Haven't watched that narcissistic, exhibitionist, unfunny steaming pile of nonentertaining 💩 in years. Thanks, but no thanks for reminding me why I'll never waste my time on it again. 😵

Now back to my regularly scheduled comfort lunch.

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Terrific research, Mark.

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Excellent post, Mark. Too much darkness these days, but the sun also rises everyday. Thanks for helping it cast its light.

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Damn! Now that was hard-hitting, esp. that part about the masters of the "Kill Switch." Here's something which just flashed across my mind like a lightning bolt: cue the "cyber-attack" by "Russia," oh no! No internet? Nothing to read about regarding these "natural" deaths! Plausible? Highly. This is getting worrisome.

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And no 2022 election!

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The only good thing about the lockdowns was that Hollywood and the Music industry both took a financial hit. Most "stars" are satanists and they promote the globalist/Deep State propaganda.

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Yet they're failing. Only 29% of Americans are boosted, and most of these poor people were boosted out of obligation (college students, health care workers)

I just wrote an article about How Many Americans are Actually Boosted: https://maevewrites.substack.com/p/how-many-americans-are-actually-boosted?s=w

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Thanks, Maeve. I just shared your piece w/ my list-serve.

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Thank you so much, Mark. That is so kind and so appreciated! Thank you for all your work.

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Apr 1, 2022
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Pfizer's stock health needs a booster thus #4 gets approved. They also approved #5 for those least able to tolerate the injections-- the immune compromised. Sadistic.

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I think it’s important to remember something I was taught in nursing school. We were ALWAYS told the healthy were vaccinated to PROTECT those who “ Could not get vaccinated including the immune compromised !” They are completely inverting the premise for vaccination. I am a parent of vaccine injured 2/3 kids. I am not pro vax anymore since my eldest was brain injured by the DPT at 4 months of age in 88. I’m just incredulous that more people haven’t exposed this. Keep up the work Mark. I donated to your fight as I was so incensed by what NyU did. I also called them and told them my youngest son wouldn’t be taking their directing program despite their accepting him before.

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Mark, this is wonderfully written and I appreciate the perspective but you must take care to not OVER attribute death to covid or covid jabs … I find myself wondering all day long how many “sudden” and “unexpected” deaths we were plagued with pre last year … we are, all of us here, seeing what you are seeing and wondering fiercely. It “feels” obvious but … could we be taking note of all of this BECAUSE we are watching? (confirmation bias) … many of us are asking ourselves this question.

A writers/thinker/researcher like you can do the following to clear things up …

1) be scrupulously careful to not misattribute deaths to the jab. I tend to read all of your “in memoriam” posts which are quite maddening and moving as we sit helplessly watching while the mainstream press studiously ignores. Some of your entries seem easy to dismiss like the young man whose body was “found near a train station” (how much more euphemistic can that reporter get? 🙄) and whose friend told the reporter “I never knew there was anything wrong” … yes I know suicidal thoughts and depression are somewhere in that master list of side effects but … POTENTIAL DIRECT VAX DEATHS should be your focus at least on these early days? I typically spot one or two likely suicides in your updates. Likewise, aphasia is on the list but Bruce has suffered for many years with declining verbal abilities on set. Of course a toxic injection might very well have hurried things along but … it is too easy to dismiss your viewpoint when you overlook well known medical histories. Perhaps you can footnote these cases? All that said, I suspect we will never know just how toxic the shots are for people with underlying conditions … a few visible malpractice suits might be a good turn of events

2) this nagging question we all have (“have people been dropping dead all along for no cause and I just never noticed??”) needs to be answered as well as possible. We have some pools of data showing the answer is “no” like some bits coming from the life insurance industry and the DOD medical database as well as many private practitioners reporting massive increases in various maladies but, until the CDC gives up finding a way to report its standard “cause of death” tables in a way that is friendly to its favorite big pharmas, more is needed!! Can you find ways to do this like compare Oscar’s in memoriam 2020 with 2022? You watch that garbage anyway why not go the extra mile for those of us too squeamish to go near that foul smelling stuff?

Thanks for considering!!

A fan

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I'm merely noting a vast spike in such deaths, which were NOT reported in such numbers last year, or in Year COVID---or ever before; nor were they so abundant just a few months ago. Some of them may be unrelated, or related only partly, to the jabs. But if this WERE typical, the "fact-checkers" would have demonstrated it long since.

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And I happen to agree with you or at least suspect the same thing you do … but how do we know it is a spike? There is no base?

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I'm sure there is. Someone—maybe I?—should find the time to check that out.

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Bradford Hill criteria are met: temporality, plausibility given vaccine ingredients, dose-dependent signal (more injections correlated with higher rates of injuries).

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It would be interesting to see how long the list was in 2019 and 2018, and how many were sudden deaths.

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Apr 1, 2022
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We already know, from copious evidence, that all-cause mortality HAS spiked. It's shot up in the military, and among professional athletes, and in many US counties, and elsewhere; and morticians have been noting it, as have life insurance companies. It is beyond dispute.

So if there's any question, it would have to do w/ whether people were reported to "die suddenly" in such large numbers prior to 2021. I know for a fact that they did not—I know it from my own years of reading press reports. If someone wants to nail that down, they should feel free to try. I have no doubt that any data coming from an inquiry like that will bear out what I'm saying here.

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True and well said.

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Now that mosquitos in Sandlake Michigan are testing positive for covid it seems Governor Whitmer is going to impose a mandatory quarantine/lockdown of all non-essential persons throughout the coming mosquito season. Reports are saying they will use drones to spray a non-toxic form of DDT to combat the insects, plus the drones will assist in monitoring the citizenry's mandatory quarantine/lockdown compliance with surveillance cameras.

While I was surprised when they announced the hording of window/door screening will be dealt with by sending the accused violator(s) to their local FEMA Reeducation camp I was flabbergasted when I heard they were banning all products with Deet because it only works on Lemmings and sheep.

I guess the saddest aspect, while understandable, is the fact they will require all domesticated pet mosquitos to be euthanized at once. I guess if they were big enough to wear a mask they might be spared, but even though Michigan mosquitos are pretty big, they are not that big.

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I was so disgusted with the In Memoriam segments, too...I just thought it was me.....

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"Alopecia Suddently"--- brought to you by pfizer?

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I believe the slap was staged. Sorry. Great essay, though.

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Will Smith has resigned from the Academy under pressure to do so. So if it was staged I hope he was paid well for it.

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Betty White was not publicly vaccinated to the best of my research, she was actually criticized for not disclosing a vaccination status in one report. Also, for Will Smith this was a humiliation ritual, and he even displayed the covered hand when accepting his award.

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Ed Asner publicly advocated for the jab? Oh, disappointing! He did the narration for a documentary questioning the HIV-AIDs link (if I remember correctly) and was just generally a brave person in speaking up for a number of causes.

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Mark, 🙏 for this. At the risk of sounding facetious, I especially thank you for sitting through this tedious event so I didn’t have to! As a former (now largely rehabbed) film fan, I find I can no longer tolerate anything much at all that this narcissistic, utterly corrupt institution has to offer, on-screen or off.

As a case in point, Sean Penn’s recent antics in support of the Ukraine regime and his utterly surreal dummy spit over whether its all-singing, all-dancing, all-joking (joke) President Zelensky would or would not be permitted to speak (or was it perform?) at the Oscars really did it for me! And the bizarre Will Smith/Chris Rock spectacle — staged or no — was further evidence if required that anytime we think ‘you can’t make this💩up’ (whatever the💩du jour be), we needs be aware some MOFO in Wallywood will prove them dead wrong every time. (Credit where credit is due one might surmise after all eh?)

That said, I do though appreciate your sharp analysis, and feel you’ve nailed the essence of its ‘meaning’, a word here used loosely. For my part, as soon as I realised this perennially over-hyped extravaganza was being sponsored by Pfizer, that truly was it for me. Like many, I already feel over two years on from its cued appearance on the world stage (it being👉🦠), like we’re all living — some of us knowingly — inside our own personal real-life real time “Truman Show”, one sponsored by Big Pharmafia. Not content with having the medical establishment by the short n’ curlies, BP now owns the “Dream Factory” itself, America’s fabled emporium of illusion. Or is that delirium? No matter. Same, same!

And to be sure, the irony of said Dream Factory’s night of nights being sponsored by the company that has created so many living (and dying) nightmares for so many ordinary folks — as opposed to the largely insular, self-absorbed, vacuous, celebrity denizens of Wallywood — was not lost on me! Nor I expect was it lost on many others with an eye to such things. I sometimes despair as to whether we will collectively wake up to (from?) this living nightmare reality. Your description of the night’s events would suggest “no”, certainly not when the masses are subjected to this inane, and utterly pointless, spectacle of hubris and collective self-regard.

Yet so many amongst us — celebrity or not — still keep whistling past the graveyards of even those we purport(ed) to love. Sounds like, again going by your description, that’s pretty much what everyone in attendance on that night was doing: Whistling past the graveyards, with doubtless the criminal sponsors Pfizer still laughing their asses off, congratulating themselves on how clever they were at pulling off the greatest illusion of all time. In a nutshell: Beating Wallywood at its very own game! The only difference might be the venue where the illusion is performed: one in a cinema; the other in a charnel house!

Come to think about it: Not even Wallywood enjoys the luxury of its core product being forced on its target market by government decree upon pain of serious legal, professional or financial penalty! One might still argue its “core product” is though in its own unique way no less harmful than an armful of Big Pharmafia’s ‘nano-particalised’, genetically modified, blood-clotting, heart-stopping, brain-frying💀jabs! Metaphorically speaking that is!

They say it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. In the wake of the Oscars, it remains to be seen if it’s Wallywood or Big Pharmafia that gets to make this call re🦠and the💉. We can all but hope and pray it’s neither. And that’s it’s at least the beginning of the end of both! 👍🙏 Greg Maybury.

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“which pulled the second-lowest ratings in the ceremony’s history on TV” - this makes me happy. ZERO Republicans should be watching this WOKE nonsense. ZERO Independent Thinkers should be giving these people a moment of their time. ZERO Religious people should be supporting these dark-triad demon squad sellouts.

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Good piece, Mark.

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