How did most celebrities turn into death stars? Take Mark Hamill (and Noam Chomsky, too)
Celebrity could be the death of us, AND our democracy (or what little there is left of it)
Put up by a real human being in New York City:
Now, here (scroll down) is a very good example of the catastrophic monkey-see-monkey-do process whereby celebrities (through “our free press”/“social media”) affirm the propaganda to the rest of us; although in this case it is NOT “vaccination” that the star is urging on the audience, but “liberal” hatred over “January 6.”
This certainly is not to say that Hamill has been silent on the urgency of getting everybody “vaccinated”:

And having, back then, done his bit to kill as many of his fans as possible, Hamill has now done his further bit to help the Empire kill American democracy—trash due process and the Bill of Rights, making it a major federal crime to question the results of an election; and in this push Mark Hamill has the full support of something called WeGotThisCovered—which may (it’s possible) be even dumber than Mark Hamill.
Would he say that his having played Luke Skywalker in movies has “taught him a thing or two about insurrections”? It’s hard to believe he’s quite that stupid; but maybe so. (On the other hand—and to give the man his due—on the subject of “insurrections,” Mark Hamill is no dumber than Noam Chomsky, who’s learned just as much about them from his reading over many years as Hamill did emoting in “a galaxy far, far away.”)
Chomsky (lest we forget) compared “January 6” to Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch in 1923—to which, in fact, that oafish psy-op in the Capitol bore no resemblance whatsoever (though Chomsky struggled pompously to make his case by claiming that “historians of fascism” agreed with that equation, without naming any). As far as Nazi antecedents are concerned, what “January 6” did call to mind, and certainly still does, is the burning of the Reichstag in 1933—which Hitler used to crack down on several thousand Communists, Socialists and other undesirables (what some might call “deplorables”) exactly as the US government used “January 6” as an excuse to sweep up and incarcerate 800+ of our fellow-citizens, with many suffering torturous conditions to this day; and no celebrities appear to find it troubling: on the contrary.
In short: Beware celebrities across the board, since, with some very few exceptions, they have all somehow been weaponized against the rest of us.
Mark Hamill speaks the truth on January 6th anniversary
January 6, 2023
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Mark Hamill might know a thing or two about insurrections since he’s been in quite a few movies in the Star Wars franchise. How is this nation supposed to move forward with any kind of dignity or trust in the system after what happened on this day two years ago? Mark Hamill is calling for accountability and that’s just what this country needs.
On January 6th, 2021, a joint Congress session was set to count the votes and certify the election of Joe Biden. Protestors gathered outside, but [?] many of them with the intention of entering the U.S. Capitol and disrupting the election process. Newsweek reports that the Secret Service and the FBI estimate that 120,000 gathered at the Capitol, but they haven’t officially released those numbers. The number of people who actually entered the building keeps climbing but is said to be about 1,200 while Time reports that only 840 of them have been arrested. [So 360 “terrorists” are still at large!—MCM]
Of those arrested, Jacob Anthony Chansley is one of the more notable insurrectionists wearing his horned hat and carrying a flag while shirtless. He’s now serving 41 months in prison. [For “wearing a horned hat and carrying a flag while shirtless”?—MCM]. Richard Barnett was another one who entered Nancy Pelosi’s office, sorted through her stuff, and propped his feet up on her desk as he sat in her chair. He’s awaiting sentencing at the moment. [For putting his feet up on Pelosi’s desk?—MCM]
The justice system isn’t sitting completely still on its action [sic], but it’s not moving fast nor being thorough enough for Mark Hamill.
Tim Robbins in his lengthy interview with Russell Brand a few weeks ago confessed that he’d been one of those who was angry and shamed the vaxx refuseniks - but has since had an awakening - and has come to see that he was wrong - which is terrific.
BUT he also said that he has many colleagues who agree with him who are afraid to speak out - and that he doesn’t condemn them for - I guess - protecting their careers and money?
Well - sorry - I DO condemn any celebrity with notoriety and a voice for remaining silent during this terrible time!! To my mind, they are just the same as the good Germans who silently watched as their neighbors and friends were taken off to the camps.
No fucking difference!
I attribute it to a kind of “philosophy” a colleague shared with me years ago - and I think it’s very American:
Which means “I got mine, fuck you.”
A complete absence of compassion.
During the vaxx mania in 2021, I was coldly told by loved ones when I was excluded from all public events and family gatherings that “You’ve made your choice” - meaning a kind of “too bad, fuck you.” They thought it was A-OK and totally justified to deem me persona non grata because it was my own stupid fault.
Luke Skywalker not withstanding, Mark Hammil is a typical HollyWeird asshole. Period.