Tim Robbins in his lengthy interview with Russell Brand a few weeks ago confessed that he’d been one of those who was angry and shamed the vaxx refuseniks - but has since had an awakening - and has come to see that he was wrong - which is terrific.

BUT he also said that he has many colleagues who agree with him who are afraid to speak out - and that he doesn’t condemn them for - I guess - protecting their careers and money?

Well - sorry - I DO condemn any celebrity with notoriety and a voice for remaining silent during this terrible time!! To my mind, they are just the same as the good Germans who silently watched as their neighbors and friends were taken off to the camps.

No fucking difference!

I attribute it to a kind of “philosophy” a colleague shared with me years ago - and I think it’s very American:


Which means “I got mine, fuck you.”

A complete absence of compassion.


During the vaxx mania in 2021, I was coldly told by loved ones when I was excluded from all public events and family gatherings that “You’ve made your choice” - meaning a kind of “too bad, fuck you.” They thought it was A-OK and totally justified to deem me persona non grata because it was my own stupid fault.


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I was barred from the annual group ski trip with friends and it was suggested I don't come home to visit my parents. Maybe those celebs would be wise to 'come out' now before the ball drops and they start throwing ropes over the light posts.

For a good read, "The German Wife". Historical fiction on the start of the war and then Operation Paperclip.

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> but has since had an awakening - and has come to see that he was wrong - which is terrific.

Terrific??? Listen accurately to what Tim Robbins said during the interview: as long as it seemed the vaccines are working HE WAS OK HOW IT GOT HANDLED - so just another Mengele... and already Mengele back then noticed that one identical twin gets infected but not the other (he intensively experimented with identical twins WITHOUT any final consclusion and till today medicals have no explanation for this phenomena) - so which one has to wear a mask or distance and which one needs RNA modification??

Pharmtology today is NO step further, it is not based on true science, just modern quacks enriching themselves on a belief system which can change from week to week: "Follow the CURRENT science" or "according to the ACTUAL knowledge" says it all...

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Yes, I believe Dr. Mengele, taking a dip in a swimming hole somewhere in Argentina in 1979, was rumored to have said "I supposed maybe we could have done a few things differently"

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Isn't it insane how he and so many involved got away (and as far as I know he never repented anything)? And isn't it even more insane how especially Israel pushed this experimental treatment on its own citizens!! Beyond appropriate words. (but ok, elitist US jews are said to have financed Hitler even when WW2 already started)

Apart from that: my "autistic" nose (I have several enzyme defects) knows exactly what differentiates many identical twins (had 3 couples in school, 1 pair over 6 years in my class) and according to the increasing supermarket stench and specific additional "scents" this second winter I can confidently say that we are just seeing the very BEGINNING of the jab side effects, at least in my area - there simply is no "1 size fits all" treatment ever (as said: not even in "identical" twins)

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So are you able to smell the vaxxed as Jeff Rense guests repeatedly mention lately?

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yes and no, let me try to explain: any blood contact (injection, insect bite, leaky gut/lung) with an INDIVIDUALLY UNsuiting protein (/"virus"?) causes blood thickening/stagnation > anaerobe/allergic metabolism (to my nose: stinking fermentation) > sudden or chronic disease depending on individual oxygen needs (there are obligate aerobic humans, lots of athletes & musicians) > preterm death. As I cannot stop breathing and not ignore odors I became sort of an unwillingly expert for diverse exhalation flavors, meaning 1 single breeze is sufficient to get your true essence (the "primate" in you), its actual condition/deviation and therefore probable (mis)behaviour, sexual orientation & fetish preferences and health/disease. I know exactly what individually harms (accelerates death) & what benefits (prolongs life) simply because I cannot stay in the presence of a "stinker" - so either you stop eating foods which cause you to stink (and become the best version of your genetics) or I withdraw (and you can freely degen(d)erate)

So far from the people who's exhalations I knew before 2021 and got jabbed I can definitively say that I never came across such an "effective thickener"/allergen (not even witnessed rubella or measles vaccinations have caused such a strong & lasting fermentation baseline with so many final flavor switches / being "stroked") and the odor during rush hour in the groceries actually are worse than any flu wave of the last decades (and last winter was already disgusting). As astonishing many vaxxed exhale moldy pungent odors (producing their own peniciline? Sorry, I have zero medical education) this might trigger reactions in people who are sensitive to mold molecules (cross reactions?). Those who "suffer" parosmia at least have a chance to heal/survive, unfortunately they consider it as a plague to be tricked and not their individual gift/guide to be followed and doom themselves.

BTW: thank you for your badass compilation, especially love following 2 (apart from the already seen Pfizer table soccer edition):



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I might add that my nose opposite to medical science does not make a difference between many so called virus and allergens (predominantly proteins as well, as far as i know) and maybe not "coincidentally" a cold/flu resembles a heavy allergic reaction to airborn triggers. The symptoms of this spike protein smell like a hybrid of tree pollen and shellfish (iodine) allergy, reflecting lung AND intestines being involved which is not unusual), but naturally infected it "just" causes fermentation (over days), then onset of symptoms and after a peak both vanish and breath is fresher than before (typical for colds/flu, sort of detox for the next cycle of the year?), whereas when injected there is fermentation AND symptoms almost at once, then symptoms vanish but fermentation persists on a lower level to flare up whenever the person gets little stressed or experiences slightly colder temperatures (last summer a colder evening at barbecue was sufficient for the jabbed to start fermentation/stinking and having more & less symptoms the next day). The jab so far seems to cause a constant low fermentation baseline (never ever seen a natural reversal/re-switch after more than a year, similar to short-sightedness, you can only stop the progress) and sort of sensitizes the onset of higher fermentation - both not good... (fermentation can be used to determine age and supposed death, the more you stink/rot, the closer is death)

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That is fascinating stuff! You should seriously reach out to researcher Erica Kahn and Jeff Rense. They are doing a series of interviews on this sort of thing all year. They would have you on ContactRense@earthlink.net

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Sorting the weeds from the seeds always means you end up with a smaller pail of seed than you started with. If they are fine with you being thrown to the dogs for not surrendering your God given rights to big pharma and fascist government....piss on them and find people who will build a better future.

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Ka Boom!

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They'll be paying for that IGMFU, because what they got is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. VAIDS

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My wife lost her job as a result of the mandate. Due to the shit show that it created. She was told by some in her family that she deserved to have been fired for not doing it, and that she (and our family, by extension) deserved to be excluded from any indoor activity. It was another shit show. They also thought Good old Billy the genius, was nothing but an altruistic billionaire. In other words, they bought into the whole bullshit. To this day, even though we have "made peace", we still do not talk about anything related to it. Crazy stuff...

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Wow. Sadly, I relate. With many dear friends and beloved family, so far - it is literally impossible to have a reasonable conversation about any of it. And now the forbidden subjects include not only all things COVID but also Jan 6th, the 2020 election, and the insane Ukraine proxy war... oh! And Hunter Boston’s laptop!!’🤯😳🤪

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It's bizarre that people who wanna take other people's guns (not that I'm a gun fanatic), are suddenly pro-war. That, at least some of them, call the January 6 fiasco, an "insurrection". And yes, they still 2+ years later, hate Trump in such a Pavlovian way, yet seem to not affected in any was by the whole Biden family corruption issues.

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Forbidden subjects? Nothing is forbidden. They don't like what I say , they can ban me. I DON'T CARE. I have my dogs

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I can't talk to my parents about Jan 6 or the screaming starts. I can't talk with them about Vaccines or Covid or the screaming starts. Ukraine is a relief. Best thing about Ukraine is I don't have to say too much about my opinions. "Yes, war is a tragedy." But I also can't do anything about it. So go ahead, be my guest, and bitch about Ukraine.

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Exactly my situation too. Tiring..

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I’ve compared this to the era of the Salem witch trials. I think it is the same psychology.

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Absolutely!!! And to the 1950’s McCarthy era and the black listing enforced by the House UnAmerican Activities Committee, HUAC. There’s a brilliant article written by Arthur Miller in a 1996 issue of the New Yorker: “Why I Wrote The Crucible”.

In it he describes how disturbed and perplexed he was about the cruelty and insanity of what was taking place & how he struggled to find a way to write about it.

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Not Salem, but in same category: "Witchfinder General," 1968 British movie, directed by Michael Reeves, starring Vincent Price. Fitting entertainment during lockdown. (Actually the Price/Roger Corman "Masque of the Red Death" was also apropos).

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Everything you said ‼️‼️‼️

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So sorry. You're the wise one.

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Just remember, when/if they get sick, you can tell them it's all their own stupid fault.

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Luke Skywalker not withstanding, Mark Hammil is a typical HollyWeird asshole. Period.

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The more deranged, the more I suspect they have horrible things in their past they are trying to keep hidden. Can you imagine the unspeakable horrors that led to Jimmy Fallon's XBB.1.5 song?

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"Can you imagine the unspeakable horrors that led to Jimmy Fallon's XBB.1.5 song?"

I don't have to, I saw them on Saturday nights on NBC.

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He is completely empty, soulless.

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Hamill voiced a great rendition of The Joker in the Batman animated series and later video games; unfortunately he's gone just a little cuckoo a la The Joker in recent years. Too many vax shots or just geriatric perhaps? Hammil's co-star in Batman animated was Kevin Conroy who recently died of 'turbo cancer'.

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He is a great Joker.

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Along with the meathead

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it was literally engineered. here’s the little piece i witnessed in person. https://brookhines.substack.com/p/neoliberals-glamping-in-death-valley

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it took me years to understand what i saw with my own eyes. it didn’t make any sense to me, on any level. now it does…and i keep finding more evidence of it.

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Great article. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your closing piece of advice: "Be afraid and boycott a TV show for Democracy—the “software that mimics personas” has already taken over." Very true.

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Great essay Brook. Those folks moving far right of their base are pretty much now in nurse Ratched's little circle as far as I'm concerned. Here in Canada they occupy the administrative seats of most universities now, and the nation's capital is pretty much occupied by them. Are you sure you weren't the coyote playing the trick on them?

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on the coyote, YES! definitely. i’d already had a solid view of Russiagate. i knew Hillary’s campaign officially launched it at the Dem National Convention; and according to the book Shattered, they deployed it in full force the night of the election (over Shake Shack food). a few weeks after the election WaPo ran the story (PR) on PropOrNot (Thanksgiving Day, above the fold), which outlined how they were fixing to kill off indie media by blocking publications on Google and social media.

so, the question on my mind was, “as a form of indie media, why was Daily Kos cheerleading censorship and propaganda?”

and the answer is, they’re not indie media-->they’re state media working a propaganda op with celebrities at the center.

coyote says ‘no bueno.’

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to underscore something that i didn’t grok until i wrote the thing years later, is that it’s possible the DK ppl were doing all the spook-stuff they claimed Russia was doing. i was shocked at how many ppl there worked for defense contractors. like, straight-up war stuff. not even ‘defense adjacent.’

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Well...that's sort of a classic strategy: do the stuff and distract people by blaming the other guy, regardless of whether or not he is actually doing the same stuff or not. It is kind of a cold war game designed to keep everyone confused about who is who and who is doing what to who with the hope that one of your moves will be to your advantage until...everyone forgets what an advantage is and what the actual purpose is. But they are addicted so they have to keep the game going...until their heads explode and they use their secret bank account to disappear...or get disappeared.

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TQ for posting, horrifying in all its paranoia indeed.

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I’ve said this so many times already and I’ll say it again...and again:

When will people do historical research and find out that anytime you inject anything into your body, you’re on a highway to hell.

NEVER in the history of mankind has injecting poisons into your body given you better health.

Quite the opposite. They’ve ALL maimed and killed. Read and learn the history of this barbaric act:

The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccinations https://a.co/d/cfvx9Q6

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History https://a.co/d/coVuit4

- George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886

- History and Pathology of Vaccination, Edgar R. Crookshank, 1889

- Charles Creighton, Jenner and Vaccination. A Strange Chapter of Medical History, 1889

There are many others, they’re just a few.

Finding the truth isn’t that hard

But you do have to get off your ass and turn off the tube and read.

We’ve known for well over 150 years the concept of vaccination is a fraud concept.

And the criminals that pose as our elected officials are in on the take and are raking in millions, and will NEVER stop the madness that is called vaccination.

And neither will doctors who are being PAID handsomely for jabbing and lying to their trusting patients.

If you’ve been jabbed then your death will be influenced by and/or directly caused by said jab.

People should quit thinking it’s coincidence. That’s propaganda talk.

And yet the populace of today (being dumbed down by design) have their heads buried in the sand and believe the corrupt media’s story of blaming these deaths on everything else under the sun except the obvious. What a pity.

And those “doctors” who are shilling for the medical cartel, the pharmafia and allopathic medicine should hang their heads in shame.

They have to know the truth, but have sold their soul to the company because their payment on their yacht, McMansion, and jag is due.

Pitiful. Sickening, pathetic and pitiful.

And to those in the media, you drug pushing pieces of corporate shit: I hope you’re ALL jabbed and jabbed and jabbed…so we can say it was a “shame” that you dropped dead suddenly.

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Indeed. Truth and immunity cannot be injected.

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Television hypnotized zombies.

The world is mentally and emotionally addicted to jabs. Very few will ever be cured.

Even most people who opted out of the covid jab are still jab maniacs.

"We are not anti vax...we just have a problem with this one. We do not care if your kid gets 80 jabs by the time they are 18. Hell no."

Very soon everything will be mRNA with nano particles. The death spiral has only begun.

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Yes! Read books, while you still can!

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Mark Hamill, Neil Young and others aren't famous for their noggins. But Noam Chomsky is. I myself was under his spell for a long time, as he has written many excellent books contre American imperial crimes (the REAL 'Empire' that Obi-Wan never fought against), plus several youtube videos challenging neoliberal economics. But the 'scales fell from my eyes' when I emailed him about the manifold proofs this was a depopulation Plandemic (including video clips of Gates telling a Ted Talk 'if we do a really good job with vaccines....we can cut (global population) by 10 or 15%; references to Schwab's 4th Industrial Revolution, etc.). The response I got from the great activist was that I was seeking the deaths of millions, and was I 'enjoying' my 'campaign'? He further told me Davos (WEF) was just a place where the rich ski jetset congregated - an evident lie. It took a few email exchanges for me to realize I was up against a wall, and then the image I had of NC crumbled, as I told a fund-raising agency for Palestine (JVP I believe, who cited 'Noam') - that the issue was not the small number of Palestinians but the entire global population. On the key death-blows to US democracy - the JFK murder, 9/11 (the self-inflicted New Pearl Harbour) and the Scamdemic - Noam Chomsky has completely ABDICATED! On the first he tacitly supports the fake Warren Commission, on 9/11 he pretended to lack competence to judge the WTC 7 collapse, also pretending other mountains of evidence didn't exist - such as missing debris (tail, wings, engines) or bodies or baggage at either the Pentagon or Shanksville PA. And on the Scamdemic he declared the 'unvaccinated should be left to fend for themselves'. Collapse of a once great icon.

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Chomsky doesn't argue. He just KNOWS. I myself tried several times, some years ago.

I too was an admirer, but it's now all too clear the man's an idiot, and who's done a lot of harm.

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To paraphrase something he wrote - about how most MSM don't lie because they have internalized the brainwashing - he is one who is apparently an exception, as his brain is able to perfectly tolerate 'cognitive dissonance' - the stark contrast between his own writings about US crimes and his refusal to acknowledge other blatant ones - a wilful blindness.

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He’s not an idiot. He knows what he’s doing. Which makes him a horrible human being.

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Perhaps a victim of his own success? He's been told he's a genius for so long he doesn't believe he has anything to learn.

Like the George Lukas who made the original trilogy versus the George Lukas who made the prequels.

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Ray Epps helped orchestrate the Capitol entrance and he's never even been questioned.

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soft-balled questions by the J6 committee: Raheem Kassan went through the whole interview and commented - https://raheemkassam.substack.com/p/ray-eppss-jan-6th-interview-gets

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And excellent 1/6 coverage/sleuthing by Darren Beattie at Revolver News. Also good coverage on the vaxx debacle by Revolver.


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one of my go-to sites :-))

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Hmmm, the "Farce" is strong with this one...! ;)

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In 1997 I grasped that the cult of personality was a disaster, misdirecting people towards atavistic ego-driven outcomes. I do admit I spent my earlier formative years a follower of these types of cult celebrity personalities, influenced by their fashion statements, be they linguistic, appearance or lifestyle based. I look back and blush (I do suppose many of us have such memories)

A collegue of mine was pointing out to me (back in 2010) that Lady Gaga was an illuminati member using symbolism and such to prompt listerners/viewers to enact some type of deep trance behaviour. I replied that perhaps MK Ultra plays a role but as far as I could see it was the same sad tale of my youth. It's like the sixth sense, except.. I see stupid people.

There is no excuse for the support of doxxing 50 percent of the population of America. Inverse McCarthyism (its the Communists this time) Just as bad as painting those who voted Brexit as racists (many of whom had reached a conclusion that the EU was a corrupt organisation and wanted no part of this, despite UK having an equally corrupt government. Two wrongs, a right makes not)

While I am getting my Yoda on, perhaps Hamill may wish to brush up on the philosophy of his green yogic teacher and realise that destroying that which he is fearful of, or repulsed by, does in fact lead to his own demise. Only by making neutral can one become whole (or holy). There's some depth to the role he once played and became famous for, which seems lacking in his current dialogue. Which is sad. Hamill would do well to read some Yung or perhaps revisit the inspiration for A New Hope: Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. Even Yojimbo or Seven Samurai (all of which are better movies, for their time, than Lucas' first trilogy, despite them being quite good as well)

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The new celebrity is Damar Hamlin. He just started a chain of clothing stores.

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Did you say clotting stores?

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Ha...ha..that's more appropriate. That too.

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Yeah. And I heard they sell shirts with defibrillators in them.

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That shirt will probably sell for $333. 03.

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Darren Beattie's coverage is the best and he summarized it well in his recent interview with Glenn Beck. Ray Epps is just one bad actor. Scaffold Commander and the pipe bomber deserve a lot more attention, along with all of the people dressed in black bloc and acting like it that day.

It was a Fedsurrection designed to entrap, persecute, and use as a political weapon.

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very true. "Ray Epps's Jan 6th Interview Gets Even Weirder Than His 'I Orchestrated It' Text": Raheem Kassan went through all 96 pages of it for you. You're welcome - https://raheemkassam.substack.com/p/ray-eppss-jan-6th-interview-gets

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I have had the sense that Hammil was an asshole for a very long time, without being able to explain why.

Maybe my gut feeling really is a thing.

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An asshole without a career for decades who is now trying to appear relevant with these bold opinions.

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He’s a clammy clumpy little fat man why would anybody listen to him

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I just recently caught – yet again – Hamill’s appearance on Big Bang Theory in which, like so many other “nerd celebrities” (i.e. celebrities of hopeless arrested comic-book-addicted adolescents), so easily pops in and out of the BBT universe. What a happy place they all inhabit where James Earl Jones can be so eager to accompany his fans to saunas, Carrie Fisher puts up with pranks, William Shatner turns up to play dungeons and dragons, Stephen Hawking turns up to play scrabble, Elon Musk helps out at a soup kitchen (yes really!) and even St Bill Gates turns up to barely manage to deliver about two lines. One big happy family where its moon-eyed junior members wait for their next instruction.

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Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think The Big Bang Theory is basically propaganda to normalise and glamourise autism (i.e. vaccine injury). In all fairness I don't watch it but the clips I've seen support this conclusion.

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Regarding Chomsky - please note his reaction to the actual takeover of the Wisconsin Capital, to protest the public voting not to recall Scott Walker as governor. He was beyond ecstatic. Even though the clear majority of the public voted for Walker, and voted against the recall. I'm sure Chomsky has lots of great ideas, but he does not believe in a republican form of government.

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Actually there were serious problems with that outcome. In light of those, it's impossible to say "the clear majority voted for Walker."

But that's neither here nor there, since Chomsky (as you suggest) has always been as unfazed by evidence of election theft as by JFK's assassination, King's, or 9/11. He's always been a stalwart champion of the CIA's "conspiracy theory" stratagem, which makes a most suspicious character.

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Mark: I'm not aware of issues with the recall other than brazen efforts to get people from out of state to sign the recall petition [including my own in-laws], on top of the illegal Chisholm - John Doe investigation, where the IRS handed Chisholm the names of conservatives whom he sent swat teams to raid and seize their belongings, followed by a court order to the victims not to say anything about what happened. We've been in Banana Republic land for quite some time, with very little input from our left wing friends when they are the perpetrators.

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A gatekeeper ain't nothing but a gatekeeper. This was his (Drone Onsky's) "contribution."

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This celebrity culture did not arise in a vacuum, unless you consider the big black sucking hole many substituted for hearts and minds since the rise of social media . You can see them sitting like ducks in a row at all the local coffee shops, bistros, hip restaurants and groceries. And before screens the vacuum was forming in the void - just waiting for the perfect storm.

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The poster is priceless! Are they selling them anywhere?

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Love the flippancy of this piece and how it underlines how much we have lowered our standards for "cultural leaders"... And speaking of "leaders" can anyone explain to me how our government representatives (who work for us -including the President) have come to be thought of as our leaders instead? We never agreed to be lead...we hoped only to be represented and we do NOT consent to The Death Star Itinerary.

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