Wow! How surprising that you were taken in by "An Inconvenient Truth". But I guess we all have been fooled by something. I think that if the propaganda comes from within our trust network we are more likely to be fooled. I fell for the WMDs in Iraq. Although I did not support all that was done (regime change.) I thought it reasonable to go in and destroy any WMD's, then get out. My trust was exploited.

What I have come to realize over the last two years is that above anything else, trust is the basis for civilization. And what we are seeing is the greatest erosion of trust in history. We are seeing an erosion of trust in every element of society. Without trust and trust networks, civilization will grind to a halt. Without trust to hold society together fear will be used. Look at China today. A high-tech fear network is being put in to replace trust. This is also how the USSR operated. North Korea is held together be fear.

I think that there are those that see what we are losing and are terrified about it and there are those who do not want to see it precisely because it is so terrifying.

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I was taken in by “An Inconvenient Truth” as well. A lot of us were.

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I’m only six minutes into this, but wanted to say that listening to you is an intellectual pleasure. A question forms in my mind as you speak, and — almost magically! — you then answer it. THANK YOU, Professor Miller! PS I’ve taken a number of classes in my day (I have two masters’ degrees), and you rank as one of my all-time favorite professors.

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Around minute 18, you discuss climate change. That’s what got ME questioning the prevailing narrative. I would add that 1) all the good scientists who questioned the narrative lost their funding and were denigrated horribly; 2) the young people who later became “climate scientists” entered the field as true believers; 3) to question this narrative was to “not believe in science,” so I saw it as an identity issue. I was on three “Chair’s Councils” at Caltech where I slowly saw the light. I had no trouble voicing my doubts to those who had a background in this area, but on the “Biology and Biological Engineering” Chair’s Council, they were shocked, shocked, shocked that I had a differing view (because it was well known to the group that I truly loved science). When I challenged some individuals in the biological field to “give me one FACT about climate change” [due solely to CO2 increases], I was able to easily demolish each “fact” presented. If anyone is interested, here is a video titled “Climate Alarmism made me #WalkAway” that I made on the subject (I cringe a little now, because at that time I supported vaccines! [I’m a total anti-vaxxer now.] And I was pretty green at making videos...): https://youtu.be/5KFcAPsAXRI

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Freeman Dyson, retired from Princeton's Institute of Advanced Studies (and was there with Einstein), demolishes the "CO2 is a pollutant" climate change claims too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQHhDxRuTkI

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outstanding interview.

my two cents in regards to awakening a friend:

1. don’t overwhelm them all at one time, start with a few select sound bites.

2. give them time to absorb, think over.

3. offer to discuss whenever they want...

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I love the point "Be weary of people who attack the person and not the argument!"

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‘climate denier’...

they also try to accuse you of what they are actually doing.

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And climate change, another big pile of steaming bullshit. We puny humans don’t have the power to ruin the planet. Ruin our own civilizations sure, but the planet will shuck us off and keep spinning for another gazillion years after we’re gone! Lol

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Excellent interview. I’m extremely interested seeing what’s happening in academia. Once the bastion of free thought and it intellectual exercise, now in the grip of the wokesters. Blue heck’s, whatever they are called these days. So alarming!! You are not the only tenured professor with this story of persecution and I find it frightening as fuck. First they come for the weak, then the smart people get it. I’m a veritable of the Marijuana propaganda and conflicts, then in my childbearing years, the eighties, I chose to have my children at home and also to facilitate others to do so as a midwife. This was illegal back then and We risked imprisonment and fines. So I recognized the bullshit as I call it immediately and have been fighting for common sense ever since. I am mostly alone in my view point but that’s been the case for me before and as you say, doing the correct thing, making the right stand, no matter what happens, that’s the important thing.

Keep up

The good work, it’s validating and also comforting to know that guys as smart and together as you share the same viewpoint as me.

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I also picked up my ears to hear "from whence our liberation will come" to paraphrase that question you raised toward the end of the interview. Surely that answer would not be simple? So maybe you ran out of time, and will tell your thoughts/hopes later.

The whole interview was immensely satisfying, not least your encouraging word that "speaking the truth is a victory in itself." I appreciate both of you for your empathy with those who are seemingly helpless to see propaganda for what it is, showing that your understanding of Truth is as a thing that has no association with harshness or unkindness; Truth and Love must go together, for either to be meaningful.

I came to that understanding at least a year into the covid propaganda, one aspect of which was the idea that out of *love* I ought to mask up and/or get vaccinated. But I had come to see mask-wearing as a symbol of several untruths, and I realized that it would not be kind or loving to wear a mask -- essentially to act out a lie -- only so that others might continue to believe lies themselves, and possibly be harmed or killed by this sort of "love."

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Hey Mark, just listened to you with RFK, Jr. I'd love to have you on my podcast, Post-Woke: https://mickeyz.substack.com/

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Mark, that was an excellent presentation. Very thought provoking. No wonder they fired you from NYU. It's very dangerous to have educated people questioning the conventional narrative. It is very counter intuitive that the more educated "liberals" are the easiest suckers for propaganda. It's all Trump's fault. TDS is incurable. It's why they hate Putin so much too.

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They didn't fire me. They tried. But thank you.

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Thank you for this interview. Not sure what it was recorded, but is jam packed with so much information. I watched The Black Judas, and read They Thought They Were Free and Victor Klemperer’s Diary. Thanks for providing these. What do you suggest regarding the 911 truth. I’ve avoided that topic, but it is time. Also, you were going to say what we can do now (near the end). I think I missed your answer. It seems there was so much to say, you covered so much but I think I missed that answer. Looking for Maafa 21 now.

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The best place to start looking into 9/11 is David Ray Griffin's crucial books, starting with 9/11: The New Pearl Harbor.

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A link to Maafa21, the genocide documentary mentioned at 1h:08m


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Great video I really appreciate your efforts. You might find this link interesting: https://youtu.be/FR5wwUZTafw and https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/healing-chronic-fatigue-lyme-disease

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Apr 15, 2022
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So true. "The virus" is the ultimate panic button. (It started with HIV/AIDS.)

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you think? [Inside joke] Phenomenal interview, as ever.

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