Nobody gets in trouble for lying. Look at all the lies related to covid shots from politicians and media. It will stop infection. It will stop transmission. It will keep you out of the hospital. Safe and effective. Nobody ever got into trouble for any of the lies.

People get in trouble for telling the truth. People like Assange and Snowden are the most extreme examples. Fuellmich is an unfortunate addition.

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No one got punished for lying us into the Iraq war nor any of the wars that followed.

Kill one person and you go to prison. Kill hundreds of thousands or millions and get book deals.

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Just like all the doctors, scientist, journalist, honest researchers and even a few politicians that dared to tell the truth and were deplatformed and ostracized in their fields. To all the liars that have gotten away with murder and made billions? Shut your traps (including MSM) cause I will no longer listen to anything you have to lie about. Tell it to God someday and that I would buy a ticket to watch.

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Exactly, except for Snowden, he was and still is CIA, he's just limited hangout, disinformation outlet, like Alex Jones, also parents were CIA; same with Tate, parents are CIA. They have people infiltrating everywhere. Sibel Edmonds and William Binney both said everything and anything Snowden said long before Snowden said it. Snowden isn't locked up, he somehow magically escaped the fate Assange is going through, because he's allowed to.

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How much do your CIA handlers pay you to tell such silly lies?

Snowden worked for an NSA contractor whose supervisor wouldn't do anything about the deceptions that Snowden reported to him/her, forcing him to put it in the public domain.

Snowden is being treated by the Russian government like he should have been treated by the American government, but was prevented from being so by the MICIMATT complex.

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Clearly you still believe in the sovereignty of "governments" .. all governments are controlled from above, even China, and MAO.. MAO was a Yale man in Skull and Bones (aka Bushes, Clintons, Obama etc). Silly lies? I have a picture of Snowden standing with the director of the CIA before all this happened... if you believe the official story of Snowden and Russia rescuing him, etc you are not alone, but you probably believe in all the other parts of the slave theater as well. But then again, I spotted SBF over 3 years ago, I knew he was a setup.. I see things others don't. Here, mrereports has a great recent article on it: mrereports has some good stuff.. this I've known and shouted to people for years, long before SBF: https://mrereports.substack.com/p/snowden-and-controlled-opposition

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Also, you should just get on corbettreport.com and enter Snowden in the search box; he has at least 10 full articles on this. Ha ha, but I am CIA, right. The way to spot these psyops is very easy, you just see what the mainstream "news" propaganda is spewing.. doesn't matter if it is positive or negative, if it is getting attention it is because they want you to see it.. if they want you to see it, it is because they want you to believe it. How much press did Sibel Edmonds get? William Binney? Are their names known worldwide? No? Who are they? They said everything Snowden said before he said it, that's who they are. The fact that they aren't widely known is because the CIA doesn't want them to be widely known, and they run all the "news"

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100. Snowden is the half truth / limited hangout version of events. Vonu, SBF is Sam Bankman Fried aka FTX -- total plant, agreed. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/sbf-wef-and-the-mile-of-red-yarn

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Sam Bankman Fried .. I spotted him from November 2020 .. I knew he was running nothing, he's just a prop, just a stereotypical looking geek setup to be a front man for the bogus "crypto" FTX exchange; basically setup from probably the CIA and SEC to compete with the real billion $ crypto exchange, BitMex, created by Arthur Hayes of the "come at me bro" fame.. who they later prosecuted and stole a huge sum of money from ( although the slave term for stealing is "he was fined" ) to keep him from being put in a cage; although they did make him wear an ankle bracelet. Anyway, the SBF theater is going on right now in a NYC court I think, although I haven't watched it, I just don't follow the show they put on for all of us.. I try to look behind the curtain and see the script writers.

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Not being interested in money with even less backing than the petrodollar, I was never looking for him or anyone like him. When I want value, I buy gold and silver, not cryptocurrency.

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It is Halloween, I dressed up like Dr. Fauci and offered kids ice cream cones and they all ran away from me. I guess that was a pretty scary outfit.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

LOL! I should dress up as Biden, surround myself with minor children, and start sniffing them when I ring the doorbell. I wonder what type of reactions I would get.

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Well, I have to say you would have all the qualifications to be president of the United States and rule over 800 Air Force bases and inject your citizens with 200 million poison injections. The problem is I don’t know where you’re going to get enough ice cream cones.

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From the Federal Reserve? They have no problem printing anything needed to keep the scam going.

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On top of the fact that most of what is called ice cream contains things that didn't come from any mammal.

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So that’s why they get away with calling a poison Covid jab a vaccine, they are calling iced chemicals, ice cream

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Ice cream's ingredients are better reported on the label than any Covid "vaccine's" is on the package insert.

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I was born and raised and still live in Canada. You're out of luck. So sorry. 😘

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let us know! be careful wear a helmet. Some parents might think you are the real deal

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This wouldn't be a good idea where I live. I would mostly likely end up murdered. lol

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don't go there! life is too precious to waste it on these numbies -zombies

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Or George Floyd...all that's needed is a fake gun, fake syringe, fake bag of drugs, fake Crack pipe

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LOL! That's a story I've been following. Turns out all of it was for lies. I think anyone who was harmed in the riots along with the destruction of property should be sued. I would start with the politicians and media outlets that pushed the narrative. I hope the officer sues too. Can't wait to see what happens with the appeal.

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Don't forget to trip and walk into a brick wall trying to find your way back in the house!

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Even kids know a vermin/snake when they see one! LOL!

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Well, that snake is running out of oil. RFK Junior has seem to that.

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Yes he did but he also supports Israels genocide of the Palestinian people. So RFK lost some points with me.

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RFK lost it with me too, but currently Israel is busy committing suicide, so I think RFK may have to change his position. But you have to admit he has done really good work in exposing the virus fraud, so give him credit for that.

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RFK is a polished regurgitated Bernie "Quisling" Sanders. He'll stab everyone in the back if somehow he's elected President (shudder). Aren't you tired yet of voting for the "lesser of two evils?" It's like having a choice between Satan and Lucifer.

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seems they got the message! thankfully they might remember this awful man and his consorts for the future. There is hope. IN the meanwhile, is there a way to help Fuelmilch?

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Consider Julian Assange's situation -- if you dare...

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"Nowhere in the Constitution is the government authorized to lie to We The People and the Tenth Amendment prohibits the government from simply assuming that right.

The government lied about a Spanish mine in Havana harbor, They lied about the Lusitania not smuggling weapons to Great Britain. They lied about the JFK assassination. They lied about torpedoes in the Gulf of Tonkin. They lied about Saddam’s WMDs. They lied about Assad gassing his own people. They lied about 9-11. They lied about Covid. They lied about honest elections. They lie about everything! "When the government lies to We The People, it becomes an unconstitutional and hence illegitimate government, and we are not obligates to obey said government’s dictates, pay said government’s bills, or sacrifice our children in said government’s wars!" -- Michael Rivero

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They also lied about Pearl Harbor and the USS Liberty. And Carl, we aren't even touching the tip of the iceberg what they have lied about for decades and decades. Geoengineering is another HUGE lie. Like it hasn't been going on for over 50 years and now just claiming it is an "idea" to halt another lie called climate change. I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of being treated like a person that is dumber than a box of rocks.

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Perfectly said. The world has devolved into a life or death struggle of facts vs fraud. It is an all out battle between those who are complete storytelling frauds trying to control the world vs. those who seek actual facts, data, science and reason. Why would any sane person believe anything coming from any government, MSM, institution or institutional figure, when they have been shown time and again to be malevolent frauds who have been wrong - (either intentionally or ignorantly or both) - about absolutely everything they have purported to be true?

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“Democracy is the worse form of government, excerpt all the others.”

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been a follower of your substack for sometime and have apprecited your posts

darksider don’t like truth, bombs yes, hatred yes, allopathic medicine yes

but we bring good news today from Alberta, Canada

we continue to "kick ass" in alberta - home of canada's freedom convoy

big win in the provincial courthouse recently

attorneys Rath and Grey give you a blow by blow description of the unprecedented legal ruling in attached video link

editor note: begin viewing attached at third minute 3:00

please let us know should you have difficulty opening link


social media announcement / Chris and Kerry Show

The BIGGEST , most AWESOME news for FREEDOM!

They did it! They showed that our rights and freedoms were violated, and the court ruled in favour of our Charter Rights. WOW!
Chris & Kerry with lawyers Leighton Grey & Jeffrey Rath about their landmark case in which the Alberta Chief Medical Officer’s Health (CMOH) Orders were ruled unconstitutional and illegal. And the implications of the ruling going forward.
July 31, 2023

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Love the Bond music, looking at the video now.

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There is hope ! so glad there is a light at the end of the dark Canada tunnel!

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keep the heat on

tanles are turning

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Great news. The trickle will become a flood; even the MSM will not be able to ignore.

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Jesus was crucified for speaking truth to power. That was the only "crime" they could trump up to murder him.

Speaking the truth has always been dangerous.

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And trying to speak it to family and friends ends up in no family and no friends left. Hard but I still speak it even if nobody wants to listen. Have no doubts they will regret those deaf ears someday...when it is to late.

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Same here. God Bless.

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same ole darksiders are slowly changing to lightsiders, keep spreading the good news only, the whole board will transform to light

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I would like to throw a brick at you.

Free speech. Legal

I am going to throw a brick at you.

Threat. Illegal

We have all lost our minds.

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Blatant lies and corruption are the new normal.

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do you know any politician who does not lie?

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There is... wait... never mind! I thought I had one for a second.

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All of them. They just "misspeak." Ooopsie!

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What is new about something that has been going on and "normal" since the beginning of human history?

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I sometimes wonder if any of these people are used as part of an act-propaganda to instill a precedent in the population, to intimidate, scare but regardless the truth must always be spoken as the alternative only brings us down further to hell. You cannot compromise with evil. You won't win either in pacifying yourself. It's will only be a matter of time.

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Look up the Smith-Mundt act that was passed in the 40's IIRC. Obama rescinded it in 2013. It was designed to make government propaganda illegal. Notice how much it has ramped up since it was rescinded?

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reading a book by David Icke. Not sure if he got it all right, but at least part of what he writes makes sense.

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Yes I get it. I don't think Snowden, Assange are acts personally but I don't trust Jorden Peterson in other circles for good reasons and a few more based on their affiliations.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

They can prop up anyone to make them look like a hero. This is part of their play book. I'm on the fence about Snowden. I agree with you on Jordan Peterson. You can add Ben Shapiro and Laura Loomer in there to. I could give you a whole list. I've learned it's best not to trust anyone at this point.

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I would add Musk. His background, connections, contracts, transhumanism loving wife and self, neurolinks, robots to do mundane tasks pitch* yeah right-reminds me of Elysium

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Yes, I don't trust Musk. You really can tell a person by their fruits. Not to mention he's still censoring and banning on twitter. They are all outing themselves as the agenda moves forward. This is all we need to know. We're getting the faces of our enemies.

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Always found him kind of creepy. Especially in his devil outfit.

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Absolutely agree with you re Ben Shapiro and Laura Loomer. Terrible.

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They are totally an act. Funded mainly by George Soros, BLM-funder. He's so obvious.

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My observation on why it is so difficult to tell the truth goes into the basic makeup of most of us. We are afraid of consequences and love our ease. Put into plain language, "we are hypocrites". Imagine if all of us who want to think that we are so honest and bold were to stand up and challenge the lies, even if it cost us. If we see any pivoting starting to take place it is precisely because of a few who were willing to lose jobs, family, licenses, prestige, fortune, liberty, in order to stand by truth. Incidentally, this practice is what gets us to seek God, learn from him, obey and serve him, and live for eternity. Otherwise we continue to live in delusion.

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See odysee.com Viviane Fischer Statement re 1.35 million euros misappropriated from the Corona Investigative Committee by Reiner Fuellmich allegations upheld by other committee members as well. This is why I reserve judgement re this matter. Await full disclosure in future. Unlike most injustices it takes time to adjudicate. I still hold Reiner Fuellmich in high regard because of what he brought to the committees work.

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Chances are the German government could not care less about those funds, assuming that's for real.

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Please keep up your good work. Reiner Fuellmich is WAY too close to the truth. He’s making the criminals in charge uncomfortable.

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There are 2 thoughts to answer Miller's question. First, is that we never had free speech, just the illusion of it. Getting books or articles published that opposed the narrative was always almost impossible. At some point people began to find ways to publish their own material way before the internet. Second, is the development of the reactionary tendencies in this country which seem to be hitting a particular level of arrogance and violence against the people. It seems that as corporate/fascist control of the country grows the powers-that-be become more publicly arrogant. The other side of this is that as the rest of the world begins to push back against American hegemony (how dare people want control over their own resources and economy) the US is pushing back hard. The loss of power is coming back home and being directed at the public. As Malcolm X would say: The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost!. Fascism loves the mask of civility and freedom until it gets too expensive and threatening. The internet allowed way too much freedom of expression and organizing possibilities that needed to brought under control. This is an entire other conversation.

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Totally correct, if you have faith there is nothing to fear. All the best 👍🇦🇺

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Regarding Reiner Fuellmich I will wait and watch. Yes he is the most articulate charming man and his program was very informative but I have read about those who worked with him and find their side credible about alleged fraud. Time will tell. Refer to Fischer’s and Wodarg’s perspective on Bichite and Odysee.

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You think the German government is narrowly concerned about such "fraud," assuming there was any? Do you also think that CJ Hopkins' book cover is Nazi propaganda?

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Ha, the malfeasants actually had the brass balls to accuse Dr. Bhakdi of anti-Semitism!?!? It got kicked out in the courts of course, but damage had been done.

I hope, with less than great confidence, that when the German People find out their 'government' used one holocaust to protect the instigators of another, guillotines will see the light of day.

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No, obviously they're corrupt. But the Corona committee did put a case out on him for stealing funds. This isn't the same as the CJ situation, when it's the government directly charging him.

And as a lawyer, why would he enter Germany by going into the embassy and not know that they could retain him for a warrant of the case brought on him?

Makes you wonder why he needed to renew his passport in Mexico..

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Could not find on Bitchute for some reason. Please supply a link.

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Search bitchute for Viviane Fischer and hear her statements that initially asked Reiner to make things right with no animosity or threats. I believe had he returned the funds the issue would have been resolved outside any court action. The committee still exists but has been unfortunately tainted. So sad really it was a beacon of truth in a truth compromised world.

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They have always been good at infiltrating the truth communities to taint or destroy it.

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So sad! I loved this guy & his team! Praying that nothing happens to him.

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