earthquake epicenter. The energy released was equivalent to that of an underground nuclear explosion.

There is not enough actual energy being outputted by ionospheric heaters to directly power an earthquake, but they don’t need that much power if they merely act as nonlinear imbalances, triggers, or redirectors of existing large natural energy flows.

Was the earthquake just a random natural event? Or was it strategically and intentionally created?

Consider this:

The official death toll was 80,000.

HAARP shut off ~8 hours before the quake struck.

Earthquake was of magnitude 8.0.

It happened on May 12th (5/12 = 5 + 1 + 2 = 8).

The earthquake occurred exactly 88 days before the Beijing Olympics.

The Olympics will begin on 8/8/08 at 8:08 PM.




Subject: Did The NWO Use HAARP To Punish Turkey?

Nations which go against US foreign policy agendas and objectives (or that have coveted natural and energy resources) are all too often hit with catastrophic earthquakes. Question, is it just an amazing coincidence? Please watch this 4 minute video covering tectonic weapons.

Are Microwave Transmission Facilities Being Used To Trigger Earthquakes?


The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far

worse than your darkest visions and fears.'

– Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear

'The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes' *

- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

Did The NWO Use HAARP To Punish Turkey?

At the end of January 2023, talks between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Swedish Government detonated. In order to be accepted into NATO, Sweden and Finland needed the vote from Turkey. But talks disintegrated after a Swedish-Danish politician set fire to the Quran in front of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm.

After Erdogan's declaration Turkey and Northern Syria were devastated by a series of earthquakes in southern Turkey with a death toll that has reached over 11,000.

Turkey is no stranger to earthquakes. The majority of them occur in the eastern and western portions of the Country. But strange anomalies occurred just before the earthquakes. Leading many to question whether a HAARP weapon may have been used to punish the Turkish Government for failing to tow the line of NATO's New World Order overlords.

These weapons of geopolitical terrorism will be able to mold the climate change narrative and bend Countries to the will of the New World Order as the target date of UN Agenda 2030 draws near.





“As a round, orange-tinted cloud hovered Thursday over Bursa, Turkey, it might have looked like a flying saucer was about to land. But it was just a lenticular cloud — not uncommon in the vicinity of tall mountains.

Photographs and videos of the cloud have gone viral, captivating viewers around the world. Some have questioned the legitimacy of the images. But they’re genuine, and they offer an opportunity to dive into some fascinating meteorology.”


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Dr Greer --National Press Club Event. Just finishing up now. Well worth watching.

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Thank you for the link....

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"This Earthquake was along the East Anatolian Fault. So the question is did NATO/UDSA decide to place an energy into the fault for the straw to break the camel's back."

So that means the earthquake was going to happen, but you think people messed with the timing?

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Many have said it was possible. Almost a perfect crime.

Did Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically before?



“As a round, orange-tinted cloud hovered Thursday over Bursa, Turkey, it might have looked like a flying saucer was about to land. But it was just a lenticular cloud — not uncommon in the vicinity of tall mountains.

Photographs and videos of the cloud have gone viral, captivating viewers around the world. Some have questioned the legitimacy of the images. But they’re genuine, and they offer an opportunity to dive into some fascinating meteorology.”


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Many said COVID was a pandemic too.

What people say doesn't matter unless there is evidence and plausibility to back it up.

The sun itself blasts us with more infrared energy every single day, than if we combined all our power into IR energy.

Have you ever seen the Matterhorn? They get some very weird clouds in Zermat. I've seen it firsthand.

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Source: Yoichi Shimatsu is a Hong Kong-based freelance journalist, He is 'Editor at Large' at the 4th Media and former editor of The Japan Times Weekly in Tokyo and Pacific News Service in San Francisco. His uncle is Yoichi Hirama, Rear Admiral (Maritime Self-Defense Force:Navy/Retired 1988) Professor, Director of Library of National Defense Academy (Retired 1998).


Fauci NIH team funded COVID biosynthesis - for over 20 years. however China was the smokescreen, the fall guy, the last stage of an operation.

Wuhan was the last stage...the Deep State needed a scapegoat/smokescreen to cover their crimes. This is standard practice....


22 parts to Report: You may want to go down the rabbit hole and follow an "Alternate theory." - However China was the smokescreen, the fall guy, the final stage.

China was the Plausible deniability.


Full Documentation -- Rabbit hole: 22 part series: There is much you are not being told....

...............Biden-Obama- Fauci NIH team funded COVID biosynthesis - NIH has been funding gain of function research for 20 years. It did not occur overnight.

It evolved over time, starting with MERS(2012) and SARS(2002). COVID-19 is a coronavirus that was augmented with HIV proteins and a DNA sequence of M-tuberculosis for upgrade as a lethal biological weapon.

The research at the U.S. Navy's NAMRU labs with various universities and civilian-run research institutes. The NAMRU (Naval Medical Research Units), with labs in Africa, Latin America and Asia to collect, study and research biological agents worldwide, for possible upgrading as novel types of bio-weapons for 20 years.

Subject: The origins of Wuhan coronavirus....

.....Alternate theory.

There are more countries in Asia other than China- It was made in Japan..........finished in the UK and let loose in Wuhan.

Even under the best of conditions, gene-modification of this sort requires a vast amount of research by experienced microbiologists with wide knowledge.- it was made in both Japan and finished in England when the 'Gain of Function' research was temporarily outlawed in the US under the Obama administration.." Also called a smokescreen.


There were two major biological warfare attacks against central China.

1. "African" swine fever has destroyed more than half of China's pig population and crossed over into a summer flu among Beijing residents. 2019

2. Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-2020

Read in this order:

Part 4:


Part 5:


Part 6:


Part 7:


Part 8:


Part 9:


Part 10:


Part 11:


Part 12:


Part 13:


Part 14:


Part 15:


Part 16:


Part 17:


Part 18:


Part 19:


Part 20:


Part 21:


Part 22:


Part 23:


Part 24:


Part 25:


Part 26:


Part 27:


Part 28:


Part 29:


Part 30:


Part 31:


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Why not plastics? Are they applied from satellites or bouncing HAARP from ground stations?



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Why not focus on DEW rather than HAARP. Think of what would happen if you could put your car in your microwave oven. Metal would melt long before plastic. Water (moisture) in tree trunks would boil before dry bark would ignite.

BTW I'm not a scientist - these are just ideas and I have no substantiation.

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Have you seen a single demonstration of an external microwave generator (cell phone towers broadcast microwaves all the time) that has set anything on fire? I haven't seen any, and I've seen lots of demonstration of DEWs whether it be lasers, sonic pulses, or the skin on fire crowd disperser.

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HAARP doesn't heat objects and it can't be directed. Have you seen the antenna arrays?

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I've seen references talking about bulging the ionosphere and bouncing back. Not my field. Could they have developed a more modern transportable and aiming HAARP?

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I've seen such things being speculated on. Nothing real that I've ever seen or read. Think about the energy released in a hurricane, big rain storm, or earthquake. It is so many orders of magnitude away from what HAARP is capable of, if we ignore the aiming problem.

How do they aim HAARP at all? Those are static antenna arrays.

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You don't need to aim if you have a satellite passing by every 5 minutes, right? Aiming would be achieved by relaying the attack position, right?

About the necessary energy: maybe what they do is just a nuanced push: the energy was already accumulated in the fault-line, just needed a little help from above... the energy was already accumulated in a low pressure area, maybe a little push would get it moving... the same as seeding clouds.

Now the fires... anybody?

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In chaos theory, the butterfly effect: “is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.

Lorenz noted that the butterfly effect is derived from the metaphorical example of the details of a tornado (the exact time of formation, the exact path taken) being influenced by minor perturbations such as a distant butterfly flapping its wings several weeks earlier.

He discovered the effect when he observed runs of his weather model with initial condition data that were rounded in a seemingly inconsequential manner. He noted that the weather model would fail to reproduce the results of runs with the unrounded initial condition data. A very small change in initial conditions had created a significantly different outcome.”

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It is not remotely the same as seeding clouds. The energy is already present in the clouds. Cloud seeding simply makes a small change in the condensation point of water with metals like silver. Like adding salt on the road in winter to melt the ice at a lower temperature.

It's not even remotely analogous to creating a rainstorm or hurricane.

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If the energy was accumulated in the fault line, then it's a natural earthquake which was inevitable no?

Those satellites are tiny, how much energy do you think they can reflect? They can't deflect enough microwaves to do anything other than communicate. The physics simply isn't there.

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How about a HAARP from the sky, using a constellation of satellites?

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Aside from the energy problem, you would be able to see the hundreds of satellites aligned to deflect that kind of power required to do these things. It simply doesn't add up. Not plausible.

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Thank you for your patience! I love to discuss with an open mind. You didn't answer about the butterfly effect, why? so you don't discard hurracaning, right?

Neither you discard cloud seeding with EMFs, right?

And you don't discard triggering a developing earthquake before its time, right?

With respect to power, how about resonance? using laser-like coherent soundwaves ?

Another theory states that the energy is accumulated in the ionosphere until it bounces back with a full blow. Thoughts?

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Any phased array if correctly controlled can be directed. That's how modern radar systems for example work. I think the person doing this has rather more power at his command than a silly HAARP site could muster up even if they could control it. I think these are all warning shots across the bows of the north American terrorist regimes in DC and Ottawa and as they have not been heeded the plants and cities producing terrorist materials will be next until the terrorists are handed over by the populace for summary justice, the judgements for these people have already been handed down. But I'm just fantasising of course.

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Yes, phased array can aim within the line of sight arc of the array. But not past the horizon unless they're bouncing the waves off of something and MHz RFs aren't going to create hurricanes. As you note.

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I watched it a while back in detail. Wigington is simply not credible as he gratuitously mixes lots of good facts, with a lot of speculation without calling out the speculation part.

That video is highly misleading.

Jim Lee on the other hand, he is far more credible when he talks about Jet fuel, high soot content and the the cirrus clouds created by the contrails and their subsequent heating and cooling effects.

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I have witnessed firsthand how a structure can burn while the trees did not. This happened very near my cottage 10 years ago. All the ground cover was burned to soot, two cottages were reduced to ashes every tree except one (one directly downwind of the cottage that burned) were fine.

There were no energy weapons involved. Only careless burning of leaves with very dry and windy conditions.

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How close to your cottage were the trees and what time of the year?

Tree full of spring water will not burn easy

Did you witness a car engine with this:

"“The holes that were burned through the hoods of cars all the way through the engine blocks are a little bit suspicious.”


Dr. Judy Wood, a former assistant professor at Clemson University, has developed compelling evidence that a directed energy weapon turned the physical matter of the World Trade Center towers into nano-particles through the process of molecular dissociation. 

Dr. Judy Wood – 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon


Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - a category used to differentiate from Kinetic Energy weapons such as explosives and nukes which do not explain the evidence. Government, media and most truth groups will not correctly discuss DEW-related evidence.


1400 Toasted Cars  “Located blocks from the WTC buildings, with door handles missing, engine blocks missing, blistering on some parts of the car finish, strange rust patterns on the bodies of the cars.”

Pile of Cars Spontaneously Combusted – “In a news video, the entire pile of cars started burning spontaneously at the same time with no visible cause, it was not a fire that started in one car and spread to others.” 

Rust Occurred Immediately – “On cars and trucks, and in FEMA photos there was heavy rust on steel beams – steel does not rust, and it is a slow oxidation process that results in rusting of iron.  This rusting happened immediately.”  

Paper Around Cars Not Burned – “Whatever ‘vaporized’ the engine blocks and the door handles on 1400 cars did not ignite fragile and flammable paper lying all over the ground around the cars. If engine blocks and door handles are selectively vaporized, why didn't the body of the car vaporize?”  



Seismic Record: “The energy budget recorded in the seismic record on the day of 9/11 and the collapse of the WTC buildings did not reflect the mass of building materials involved in the collapse, nor the nearly freefall of the collapsing buildings. The seismic record demonstrates an event on the scale of a quarry blast. Where was the thud [that would have accompanied a WTC building collapse]?”

 Kinetic Energy: “Two robust WTC buildings with very robust steel beam reinforcement would release a sizeable amount of kinetic energy from the buildings falling – that would be all of the energy that went into the construction of the WTC buildings. The release of that amount of kinetic energy is not reflected in the physical evidence on the seismic record. Into what physical process did that kinetic energy go?”

 Molecular Dissociation:

“The collapse of the WTC buildings produced the highest mass per volume of very fine particles (nanoparticles) ever measured in an air sample in the United States. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to dissociate or break the molecular bonds of steel, concrete and other building materials that were “powdered” into very fine particles during the collapse of the buildings. The largest mass per volume of metals ever measured in an air sample in the US were reported by Dr. Thomas Cahill who did air monitoring for 5 months. Metal is used in buildings because it is very strong – and would require large amounts of energy to reduce it to nanoparticles. Chemical explosives do not release enough energy to produce that volume of very fine particles. A much more energetic process was involved such as laser or beam energy which releases focused and concentrated energy as complex waveforms necessary to cause molecular dissociation.”

 Physical Evidence of Buildings Collapsing:“In videos of the collapses on 9/11 the WTC buildings erupted into emulsion like a drinking fountain, and the rubble did not hit the ground. Even on tape huge pieces of aluminum building siding vaporized as they were freefalling, and never hit the ground.”


At the time this article was being developed, many people expressed disbelief that energy weapons existed outside of science fiction until they were reminded of the Star Wars Program, also known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)*. The name of this article was chosen as a reminder that energy weapons do exist and have been developed over 100 years. Most of this technology is classified information. It can also be assumed that such technology exists in multiple countries. The purpose of this article was to begin to identify the evidence of what happened on 9/11/01 that must be accounted for. In doing so, the evidence ruled out a Kinetic Energy Device (bombs, missiles, etc.) as the method of destruction as well as a gravity-driven "collapse."



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Judy Wood is a nutjob.

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It was spring and I think only one tree (immediately downwind of a burning cottage) burned. None of the other trees did.

No cars burned because people were there at the fire including members of my family.

Also, forest fires can reach a high enough temperature to melt metal under the right conditions.


Particularly under high winds which is exactly what some of the CA conditions were.

As for Dr Judy Wood, she is misleading in the first minute. The buildings did not turn into dust, they generated a lot of dust. There is a big difference. If you drop concrete on the ground, it breaks and generates dust and smaller pieces of concrete.

Here, this photo of the WTC shows quite clearly the building did not turn to dust. This photo right here invalidates her claim immediately.


In the next minute she shows the building standing and talks about mass, except the vast majority of a standing building is open space! That is it's whole purpose, to create usable space, so these buildings maximize usable space.

Just using a suitcase and clothes as an example, I can crumple X amount of shirts in a suitcase and if I fold them, I get 3x more space to add other things. Same mass, different space.

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You are dismissing Dr, Judy Wood too quickly, what are you afraid of?

As the doctor said : Where did the mass of the building go? It did not make it to the ground.

The dust was the former building.

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I have watched so many of these things and why would i trust her when she is intentionally misleading in the first 5 minutes.

The building mass did reach the ground. They spent months hauling the remains away and yes a lot of concrete turns to dust on collapse.

watch any demolition and you will see the same thing.

I will skim through more later to see if it gets any better.

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You either understand History or you trust the government. You cannot do both.

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I live in Santa Rosa and experienced these fires (and the horrible smoke) first-hand. During the night the fires happened in 2017, I heard explosions all night long - until I was awakened by a call from my fiancee at 5AM, I had assumed that these were lightning strikes arising from the crazy windy weather. In retrospect, what I must have been hearing was all those cars exploding. Static electricity was off the map at that time - I was getting shocked all day long every time I touched ground for weeks.

Sonoma County had been buffeted by nearly gale-force "Santa Ana" winds for the preceding month before the fires happened, and years of neglectful forestry practices resulted in incredible amounts of available fuel on the forest floor. Yes, large fires are capable of generating their own weather (fire "tornadoes").

This guy claiming a lack of any "weather fronts" completely neglects to mention these winds that were blowing for several weeks prior to the fires. I find it difficult to believe they didn't also affect his location in Lake County. As for cars, I can't confirm "holes burned through hoods and engine blocks" but I can confirm there were thousands of cars burned, all of which presumably contained fuel tanks and fuel within the engines. Likewise natural gas lines were burning like roman candles after the fires, prior to utility workers locating the main shutoffs. And people in the countryside had propane tanks for fuel - more sources for explosions and fuel. The destruction that occurred wasn't just from a "forest fire" - by the time it was sweeping through neighborhoods, it had an exotic fuel cocktail feeding it.

I'm unconvinced we need to go to a DEW explanation for a human-created tragedy.

I heard similar "explanations" regarding 9-11, without any proof we had weapons with that kind of destructive force 22 years ago. Controlled demolition was so much more likely than some hitherto-unknown and unfalsifiable space weapon in that case.

Show me definitive proof of such weapons and I might consider this "War of the Worlds" scenario a viable possibility. Until then, I'm comfortable with less outlandish explanations. Not every tragic event is a conspiracy...

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Explain the Kmart burning to the ground with no trees around?

" even crossed an eight-lane highway before burning down an entire Kmart store in just hours." Trees around kmart were just fine.


Compare to another Kmart on fire:

Firefighters battle 3-alarm blaze at Kmart building in east Las Vegas


In the past years Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the recent California wildfires(2017/2018) and explains how the fires could not have been created naturally.

Highly Decorated Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the possible directed energy weapons used to start over 16 major fires that began in the middle of the night in Napa/Sonoma/Mendocino Counties.

Fire Captain Lord says that based on his 30 years of experience.

Just what is your experience in fighting fires?

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Now, Jon Lord of Deep Purple... There's a guy I miss ; )

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I have not found ANY references to "Fire Captain John Lord" other than that one video. All the other retiring fire captains from Lakeport don't look like hippies... Just sayin'...

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I just spent an hour doing a well-considered rebuttal to this, and it magically disappeared within a couple of minutes of being posted. I'm not going to spend that time again.

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Sorry to hear that, you should have gotten a message given you a chance to have it placed back into the comments. At least Quora does allows appeals.

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Somewhere Nicola Tesla is smiling. 😁

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Thant would be nice indeed....

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John, you need to start a substack with all this important info please, thank you

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What does the new world order warfare look like??

Weaponizing nature intentionally … against people.

- through fires

-manipulation of viruses

-GeoEngineering the weather

-releasing chemicals into the atmosphere

Destroying infrastructure-

-destroying animal processing plants that feed the population

-destroying food plants

-destroying natural gas plants

-Train derailments

-disruptions in plane travel

-blowing up bridges

I think we are at war, we’re just unaware.

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You are spot on, and it behoves us to be ahead of the curve

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How would you suggest we do that? I moved to Hawaii in Jan. 2020, only to find the spraying just as bad here with a sheeplike population that wears their masks and takes their CDC recommended shots. Hawaii also is home to the GMO papaya.

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In Poisoning Paradise, doesn't Pierce Brosnan allege that Hawaii is among the most poisoned states? That Big Pharma and Big Ag are trying all sorts of experimental stuff?

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Truthseeker - I think you're right. Also destroying trust and incentivizing people to be against each other. Perhaps unfortunately that should be added to the list.

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Not all of us.

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Couldn't have articulated it any better.

Thank you. Keeping.

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We have been unaware. They have a plan. They have an agenda. But so do we... we will WIN this war - humanity has won.

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Jun 12, 2023
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That rules out the possibility of biowarfare, suggesting that "there-was-no-virus" actually may have deep state support.

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Aren't vaccines biowarfare?

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Bingo. It has been said the 'viral pandemic' was created for the jab, not the other way around

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Definitely. Think about it, the Globalists would not release a truly dangerous airborn virus that THEY could get.

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By that logic they are also more careful with nuclear weapons.

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Unless they had the antidote or an effective chelation treatment (for the heavy metals), or are just certified sociopathic satanists.

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When people wake up out of the trance and the lies, yes.

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they needed a 'virus' and a 'pandemic' to be able to roll out the mRNA shots.

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Now that I have stopped crying for the time being, my rage is growing. Because of who I am, I struggle to understand how people could be so ruthless, so megalomanical, so anti-life. It is my belief in a supreme being (or God, if you prefer) and good people like you, Mark, and those who support you, that my hope for us all has not completely been extinguished (pun definitely intended).

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Don't worry Maria, God will prevail

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Thanks, AJ, for your faith and sharing it.

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I think what makes you different from your university colleagues, and had made me different from mine (retired) is that we are willing to be curious, skeptical and look at darkness. It's weird how strong the normalacy bias is in our supposed intellectual and critical thinking colleagues! Keep up the great work!

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Where and what did you teach?

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I taught English as a second language at Shoreline Community College just north of Seattle for 29 years. I had already planned to retire in the summer of 2021. :-) It was surprising to see how few questioned the vaccine or lockdowns!!

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I think it is more than that. The Marxists worked hard for years to take over our institutions and especially school systems.

We are doomed.

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"the long march through the institutions". Everyone should home school

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Must Watch Interview and Transcript:

(The plot laid bare by Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov and co-opted by our Elites)


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Geoengineering is the crown jewel of the Military Industrial Complex. It is in the public record and laws that have instructed the MS Media to never mention it.

The Truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far

worse than your darkest visions and fears.'

– Hunter S. Thompson, Kingdom of Fear


'The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes' *

- Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom


Every aspect of our weather is being altered and manipulated by geoengineering programs, including hurricanes / cyclones. Radio frequency / microwave transmission installations have been and are a core component of the ongoing global climate engineering operations.

Ionospheric Heaters and atmospheric resonance technology










Bomb Cyclones and Atmospheric Rivers: Is Someone Messing with the Weather?


They are actually making things worse, and creating problems. Geoengineering is happening, for example: China controlling rain across Tibet.


52 other countries also engage in cloud seeding and weather modification.


Most government models have their parameters tuned to what they think they should be or the outcome they want. One can have models to s anything you want., The Art and Science of Climate Model Tuning in Science magazine. A House of cards built on sand. See: Frédéric Hourdin Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL, CNRS, UPMC, Paris, France




3. For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please follow the links for full documentation:

A. Geoengineering Programs and Weather Modification Experiments,

This article lists active geoengineering programs, proposals, experiments, field trials, and weather modification programs worldwide:


B. Weather Modification Laws in the United States of America:


c. Extensive list of Patents:


For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear.

Map of U.N. Tracking Weather Modification Projects (1952-1999)



#1 There’s Barium and Aluminum in jet exhaust

Take a look at the IPCC’s report and you will see confirmation that indeed barium and aluminum are indeed in the exhaust plumes of jets.



Aftermath Of Chemical Ice Nucleation

When moisture laden storms are saturated with artificial/chemical ice nucleating elements (due to the destructive attempt by the climate engineers to temporarily cool-down ground temperatures on the ground), storms that would have been a deluge of rain become unprecedented onslaughts of frozen precipitation.

Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding processes are a primary component of the ongoing and expanding global climate engineering operations. The numerous forms of frozen material have characteristics that are very different from anything a naturally occurring weather scenario would yield. Artificially nucleated “snow” is often 15 to 20 degrees colder than the surrounding air temperatures which can and often do cause this material to stick to whatever it comes in contact with.

Further, climate engineered chemical cloud seeding cool-downs are commonly commenced at atmospheric temperatures far above the point where natural ice nucleation would take place. The warmer air temperatures mean that the atmosphere is carrying more overall moisture which produces a heavy wet “snow”. The combination of factors mentioned, when combined with already weakened forests, is disastrous.

The short video below provides a shocking example of the utter devastation the weather makers are inflicting on our last remaining forests with chemical ice nucleation engineered winter weather events.


The Engineered Winter Deception, Chemical Ice Nucleation, And Ice Boulders



How are the engineered Eastern US cool-downs achieved? The "ridiculously resilient ridge" (RRR) heat dome of ionosphere heater created high pressure (over the US West) effectively blocking any inflow of storms and moisture into the western US. Any and all moisture flowing east from the Pacific is pushed around the clockwise rotating RRR. The NOAA "departure from normal precipitation" map below reflects the US "scheduled" weather for November. Notice the extremely anomalous below normal rain bullseye over Northern California, this dry zone is a direct result of the factors just described.




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The scripted nature of mainstream meteorologist's narratives is not hard to see through. Corporate meteorologists are playing the part of cover-up for the climate engineering programs.

A script that ultimately originates from climate engineering contractor Raytheon who does all the modeling for the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA (both government agencies have an illegal federal gag order on them). The 5 and 2 minute videos report below provides input on Hurricane Florence and some of the potential agendas behind the manipulation of this storm.





Bill Hopkins, the executive vice president for the National Weather Service employees organization (NWSEO) said this:

“As a taxpayer, I find it highly disturbing that a government agency continues to push gag orders to hide how they operate. This is the work of the American government, owned by the American public, and should be open to the American public.”

Jeff Ruch, the executive director "PEER" (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility) said this about the "gag orders".

“The National Weather Service is about the last place where national security-style secrecy rules need to be enforced,” Ruch noted that the broad scope of the gag orders put much of what goes on inside the agency under wraps. “Everyone is free to talk about the weather except for the people working inside the National Weather Service. Go figure.”Other weather agencies and personnel have also been actively engaged in public deception.

A report from PEER contains the following statement:

This summer, the National Weather Service began requiring a signed confidentiality agreement (Exhibit I) from NWSEO participants along with all participants on the OWA teams. These agreements purport to bind NWSEO representatives from communicating with its members, members of Congress or any other person regarding agency plans and how they are determined. These agreements also do not contain terms allowing reports of actual or impending law or rule violations, gross mismanagement, waste or abuse.

The PEER report continued with this:

The National Weather Service, NOAA and Commerce are presently implementing and enforcing nondisclosure agreements which violate the law.


When a rookie co-pilot flipped the chemtrail switch before taking off

When a rookie co-pilot flipped the chemtrail switch before taking off - GoyimTV

It’s not just the military that poison our skies


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The genetic takeover of life on planet earth.

These two young environmental journalists were horrified enough to write a book about it at the time, which is no longer in print.


Agenda 21 signed (not "ratified") by 156 countries in Rio de Janeiro June 1992.


Redefined biodiversity as GENETIC CODES.



Longtime Alaskan Begich family - the author of Angels Don't Play This Haarp', Nick Begich, whose father died in a small plane in 1972 with Pentagon Papers holder and House majority leader Hale Boggs. Youngest - and dissenting - member of the Warren Commission and father of Cokie Roberts.


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More History Lesson From the Land of Haarp

"According to author Joan Mellen in her book A Farewell to Justice, Jim Garrison told her it was actually Hale Boggs that prompted him to reopen his investigation into the assassination of the President.

In April 1971, he made a speech on the floor of the House in which he strongly attacked Federal Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar Hoover and the whole of the FBI.[17]

That led to a conversation on April 6, 1971 between President Richard M. Nixon and the Republican minority leader, Gerald Ford. Nixon said that he could no longer take counsel from Boggs as a senior member of Congress. In the recording of this call, Nixon asked Ford to arrange for the House delegation to include an alternative to Boggs. Ford speculated that Boggs was either drinking too much or taking pills that were upsetting him mentally.[18]

On April 22, 1971, Boggs went even further: "Over the postwar years, we have granted to the elite and secret police within our system vast new powers over the lives and liberties of the people. At the request of the trusted and respected heads of those forces, and their appeal to the necessities of national security, we have exempted those grants of power from due accounting and strict surveillance."[19][self-published source] "

Excuse me for resorting to wikiPedia...... for the above.

But this link is quite interesting pertaining to the huge rabbit's Warren - not just a hole - of Haarp, JFK, and all manner of shitfuckery.


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Then he died in a plane crash.

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historical patterns, particularly of plane crashes and congressional races are blinding these days, n'est-ce pas?

There have been 8 Alaskan Senators in 64 years - 2 initially appointed. Murkowski the father ran against Begich in 1970 for House and lost......got elected to the Senate 10 years later and appointed his daughter Lisa to that Senate seat in 2002 when he became Governor. Ted Stevens was appointed to the Senate in 1968 after being Alaska's Rep, when Senator Bob Bartlett died. Stevens' first wife died in a plane crash in 1978 and he died in a plane crash in 2009 after having been politically assassinated by the DOJ and a Begich taking his Senate seat.

Don Young took Nick Begich's House seat after his death in the 1972 plane crash, after having run against him in 1972 and losing. Begich, though deceased won reelection before Don Young won it in a special election in 1973.

Because you can not have a dead man as a Representative I guess.

Don Young died suddenly on a plane en route to Alaska in 2022.

Nick Begich III ran for Young's seat in 2022 and lost.

In 2004, when the appointed Lisa Murkowski actually ran for her Senate seat, she won.

District-by-district totals gave her 226,992 votes, while her official total was 149,446 votes with 200 percent voter turnout in 16 of the districts.

North To The Future!

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Also yahoo article from March 9 2023 titled, "US Research Station Haarp did not cause Turkey-Syria Earthquake experts say" is now no longer.

I haven't tried Wayback yet.


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You are mixing up these things. There is no plausible way HAARP can create an earthquake. There IS however a relationship between the ionosphere and the energy movements underground that might allow one to predict an earthquake from changes in the ionosphere that precede it. That has established scientific research behind it.

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Thank you.

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jill, Yes, the very crux of all of this is them wanting to make everything and everyone THEIR property one way or another. That is their only real interest in the environment or species conservation etc. If you really read what is in agreements and documents it all boils down to ownership and control of everything they think is possibly exploitable in some way. This is what "environmentalism" has always been about for them.

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Thank you Et's.

That was what I was hoping to convey with these comments.

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Thank you for all your work Jill.

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That was very sweet of you to say!

I noticed your bio talks of honest dogs......this one is so much like our dog of 18 years, I can't resist sending....both being possibly the most lovable and dishonest dogs I've ever seen.....


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Those people who take their dog for a walk but spend all their time looking at their phone.

All the alert communication possibilities of a dog.

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Thank you for going there. I followed the Paradise and Santa Rosa fires very closely. Pacific Gas and Electric was doing suspicious smart meter and other work just prior, gale force winds came out of nowhere, and military personnel pre-positioned. I saw vids from the day after where metal was melted but plastic trashcans unscathed. Microwaves and more at work. We are under attack.

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Years ago I watched General Hospital, there was some token bad guy, Soros type that was inventing the weather machine. We used to laugh at such a ridiculous storyline. Not so funny now. Odd how Hollywood predicts so much of the future.

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Weather modification research used to be routinely reported by the US press. That's where it first came out, not from Hollywood.

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Yes that is true. But, I do think the “predictive “ programming does shed light on things too. It’s like a book series a read a few years ago by Dean Koontz, The Jane Hawk series. It was almost identical to what we’re dealing with today regarding the alleged vaccines, (which are bio weapons) all the way down to the sub-Z temps of the injection.

I remember talking to people about this series and on how it gave me chills, only to be living it today.

So, I have to ask, how did this author write a fiction series a few years before this rolled out in our lives today? Who does he know? What does he know that we don’t? I have to admit the series was a page turner. One I’d prefer not to be living though. Me, I don’t believe in coincidences.

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Amy Goodman used to attend the geoengineering conventions and report on them regularly. Not sure if she does any more, havent watched since they started taking Gates money

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Did they have an evil villain that Luke had to save the world from?

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Watched GH for 30 years! Both Jason and Jax were fired for not getting the shot

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During the CA 'wildfires' there was video available showing blue light lasers coming from above, hitting items on the surface, which would erupt with white-hot flame. There was also video showing effects of microwave on plants, plastics, and common building materials. Someone also had posted radar screen capture showing three objects taking off from military sites, and hovering just above ignition sites. They also posted pictures of the US military drone that uses a laser mounted in front.

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As Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "He who controls the weather rules the world." 18,000 dairy cows die in an explosion in Texas blamed on too much methane gas buildup (never heard of that before!); 10,000 Angus beef cattle drop dead all at once in Nebraska - blamed on the heat (only in the 80s) - farmers said that was very unusual even in very hot weather only one or two cows would die from heat; this morning, hundreds of thousands of fish wash up on a Texas beach dead -- being blamed on a "heat wave" which one commenter who lives in the area said isn't true, not that hot yet. DEW? Most likely.

Fear-mongering for sure! People don't look at the science -- a fraction of a degree increase in surface temperature isn't going to kill 10,000 beef cows or hundreds of thousands of fish -- but it will definitely disrupt our food supply. See the USDA's report about a coming food shortage. This is NOT an accident folks, This is a continuation of the "plandemic" meant to reduce the population of the US by at least 100 million people. This is starting to be serious warfare.

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It was set. This is to do a land grab is my guess eventually of citizen owned property all over the world. Assholes. Incidentally I learned about Lucie and Michael Grimm's obstacle on your site. If he makes it and he will, I plan to become one of his producers for his next album. He's fantastic and so is she....but no one is saying anything about f'ing Covid shot. He was really sick with Covid at one point and then got the vaccine. Why I will never understand. Lying POS doctors

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This could easily be done with incendiary devices planted ahead of time then set off by remote control.

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Mark, you are getting better and better! I just love your title for this article! :)

Of course, the whole scheme didn't start yesterday:


or even worse


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Thank you for writing about this. I learnt about DEWs 3 years ago but when you mention them to most people here, they think you’re mad. (That’s for almost everything I bring up... I live in one of the most insane cities in the US. 🤪)

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Which one?

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San Francisco

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I started a group here 2.5 years ago called Sane Francisco to unite anyone that had not lost their flippin’ mind.

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from The Virginia Project "If anyone has equipment for air quality testing, we really need to know what's going on. This is NOT the smell of a wildfire. Current working hypothesis: that 30 tons of stolen ammonia nitrate was taken to Canada to start these fires." Reply from Clandestine: "Forest fires are another Deep State money laundering scheme of a different flavour. They create the fires, the gov allocates tens and hundreds of millions of dollars in disaster relief, the money disappears, the politicians get their kickbacks, rinse, repeat. Same playbook."

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When I was watching the media images last week, I thought I was looking at a controlled burn, perhaps a measure to stop the fires. After many many news stories I finally realized those *were* the fires.

I'm not an arborist, nor a fire expert. But I grew up around family farms, and recently moved to a rural area surrounded by farms. I know what a controlled burn looks like for clearing fields. And that's what many of these fires looked like to me. I have no explanation though, and don't like speculation.

They keep saying they were lighting strikes, and if that's true, they should have that data at their fingertips through various weather monitoring programs and satellite imagery. I'm confounded why there is no massive international investigation.

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